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Immune stimulating complex (ISCOM) particles consisting of a mixture of Quil-A, cholesterol, and phospholipids were structurally characterized by small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The ISCOM particles are perforated vesicles of very well-defined structures. We developed and implemented a novel (to our knowledge) modeling method based on Monte Carlo simulation integrations to describe the SAXS data. This approach is similar to the traditional modeling of SAXS data, in which a structure is assumed, the scattering intensity is calculated, and structural parameters are optimized by weighted least-squares methods when the model scattering intensity is fitted to the experimental data. SAXS data from plain ISCOM matrix particles in aqueous suspension, as well as those from complete ISCOMs (i.e., with an antigen (tetanus toxoid) incorporated) can be modeled as a polydisperse distribution of perforated bilayer vesicles with icosahedral, football, or tennis ball structures. The dominating structure is the tennis ball structure, with an outer diameter of 40 nm and with 20 holes 5-6 nm in diameter. The lipid bilayer membrane is 4.6 nm thick, with a low-electron-density, 2.0-nm-thick hydrocarbon core. Surprisingly, in the ISCOMs, the tetanus toxoid is located just below the membrane inside the particles.  相似文献   

Despite the well-known functional importance of GroEL-GroES complex formation during the chaperonin cycle, the stoichiometry of the complex has not been clarified. The complex can occur either as an asymmetric 1:1 GroEL-GroES complex or as a symmetric 1:2 GroEL-GroES complex, although it remains uncertain which type is predominant under physiological conditions. To resolve this question, we studied the structure of the GroEL-GroES complex under physiological conditions by small-angle x-ray scattering, which is a powerful technique to directly observe the structure of the protein complex in solution. We evaluated molecular structural parameters, the radius of gyration and the maximum dimension of the complex, from the x-ray scattering patterns under various nucleotide conditions (3 mM ADP, 3 mM ATPγS, and 3 mM ATP in 10 mM MgCl2 and 100 mM KCl) at three different temperatures (10°C, 25°C, and 37°C). We then compared the experimentally observed scattering patterns with those calculated from the known x-ray crystallographic structures of the GroEL-GroES complex. The results clearly demonstrated that the asymmetric complex must be the major species stably present in solution under physiological conditions. On the other hand, in the presence of ATP (3 mM) and beryllium fluoride (10 mM NaF and 300 μM BeCl2), we observed the formation of a stable symmetric complex, suggesting the existence of a transiently formed symmetric complex during the chaperonin cycle.  相似文献   

CD and small-angle x-ray scattering of silk fibroin in solution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
M Canetti  A Seves  F Secundo  G Vecchio 《Biopolymers》1989,28(9):1613-1624
We investigated the structure of silk fibroin dissolved in water and in water-organic solvent mixtures by CD and small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). CD spectra indicated a disordered secondary structure in water and a beta-sheet conformation in aqueous organic solvents, such as methanol, dioxane, and trifluoroethanol (in trifluoroethanol a transient form evolving toward beta-sheet conformation was seen just after dissolution). The SAXS technique indicated the presence of fibroin particles of lamellar shape. The molecular weight was 188,000 daltons in water and 302,000 daltons in aqueous methanol.  相似文献   

Type I restriction-modification (R-M) systems encode multisubunit/multidomain enzymes. Two genes (M and S) are required to form the methyltransferase (MTase) that methylates a specific base within the recognition sequence and protects DNA from cleavage by the endonuclease. The DNA methyltransferase M.AhdI is a 170 kDa tetramer with the stoichiometry M(2)S(2) and has properties typical of a type I MTase. The M.AhdI enzyme has been prepared with deuterated S subunits, to allow contrast variation using small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) methods. The SANS data were collected in a number of (1)H:(2)H solvent contrasts to allow matching of one or other of the subunits in the multisubunit enzyme. The radius of gyration (R(g)) and maximum dimensions (D(max)) of the M subunits in situ in the multisubunit enzyme (50 A and 190 A, respectively) are close of those of the entire MTase (51 A and 190 A). In contrast, the S subunits in situ have experimentally determined values of R(g)=35 A and D(max)=110 A, indicating their more central location in the enzyme. Ab initio reconstruction methods yield a low-resolution structural model of the shape and subunit organization of M.AhdI, in which the Z-shaped structure of the S subunit dimer can be discerned. In contrast, the M subunits form a much more elongated and extended structure. The core of the MTase comprises the two S subunits and the globular regions of the two M subunits, with the extended portion of the M subunits most probably forming highly mobile regions at the outer extremities, which collapse around the DNA when the MTase binds.  相似文献   

From X-ray scattering diagrams of concentrated solutions of hemoglobin the pair-correlation function of the molecules is calculated. At a concentration of 324 g/l the distance between neighbouring molecules amounts to 65 A. The number of direct neighbours of one molecule is 9. The pair-correlation function cannot be described by the assumption of a lattice-cell-model; therefore, a lattice-vacancy-model with fluid order is proposed.  相似文献   

Ethanol precipitated DNA shows a CD spectrum of the +psi-type which is similar to that of DNA in the A-form. DNA condensed with cetyl-trimethylammonium-bromide shows, depending on the condensation velocity, a CD spectrum of the -psi-type, or a CD spectrum only slightly modified from that of DNA in solution. The first spectrum is similar to that of DNA in the C-form, and the second one, to that of DNA in the B-form. Using large-angle X-ray scattering of the three DNA condensates and comparing them with the scattering curves calculated from the atom coordinates for the A-, B-, and C-form of DNA it is shown that the secondary structure of the DNA belongs in all three cases to the B-family. It follows from this result that the secondary structure of DNA alone does not determine the type of CD spectrum. The CD spectrum of condensed DNA is essentially determined by the supramolecular structures of the partially crystalline DNA condensates. These supramolecular structures can be demonstrated by the small-angle X-ray diagrams. The condensation of DNA by ethanol and cetyl-trimethylammonium-bromide proceeds in the form of a partial crystallization of the DNA.  相似文献   

The structure of human plasma fibronectin in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4, containing varying concentrations of NaCl, has been investigated using the small-angle X-ray method.Below 0.3 M NaCl the overall structure of the molecule is disc-shaped; at 0 M NaCl the axial ratio of the disc is about 1:7 and between 0.1 M to 0.3 M it is slightly more asymmetric, with an axial ratio of 1:10.At about 0.3 M NaCl there is a reversible transition to a more open structure, and, from 0.3 M up to 1.1 M NaCl the small-angle X-ray data can be explained by models consisting of ensembles of flexible, non-overlapping, bead-chains generated by a Monte Carlo procedure. Within this concentration range there is a gradual increase in the stiffness of the chains, as well as a decrease in bead radius, which indicates that the molecule becomes more open when the NaCl concentration is increased.The transition to a more open structure is also demonstrated by the average radius of gyration which increases gradually from 8.26 nm at 0 M NaCl to 8.75 nm at physiological or near-physiological conditions, and up to 16.2 nm at 1.1 M NaCl.Abbreviations hpFN human plasma fibronectin - SAXS smallangle X-ray scattering - Tris tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane - DTT dithiothreitol - BA benzamidine hydrochloride - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride  相似文献   

The ribosomal stalk of the 60S subunit has been shown to play a crucial role in all steps of protein synthesis, but its structure and exact molecular function remain an unanswered question. In the present study, we show the low-resolution models of the solution structure of the yeast ribosomal stalk, composed of five proteins, P0-(P1-P2)(2). The model of the pentameric stalk complex determined by small-angle X-ray scattering reveals an elongated shape with a maximum length of 13 nm. The model displays three distinct lobes, which may correspond to the individual P1-P2 heterodimers anchored to the C-terminal domain of the P0 protein.  相似文献   

Helix pomatia beta-haemocyanin was split into dissociation products by varying the pH and the ionic strength. The purity of the solution was checked in an ultracentrifuge. Two defined dissociation products were studied in solution by small-angle X-ray scattering. In Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 8.0 and ionic strength 1 M, the following parameters of the dissociation product (tenths) could be determined: molecular weight = 7 x 10(5), volume = 1350 nm3, radius of gyration = 9.0 nm, maximal distance = 28.3 nm, radius of the spherical subunits about 2.6 nm, number of the subunits approximately 19. Tris-HC1 buffer, pH 8.7 and ionic strength 0.01 M, yielded dissociation products (twentieths) with the following parameters: molecular weight = 3.5 x 10(5), volume = 635 nm3, radius of gyration = 7.5 nm, maximal distance = 21.9 nm, radius of the spherical subunits about 2.5 nm. With this information, the assumption that the larger fragment was double the smaller one and the latest biochemical and morphological results, theoretical scattering curves of models were calculated and compared with the experimental curves. Two models are suggested which argee well with the dissociation products in radius of gyration and scattering.  相似文献   

The molecular organization of human plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M), and its 1:1 and 1:2 trypsin complexes, have been investigated using the small-angle x-ray scattering method. All the experimental data can be explained by the same basic model, consisting of three oblate-shaped domains arranged in a sandwich-like structure. Each of the larger peripheral domains consists of two parallel elliptic cylinders associated side-by-side, whereas the smaller central domain consists of just one elliptic cylinder. In the native molecule the three domains are separated by regions of low protein density. Upon trypsin binding the dimensions of the four peripheral cylinders remain unchanged, but their positioning in space is reorganized so that the whole molecule becomes more compact. The model thus offers a plausible explanation for the mechanism of inactivating of the protease by entrapping it between the two larger domains. By comparing the shape and dimensions of the total molecule with those determined for the half-molecular fragment, obtained after reducing the intersubunit disulfide bonds, we propose that the fragment consists of just one of the peripheral domains plus half of the central domain. Different projections of the model are consistent with the electron micrographs of alpha 2M given in the literature. The model can also explain many of the physical and chemical properties recorded for alpha 2M and its protease complexes.  相似文献   

The microscopic structures of natural rubber (NR) and deproteinized NR (DPNR) were investigated by means of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and atomic force microscopy (AFM). They were compared to those of isoprene rubber (IR), which is a synthetic analogue of NR in terms of chemical structure without any non-rubber components like proteins. Comparisons of the structure and mechanical properties of NR, DPNR, and IR lead to the following conclusions. (i) The well-known facts, for example, the outstanding green strength of NR and strain-induced crystallization, are due not much to the presence of proteins but to other components such as the presence of phospholipids and/or the higher stereoregularity of NR. It also became clear the naturally residing proteins accelerate the upturn of stress at low strain. The protein phases work as cross-linking sites and reinforcing fillers in the rubbery matrix. (ii) The microscopic structures of NR were successfully reproduced by SANS intensity functions consisting of squared-Lorentz and Lorentz functions, indicating the presence of inhomogeneities in bulk and thermal concentration fluctuations in swollen state, respectively. On the other hand, IR rubbers were homogeneous in bulk. (iii) The inhomogeneities in NR are assigned to protein aggregates of the order of 200 A or larger. Although these aggregates are larger in size as well as in volume fraction than those of cross-link inhomogeneities introduced by cross-linking, they are removed by deproteinization. (iv) Swelling of both NR and IR networks introduces gel-like concentration fluctuations whose mesh size is of the order of 20 A.  相似文献   

Arai S  Hirai M 《Biophysical journal》1999,76(4):2192-2197
To clarify mechanisms of folding and unfolding of proteins, many studies of thermal denaturation of proteins have been carried out at low protein concentrations because in many cases thermal denaturation accompanies a great tendency of aggregation. As small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements are liable to use low-concentration solutions of proteins to avoid aggregation, SAXS has been regarded as very difficult to observe detailed features of thermal structural transitions such as intramolecular structural changes. By using synchrotron radiation SAXS, we have found that the presence of repulsive interparticle interaction between proteins can maintain solute particles separately to prevent further aggregation in thermal denaturation processes and that under such conditions the thermal structural transition of hen egg-white lysozyme (HEWL) holds high reversibility even at 5% w/v HEWL below pH approximately 5. Because of the use of the high concentration of the solutions, the scattering data has enough high-statistical accuracy to discuss the thermal structural transition depending on the structural hierarchy. Thus, the tertiary structural change of HEWL starts from mostly the onset temperature determined by the differential scanning calorimetry measurement, which accompanies a large heat absorption, whereas the intramolecular structural change, corresponding to the interdomain correlation and polypeptide chain arrangement, starts much prior to the above main transition. The present finding of the reversible thermal structural transitions at the high protein concentration is expected to enable us to analyze multiplicity of folding and unfolding processes of proteins in thermal structural transitions.  相似文献   

A simple and efficient method is described for the production of pure bispecific F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimers, in which the individual antibody Fab' gamma fragments are joined via a stable thioether linkage. Hybrid molecules were constructed from both mouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies with equal efficiency, in the combinations mouse-rabbit and mouse-mouse. Peptic F(ab' gamma)2 fragments from the two chosen antibodies were first reduced to provide Fab' gamma SH. The SH groups on one of the Fab' gamma SH partners were then fully alkylated with o-phenylenedi-maleimide to provide free maleimide groups. Finally the two preparations, Fab' gamma mal and Fab' gamma SH, combined under conditions which allowed cross-linking of the maleimide and SH groups and avoided reoxidation of SH groups. The major product isolated from the reaction mixture after chromatography was always the F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimer (50 to 70%), other products being unreacted Fab' gamma and trace amounts of putative F(ab' gamma)3. Immunochemical analysis revealed that the thioether-linked F(ab' gamma)2 molecules were essentially all heterodimers, most of which had been joined via their Fd chains. The dual specificity of F(ab' gamma)2 heterodimers was tested functionally in three systems: 1) the combination (anti-idiotype + anti-phycoerythrin) linked L2C cells to the fluorochrome phycoerythrin, allowing fluorescence analysis; 2) the combination (anti-idiotype + anti-saporin) linked L2C cells to the ribosome-inactivating protein saporin, and transformed a subtoxic dose of saporin into a highly toxic mixture which prevented further protein synthesis by L2C cells; and 3) the combination of anti-idiotype with 3G8 (antibody to the Fc gamma receptor CD16) subjected L2C cells to cytotoxic attack by human mononuclear effectors.  相似文献   

Hydration is an important factor in regulating the phase behaviour of lipids and besides affects their interactions with other compounds relevant for biological membranes. We present a reliable and fast method to detect and characterise hydration-induced phase transitions in phospholipids by means of small-angle synchrotron X-ray scattering. Films consisting of aggregations of representatives of the two important lipid classes lecithins (DPPC a, POPC and OPPC,a for abbreviations, see below) and cephalins (DPPE and DOPE) were investigated at room temperature in dependence on relative humidity. Qualitative changes in the sets of the diffraction patterns obtained in dynamic hydration/dehydration scans were taken as markers indicating the existence of lyotropic phase transitions. The efficiency of this methodology is demonstrated by illustrating the course of hydration-driven phase transitions between lamellar as well as nonlamellar phases. In detail, this was realised for chain melting in the mixed-chain lipids, POPC and OPPC, and for a novel nonlamellar-phase transition for DOPE between a disordered inverted ribbon phase designated as Palpha and the canonical H(II), phase, respectively.  相似文献   

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