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The establishment of new species by hybridization is difficult because it requires the development of reproductive isolation (RI) in sympatry to escape the homogenizing effects of gene flow from the parental species. Here we investigated the role of two pre- and two postzygotic mechanisms of RI in a system comprising two interdependent Pogonomyrmex harvester ant lineages (the H1 and H2 lineages) of hybrid origin and one of their parental species (P. rugosus). Similar to most other ants, P. rugosus is characterized by an environmental system of caste determination with female brood developing either into queens or workers depending on nongenetic factors. By contrast, there is a strong genetic component to caste determination in the H1 and H2 lineages because the developmental fate of female brood depends on the genetic origin of the parents, with interlineage eggs developing into workers and intralineage eggs developing into queens. The study of a mixed mating aggregation revealed strong differences in mating flight timing between P. rugosus and the two lineages as a first mechanism of RI. A second important prezygotic mechanism was assortative mating. Laboratory experiments also provided support for one of the two investigated mechanisms of postzygotic isolation. The majority of offspring produced from the few matings between P. rugosus and the lineages aborted at the egg stage. This hybrid inviability was under maternal influence, with hybrids produced by P. rugosus queens being always inviable whereas a small proportion of H2 lineage queens produced large numbers of adult hybrid offspring. Finally, we found no evidence that genetic caste determination acted as a second postzygotic mechanism reducing gene flow between P. rugosus and the H lineages. The few viable P. rugosus-H hybrids were not preferentially shunted into functionally sterile workers but developed into both workers and queens. Overall, these results reveal that the nearly complete (99.5%) RI between P. rugosus and the two hybrid lineages stems from the combination of two typical prezygotic mechanisms (mating time divergence and assortative mating) and one postzygotic mechanism (hybrid inviability).  相似文献   

Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise genetically differentiated pairs of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce pure-lineage offspring which develop into queens and inter-lineage offspring which develop into workers. Here we tested whether such genetic caste determination is associated with costs in terms of the ability to optimally allocate resources to the production of queens and workers. During the stage of colony founding, when only workers are produced, queens laid a high proportion of pure-lineage eggs but the large majority of these eggs failed to develop. As a consequence, the number of offspring produced by incipient colonies decreased linearly with the proportion of pure-lineage eggs laid by queens. Moreover, queens of the lineage most commonly represented in a given mating flight produced more pure-lineage eggs, in line with the view that they mate randomly with the two types of males and indiscriminately use their sperm. Altogether these results predict frequency-dependent selection on pairs of lineages because queens of the more common lineage will produce more pure-lineage eggs and their colonies be less successful during the stage of colony founding, which may be an important force maintaining the coexistence of pairs of lineages within populations.  相似文献   

Ants provide remarkable examples of equivalent genotypes developing into divergent and discrete phenotypes. Diploid eggs can develop either into queens, which specialize in reproduction, or workers, which participate in cooperative tasks such as building the nest, collecting food, and rearing the young. In contrast, the differentiation between males and females generally depends upon whether eggs are fertilized, with fertilized (diploid) eggs giving rise to females and unfertilized (haploid) eggs giving rise to males. To obtain a comprehensive picture of the relative contributions of gender (sex), caste, developmental stage, and species divergence to gene expression evolution, we investigated gene expression patterns in pupal and adult queens, workers, and males of two species of fire ants, Solenopsis invicta and S. richteri. Microarray hybridizations revealed that variation in gene expression profiles is influenced more by developmental stage than by caste membership, sex, or species identity. The second major contributor to variation in gene expression was the combination of sex and caste. Although workers and queens share equivalent diploid nuclear genomes, they have highly distinctive patterns of gene expression in both the pupal and the adult stages, as might be expected given their extraordinary level of phenotypic differentiation. Overall, the difference in the proportion of differentially expressed genes was greater between workers and males than between workers and queens or queens and males, consistent with the fact that workers and males share neither gender nor reproductive capability. Moreover, between-species comparisons revealed that the greatest difference in gene expression patterns occurred in adult workers, a finding consistent with the fact that adult workers most directly experience the distinct external environments characterizing the different habitats occupied by the two species. Thus, much of the evolution of gene expression in ants may occur in the worker caste, despite the fact that these individuals are largely or completely sterile. Analyses of gene expression evolution revealed a combination of positive selection and relaxation of stabilizing selection as important factors driving the evolution of such genes.  相似文献   

Caste differentiation and reproductive division of labor are the hallmarks of insect societies. In ants and other social Hymenoptera, development of female larvae into queens or workers generally results from environmentally induced differences in gene expression. However, several cases in which certain gene combinations may determine reproductive status have been described in bees and ants. We investigated experimentally whether genotype directly influences caste determination in two populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants in which genotype-caste associations have been observed. Each population contains two genetic lineages. Queens are polyandrous and mate with males of both lineages , but in mature colonies, over 95% of daughter queens have a pure-lineage genome, whereas all workers are of F1 interlineage ancestry. We found that this pattern is maintained throughout the colony life cycle, even when only a single caste is being produced. Through controlled crosses, we demonstrate that pure-lineage eggs fail to develop into workers even when interlineage brood are not present. Thus, environmental caste determination in these individuals appears to have been lost in favor of a hardwired genetic mechanism. Our results reveal that genetic control of reproductive fate can persist without loss of the eusocial caste structure.  相似文献   

Genetic caste determination has been described in two populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants, each comprising a pair of interbreeding lineages. Queens mate with males of their own and of the alternate lineage and produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which develop into workers. Each of the lineages has been shown to be itself of hybrid origin between the species Pogonomyrmex barbatus and Pogonomyrmex rugosus, which both have typical, environmentally determined caste differentiation. In a large scale genetic survey across 35 sites in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, we found that genetic caste determination associated with pairs of interbreeding lineages occurred frequently (in 26 out of the 35 sites). Overall, we identified eight lineages with genetic caste determination that always co-occurred in the same complementary lineage pairs. Three of the four lineage pairs appear to have a common origin while their relationship with the fourth remains unclear. The level of genetic differentiation among these eight lineages was significantly higher than the differentiation between P. rugosus and P. barbatus, which questions the appropriate taxonomic status of these genetic lineages. In addition to being genetically isolated from one another, all lineages with genetic caste determination were genetically distinct from P. rugosus and P. barbatus, even when colonies of interbreeding lineages co-occurred with colonies of either putative parent at the same site. Such nearly complete reproductive isolation between the lineages and the species with environmental caste determination might prevent the genetic caste determination system to be swept away by gene flow.  相似文献   

Parents can influence the phenotypes of their offspring via a number of mechanisms. In harvester ants, whether female progeny develop into workers or daughter queens is strongly influenced by the age and temperature conditions experienced by their mother, which is associated with variation in maternal ecdysteroid deposition in fertilized eggs. In many insects, juvenile hormone (JH) is antagonistic to ecdysteroid release, suggesting that seasonal and age-based variation in maternal JH titers may explain maternal effects on offspring size and reproductive caste. To test this hypothesis, we artificially increased maternal JH titers with methoprene, a JH analog, in laboratory colonies of two Pogonomyrmex populations exhibiting genetic caste determination. Increasing maternal JH resulted in a 50% increase in worker body size, as well as a sharp reduction in total number of progeny reared, but did not alter the genotype of progeny reared to adulthood. The intergenerational effect of JH manipulation was not mediated by a reduction in ecdysteroid deposition into eggs; instead, changes in egg size, trophic egg availability or brood/worker ratio may have altered the nutritional environment of developing larvae. Egg ecdysteroid content was significantly negatively correlated with natural variation in worker body size, however, suggesting that there are multiple independent routes by which queens can modify offspring phenotypes.  相似文献   

Most social Hymenoptera are characterized by simple haploid sex determination and environment-based caste differentiation. This appears to be strikingly different in the queen-polymorphic ant Vollenhovia emeryi. Almost all long- and short-winged queens from a population in Central Japan were homozygous at three microsatellite loci, whereas workers were mostly heterozygous, suggesting either a complex system of genetic caste determination or, more likely, the production of female sexuals from unfertilized eggs by thelytokous parthenogenesis and of workers from fertilized eggs. Furthermore, male genotypes were not compatible with those of the queens and had exclusively the paternal allele found in the sterile, heterozygous workers, probably because males are produced from fertilized eggs after the exclusion of maternal nuclear DNA as recently reported for Wasmannia auropunctata. The genus Vollenhovia might provide an interesting model system to trace the evolution of unusual caste and sex determination systems.  相似文献   

In insect societies, worker versus queen development (reproductive caste) is typically governed by environmental factors, but some Pogonomyrmex seed-harvester ants exhibit strict genetic caste determination, resulting in an obligate mutualism between two reproductively isolated lineages. Queens mate randomly with multiple males from each lineage and intralineage crosses produce new queens, whereas interlineage crosses produce workers. Early colony survival is negatively frequency dependent; when lineage frequencies are unequal, queens from the rarer lineage benefit because they acquire more interlineage sperm, and produce more workers. Here we examine theoretically and empirically the effect of relative lineage frequency on sex ratio. We predict that the ratio of inter- to intralineage sperm acquired by queens of each lineage will affect the sex ratio produced at colony maturity. Consistent with model predictions, we found that gyne production in mature colonies was positively frequency dependent, increasing significantly with increasing lineage frequency across 15 populations. Unequal lineage frequencies are common and likely maintained by a complex interplay between an ecological advantage specific to one lineage, and opposing frequency-dependent selection pressures experienced throughout the colonies life-cycle; rare lineage colonies benefit during early colony growth, and common lineage colonies benefit at reproductive maturity.  相似文献   

Aron S  Passera L 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(2):325-329
In ants, young queens can found new colonies independently (without the help of workers) or dependently (with the help of workers). It has been suggested that differences in the mode of colony founding strongly influence queen survival and colony development. This is because independent queens are constrained to produce a worker force rapidly, before they deplete their body reserves and to resist the intense intercolony competition during the founding stage. By contrast, queens that found colonies dependently remain with the workers, which probably results in a lower mortality rate and earlier production of reproductive offspring. Consequently, in species that found independently, queens of incipient colonies are expected to produce mostly worker brood by laying a lower fraction of haploid (male) eggs than queens in mature colonies; such a difference would not occur in species founding dependently. We compared the primary sex ratio (proportion of male-determined eggs) laid by queens in incipient and mature colonies of two ant species Lasius nigerLinepithema humile, showing independent and dependent modes of colony founding, respectively. As predicted L. niger queens of incipient colonies laid a lower proportion of haploid eggs than queens from mature colonies. By contrast, queens of L. humile laid a similar proportion of haploid eggs in both incipient and mature colonies. These results provide the first evidence that (1) the primary sex ratio varies according to the mode of colony foundation, and (2) queens can adjust the primary sex ratio according to the life history stage of the colony in ants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In social animals, body size can be shaped by multiple factors, such as direct genetic effects, maternal effects, or the social environment. In ants, the body size of queens correlates with the social structure of the colony: colonies headed by a single queen (monogyne) generally produce larger queens that are able to found colonies independently, whereas colonies headed by multiple queens (polygyne) tend to produce smaller queens that stay in their natal colony or disperse with workers. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment to investigate the proximate causes of queen size variation in the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi. As expected if genetic or maternal effects influence queen size, eggs originating from monogyne colonies developed into larger queens than eggs collected from polygyne colonies, be they raised by monogyne or polygyne workers. In contrast, eggs sampled in monogyne colonies were smaller than eggs sampled in polygyne colonies. Hence, eggs from monogyne colonies are smaller but develop into larger queens than eggs from polygyne colonies, independently of the social structure of the workers caring for the brood. These results demonstrate that a genetic polymorphism or maternal effect transmitted to the eggs influences queen size, which probably affects the social structure of new colonies.  相似文献   

Specialized castes are considered a key reason for the evolutionary and ecological success of the social insect lifestyle. The most essential caste distinction is between the fertile queen and the sterile workers. Honeybee (Apis mellifera) workers and queens are not genetically distinct, rather these different phenotypes are the result of epigenetically regulated divergent developmental pathways. This is an important phenomenon in understanding the evolution of social insect societies. Here, we studied the genomic regulation of the worker and queen developmental pathways, and the robustness of the pathways by transplanting eggs or young larvae to queen cells. Queens could be successfully reared from worker larvae transplanted up to 3 days age, but queens reared from older worker larvae had decreased queen body size and weight compared with queens from transplanted eggs. Gene expression analysis showed that queens raised from worker larvae differed from queens raised from eggs in the expression of genes involved in the immune system, caste differentiation, body development and longevity. DNA methylation levels were also higher in 3‐day‐old queen larvae raised from worker larvae compared with that raised from transplanted eggs identifying a possible mechanism stabilizing the two developmental paths. We propose that environmental (nutrition and space) changes induced by the commercial rearing practice result in a suboptimal queen phenotype via epigenetic processes, which may potentially contribute to the evolution of queen–worker dimorphism. This also has potentially contributed to the global increase in honeybee colony failure rates.  相似文献   

Workers of the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius), the only North American Pogonomyrmex with a polymorphic worker caste, produce males when colonies are orphaned. In this study,we assessed the reproductive potential of workers of each caste group, minors and majors, in the presence and absence of the queen, and tested whether males produced in natural queen-right colonies are derived from workers. Worker size was positively correlated with ovariole number such that major workers had approximately double the number of ovarioles as minor workers. The number of vitellogenic oocytes, a measure of reproductive potential, was greater in major compared to minor workers and increased in both worker castes when queens were removed. Major workers have greater reproductive potential than minors although they represent a minority within the colony (~5% of workers are majors). Worker produced eggs were visible in colonies 28 – 35 days after queen removal. This time lag, from queen removal to egg production, is similar to other ants and bees. Though workers are capable of producing viable eggs, we found no evidence that they do so in queen-right colonies, suggesting that worker reproduction is controlled via some social mechanism (self restraint, policing, or inhibition). This result supports predictions of kin selection theory – that due to multiple mating by the queen workers are more related to queen-produced males than most worker-produced males and should thus favor reproduction by the queen and inhibit reproduction by other workers. Received 25 January 2007; revised 1 May 2007; accepted 21 May 2007.  相似文献   

Some populations of Pogonomyrmex harvester ants comprise pairs of highly differentiated lineages with queens mating at random with several males of their own and of the alternate lineage. These queens produce two types of diploid offspring, those fertilized by males of the queens' lineage which develop into new queens and those fertilized by males of the other lineage which mostly develop into functionally sterile workers. This unusual mode of genetic caste determination has been found in 26 populations and a total of four lineage pairs (F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2), H(1)-H(2) and J(1)-J(2)) have been described in these populations. Despite the fact that a few interlineage queens are produced, previous studies revealed that there is a complete lack of genetic introgression between lineages. Here we quantify the proportion of interlineage queens produced in each of the four lineage pairs and determine the fate of these queens. In the F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2) and H(1)-H(2) lineage pairs, interlineage queens were produced by a minority of colonies. These colonies exclusively produced interlineage queens and workers, suggesting that interlineage eggs can develop into queens in these three pairs of lineages in the absence of competition with pure-lineage brood. An analysis of three key stages of the colony life cycle revealed that colonies headed by interlineage queens failed to grow sufficiently to produce reproductive individuals. In laboratory comparisons, interlineage queens produced fewer viable eggs, with the effect that they raised fewer workers and lost more weight per worker produced than pure-lineage queens. In the J(1)-J(2) lineage pair, we did not find a single interlineage queen, raising the possibility that interlineage eggs have completely lost the ability to develop into queens in this lineage pair. Hence, two distinct mechanisms seem to account for the complete lack of between-lineage gene flow in the F(1)-F(2), G(1)-G(2), H(1)-H(2) and J(1)-J(2) lineage pairs.  相似文献   



DNA methylation is a common regulator of gene expression, including acting as a regulator of developmental events and behavioral changes in adults. Using the unique system of genetic caste determination in Pogonomyrmex barbatus, we were able to document changes in DNA methylation during development, and also across both ancient and contemporary hybridization events.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Sodium bisulfite sequencing demonstrated in vivo methylation of symmetric CG dinucleotides in P. barbatus. We also found methylation of non-CpG sequences. This validated two bioinformatics methods for predicting gene methylation, the bias in observed to expected ratio of CpG dinucleotides and the density of CpG/TpG single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). Frequencies of genomic DNA methylation were determined for different developmental stages and castes using ms-AFLP assays. The genetic caste determination system (GCD) is probably the product of an ancestral hybridization event between P. barbatus and P. rugosus. Two lineages obligately co-occur within a GCD population, and queens are derived from intra-lineage matings whereas workers are produced from inter-lineage matings. Relative DNA methylation levels of queens and workers from GCD lineages (contemporary hybrids) were not significantly different until adulthood. Virgin queens had significantly higher relative levels of DNA methylation compared to workers. Worker DNA methylation did not vary among developmental stages within each lineage, but was significantly different between the currently hybridizing lineages. Finally, workers of the two genetic caste determination lineages had half as many methylated cytosines as workers from the putative parental species, which have environmental caste determination.


These results suggest that DNA methylation may be a conserved regulatory mechanism moderating division of labor in both bees and ants. Current and historic hybridization appear to have altered genomic methylation levels suggesting a possible link between changes in overall DNA methylation and the origin and regulation of genetic caste determination in P. barbatus.  相似文献   

Studies on sex ratios in social insects provide among the most compelling evidence for the importance of kin selection in social evolution. The elegant synthesis of Fisher's sex ratio principle and Hamilton's inclusive fitness theory predicts that colony-level sex ratios vary with the colonies' social and genetic structures. Numerous empirical studies in ants, bees, and wasps have corroborated these predictions. However, the evolutionary optimization of sex ratios requires genetic variation, but one fundamental determinant of sex ratios - the propensity of female larvae to develop into young queens or workers ("queen bias") - is thought to be largely controlled by the environment. Evidence for a genetic influence on sex ratio and queen bias is as yet restricted to a few taxa, in particular hybrids. Because of the very short lifetime of their queens, ants of the genus Cardiocondyla are ideal model systems for the study of complete lifetime reproductive success, queen bias, and sex ratios. We found that lifetime sex ratios of the ant Cardiocondyla kagutsuchi have a heritable component. In experimental single-queen colonies, 22 queens from a genetic lineage with a highly female-biased sex ratio produced significantly more female-biased offspring sex ratios than 16 queens from a lineage with a more male-biased sex ratio (median 91.5% vs. 58.5% female sexuals). Sex ratio variation resulted from different likelihood of female larvae developing into sexuals (median 50% vs. 22.6% female sexuals) even when uniformly nursed by workers from another colony. Consistent differences in lifetime sex ratios and queen bias among queens of C. kagutsuchi suggest that heritable, genetic or maternal effects strongly affect caste determination. Such variation might provide the basis for adaptive evolution of queen and worker strategies, though it momentarily constrains the power of workers and queens to optimize caste ratios.  相似文献   

The higher proportion of polygynous ant species in northern areas indicates that cold climates influence queen number per colony. It is unclear, however, what ecological and physiological factors facilitate the dominance of polygynous species in cold climates. This is the case in two common arboreal ants in Japan-Camponotus yamaokai and C. nawai-which are quite similar in morphology, but different in social structure and geographical distribution. Polygynous C. yamaokai inhabits colder areas, whereas monogynyous C. nawai inhabits warmer climates. We compared queen survival in both ants at low temperature to evaluate whether interspecific difference in cold tolerance can explain the geographical distribution. We examined the influence of cohabitation with other individuals, as well as individual cold tolerance. Experimental groups with different caste compositions were prepared and maintained under conditions simulating in the laboratory climates of the northern limit of C. nawai. Wintering experiments revealed that C. yamaokai queens survived longer than C. nawai queens under solitary conditions, although half of the queens died in less than a month, even in C. yamaokai. Queens hibernating with workers survived longer than solitary queens, but queen number did not affect queen survival. Cohabitation with workers allowed 80% of C. yamaokai queens to survive more than two months. Under field conditions, monogynous C. nawai foundresses overwinter without workers, whereas new queens of polygynous C. yamaokai always overwinter with many workers. Thus, the geographical distribution of these ants appears to depend on the overwintering behavior of new queens.  相似文献   

An enduring problem in evolutionary biology is the near ubiquity of sexual reproduction despite the inherent cost of transmitting only half the parent's genes to progeny. Queens of some ant species circumvent this cost by using selectively both sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis: workers arise from fertilized eggs, while new queens are produced by parthenogenesis. We show that queens of the ant Cataglyphis cursor maximize the transmission rate of their genes by regulating the proportion of fertilized and parthenogenetic eggs laid over time. Parthenogenetic offspring are produced in early spring, when workers raise the brood into sexuals. After the mating period, queens lay mostly fertilized eggs that will be reared as the non-reproductive caste.  相似文献   

1. In many ant species, caste differentiation stems from trophic differences at the larval stage. Adult workers that feed larvae have great control over the allocation of colony resources to growth (production of workers) versus reproduction (production of queens). However, larval caste fate may also be constrained very early on through direct genetic effects or non‐genetic maternal effects. 2. Here, we combined isotopic and genetic analyses to study the developmental origin of queens and workers in a desert‐dwelling ant, Cataglyphis tartessica (Amor & Ortega, 2014). Queens do not found new colonies alone but rather disperse with workers. As the latter are always wingless, selection pressures on specific queen traits such as flight ability have become relaxed. Though the phylogenetically related species, C. emmae (Forel, 1909) only produces winged queens much larger than workers, C. tartessica produces two types of small queens relative to workers: brachypterous (short‐winged) queens and permanently apterous ergatoid (wingless and worker‐like) queens. 3. Upon emergence, workers and ergatoids have similar δ15N isotopic values, which were lower than those of brachypters, suggesting the latter are fed more protein as larvae. Microsatellite analyses indicated that: (i) colonies are mostly monogynous and monandrous; (ii) both ergatoids and brachypters are equally related to workers; and (iii) in the few polyandrous colonies, patrilines were evenly represented across workers, brachypters and ergatoids. 4. Overall, there was no evidence of genetic caste determination. We suggest that, in contrast to brachypters, ergatoids are selfish individuals that escape the nutritional castration carried out by workers and develop into queens in spite of the colony's collective interests.  相似文献   

Reproductive division of labor and the coexistence of distinct castes are hallmarks of insect societies. In social insect species with multiple queens per colony, the fitness of nestmate queens directly depends on the process of caste allocation (i.e., the relative investment in queen, sterile worker and male production). The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic components to the process of caste allocation in a multiple-queen ant species. We conducted controlled crosses in the Argentine ant Linepithema humile and established single-queen colonies to identify maternal and paternal family effects on the relative production of new queens, workers, and males. There were significant effects of parental genetic backgrounds on various aspects of caste allocation: the paternal lineage affected the proportion of queens and workers produced whereas the proportions of queens and males, and females and males were influenced by the interaction between parental lineages. In addition to revealing nonadditive genetic effects on female caste determination in a multiple-queen ant species, this study reveals strong genetic compatibility effects between parental genomes on caste allocation components.  相似文献   

A. Gotoh  F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》2008,55(1):98-104
Investigation of reproductive strategies of ants in the subfamily Ponerinae is important for understanding of the evolution of social structure and of the significance of caste dimorphisms. The biology of species with mated and egg-laying workers (gamergates) has been studied for many species, however, little attention has been paid to species that reproduce via alate queens only. We investigated the seasonal cycle of changes in the colony structure of Pachycondyla chinensis reproduced by alate queens in western Japan, and found the following novel biological characteristics of this species. P. chinensis showed a remarkable caste dimorphism in ovariole numbers: workers had no ovaries while queens had 18 to 36 ovarioles in their ovaries. The nesting system seemed to be polydomous: 266 of 400 nests collected were queenless. The number of queenless nests increased during the reproductive season. Among the 134 queenright nests, 38 had several mated-queens without significant differences in ovary activation and the remaining 96 nests were monogynous. During winter to early spring, most nests were polygynous. After alate production, most of the old queens seemed to die or be expelled and replaced by new queens. Virgin dealated queens were often found and they seemed to have laid eggs. Received 3 August 2007; revised 19 December 2007; accepted 20 December 2007  相似文献   

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