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The Asian rice gall midge (Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason) is a serious pest of rice that causes huge loss in yield. While feeding inside the susceptible host, maggots secrete substances that facilitate th...  相似文献   

对1993-2005年稻瘿蚊灯下虫量动态进行分析。结果表明:灯下稻瘿蚊诱集虫量与田间稻瘿蚊虫害的发生程度存在较高的关联性,可利用诱集虫量来预测预报稻瘿蚊的发生;灯下稻瘿蚊每年始见期不定,出现在第1代期的频率为38.46%,出现在第2代期的频率为13.33%,6月底至7月初的第3代期是主要的始见期,其频率为48.21%;第1、2代稻瘿蚊灯下诱集虫量通常极少,从第3代开始,灯下稻瘿蚊诱集虫量迅速增加,测报灯下稻瘿蚊诱集虫量以第3、4、5代居多,这与田间稻瘿蚊以第3、4、5代为主害代的实际危害情况相符合。  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊种群密度简易估计法的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
稻瘿蚊 Orseolia oryzae ( Wood- Mason)是我市大面积水稻 IPM方案的重要耙标之一。在该虫的测报实践中 ,许多重要数据来源于标葱密度的调查。标葱种群密度情况是管理者首先要把握的有用信息和决策的基础。但是 ,由于受种群所处空间的异质性和环境稳定性的影响 ,在实际调查中要想获得满足一定要求的准确资料绝非易事。因此加强对稻瘿蚊种群密度简易估计方法的研究 ,做到快速、简便、经济 ,又能达到较高精度 ,这对提高稻瘿蚊害虫管理决策的质量是十分重要的。 有关稻瘿蚊种群抽样技术问题 ,前人有过不少研究 (黄凤宽等 ,1993;李自军 ,1994…  相似文献   

<正> 黄柄黑蜂Platygaster sp.是稻瘿蚊的重要天敌之一。过去报道不多。现将我们的一些观察结果,整理如下。一、黄柄黑蜂和稻瘿蚊之间的消长关系 在田间,稻瘿蚊第一、五、六等三个世代成虫的羽化高峰日,均出现在黄柄黑蜂羽化高峰日之前6—10天(见图1、2、3)。羽化后一天产卵,经三天孵化,当幼虫侵入稻株后,黄柄黑蜂才羽化,此时,它只能寄生在寄主峰期过后的  相似文献   

陆雄光 《昆虫知识》1990,27(4):200-201
<正> 稻瘿蚊Orseolia oryzae(Wood-Mason)是我市水稻的主要害虫之一,70年代和80年代初期危害十分猖獗,近年来局部又趋严重,给水稻生产带来严重威胁。 由于该虫世代重叠,给预测预报带来困难,为了准确地掌握第一代稻瘿蚊的发生期,以便  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊的发生程度与某些天气型有密切关系。富川县的1~3月份每月平均气温和6~8月份每月降雨天数可组成该县的稻瘿蚊发生程度天气型样本。对历史资料进行模糊聚类分析结果,获得区分该县稻瘿蚊大发生与非大发生年的阈值为0.97,并建立了预测效果良好的稻瘿蚊大发生年的模式。  相似文献   

文章综述经10年(1996~2005)研究建立的亚洲稻瘿蚊Orseolia oryzae Wood-Mason种群DNA指纹检测技术和水稻抗稻瘿蚊分子育种技术的研究成果。其核心技术包括5点:(1)在国际和国内首先用AFLP方法研究亚洲5国(中国,印度,斯里兰卡,尼泊尔和老挝)及广东省7个地点亚洲稻瘿蚊种群DNA指纹及其生物多样性;(2)分别用RAPD和微卫星SSR技术对来源于我国的水稻资源大秋其的抗亚洲稻瘿蚊基因Gm6进行精细定位;(3)分别用与Gm6基因紧密连锁的STS分子标记和SSR标记,建立了分子标记辅助选择(MAS)方法选育抗稻瘿蚊新品种的技术体系;(4)应用建立的分子标记辅助选育新技术选育出一批抗亚洲稻瘿蚊中国种群的新品系,创造出一批新种质,包括抗蚊18号、抗蚊软占等达国优3级的抗稻瘿蚊新品系6个;(5)将Gm6基因导入杂交稻恢复系,选育出4个抗稻瘿蚊两系杂交稻新组合培矮64S/KG18,培矮64S/KI41,培矮64S/AK7,培矮64S/03W16(国优2级)和1个三系杂交稻新组合抗蚊博优。其中江西省宁都市名林水稻研究所应用本研究鉴定出的带有Gm6基因的品系抗蚊青占作为抗性亲本,培育出的2个抗稻瘿蚊的两系杂交稻组合安两优青占和培两优抗占通过省级品种审定,率先选育出抗稻瘿蚊种群的杂交稻。该项研究成果为控制华南稻瘿蚊的灾害发生提供新的技术措施,选育的抗稻瘿蚊品种和新种质,在华南广为应用,取得显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

温湿度及水稻生育期与稻瘿蚊繁殖的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
稻瘿蚊在最适宜的温湿度条件下(25~28℃,90%),排除天敌等影响,在秧苗上第2~6代繁殖量平均增加25.2~35.3倍。最高值超过50倍。从第3代开始,各代繁殖量激增。水稻整个营养生长期都适宜该虫的繁殖。其中,7天苗龄和分蘖中后期,增殖率最高。秧针期最低。在水稻生长期内,湿度是影响稻瘿蚊繁殖的主要因素之一。相对湿度平均78%以上,水稻分蘖前中期稻瘿蚊上代至下代标葱率增殖7倍以上。  相似文献   

晚稻稻瘿蚊主害代发生程度的预测模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对化州市稻瘿蚊16 a历史资料的研究分析,明确了决定稻瘿蚊发生程度的关键因素是降水量和平均气温。由此以“九.五”研究的有关结论为基础,建立了稻瘿蚊发生程度预测模型:Y=23.4000 0.0054x1-0.7972x2,回报历史拟合率为91.9%,对1999-2005年7 a预测准确率达87.1%。  相似文献   

近年来我省稻瘿蚊发生为害比较严重,为了找寻较好的药剂,提高药剂防治的效果,1975年以来,我组和从化县农科所,从化县温泉、棋干公社农科站等单位协作,并得到当地有关生产队科技组的大力支持,对稻瘿蚊进行了药效试验。1976年并提供部分新药剂在我院花县三华基点进行防治稻瘿蚊试验。  相似文献   

再生稻稻瘿蚊发生动态及对产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
再生稻是利用收割后稻桩上存活的腋芽 (又称潜伏芽、再生芽 ) ,经培育萌发生长成的一季稻。稻桩 (又称母茎 )腋芽再生率及成穗率的高低 ,对再生稻的产量有着极显著正相关 [1 ] 。如果母茎节上腋芽受稻瘿蚊 ( Pachydiplosis oryzae Wood- Mason)为害 ,就明显减少再生芽的成穗率。笔者 1 998- 2 0 0 0年在推广稻瘿蚊综合治理技术 (改制技术 )及发生动态监测中 ,对再生稻稻瘿蚊的发生动态及对产量影响作专题探讨。1 材料与方法在稻瘿蚊综合治理技术推广连片改制示范区 ,设早稻——再生稻改制技术与双季连作水稻栽培的比较试验。早稻——再生…  相似文献   

As one of the most important crops in China, rice accounts for 18% of the country’s total cultivated area. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and associated climate change may greatly affect the rice productivity. Therefore, understanding the impacts of climate change on rice production is of great significance. This paper aims to examine the potential impacts of future climate change on the rice yield in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is one of the most important food production regions in China. Climate data generated by the regional climate Model PRECIS for the baseline (1961–1990) and future (2021–2050) period under IPCC SRES B2 scenario were employed as the input of the rice crop model ORYZA2000. Four experimental schemes were carried out to evaluate the effects of future climate warming, CO2 fertilization and water managements (i.e., irrigation and rain-fed) on rice production. The results indicated that the average rice growth duration would be shortened by 4 days and the average rice yield would be declined by more than 14% as mean temperature raised by 1.5 °C during the rice growing season in 2021–2050 period under B2 scenario. This negative effect of climate warming was more obvious on the middle and late rice than early rice, since both of them experience higher mean temperature and more extreme high temperature events in the growth period from July to September. The significance effect of the enhanced CO2 fertilization to rice yield was found under elevated CO2 concentrations in 2021–2050 period under B2 scenario, which would increase rice yield by more than 10%, but it was still not enough to offset the negative effect of increasing temperature. As an important limiting factor to rice yield, precipitation contributed less to the variation of rice yield than either increased temperature or CO2 fertilization, while the spatial distribution of rice yield depended on the temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation and temperature. Compared to the rain-fed rice, the irrigated rice generally had higher rice yield over the study area, since the irrigated rice was less affected by climate change. Irrigation could increase the rice yield by more than 50% over the region north of the Yangtze River, with less contribution to the south, since irrigation can relieve the water stress for rice growing in the north region of the study area. The results above indicated that future climate change would significantly affect the rice production in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, the adverse effect of future climate change on rice production will be reduced by taking adaptation measures to avoid disadvantages. However, there is uncertainty in the rice production response prediction due to the rice acclimation to climate change and bias in the simulation of rice yield with uncertainty of parameters accompanied with the uncertainty of future climate change scenario.  相似文献   

As one of the most important crops in China, rice accounts for 18% of the country’s total cultivated area. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and associated climate change may greatly affect the rice productivity. Therefore, understanding the impacts of climate change on rice production is of great significance. This paper aims to examine the potential impacts of future climate change on the rice yield in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which is one of the most important food production regions in China. Climate data generated by the regional climate Model PRECIS for the baseline (1961–1990) and future (2021–2050) period under IPCC SRES B2 scenario were employed as the input of the rice crop model ORYZA2000. Four experimental schemes were carried out to evaluate the effects of future climate warming, CO2 fertilization and water managements (i.e., irrigation and rain-fed) on rice production. The results indicated that the average rice growth duration would be shortened by 4 days and the average rice yield would be declined by more than 14% as mean temperature raised by 1.5 °C during the rice growing season in 2021–2050 period under B2 scenario. This negative effect of climate warming was more obvious on the middle and late rice than early rice, since both of them experience higher mean temperature and more extreme high temperature events in the growth period from July to September. The significance effect of the enhanced CO2 fertilization to rice yield was found under elevated CO2 concentrations in 2021–2050 period under B2 scenario, which would increase rice yield by more than 10%, but it was still not enough to offset the negative effect of increasing temperature. As an important limiting factor to rice yield, precipitation contributed less to the variation of rice yield than either increased temperature or CO2 fertilization, while the spatial distribution of rice yield depended on the temporal and spatial patterns of precipitation and temperature. Compared to the rain-fed rice, the irrigated rice generally had higher rice yield over the study area, since the irrigated rice was less affected by climate change. Irrigation could increase the rice yield by more than 50% over the region north of the Yangtze River, with less contribution to the south, since irrigation can relieve the water stress for rice growing in the north region of the study area. The results above indicated that future climate change would significantly affect the rice production in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Therefore, the adverse effect of future climate change on rice production will be reduced by taking adaptation measures to avoid disadvantages. However, there is uncertainty in the rice production response prediction due to the rice acclimation to climate change and bias in the simulation of rice yield with uncertainty of parameters accompanied with the uncertainty of future climate change scenario.  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊对南方水稻的危害日趋严重,育种上急需新的抗源。利用广西地方品种GXM-001-2作父本,分别与感虫品种TN1和已知抗性基因载体品系W1236(Gm1)、IET2911(Gm2)、BG404-1(gm3)、OB677(Gm4)、ARC5984(Gm5)、多抗1号(Gm6)杂交、自交和回交,获得F1、F2、BC1F1群体,对亲本和各杂交后代进行稻瘿蚊的抗性评价及遗传分析。结果表明,抗源GXM-001-2高抗稻瘿蚊中国Ⅱ型,抗中国Ⅳ型,且抗性均由1对显性基因控制;等位性测定表明抗源中的抗性基因与已知抗性基因Gm1、Gm2、gm3、Gm4、Gm5、Gm6不等位,推测该基因可能是1个新的抗稻瘿蚊基因。  相似文献   

广东野生稻种资源对稻瘿蚊的抗性鉴定初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1981~1986年鉴定了原产广东的1425份普通野生稻对稻瘿蚊的抗性,这些野生稻绝大多数对稻瘿蚊敏感。只有S7553、S1163、S1192、S1112、S1166、S2104、S2170七份普通野生稻表现高抗。这些抗源多数来自我国南端的海南岛及湛江地区,经多年反复测定,抗性稳定,其抗性机制属于抗生性,稻瘿蚊在这些抗原上不能建立种群,在多抗性育种中有利用价值。  相似文献   

针对闽西北海拔300-500m的单、双季水稻混栽区稻瘿蚊危害重、单季稻三代稻瘿蚊危害突出的情况,通过研究提出“晚改中”的依据和技术,在正常年份下,把以往5月份播种的单季稻的播种期提早到4月5日前,就可以有效地避开三代稻瘿蚊的危害,而不必提早到3月20日前,与农民农时操作习惯更吻合,农民更易接受采用。  相似文献   

稻瘿蚊Orseolia oryzae发生世代亟叠,复杂,为害严重,是我国华南地区及东南亚水稻产区的重要害虫。近几年来,我们应用楝科等杀虫植物进行了防治试验,本文主要报道楝科种子油及其抽提物引起产卵稻瘿蚊忌避反应及防治效果。  相似文献   

<正>Rice Genomics and Genetics(ISSN 1925-2021)is an international,open access,peer reviewed journal,committed to serve for rice genome research,rice genetics research and rice breeding,particularly publishing innovative research findings in the basic and applied fields of rice molecular genetics and novel techniques for improvement,as well as  相似文献   

<正>Rice Genomics and Genetics(ISSN 1925-2021)is an international,open access,peer reviewed journal,committed to serve for rice genome research,rice genetics research and rice breeding,particularly publishing innovative research findings in the basic and applied fields of rice molecular genetics and novel techniques for improvement,as well as  相似文献   

<正>Rice Genomics and Genetics(ISSN 1925-2021)is an international,open access,peer reviewed journal,committed to serve for rice genome research,rice genetics research and rice breeding,particularly publishing innovative research findings in the basic and applied fields of rice molecular genetics and novel techniques for improvement,as well as  相似文献   

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