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A fragment of E. coli bacteriophage T4 genome including the four genes (genes 51, 27, 28, 29) coding for the central plug proteins was cloned into plasmid pMCC17. The genes present on this fragment were expressed in E. coli in the absence of phage infection producing hub proteins, which could be identified on polyacrylamide gels. By applying affinity chromatography protein 29 was purified from extracts of E. coli transformed with this hybrid plasmid. The isolated protein had the ability to complement T4 29 amber mutants. The molecular weight of the purified protein was estimated as 75,000 to 85,000 depending on the composition of SDS-polyacrylamide gel used for the assay.  相似文献   

The central part of the bacteriophage T4 baseplate consists of several proteins. However, for a number of the constituents the manner of incorporation are not convincingly established. Recently, we have presented evidence that gp28 is the structural component of the central part of the baseplate, which possesses a hydrophobic region and is membrane bound [Nieradko et al., 1998]. By utilizing extracts prepared from Escherichia coli cells that overexpressed genes 27 and 28 of phage T4, we proved that gp28 forms a complex with an another baseplate structural components: gp27. This complex was located in the membrane fraction. Its affinity to the inner membrane indicates that the identified complex may function as an initiator of the central hub assembly. It was subsequently established that these products interact in the ratio 1:1. We have also demonstrated that the particular components of the complex can be separated by action of SDS and to a lesser extent by Triton X-100.  相似文献   

Summary The EcoRI digestion products of phage T4 DNA have been examined using a phage DNA transformation assay. A 2.6x106 Dalton fragment was found to contain the rII genes. This fragment was purified and then treated with HindIII endonuclease. The cleavage products were ligated to the vector plasmid pBR313 and viable recombinant plasmids recovered. A genetic assay was employed to demonstrate that the recombinants contained T4 DNA and to localize on the phage genetic map the EcoRI and HindIII sites cleaved during the construction of the plasmids. Preliminary characterization suggests that a fragment covering the beginning of the rIIA gene possibly contains a promotor which is active in uninfected cells.Abbreviations used Ap ampicillin - Tc tetracycline - Mdal 106 Daltons - bp base pairs  相似文献   

The central part of bacteriophage T4 baseplate is built of several proteins which are present in only a few copies per phage particle. Only some of these minor baseplate components have been identified previously as distinct protein species by biochemical analysis. We have used the bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase expression system to identify and overexpress the minor baseplate proteins. The products of genes 25, 26 and 51 were identified on the autoradiographs after selective labelling with [35]S methionine. The overexpression of gene 25 and 51 products was high enough to make possible undertaking their purification and studies of their properties.  相似文献   

The baseplate of bacteriophage T4 is a multiprotein molecular machine that controls host cell recognition, attachment, tail sheath contraction and viral DNA ejection. We report here the three-dimensional structure of the baseplate-tail tube complex determined to a resolution of 12 A by cryoelectron microscopy. The baseplate has a six-fold symmetric, dome-like structure approximately 520 A in diameter and approximately 270 A long, assembled around a central hub. A 940 A-long and 96 A-diameter tail tube, coaxial with the hub, is connected to the top of the baseplate. At the center of the dome is a needle-like structure that was previously identified as a cell puncturing device. We have identified the locations of six proteins with known atomic structures, and established the position and shape of several other baseplate proteins. The baseplate structure suggests a mechanism of baseplate triggering and structural transition during the initial stages of T4 infection.  相似文献   

We have carried out a series of reversible chemical cross-linking experiments using the reagent ethylene glycol-bis(succinimidylsuccinate) with the goal of determining the three-dimensional structure of the bacteriophage T4 baseplate. In a previous report, we investigated the near-neighbor contacts in baseplate precursors and substructures (N.R.M. Watts and D.H. Coombs, J. Virol. 63:2427-2436, 1989). Here we report completion of the analysis by examining finished baseplates and tails. Most of the previous contacts were confirmed, and we report several new contacts, including those within the central hub (gp5-gptd2, gp26-gptd), between the hub and the outer wedges (gp6-gp27(2], between baseplate and sheath (gp54-gp18), and between sheath and core (gp19-gp18). On the basis of this and other available information, a partial three-dimensional model of the baseplate is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary A fragment of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4D DNA, containing 6.1 Kbp which included the six genes (genes 25, 26, 51, 27, 28 and 29) coding for the tail baseplate central plug has been partially characterized. This DNA fragment was obtained originally by Wilson et al. (1977) by the action of the restriction enzyme EcoRI on a modified form of T4 DNA and was inserted in the pBR322 plasmid and then incorporated into an E. coli K12 strain called RRI. This plasmid containing the phage DNA fragment has now been reisolated and screened for cleavage sites for various restriction endonucleases. Restriction enzymes Bgl 11 and Xbal each attacked one restriction site and the enzyme Hpa 1 attacked two restriction sites on this fragment. The combined digestion of the hybrid plasmid containing the T4 EcoRI DNA fragment conjugated to the pBR322 plasmid with one of these enzymes plus Bam H1 restriction enzyme resulted in the localization of the restriction site for Bgl 11, Xba 1 and Hpa 1. Escherichia coli strain B cells were transformed with this hybrid plasmid and found to have some unexpected properties. E. coli B cells, which are normally restrictive for T4 amber mutants and for T4 temperature sensitive mutants (at 44°) after transformation, were permissive for 25am, 26am and 26Ts, 51am, and 51Ts, 27Ts, and 28Ts T4 mutants. Extracts from the transformed E. coli cells were found in complementation experiments to contain the gene 29 product, as well as the gene 26 product, the gene 51 product, and the gene 27 product. The complementation experiments and the permissiveness of the transformed E. coli B cells to the various conditional lethal mutants clearly showed that the six T4 genes were producing all six gene products in these transformed cells. However, these cells were not permissive for T4 amber mutants in genes 27, 28, and 29. The transformed E. coli B cells, as compared to untransformed cells, were found to have altered outer cell walls which made them highly labile to osmotic shock and to an increased rate of killing by wild type T4 and all T4 amber mutants except for T4 am29. The change in cell walls of the transformed cells has been found to be due to the T4 baseplate genes on the hybrid plasmid, since E. coli B transformed by the pBR322 plasmid alone does not show the increase in osmotic sensitivity.  相似文献   

Many bacteriophages, such as T4, T7, RB49, and phi29, have complex, sometimes multilayered, tails that facilitate an almost 100% success rate for the viral particles to infect host cells. In bacteriophage T4, there is a baseplate, which is a multiprotein assembly, at the distal end of the contractile tail. The baseplate communicates to the tail that the phage fibers have attached to the host cell, thereby initiating the infection process. Gene product 8 (gp8), whose amino acid sequence consists of 334 residues, is one of at least 16 different structural proteins that constitute the T4 baseplate and is the sixth baseplate protein whose structure has been determined. A 2.0A resolution X-ray structure of gp8 shows that the two-domain protein forms a dimer, in which each monomer consists of a three-layered beta-sandwich with two loops, each containing an alpha-helix at the opposite sides of the sandwich. The crystals of gp8 were produced in the presence of concentrated chloride and bromide ions, resulting in at least 11 halide-binding sites per monomer. Five halide sites, situated at the N termini of alpha-helices, have a protein environment observed in other halide-containing protein crystal structures. The computer programs EMfit and SITUS were used to determine the positions of six gp8 dimers within the 12A resolution cryo-electron microscopy image reconstruction of the baseplate-tail tube complex. The gp8 dimers were found to be located in the upper part of the baseplate outer rim. About 20% of the gp8 surface is involved in contacts with other baseplate proteins, presumed to be gp6, gp7, and gp10. With the structure determination of gp8, a total of 53% of the volume of the baseplate has now been interpreted in terms of its atomic structure.  相似文献   

L M Kozloff  L K Crosby    M Lute 《Journal of virology》1975,16(6):1409-1419
Two T4D thymidylate synthetase (td) temperature-sensitive mutants have been isolated and characterized. Both mutants produce heat-labile phage particles. This observation supports the view that this viral-induced protein is a phage structural component. Further, antiserum to td has been shown to block a specific step in tail plate morphogenesis. The results indicated that the td protein is largely covered by the T4D tail plate gene 11 protein. Since the phageinduced dihydrofolate reductase (dfr) also is partially covered by the gene 11 protein, it appears that td was adjacent to the tail plate dfr. This location has been confirmed by constructing a T4D mutant which is dfrtstdts and showing that these two tail plate constituents interact and give altered physical properties to the phage particles produced. A structural relationship for the tail plate folate, dfr, and td has been reported.  相似文献   

Structural proteins of bacteriophage T4   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  

Three types of reagents were used to determine the structural role and location of the polyglutamate portion of the Escherichia coli T4D bacteriophage baseplate dihydropteroyl hexaglutamate. These reagents were examined for their effect in vitro on some of the final steps in phage baseplate morphogenesis. The reagents were (i) a series of oligopeptides composed solely of glutamic acid residues but with various chemical linkages and chain lengths; (ii) a homogeneous preparation of carboxypeptidase G1, an exopeptidase that hydrolyzes carboxyl-terminal glutamates (or aspartates) from simple oligopeptides, including the gamma-glutamyl bonds on folyl polyglutamates as well as the bond between the carboxyl group of the p-aminobenzoyl moiety and the amino group of the first glutamic acid residue of folic acid; and (iii) antisera prepared against a polyglutamate hapten. All three types of reagent markedly inhibited the attachment of the phage long tail fibers to the baseplate. Other steps in baseplate assembly such as the addition of T4D gene 11 or gene 12 products were not affected by any of these reagents. These results indicate that the polyglutamate portion of the folate is located near the attachment site on the bacteriophage baseplate for the long tail fibers.  相似文献   

Normal particles of bacteriophage T4 have six long tail fibers attached to a hexagonal baseplate. T4 particles having various complements of tail fibers were prepared by in vitro addition of fibers to fiberless particles, and the infectivity of the particles was determined. Particles having fewer than six fibers (partially fibered) were found to have a decreased probability of infection. Partially fibered particles having T4 fibers were completed by addition of T6 fibers, and the infectivity was determined on a host that lacked the T6 tail fiber receptor. Attachment of the additional fibers increased the infectivity even though the T6 fibers could not bind to the host cell. The infectivity of particles having mixtures of T4 and T6 fibers was determined on cells having only one type of receptor. The results indicated that particles bound by only three fibers have a low probability of infection. The effect of thermolabile baseplate mutations was also examined. Studies of partially fibered particles and particles with mixtures of fibers indicated that particles with altered baseplates have a less stringent requirement for binding of the tail fibers for infection.  相似文献   

The baseplate of bacteriophage T4 is a complex structure containing at least 14 different structural proteins. It undergoes a transition from a hexagonal to a star-shaped configuration during infection of the host bacterial cell. We have used a combination of genetics and image processing of electron micrographs to analyse both the wild-type structure and a series of mutant structures lacking specific gene products. Besides describing the basic anatomy of the hexagon and star configurations, we have been able to locate the products of genes 9, 11 and 12.Gene 9 product occupies a peripheral position in hexagons and stars consistent with its providing a binding site for the long tail fibres. Gene 11 product in the hexagon forms the distal part of the tail pin, which folds out to form the point of the hexagram in the star configuration. Gene 12 product is visualized as an extended 350 Å fibre in stars and broken baseplates but appears to have a more compact configuration in hexagons and intact phage.We demonstrate the structural relationship between the hexagonal and starshaped configurations and show how the positions of the specific gene products alter as a result of the structural transition. We suggest a speculative model for the role of gene 9 and gene 12 products in triggering the rearrangement of the baseplate and tail contraction.  相似文献   

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