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The ovarian development of captive-reared, striped bass Morone saxatilis was examined during a 10-week period encompassing the spawning season. Vitellogenic oocytes in March had a mean diameter of 838 ± 18 μm and did not grow significantly thereafter. Except from one non-hormone-treated fish, all females failed to undergo final oocyte maturation (FOM) and their ovaries became atretic with the onset of high spring temperatures. A clearing fixative was found useful in identifying early stages of atresia, evident by the absence of the germinal vesicle (GV). Final oocyte maturation of fish treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) consisted of two phases. Early FOM lasted from 1 to 3 weeks, and was associated with lipid-droplet coalescence, and displacement of the GV and yolk globules to the peripheral cytoplasm. Late FOM lasted <24h, and consisted of yolk-globule coalescence and GV breakdown (GVBD). Ovulated eggs had completely coalesced lipid and yolk masses, with cortical alveoli lined against the cell wall. Both phases of FOM were associated with significant increases in oocyte diameter. Striped bass oocytes showed important morphological differences compared to oocytes of other members of the Moronidae family, in terms of percentage lipid content, chorion thickness and degree of hydration after ovulation.  相似文献   

Length at age 1, 2 and 3 white bass Morone chrysops in 54 Texas, U.S.A., reservoirs was related significantly to longitude and log10(TDS) (total dissolved solids). Length at age 1 also was related to morphoedaphic index (MEI), mean depth, and length of growing season. Quadratic models for latitude and growing season explained 19–24% (latitude) and 24–34% (growing season length) of the variation in length of white bass. Length of all age classes was unrelated to reservoir age, maximum depth, and surface area.  相似文献   

Aspects of the reproductive biology of Bagrus docmak in the Victoria Nile were investigated between November 2005 and October 2006. Macroscopic and histological analysis of the gonads confirmed it as an asynchronous batch spawner which spawns throughout the year with bimodal spawning peaks coinciding with rainfall seasons. The first spawning peak occurred from March to May, the second from September to November. The sex ratio did not significantly deviate from 1:1. Length at sexual maturity was 33.6 cm and 31.6 cm fork length (FL) for females and males, respectively. Batch fecundity ranged from 1 000 eggs in 34 cm FL fish to 43 000 eggs in 79 cm FL fish, and correlated linearly with FL (r = 0.72) and body weight (r = 0.79). Mean relative batch fecundity was 6 eggs g?1 (SE 2). These results could guide research into the possibility of artificially inducing the fish to spawn, and its subsequent culture.  相似文献   

To support detailed genetic analysis of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and white bass (Morone chrysops), we isolated 153 microsatellite loci from repeat‐enriched striped bass DNA libraries. Of these, 147 markers amplified in striped bass (average 4.7 alleles per locus) and 133 in white bass (average 2.2 alleles per locus). One hundred twenty‐two markers amplified in their hybrid. Development of new microsatellite markers will facilitate evaluations of genetic structure in wild populations and will support pedigree analysis and linkage mapping for selective breeding.  相似文献   

The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) content of intact oocyte-cumulus cell complexes at various times after the induction of oocyte maturation in mice in vivo was correlated with the time of commitment by the oocytes to undergo germinal vesicle breakdown (GVB) and metabolic coupling between the oocyte and cumulus cells. Seventy-nine percent of the oocytes either underwent GVB or were committed to do so by 2 h after injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This occurred without a decrease in the coupling between cumulus cells and the oocyte and with increasing cAMP levels in the oocyte-cumulus cell complex. Maintenance of threshold levels of cAMP within mammalian oocytes appears essential for the maintenance of meiotic arrest, but data presented here suggest that oocyte maturation in mice is induced by gonadotropins in nonatretic follicles in vivo by some mechanism other than one which decreases the cAMP content of the intact oocyte-cumulus cell complex.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand oocyte function, we utilized two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to identify proteins that are differentially expressed during murine oocyte maturation. Proteins from 500 germinal vesicle (GV) and metaphase II-(MII) arrested oocytes were extracted, resolved on 2D electrophoretic gels, and stained with silver. Analysis of the gels indicated that 12 proteins appeared to be differentially expressed between the GV and MII stage. These proteins were then cored from the 2D gels and identified by mass spectrometry as: transforming acidic coiled-coil protein 3 (TACC3), heat shock protein 105 (HSP105), programmed cell death six-interacting protein (PDCD6IP), stress-inducible phosphoprotein (STI1), importin alpha2, adenylsuccinate synthase (ADDS), nudix, spindlin, lipocalin, lysozyme, translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP), and nucleoplasmin 2 (NPM2). Interestingly, PDCD6IP, importin alpha2, spindlin, and NPM2 appear slightly larger in mass and more acidic on the MII oocyte gel compared to the GV oocyte gel, suggesting that they may be post-translationally modified during oocyte maturation. Given NPM2 is an oocyte-restricted protein, we chose to further investigate its properties during oocyte maturation and preimplantation development. Real-Time RT-PCR showed that NPM2 mRNA levels rapidly decline at fertilization. Indirect immunofluorescence analysis showed that, with the exception of cortical localization in MII-arrested oocytes, NPM2 is localized to the nucleus of both GV stage oocytes and all stages of preimplantation embryos. We then performed one-dimensional (1D) western blot analysis of mouse oocytes and preimplantation embryos and found that, as implicated by the 2D gel comparison, NPM2 undergoes a phosphatase-sensitive electrophoretic mobility shift during the GV to MII transition. The slower migrating NPM2 form is also present in pronuclear embryos but by the two-cell stage, the majority of NPM2 exists as the faster migrating form, which persists to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Spermidine or spermine but not putrescine inhibited progesterone induced Bufo bufo gargarizans oocyte maturation.The ID50 for spermine inhibition via intra -oocyte microinjection on maturation induced by progesterone was 6.8mM(100nl).Spermine could inhibit MPF induced toad oocyte maturation with a much higher ID50.A 55 kD protein was dephosphorylated during the process of progesterone induced oocyte maturation .Spermine selectively promoted the level of phosphorylation of this protein in both progesterone-stimulated and hormone-untreated oocytes.The extent of its dephosphorylation was fairly Correlated with the percentage of GVBD in the hormone stimulated oocytes.The level of endogenous spermine was reduced by 28% between the perod of 0.40 GVBD50 and 0.60 GVBD50,at which 55 kD protein was dephosphorylated.Spermine inhibited progesterone-stimulated protein synthesis in almost the same dose dependent manner as its inhititory effect on the hormone-induced maturation,The endogenous spermine regulated 55 kD protein dephosphorylation which may trigger the increase of protein dephosphorylation which may trigger the increase of protein synthesis and in turn promote the activation of MPF,It is possible that 55 kD protein may be one of the components of messenger ribonucleoprotein(mRNP) particles.  相似文献   

The European bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., in common with most temperate marine teleosts, exhibits a distinct seasonal reproductive cycle. Its reproductive strategy is characterized by a high absolute fecundity (2-25 × 105), both absolute and relative fecundity increasing with size and age. The cyclic pattern of oocyte development has been determined by histology and from oocyte size frequency analysis. Results show that the bass exhibits group-synchronous oocyte development and is a 'fractional spawner', i.e. it spawns a number (3–4) of discrete clutches in quick succession, successive clutches containing fewer oocytes. All oocytes which are recruited into the secondary growth phase (> 110 μrn) are either spawned that season or become atretic, i.e. no secondary oocytes are held over for the subsequent reproductive season.  相似文献   

Blood plasma concentrations of free 17 β -oestradiol, free testosterone and glucuronidated testosterone were strongly positively related to the percentage of vitellogenic oocytes remaining in the ovaries of plaice Pleuronectes platessa caught at sea–being at their highest in pre-spawning (stage IV) females (i.e. those in which the oocytes were close to fully grown, but had not yet entered the stage of final maturation). In contrast, the concentrations of free and sulphated 17,20 β -P, 3α aL ,17, 20 β -P-5 β , and 3 α ,17,21-P-5 β were at their lowest in stage IV females. Free 17,20 β -P (the putative maturation-inducing steroid) became only slightly elevated (less than twofold) during spawning (i.e. in stage V and VI females with hydrated and/or ovulated eggs). Sulphated 17,20 β -P and 3 α ,17,21-P-5 β became slightly more elevated (three- to fourfold). However, sulphated 3 α , 17,20 β -P-5 β concentrations increased 30-fold and were at their highest in fish in which only 40% of vitellogenic oocytes remained in the ovaries. Sulphated 17,20 β -P, 3 α , 17, 20 β -P-5 β and 3 α ,17,21-P-5 β concentrations were significantly positively related to hyaline oocyte batch size; and sulphated 17,20 β -P and sulphated 3 α , 17,20 β -P-5 β were significantly negatively related to the degree of hydration of the hyaline oocytes. None of the steroid concentrations, however, was related to the time of capture. More ovulated females were found in the afternoon than at any other time of the day.  相似文献   

Summary The mammalian oocyte becomes arrested at the diplotene stage of the first meiotic division during prenatal or early postnatal life. It remains arrested in meiosis until shortly before ovulation when the surge of gonadotropin induces resumption and completion of meiosis to the metaphase II stage. When oocytes are harvested from medium-sized or large follicles of pig and other species and cultured, they resume meiosis spontaneously indicating that the follicles exert an inhibitory influence on meiosis. To analyze the control of meiosis by follicular components, culture of isolated pig oocytes in the presence of follicular cells or follicular fluid (FF1) has been used as a model in this laboratory. An oocyte maturation inhibitor (OMI) has been isolated and partially purified by ultrafiltration and gel chromatography of FF1 and shown to be a polypetide with a molecular weight in the order of 2000 daltons. Physiological characterization has shown that the effect of OMI in vitro is reversible and that it can be overcome by luteinizing hormone (LH). The action of OMI requires the presence of cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte since it was found that denuded oocytes, stripped of cumulus cells, do not respond to OMI. Furthermore, when cumulus-enclosed oocytes were cultured, OMI inhibited the differentiation of the cumulus cells in terms of morphology and progesterone secretion in a dose-related manner. The inhibition of cumulus differentiation by OMI was reversible and could be overcome by LH. The results indicate that the effect of partially purified OMI upon meiosis may be mediated by the cumulus cells. Presented in the formal symposium on Sexual Differentiation in Vitro and in Vivo at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Denver, Colorado, June 4–8, 1978. This study was supported by Grants 760–0530 from the Ford Foundation (to C.P.C.), and Grant B78-14F-5158-01 from the Swedish Medical Research Council (to T.H.).  相似文献   

Under organ culture, female fetal gonads in mice cannot develop beyond the preantral follicle stage unless the follicles are individually isolated and cultured again. In this study, we investigated the effect of in vitro culture of female fetal gonads before transplantation on subsequent in vivo development. The gonads derived from female fetuses 12.5 days postcoitum were organ-cultured for 0, 7 and 14 days, and then were grafted underneath the kidney capsules of severe combined immunodeficient mice and recovered at 21, 14 and 7 days post-transplantation, respectively. The histological analysis of the grafts showed that the in vitro culture of the fetal gonads restricted follicular development to the antral follicle stage post-transplantation. In the grafts cultured for 14 days, particularly, no antral follicle was observed. However, the oocytes in these follicles had grown to around 65 µm in diameter and had competence to resume meiosis in vitro . When the fetal gonads were grafted after culture for 7 and 14 days, 13.0% and 6.8% of the oocytes progressed to the metaphase II stage, respectively. These data showed significant differences ( P  < 0.05) in comparison with the control group (25.3%). Our results indicate that the in vitro culture of female fetal gonads before transplantation affects the subsequent in vivo development of both follicular cells and oocytes, and in vitro oocyte maturation. However, this effect seems to be more severe in terms of follicular development when compared with oocyte growth and maturation.  相似文献   

Casein kinase G (CKG) with more than 2500-fold enrichraent was purified from Bufo bufo gargarizans ovaries. The catalytic activity of the enzyme was found to be associated with its 42 kD subunit, and its 26 kD subunit was found to be the major tsrget for the enzyme autophos phorylation. Each fuU-grown oocyte contained 1.9 units of CKG corresponding to an intracellular concentration of 93 nM. After injecting an amount of 0,38 units of the enzyme into the oocyte, approximately 50% of the progesterone-induoed maturation was inhibited. The inhibitory effect was enhanced in oocytes pretreated with spermine, which was consistent with the results that the enzyme was activated in vitro in the presence of spermine, The MPF-induced oocyte maturation was delayed and even prohibited in the kinase-microinjected oocytes. A 55 kD oocyte protein was identified as an suhstrate of CKG both in vivo and in vitro, and the enhancement of the 55 kD protein phosphory[ation was associated with kinase inhibition on maturation and on protein synthesis in kinase-microinjected oocytes. As the endogenous spermine level decreased in the course of progesteroneinduced oocyte maturation. 55 kD protein was dephosphorylated, Heparin, a specific inhibitor of CKG, potentiated the progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. Altogether the experimental reSults indicated Strongly that CKG may be the physiological target of spermine.  相似文献   

卵母细胞体外成熟培养已成为现代胚胎生物技术的重要内容之一,是体外受精、核移植等生物技术的重要环节。卵母细胞体外成熟受到众多因素的调控,其调控机制十分复杂。本文主要针对卵母细胞成熟过程中卵母细胞胞质成熟、核成熟及其主要调控因子等方面的发生发展机制进行总结。  相似文献   

Insulin signaling regulates various aspects of physiology, such as glucose homeostasis and aging, and is a key determinant of female reproduction in metazoans. That insulin signaling is crucial for female reproductive health is clear from clinical data linking hyperinsulinemic and hypoinsulinemic condition with certain types of ovarian dysfunction, such as altered steroidogenesis, polycystic ovary syndrome, and infertility. Thus, understanding the signaling mechanisms that underlie the control of insulin‐mediated ovarian development is important for the accurate diagnosis of and intervention for female infertility. Studies of invertebrate and vertebrate model systems have revealed the molecular determinants that transduce insulin signaling as well as which biological processes are regulated by the insulin‐signaling pathway. The molecular determinants of the insulin‐signaling pathway, from the insulin receptor to its downstream signaling components, are structurally and functionally conserved across evolution, from worms to mammals—yet, physiological differences in signaling still exist. Insulin signaling acts cooperatively with gonadotropins in mammals and lower vertebrates to mediate various aspects of ovarian development, mainly owing to evolution of the endocrine system in vertebrates. In contrast, insulin signaling in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans directly regulates oocyte growth and maturation. In this review, we compare and contrast insulin‐mediated regulation of ovarian functions in mammals, lower vertebrates, C. elegans, and Drosophila, and highlight conserved signaling pathways and regulatory mechanisms in general while illustrating insulin's unique role in specific reproductive processes.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology of albacore Thunnus alalunga   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reproductive variables in albacore Thunnus alalunga were evaluated by gonad histology in samples of 132 males (58–118 cm fork length, LF) and 112 females (59–101 cm LF) that were collected from the western North Pacific Ocean from 2001 to 2006. In the sex ratio examination, males greatly outnumbered females in large adult fish (LF > 100 cm). Thunnus alalunga exhibited a protracted spawning period from March to September in the waters off eastern Taiwan and the Philippines, and the peak spawning activity occurred in March and April. Minimum sizes associated with the classification of mature fish were 78 and 83 cm LF for males and females, respectively. In addition, the largest LF of immature fish were 93 cm for males and 94 cm for females. The spawning frequency estimate in April was 1·7 days. Batch‐fecundity estimates of 21 females (89–99 cm LF) ranged between 0·17 and 1·66 million eggs (mean ±s.d . = 0·94 ± 0·43). The relative fecundity estimates of the 21 females ranged between 9·2 and 92·4 oocytes g?1 body mass (mean ±s.d . = 50·5 ± 22·8). The results presented in this study provide increased information regarding this species' reproductive‐related characteristics than are currently available in stock status determinations.  相似文献   

The role of free amino acids (FAA) in oocyte hydration during final maturation has been studied in plaice Pleuronectes platessa and lemon sole Microstomus kitt by in vivo and in vitro measurements. In vitro final maturation was initiated by the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin on large vitellogenic oocytes. The eggs produced in vitro had the same fraction of their total amino acid pool present in the free form as the in vivo hydrated eggs, regardless of whether FAA had been present in the incubation medium or not. The FAA pool in the mature egg was increased 10–15 times that of the oocyte, and the two FAA pool profiles differed strongly. The FAA profiles of the egg groups (intra- as well as interspecific) were almost identical except that the taurine content was lower in eggs in vitro . A major protein band of about 100 kDa was present on SDS electrophoretic gels of oocytes but missing on gels of hydrated eggs. This protein, presumably a lipovitellin, is the most likely origin of the egg FAA pool. We suggest that marine fishes with pelagic eggs share a common mechanism for oocyte hydration whereby partial hydrolysis of specific yolk proteins to FAA creates a major part of the osmotic potential needed for the water influx.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation patterns were studied by radiolabelling goat cumulus oocyte complexes with [32P]orthophosphate for various periods of time. The radiolabelled denuded oocytes were assessed for nuclear status and were used individually for gel electrophoresis. This study demonstrated that specific changes in protein phosphorylations were programmed during goat oocyte maturation. One of the most prominent changes was a general increase in the phosphorylation rate at germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). From 8 hr of culture, dominant phosphoprotein bands with apparent molecular weights of 27, 31, 40, and 50 kD were observed; they remained at this level until the metaphase II stage. In the molecular weight range of 65–80 kD, the protein phosphorylation pattern exhibited characteristic differences, with a complex series of phosphoproteins appearing and disappearing, during maturation. Addition of 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) at the onset of culture blocked the maturation process after GVBD and induced a dramatic condensation of chromatin. When added at different times after GVBD, 6-DMAP invariably induced chromosome condensation. This inhibition was partly reversible; i.e., after removal of the drug, oocytes were able to progress only until metaphase l. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present work describes the reproductive biology of the white marlin (Kajikia albida) caught in the southwestern and equatorial Atlantic Ocean. The gonads of 924 fish were collected by observers on board Brazilian tuna longliners, between November 2004 and December 2006. The spawning season was assessed by the monthly frequency distribution of distinct stages of maturity and monthly mean female gonadosomatic index GSI. Sixty-one percent (n = 656) of the fish examined were female, with a Lower Jaw Fork Length (LJFL) between 83 and 236 cm (mean = 155.5 ± 16.63). The 268 males had a LJFL between 90 and 220 cm (mean = 152.3 ± 34.62). Although the northeastern region of Brazil does not appear to be a significant spawning area for the species, the results suggest a higher reproductive activity in the third quarter of the year. Using a Bayesian logistic model approach, length at 50% maturity was estimated at 145.04 cm (credibility interval of 95%, 143.94–146.09 cm), for females, and at 140.03 cm (credibility interval of 95%, 137.28–142.52 cm), for males.  相似文献   

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