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Lipid peroxidation is thought to be an important event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. It has been suggested that pentane, which can be formed during the oxidation of ω-6 fatty acids, is a marker of lipid peroxidation. Previous studies have reported elevated breath pentane and serum markers of lipid peroxidation in smokers. However, chromatographic separation of pentane from isoprene in virtually all of these studies was incomplete and the methods used did not resolve pentane into its isomers, n-pentane and isopentane. Additionally, most current methods are complicated, requiring trapping and concentrating steps to obtain adequate sensitivity prior to hydrocarbon analysis. The purpose of the current study was to develop a gas chromatographic system to analyze breath pentane, that addressses the above technical problems and that would provide a simple in vivo method for measuring lipid. n-Pentane and isopentane standards were easily separated from isoprene with a Al2O3/KCl capillary column contained in a portable gas chromatograph equipped with a photoionization detector. The analysis of repeated measures showed a low coefficient of variation for measurements of n-pentane (10%) and isopentane (9%). We measured breath pentane in 27 subjects (15 smokers, 12 non-smokers). There were no significant difference between the baseline and 4 week interval measurements of n-pentane for smokers both before and after cigarette smoking. The within-subject variability data showed that the assay is highly reproducible for both low and high pentane levels in smokers. Smokers were found to have higher levels of both n-pentane and isopentane than non-smokers (P<0.001). In addition, smokers had further significant elevation of pentane levels 10 min after smoking (P<0.001), which returned to baseline by 1 h. These studies demonstrate that measurement of breath pentane, using a gas chromatograph with a photoionization detector, is simple and reproducible. Additionally, these results suggest that pentane elevation associated with smoking is secondary to the oxidant effects of cigarette smoke and an important temporal relationship exists between cigarette smoking and breath sample analysis.  相似文献   

A new gas chromatographic method, using only flame ionization detection which can determine nanogram quantities of homovanillic acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol in the same reaction, is described. These compounds are treated with diazoethane and n-butylboronic acid. Homovanillic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid are converted to their ethyl esters while 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol from cyclic boronates and are thus assayed. This method is quantitative, highly specific and sensitive. It has been applied to the analysis of these compounds in urine.  相似文献   

A capillary gas-chromatographic method was developed for the analysis of a mixture of toluidines in urine. The method is based on the extraction of toluidines with toluene and derivatisation with heptafluorobutyric anhydride to form a product for electron capture detection. The procedure gave a linear response at concentrations of 0.02–0.20 μg/ml with sufficient reproducibility. The method is simple, requires little sample pretreatment and is being considered for biomonitoring workers exposed to toluidines.  相似文献   

A simple micro method for the estimation of urinary pregnanediol (5β-pregnane-3α,20α-diol) is described. Chloroform extracts of acid-hydrolyzed urine are assayed gas chromatographically at 235° using Gas Chrom Z coated with 0.5 gm % NPGA. Thirty urine specimens may be prepared for gas chromatography in 1.5 hr. The rate of hydrolysis of pregnanediol glucuronide is proportional to the concentration of acid, and the rate of decomposition of pregnanediol to the square of acid concentration. Normal pregnant women excreted a mean of 7 mg24 hr pregnanediol in the first trimester, 20 mg24 hr in the second, and 36 mg24 hr in the third. During the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle the excretion of pregnanediol by normal women increased from <0.3 mg24 hr to 5–7 mg24 hr.  相似文献   

Benzene is a human carcinogen and its metabolite, urinary trans,trans-muconic acid (ttMA), is a biomarker for risk assessment. However, most of the existing methods were not sensitive enough for monitoring of low level exposure. This paper describes a HPLC-UV method for ttMA determination with enhanced selectivity and sensitivity. A 30 mg OasisMAX cartridge was used to clean-up 50 microl of urine sample and gradient elution was performed on a Zorbax SB-C(18) column (30 degrees C). ttMA was detected at wavelength 263 nm using a UV diode array detector (DAD). The two mobile phases used were (A) 150 mM ortho-phosphoric acid containing of 9% (v/v) methanol; and (B) 125 mM ortho-phosphoric acid containing 30% (v/v) acetonitrile. The method was validated with 61 urine samples collected from non-occupationally benzene exposed individuals and 14 quality control specimens from an international quality assessment scheme. The urinary ttMA concentrations (mean+/-S.D.microg/g creatinine) were 90+/-34 for smokers (n=26), 49+/-39 for non-smokers (n=21) and 23+/-18 for non-smoking hospital staff (n=14). A correlation coefficient, r=0.99 was found with 14 external quality specimens for ttMA ranged from 0.4 to 6.8 mg/l. The recovery and reproducibility were generally over 90% and the detection limit was 5 microg/l.  相似文献   

We developed a capillary column gas chromatography (CCGC) method for the measurement of urinary sucralose (S) and three other sugar probes including, sucrose, lactulose (L) and mannitol (M) for use in in vivo studies of intestinal permeability. We compared the capillary method with a packed column gas chromatography (PCGC) method. We also investigated a possible role for sucralose as a probe for the measurement of whole gut permeability. Sample preparation was rapid and simple. The above four sugars were detected precisely, without interference. We measured intestinal permeability using 5- and 24-h urine collections in 14 healthy volunteers. The metabolism of sugars was evaluated by incubating the intestinal bacteria with an iso-osmolar mixture of mannitol, lactulose and sucralose at 37 degrees C for 19 h. Sugar concentrations and the pH of the mixture were monitored. The use of the CCGC method improved the detection of sucralose as compared to PCGC. The average coefficient of variation decreased from 15% to 4%. It also increased the sensitivity of detection by 200-2000-fold. The GC assay was linear between sucralose concentrations of 0.2 and 40 g/l (r=1.000). Intestinal bacteria metabolized lactulose and acidified the media but did not metabolize sucralose or mannitol. The new method for the measurement of urinary sucralose permits the simultaneous quantitation of sucrose, mannitol and lactulose, and is rapid, simple, sensitive, accurate and reproducible. Because neither S nor M is metabolized by intestinal bacteria, and because only a tiny fraction of either sugar is absorbed, this pair of sugar probes appears to be available for absorption throughout the GI tract. Thus, the 24-h urinary concentrations of S and M, or the urinary S/M ratio following an oral dose of a sugar mixture, might be good markers for whole gut permeability.  相似文献   

Human metabolism of the insecticide propoxur yields 2-isopropoxyphenol (IPP) which is excreted conjugated in urine. In this publication a sensitive and selective analytical method is described which permits the determination of IPP as a suitable parameter for biomonitoring. The clean-up of the hydrolysed urine samples consisted of steam distillation and solid-phase extraction using a reversed-phase column. IPP and the internal standard 2-ethoxyphenol were converted to their pentafluorobenzyl ethers. Excess of the derivatisation reagent was removed using deactivated silica gel. Separation and quantitative analysis was carried out by capillary gas chromatography and mass selective detection. Coefficients of variation were below 5% for concentrations from 6 to 300 μg/l. The detection limit was 0.5 μg/l. The method was checked by analysing six urine samples from pest controllers after indoor application of propoxur. The IPP concentrations ranged from 45 to 306 μg/g creatinine. IPP was not detected in urine specimens from 10 non-exposed persons. The sensitivity of the developed method permits the detection of latent exposure to propoxur.  相似文献   

The therapeutic use of disulfhydryl compounds such as 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) for the treatment of heavy metal poisoning has generated a requirement for specific and sensitive methods to determine those compounds in biological media. We have developed a gas chromatographic assay for DMSA in urine. The use of capillary column technology eliminates the requirement for a preliminary clean-up step. Samples are first reduced electrochemically to liberate DMSA present as disulfides. The reduced product is then extracted into ethyl acetate and the organic phase removed by evaporation. The residue is derivatized with N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)acetamide for gas chromatography. The silylated DMSA derivative is then detected with a flame ionization detector. The detection limit for DMSA is 1.9 nmol per 1-μl aliquot of derivatized extract injected on column (detector sensitivity at 1·10−11 A/mV). The utility of the method was demonstrated by analyzing the urine of rats orally dosed with DMSA.  相似文献   

Gas chromatographic determination of thymol.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thymol in biological samples is analyzed by gas chromatography utilizing a 5% OV-25 column, a flame ionization detector, and eugenol as an internal standard. Samples are extracted with diethyl ether and analyzed without derivatization. The lower limit of detection of thymol in a sample is about 0.01 μg and quantitation is satisfactory in plasma at 0.05 μg2 ml. Data was recorded digitally on magnetic tape and calculated off-line at a central facility.  相似文献   

A method for the quantification of acetylpolyamines, N1,N12-diacetylspermine (DiAcSpm), monoacetylspermidine (AcSpd), and N1,N8-diacetylspermidine (DiAcSpd), identifying each compound simultaneously, was developed with the goal of evaluating these acetylpolyamines as potential biomarkers of cancer. The method consists of prepurification of acetylpolyamines in urine with commercially available cartridges and derivatization with heptafluorobutyric (HFB) anhydride. HFB derivatives of acetylpolyamines were determined simultaneously using 15N-labeled acetylpolyamines as internal standards by electrospray ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry (ESI-TOF MS). After the method was validated, the urinary acetylpolyamines of 38 cancer patients were quantified with this method. A comparison of the concentrations of DiAcSpm with those measured by a colloidal gold aggregation method demonstrated a correlation coefficient of 0.996, showing that the two methods were equally satisfactory. Analysis of the correlation between DiAcSpd or AcSpd and DiAcSpm, performed for the first time, indicated the usefulness of DiAcSpm as a urinary biomarker of cancer. During the course of this work, two simple methods for the preparation of α,ω-diacetylpolyamines were developed, and a possibility to separate and determine the concentrations of the two isomers, N1-acetylspermidine and N8-acetylspermidine in AcSpd, was shown by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS).  相似文献   

To survey glycosyltransferase activities and specificities we have developed a TLC method to separate various nucleotide sugars from both high- and low-molecular-weight sugar acceptors. Here, we report details of the procedure and its application for galactosyltransferase and fucosyltransferase detected in mouse spermatogenic cells. The assay method involves sample separation using polyethyleneimine cellulose plastic-backed thin-layer plates, developed in sodium phosphate buffer for 30 min. Nucleotide sugars, including UDP-Gal, GDP-Fuc, CMP-NeuNAc, and GDP-Man, remain at the origin, while both high- and low-molecular-weight sugar acceptors migrate within 2 cm of the solvent front. Assays for galactosyltransferase and fucosyltransferase are linear with time and yield results comparable to other methods such as gel permeation chromatography and micropartitioning filtration. The TLC protocol should be useful for determinations of many different glycosyltransferases.  相似文献   

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