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Enzymic and structural studies on Drosophila alcohol dehydrogenases and other short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDRs) are presented. Like alcohol dehydrogenases from other Drosophila species, the enzyme from D. simulans is more active on secondary than on primary alcohols, although ethanol is its only known physiological substrate. Several secondary alcohols were used to determine the kinetic parameters kcat and Km. The results of these experiments indicate that the substrate-binding region of the enzyme allows optimal binding of a short ethyl side-chain in a small binding pocket, and of a propyl or butyl side-chain in large binding pocket, with stereospecificity for R(−) alcohols. At a high concentration of R(−) alcohols substrate activation occurs. The kcat and Km values determined under these conditions are about two-fold, and two orders of magnitude, respectively, higher than those at low substrate concentrations. Sequence alignment of several SDRs of known, and unknown three-dimensional structures, indicate the presence of several conserved residues in addition to those involved in the catalyzed reactions. Structural roles of these conserved residues could be derived from observations made on superpositioned structures of several SDRs with known structures. Several residues are conserved in tetrameric SDRs, but not in dimeric ones. Two halohydrin-halide-lyases show significant homology with SDRs in the catalytic domains of these enzymes, but they do not have the structural features required for binding NAD+. Probably these lyases descend from an SDR, which has lost the capability to bind NAD+, but the enzyme reaction mechanisms may still be similar. Received: 23 May 2000 / Accepted: 4 January 2001  相似文献   

We have studied the evolution of Gpdh in 18 fruitfly species by sequencing 1,077 nucleotides per species on average. The region sequenced includes four exons coding for 277 amino acids and three variable-length introns. Phylogenies derived by a variety of methods confirm that the nominal genus Zaprionus belongs within the genus Drosophila, whereas Scaptodrosophila and Chymomyza are outside. The rate of GPDH evolution is erratic. The rate of amino acid replacements in a lineage appears to be 1.0 × 10−10/site/year when Drosophila species are considered (diverged up to 55 million years ago), but becomes 2.3 × 10−10 when they are compared to Chymomyza species (divergence around 60 My ago), and 4.6 × 10−10 when species of those two genera are compared with the medfly Ceratitis capitata (divergence around 100 My ago). In order to account for these observations, the rate of amino acid replacement must have been 15 or more times greater in some lineages and at some times than in others. At the nucleotide level, however, Gpdh evolves in a fairly clockwise fashion. Received: 13 June 1996 / Accepted: 16 August 1996  相似文献   

The NAD(P)-dependent malate (L-MalDH) and NAD-dependent lactate (L-LDH) form a large super-family that has been characterized in organisms belonging to the three domains of life. In the first part of this study, the group of [LDH-like] L-MalDH, which are malate dehydrogenases resembling lactate dehydrogenase, were analyzed and clearly defined with respect to the other enzymes. In the second part, the phylogenetic relationships of the whole super-family were presented by taking into account the [LDH-like] L-MalDH. The inferred tree unambiguously shows that two ancestral genes duplications, and not one as generally thought, are needed to explain both the distribution into two enzymatic functions and the observation of three main groups within the super-family: L-LDH, [LDH-like] L-MalDH, and dimeric L-MalDH. In addition, various cases of functional changes within each group were observed and analyzed. The direction of evolution was found to always be polarized: from enzymes with a high stringency of substrate recognition to enzymes with a broad substrate specificity. A specific phyletic distribution of the L-LDH, [LDH-like] L-MalDH, and dimeric L-MalDH over the Archaeal, Bacterial, and Eukaryal domains was observed. This was analyzed in the light of biochemical, structural, and genomic data available for the L-LDH, [LDH-like] L-MalDH, and dimeric L-MalDH. This analysis led to the elaboration of a refined evolutionary scenario of the super-family, in which the selection of L-LDH and the fate of L-MalDH during mitochrondrial genesis are presented.  相似文献   

The Drosophila fat body protein 2 gene (Fbp2) is an ancient duplication of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene (Adh) which encodes a protein that differs substantially from ADH in its methionine content. In D. melanogaster, there is one methionine in ADH, while there are 51 (20% of all amino acids) in FBP2. Methionine is involved in 46% of amino acid replacements when Fbp2 DNA sequences are compared between D. melanogaster and D. pseudoobscura. Methionine accumulation does not affect conserved residues of the ADH-ADHr-FBP2 multigene family. The multigene family has evolved by replacement of mildly hydrophobic amino acids by methionine with no apparent reversion. Its short-term evolution was compared between two Drosophila species, while its long-term evolution was compared between two genera belonging respectively to acalyptrate and calyptrate Diptera, Drosophila and Sarcophaga. The pattern of nucleotide substitution was consistent with an independent accumulation of methionines at the Fbp2 locus in each lineage. Under a steady-state model, the rate of methionine accumulation was constant in the lineage leading to Drosophila, and was twice as fast as that in the calyptrate lineage. Substitution rates were consistent with a slight positive selective advantage for each methionine change in about one-half of amino acid sites in Drosophila. This shows that selection can potentially account for a large proportion of amino acid replacements in the molecular evolution of proteins. Received: 12 December 1994 / Accepted: 15 April 1996  相似文献   

Over 90% of the open reading frame of gap genes for glycolytic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH; EC was obtained with PCR from five species of Parabasala. With gap1 from Trichomonas vaginalis obtained earlier, the data include two sequences each for three species. All sequences were colinear with T. vaginalis gap1 and shared with it as a synapomorphy a 10- to 11-residue insertion not found in any other gap and an S-loop with characteristic features of eubacterial GAPDH. All residues known to be highly conserved in this enzyme were present. The parabasalid sequences formed a robust monophyletic group in phylogenetic reconstructions with distance-based, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood methods. The two genes of the amphibian commensal, Trichomitus batrachorum, shared a common ancestor with the rest, which separate into two well-supported lineages. T. vaginalis and Tetratrichomonas gallinarum (both representatives of Trichomonadinae) formed one, while Monocercomonas sp. and Tritrichomonas foetus formed the other. These data agreed with and/or were close to published reconstructions based on other macromolecules. They did not support the ancestral position of Monocercomonas sp. proposed on the basis of morphological characteristics but confirmed an early emergence of Trichomitus batrachorum. The sequence pairs obtained from three species indicated either gene duplications subsequent to the divergence of the corresponding lineages or a strong gene conversion later in these lineages. The parabasalid clade was a robust part of the eubacterial radiation of GAPDH and showed no relationships to the clade that contained all other eukaryotic gap genes. The data clearly reveal that the members of this lineage use in their glycolytic pathway a GAPDH species with properties and an evolutionary history that are unique among all eukaryotes studied so far. Received: 28 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

We analyzed the phylogenetic relationship between the species of Lordiphosa and other Drosophilidae using alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) gene sequences. The phylogenetic trees consistently show that the four species Drosophila kurokawai, D. collinella, D. stackelbergi, and D. clarofinis, which include three species groups of Lordiphosa, form a monophyletic clade. This clade is placed as a sister group to the willistoni and saltans groups of Sophophora. On the other hand, three species of Lordiphosa, D. tenuicauda, D. pseudotenuicauda, and D. acutissima, all of which belong to the tenuicauda group, are not shown to be related to the major Lordiphosa lineage. In the phylogenetic trees, these species are included into the clade comprised of Drosophila and Hirtodrosophila, although it remains uncertain whether the tenuicauda group is a monophyletic group or not. These results indicate that Lordiphosa is polyphyletic and that most of the members of the subgenus have a close relationship to the neotropical groups of Sophophora. The above conclusion is compatible with the hypothesis of Okada (Mushi [1963] 37:79–100) and Lastovka and Máca (Acta Ent Bohemoslov [1978] 75:404–420) that Lordiphosa is most closely related to Sophophora; in contrast, our results contradict the hypothesis of Grimaldi (Bull Am Mus Nat Hist [1990] 197:1–139) that Lordiphosa is a sister group to the genus Scaptomyza. Received: 12 May 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Pituitary growth hormone (GH) and prolactin have been shown previously to display a pattern of evolution in which episodes of rapid change are imposed on a low underlying basal rate (near-stasis). This study was designed to explore whether a similar pattern is seen in the evolution of other protein hormones in mammals. Seven protein hormones were examined (with the common α-subunit of the glycoprotein hormones providing an additional polypeptide for analysis)—those for which sequences from at least four eutherian orders are available with a suitable non-eutherian outgroup. Six of these (GH, prolactin, insulin, parathyroid hormone, glycoprotein hormone α-subunit, and luteinizing hormone β-subunit) showed markedly variable evolutionary rates in each case with a pattern of a slow basal rate and bursts of rapid change, the precise positions of the bursts varying from protein to protein. Two protein hormones (follicle-stimulating hormone β-subunit and thyroid-stimulating hormone β-subunit) showed no significant rate variation. Based on the sequences currently available, and pooling data from all eight proteins, the phase of slow basal change occupied about 85% of the sampled evolutionary time, but most evolutionary change (about 62% of the substitutions accepted) occurred during the episodes of rapid change. It is concluded that, in mammals at least, a pattern of prolonged periods of near-stasis with occasional episodes of rapid change provides a better model of evolutionary change for protein hormones than the one of constant evolutionary rates that is commonly favored. The mechanisms underlying this episodic evolution are not yet clear, and it may be that they vary from one group to another; in some cases, positive selection appears to underlie bursts of rapid change. Where gene duplication is associated with a period of accelerated evolution this often occurs at the end rather than the beginning of the episode. To what extent the type of pattern seen for protein hormones can be extended to other proteins remains to be established. Received: 10 October 2000 / Accepted: 18 December 2000  相似文献   

Drosophila ananassae is known to produce numerous alpha-amylase variants. We have cloned seven different Amy genes in an African strain homozygous for the AMY1,2,3,4 electrophoretic pattern. These genes are organized as two main clusters: the first one contains three intronless copies on the 2L chromosome arm, two of which are tandemly arranged. The other cluster, on the 3L arm, contains two intron-bearing copies. The amylase variants AMY1 and AMY2 have been assigned to the intronless cluster, and AMY3 and AMY4 to the second one. The divergence of coding sequences between clusters is moderate (6.1% in amino acids), but the flanking regions are very different, which could explain their differential regulation. Within each cluster, coding and noncoding regions are conserved. Two very divergent genes were also cloned, both on chromosome 3L, but very distant from each other and from the other genes. One is the Amyrel homologous (41% divergent), the second one, Amyc1 (21.6% divergent) is unknown outside the D. ananassae subgroup. These two genes have unknown functions. Received: 30 May 2000 / Accepted: 17 July 2000  相似文献   

The Molecular Evolution of the Vertebrate Trypsinogens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We expand the already large number of known trypsinogen nucleotide and amino acid sequences by presenting additional trypsinogen sequences from the tunicate (Boltenia villosa), the lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), the pufferfish (Fugu rubripes), and the frog (Xenopus laevis). The current array of known trypsinogen sequences now spans the entire vertebrate phylogeny. Phylogenetic analysis is made difficult by the presence of multiple isozymes within species and rates of evolution that vary highly between both species and isozymes. We nevertheless present a Fitch-Margoliash phylogeny constructed from pairwise distances. We employ this phylogeny as a vehicle for speculation on the evolution of the trypsinogen gene family as well as the general modes of evolution of multigene families. Unique attributes of the lamprey and tunicate trypsinogens are noted. Received: 12 July 1997  相似文献   

While globin genes ctt-2β and ctt-9.1 in Chironomus thummi thummi each have a single intron, all of the other insect globin genes reported so far are intronless. We analyzed four globin genes linked to the two intron-bearing genes in C. th. thummi. Three have a single intron at the same position as ctt-2β and ctt-9.1; the fourth is intronless and lies between intron bearing genes. Finally, in addition to its intron, one gene (ctt-13RT) was recently interrupted by retrotransposition. Phylogenetic analyses show that the six genes in C. th. thummi share common ancestry with five globin genes in the distantly related species C. tentans, and that a 5-gene ancestral cluster predates the divergence of the two species. One gene in the ancestral cluster gave rise to ctn-ORFB in C. tentans, and duplicated in C. th. thummi to create ctt-11 and ctt-12. From parsimonious calculations of evolutionary distances since speciation, ctt-11, ctt-12, and ctn-ORFB evolved rapidly, while ctn-ORFE in C. tentans evolved slowly compared to other globin genes in the clusters. While these four globins are under selective pressure, we suggest that most chironomid globin genes were not selected for their unique function. Instead, we propose that high gene copy number itself was selected because conditions favored organisms that could synthesize more hemoglobin. High gene copy number selection to produce more of a useful product may be the basis of forming multigene families, all of whose members initially accumulate neutral substitutions while retaining essential function. Maintenance of a large family of globin genes not only ensured high levels of hemoglobin production, but may have facilitated the extensive divergence of chironomids into as many as 5000 species. Received: 31 December 1996 / Accepted: 16 May 1997  相似文献   

Circular permutations of genes during molecular evolution often are regarded as elusive, although a simple model can explain these rearrangements. The model assumes that first a gene duplication of the precursor gene occurs in such a way that both genes become fused in frame, leading to a tandem protein. After generation of a new start codon within the 5′ part of the tandem gene and a stop at an equivalent position in the 3′ part of the gene, a protein is encoded that represents a perfect circular permutation of the precursor gene product. The model is illustrated here by the molecular evolution of adenine-N6 DNA methyltransferases. β- and γ-type enzymes of this family can be interconverted by a single circular permutation event. Interestingly, tandem proteins, proposed as evolutionary intermediates during circular permutation, can be directly observed in the case of adenine methyltransferases, because some enzymes belonging to type IIS, like the FokI methyltransferase, are built up by two fused enzymes, both of which are active independently of each other. The mechanism for circular permutation illustrated here is very easy and applicable to every protein. Thus, circular permutation can be regarded as a normal process in molecular evolution and a changed order of conserved amino acid motifs should not be interpreted to argue against divergent evolution. Received: 17 November 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

The lactate and malate dehydrogenases comprise a complex protein superfamily with multiple enzyme homologues found in eubacteria, archaebacteria, and eukaryotes. In this study we describe the sequence and phylogenetic relationships of a malate dehydrogenase (MDH) gene from the amitochondriate diplomonad protist, Giardia lamblia. Parsimony, distance, and maximum-likelihood analyses of the MDH protein family solidly position G. lamblia MDH within a eukaryote cytosolic MDH clade, to the exclusion of chloroplast, mitochondrial, and peroxisomal homologues. Furthermore, G. lamblia MDH is specifically related to a homologue from Trichomonas vaginalis. This MDH topology, together with published phylogenetic analyses of β-tubulin, chaperonin 60, valyl-tRNA synthetase, and EF-1α, suggests a sister-group relationship between diplomonads and parabasalids. Since these amitochondriate lineages contain genes encoding proteins which are characteristic of mitochondria and α-proteobacteria, their shared ancestry suggests that mitochondrial properties were lost in the common ancestor of both groups. Received: 14 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

In this paper we analyzed 49 lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) sequences, mostly from vertebrates. The amino acid sequence differences were found to be larger for a human–killifish pair than a human–lamprey pair. This indicates that some protein sequence convergence may occur and reduce the sequence differences in distantly related species. We also examined transitions and transversions separately for several species pairs and found that the transitions tend to be saturated in the distantly related species pair, while transversions are increasing. We conclude that transversions maintain a conservative rate through the evolutionary time. Kimura's two-parameter model for multiple-hit correction on transversions only was used to derive a distance measure and then construct a neighbor-joining (NJ) tree. Three findings were revealed from the NJ tree: (i) the branching order of the tree is consistent with the common branch pattern of major vertebrates; (ii) Ldh-A and Ldh-B genes were duplicated near the origin of vertebrates; and (iii) Ldh-C and Ldh-A in mammals were produced by an independent gene duplication in early mammalian history. Furthermore, a relative rate test showed that mammalian Ldh-C evolved more rapidly than mammalian Ldh-A. Under a two-rate model, this duplication event was calibrated to be approximately 247 million years ago (mya), dating back to the Triassic period. Other gene duplication events were also discovered in Xenopus, the first duplication occurring approximately 60–70 mya in both Ldh-A and Ldh-B, followed by another recent gene duplication event, approximately 20 mya, in Ldh-B. Received: 5 October 2001 / Accepted: 24 October 2001  相似文献   

To get deeper insight into the evolution of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase we have identified PEPC fragments (about 1,100 bp) of another 12 plants species not yet investigated in this context. The selected plants include one Chlorophyta, two Bryophyta, four Pteridophyta, and five Spermatophyta species. The obtained phylogenetic trees on PEPC isoforms are the most complete ones up to now available. Independent of their manner of construction, the resulting dendrograms are very similar and fully consistent with the main topology as it is postulated for the evolution of the higher terrestrial plants. We found a distinct clustering of the PEPC sequences of the prokaryotes, the algae, and the spermatophytes. PEPC isoforms of the archegoniates are located in the phylogenetic trees between the algae and spermatophytes. Our results strengthen the view that the PEPC is a very useful molecular marker with which to visualize phylogenetic trends both on the metabolic and organismic levels. Received: 23 December 1996 / Accepted: 22 April 1997  相似文献   

Messenger RNA sequences often have to preserve functional secondary structure elements in addition to coding for proteins. We present a statistical analysis of retroviral mRNA which supports the hypothesis that the natural genetic code is adapted to such complementary coding. These sequences are still able to explore efficiently the space of possible proteins by point mutations. This is borne out by the observation that, in stem regions of retroviral mRNA foldings, silent mutations on one strand are preferentially accompanied by conservative mutations on the other. Distances between amino acids based on physicochemical properties are used to quantify the conservation of protein function under the constraint of maintained RNA secondary structure. We find that preservation of RNA secondary structure by compensatory mutations is evolutionary compatible with the efficient search for new variants on the protein level. Received: 4 June 1999 / Accepted: 12 October 1999  相似文献   

We report the cloning and structural characterization of two Adh loci of the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae. Each of the two genes, named Adh1 and Adh2, consists of three exons and two introns for a total length of 1981 and 988 nucleotides, respectively. Their deduced amino acid sequences of 257 and 258 residues exhibit a 77% identity and display the characteristics of the insect ADH enzymes, which belong to the short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases family. The Adh genes of B. oleae are compared to the two genes of the Mediterranean fly, Ceratitis capitata, the only other species of the Tephritidae family in which the Adh genes have been studied. On the basis of amino acid divergence the four genes form two clusters each containing one gene from each species, as expected if there was one duplication event before speciation. On the basis of nucleotide sequence the four sequences form two clusters each containing the two sequences from the same species, as expected if there was a separate duplication event in each species. To help decide between the two alternatives, we compared at both the amino acid and DNA level the Adh genes of five Drosophila species that are known to carry two such genes and observed that, with only one exception at the amino acid level, conspecific loci cluster together. We conclude that the information we have at present does not allow a firm choice between the hypothesis of a single duplication event that occurred before the split of Bactrocera and Ceratitis from their common ancestor and the hypothesis of two independent duplication events, one in each of the two genera. Received: 30 May 2000 / Accepted: 17 August 2000  相似文献   

The aldo-keto reductase enzymes comprise a functionally diverse gene family which catalyze the NADPH-dependant reduction of a variety of carbonyl compounds. The protein sequences of 45 members of this family were aligned and phylogenetic trees were deduced from this alignment using the neighbor-joining and Fitch algorithms. The branching order of these trees indicates that the vertebrate enzymes cluster in three groups, which have a monophyletic origin distinct from the bacterial, plant, and invertebrate enzymes. A high level of conservation was observed between the vertebrate hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzymes, prostaglandin F synthase, and ρ-crystallin of Xenopus laevis. We infer from the phylogenetic analysis that prostaglandin F synthase may represent a recent recruit to the eicosanoid biosynthetic pathway from the hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase pathway and furthermore that, in the context of gene recruitment, Xenopus laevisρ-crystallin may represent a shared gene. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 5 June 1997  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that pituitary growth hormone displays an episodic pattern of evolution, with a slow underlying evolutionary rate and occasional sustained bursts of rapid change. The present study establishes that pituitary prolactin shows a similar pattern. During much of tetrapod evolution the sequence of prolactin has been strongly conserved, showing a slow basal rate of change (approx 0.27 × 109 substitutions/amino acid site/year). This rate has increased substantially (∼12- to 38-fold) on at least four occasions during eutherian evolution, during the evolution of primates, artiodactyls, rodents, and elephants. That these increases are real and not a consequence of inadvertant comparison of paralogous genes is shown (for at least the first three groups) by the fact that they are confined to mature protein coding sequence and not apparent in sequences coding for signal peptides or when synonymous substitutions are examined. Sequences of teleost prolactins differ markedly from those of tetrapods and lungfish, but during the course of teleost evolution the rate of change of prolactin has been less variable than that of growth hormone. It is concluded that the evolutionary pattern seen for prolactin shows long periods of near-stasis interrupted by occasional bursts of rapid change, resembling the pattern seen for growth hormone in general but not in detail. The most likely basis for these bursts appears to be adaptive evolution though the biological changes involved are relatively small. Received: 31 August 1999 / Accepted: 9 February 2000  相似文献   

Unlike birds and mammals, teleost fish express two paralogous isoforms (paralogues) of cytosolic malate dehydrogenase (cMDH; EC; NAD+: malate oxidoreductase) whose evolutionary relationships to the single cMDH of tetrapods are unknown. We sequenced complementary DNAs for both cMDHs and the mitochondrial isoform (mMDH) of the fish Sphyraena idiastes (south temperate barracuda) and compared the sequences, kinetic properties, and thermal stabilities of the three isoforms with those of mammalian orthologues. Both fish cMDHs comprise 333 residues and have subunit masses of approximately 36 kDa. One cytosolic isoform, cMDH-S, was significantly more heat-stable than either the other cMDH (cMDH-L) or mMDH. In contradiction to the generally accepted model of vertebrate cMDH evolution, our phylogenetic analysis indicates that the duplication of the fish cytosolic paralogues occurred after the divergence of the lineages leading to teleosts and tetrapods. cMDH-L and cMDH-S differed in optimal concentrations of substrates and cofactors and apparent Michaelis–Menten constants, suggesting that the two paralogues may play distinct physiological roles. Differences in intrinsic thermal stability among MDH paralogues may reflect different degrees of stabilization in vivo by extrinsic stabilizers, notably protein concentration in the case of mMDH. Thermal stabilities of porcine mMDH and cMDH-L, but not cMDH-S, were significantly increased when denaturation was measured at a high protein (bovine serum albumin; BSA) concentration, but the BSA-induced stabilization reduced the catalytic activity. Received: 5 April 2001 / Accepted: 28 June 2001  相似文献   

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