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A. M. Koppenhfer 《Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata》1993,68(2):187-192
Banana weevil females laid on an average 2.7 eggs/week in rhizome material and 0.7 eggs/week in pseudostem material in the
laboratory. At extremely high weevil population densities the egg-laying activity declined. Under controlled field conditions
0.7 eggs/week were laid in banana suckers and 1.3 eggs/week in stumps of harvested suckers. 25% of the weevil stages found
in suckers in the field were eggs of which 78% were laid in the rhizome and 22% in the pseudostem base. The majority of eggs
was deposited in the crown area of the rhizome followed by the remaining surface area of the rhizome, the walls of abandoned
larval tunnels in rhizome and pseudostem and the leaf sheaths. 58% of the eggs found were considered accessible to egg predators. 相似文献
A trial to determine yield losses in East African highland banana (cv. Atwalira) to banana weevil was run between 1994 and 2001 at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture's Sendusu Farm in Namulonge, Uganda. Banana weevil adults were released into weevil‐infestation plots, while weevils were excluded from controls by trapping and later application of chlorpyrifos. Weevil migration and reproduction in control plots reduced treatment differences in damage during the first 3 yr. Thereafter, weevil damage was heavy in infested plots and negligible in controls. High levels of weevil attack resulted in reduced bunch weights, plant losses, mat disappearance and fewer harvested bunches, with estimated yield losses averaging 42% over the final 4 yr of the trial. The data confirm the importance of banana weevil as an important production constraint of highland banana and support farmer reports that banana weevil attack contributes to shortened plantation life. 相似文献
Ole Tobias Rannestad May‐Guri Sæthre Amon P. Maerere 《Agricultural and Forest Entomology》2011,13(4):405-412
- 1 The banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest in banana (Musa spp.) growing areas. The weevil is known to be relatively sedentary and closely associated with its host plant but little is known about the species' ability to migrate between banana fields and in nonhost habitats.
- 2 Mark–recapture experiments were conducted to assess the weevils' migration potential, possible differences between the sexes, and the relative attractiveness of pseudostem and pheromone baits.
- 3 One thousand two hundred marked weevils were released in the nonhost habitat at five distances (5, 10, 20, 40 and 70 m) from fresh pseudostem, and from pitfall traps baited with 45 mg of sordidin.
- 4 Two hundred males and 200 females were marked and released at five distances (5, 10, 20, 40 and 70 m) from the pheromone traps.
- 5 Distance and distance/bait interactions had a significant effect on recaptured weevils (binary logistic regression). The two baits were almost equally attractive to weevils in the range 0–10 m, whereas the pheromone was more attractive in the range 10–100 m.
- 6 Distance, bait and distance/bait interactions had a significant effect on the time elapsed from release to recapture (regression with life data) but the pattern observed was not consistent.
- 7 There was no significant difference between males and females with respect to distance or time elapsed from release to recapture.
- 8 The results obtained in the present study show that the migration potential of the banana weevil is greater than previously reported. This should be taken into account when new banana fields are established with clean planting material.
Akello J Dubois T Gold CS Coyne D Nakavuma J Paparu P 《Journal of invertebrate pathology》2007,96(1):34-42
Beauveria bassiana is considered a virulent pathogen against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. However, current field application techniques for effective control against this pest remain a limitation and an alternative method for effective field application needs to be investigated. Three screenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the ability of B. bassiana to form an endophytic relationship with tissue culture banana (Musa spp.) plants and to evaluate the plants for possible harmful effects resulting from this relationship. Three Ugandan strains of B. bassiana (G41, S204 and WA) were applied by dipping the roots and rhizome in a conidial suspension, by injecting a conidial suspension into the plant rhizome and by growing the plants in sterile soil mixed with B. bassiana-colonized rice substrate. Four weeks after inoculation, plant growth parameters were determined and plant tissue colonization assessed through re-isolation of B. bassiana. All B. bassiana strains were able to colonize banana plant roots, rhizomes and pseudostem bases. Dipping plants in a conidial suspension achieved the highest colonization with no negative effect on plant growth or survival. Beauveria bassiana strain G41 was the best colonizer (up to 68%, 79% and 41% in roots, rhizome and pseudostem base, respectively) when plants were dipped. This study demonstrated that, depending on strain and inoculation method, B. bassiana can form an endophytic relationship with tissue culture banana plants, causing no harmful effects and might provide an alternative method for biological control of C. sordidus. 相似文献
Spatial distribution of ant workers and, notably their aggregation/segregation behaviour, is a key-element of the colony social organization contributing to the efficiency of task performance and division of labour. In polymorphic species, specialized worker castes notably differ in their intrinsic aggregation behaviour. In this context, knowing the preponderant role of minors in brood care, we investigate how a stimulus such as brood can influence the spatial patterns of Pheidole pallidula worker castes. In a homogeneous area without brood, it was shown that minors display only a low level of aggregation while majors form large clusters in the central area. Here we find out that these aggregation patterns of both minors and majors can be deeply influenced by the presence of brood. For minors, it nucleates or enhances the formation of a large stable cluster. Such high sensitivity of minors to brood stimuli fits well with their role as main brood tenders in the colony. For majors, interattraction between individuals still remains the prevailing aggregation factor while brood strongly influences the localisation of their cluster. We discuss how the balance between interattraction and sensitivity to environmental stimuli determines the mobility of each worker castes and, consequently, the availability of minors and majors to participate in everyday colony tasks. Moreover, we will evoke the functional value of majors’ cluster location close to the brood, namely with respect to social regulation of the colony caste ratio. Received 30 May 2005; revised 11 January 2006; accepted 13 January 2006. 相似文献
Eldridge S. Adams 《Oecologia》1994,97(2):202-208
Mosaics of exclusive foraging territories, produced by intra-and interspecific competition, are commonly reported from arboreal ant communities throughout the tropics and appear to represent a recurring feature of community organization. This paper documents an ant mosaic within mangrove forests of Panama and examines the behavioral mechanisms by which one of the common species, Azteca trigona, maintains its territories. Most of the mangrove canopy is occupied by mutually exclusive territories of the ants A. trigona, A. velox, A. instabilis, and Crematogaster brevispinosa. When foraging workers of A. trigona detect workers of these territorial species, they organize an alarm recruitment response using pheromonal and tactile displays. Nestmates are attracted over short distances by an alarm pheromone originating in the pygidial gland and over longer distances by a trail pheromone produced by the Pavan's gland. Recruits are simultaneously alerted by a tactile display. No evidence was found for chemical marking of the territory. Major workers are proportionally more abundant at territory borders than on foraging trails in the interior of the colony. The mechanisms of territory defense in A. trigona are remarkably similar to those of ecologically analogous ants in the Old World tropics. 相似文献
Among the factors driving the invasive success of non-indigenous species, the “escape opportunity” or “enemy release” hypothesis
argues that an invader’s success may result partly from less resistance from the new competitors found in its introduced range.
In this study, we examined competitive interactions between the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) and ant species of the genus Pheidole in places where both are native (French Guiana) and in places where only species of Pheidole are native (New Caledonia). The experimental introduction of W. auropunctata at food resources monopolized by the Pheidole species induced the recruitment of major workers only for the Guianian Pheidole species, which were very effective at killing Wasmannia competitors. In contrast, an overall decrease in the number of Pheidole workers and no recruitment of major workers were observed for the New Caledonian species, although the latter were the only
ones able to kill the Wasmannia workers. These results emphasize the inappropriate response of native dominant New Caledonian species to W. auropunctata and, thus, the importance of enemy recognition and specification in the organization of ant communities. This factor could
explain how invasive animal species, particularly ants, may be able to successfully invade species-rich communities. 相似文献
Isaiah O. Ndiege William J. Budenberg Wilber Lwande Ahmed Hassanali 《Phytochemistry》1991,30(12):3929-3930
Volatiles from banana (‘githumo’'cultivar) pseudostem were trapped using porapak S. The trapped volatiles were desorbed from porapak columns by elution with dichloromethane and analysed using GC and GC-MS. The volatile compounds identified included -pinene, β-pinene, β-myrcene, limonene, -cubebene, -copaene, -cedrene, β-caryophyllene and -humulene. 相似文献
W. Tinzaara C. S. Gold G. H. Kagezi M. Dicke A. Van Huis C. M. Nankinga W. Tushemereirwe P. E. Ragama 《Journal of Applied Entomology》2005,129(5):265-271
Abstract: An on-farm study to evaluate the effect of pheromone trap density on the population of the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Col., Curculionidae) was conducted in Masaka district, Uganda. The pheromone used was Cosmolure+, a commercially available weevil aggregation pheromone. Forty-two farms were assigned to one of three treatments: 0, 4 and 8 pheromone traps/ha. Pheromone lures were changed monthly at which time the traps were moved to a different location within the stand. Adult weevil population densities were estimated by using mark and recapture methodology at 0, 6, 12, 18 and 21 months, while damage to the banana corm was assessed at 0, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 21 months since the start of the experiment. Pheromone trap captures were generally low: about 10 weevils per trap per month. There were no significant differences in mean catches of C. sordidus per trap per month except for February 2002 when doubling the pheromone trap density decreased weevil catches. Although not significant, decreased efficiency was also the trend in higher trap densities over all the data sets. Doubling the number of traps increased the number of weevils caught per hectare per month from 0.4 to 0.6%. There was no significant difference in plant damage between the pheromone treatments in low- compared with high-trap densities. There were generally no significant differences in weevil populations and plant damage between pheromone-treated and control farms. Possible reasons for the low-trap efficacy in this study are discussed. 相似文献
William Tinzaara Marcel Dicke Arnold Van Huis Joop J. A. Van Loon & Clifford S. Gold 《Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata》2003,106(3):169-175
Abstract Three different bioassay methods to investigate the orientation behaviour of the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), to host plant volatiles and a synthetic pheromone (cosmolure+) were compared. A locomotion compensator was used to separately record walking tracks in response to three odour sources. The data show that C. sordidus uses odour‐conditioned anemotaxis in its orientation to the odour sources tested. Of the two olfactometers tested, a dual port olfactometer using a continuous airflow showed stronger discrimination by C. sordidus to the different odours compared with a double pitfall olfactometer. The results of all three bioassays indicate that C. sordidus responds in an additive way to the combination of fermentation plant volatiles and the synthetic pheromone. 相似文献
G. P. Kaaya K. V. Seshu‐Reddy E. D. Kokwaro D. M. Munyinyi 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》1993,3(2):177-187
Two exotic fungal isolates, one of Beauveria bassiana (268–86) and another of Metarhizium anisopliae (100–82), three local isolates of B. bassiana (isolates I, II, III) and one of the entomogenous bacteria Serratia marcescens, were tested for pathogenicity against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. All four isolates of B. bassiana and the one of M. anisopliae were found to be pathogenic to third—instar larvae of C. sordidus, causing mortalities of 98–100% by 9 days post—exposure to dry fungal spores. M. anisopliae was the least pathogenic to larvae with LT50 of 4.2 days, compared to 3.5, 3.3, 3.6 and 4.0 respectively for isolates I, II, III and 268–86. B. bassiana was also pathogenic to adult C. sordidus, causing mortalities varying from 63–97% by 35 days post—exposure depending on isolate. As for larvae M. anisopliae exhibited low pathogenicity for the adult C. sordidus. In general, all the fungi tested were less pathogenic to adult weevils (LT50 = 17.5; 12.5; 8.0 and 22.0 days) for isolates I, II, III and 268–86 respectively, while isolate 100–82 failed to kill 50% of adults even by 35 days post—exposure. Incubation of dead weevils in a moist environment led to development of surface mycelia starting from intersegmental junctions. Histopathology revealed extensive destruction of internal organs by hyphae which invaded most of the organs. The LT50 for S. marcescens against C. sordidus larvae was 2.8 days. However, the bacterium did not kill adult C. sordidus even at 10 times the concentration applied on larvae. 相似文献
The efficacy of predators of the banana weevil was investigated under laboratory and field cage conditions for the different breeding sites of the pest viz. the growing banana sucker and the spent pseudostem and residual rhizome of the sucker after the harvest of the bunch. The indigenous Dactylosternum abdominale (Hydrophilidae) reduced weevil multiplication in suckers by up to 50% and in residual stumps of harvested suckers by 39%. In spent pseudostems D. abdominale reduced the multiplication by 40–90% at different predator population densities while Thyreocephalus interocularis (Staphylinidae) reduced it by 42%. Other predators were unimportant. 相似文献
William Tinzaara Clifford. S. Gold Marcel Dicke Arnold Van Huis Caroline M. Nankinga Godfrey H. Kagezi 《Biocontrol Science and Technology》2007,17(2):111-124
Candidate strains of Beauveria bassiana were identified for use in integrated pest management of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. Horizontal field transmission of B. bassiana between banana weevils using different delivery systems, including aggregation pheromones, was investigated. We observed that infected weevils could transmit the fungal pathogen to healthy individuals. Most dead weevils (52%) due to B. bassiana infection were found at the base of banana plants in the leaf sheath or in the soil near banana plants. Significantly more weevils died from the pathogen in plots where B. bassiana was applied in combination with the pheromone than where it was applied alone. Our data demonstrate that C. sordidus aggregation pheromone can be a valuable tool to enhance the dissemination of B. bassiana for the control of C. sordidus. 相似文献
Lloyd W. Morrison 《Acta Oecologica》1997,18(6):685
Thirteen Polynesian islands, including five true atolls, an uplifted atoll, and seven high volcanic islands of varying ages, were surveyed for ants by hand collecting techniques. Ten of the thirteen islands had been surveyed previously, and more and species were found in the present survey than were known from all earlier surveys combined, with two exception (Ducie Atoll and Easter Island).This represents the first report of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile Mayr, from Easter Island. L. humile is a very successful pest species which has only recently invaded Easter Island, and is now very abundant and widespread, occurring at 16 of the 17 sample sites scattered across the island. The introduction of this species is almost certainly responsible for the apparent decline in species richness on Easter Island.In general, more species were present on high islands than atolls of a similar size, and elevation was significant while log (area) and latitude were not in a multiple linear regression with ant species number as the dependent variable. Not enough time was spent on the islands to survey their ant faunas completely, and extrapolations from species effort curves and jackknife estimators of earlier, thorough surverys for ants in the society Islands suggest that only about 50% of the total species were collected in the present survey, at least on the high islands. My collections were probably more complete on the atolls. The increase in species numbers from the present survey relative to known species richnesses (particularly when a large fraction of the species actually present were probably not included in the present survey) supports the hypothesis that remote Polynesian islands are not as depauperate in terms of ant species numbers as previously thought. 相似文献
Different species may respond differently to habitat fragmentation. Theory predicts that abundant generalist species should be less affected by fragmentation than specialist species. In ant communities, the most abundant species is often behaviourally dominant. Thus, habitat fragmentation could alter competitive interactions between the dominant ant species and the other species. We tested this hypothesis in a long-term grassland fragmentation experiment. Fragments of different size (20.25 and 2.25 m2) were isolated by a 5-m wide strip of frequently mown vegetation. Control plots were situated in adjacent undisturbed grassland. Ant density and species composition were assessed 3 and 6 years after initiation of the experimental fragmentation. The effect of the dominant ant species on the resource use of the other species was examined at natural sugar resources (aphids and extrafloral nectaries) and at artificial sugar baits. Lasius paralienus was the most abundant ant species (72% of nests) in the grasslands examined. Species richness and forager density in the other species decreased with increasing density of L. paralienus in fragments but not in control plots. The overall forager density of the other species was positively related to their habitat niche overlap with L. paralienus. The density of foragers of the other species at sugar resources was not affected by L. paralienus forager density. The experimental fragmentation resulted in an increase in natural sugar resources in fragments. This may have reduced the intensity of interspecific competition for sugar resources. Our study shows that the grassland fragmentation altered interactions between the dominant L. paralienus and the other ant species.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at 相似文献
Deleterious effects of plant cystatins against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Andrew Kiggundu Josephine Muchwezi Christell Van der Vyver Altus Viljoen Juan Vorster Urte Schlüter Karl Kunert Dominique Michaud 《Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology》2010,73(2):87-105
The general potential of plant cystatins for the development of insect‐resistant transgenic plants still remains to be established given the natural ability of several insects to compensate for the loss of digestive cysteine protease activities. Here we assessed the potential of cystatins for the development of banana lines resistant to the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus, a major pest of banana and plantain in Africa. Protease inhibitory assays were conducted with protein and methylcoumarin (MCA) peptide substrates to measure the inhibitory efficiency of different cystatins in vitro, followed by a diet assay with cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks to monitor the impact of two plant cystatins, oryzacystatin I (OC‐I, or OsCYS1) and papaya cystatin (CpCYS1), on the overall growth rate of weevil larvae. As observed earlier for other Coleoptera, banana weevils produce a variety of proteases for dietary protein digestion, including in particular Z‐Phe‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin L–like) and Z‐Arg‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin B–like) proteases active in mildly acidic conditions. Both enzyme populations were sensitive to the cysteine protease inhibitor E‐64 and to different plant cystatins including OsCYS1. In line with the broad inhibitory effects of cystatins, OsCYS1 and CpCYS1 caused an important growth delay in young larvae developing for 10 days in cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks. These promising results, which illustrate the susceptibility of C. sordidus to plant cystatins, are discussed in the light of recent hypotheses suggesting a key role for cathepsin B–like enzymes as a determinant for resistance or susceptibility to plant cystatins in Coleoptera. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Summary In the ant Camponotus mus the eclosion of imagines from the cocoons was shown to be controlled by nurse workers, which broke the cocoons and assisted the callows to energe. Short-term colony prey deprivation modified the eclosion-help behavior resulting in a delay in cocoon opening times. During long-term prey deprivation, no new cocoons were spun; the starved larvae grew and pupated when prey was again available. These findings as a colony strategy adapted to the changing condition of prey availabitity in a temperate habitat are discussed. 相似文献
Oviposition behavior and larval mortality of the pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum L. on Lathyrus tingitanus L. and Lathyrus sativus L. were studied to determine the mechanisms by which these plant species resist pea weevil attack. Female weevils caged on pods of these species oviposited at a reduced rate compared to those caged on pods of pea, Pisum sativum L. Females kept in vials in the laboratory and given a choice between L. sativus pods and pea pods oviposited at a higher rate on pea and the glass vial than on L. sativus. Two to three days following oviposition, L. tingitanus pods developed callus tissue growth beneath the eggs. These growths later covered much of the pod. L. sativus pods exhibited a similar response to hatching larvae. Pea weevil larvae attempting to penetrate pods of both species died. Larvae placed inside L. sativus pods established in seeds and had no greater mortality after 72 h than those placed inside pea pods. Identified defenses in lathyrus against pea weevil attack consist of antibiosis as well as antixenosis. These resistance mechanisms are located in the pod.
Résumé Les espèces de Lathyrus sont indemnés d'attaques de la bruche du pois, Bruchus pisorum, bien que le pollen de deux membres de ce genre ait induit, après ingestion, l'ovogenèse des femelles. La ponte et la mortalité larvaire de B. pisorum sur L. tingitanus et L. sativus (Leguminosae) ont été examinées pour déterminer les mécanismes permetant à ces espèces de résister à l'attaque de cette bruche. Des femelles aux ovaires développés ont été mises en cage en serre, avec des gousses de chacune des deux espèces de Lathyrus et de Pisum sativum; les femelles ont pondu beaucoup moins sur Lathyrus que sur Pisum. Au laboratoire, des femelles aptes à pondre, placées dans des bocaux avec des gousses de même taille de L. sativus et P. sativus, ont pondu sur le pois et le bocal que sur L. sativus.Deux à 3 jours après contamination par les oeufs de bruche, les gousses de L. tingitanus forment des cals sous les oeufs. Ces excroissances s'étendent de telle sorte que la majorité de la gousse en est recouverte quelques jours plus tard; les gousses de L. sativus présentent une réponse semblable mais plus localisée. La croissance du cal se produit en réponse à l'éclosion plutôt qu'à la ponte, car aucune n'a été observée sous les oeufs qui n'ont pas éclos, et aucune s'étend au-delà des zones immédiatement sous les oeufs éclos. Les larves de B. pisorum tentant de pénétrer dans les gousses des 2 espèces meurent, tandis que des larves placées à l'intérieur des gouses de L. sativus n'ont pas présenté une mortalité supérieure dans les graines au bout de 72 h à celle des larves placées à l'intérieur des gousses de pois. On peut envisager que la reconnaissance de stimuli dissuasifs par les femelles de bruches ait pu évoluer en réponse à la présence de mécanismes de défense de la gousse.相似文献
Europe's five species ofMaculinea butterfly are examples of endangered species adapted to live in traditional, cultural landscapes. All are threatened with extinction in Western Europe because of recent changes in land use. This is illustrated by an historical account of the extinction of the BritishMaculinea arion populations, despite many conservation attempts. It is shown how the failures proved to be due to ignorance of the key factor forM. arion, its specialization on a single ant host,Myrmica sabuleti. A brief account is given of research that shows how each of the five species is similarly dependent upon a separate hostMyrmica ant species and how each has an interesting and rare specific parasitoid. Steps for the practical conservation of existingMaculinea populations including the obligation, under the Bern Convention, to re-establish nationally extinct species are outlined. The procedure and problems involved in re-establishment are illustrated with reference to the successful programme forM. arion in Britain. The best way of ensuring robust populations ofMaculinea butterflies is to manage habitats to optimize the density and distribution of the required species ofMyrmica host and, secondarily, the distribution of the larval food plant. The value of single species conservation in cultural habitats is discussed. It is concluded that this is possible to achieve and that other rare organisms also often benefit, but only when conservation measures are based on the results of detailed autecological research. 相似文献