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Book reviewed in this article:
The Penicillia. By C harles T hom
Bacteriological Technique. By J.W. H. E yre .
Dictionary of Biological Equivalents , German-English. By E. A rt -S chwager
An Index to the Chemical Action of Micro-organisms on the Non-nitrogenous Organic Compounds. By E. I. F ulmer and C. H. W erkman
Recent Advances in Entomology. By A. D. I mms .
The Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria. By R. E. B uchanan and E. I. P ulmer .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1955,54(2):280-287
Review in this article:
Biographien von PJianzensippen. By R udolf S charfetter .
Drawings of British Plants. Part VII, Leguminosae. By S. R oss -C raig .
Abnormal and Pathological Plant Growth. Brookhaven Symposia in Biology, No. 6.
An Introduction to Pollen-analysis. By G. E rdtman .
Plant Respiration. By W. O. J ames .
The Acanthaceae of Colombia , vol. 11. By E mery C. L eonard .
Protoplasmatologia. Handbtich der Protoplasmaforschung , Band vi, C. Endomitose und Endomitotische Polyploidisierung. By L othar G eitler . Edited by L. V. H eilbrunn and E. W eber .
Genetic Homeostasis. By I. M ichael L erner .
British Knapweeds: a Study in Synthetic Taxonomy. By E. M. M arsden -J ones and W. B. T urrill .
The Enzymology of the Cell Surface. By A. R othstein . Tension at the Cell Surface. By E. N. H arvey .
Chemistry and Physiology of Mitochondria and Microsomes. By O. L indberg and L. E rnster .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cotton and its Production. By W. H. J ohnson
Cotton. By H. B. B rown
Economic Biology for Students of Social Science. Part I. Harmful and Useful Animals. By P hilippa C. E sdaile
Genetics in Relation to Agriculture. By E. B. B abcock and R. E. C lausen  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Physiology and Biochemistry of Bacteria. Vol. I. Growth Phases; Composition and Biophysical Chemistry of Bacteria and their Environment, and Energetics. By R. E. BUCHANAN and E. I. FULMER.
Life in Inland Waters: with especial reference to animals. By KATHLEEN E. CARPENTER.
The Scientific Principles of Plant Protection. By HUBERT MARTIN, with a Foreword by Sir DANIEL HALL.
Spraying, Dusting and Fumigating of Plants. By A. FREEMAN MASON.
Praktische Einfiihrung in die Morphologie der Insekten. By E. HANDSCHIN.
The Problems of Applied Entomology. By ROBERT A. WAEDLB.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1947,46(1):174-184
Die Koniferen des Oberkarbons und des unteren Perms , Parts 1–7. By R udolf F lorin .
Plant Life of the Pacific World. By E lmer D. M errill
Merrilleana , A Selection from the General Writings of E lmer D rew M errill , Sc.D., LL.D.
Forest Soils and Forest Grozuth. By S. A. W ilde , F.E., D.T ech .S c .
The Natural Vegetation of Trinidad. By J. S. B eard .
Dating the Past: An Introduction to Geochronology. By F rederick E. Z euner .
La Culture des Tissits. By R.-J. G autheret .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1939,38(1):80-83
Book reviewed in this article
Plant Physiology. By N. A. M aximov , edited by R. B. H arvey and A. E. M urneek .
The Physiology of Plants. By W illiam S eifriz .
A Textbook of General Botany. By R. M. H olman and W. W. R obbins .
Plant Form and Function. By F. E. F ritsch and E. J. S alisbury .
Plant Physiology, with Reference to the Green Plant. By E. C. M iller , Ph.D.
The Vegetation of South Africa. By R. S. A damson , M.A., D.Sc.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1954,53(2):364-371
Plant Anatomy. By K atherine E sau .
Cytochemistry: A Critical Approach. By J. F. D anielli .
Plant Diseases. By F. T. B rooks .
The Fungi. By E rnst A lbert G äumann , translated from the German and arranged as an American text by F rederick L yle W ynd .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. iv. Edited by D aniel I. A rnon and L eonard M achlis .
South African Pollen Grains and Spores. Part I. By E. M. van Z inderen B arker .
Plant Growth Substances. By L. J. A udus .
Rice. By D. H. G rist .
The Metabolism of Algae. By E. G. F ogg .  相似文献   

The Land Now and To-morrow. By R. G. S tapledon
Genetics. By H. S. J ennings
Heredity and Evolution. By A. E. W atkins
Plant Biochemistry. By W. E. T ottingham
Éléments de chimie végétale. By N. W attiez and F. S tebnon
An Annotated Bibliography of the Low Temperature Relations of Plants. By K. B. H arvey
Weeds. By W. C. M uenscher
Ugressfrø (Unkrautsamen: Weed Seeds). By E mil K orsmo
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi (Coeolomycetes). Vol. i. Spkaeropsidales. By W. B. G rove
Manual of the Grasses of the United States. By A. S. H itchcock  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1933,32(4):314-316
Gastromycetae, By E d . F ischer
Phytopathological and Botanical Research Methods. By T homas E. R awlins  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(1):229-239
Book reviewed in this article:
A Dictionary of the Flowering Plants and Ferns . By the late J. C. W illis . Seventh edition, revised by H. K. A iry S haw .
The Principles of Pollination Ecology . By K. F aegri and L. van D er P ijl .
Studies in Biology, No. 5, Plant Taxonomy . By V. H. H eywood .
Deadly Harvest . By J ohn M. K ingsbury .
Plant Physiology . By H enrik G. L undegardh . Translated by F. M. I rvine , Translation edited by W. O. J ames .
The Biology of Lichens . By M ason E. H ale J r . In: Contemporary Biology Series, General editors E. J. W. B arrington and A. J. W illis .
Plant Biology Today . Second edition. Ed. by W. A. J ensen and L. G. K avaljian .
Organisation in Plants . Second edition. By B. M. B aron .
Fortschritte der Botanik , Band 28. Ed. by E. B ünning , H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. M erxmuller and P. S itte .
Taxonomy of Flowering Plants . Second edition. By C. L. P orter .
The Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Experiments in the Study of Biology . By J. J. W. B aker , G. E. A llen , E. G age and S. K. W ebster .
Grundriss der Phytopathologie iind des Pflanzenschutzes . By H ans -A lfred K irchner .
Bibliography of Seeds . Compiled and edited by L. V. B arton .
Pollen Grains of Western Himalaxan Plants . By P. K. K. N air .
Families of Flowering Plants in Ethiopia . By W. C. B urger .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1967,66(4):827-835
Book reviewed in this article:
Flora of Iraq . Volume I. Introduction to the Flora . Ed. by Evan Guest, with assistance from Ali Al-Rawi.
Principles of Industrial Microbiology . By A. R hodes and D. L. F letcher .
Movement of Water in Plants . By G. E. B riggs . Botanical Monographs (Ed. by J. H. B urnett )
Morphogenesis and Microscopic Cytochemistry of Marine Pyrenomvcete Ascospores . By P. W. K irk .
Primary Productivity of Aquatic Environments . Ed. by C. R. G oldman .
Fantastic Trees . By E dwin A. M enninger .
Specific Replant Diseases . By B. M. S avory .
The Plastids . By J. T. O. K irk and R. A. E. T ilney -B assett .
Light as an Ecological Factor . Ed. by R. B ainbridge , G. C. E vans and O. R ackham .
The Structure and Life of Bryophytes . By E. V. W atson .  相似文献   

Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr O. A ppel .
Third International Congress of Comparative Pathology, Athens , 1936. Reports , vol. I, part 2. Section of Plant Pathology.
The Genus Septobasidium. By J ohn N. C ouch .
Soilless Growth of Plants. By C arleton E llis and M iller W. S waney .
Plant Growth Substances. By H ugh N icol .
Common British Grasses and Legumes. By J. O. T homas and L. J. D avies .
Plant Ecology. By J. E. W eaver and F. E. C lements .
Forest Bibliography to 31st December 1933. Compiled and published by the Department of Forestry, University of Oxford.
Textbook of Dendrology. By W. M. H arlow and E. S. H abrar .
Cryptogamic Botany. By G ilbert M. S mith . Vol. I: Algae and Fungi.
Evolution. Essays on Aspects of Evolutionary Biology presented to Prof. E. S. Goodrich on his Seventieth Birthday. Edited by G. R. de B eer .
Heredity. By A. F ranklin S hull .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Field Studies in Ecology . By E. B racher
Practical Bacteriology . By A. C unningham
The Families of Flowering Plants. 2: Monocotyledons; arranged according to a New System based on their Probable Phylogeny . By J. H utchinson
(1) Elements of Botan?y. By R. M. Holman and W. W. Robbins
(2) A Textbook of General Botany f o r Colleges and Universities. By R. M. HOLMAN and W. W. ROBBINS.
Texas Grasses . By W. A S ilveus
Economic Plants . By E. E. S tanford
The Wistar Institute Style Brief
Cellular Respiration . by N orman U. M eldrum  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Laboratory Administration. By E. S. HISCOCKS.
A Text-book of Plant Virus Diseases. (2nd edition.) By KENNETH M. SMITH.
The Storage of Seeds for Maintenance of Viability. By E. BIASUTTI OWEN.
The Study of Plant Communities. (2nd edition.) By HENRY J. OOSTING. Pp. 440. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co.
Annotated Catalogue of African Grasshoppers. By H. B. JOHNSTON.
Physical Chemistry. By S. C. WALLWORK.
Learning and Instinct in Animals. By W. H. THORPE.
Enzyme, Antigen and Virus. By Sir MACFARLANE BURNET.
The Water Relations of Terrestrial Arthropods. By Professor E. B. EDNEY.
Investigation of Virus Diseases of Brassica Crops. By L. BROADBENT.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(2):567-577
Book reviewed in this article:
A Course in Biology . By J. J. B aker and G. E. A llen .
Papers on Plant Systematics . By R. O rnduff .
Die Entstehung der Arten und hoheren Kategorien . By H. L amprecht .
Flora of Iraq , Vol. 9. Gramineae . By N. L. B or . (Ed. by C. C. T ownsend and E van G uest , with the collaboration of A li A l -R awi ).
Wild Elowers of North Carolina . By W illiam S. J ustice and C. R itchie B ell .
The Lichen Genera Cetrelia and Platismatia ( Parmeliaceae ). By W. L. C ulberson and C. F. C ulberson .
Essays on Form in Plants . By C. W. W ardlaw .
Crop Responses to Water at Different Stages of Growth . By P. J. S alter and J. E. G oode .
Protons, Electrons, Phosphorylation and Active Transport . By R. N. R obertson .
Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, XVIII, Sexuality: Reproduction; Alternation of Generations . General editor, W. R uhland ; sub-editor for this volume, H. F. L inskens .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 19. 1968. By L. M achlis (Ed.).
Biophysical Technique as Applied to Cell Biology . By J. C hayen and E. E. D enby .
The Measurement of Environmental Factors in Terrestrial Ecology . British Ecological Society Symposium No. 8. Ed. by R. M. W adsworth et al .
Guide to the Check Sheet for IBP Areas . IBP Handbook No. 4. By G. E. P eterken .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1962,61(2):224-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Mushrooms and Truffles: Botany, Cultivation and Utilization . By R. S inger .
The Development of Agriculture and Forestry in the Tropics . By J ohn P hillips .
Electrolytes and Plant Cells . By G. E. B riggs , A. B. H ope and R. N. R obertson .
On Growth and Form . By the late S ir D'ARCY W entworth T hompson . An abridged edition, prepared by J. T. Bonner.
Sol, Microflore et Vegetation . By B ernard B oullard and R ichard M oreau .
Erläuterungen zur Vegatationskarte der Schweiz . By E mil S chmid .
Plants, Viruses and Insects . By K atherine E sau .
Mechanisms in Biological Competition . Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. No. 15. Edited by F. L. M ilthorpe .
Anatomy of the Monocotyledons , vol. 2. Palmae. By P. B. T omlinson .
Morphology of the Angiosperms . By A. J. E ames .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1979,83(3):849-859
Book Reviewed in this article:
Organelle Heredity. B y N icolas W. G illham .
Microbodies/Peroxisomen pflanzicher Zellen. By B. G erhardt .
Plant Metabolism. By G erhard R ichter .
Water in Plants Bibliography. Ed. by J. P ospisilova and J. S olarova .
Plant Growth Analysis. By R oderick H unt .
Progress in Botany. Morphology, Physiology, Genetics, Taxonomy, Geobotany. Ed. by H. E llenberg , K. E sser , H. Merxmüller, E. S chnepf and H. Z iegler .
Organisation in Plants. By W. M. M. B aron .
Plant Breeding for Pest and Disease Resistance. By G. E. R ussell .
Incompatibility in Angiosperms. By D. D e N ettancourt .
Soybean Physiology, Agronomy and Utilization. Ed. by A. G. N orman .
Flora of Turkey , Volume 6 ( Lobehaceae to Scrophulariaceae ). Ed. by P. H. D avis , assisted by J. R. E dmondson , R. R. M ill and B.S.P arris .
Tropical Trees and Forests. An Architectural Analysis. By F.H allé , R.A.A. O ldeman and P. B. T omlinson .
Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. By H einz E llenberg .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Biological Productivity of Britain (Symposium of the Institute of Biology, no. 7). Edited by W. B. Y app and D. J. W atson .
The Insect Pests of Cotton in Tropical Africa. By E. O. P earson .
The Principles of Biological Control. By H arvey L. S weetman .
Methods of Analytical Histology andHisto-Chemistry. By E dward G urr .
Electronic Apparatus for Biological Research. By P. E. K. D onaldson .
An Introduction to the Behaviour of Invertebrates. By J. D. C arthy .
Reproductive Physiology. By A. V. N albandov .
The Control of Pests and Diseases in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops. By G. L. H ey and K. M arshall .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1953,52(2):186-194
Studies of Pacific Island Plants. X. The Meliaceae of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. By A. C. S mith .
Flora of Tropical East Africa. Marantaceae. By E. M ilne -R edhead .
Flora of the County Wicklow. By J. P. B runker .
Textbook of Theoretical Botany. Volume I. By R. C. M c L ean and W. R. I vimey -C ook .
Gotlands Orkider. By S taffan R osvall and B engt P ettersson .
Downs and Dunes: Their Plant Life and its Environment. By Sir E dward S alisbury .
The Tropical Rain Forest. By P. W. Richards.
Pollen Morphology and Plant Taxonomy. By G. E rdtman .
The Comparative Biochemistry of the Carotenoids. By T. W. G oodwin .
Die Wuchsstofflehre: Ergebnisse und Probleme der Wuchsstoffforschung. By H ans S öding .  相似文献   

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