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The x-ray crystal structure of human myeloperoxidase has been extended to 1.8 A resolution, using x-ray data recorded at -180 degrees C (r = 0.197, free r = 0.239). Results confirm that the heme is covalently attached to the protein via two ester linkages between the carboxyl groups of Glu(242) and Asp(94) and modified methyl groups on pyrrole rings A and C of the heme as well as a sulfonium ion linkage between the sulfur atom of Met(243) and the beta-carbon of the vinyl group on pyrrole ring A. In the native enzyme a bound chloride ion has been identified at the amino terminus of the helix containing the proximal His(336). Determination of the x-ray crystal structure of a myeloperoxidase-bromide complex (r = 0.243, free r = 0.296) has shown that this chloride ion can be replaced by bromide. Bromide is also seen to bind, at partial occupancy, in the distal heme cavity, in close proximity to the distal His(95), where it replaces the water molecule hydrogen bonded to Gln(91). The bromide-binding site in the distal cavity appears to be the halide-binding site responsible for shifts in the Soret band of the absorption spectrum of myeloperoxidase. It is proposed that halide binding to this site inhibits the enzyme by effectively competing with H(2)O(2) for access to the distal histidine, whereas in compound I, the same site may be the halide substrate-binding site.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of eglin c, naturally occurring in the leech Hirudo medicinalis, is known from its complexes with various serine proteinases, but the crystallization of free eglin c has not yet been reported. A method is described for growing well-diffracting crystals of free eglin c from highly concentrated protein solutions (approximately 200 mg/ml). The space group of the orthorhombic crystals was determined to be P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell parameters a = 32.6, b = 42.0, c = 44.1 A. The structure of free eglin c was resolved at 1.95 A resolution by Patterson search methods. The final model contains all 70 amino acids of eglin c and 125 water molecules. In comparison to the eglin structure known from its complexes with proteinases, only small differences have been observed in free eglin c. However, the reactive site-binding loop and a few residues on the surface of eglin have been found in different conformations due to crystal contacts. In contrast to the complex structures, the first seven amino acids of the highly flexible amino terminus can be located. Crystallographic refinement comprised molecular dynamics refinement, classical restrained least-squares refinement and individual isotropic atomic temperature refinement. The final R-factor is 15.8%.  相似文献   

X-ray crystal structure of D-xylose isomerase at 4-A resolution   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The structure of D-xylose isomerase from Streptomyces rubiginosus has been determined at 4-A resolution using multiple isomorphous phasing techniques. The folding of the polypeptide chain has been established and consists of two structural domains. The larger domain consists of eight beta-strand alpha-helix (beta alpha) units arranged in a configuration similar to that found for triose phosphate isomerase, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate aldolase, and pyruvate kinase. The smaller domain forms a loop away from the larger domain but overlapping the larger domain of another subunit so that a tightly bound dimer is formed. The tetramer then consists of two such dimers. The location of the active site in the enzyme has been tentatively identified from studies using a crystal grown from a solution containing the inhibitor xylitol.  相似文献   

We have grown crystals in trigonal space group P3(2)21 of a mutant human myoglobin, aquomet form, in which lysine at position 45 has been replaced by arginine and cysteine at position 110 has been replaced by alanine. Suitable crystals of native recombinant human myoglobin have not been obtained. We have used the molecular replacement method to determine the X-ray crystal structure of the mutant at 2.8 A resolution. At the present stage of refinement, the crystallographic R-value for the model, with tightly restrained stereochemistry, is 0.158 for 5.0 to 2.8 A data. As expected, the overall structure is quite similar to the sperm whale myoglobin structure. Arginine 45 adopts a well-ordered conformation similar to that found in aquomet sperm whale myoglobin.  相似文献   

The X-ray structure of a new crystal form of chymotrypsinogen A grown from ethanol/water has been determined at 1.8 A resolution using Patterson search techniques. The crystals are of orthorhombic space group P212121 and contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit. Both independent molecules (referred to as A and B) have been crystallographically refined to a final R value of 0.173 with reflection data to 1.8 A resolution. Owing to different crystal contacts, both independent molecules show at various sites conformational differences, especially in segments 33-38, 142-153 and 215-222. If these three loops are omitted in a comparison, the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) deviation of the main-chain atoms of molecules A and B is 0.32 A. If segments 70-79, 143-152 and 215-221 are omitted, a comparison of either molecule A or molecule B with the chymotrypsinogen model of Freer et al. (1970) reveals an r.m.s. deviation of the alpha-carbon atoms of about 0.7 A. Compared with the active enzyme, four spatially adjacent peptide segments, in particular, are differently organized in the zymogen: the amino-terminal segment 11-19 runs in a rigid but strained conformation along the molecular surface due to the covalent linkage through Cys1; also segment 184-194 is in a rigid unique conformation due to several mutually stabilizing interactions with the amino-terminal segment; segment 216-222, which also lines the specificity pocket, adapts to different crystal contacts and exists in both chymotrypsinogen molecules in different, but defined conformations; in particular, disulfide bridge 191-220, which covalently links both latter segments, has opposite handedness in molecules A and B; finally, the autolysis loop 142 to 153 is organized in a variety of ways and in its terminal part is completely disordered. Thus, the allosteric activation domain (Huber & Bode, 1978) is organized in defined although different conformations in chymotrypsinogen molecules A and B, in contrast to trypsinogen, where all four homologous segments of the activation domain are disordered. This reflects the structural variability and deformability of the activation domain in serine proteinase proenzymes. If the aforementioned peptide segments are omitted, a comparison of our chymotrypsinogen models with gamma-chymotrypsin (Cohen et al., 1981) yields an r.m.s. deviation for alpha-carbon atoms of about 0.5 A. The residues of the "active site triad" are arranged similarly, but the oxyanion hole is lacking in chymotrypsinogen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the molecular complex formed by bovine alpha-chymotrypsin and the recombinant serine proteinase inhibitor eglin c from Hirudo medicinalis has been solved using monoclinic crystals of the complex, reported previously. Four circle diffractometer data at 3.0 A resolution were employed to determine the structure by molecular replacement techniques. Bovine alpha-chymotrypsin alone was used as the search model; it allowed us to correctly orient and translate the enzyme in the unit cell and to obtain sufficient electron density for positioning the eglin c molecule. After independent rigid body refinement of the two complex components, the molecular model yielded a crystallographic R factor of 0.39. Five iterative cycles of restrained crystallographic refinement and model building were conducted, gradually increasing resolution. The current R factor at 2.6 A resolution (diffractometer data) is 0.18. The model includes 56 solvent molecules. Eglin c binds to bovine alpha-chymotrypsin in a manner consistent with other known serine proteinase/inhibitor complex structures. The reactive site loop shows the expected conformation for productive binding and is in tight contact with bovine alpha-chymotrypsin between subsites P3 and P'2; Leu 451 acts as the P1 residue, located in the primary specificity S1 site of the enzyme. Hydrogen bonds equivalent to those observed in complexes of trypsin(ogen) with the pancreatic basic- and secretory-inhibitors are found around the scissile peptide bond.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the fully oxidized form of ascorbate oxidase (EC from Zucchini has been refined at 1.90 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) resolution, using an energy-restrained least-squares refinement procedure. The refined model, which includes 8764 protein atoms, 9 copper atoms and 970 solvent molecules, has a crystallographic R-factor of 20.3% for 85,252 reflections between 8 and 1.90 A resolution. The root-mean-square deviation in bond lengths and bond angles from ideal values is 0.011 A and 2.99 degrees, respectively. The subunits of 552 residues (70,000 Mr) are arranged as tetramers with D2 symmetry. One of the dyads is realized by the crystallographic axis parallel to the c-axis giving one dimer in the asymmetric unit. The dimer related about this crystallographic axis is suggested as the dimer present in solution. Asn92 is the attachment site for one of the two N-linked sugar moieties, which has defined electron density for the N-linked N-acetyl-glucosamine ring. Each subunit is built up by three domains arranged sequentially on the polypeptide chain and tightly associated in space. The folding of all three domains is of a similar beta-barrel type and related to plastocyanin and azurin. An analysis of intra- and intertetramer hydrogen bond and van der Waals interactions is presented. Each subunit has four copper atoms bound as mononuclear and trinuclear species. The mononuclear copper has two histidine, a cysteine and a methionine ligand and represents the type-1 copper. It is located in domain 3. The bond lengths of the type-1 copper centre are comparable to the values for oxidized plastocyanin. The trinuclear cluster has eight histidine ligands symmetrically supplied from domain 1 and 3. It may be subdivided into a pair of copper atoms with histidine ligands whose ligating N-atoms (5 NE2 atoms and one ND1 atom) are arranged trigonal prismatic. The pair is the putative type-3 copper. The remaining copper has two histidine ligands and is the putative spectroscopic type-2 copper. Two oxygen atoms are bound to the trinuclear species as OH- or O2- and bridging the putative type-3 copper pair and as OH- or H2O bound to the putative type-2 copper trans to the copper pair. The bond lengths within the trinuclear copper site are similar to comparable binuclear model compounds. The putative binding site for the reducing substrate is close to the type-1 copper.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We present the three-dimensional structure of Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase 3 (Cel12A), a small, 218 amino acid residue (24.5 kDa), neutral pI, glycoside hydrolase family 12 cellulase that lacks a cellulose-binding module. The structure has been determined using X-ray crystallography and refined to 1.9 A resolution. The asymmetric unit consists of six non-crystallographic symmetry-related molecules that were exploited to improve initial multiple isomorphous replacement phasing, and subsequent structure refinement. The enzyme contains one disulfide bridge and is glycosylated at Asp164 by a single N-acetyl glucosamine residue. The protein has the expected fold for a glycoside hydrolase clan-C family 12 enzyme. It contains two beta-sheets, of six and nine strands, packed on top of one another, and one alpha-helix. The concave surface of the nine-stranded beta-sheet forms a large substrate-binding groove in which the active-site residues are located. In the active site, we find a carboxylic acid trio, similar to that of glycoside hydrolase families 7 and 16. The strictly conserved Asp99 hydrogen bonds to the nucleophile, the invariant Glu116. The binding crevice is lined with both aromatic and polar amino acid side-chains which may play a role in substrate binding. The structure of the fungal family 12 enzyme presented here allows a complete structural characterization of the glycoside hydrolase-C clan.  相似文献   

Refined crystal structure of carboxypeptidase A at 1.54 A resolution   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The crystal structure of bovine carboxypeptidase A (Cox) has been refined at 1.54 A resolution using the restrained least-squares algorithm of Hendrickson & Konnert (1981). The crystallographic R factor (formula; see text) for structure factors calculated from the final model is 0.190. Bond lengths and bond angles in the carboxypeptidase A model have root-mean-square deviations from ideal values of 0.025 A and 3.6 degrees, respectively. Four examples of a reverse turn like structure (the "Asx" turn) requiring an aspartic acid or asparagine residue are observed in this structure. The Asx turn has the same number of atoms as a reverse turn, but only one peptide bond, and the hydrogen bond that closes the turn is between the Asx side-chain CO group and a main-chain NH group. The distributions of CO-N and NH-O hydrogen bond angles in the alpha-helices and beta-sheet structures of carboxypeptidase A are centered about 156 degrees. A total of 192 water molecules per molecule of enzyme are included in the final model. Unlike the hydrogen bonding geometry observed in the secondary structure of the enzyme, the CO-O(wat) hydrogen bond angle is distributed about 131 degrees, indicating the role of the lone pair electrons of the carbonyl oxygen in the hydrogen bond interaction. Twenty four solvent molecules are observed buried within the protein. Several of these waters are organized into hydrogen-bonded chains containing up to five waters. The average temperature factor for atoms in carboxypeptidase A is 8 A2, and varies from 5 A2 in the center of the protein, to over 30 A2 at the surface.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of the ferric sperm whale (Physeter catodon) myoglobin:imidazole complex has been refined at 2.0 A resolution, to a final R-factor of 14.8%. The overall conformation of the protein is little affected by binding of the ligand. Imidazole is co-ordinated to the heme iron at the distal site, and forces distinguishable local changes in the surrounding protein residues. His64(E7) swings out of the distal pocket and becomes substantially exposed to the solvent: nevertheless, it stabilizes the exogenous ligand by hydrogen bonding. The side-chains of residues Arg45(CD3) and Asp60(E3) are also affected by imidazole association.  相似文献   

Upon nematode infection, murine peritoneal macrophages synthesize and secrete large amounts of the Ym1 protein, which is a unique functional marker for alternatively activated macrophages in T(H)2-mediated inflammatory responses. Ym1 shares significant structural similarity to the family 18 chitinases. Previously, Ym1 has been studied with respect to its carbohydrate-binding ability and glycosyl hydrolysis activity and this has led to various inconclusive interpretations. Our present co-crystallization and soaking experiments with various glucosamine or N-acetylglucosamine oligomers yield only the uncomplexed Ym1. The refined Ym1 structure at 1.31A resolution clearly displays a water cluster forming an extensive hydrogen bond network with the "active-site" residues. This water cluster contributes notable electron density to lower resolution maps and this might have misled and given rise to a previous proposal for a monoglucosamine-binding site for Ym1. A structural comparison of family 18 glycosidase (-like) proteins reveals a lack of several conserved residues in Ym1, and illustrates the versatility of the divergent active sites. Therefore, Ym1 may lack N-acetylglucosamine-binding affinity, and this suggests that a new direction should be taken to unravel the function of Ym1.  相似文献   

The refined crystal structure of ribonuclease A at 2.0 A resolution   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper describes the structure of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A, refined by a restrained parameter least squares procedure at 2.0 A resolution, and rebuilt using computer graphics. The final agreement factor (formula see text) is 0.159. The positions of the 951 main chain atoms have been determined with an estimated accuracy of 0.17 A. In addition, the model includes a phosphate group in the active site and 176 waters, many of them with partial occupancy. The bond lengths in the refined structure of RNase A differ from the ideal values by an overall root mean square deviation of 0.022 A; the corresponding value for angle distances is 0.06 A. The root mean square deviation of planar atoms from ideality is 0.017 A, and root mean square deviation of the peptide torsion angles from 180 degrees is 3.4 degrees. The model is in good agreement with the final difference Fourier maps. Two active site histidines, His 12 and His 119, form hydrogen bonds to the phosphate ion. His 119 is also hydrogen bonded to the carboxyl of ASp 121 and His 12 to the carbonyl of Thr 45. The structure of the RNase A is very similar to that of RNase S, particularly in the active site region. The root mean square discrepancy of all atoms from residues 1 to 16 and 24 to 123 is 1.06 A and the root mean square discrepancy for the active site region is 0.6 A.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of phosphorylase beta at 6 A resolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The determination of the crystal structure of phosphorylase b in the presence of IMP at 6 Å resolution is described. The structure determination is based on two heavy-atom isomorphous derivatives and their anomalous contributions. The molecular boundary is clearly distinguishable in the electron density map, except in the region of subunit-subunit contact about the crystallographic dyad axis, which is the symmetry axis of the dimer. The dimer molecule is roughly ellipsoidal in shape with dimensions 63 Å × 63 Å × 116 Å. There is a pronounced cavity on the enzyme surface but it is not yet known if this is a substrate binding site.  相似文献   

Dihydropyrimidinases (hydantoinases) catalyse the reversible hydrolytic ring-opening of cyclic diamides such as dihydropyrimidines in the catabolism of pyrimidines. In biotechnology, these enzymes find application in the enantiospecific production of amino acids from racemic hydantoins. The crystal structure of a D-enantio-specific dihydropyrimidinase from Thermus sp. (D-hydantoinase) was solved de novo by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction phasing. In spite of a large unit cell the D-hydantoinase crystals exhibit excellent diffraction properties. The structure was subsequently refined at 1.30 A resolution against native data. The core of D-hydantoinase consists of a (alpha/beta)(8)-barrel, which is flanked by a beta-sheet domain and some additional helices. In the active site, a carboxylated lysine residue and the catalytically active hydroxide ion bridge a binuclear zinc centre. The tertiary structure and shape of the active site show strong homology to that of ureases, dihydroorotases, and phosphotriesterases. The homology of the active site was exploited for in silicio docking of substrates in the active site. This could shed light both on the substrate binding in hydantoinases and on the recently highly discussed origin of the proton in the course of hydantoinase catalysis.  相似文献   

Three crystal forms of canine myeloperoxidase are described. An orthorhombic form in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) has unit cell dimensions: a = 108.3 A (1 A = 0.1 nm) b = 205.9 A and c = 139.9 A. A trigonal form in space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 has unit cell dimensions: a = b = 138.9 A and c = 145.2 A. A monoclinic form in space group C2 has unit cell dimensions: a = 117.2 A, b = 96.9 A, c = 131.4 A and beta = 116.3 degrees. Unusual features in the diffraction patterns of the monoclinic form place restrictions on the molecular packing in the crystal. The proposed model for the molecular packing requires that the myeloperoxidase molecule consist of two identical or near-identical halves. In the intact molecule these halves may be related either by a crystallographic dyad axis or by an approximate dyad axis in which one subunit is translated relative to the other by 3.2 A along the symmetry axis. The trigonal crystal form appears most suitable for high-resolution X-ray structural analysis.  相似文献   

Cell membrane fusion by human (HIV) and simian (SIV) immunodeficiency viruses is mediated by the envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp41. Although the precise mechanism of the fusion process is unknown, the ectodomain of gp41 is thought to undergo dramatic rearrangement from its prefusogenic state. To elucidate this process further, the crystal structure of the SIV gp41 ectodomain (residues 27-149) was determined at 1.47 A resolution and is reported herein. It is the most accurate and complete structure of a retroviral gp41 ectodomain determined to date. The rod-like trimeric structure of SIV gp41 comprises three parallel N-terminal alpha-helices assembled as a coiled coil in the center with three antiparallel C-terminal alpha-helices packed on the outside connected by highly flexible loops. Portions of the loops in all three monomers are crystallographically disordered and could not be accurately modeled. The core of the structure is similar (but not identical) to those of smaller HIV/SIV gp41 segments previously determined by X-ray crystallography with root mean square deviations in main chain atoms of less than 1.0 A. The crystal structure differs more substantially from the reported NMR solution structure of the identical SIV construct. The mechanisms of viral fusion and the inhibition by peptides are discussed in the context of the three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

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