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In maturing seed cells, many newly synthesized proteins are transported to the protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) via vesicles unique to seed cells. Vacuolar sorting determinants (VSDs) in most of these proteins have been determined using leaf, root or suspension-cultured cells apart from seed cells. In this study, we examined the VSD of the alpha' subunit of beta-conglycinin (7S globulin), one of the major seed storage proteins of soybean, using Arabidopsis and soybean seeds. The wild-type alpha' was transported to the matrix of the PSVs in seed cells of transgenic Arabidopsis, and it formed crystalloid-like structures. Some of the wild-type alpha' was also transported to the translucent compartments (TLCs) in the PSV presumed to be the globoid compartments. However, a derivative lacking the C-terminal 10 amino acids was not transported to the PSV matrix, and was secreted out of the cells, although a portion was also transported to the TLCs. The C-terminal region of alpha' was sufficient to transport a green fluorescent protein (GFP) to the PSV matrix. These indicate that alpha' contains two VSDs: one is present in the C-terminal 10 amino acids and is for the PSV matrix; and the other is for the TLC (the globoid compartment). We further verified that the C-terminal 10 amino acids were sufficient to transport GFP to the PSV matrix in soybean seed cells by using a transient expression system.  相似文献   

The initial biochemical characterization of the soybean sucrose-binding protein, GmSBP, within our lab and others produced several incongruous characteristics that required a re-characterization of GmSBP via sequence homology, cell biology, immunolocalization, and semi-quantitative analysis. The GmSBP proteins share amino acid sequence homology as well as putative structural homology with globulin-like seed storage proteins. A comparison to the major soybean seed storage proteins, glycinin and -conglycinin established several storage protein-like characteristics for GmSBP. All three proteins were present in a prevacuolar compartment and protein storage vacuole. All three proteins increased in expression during seed development and are remobilized during germination. Quantitatively, the relative concentrations of GmSBP, -conglycinin (/ subunits), and glycinin (acidic subunits) indicated that GmSBP contributes 19-fold less to the stored nitrogen. The quantitative differences between GmSBP and glycinin may be attributed to the unconserved order and spacing of cis-acting regulatory elements present within the promoter regions. Ultimately, GmSBP is transported to the mature protein storage vacuole. The biological function of GmSBP within the protein storage vacuole remains uncertain, but its localization is a remnant of its evolutionary link to a globulin-like or vicilin-like ancestor that gave rise to the 7S family of storage proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Diatoms and related algae, in contrast to higher plants, have a xanthophyll-dominated light harvesting complex and an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network surrounding the plastid. We have previously demonstrated that polypeptide constituents of the light harvesting complex from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum are nuclear encoded and synthesized as higher molecular weight precursors in the cytoplasm. The amino-termini of the precursor proteins, as deduced from their gene sequences, have features of a signal peptide. Here, we show that the precursor polypeptides can be cotranslationally imported and processed by an in vitro microsomal membrane system, suggesting that cytoplasmically synthesized proteins require a signal peptide to traverse an ER before entering the plastid. These results are discussed in the context of plastid evolution.  相似文献   

Treatment of developing bean cotyledons with the inhibitor of N-glycosylation tunicamycin enhanced the synthesis of at least two polypeptides with molecular mass 78 kDa and 97 kDa. Pulse-chase experiments and subcellular fractionation indicated that these are endoplasmic reticulum (ER) residents. The 78 kDa protein is a major component of the ER protein fraction and, by N-terminal sequencing, was identified as a bean homolog of the mammalian 78 kDa glucose-regulated protein (GRP78). This is a molecular chaperone that is probably involved in the folding and oligomerization of several animal and yeast proteins in the ER. When newly synthesized storage glycoproteins phaseolin, phytohemagglutinin or alpha-amylase inhibitor were immunoprecipitated from an ER preparation of tunicamycin-treated tissue, the GRP78 homolog was always co-precipitated. Bound GRP78 homolog could be released by ATP treatment. These results suggest that, at least when glycosylation is inhibited, this protein plays a role in the early stages of the synthesis of vacuolar storage proteins.  相似文献   

As a part of our studies on the folding of glycoproteins in the ER, we analyzed the fate of viral glycoproteins that have misfolded either spontaneously or through inhibition of N-linked glycosylation. Newly synthesized Semliki Forest virus spike glycoproteins E1 and p62 and influenza hemagglutinin were studied in infected and transfected tissue culture cells. Misfolded proteins aggregated in less than 1 min after release from polysomes and aberrant interchain disulfide bonds were formed immediately. When more than one protein was misfolded, mixed aggregates were generated. This indicated that the formation of complexes was nonspecific, random, and not restricted to products from single polysomes. The size of the aggregates varied from small oligomers to complexes of several million daltons. BiP was associated noncovalently with the aggregates and with some of the nonaggregated products. We conclude that aggregation reflects the poor solubility of incompletely folded polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

Rapid axonal transport is generally viewed as being exactly analogous to the secretory process in nonneuronal cells. The cell biology of rapid axonal transport is reviewed, the central concern being to explore those aspects that do not fit into the general secretory model and which may thus represent specific neuronal adaptations. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the transport of newly synthesized proteins and of the membranous organelles that act as carriers. Sites in the transport sequence at which the behavior of axonal transport may differ from the secretory model are at the initiation of axonal transport at the trans-side of the Golgi apparatus, within the axon where molecules are deposited from the moving phase to a stationary phase, and at nerve terminals or axonal lesions where transport reversal takes place.  相似文献   

We have characterized a pre-Golgi, proteolytic pathway for rapid degradation of newly synthesized T cell receptor (TCR) subunits which is insensitive to drugs that block lysosomal proteolysis. The site of degradation in this pathway is either part of or closely related to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This "ER" degradative pathway very likely plays an important role in many cells in the removal of unassembled or incompletely assembled membrane protein complexes from the secretory pathway. It is the sole pathway followed by TCR alpha chains and alpha-beta complexes in transfected fibroblasts. In T cells treated with ionophores, which disrupt transport of the TCR from the ER to the Golgi, all newly synthesized alpha, beta, and delta chains are destroyed by this pathway. A variety of biochemical and morphological techniques have been used to distinguish the "ER" degradative pathway from an alternative, lysosomal pathway.  相似文献   

Extracts enriched for globulin proteins were prepared from the seeds of a large number of legume species and were tested for homology to antisera prepared against the glycosylated 7S seed storage protein of the soybean (Glycine max). Electrophoretic identification and subsequent analysis of proteins precipitated with 7S antisera was useful at relatively short taxonomic distances, particularly within the tribe Phaseoleae, to which G. max belongs. Glycine and most other members of the subtribe Glycininae are unusual within the Phaseoleae in having high molecular weight (> 70 000 dalton) subunit polypeptides. Seeds from other plants representing other subtribes of the Phaseoleae also contained proteins that cross-reacted with the G. max antisera; the molecular weights of these proteins varied from 30 000 to nearly 90 000 daltons. Homology was detected across a wider range of legume tribes within the subfamily Papilionoideae by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results of these experiments suggest both that the 7S proteins of these tribes are evolutionarily related and that at least some features of these apparently rapidly-evolving proteins are under relatively strong selectional constraint.  相似文献   

A vacuolar cysteine proteinase, designated SH-EP, is expressed in the cotyledon of germinated Vigna mungo seeds and is responsible for the degradation of storage proteins. SH-EP is a characteristic vacuolar proteinase possessing a COOH-terminal endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention sequence, KDEL. In this work, immunocytochemical analysis of the cotyledon cells of germinated V. mungo seeds was performed using seven kinds of antibodies to identify the intracellular transport pathway of SH-EP from ER to protein storage vacuoles. A proform of SH-EP synthesized in ER accumulated at the edge or middle region of ER where the transport vesicle was formed. The vesicle containing a large amount of proSH-EP, termed KV, budded off from ER, bypassed the Golgi complex, and was sorted to protein storage vacuoles. This massive transport of SH-EP via KV was thought to mediate dynamic protein mobilization in the cotyledon cells of germinated seeds. We discuss the possibilities that the KDEL sequence of KDEL-tailed vacuolar cysteine proteinases function as an accumulation signal at ER, and that the mass transport of the proteinases by ER-derived KV-like vesicle is involved in the protein mobilization of plants.  相似文献   

Caleosin is a Ca(2+)-binding oil-body surface protein. To assess its role in the degradation of oil-bodies, two independent insertion mutants lacking caleosin were studied. Both mutants demonstrated significant delay of breakdown of the 20:1 storage lipid at 48 and 60 h of germination. Additionally, although germination rates for seeds were not affected by the mutations, mutant seedlings grew more slowly than wild type when measured at 48 h of germination, a defect that was corrected with continued growth for 72 and 96 h in the light. After 48 h of germination, wild-type central vacuoles had smooth contours and demonstrated internalization of oil bodies and of membrane containing alpha- and delta-tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs), markers for protein storage vacuoles. In contrast, mutant central vacuoles had distorted limiting membranes displaying domains with clumps of the two TIPs, and they contained fewer oil bodies. Thus, during germination caleosin plays a role in the degradation of storage lipid in oil bodies. Its role involves both the normal modification of storage vacuole membrane and the interaction of oil bodies with vacuoles. The results indicate that interaction of oil bodies with vacuoles is one mechanism that contributes to the degradation of storage lipid.  相似文献   

Seeds possess a high intrinsic capacity for protein production that makes them a desirable bioreactor platform for the manufacture of transgenic products. One strategy to enhance foreign protein production involves exchanging the capacity to produce intrinsic proteins for the capacity to produce a high level of foreign proteins. Suppression of the alpha/alpha' subunit of beta-conglycinin storage protein synthesis in soybean has been shown previously to result in an increase in the accumulation of the glycinin storage protein, some of which is sequestered as proglycinin into de novo endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived protein bodies. The exchange of glycinin for conglycinin is quantitative, with the remodelled soybeans possessing a normal protein content with an altered proteome. The green fluorescent protein (GFP)-kdel reporter was transferred in a construct using the glycinin promoter and terminator to mimic glycinin gene expression. When expressed in soybean seeds, GFP-kdel accreted to form ER-derived protein bodies. The introgression of GFP-kdel into the alpha/alpha' subunit of the beta-conglycinin suppression background resulted in a fourfold enhancement of GFP-kdel accumulation to > 7% (w/w) of the total protein in soybean seeds. The resulting seeds accumulated a single population of ER membrane-bound protein bodies that contained both GFP-kdel and glycinin. Thus, the collateral proteome rebalancing that occurs with the suppression of intrinsic proteins in soybean can be exploited to produce an enhanced level of foreign proteins.  相似文献   

The cargo in vacuolar storage protein transport vesicles is stratified   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Developing pea seeds contain two functionally distinct vacuoles--lytic vacuoles and protein storage vacuoles (PSV). The Golgi apparatus of these cells has to discriminate between proteins destined for these vacuolar compartments. Whereas it is known that sorting into the lytic vacuole is performed via the conserved clathrin-coated vesicle pathway, sorting of proteins into the protein storage vacuole remains enigmatic. In developing pea cotyledons, the major storage proteins are sorted via 'dense vesicles'. In this report we examined the sorting of a minor protein of the protein storage vacuole, the sucrose-binding-protein homolog (SBP), along the secretory pathway employing immunoelectron microscopy on cryosectioned pea cotyledons. SBP follows the same vesicular route into the PSV as the main storage proteins legumin and vicilin, via the dense-vesicles. Furthermore, legumin and SBP are sorted together into the same dense vesicle population at the stack. Although soluble cargo proteins of the dense vesicles, they show a stratified distribution in the lumen of the dense vesicles. Whereas the legumin label is equally distributed across the lumen, the SBP label is concentrated at the membrane of the vesicle. This observation is discussed with respect to a putative receptor-mediated sorting of the proteins into the dense vesicles.  相似文献   

We studied changes induced by cold on electron transfer pathways (linked to NADH or NADPH oxidation) in endoplasmic reticulum of rapeseed hypocotyls (Brassica napus L.) from a freezing-sensitive variety (ISL) and freezing-tolerant variety (Tradition). Plantlets were grown at 22 degrees C then submitted to a cold shock of 13 or 35 days at 4 degrees C. We measured the content in NADH, NADPH, NAD and NADP of the hypocotyls and the redox power was estimated by the reduced versus oxidized nucleotide ratio. The contents in cytochromes b (5) and P-450, electron acceptors of NADH and NADPH respectively, were determined by differential spectrophotometry. Finally, activity of both NADH-cytochrome b (5) reductase (E.C. and NADPH cytochrome P-450 reductase (E.C. was determined by reduction of exogenous cytochrome c. Results show that during cold shock, along with an increase of linolenic acid content, there was a general activation of the NADPH pathway which was observed more quickly in Tradition plantlets than in ISL ones. Due to transfer of electrons that can occur between NADPH reductase and cytochrome b (5), this could favor fatty acid desaturation in Tradition, explaining why linolenic acid accumulation was more pronounced in this variety. Besides, more cytochrome P-450 accumulated in ISL that could compete for electrons needed by the FAD3 desaturase, resulting in a relative slower enrichment in 18:3 fatty acid in these plantlets.  相似文献   

Legume seeds contain a large amount of proteins and are one of the essential protein sources for humans and animals. However, the protein, in legume seeds is usually poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, and its nutritional value is lower than the protein from animal sources. Recently plant breeding has become available by the introduction of molecular biology, and a technique, called molecular breeding, was applied to the production of legume seeds that contain proteins with high nutritional quality. This review describes the expression of legume seed protein genes and the transformation of legume plants. Approaches to improve the legume seed storage protein will be discussed.  相似文献   

目前人们仍不清楚温度是如何影响发育中的大豆(Glycine max L.)种子蛋白质和脂肪积累过程以及基因型不同的大豆是否对温度具有相同的反应。研究拟通过对3个基因型大豆在不同温度处理下,种子发育过程中的蛋白质和脂肪的积累模式研究,以了解温度对种子组分的调节机理。3个基因型大豆品种(Evans,PI132.217,和Proto)种子盆栽在温度为27/20%(中温)的生长箱中生长到开花。在开花后第10天,将其中的一个生长箱的温度调节到35/27℃(高温);另一个调到20/12℃(低温)。生长在高温和中温条件下的大豆,在开花的第21天开始收集豆荚,每3d取1次样。生长在低温条件下的大豆,在开花的第25天开始收集豆荚,每5d取1次样。结果表明,3个基因型大豆种子均在高温下生长快,成熟早,在中温下生长速率最大,低温下生长速率低但种子生长期延长。当种子获得60%-70%总干重时种子脂肪含量达到最大(中温),高温使其提前出现,低温则被推后。在低温下,种子中蛋白质和脂肪两者积累模式相同,但蛋白质积累速率低。在高温和中温条件下,种子蛋白质和脂肪的积累模式不同。在种子获得60%~70%的总干重之前,蛋白质和脂肪积累模式相同,但在种子获得60%~70%的总干重之后,蛋白质积累呈上升趋势,而脂肪积累停止或下降。同时在种子发育的晚期伴随着蛋白质含量增加,淀粉和蔗糖含量快速下降。虽然3个基因型大豆种子的蛋白质和脂肪积累模式均明显受温度影响,但在不同温度条件下和不同生长阶段中高蛋白质品种Proto和PI132.217(蛋白质稳定型)蛋白质含量总是高于低蛋白质品种Evans,而且两者差异显著。这一研究表明温度不能改变品种在蛋白质和脂肪合成上的遗传特性。遗传育种在提高大豆种子蛋白质含量上仍起决定作用,但是合理的播种时期在提高大豆种子蛋白质和脂肪含量上也是不可忽视的问题。  相似文献   

Globulins (GLB) are storage proteins that accumulate to high levels during zygotic embryo development of Zea mays L. We visualized the distribution of GLB during zygotic embryo development by immunolabelling of polyethylene glycol sections with a GLB-specific antiserum and a fluorescent secondary antibody. In sections of embryos at 10 days after pollimation (DAP), GLB were detected in the scutellar node only. Sections of embryos of 17 DAP showed, besides the presence of GLB in the scutellar node, the presence of a low amount of GLB in the coleoptile and the leaf primordia. In 30-DAP embryos GLB were localized in the root, the coleorhiza, the leaf primordia, the coleoptile and in all cells of the scutellum with the exception of the epidermis and the pro-vascular tissues. The subcellular location of GLB was visualized by immunolabelling of ultrathin sections with anti-GLB and a gold-conjugated secondary antibody. Scutellum cells and root cortex cells of 30-DAP embryos were packed with protein storage vacuoles (PSV), which differed in electron density. GLB were either evenly distributed throughout the PSV or were localized in electron-dense inclusions within the PSV. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of total protein extracts indicated the presence of a low amount of the GLB1 processing intermediate proGLB1'in globular as well as mature somatic embryos. After maturation on an ABA-containing medium, somatic embryos showed the additional presence of the next GLB1 processing intermediate GLB1. By immuno-electron microscopy it was possible to localize GLB in globular deposits in PSV in scutellum cells of these somatic embryos.  相似文献   

Soybean (Glycine max L.) storage proteins are composed mainly of two major components, beta-conglycinin and glycinin. Electrophoretic variants of the beta subunit of beta-conglycinin and the A3 polypeptide of glycinin were detected on SDS-PAGE, and designated them as beta* and A3*, respectively. beta* and A3* exhibited higher and lower mobilities, respectively, than the common beta subunit and A3 polypeptide. The N-terminal nine and 10 amino acid sequences of beta* and A3* were completely identical to the previously reported sequences of the beta subunit and the A3 polypeptide, respectively. Analysis using concanavalin A-horseradish peroxidase and treatment with N-glycosidase indicated that glycans were not responsible for the difference in electrophoretic mobility of beta* or A3*. Furthermore, five clones of beta* or beta and three clones of A3*, respectively, were sequenced but we could not detect deletions and insertions except for a single or a few amino acid substitutions as compared with the common beta subunit and A3 polypeptide. These results indicate that a single or a few amino acid substitution affects the electrophoretic mobilities of beta* and A3*.  相似文献   

Globulins (GLB) are storage proteins that accumulate to high levels during zygotic embryo development of Zea mays L. We visualized the distribution of GLB during zygotic embryo development by immunolabelling of polyethylene glycol sections with a GLB-specific antiserum and a fluorescent secondary antibody. In sections of embryos at 10 days after pollimation (DAP), GLB were detected in the scutellar node only. Sections of embryos of 17 DAP showed, besides the presence of GLB in the scutellar node, the presence of a low amount of GLB in the coleoptile and the leaf primordia. In 30-DAP embryos GLB were localized in the root, the coleorhiza, the leaf primordia, the coleoptile and in all cells of the scutellum with the exception of the epidermis and the pro-vascular tissues. The subcellular location of GLB was visualized by immunolabelling of ultrathin sections with anti-GLB and a gold-conjugated secondary antibody. Scutellum cells and root cortex cells of 30-DAP embryos were packed with protein storage vacuoles (PSV), which differed in electron density. GLB were either evenly distributed throughout the PSV or were localized in electron-dense inclusions within the PSV. SDS-PAGE and immunoblot analysis of total protein extracts indicated the presence of a low amount of the GLB1 processing intermediate proGLB1' in globular as well as mature somatic embryos. After maturation on an ABA-containing medium, somatic embryos showed the additional presence of the next GLB1 processing intermediate GLB1'. By immuno-electron microscopy it was possible to localize GLB in globular deposits in PSV in scutellum cells of these somatic embryos.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated fatty acids (i.e. linoleic acid [18:2], linolenic acid [18:3]) in triacylglycerols (TAG) of soybean seeds increase more during reproductive development under simulated shadelight: i.e., light with reduced blue and/or increased far-red (Britz and Cavins 1993). Elevation of 18:2 and 18:3 is matched by corresponding reduction of oleic acid (18:1), consistent with observations that total seed oil remains constant. We therefore tested the hypothesis that spectral quality affects the activity of the omega-6 and/or omega-3 desaturases involved in TAG biosynthesis. Membranes were isolated from developing soybean cotyledons 24–31 days after flowering. Separate fractions, enriched for chloroplasts and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) respectively, were obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation and incubated in an in vitro desaturase assay system containing 14C-18:1–CoA at room temperature. Omega-6 and omega-3 desaturase activity was calculated from the rate of formation of 14C-18:2 and 14C-18:3. Radioactive 18:2 and 18:3 were recovered only from phosphatidylcholine (PC) in both ER and chloroplast membranes, consistent with membrane-bound desaturases with specificity towards PC. The specific activity of omega-6 desaturase was high in ER membranes from seeds matured under light sources that promote a canopy shade response, but was reduced in membranes from seeds matured under lamps (high blue and low far-red emission) previously shown to reduce the level of 18:2 in seed oil by 50%. Chloroplast membranes possessed both omega-6 and omega-3 desaturases. Light appeared to have little or no effect on the activity of chloroplast desaturases.  相似文献   

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