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嵩草属Kobresia Willd.隶属于莎草科,全世界有64种5变种,中国有49种4变种,属下分为4个组。该属主要分布于北半球温带至寒带,亚洲种类最多,主要集中分布于喜马拉雅山地区和横断山地区。上述两地共有总数的90%以上的种类。因此,喜马拉雅—横断山地区为嵩草属的分布中心。与嵩草属最近缘的属Schoenoxiphium只分布在马达加斯加和非洲东南部山地。两个属可能有共同的祖先,发生于冈瓦纳古陆。随着印度板块与非洲大陆分离并向北方漂移,嵩草属的祖先被带到欧亚大陆,在两个板块相遇处—喜马拉雅—横断山地区产生了现在的嵩草属。其后,喜马拉雅山脉进一步抬升,气候与环境发生巨变,嵩草属也进一步分化形成现在的规模。印度板块在早第三纪与欧亚大陆相连接,嵩草属可能就是此时起源于喜马拉雅山地区,并开始分化,且沿北半球的山系向北扩散到欧洲和西伯利亚,又从欧洲到格陵兰再到加拿大东部,从西伯利亚通过白令海峡到阿拉斯加并沿落基山脉南下达到美国的科罗拉多,形成了嵩草属现今的分布格局。  相似文献   

青藏高原的隆升与鰋鮡鱼类(鲇形目:鮡科)的隔离分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
系统发育和生物地理学分析认为喜马拉雅地区  鱼类的物种分化过程与青 藏高原的隆升有直接的关系,并可用隔离分化假说加以解释. 鱼类的祖先与目前 广布的纹胸 属鱼类和/或 属鱼类相似.在Tethys海封闭、印度板块与欧亚大陆碰撞 的初期,纹胸 属鱼类或经属鱼类广泛分布于青藏高原地区.更新世后,随着碰撞的 加深,青藏高原逐步隆起并造就了山区水系的急流环境,  鱼类就是在这种环境因 子的压迫下从类纹胸 属鱼类产生的.目前跨喜马拉雅山分布的原 属就是  鱼类 中最原始的种类.在青藏高原的3次隆升过程中,随着该区域水系的发育,类似原 的 祖先被隔离在不同的河流中,从而导致了该类群物种的分化和生物地理分布格局的形 成.  相似文献   

甘肃风毛菊属植物区系地理研究及与邻近地区区系的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据对风毛菊属植物野外调查,标本的收集、整理和系统鉴定,该地区风毛菊属植物共有57种1变种,隶属于4亚属,在甘肃省有2个分布丰富区:青藏高原东、北缘的甘南地区和祁连山地。分析表明,风毛菊属植物是一个北温带分布的属,可划为5个分布型和2个变型,其中以中国特有、横断山脉—喜马拉雅分布最多(分别占36%和29.5%),特有属为新特有属,说明该区系属于一个年轻的、以横断山脉—喜马拉雅分布为主的温带性质,并与青藏高原、中亚地区有密切联系;喜马拉雅、横断山区是风毛菊属植物的现代分布中心和分化中心,华北、华中地区是一个次生分布中心;菊科在古地中海地区于第三纪的早、中期得到分化与发展,其中原始的帚木菊族向西南亚迁移时分化、衍生出原始的菜蓟族的祖先种,该族在大约第三纪从起源中心向中亚干旱地区分化出风毛菊属植物,因此,该区系起源于第三纪的中亚至喜马拉雅一带;青藏高原的隆起、海浸海退,使属内种类剧烈分化,第三纪、第四纪北半球冰期、间冰期交替作用,使本区系向亚洲温暖地区迁移,并进一步发展,形成了现今的区系成分。  相似文献   

青藏高原和喜马拉雅地区锦鸡儿属植物的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
锦鸡儿属Caragana是一个典型的温带亚洲分布属。本属在青藏高原和喜马拉雅约有24种1变种,约占整个属的1/3。这些种类几乎全部处于演化高级阶段,且既有叶轴宿存类群,也有假掌状叶类群。反映出种的分化很活跃,在横断山地区形成本属的分布中心、分化中心。本区内绝大多数种类是特有分布。替代现象主要受气候、植被变化作用,沿横断山和喜马拉雅分布的长齿系Ser. Bracteolatae Kom.是一个典型的替代分布类群。锦鸡儿属植物生态适应性很强,可在其生长的灌丛中形成优势种。 寒化和旱化现象十分突出,它们有一系列森林种、草原种和荒漠种及相关的形态变异。用锦鸡儿属植物进行青藏高原和喜马拉雅区域内的分布区关系分析及最小生成树MST和特有性简约性分析(PAE),表明横断山地区特别是其北部是本属植物的一个地理结点。以此沿横断山向北部唐古特和西部藏东南适应性辐射。横断山和西喜马拉雅联系微弱,看不出植物长距离扩散的踪迹,大多是由于生态因子限制而产生的隔离。虽然本区不可能是锦鸡儿属的起源地,然而,通过本区与邻近地区的地理联系,可推测它们在我国适应性辐射方向是从东北向西南。结合豆科蝶形花亚科其它属化石记录及其分布区局限在温带亚洲等现象,认为锦鸡儿植物是一组特化、晚近衍生的类群,起源于北方东西伯利亚晚第三纪中新世后期至上新世。  相似文献   

北极-第三纪成分在喜马拉雅-横断山的发展及演化   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
孙航 《云南植物研究》2002,24(6):671-688
通过古植物学及古地史资料,论述了北极地区在第三纪早期气候变迁对喜马拉雅-横断山地区植物区系形成的影响,并通过一些喜马拉雅-横断山地区的特征类群;杜鹃属,槭树属,柳属,桦木属和桤木属以及一些草本类群虎耳草科的落新妇族,金腰属和虎耳草属,忍冬科的莛子镳属的分布式样和起源分化的分析,说明了喜马拉雅-横断山区系中有相当一部分是这些北方起源的,北极-第三纪成分迁移是现代喜马拉雅-横断山植物区系成分的一个重要来源,并且讨论了喜马拉雅-横断山植物区系同北方植物区系可能的迁移路线,指出西南-秦岭-东北通道即西南沿四川盆地经秦岭和黄河至东北和西伯利亚和“中亚高地通道”即向西经帕米尔高原同北方交流,向东经西南-秦岭-东北通道迁移交流是喜马拉雅-横断山植物区系成分同北方交流的主要路线,由于第四纪冰期间冰期反复作用,各类成分在该地区保存,汇集,分化发展,使得该喜马拉雅-横断山地区成了北极-第三纪中心消失以后,在近代形成的温带和高山植物区系新的发展和分化中心。  相似文献   

淫羊藿属(小檗科)花瓣的演化和地理分布格局的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
淫羊藿属的种数与60年前大不相同,现在已知约有50种。该属种类间断地分布于日本至北非 的阿尔及利亚之间的广大地区,这一分布格局表明了该属的古老性质。它们在欧亚大陆的分布极不均 匀,约有80%的种类产于中国中部至东南部,而且根据花瓣的演化分析结果表明,只有中国的淫羊藿属 植物具有连续不断的演化过程。由此可见,中国中部至东南部成为北半球淫羊藿属植物的汇集中心是 有充分根据的。淫羊藿属种类基本上是林地草本植物,常生于水青冈林下,为林下草本层的优势种,而 且该属的分布格局与第三纪植物属——水青冈属在欧亚大陆的分布格局极为相似,说明淫羊藿属植物 在早第三纪时期已广泛分布于北半球。中新世时期由于中亚地区气候变干,加之印度板块向欧亚大陆 俯冲并引起喜马拉雅山脉隆起,致使中亚地区进一步干旱,水青冈属和淫羊霍属植物随之消失,进而导致其东亚—地中海、西亚间断分布格局的形成。  相似文献   

粉条儿菜属(AletrisL.)隶属于肺筋草科,全世界有23种1变种,东亚有18种1变种,北美东南部有5种,为典型的东亚-北美间断分布的属.本文在种(变种)的水平上,研究了粉条儿菜属的地理分布及其分布中心和多样化中心,并对其起源和分化以及现代洲际间断分布格局的成因进行了分析.结果表明,(1)中国共分布有粉条儿菜属植物15种1变种,而广义的横断山地区集中分布有13种1变种,是东亚粉条儿菜属植物分布最为集中的地区,而且包含该属植物各个进化阶段的代表.因此,广义的横断山地区是粉条儿菜属在东亚的分布中心和多样化中心.(2)根据粉条儿菜属及其近缘属的分布格局推测,该属可能在不晚于第三纪早期,起源于古北大陆.东亚和北美的粉条儿菜属植物形态区别明显,应该是隔离分化的结果.(3)该属植物可能曾经广布于北半球,后来地质、气候以及冰川等因素的变化,导致该属在一些地区灭绝,而仅存于东亚和北美东南部.(4)尽管横断山及其周边地区是东亚粉条儿菜属的多样化中心,但该地区很可能并不是粉条儿菜属最早的分化中心,因横断山地区周边的一些特有种可能是在晚近的时期形成的新特有种;另外,东亚粉条儿菜属一些原始的种类主要分布于我国中东部到日本一带.所以,中国中东部到日本一带可能是粉条儿菜属早期的分化中心.  相似文献   

张树仁 《植物研究》1998,18(3):372-376
研究了产于西伯利亚的西伯利亚嵩草Kobresia sibirica (Turcz.ex Ledeb.) Boeck.,产于北美的K.hyperborea Porsild和K.macrocarpa Clokey。三者之间无显著差异,并且它们的雌花都具有由一至三枚小鳞片组成的花被。因此,它们为同种植物, K.hyperborea包括其变种var.alaskana Duman和var.lepagei Duman及K.macrocarpa被降为西伯利亚嵩草的异名。西伯利亚嵩草分布于亚洲和北美洲的北极和亚北极地区,可能起源于亚洲,由东西伯利亚通过白令海峡散布到北美。  相似文献   

孙航 《云南植物研究》2002,24(3):273-288
横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪)。古植物资料在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系。古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化。原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔。古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代。新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分。横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬中高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海,喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属,独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔。这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系。  相似文献   

横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系的开端是在晚白垩纪和早古近纪(早第三纪).古植物资料表明在古近纪初期横断山-喜马拉雅植物区系是同古地中海沿岸一致的以照叶林为主的暖湿植物区系.古近纪后期和新近纪(新第三纪)以后古地中海气候逐步旱化,原来的暖湿植物区系在地中海地区逐步消失,而在横断山及喜马拉雅和东亚其他地区得以保存和发展,现代横断山及东喜马拉雅的亚热带森林即是其后裔.古近纪中期以后由于古地中海的逐步退却,气候变得干旱,原暖湿植物区系逐步被现代旱生的地中海植物区系所取代.新近纪以后,旱生的现代地中海植物区系由于喜马拉雅和横断山的隆起而转向适应高山环境,逐步分化形成了现代的中国-喜马拉雅成分.横断山-喜马拉雅地区硬叶高山栎林的起源;铁筷子属,绿绒蒿属,芒苞草属,假百合属及马桑属的地中海、喜马拉雅-横断山间断分布的形成便是古地中海植物区系残遗的体现;黄花木属、独一味属等众多中国喜马拉雅成分就是古地中海祖先的后裔.这些代表类群的分析研究表明现代的喜马拉雅-横断山的高山植物区系以及中国-喜马拉雅成分中有相当的一部分是起源于新生代旱生的地中海植物区系.  相似文献   

The present article is the first comprehensive treatment of phytogeography of Thermopsis (Fabaceae) in the world. Thermopsis is one of the few genera within Fabaceae with the distribution pattern of the East Asia-North American disjunction. The distribution patterns of 5 recognized sections (including a new one) covering 21 species in Thermopsis are analyzed, and the results show four centres of frequency of the genus: the Eastern Asiatic Region (9 spp. / 3 sects., including 4 endemic species), the Irano-Turanian Region (7 spp./3 sects., including 3 endemic species), the Rocky Mountain Region (7 spp./2 sects., all endemic), and the Atlantic North American Region (3 spp. / 1 sect., all endemic). In the light of the fact that most species and sections, a number of phylogenetic series of the genus, and the most primitive sections and most advanced sections in Thermopsis occur in the East Asia, the Eastern Asiatic Region might be the centre of diversity of the genus. As the Irano-Turanian Region and the Rocky Mountain Region were just second to that of Eastern Asiatic Region in number of sections and species, and many polyploids appeared in these regions, they were considered as the secondary centres of distribution and speciation of the genus. The speciation looks to be frequent and complex in these regions, and many new taxa have been described from there while many new reduced or incorporated taxa have happened over there. However, recent molecular data has shown that two reduced taxa of Thermopsis are distinct in these regions. Based on the modern distribution patterns and evolutionary trends in morphological characters of the genus, and available fossil record of the genus and the historical geology, we speculate that Thermopsis had already existed on Eurasia and North America before the Late Miocene, and probably originated from an ancestral form of Sophora-like taxa with lupine alkaloids somewhere in the Laurasia in the Early Tertiary or Late Cretaceous. After the separation of the two continents, species on different continents developed distinctly under influences of different evolutionary factors. In Asia, the late Tertiary orogeny, disappearing of the Tethys and aridity and freezing caused by the Quaternary glaciation were the main forces to promote the speciation and evolutionary processes, whereas in North America it was the Quaternary glaciation and the orogeny of partial area to promote evolution of the genus. According to the evolutionary trends in Thermopsis and the distribution pattern of the primitive taxa, Sino-Japanese Subregion of Eastern Asiatic Region may be considered asthe centre of primitive forms of Thermopsis.  相似文献   

我国横断山区滇芎属植物花粉形态分化及演化趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

绣线菊亚科是蔷薇科最原始的亚科,共有22属260余种, 包括常绿和落叶两大类群,前者是 原始类型。我国有8属100种,全都为落叶性。本文着重讨论中国各属的起源、演化和分布等 ,同时也概述全亚科植物在世界各植物区的分布等问题。绣线菊属Spiraea是该亚科落叶类群中最原始的属,它在早期发生趋异进化,衍生出形态各异而亲缘关系密切 的不同属,本文阐明了中国各属的系统位置和属间的亲缘关系。通过对我国各属地理分布的 分析对比,属的分布区可归纳为5个类型。对全球绣线菊亚科植物在世界各植物区中的属、种数统计表明,东亚区有8属105种,其中有96个特有种,是该亚科植物分布最多而又最集中 地区,具有在系统发育上处于各主要演化阶段的落叶类型,因此,东亚区是全球绣线菊亚科植 物的现代分布和分化中心,也是落叶类群发生和发展的关键地区。在北美洲,从马德雷区至落基山区一带分布着11属46种,均为特有种,显然北美洲西部也是该亚科植物的现代分布中心,但可能是第二分布中心。南美洲至今保存2个较古老的常绿属,即Quillaja和K ageneckia,基于此,南美洲可能是绣线菊亚科某些常绿属早期分化和发展的关键地区 。中国绣线菊亚科植物在东亚区占绝对优势,有8属82种,其中有62个特有种,分别占该区属 、种和 特有种数的100%、82%、和65%, 这些类群分布最密集地区是在中国喜马拉雅森林植物亚区 中的横断山脉地区和中国日本森林植物亚区的西部,这一带是中国绣线菊亚科的现代分布和多样性中心,很可能是某些属的发源地。由此看来,绣线菊亚科的落叶属可能起源于劳亚古陆。据化石记载,该亚科植物的起源时间可以追溯到白垩纪早白垩世。  相似文献   

沙棘属植物的分布格局及其成因   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
本文首先从植物类群、分布地域和垂直分布角度分别论述了沙棘属植物的地理分布概况,指出沙棘属在植物区系地理上,属旧世界温带分布类型;在区系成分上,是森林─—草原过渡带的成员;横断山及其毗邻的东喜马拉雅地区,是该属植物的类群分布中心、类群分化中心和原始类群中心。并对类群分布的地理替代现象、该属植物成林的丛片性特征以及果实中植化组成分与类群分布、类群进化间的相互关系进行了论述。文章最后着重对该属植物分布区格局的形成与该属植物起源的生态地理环境、散布的时间、路线以及繁育方式之间的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

Chaetoseris and Stenoseris are two morphologically close genera from the tribe Cichorieae of the sunflower family and they are endemic in alpine eastern Himalayas to the Hengduan Mountains of SW China.Mitotic chromosome numbers and karyotypes are reported for 12 populations representing eight species of Chaetoseris and two species of Stenoseris from the Hengduan Mountains region.Eight species are new and the other two provide confirmation of previous reference.All Chaetoseris and Stenoseris taxa are diploidy with 2n = 16 and their basic number is tentatively suggested as x = 8.Karyotypes of Chaetoseris and Stenoseris are similar to each other with 2A and 2B for the former and 2A for the latter.Cytological data of chromosomal numbers and karyotypes support a close relationship of the two genera.Currently no polyploids are found for these two genera and it seems that polyploidization has played a minor role in their evolutionary speciation in the Hengduan Mountains region.  相似文献   

The subfam. Spiraeoideae, consisting of 22 genera and more than 260 species in the world,is the most primitive subfamily of Rosaceae. It has developed into two groups,i.e. evergreen and deciduous ones, of which eight genera and 100 species in China are totally deciduous. In the present paper, the origin,evolution and distribution of the Chinese genera is discussed mainly, and the distribution of the whole subfamily in the floristic regions of the world is also mentioned. Based on evolutionary trends of morphological characters, Spiraea L. is considered as the most primitive genus in the deciduous group of subfam. Spiraeoideae, from which some genera are been derived, the systematic position and evolutionary relationships between different genera are elucidated in this paper. Through the analysis on the geographical distribution of the genera in China, the areal types may be divided as follows: (1) North Temperate Type: Spiraea, Physocarpus, Aruncus. (2) East Asian and North American Disjunct Type: Sorbaria. (3) Mediterranean, West Asian (or Central Asia) and East Asian Type: Sibiraea. (4) Temperate Asian Type: Exochorda.(5) East Asian Type: (a) Sino Himalayan Distribution: Neillia; (b) Sino Japan Distribution: Stephanandra. After analysis of the distribution of subfam. Spiraeoideae in the world, it is shown that the Eastern Asiatic Region, being the richest in genera, species and endemic species of the world,is not only the center of distribution and differentiation,but also an important region for occurrence and development of some deciduous genera of this subfamily, while in North America, the Madrean Region and Rocky Mountain Region, genera, species and endemic species are abundant, which indicates that the western part of North America is also the distribution center of this subfamily at the present, but it may be the secondary center of distribution. It can be seen that the relatively primitive and evergreen g enera, i.e. Quillaja and Kageneckia, are now confined to South America. The fact implies that the South America may be the region for early differentiation and development of the evergreen genera in Subfam. Spiraeoideae. The analysis of Chinese plants has shown that China has the most members of the subfamily in Eastern Asiatic Region, with eight genera, 82 species and 62 endemic species and that the maximum concentration is in western Sichuan, northwestern Yunnan and their adjacent areas. It is very obvious that the center of distribution and diversity of Subfam. Spiraeoideae in China lies in the Hengduan Mountain Region of Sino Himalayan Forest Subkingdom and the western part of Sino Japan Forest Subkingdom, where may be the birthplace of some genera in China. It may be considered that the deciduous genera of Subfam. Spiraeoideae might have originated in Laurasia.According to the fossil records, the time of origin of Subfam.Spiraeoideae dates back to the Lower Cretaceous.  相似文献   

横断山区蚜虫区系的组成和特点   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
研究了横断山区蚜虫区系的组成和特点.横断山区共有蚜虫11科69属125种,以东洋区、特有种类占优势.蚜虫区系古北成分和东洋成分充分交融,特有种类丰富,区系组成复杂多样.对该区蚜虫的分布进行了初步分析,特有种分布不均衡,水平主要分布在滇西北的丽江和玉龙雪山地区,垂直分布在海拔3 000~3 200 m,是特有种丰富度最高的地带.此外,对跨古北和东洋区分布种类的东亚起源进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

The Hengduan Mountains region of south-west China is a noted biodiversity,hotspot, but the geographic origins and historical assembly of its rich endemic flora, including the sky-island species of Solms-laubachia Muschl. (Brassicaceae), have been little studied. Previous molecular studies on the phylogeny of Solms-laubachia showed it to be paraphyletic, leading to considerable expansion not only of its taxonomic limits, but also its geographic range, with the inclusion of taxa from outside the Hengduan region. However, these studies provided little resolution of interspecific relationships, preventing inferences about historical biogeography within the clade. In the present study, new sequence data from two nuclear genes (LEAFY and G3pdh) and two chloroplast intergenic spacers (petN-psbM and psbM-trnD) were combined with existing markers to increase phylogenetic signals. Phaeonychium villosum (Maxim.) Al-Shehbaz was found to be nested within Solms-laubachia s.l. In general, phylogenetic relationships appear to be a good predictor of geography, with the Hengduan Mountain endemics embedded in a paraphyletic grade of species from the western Himalayas and central Asia, but they also imply morphological homoplasy. Incongruence was detected between the nuclear and chloroplast gene trees, perhaps resulting from incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral polymorphisms. The crown age of Solms-laubachia s.l. was estimated to be approximately 1.42-3.68 mya, using Bayesian relaxed molecular clock analysis. Historical biogeographic analysis using a parametric dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis model inferred central Asia and the western Himalayas as most probable ancestral range of Solms-laubachia s.l., and estimated higher rates of eastward expansion than westward during the diversification of descendant lineages. In summary, our results suggest that Solms-laubachia s.l. originated during the Pliocene in central Asia, and subsequently migrated eastward into the Hengduan Mountains, colonizing sky-island, alpine scree-slope habitats that may have provided novel ecological opportunity and accelerated speciation, ultimately establishing this region as the present center of diversity of the genus.  相似文献   

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