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We recorded the courtship and spawning behavior of a protogynous fish, the California sheephead, Semicossyphus pulcher, throughout their spawning season at Bird Rock, Santa Catalina Island, California. We made additional observations at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and confirmed the details of behavior seen in the field. Large males held spawning territories in which females congregated approximately 1 h before sunset. Courtship commenced shortly before sunset and involved the male approaching each female, making lateral contact and leading her in a circular pattern. Smaller males attempted to court females within the territories, prompting large males to abort spawns and engage in chasing behavior with small males. Females visited several territorial males throughout the day, indicating that they are not part of a strict harem. Both field and aquarium observations confirm that the mating system can be successfully predicted from the size advantage model. Current regulations on the sheephead fishery, which allow for the removal of large, rare males, could have significant effects on the social structure, reproductive output, and mating processes of local populations. Moreover, understanding the mating system of the California sheephead illustrates the need for creating management strategies that better complement the unique life histories of marine fishes with alternative reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Along elevational gradients, phylogenetic relatedness patterns constitute a considerable source of information and may shed light on ecological processes that structure communities. This study focuses on community phylogenetic structure of planthoppers, specifically the species-rich and abundant Fulgoromorpha families (Hemiptera, Auchenorrhyncha), Cixiidae and Derbidae + Achilidae, along an elevational gradient on Mount Wilhelm (Papua New Guinea). In order to assess the factors driving planthoppers community composition, we recorded abundance data for planthoppers species at each elevation and we generated a molecular phylogeny of the local species, using Bayesian inference. We analyzed 168 individuals representing 59 local morphospecies. Using a fully resolved and well-supported phylogeny, we then investigated the phylogenetic structure of the communities by performing a Spatial Analysis of Community Diversity. We show that Cixiidae are phylogenetically clustered along the elevational gradient, whereas Derbidae + Achilidae harbor a random structure, suggesting that local adaptation to elevation shapes community structure of Cixiidae, but not that of Derbidae + Achilidae. Our findings highlight the importance of phylogenies in the study of tropical elevational gradients.  相似文献   

Fred Kraus 《ZooKeys》2013,(333):93-121
I describe three new species of the diverse microhylid frog genus Oreophryne from Papua New Guinea. Two of these occur in two isolated mountain ranges along the northern coast of Papua New Guinea; the third is from Rossel Island in the very southeasternmost part of the country. All three are the first Oreophryne known from these areas to have a cartilaginous connection between the procoracoid and scapula, a feature usually seen in species far to the west or from the central cordillera of New Guinea. Each of the new species also differs from the many other Papuan Oreophryne in a variety of other morphological, color-pattern, and call features. Advertisement-call data for Oreophryne species from the north-coast region suggest that they represent only two of the several call types seen in regions further south, consistent with the relatively recent derivation of these northern regions as accreted island-arc systems. The distinctively different, whinnying, call type of the new species from Rossel Island occurs among other Oreophryne from southeastern Papua New Guinea but has been unreported elsewhere, raising the possibility that it may characterize a clade endemic to that region.  相似文献   


This paper outlines some of the ways Mengen speakers have positioned Ulawun volcano, its inhabitants and outputs as beneficial features of daily life. By way of contrast, volcanology and more recent disaster planning discourses in Papua New Guinea, have often positioned Ulawun as a hazard that creates potential dangers and risks. The paper explores how these two distinct orientations to Ulawun’s past and future influence the possibilities of Ulawun’s beneficial and dangerous outcomes. We emphasise how Ulawun’s anticipated future has been articulated into forms of disaster planning involving new modes of action, accountability and world making.  相似文献   

No information is available on the decomposition and nutrient release pattern of Piper aduncum and Imperata cylindrica despite their importance in shifting cultivation systems of Papua New Guinea and other tropical regions. We conducted a litter bag study (24 weeks) on a Typic Eutropepts in the humid lowlands to assess the rate of decomposition of Piper aduncum, Imperata cylindrica and Gliricidia sepium leaves under sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). Decomposition rates of piper leaf litter were fastest followed closely by gliricidia, and both lost 50% of the leaf biomass within 10 weeks. Imperata leaf litter decomposed much slower and half-life values exceeded the period of observation. The decomposition patterns were best explained by the lignin plus polyphenol over N ratio which was lowest for piper (4.3) and highest for imperata (24.7). Gliricidia leaf litter released 79 kg N ha–1, whereas 18 kg N ha–1 was immobilised in the imperata litter. The mineralization of P was similar for the three species, but piper litter released large amounts of K. The decomposition and nutrient release patterns had significant effects on the soil. The soil contained significantly more water in the previous imperata plots at 13 weeks due to the relative slow decomposition of the leaves. Soil N levels were significantly reduced in the previous imperata plots due to immobilisation of N. Levels of exchangeable K were significantly increased in the previous piper plots due to the large addition of K. It can be concluded that piper leaf litter is a significant and easily decomposable source of K which is an important nutrient for sweet potato. Gliricidia leaf litter contained much N, whereas imperata leaf litter releases relatively little nutrients and keeps the soil more moist. Gliricidia fallow is more attractive than an imperata fallow for it improves the soil fertility and produces fuelwood as additional saleable products.  相似文献   

Seven new pipunculid species are described from Papua New Guinea: Cephalosphaera gymne sp.n., C. immodica sp.n. C. wauensis sp.n., Cephalops bifidus sp.n., C. multidenticulatus sp.n., C. papuaensis sp.n., and C. parmatus sp.n. Cephalops argutus (Hardy) is considered as a true Beckerias sp. and thus placed in a new combination: Beckerias argutus. The phylogenetic relationship of the new species is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

The marine benthic green algae of the north coast of Papua New Guinea (mainly from Madang province) are documented, based on collections made by the first author between 1980 and 1990. All records (118 taxa) are listed with bibliographic, taxonomic, nomenclatural and biogeographical notes. Identification keys are added for genera represented by at least two species. Representatives of the Pseudocodiaceae and some Udoteaceae are illustrated. The green algal flora of the north coast appears to be much richer than that of the south coast where 72 taxa, including 19 unchecked records from literature, are recorded from the Port Moresby area.  相似文献   

De Grave  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):49-56
A new species of crangonid shrimp, Philocheras wilkinsae (Decapoda, Crangonidae) is described from Hansa Bay, Madang Province, Papua New Guinea. The new species belongs to the japonicus group, and can be distinguished from the other members of this group by carapace dentition and carination. The pleopod structure is unique in the genus.  相似文献   

Trace elements in the Upper Fly River, Papua New Guinea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY. Measurements were made of calcium, magnesium and eight trace elements (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cd, Co) in waters, sediment and biota at eight sites in the Upper Fly River, Papua New Guinea. Determinations from streams draining an area rich in copper ore showed relatively low values for soluble copper and this was attributed to the small amount of ore exposed to weathering, heavy rainfall and high pH of water associated with the limestone bedrock. More iron was transported in a soluble form down a headwater tributary (Alice River) than in the Fly River but higher iron concentrations were associated with particulate matter in the Fly than in the Alice. The geochemistry of the catchment and the distance from the headwaters were important influences on the amount of particulate iron and its distribution between soluble and particulate forms.
Levels of metals in the biota generally reflected the background concentrations of metals encountered at each site. Concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn were lower in starved invertebrates compared with unstarved individuals but no consistent changes were observed in Fe or Mn content.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that recruitment variability is an important process structuring reef fish assemblages. The aim of this study is to describe the spatio-temporal patterns of recruitment of three abundant labroid taxa (Coris schroederi, Halichoeres melanurus and Scarus spp.), using damselfish territories as replicate units of habitat. Temporal recruitment patterns of each taxa were consistent among three sites along 2 km of reef tract, with small differences among sites probably the result of hydrological or random factors operating at that scale. Recruitment of only one species (C. schroederi) showed consistent differences in the magnitude of recruitment among sites, which was probably due to an overriding effect of habitat selection for the location of the territories on the reef profile at one site. Two taxa, C. schroederi and Scarus spp., recruited in low to moderate rates over many weeks with moderate recruitment peaks detected in one year only. This pattern may be characteristic of many labroid species that have protracted periods of production of larvae. In contrast, H. melanurus recruited in a single short pulse of high magnitude each summer, which suggests that production of larvae by this species may occur over a more restricted period of time. No strong pattern of lunar entrainment of recruitment was detected for any taxa, which may be due to a lack of lunar periodicity in production of larvae. Further studies are now required to identify the processes that are important in determining patterns of labroid recruitment. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A new species of tongue sole,Paraplagusia longirostris, is described from 59 specimens (83.0– 276.2 mm SL) collected off the northern coast of Australia and southern coast of Papua New Guinea.P. longirostris is easily distinguishable from otherParaplagusia by its long, obtusely pointed snout and its high counts for dorsal and anal fin rays, caudal vertebrae and mid-lateral line scales.  相似文献   

Aplectana novaeguineae n. sp. (Ascaridida, Cosmocercidae) from the intestines of Sphenomorphus pratti (Squamata: Scincidae) is described and illustrated. Aplectana novaeguineae n. sp. represents the 48th species assigned to the genus and the 5th species of the genus reported from the Australo-Papuan region. It is most similar to Aplectana leesi, Aplectana linstowi , and Aplectana krausi in that females of only these 4 species exhibit a swollen anterior vulvar lip. These 4 species may be separated by spicule length and caudal papillae arrangement. Spicules of A. linstowi and A. krausi are less than 200 μm in length, A. leesi between 200 and 250 μm, and A novaeguineae greater than 400 μm. Aplectana linstowi possesses 18 post cloacal papillae, A. leesi and A. krausi each possess 10, and A. novaeguineae possesses 8. In addition, Paraleptonema ranae has been assigned to Aplectana as Aplectana fujianae nom. nov.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns and genetic diversity of Caloglossa species have been studied in various regions but are still poorly understood around the tropical western Pacific where many marine organisms show high species richness. We explored the diversity of Caloglossa species in New Ireland, Papua New Guinea using morphological and genetic analyses. Seven species of Caloglossa (C. adhaerens, C. leprieurii, C. ogasawaraensis, C. bengalensis, C. postiae, C. saigonensis and C. vieillardii) were collected from eight sites; the latter four species are new records in Papua New Guinea. All specimens collected were cultured to compare their morphology under the same culture condition. Reproductive structures of gametophytes and/or sporophytes were described for the first time in some species from these collections. In C. leprieurii, gall‐like structure appeared in most gametophyte strains but not in tetrasporophytes. Such galls were produced from wing cells, and spermatangia and/or procarps were formed on many galls. The LSU rDNA and rbcL analyses revealed high intraspecific diversity in many species although the number of samples was limited and the sampling sites were within 200 km. We revealed high species richness and intraspecific genetic variation in Papua New Guinea, suggesting a hot spot for the diversity of Caloglossa.  相似文献   

Summary Level of social organization, adult behaviour, size and development of the brood in three species ofAnischnogaster are described. The normal colony size in all the three species was one female per nest, and colony size never exceeded two females per nest. The social interactions, which were only observed in one species, did not include any marked dominance behaviour, but there was clear caste differentiation, with the older female guarding the nest while the younger female foraged for food. InAnischnogaster sp. A only some eggs and larvae have abdominal secretion, while no secretion at all was found on the eggs and larvae ofA. laticeps. In spite of this, the Dufour's gland was found to be well developed. The significance of this is discussed. Females ofA. laticeps were found to fall into two groups distinguished by the length of the sting. The larvae seem quite similar to those of other Stenogastrinae and have, apparently, only four instars.  相似文献   

Placopsis auriculata Lumbsch & Kashiwadani is described from Papua New Guinea. This new species is characterized by the presence of campylidia-like helmet-shaped soralia and the presence of the gyrophoric acid chemosyndrome. Hiascic acid is reported for the first time from theAgyriaceae. The distinction of that species from other sorediate species ofPlacopsis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The links between gender, sexuality and violence hold serious implications for HIV transmission and its social and economic effects. In Papua New Guinea, enduring and pervasive patterns of male sexual behaviour involving coercion, violence and gang rape are highly conducive to the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections and have a critical bearing on women's sexual autonomy and health. The realities of violence are intensified by the widespread view that women are responsible for the spread of the virus. This paper engages the theme of mobility to consider the fluid and dynamic character of gender relations and sexuality in contemporary Papua New Guinea, and to gain perspective on constructions of modern masculinity and the discursive representations of gender violence in the context of the escalating HIV epidemic.  相似文献   

进口巴布亚新几内亚原木上截获吉丁虫的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述江苏口岸首次从巴新原木上截获的8种吉丁虫,隶属于窄吉丁Agrilus,澳纹吉丁Anilara,星吉丁Chrysobothris,胸斑吉丁Belionota,驼翅吉丁Cyphogastra。编制族属检索表,介绍8种的鉴别特征,并配以8种吉丁虫的原色图,对检疫性害虫窄吉丁非中国种的分类状况作了简介。  相似文献   

Paul Sillitoe 《Ethnos》2013,78(3):365-393
The animals of the Papua New Guinea highlands are relatively defenceless. People not only value their meat, hunters sharing catch with kin, but also formally transact several creatures in the all-important socio-political exchanges that characterise their social life. The local sedentary population is dense, yet it has not hunted species to extinction regardless of their value and vulnerability to predation. This paper seeks an answer in the context of socio-political exchange values that inform social status. It uses data from a survey of animal skull trophies displayed in a sample of houses in the Was valley of the Southern Highlands Province to investigate connections between hunting and social standing - exchange status, kin group affiliation and age - with a view to elucidating tacit conservation behaviour which agencies concerned to protect biodiversity might profitably consider given current participatory rhetoric.  相似文献   

Sampling in the framework of the research program called ‘La Planète Revisitée’ in Kavieng and Madang (Papua New Guinea) brought thus far unknown diversity of the brown algal genus Lobophora to the surface. DNA‐assisted alpha taxonomy allowed identifying the presence of 16 species Lobophora from these two localities, which only share four species in common. Ten species are newly described, including four, which are only known to the Bismarck Sea. A more exhaustive sampling across the Bismarck Sea, and more largely across the Coral Triangle, will very likely unveil an even greater diversity. The present study underscores the fragmentary nature of our knowledge of macroalgal diversity in this region.  相似文献   

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