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The ectoderm of early Xenopus gastrula is competent to become induced to neural tissue, but dorsal ectoderm is more neural competent than ventral ectoderm. It is a tenable, but as yet untested possibility that the higher neural competence of dorsal gastrula ectoderm is dependent on the presence of the dorsal mesoderm. To test this hypothesis we overexpressed Xwnt-8 in order to ectopically induce dorsal mesoderm in the ventral side of the embryo. We found that this elevated the level of neural competence of ventral ectoderm to that of dorsal ectoderm. The effect of Xwnt-8 on neural competence of ventral ectoderm was strictly correlated with its ability to enhance the amount of dorsal structures. The data indicate that the presence of dorsal mesoderm is a prerequisite for establishing the differences in neural competence between gastrula dorsal and ventral ectoderm.  相似文献   

It is still controversial whether cranial placodes and neural crest cells arise from a common precursor at the neural plate border or whether placodes arise from non-neural ectoderm and neural crest from neural ectoderm. Using tissue grafting in embryos of Xenopus laevis, we show here that the competence for induction of neural plate, neural plate border and neural crest markers is confined to neural ectoderm, whereas competence for induction of panplacodal markers is confined to non-neural ectoderm. This differential distribution of competence is established during gastrulation paralleling the dorsal restriction of neural competence. We further show that Dlx3 and GATA2 are required cell-autonomously for panplacodal and epidermal marker expression in the non-neural ectoderm, while ectopic expression of Dlx3 or GATA2 in the neural plate suppresses neural plate, border and crest markers. Overexpression of Dlx3 (but not GATA2) in the neural plate is sufficient to induce different non-neural markers in a signaling-dependent manner, with epidermal markers being induced in the presence, and panplacodal markers in the absence, of BMP signaling. Taken together, these findings demonstrate a non-neural versus neural origin of placodes and neural crest, respectively, strongly implicate Dlx3 in the regulation of non-neural competence, and show that GATA2 contributes to non-neural competence but is not sufficient to promote it ectopically.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate nervous system is initiated in amphibia by inductive interactions between ectoderm and a region of the embryo called the organizer. The organizer tissue in the dorsal lip of the blastopore of Xenopus and Hensen's node in chick embryos have similar neural inducing properties when transplanted into ectopic sites in their respective embryos. To begin to determine the nature of the inducing signals of the organizer and whether they are conserved across species we have examined the ability of Hensen's node to induce neural tissue in Xenopus ectoderm. We show that Hensen's node induces large amounts of neural tissue in Xenopus ectoderm. Neural induction proceeds in the absence of mesodermal differentiation and is accompanied by tissue movements which may reflect notoplate induction. The competence of the ectoderm to respond to Hensen's node extends much later in development than that to activin-A or to induction by vegetal cells, and parallels the extended competence to neural induction by axial mesoderm. The actions of activin-A and Hensen's node are further distinguished by their effects on lithium-treated ectoderm. These results suggest that neural induction can occur efficiently in response to inducing signals from organizer tissue arrested at a stage prior to gastrulation, and that such early interactions in the blastula may be an important component of neural induction in vertebrate embryos.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis homeobox gene Xhox3 is expressed in the axial mesoderm of gastrula and neurula stage embryos. By the late neurula-early tailbud stage, mesodermal expression is no longer detectable and expression appears in the growing tailbud and in neural tissue. In situ hybridization analysis of the expression of Xhox3 in neural tissue shows that it is restricted within the neural tube and the cranial neural crest during the tailbud-early tadpole stages. In late tadpole stages, Xhox3 is only expressed in the mid/hindbrain area and can therefore be considered a marker of anterior neural development. To investigate the mechanism responsible for the anterior-posterior (A-P) regionalization of the neural tissue, the expression of Xhox3 has been analysed in total exogastrula. In situ hybridization analyses of exogastrulated embryos show that Xhox3 is expressed in the apical ectoderm of total exogastrulae, a region that develops in the absence of anterior axial mesoderm. The results provide further support for the existence of a neuralizing signal, which originates from the organizer region and spreads through the ectoderm. Moreover, the data suggest that this neural signal also has a role in A-P patterning the neural ectoderm.  相似文献   

We have used a monoclonal antibody directed against the C-terminus of the Drosophila invected homeodomain to detect a nuclear protein in brain cells of Xenopus laevis embryos. We refer to this antigen as the Xenopus EN protein. The EN protein is localized at midneurula stage to a band of cells in the anterior portion of the neural plate, on each side of the neural groove. Later in development, the expression coincides with the boundary of the midbrain and hindbrain, and persists at least to the swimming tadpole stage. These properties make the EN protein an excellent molecular marker for anterior neural structures. In embryos where inductive interactions between mesodermal and ectodermal tissues have been perturbed, the expression of the EN protein is altered; in embryos that have been anterodorsalized by LiCl treatment, the region that expresses the EN protein is expanded, but still well organized. In ventralized UV-irradiated embryos, the absence of the protein is correlated with the absence of anterior neural structures. In extreme exogastrulae, where the contacts between head mesoderm and prospective neurectoderm are lost, the EN protein is not expressed.  相似文献   

We previously showed that otx2 regulates Xenopus cement gland formation in the ectoderm. Here, we show that otx2 is sufficient to direct anterior neural gene expression, and that its activity is required for cement gland and anterior neural determination. otx2 activity at midgastrula activates anterior and prevents expression of posterior and ventral gene expression in whole embryos and ectodermal explants. These data suggest that part of the mechanism by which otx2 promotes anterior determination involves repression of posterior and ventral fates. A dominant negative otx2-engrailed repressor fusion protein (otx2-En) ablates endogenous cement gland formation, and inhibits expression of the mid/hindbrain boundary marker engrailed-2. Ectoderm expressing otx2-En is not able to respond to signals from the mesoderm to form cement gland, and is impaired in its ability to form anterior neural tissue. These results compliment analyses in otx2 mutant mice, indicating a role for otx2 in the ectoderm during anterior neural patterning.  相似文献   

The peptide growth factor Activin A has been shown to induce complete axial structures in explanted blastula animal caps. However, it is not understood how much this response to activin depends upon early signals that prepattern the ectoderm. We have therefore asked what tissues can be induced in blastula animal caps by activin in the absence of early dorsal signals. Using whole-mount in situ hybridization, we compare the expression of three neural markers, N-CAM, En-2 and Krox-20 in activin-treated ectoderm from control and ventralized embryos. In response to activin, both normal and ventralized animal caps frequently form neural tissue (and express N-CAM) and express the hindbrain marker Krox-20. However, the more anterior marker, En-2, is expressed in only a small fraction of normal animal caps and rarely in ventralized animal caps; the frequency of expression does not increase with higher doses of activin. In all cases En-2 and Krox-20 are expressed in coherent patches or stripes in the induced caps. Although mesoderm is induced in both control and ventralized animal caps, notochord is found in response to activin at moderate frequency in control caps, but rarely in ventralized animal caps. These results support the idea that in the absence of other signals, activin treatment elicits hindbrain but not notochord or anterior neural tissue; and thus, the anterior and dorsal extent of tissues formed in response to activin depends on a prior prepatterning or previous inductions.  相似文献   

An early developmental phase of pp60c-src expression in the neural ectoderm   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The expression of the normal cellular src protein (pp60c-src) was investigated in the early chick embryo during gastrulation and neurulation by immunoperoxidase staining using antisera, raised against bacterially expressed pp60v-src, that recognizes pp60c-src specifically in normal cells. During gastrulation pp60c-src immunoreactivity appeared primarily in the neural ectoderm and was much less prominent in the mesoderm, endoderm, and nonneural ectoderm. During neurulation pp60c-src immunoreactivity began to disappear from the wall of the closing neural tube so that by the completion of neural tube closure no specific pp60c-src immunoreactivity appeared in any of the neuroepithelial cells composing the neural tube. These studies reveal a developmental phase of pp60c-src expression even earlier than reported previously, when neuroepithelial cells of later embryos undergo terminal neuronal differentiation. These findings raise the possibility that pp60c-src may mediate two different differentiation signals in the neuronal lineage.  相似文献   

A P Otte  R T Moon 《Cell》1992,68(6):1021-1029
The restricted ability of embryonic tissue to respond to inductive signals is controlled by a poorly understood phenomenon, termed competence. In Xenopus, dorsal ectoderm is more competent than ventral ectoderm to become induced to neural tissue. We tested whether the Xenopus protein kinase C (PKC) isozymes alpha and beta have a role in neural induction and competence. We found that PKC alpha is predominantly localized in dorsal ectoderm, whereas PKC beta is uniformly distributed. Overexpression of PKC beta conveys a higher propensity for neural differentiation to both dorsal and ventral ectoderm, but their difference in competence remains. However, ectopic expression of PKC alpha elevates the level of neural competence of ventral ectoderm to that of dorsal ectoderm. These data indicate that different PKC isozymes have distinct roles in mediating both neural induction and competence.  相似文献   

From presumptive ectoderm to neural cells in an amphibian   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As an immediate consequence of neural induction during gastrulation, some neuroectodermal cells acquire the ability to develop a number of specific neuronal and astroglial features, without requiring subsequent chordamesodermal cues. Thus, cholinergic, dopaminergic, noradrenergic, gabaergic, somatostatinergic, enkephalinergic, etc. traits are expressed in cultures of neural plate and neural fold isolated from amphibian late gastrulae immediately after induction and cultured in a defined medium. These results strongly suggest that at the late gastrula stage, the neural precursor population does not yet constitute a homogeneous set of cells. It was of interest to know the origin of this heterogeneity. Is it a direct result of the process of neural induction itself, stochastic phenomena being involved or not at the cellular level, or does it reflect a pre-existing heterogeneity in the presumptive ectoderm? At the early gastrula state, presumptive ectoderm can be neuralized consecutively to its dissociation into single cells. Using this experimental model, we have demonstrated by means of immunological probes that neuralized presumptive ectodermal cells, without any intervention of the chordamesoderm (natural inducing tissue), can develop autonomously into glial and neuronal lineages. These data suggest the existence of diverse predispositions of presumptive ectodermal cells. Competent ectoderm seems to be a heterogeneous structure with cells presenting distinct neural predispositions that can emerge as a consequence of a permissive inductive signal without real specificity (such as a target tissue dissociation). Moreover, such a differentiated neuronal population includes neurons of the GABAergic and enkephalinergic phenotypes but not of the cholinergic, catecholaminergic, somatostatinergic, etc. phenotypes. These data show that the developmental program of ectodermal cells induced without interaction with the chordamesoderm appears restricted compared to the naturally induced ectoderm. Experiments are now under way to analyze such sequential neural events.  相似文献   

The amphibian Xenopus laevis represents a highly amenable model system for exploring the ontogeny of central neural networks, the functional establishment of sensory-motor transformations, and the generation of effective motor commands for complex behaviors. Specifically, the ability to employ a range of semi-intact and isolated preparations for in vitro morphophysiological experimentation has provided new insights into the developmental and integrative processes associated with the generation of locomotory behavior during changing life styles. In vitro electrophysiological studies have begun to explore the functional assembly, disassembly and dynamic plasticity of spinal pattern generating circuits as Xenopus undergoes the developmental switch from larval tail-based swimming to adult limb-based locomotion. Major advances have also been made in understanding the developmental onset of multisensory signal processing for reactive gaze and posture stabilizing reflexes during self-motion. Additionally, recent evidence from semi-intact animal and isolated CNS experiments has provided compelling evidence that in Xenopus tadpoles, predictive feed-forward signaling from the spinal locomotor pattern generator are engaged in minimizing visual disturbances during tail-based swimming. This new concept questions the traditional view of retinal image stabilization that in vertebrates has been exclusively attributed to sensory-motor transformations of body/head motion-detecting signals. Moreover, changes in visuomotor demands associated with the developmental transition in propulsive strategy from tail- to limb-based locomotion during metamorphosis presumably necessitates corresponding adaptive alterations in the intrinsic spinoextraocular coupling mechanism. Consequently, Xenopus provides a unique opportunity to address basic questions on the developmental dynamics of neural network assembly and sensory-motor computations for vertebrate motor behavior in general.  相似文献   

In chordates, the ectoderm is divided into the neuroectoderm and the so-called non-neural ectoderm. In spite of its name, however, the non-neural ectoderm contains numerous sensory cells. Therefore, the term "non-neural" ectoderm should be replaced by "general ectoderm." At least in amphioxus and tunicates and possibly in vertebrates as well, both the neuroectoderm and the general ectoderm are patterned anterior/posteriorly by mechanisms involving retinoic acid and Hox genes. In amphioxus and tunicates the ectodermal sensory cells, which have a wide range of ciliary and microvillar configurations, are mostly primary neurons sending axons to the CNS, although a minority lack axons. In contrast, vertebrate mechanosensory cells, called hair cells, are all secondary neurons that lack axons and have a characteristic eccentric cilium adjacent to a group of microvilli of graded lengths. It has been highly controversial whether the ectodermal sensory cells in the oral siphons of adult tunicates are homologous to vertebrate hair cells. In some species of tunicates, these cells appear to be secondary neurons, and microvillar and ciliary configurations of some of these cells approach those of vertebrate hair cells. However, none of the tunicate cells has all the characteristics of a hair cell, and there is a high degree of variation among ectodermal sensory cells within and between different species. Thus, similarities between the ectodermal sensory cells of any one species of tunicate and craniate hair cells may well represent convergent evolution rather than homology.  相似文献   

Early cell cycles of Xenopus laevis embryos are characterized by rapid oscillations in the activity of two cyclin-dependent kinases. Cdk1 activity peaks at mitosis, driven by periodic degradation of cyclins A and B. In contrast, Cdk2 activity oscillates twice per cell cycle, despite a constant level of its partner, cyclin E. Cyclin E degrades at a fixed time after fertilization, normally corresponding to the midblastula transition. Based on published data and new experiments, we constructed a mathematical model in which: (1) oscillations in Cdk2 activity depend upon changes in phosphorylation, (2) Cdk2 participates in a negative feedback loop with the inhibitory kinase Wee1; (3) cyclin E is cooperatively removed from the oscillatory system; and (4) removed cyclin E is degraded by a pathway activated by cyclin E/Cdk2 itself. The model's predictions about embryos injected with Xic1, a stoichiometric inhibitor of cyclin E/Cdk2, were experimentally validated.  相似文献   

Inductive interactions between different cell layers have an extremely important role in early embryogenesis. One of the most intensively studied and best characterised of these is the induction of neural tissue from ectodermal cells by the dorsal mesoderm. The competence of ectodermal cells to respond to neural induction varies according to dorsal-ventral position; with dorsal ectoderm (much of which forms the neural plate) having a far higher competence. Here we show that overexpression of the nucleotide exchange factor lfc increases ectodermal competence for neural induction as well as the amount of neural tissue in the whole embryo. Lfc is expressed pan ectodermally soon after gastrulation and may respond to an early determinant of dorsal ectoderm.  相似文献   

We developed a new variant of coral-derived red fluorescent protein, DsRed S197Y, which is brighter and essentially free from secondary fluorescence peak. This makes it an ideal reporter for double labeling with green fluorescent protein (GFP). Though purified protein shows only 20% stronger fluorescence emission, culture cells that express DsRed S197Y exhibit a 3-3.5 times higher level of fluorescence than the cells that express wild-type DsRed. The much slower fluorescence maturation of DsRed than that of GFP is a beneficial feature for a fluorescent developmental timer application. When GFP and DsRed S197Y are expressed simultaneously, emissions start at different latency. This provides information about the time after the onset of expression. It reflects the order of cell differentiation if the expression is activated upon differentiation of certain types of cells. We applied this system to the developing brain of Drosophila and visualized, for the first time, the formation order of neural fibers within a large bundle. Our results showed that newly extending fibers of the mushroom body neurons mainly run into the core rather than to the periphery of the existing bundle. DsRed-based timer thus presents an indispensable tool for developmental biology and genetics of model organisms.  相似文献   

C. elegans develops through four larval stages (L1 to L4) separated by molts. The identity of larval stages is mostly determined by stage-specific expression of heterochronic genes, which constitute an intrinsic genetic timer. However, extrinsic cues such as food availability or population density also modulate the developmental timing of C. elegans by mechanisms that remain largely unknown. To investigate a potential role of the nervous system in the temporal regulation of C. elegans development, we pharmacologically manipulated nicotinic neurotransmission, which represents a prominent signaling component in C. elegans nervous system. Exposure to the nicotinic agonist DMPP during post-embryonic development is lethal at the L2/L3 molt. Specifically, it delays cell divisions and differentiation during the L2 stage but does not affect the timing of the molt cycle, hence causing exposure of a defective L3 cuticle to the environment after the L2/L3 molt. Forcing development through a previously uncharacterized L2 diapause resynchronizes these events and suppresses DMPP-induced lethality. Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) containing the UNC-63 subunit are required, probably in neurons, to trigger the action of DMPP. Using a forward genetic screen, we further demonstrated that the nuclear hormone receptor (NHR) DAF-12 is necessary to implement the developmental effects of DMPP. Therefore, a novel neuroendocrine pathway involving nAChRs and the NHR DAF-12 can control the speed of stage-specific developmental events in C. elegans. Activation of DMPP-sensitive nAChRs during the second larval stage uncouples a molting timer and a developmental timer, thus causing a heterochronic phenotype that is lethal at the subsequent molt.  相似文献   

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