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Lymph node cells collected from CBA/J mice 4 days after painting the skin with picryl chloride are able to immunize naive recipients by hapten-IgM immuno complexes. These cells ("4-day" cells) activate the early components of the classical pathway of complement from mice of the H-2 Sd haplotype (high-C4), but fail to activate the classical pathway of complement from mice of the H-2 Sk haplotype (low-C4). Incubation of "4-day" cells in complement from mice with high-C4 levels abolishes the induction of contact sensitivity, probably as a consequence of the solubilization of membrane-bound immuno complexes caused by complement activation. The presence of "4-day" cells is determined by the levels of C4. In fact, using strains of mice which differ only at the S region of the H-2 complex, we found that mice of the H-2 Sd (and perhaps H-2 Sb) haplotype (high-C4 levels) lack "4-day" cells in their lymph nodes and this is due to the activation of the early components of the classical complement pathway which occurs in vivo in these mice during sensitization with picryl chloride. The finding that contact sensitivity reaction to picryl chloride in H-2 Sk mice lasts about 21 days, whereas H-2 Sd mice show a contact sensitivity reaction until 7 days after sensitization, strongly suggests that the S region, and in particular C4 levels, controls the persistence of "4-day" immunogenic cells, and so play a role in the duration of the contact sensitivity reaction to picryl chloride in the mouse.  相似文献   

Lymph node cells collected from CBA/J mice 4 days after painting with picryl chloride induce contact sensitivity in naive recipient mice by virtue of hapten IgM immuno complexes. The immunizing capacity of these cells ("4-day" cells) is abolished after incubation of the cells with a C4-deficient guinea pig serum reconstituted with plasma or purified C4 from mice with high C4 levels (C4h), but not with plasma or purified C4 from mice with low C4 levels (C41). The inhibition of the immunizing capacity of 4-day cells is due to the activation of the early components of the classical complement pathway which is likely to result in the solubilization of membrane-bound immunocomplexes. However, the same amounts of CBA/J and BALB/c C4 have a different effect in inhibiting the induction of contact sensitivity by 4-day cells. In fact, by dose-response experiments, we have found that the amount of C41 able to inhibit the induction of contact sensitivity is about threefold higher than that of C4h. Analysis of the covalent binding ability of C4h and C41 reveals that C4h is able to bind to the surface of 4-day cells more efficiently than C41 and this probably accounts for the difference of the two C4 molecules in inhibiting the immunizing capacity of 4-day cells. Results are discussed in terms of different reactivities of C4h and C41 with the surface of 4-day cells.  相似文献   

The fourth component of rat complement was purified to homogeneity by sequential chromatography of rat plasma in benzamidine on QAE-A50, SP-C50, hydroxyapatite, and gel filtration on Bio-Gel A 1.5. The final material was homogeneous on SDS-PAGE analysis and had a calculated m.w. of 198,000. A monospecific antibody against rat C4 was obtained from immunized rabbits. The concentration of rat C4 in the plasma of normal 4-month-old Wistar rats was 190 +/- 34 microgram/ml (mean +/- 1 S.D.).  相似文献   

The two genes encoding the fourth component of complement (C4A and C4B) reside between HLA-B and HLA-DR on human chromosome 6. Two kilobases downstream from each C4 gene lies a 21-hydroxylase gene (CA21HA and CA21HB, respectively). Utilizing the method of Southern blotting and a 5'-end 2.4-kb BamHI/KpnI fragment of the C4 cDNA, we have analyzed TaqI-digested DNA from four pedigrees with one or more extended haplotypes containing a C4A duplication, as demonstrated by protein electrophoresis and segregation analysis. Two C4A protein duplications (C4A*2,A*3,C4B*QO and C4A*3,A*5,C4B*QO) segregated with two large TaqI DNA restriction fragments (7.0 and 6.0). In pedigree Fi, one individual homozygous for HLA-A3,B35,C4,DR1,DQ1,BFF,C2C,-C4A2,3,C4BQO had TaqI 7.0- and 6.0-kb restriction fragments with equal hybridization intensities as measured by two-dimensional densitometry (7.0/6.0 kb = 0.83, SD = 0.12, N = 7). A hybridization probe for the 21-hydroxylase gene also demonstrated equal gene dosage (CA21HA/CA21HB = 1.01). DNA from another individual (Ma I-2) with a different C4A gene duplication (C4A*3,A*5,C4B*QO) also had equal densitometry measurements (7.0/6.0 kb = 1.07). We conclude that two extended haplotypes from unrelated pedigrees have two C4 genes and both C4 genes encode separate C4A alleles. These findings are compatible with a gene conversion event of C4B to C4A.  相似文献   

C-terminal CNBr peptides of the three polypeptide chains of C4 were obtained and sequenced. These results supplement previously obtained data, notably the protein sequence derived from cDNA sequencing of pro-C4 (Belt KT, Carroll MC & Porter RR (1984) Cell 36, 907-914) and the N-terminal sequences of the three polypeptides (Gigli I, von Zabern I & Porter RR (1977) Biochem. J. 165, 439-446), to define the complete primary structure of the plasma form of C4. The beta (656 residues), alpha (748 residues), and gamma (291 residues) chains are found in positions 1-656, 661-1408, and 1435-1725 in the pro-C4 molecule.  相似文献   

The fourth component of complement, C4, was isolated from bovine plasma in high yield, by using simple purification techniques. The protein, like human component C4, is a beta-globulin with a mol.wt. of about 200 000 and consists of three polypeptide chains, alpha, beta and gamma, with apparent mol. wts. of 98 000, 82 000 and 32 000 respectively. The chains of C4 have been separated by methods previously used for human C4. Their amino acid compositions are very similar to those of the human component, but differences in carbohydrate distribution have been observed. The haemolytic activity of bovine C4 is totally destroyed by incubation with bovine C1s, the activated subcomponent of the first component of complement. Component C4, treated in this way, was shown to be cleaved in the alpha chain, which was decreased in mol.wt. by about 9000, corresponding to the removal of subcomponent C4a.  相似文献   

The fourth component of complement, C4, was isolated from human serum in good yield, and in confirmation of previous reports was shown to be formed from three peptide chains, alpha, beta and gamma, with apparent mol.wts. 90 000, 80 000 and 30 000 respectively. Preparative methods are described for the isolation of the three peptide chains and their amino acid analyses reported. Component C4 contains 7.0% carbohydrate, alpha-chain 8.6% and the beta-chain 5.6%. The N-terminal amino acid sequences are given for 12 residues of the alpha-chain, eight of the beta-chain and 19 of the gamma-chain.  相似文献   

cDNA clones specific for the fourth component of complement (C4) and its androgen-regulated isotype, sex-limited protein (Slp), have been isolated from two mouse haplotypes (H-2d and H-2w7) that show differential C4 activity and differential regulation of Slp. Clones were first isolated using a cDNA probe enriched by subtractive hybridization. Subsequent screening has resulted in cDNAs spanning the entire C4d mRNA, as well as much of C4w7, Slpw7 and a short region of Slpd. The cDNAs for C4 and Slp show extensive sequence homology, but can be distinguished using oligonucleotide probes synthesized to regions of greatest sequence divergence. Sequence differences between C4 and Slp indicate structurally important features of C4 that have been altered in Slp such that Slp is unable to participate in the complement pathway. Of the few nucleotide differences between C4d and C4w7, a single base change resulting in one less glycosylation site in the C4w7 alpha chain could account for its 4-fold reduced hemolytic efficiency. Sequence comparison of multiple alleles of C4 and Slp indicates that possible gene conversion events occurred in the H-2w7 strain that has multiple Slp genes.  相似文献   

The C3 polymorphism of equine serum or plasma revealed by agarose gel electrophoresis can be diagnosed with protein stain following acid protein fixation. In addition to the three alleles previously described (C31, C32, C33), a fourth allele (C34) was found. Population data for 25 domestic breeds and Equus przewalskii are presented.  相似文献   

The complement component C4 of mammals.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Human complement component C4 is coded by tandem genes located in the HLA class III region. The products of the two genes, C4A and C4B, are different in their activity. This difference is due to a degree of 'substrate' specificity in the covalent binding reactions of the two isotypes. Mouse also has a duplicated locus, but only one gene produces active C4, while the other codes for the closely related sex-limited protein (Slp). In order to gain some insight into the evolutionary history of the duplicated C4 locus, we have purified C4 from a number of other mammalian species, and tested their binding specificities. Like man, chimpanzee and rhesus monkey appear to produce two C4 types with reactivities similar to C4A and C4B. Rat, guinea pig, whale, rabbit, dog and pig each expresses C4 with a single binding specificity, which is C4B-like. Sheep and cattle express two C4 types, one C4B-like, the other C4A-like, in their binding properties. These results suggest that more than one locus may be present in these species. If this is so, then the duplication of the C4 locus is either very ancient, having occurred before the divergence of the modern mammals, or there have been three separate duplication events in the lines leading to the primates, rodents and ungulates.  相似文献   

Two classes of mRNA encoding the murine C4 protein were identified by sequence analysis of clones isolated from a liver complementary DNA library. The divergence found within a 357 base pair sequence available for comparison is limited to five nucleotide replacements located in the region corresponding to the carboxy-terminal end of the C4d peptide fragment. One of the nucleotide substitutions influences the presence of a site for the Hind III restriction endonuclease. That this restriction site indeed discriminates the two non-allelic genes encoding the mouse C4 and C4-Slp isoforms has been demonstrated by Southern blot analysis and nucleotide sequencing at the genomic level. Circumstantial evidence supports the identification of the gene lacking the Hind III site in the region corresponding to the carboxy-terminal end of the C4d fragment as the one encoding the C4-Slp isotype.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence coding for the fourth component of mouse complement (C4) has been determined from a cloned genomic DNA fragment and a cloned cDNA fragment. The amino acid sequence of the protein was deduced. The single chain precursor protein (pro-C4) consists of 1719 amino acid residues. The mature beta, alpha, and gamma subunits contain 654, 766, and 291 amino acids, respectively. One potential carbohydrate attachment site is predicted for the beta chain, three for the alpha chain, and none for the gamma chain. From a comparison with human C4 cDNA sequence an extensive overall sequence homology, 79% in nucleotides and 76% in amino acids, is observed. There is conservation in both the position and number of cysteine residues in human and mouse C4. We compared the mouse C4 amino acid sequences with those of mouse C3 and human alpha 2-macroglobulin and the evolutionary relationship among these three proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

An analysis of polymorphism in the fourth component of human complement (C4) was performed on EDTA-plasma from 142 unrelated, randomly selected Turks without collagen-vascular disease or recurrent infections. Plasma samples treated with neuraminidase and carboxypeptidase-B were subjected to high-voltage agarose gel electrophoresis followed by immunofixation. C4B allotypes were further detected in some samples by Western blots with monoclonal antibody 1228 (anti-C4B/Ch1 reactivity). The frequencies of C4A and C4B alleles were determined. Allele C4B*5, which has been found to be relatively common in Asian (Oriental) populations, was not detected in this study. No specific predilection could be noted among the rare variants. C4A*3-C4B*1 was the most common haplotype (n = 40/142, or 28%) but was found less frequently than in Caucasian populations. This finding may be the result of the limited number of samples examined. C4A and/or C4B null allotypes were seen in 49 of 142 (34.6%) subjects. The most frequent C4 null allotype seen was C4B null (37/142, or 26%): 28 subjects had one C4B null allele; 1 had a homozygous deficiency of C4B (C4B*QO, *QO) and 7 had C4A*QO C4B*QO, a double heterozygous haplotype. Frequencies of homozygous haplotype C4A*Q0-C4B*Q0 in the population studied were found to be 0.007. The results of this study demonstrate that the genetic composition of the Turkish population exhibits both similarities and differences with the European population, and ranges between Caucasian and Mongoloid (Asian) populations.  相似文献   

Human complement component C4 is encoded by two HLA-linked loci, A and B. In the mouse, the H-2 region contains structural genes for two serum proteins that react with antibodies to human C4, but one of these proteins (Slp) has no C4 hemolytic activity. Because the product of C4-A locus in man has low hemolytic activity, a previous report suggests it may be the homologue of murine Slp. We show here that Slp antigenic determinants are found in human C4. However, they are expressed in the products of both loci A and B, that is, C4A and C4B, since both proteins were specifically immunoprecipitated by the IgG fraction of alloantisera to mouse Slp. Therefore, Slp-associated structural features are preserved in evolution, although they do not seem to be relevant to the hemolytic properties of C4.  相似文献   

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