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The DNA content of five species of Acanthamoeba was determined by flow microfluorometry. Acanthamoeba castellanii (AC-30), acanthamoeba polyphaga (APG and P-23), acanthamoeba rhysodes, acanthamoeba culbertsoni (A-1), and acanthamoeba royreba were grown in a casitone based medium 24-48 HR. The trophozoites were harvested, and evaluated for DNA-bound fluorescence. All species tested has DNA values between 2.0-5.0 pg/cell. These results placed DNA/cell values of Acanthamoeba slightly lower than DNA/cell values of other eucaryotic cells and much lower than Amoeba proteus values. These results indicate that FMF may be a useful adjunct in distinguishing Acanthamoeba cells from either eucaryotic cells or some other amoeba. However, differences in DNA/cell between species of Acanthamoeba are small and would not be useful in identification of species.  相似文献   

This report characterizes for the first time an easy, reproducible means of standardizing the relative fluorescent units normally reported for flow microfluorometry. Absolute values for deoxyribonucleic acid/cell are obtained by using nucleated red blood cells as references. Cell were selected and characterized for the quantitative analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid per cell over a range from 2 pg/cell to 93 pg/cell using literature values for species having nucleated erythrocytes. Fluorescence staining by either acridine-orange (green wavelength) or propidium iodide (red wavelength) gave linear curves over the entire range investigated only when "gain controls" and current are optimized. The range was equivalent to mammalian cell values from 1 N (=3.5 pg deoxyribonucleic acid/cell) to 28 N (=91 pg deoxyribonucleic acid/cell). The standard curves obtained with nonmammalian erythrocytes were compared to mammalian free-cell preparations of bovine thymus and liver cells which fell at 6.8 and 6.9 pg deoxyribonucleic acid/cell, respectively. The routine use of these easily obtainable red blood cells will allow ready comparisons on the basis of absolute values for deoxyribonucleic acid per cell for work between experiments, work between staining procedures and dye types and work between laboratories.  相似文献   

The DNA content of Euglena gracilis and murine leukemic cell line L-1210 were varied by growth under abnormal conditions. DNA measurements by colormetry and by flow microfluorometry were compared and absolute calibration of the flow device was established.  相似文献   

Filipin as a flow microfluorometry probe for cellular cholesterol   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The polyene antibiotic filipin, which forms specific complexes with 3 beta-hydroxysterols, displays spectral properties compatible with its use in flow microfluorometry (FMF). The purpose of this study was to test the suitability of filipin as an FMF probe for unesterified cellular cholesterol. The following experimental conditions appeared optimal for cells with an average unesterified cholesterol content of less than 3 nmol per 10(6) cells: 2 X 10(6) fixed cells (1-4% p-formaldehyde, 30 min, 21 degrees C) stained for 2-4 h with 100 micrograms/ml filipin and excited at 350.7/356.7 nm. Fluorescence emission (Em) was measured above 510 nm. Less suitable conditions involved excitation at 488 nm or using cells which had not been fixed. Fixation preserved the live-dead cell discrimination provided by forward light scatter measurements, so that dead cells could be excluded from the FMF analysis of cellular cholesterol. Under the above conditions FMF analysis of a variety of murine cell types showed that in all cases the fluorescence intensity of filipin-stained cells was clearly increased above autofluorescence levels of the unstained control cells. The increase in fluorescence signal in different filipin stained cell types correlated (P less than or equal to .001) with the cellular content of unesterified cholesterol determined by an independent enzymatic assay. The sensitivity of the FMF assay was in the femtomole (10(-15) ) range. Mixing experiments with cells of different cholesterol levels showed that the technique distinguishes cell populations with distinctive levels of unesterified cholesterol. We therefore concluded that filipin is a useful FMF probe for determining relative levels of unesterified cholesterol in cells.  相似文献   

Vital DNA staining and cell sorting by flow microfluorometry   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A procedure has been investigated for sorting viable cells according to their DNA content. Cells are stained with the U.V. activated fluorochromes 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), Hoechst 33258 or Hoechst 33342, and sorted with a Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. Hoechst 33342 is a suitable vital stain for a variety of cell types. Hoechst 33258 and DAPI, however, are quantitative vital stains for CHO cells only. Cloning efficiency is unaffected by the sorting procedure, and these stains are not mutagenic at concentrations suitable for vital staining. Potential applications of this procedure to cell biology are discussed.  相似文献   

Flow microfluorometric (FMF) analysis of stained cells has provided protein distribution histograms for large populations of cells. Spectral data and staining protocols were evaluated for six fluorescent protein dyes suggested for staining cells in liquid suspension. The requirements for dyes and/or staining protocol included minimal cell clumping and cell loss, near-optimal dye excitation at existing laser wavelengths, and tenacity of the dye/protein interaction. These criteria were best satisfied by fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and rhodamine B isothiocyanate (RITC). Both fluorescamine and 8-aniline-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANSA) showed potential applicability for use in systems where excitation wavelengths in the ultraviolet range are available. Protein staining with fluorescamine was extremely rapid. Brilliant sulfaflavine and 1-dimethyl-aminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride (DANSYL) were found unsatisfactory in these studies, since the former dye tended to diffuse from the cells, while the latter induced excessive cell clumping and cell loss. These techniques have application to immunofluorescence analysis and can also be profitably employed in dual-parameter analysis systems in connection with double-staining techniques for simultaneous DNA and protein analysis.  相似文献   

A flow microfluorometric technique has been developed to analyze IgE receptors on splenic and mesenteric lymph node mononuclear cells from BALB/c mice. Our data show that 1) the binding of DIBADL cross-linked IgE dimers to IgE receptors is specific in that it is inhibited by monomeric rat and mouse IgE but not by mouse or rabbit IgG or by the monoclonal anti-Fc gamma R antibody 2.4G2, and conversely, the binding of DIBADL cross-linked IgG dimers is inhibited by monomeric IgG or 2.4G2 but not by rat or mouse IgE; 2) the binding of IgE dimers is saturable on cells from uninfected and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb)-infected mice; 3) IgE dimer binding is detectable on most splenic B lymphocytes from uninfected and Nb-infected mice, but not on T lymphocytes from uninfected mice, and on few, if any, T lymphocytes from Nb-infected mice; 4) Nb infection causes a parallel increase in the percentages of B lymphocytes and cells expressing IgE receptors and Fc gamma R; 5) Nb infection leads to a marked increase in B lymphocyte IgE receptor expression, has little if any effect on IgE receptor affinity, and causes only minor changes in Fc gamma R expression; and 6) in vivo activation of B lymphocytes by a goat antibody to mouse IgD decreases IgE receptor expression considerably, but has a minimal effect on Fc gamma R expression. Thus, there are separate receptors for IgE and IgG on murine B lymphocytes, and the effect of Nb infection or anti-IgD treatment on their expression is different.  相似文献   

Fluorescence intensities were established by flow cytometry of different erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium berghei after staining of their DNA with Hoechst-33258 or Hoechst-33342. Parasites were obtained from highly synchronized infections or in vitro cultures. Most fluorescence measurements were performed using a low cost, clinical flow cytometer, equipped with a mercury arc lamp. Cells infected with P. berghei could be readily distinguished from uninfected cells on the basis of Hoechst-DNA fluorescence and single, double, and triple ring infected cells were separated clearly. The relative fluorescence intensities of different developmental stages (merozoites, ringforms, trophozoites, schizonts, and gametocytes) corresponded closely to the relative DNA contents of these stages as measured by microfluorometry. Flow cytometry appeared to be a sensitive and rapid method to measure DNA synthesis during asexual development; a C50 value of 5 microM of aphidicolin, a specific inhibitor of DNA synthesis, was established. Vital staining of parasites in culture was possible with both Hoechst dyes. After removal of Hoechst-33258, normal in vitro development of the stained parasites was observed. After Hoechst staining, the haploid ringforms of P. vivax showed slightly less fluorescence (15%) than ringforms of P. berghei and P. falciparum. No differences in fluorescence intensity were observed, however, by direct microfluorometry after Feulgen-pararosaniline staining, indicating that all three species have the same DNA content.  相似文献   

Confluent cultures of human diploid fibroblasts were maintained for 28 days with medium containing 0.5% serum. Periodically during this time cells were exposed to 3H-thymidine for 72 h; harvested; and analysed by flow microfluorometric, ‘cell sorting’, and autoradiographic techniques. The results showed that cells cultured under these conditions maintain a stable population distribution similar to that occurring when a population reaches confluency in medium containing 10% serum. Low labeling indices, sparce grain densities, and the presence of some mitotic cells indicated that a limited amount of cell-cycle traverse did occur but that both the S and G2 phases were prolonged. This new state of reduced mitotic activity with prolonged cell-cycle times may mimic the long-term inhibition of cell-cycle traverse of expanding tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary A dual laser beam excitation device for flow analysis of biological particles has been developed. The aid of this arrangement is to increase the range of fluorescent agents employed so far in quantitative and qualitative cytochemistry. Combining an argon ion and a helium-cadmium laser two color fluorescence measurements were performed employing propidium iodide as a DNA stain and fluorescamine which stains total protein in fixed cells. Energy transfer processes between the antibiotic and DNA specific dye mithramycin and propidium iodide both being bound to nuclear chromatin were analyzed. Utilization of energy transfer processes is generally discussed as a mean to extract information about the structure and conformation of nuclear chromatin in situ. The application of a crypton ion laser with three lines near 400 nm and a single line at 350 nm having a light output in each range of nearly one Watt gives the opportunity of utilizing DNA fluorochromes which have an excitation maximum in the deep blue region. DNA spectra are shown employing mithramycin, the benzimidazol derivative 33258 (Hoechst) and the indol compound DAPI which has a high DNA specifity combined with a great stability under UV illumination. By separating two focussed laser beams at their intereecting points with the liquid sample stream the trajectory of each flowing cell crosses the beams sequentially, which causes a solitary dual excitation of each cell. The advantages of a solitary excitation device compared with a simultaneous one is discussed.This work has been supported by the ministry of research and technology (FRG), contract No. 01VH015-B13MT 225a  相似文献   

5-Oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid (5-oxo-ETE), a metabolite of arachidonic acid formed by the 5-lipoxygenase pathway, is a potent eosinophil chemoattractant that may be an important mediator in asthma. To further investigate the physiological and pathological roles of 5-oxo-ETE we have developed a mass spectrometric assay employing a tetradeuterated analog (5-oxo-[11,12,14,15-(2)H]ETE) as an internal standard. Collision-induced dissociation of the quasimolecular anion of 5-oxo-[11,12,14,15-(2)H]ETE (m/z 321) resulted in the formation of a major ion at m/z 207 that retained all four deuterium atoms. Measurement of the ratio of ions at m/z 203 (endogenous 5-oxo-ETE) and m/z 207 permitted quantitation of this compound by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-mass spectrometry using multiple reaction monitoring. The resulting assay was highly sensitive (< or =20 pg/sample) and selective, enabling detection of the amount of 5-oxo-ETE produced by as few as 10,000 neutrophils. This assay should permit measurement of 5-oxo-ETE in biological fluids, enabling evaluation of its role in asthma and other inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Although a wide variety of articles on quantification of eicosanoids by using internal standards are published every year, little has been done on how much internal standard should be added. This article demonstrates that the application of experimental design enables estimating the interaction eicosanoid/internal standard and to select confidently an optimal amount of internal standard and a response factor (RF) for the analysis of eicosanoids in a high number of samples, where the amount of sample is limited and the unknown levels of eicosanoids are spanned in a wide range of concentrations. The results revealed that the interaction eicosanoid/internal standard is an important factor that affects the validity of the RF and subsequently the accuracy of the analysis.  相似文献   

Acridine orange (AO) staining enables flow cytometric measurement of cellular DNA and RNA. With the conventional procedure, red and green fluorescence intensities alter considerably in time, affecting the reliability and reproducibility of the results. A standardized simple technique of AO staining is described that keeps the time between addition of detergent and AO and the subsequent measurement constant. Measurements by means of this on-line method appear to be much more reproducible in comparison to those obtained using the conventional procedure.  相似文献   

Measurement of oxidatively generated base damage in cellular DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This survey focuses on the critical evaluation of the main methods that are currently available for monitoring single and complex oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA. Among chromatographic methods, HPLC-ESI-MS/MS and to a lesser extent HPLC-ECD which is restricted to a few electroactive nucleobases and nucleosides are appropriate for measuring the formation of single and clustered DNA lesions. Such methods that require optimized protocols for DNA extraction and digestion are sensitive enough for measuring base lesions formed under conditions of severe oxidative stress including exposure to ionizing radiation, UVA light and high intensity UVC laser pulses. In contrast application of GC-MS and HPLC-MS methods that are subject to major drawbacks have been shown to lead to overestimated values of DNA damage. Enzymatic methods that are based on the use of DNA repair glycosylases in order to convert oxidized bases into strand breaks are suitable, even if they are far less specific than HPLC methods, to deal with low levels of single modifications. Several other methods including immunoassays and (32)P-postlabeling methods that are still used suffer from drawbacks and therefore are not recommended. Another difficult topic is the measurement of oxidatively generated clustered DNA lesions that is currently achieved using enzymatic approaches and that would necessitate further investigations.  相似文献   

Two related assays capable of determining cell extract repair activities for different oxidative lesions in DNA are described. Both assays measure the incorporation of radiolabeled nucleotides during repair of an oxidatively damaged template in a cell-free system. The assays differ in the type of oxidative damage present in the DNA. In one, singlet oxygen is used to generate predominantly 8-oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine lesions. In the other, hydroxyl radicals are used to generate a broad spectrum of damage including oxidized bases and strand breaks. Assay conditions were adjusted to ensure that radiolabel incorporation was directly proportional to cell extract repair activity. These assays represent sensitive tools for investigating the regulation of repair systems for oxidative DNA damage.  相似文献   

R P Brondani  D Grattapaglia 《BioTechniques》2001,31(4):793-5, 798, 800
We describe a simple and cost-effective method for the synthesis of an internal fluorescently labeled DNA standard for fragment sizing using an automated DNA sequencer. A set of primer pairs labeled with ROX was developed to amplify 12 DNA fragments, 58-417 bp, derived from a conserved region of plant chloroplast DNA. These amplified fragments were mixed together, constituting a fluorescent internal DNA size marker. The precision of the size standard was evaluated by estimating the size of 20 alleles that were amplified at four dinucleotide microsatellite loci with the synthesized size standard and the commercial internal sizing standard, GeneScan Rox500. A number of intra-gel and inter-gel comparisons were run, and an analysis of variance was carried out. No significant difference was observed between the size estimates obtained with the synthesized DNA standard and the commercial standard. This facile and general PCR-based method for the synthesis of internal standards allows for significant savings in the implementation of large genotyping experiments using microsatellite or AFLP markers.  相似文献   

The dye-induced separation between closed and open duplex DNAs in buoyant CsCl is determined primarily by the superhelix density of the closed DNA, provided that all other experimental variables (such as the solution density and dye concentration) are held constant. The extent of the buoyant separation may be used to estimate the superhelix density of an uncharacterized closed DNA, by comparison with the corresponding separation with native SV40 DNAs under identical conditions. We present here an extension of these quantitative relationships to permit the use of an arbitrarily selected closed duplex DNA of known superhelix density, with the accompanying open form, as a reference. The general result is that the ratio of buoyant separations for any two closed/open DNA pairs remains a linear function of the difference in superhelix densities between the closed DNAs. The value of the proportionality constant depends, however, upon the magnitude of the superhelix density of the closed DNA selected as reference.  相似文献   

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