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High-throughput methods for detection of genetic variation 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
Kristensen VN Kelefiotis D Kristensen T Børresen-Dale AL 《BioTechniques》2001,30(2):318-22, 324, 326 passim
Understanding human genetic variation is currently believed to reveal the cause of individual susceptibility to disease and the large variation observed in response to treatment. In this review, we will focus on different approaches to identify and visualize genetic alterations. The various approaches for allele discrimination are formally systematically divided into (i) enzymatic approaches, in which the properties of different enzymes to discriminate between nucleotides are used (restriction enzymes type II, Cleavase and Resolvase, DNA polymerase, and ligase); (ii) electrophoretic methods, in which the allele discrimination is based on the difference in mobility in polymeric gels or capillaries (single- and double-stranded conformation assays, heteroduplex analysis, and DNA sequencing); (iii) solid-phase determination of allelic variants, including high-density oligonucleotide arrays for hybridization analysis, minisequencing primer extension analysis, and fiberoptic DNA sensor array; (iv) chromatographic methods such as denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC); (v) other physical methods of discrimination of allelic variants such as mass spectrometry (mass and charge) or fluorescence exchange-based techniques; and (vi) in silico methods such as high-throughput analysis of expressed sequence tag data. The most frequently used techniques and instrumental settings applied in different combinations are described, and other methods that are less broadly used but have interesting potentials are discussed. 相似文献
Salinity as well as drought are increasing problems in agriculture. Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum Desf.) is relatively salt sensitive compared with bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and yields poorly on saline soil. Field studies indicate that roots of durum wheat do not proliferate as extensively as bread wheat in saline soil. In order to look for genetic diversity in root growth within durum wheat, a screening method was developed to identify genetic variation in rates of root growth in a saline solution gradient similar to that found in many saline fields. Seedlings were grown in rolls of germination paper in plastic tubes 37 cm tall, with a gradient of salt concentration increasing towards the bottom of the tubes which contained from 50-200 mM NaCl with complete nutrients. Seedlings were grown in the light to the two leaf stage, and transpiration and evaporation were minimized so that the salinity gradient was maintained. An NaCl concentration of 150 mM at the bottom was found suitable to identify genetic variation. This corresponds to a level of salinity in the field that reduces shoot growth by 50% or more. The screen inhibited seminal axile root length more than branch root length in three out of four genotypes, highlighting changes in root system architecture caused by a saline gradient that is genotype dependent. This method can be extended to other species to identify variation in root elongation in response to gradients in salt, nutrients, or toxic elements. 相似文献
G. Namkoong A. Jonsson G. Eriksson 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,85(2-3):165-172
Summary Genetic differences in the non-linear growth response function of Pinus sylvestris seedlings to five nutrient levels are analyzed to estimate the causes of variation. Analyses of genotypic differences as quadratic response functions, as stability coefficients, and as separable functions indicate that the estimation of genetic effects can vary widely depending on the analytical model assumed. The existence of different reaction norms is demonstrated. 相似文献
Aspartokinase II from Bacillus subtilis was shown by immunochemical methods to be regulated by degradation in response to starvation of cells for various nutrients. Ammonium starvation induced the fastest aspartokinase II decline (t1/2 = 65 min), followed by amino acid starvation (t1/2 = 80 min) and glucose limitation (t1/2 = 120 min). Loss of enzyme activity was closely correlated with the disappearance of the alpha subunit; degradation of the beta subunit was somewhat delayed or slower under some conditions. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that aspartokinase II was stable during exponential growth; the synthesis of the enzyme rapidly declined in response to nutrient exhaustion. The degradation of aspartokinase II was interrupted by inhibitors of energy production and protein synthesis but was not changed in a mutant lacking a major intracellular protease. Mutants lacking a normal stringent response displayed only a slight decrease in the rate of aspartokinase II degradation, even though aspartate transcarbamylase was degraded more slowly in the same mutant cells. These results indicate that although energy-dependent degradation of biosynthetic enzymes is a general phenomenon in nutrient-starved B. subtilis cells, the degradation of specific enzymes probably involves different pathways. 相似文献
Mark R. Sullivan 《Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology》2013,48(3):193-207
Proliferation requires that cells accumulate sufficient biomass to grow and divide. Cancer cells within tumors must acquire a variety of nutrients, and tumor growth slows or stops if necessary metabolites are not obtained in sufficient quantities. Importantly, the metabolic demands of cancer cells can be different from those of untransformed cells, and nutrient accessibility in tumors is different than in many normal tissues. Thus, cancer cell survival and proliferation may be limited by different metabolic factors than those that are necessary to maintain noncancerous cells. Understanding the variables that dictate which nutrients are critical to sustain tumor growth may identify vulnerabilities that could be used to treat cancer. This review examines the various cell-autonomous, local, and systemic factors that determine which nutrients are limiting for tumor growth. 相似文献
Timothy J. Hoellein Jennifer L. Tank John J. Kelly Emma J. Rosi-Marshall 《Hydrobiologia》2010,649(1):331-345
Humans have increased the availability of nutrients including nitrogen and phosphorus worldwide; therefore, understanding
how microbes process nutrients is critical for environmental conservation. We examined nutrient limitation of biofilms colonizing
inorganic (fritted glass) and organic (cellulose sponge) substrata in spring, summer, and autumn in three streams in Michigan,
USA. Biofilms were enriched with nitrate (NO3
−), phosphate (PO4
3−), ammonium (NH4
+), NO3
− + PO4
3−, NH4
+ + PO4
3−, or none (control). We quantified biofilm structure and function as chlorophyll a (i.e., primary producer biomass) and community respiration on all substrata. In one stream, we characterized bacterial and
fungal communities on cellulose in autumn using clone library sequencing and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis to determine
if community structure was linked to nutrient limitation status. Despite oligotrophic conditions, primary producer biomass
was infrequently nutrient limited. In contrast, respiration on organic substrata was frequently limited by N + P combinations.
We found no difference between biofilm response to NH4
+ versus NO3
− enrichment, although the response to both N-species was positively related to water column PO4
3− concentrations and temperature. Molecular analysis for fungal community composition suggested no relationship to nutrient
limitation, but the dominant members of the bacterial community on cellulose were different on NO3
−, PO43, and NO3
− + PO4
3− treatments relative to control, NH4
+, and NH4
+ + PO4
3− treatments, which matched patterns for biofilm respiration rates from each treatment. Our results show discrete patterns
of nutrient limitation dependent upon substratum type and season, and imply changes in bacterial community structure and function
may be linked following nutrient enrichment in streams. 相似文献
Animals with complex life cycles respond to early food limitation by altering the way resources are allocated in the adult stage. Response to food limitation should differ between males and females, especially in organisms whose mating systems include nutritional nuptial gifts. In these organisms, males are predicted to keep their allocation to reproduction (sperm and nuptial gift production) constant, while females are predicted to sacrifice allocation to reproduction (egg production) since they can compensate by acquiring nuptial gifts when mating. In this study, we investigated how dietary nitrogen limitation during the larval stage affects sex-specific resource allocation in Pieris rapae butterflies. Also, we tested whether nutrient-limited females increased nuptial gift acquisition as a way to compensate for low allocation to reproduction. We found that as predicted females, but not males, sacrifice allocation to reproduction when larval dietary nitrogen is limited. However, females were unable to compensate for this low reproductive allocation by increasing their mating rate to acquire additional gifts. Females reared on low nitrogen diets also reduced wing coloration, a potential signal of female fecundity status. We suggest that female mating frequency is constrained by male mate choice based on females’ wing coloration. This study provides new insights into how larval dietary nitrogen, a key nutritional resource for all herbivores, alters male and female allocation to reproduction as well as to ornamentation. 相似文献
Mechanisms of response to salinity in halotolerant microalgae 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Johan A. Hellebust 《Plant and Soil》1985,89(1-3):69-81
Summary A limited number of organic solutes are used by microalgae to adjust their internal osmotic pressure in response to changing external salinities. Glycerol and proline are used by the most extremely halotolerant algae. Only glycerol allows growth at salinities approaching saturation. In addition to organic osmoregulatory solutes, inorganic ions also play an important role in osmoregulation. The ability of microalgae to maintain intracellular ions at levels compatible with metabolic functions may set upper limits for their salt tolerance. Requirements for NaCl in the external medium for nutrient transport may define the lower salinity limits for growth observed for some euryhaline algae.Osmotic upshocks generally cause severe temporary inhibition of photosynthesis in euryhaline microalgae. Extensive osmotic downshocks have little effect on photosynthesis in microalgae with strong cell walls, while wall-less species appear to be more sensitive. Rapid glycerol synthesis takes place in response to increased external salinity inChlamydomonas pulsatilla both in light and dark. Starch supplies carbon for glycerol synthesis in the dark and also during the initial periods of inhibition of photosynthesis in the light. Turnover of osmoregulatory solutes such as glycerol and isofloridoside may be an important aspect of the osmoregulatory mechanism.At salinities beyond the growth limit for the green flagellateChlamydomonas pulsatilla, resting spores are formed that enable this alga to survive extreme salinities. 相似文献
We developed a microwell plate, high-throughput, screening method aimed at quantitating the tolerance of a panel of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to metals (Frankia sp., Escherichia coli, Cupriavidus metallidurans, Rhizobium leguminosarum, and Streptomyces scabies). Microbial viability was quantified using MTS; a tetrazolium salt converted to a water-soluble formazan through microbial reduction. In this paper, we present the stepwise development of the method, highlighting the main elements underlying its reliability, and compare results obtained with literature. We conclude the method is well suited to efficiently screen bacteria, including those that are filamentous and slow-growing, without the need for large amounts of inoculum which may not always be available. The method allows testing of compound gradients with sufficient replicates to generate statistically robust results, and is transposable to other types of cell proliferation assays such as those for antimicrobial susceptibility, and chemoresistance. 相似文献
Seed size and seedling growth: differential response of Australian and British Fabaceae to nutrient limitation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Seed size is widely held to exert an important influence over plant establishment, but while large seeds are often assumed to be at an advantage in nutrient-limited conditions, there is in fact, little consistent evidence to support this hypothesis. Here, we examined the interspecific relationship between seedling growth and seed size for Australian and British Fabaceae species in nutrient solutions deficient in nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium or all nutrients combined (distilled water). The British species showed no consistent link between mean seed mass and seedling growth in nutrient-limited conditions. By contrast, all four nutrient-deficient treatments yielded a significant relationship for the Australian species. Linear regression showed that growth under balanced nutrient conditions was positively associated with growth without nutrients, although in fewer cases for the British species. We suggest that habitat-specific differences in regeneration conditions and/or evolutionary history may influence the role that seed size plays in dictating how seedlings of different species respond to nutrient shortage. We recommend caution in attempts to link traits like seed size to wider patterns of plant community ecology. 相似文献
A simple model is used to illustrate the character of production,within an incubation bottle subject to addition of a potentiallylimiting nutrient, over time periods long relative to the algaldynamics (110 days). Grazing by microheterotrophs significantlyaffects algal and nutrient dynamics, and production reflectsthe integration over time of grazing and nutrient-regulatedgrowth. Greater production is found with increased nutrient,but this increase continues into the region of luxuriant nutrient.Increased production per se cannot be used to determine whethera nutrient is limiting. 相似文献
Utilizing a chemostat with a dual nutrient limitation of nitrogen and phosphate, we examined the transient response of the culture following a pulse of one of the limiting nutrients (ammonia). This method provided quantitative evidence that cells can be grown under dual nutrient limitation. Furthermore, the pattern of response was consistent with the hypothesis that phosphate limitation restricts nucleic acid synthesis in the cell and that nitrogen limitation restricts protein synthesis. The net result is that under a phosphate limitation there is a restricted biosynthetic capacity which we feel is closely associated with the RNA content of the cell. 相似文献
Plant Growth Regulation - Growth-promoting endophytes have great potential to boost crop production and sustainability. There is, however, a lack of research on how differences in the plant host... 相似文献
Hypereutrophic waters, which are characterized by nutrient inputs exceeding phytoplankton nutrient requirements, are often sites of chronic nuisance algal blooms and associated water quality deterioration problems. In order to restore such systems to acceptable water quality standards, identification of growth-limiting nutrients is of central importance. Conventional nutrient addition bioassay techniques are often ineffective in identifying potentially limiting nutrients, due to persistent nutrient excesses in hypereutrophic systems. Accordingly, we have developed a nutrient dilution bioassay, in which stepwise dilutions of phytoplankton nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, trace metals) with a nutrient-free major ion solution are capable of; 1) identifying those nutrients potentially most limiting, and 2) establishing magnitudes of respective nutrient input cutbacks required to bring about nutrient-limited control of phytoplankton growth. In situ deployment of dilution bioassays should help establish criteria governing minimal nutrient inputs required to arrest undesirable impacts of hypereutrophy. We have evaluated the field applicability of dilution bioassays, during a 2 year trial in the periodically hypereutrophic Neuse River, North Carolina. 相似文献
The diagnostics industry is constantly under pressure to bring innovation quicker to market and so the impetus to speed up product-development cycle times becomes greater. There are a number of steps in the product-development cycle where the application of high-throughput screening can help. In the case of lateral-flow immuno-diagnostics the selection of antibody reagents is paramount. In particular, rapid identification of antibody pairs that are able to 'sandwich' around the target antigen is required. One screen that has been applied successfully is the use of surface plasmon resonance biosensors like Biacore. Using such a system one can evaluate over 400 antibody pairings in under 5 days. Conventional approaches to screen this number of antibody pairs would take many months. Other automated screening systems like DELFIA can be used in processing the vast amount of tests required for clinical trials. In addition, the use of robotics to automate routine product testing can be used to shorten the product-development cycle. 相似文献