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The importance of physical habitat assessment for evaluating river health   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
1. Physical habitat is the living space of instream biota; it is a spatially and temporally dynamic entity determined by the interaction of the structural features of the channel and the hydrological regime. 2. This paper reviews the need for physical habitat assessment and the range of physical habitat assessment methods that have been developed in recent years. These methods are needed for assessing improvements made by fishery enhancement and river restoration procedures, and as an intrinsic element of setting environmental flows using instream flow methods. Consequently, the assessment methods must be able to evaluate physical habitat over a range of scales varying from the broad river segment scale (up to hundreds of kilometres) down to the microhabitat level (a few centimetres). 3. Rapid assessment methods involve reconnaissance level surveys (such as the habitat mapping approach) identifying, mapping and measuring key habitat features over long stretches of river in a relatively short space of time. More complex appraisals, such as the Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM), require more detailed information on microhabitat variations with flow. 4. Key research issues relating to physical habitat evaluation lie in deciding which levels of detail are appropriate for worthwhile yet cost-effective assessment, and in determining those features that are biologically important and hence can be considered habitat features rather than simple geomorphic features. 5. The development of new technologies particularly relating to survey methods should help improve the speed and level of detail attainable by physical habitat assessments. These methods will provide the necessary information required for the development of the two-and three-dimensional physical and hydraulic habitat models. 6. A better understanding of the ways in which the spatial and temporal dynamics of physical habitat determine stream health, and how these elements can be incorporated into assessment methods, remains a key research goal.  相似文献   

Assessing the quality of native vegetation: The 'habitat hectares' approach   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Summary Assessments of the 'quality', condition or status of stands of native vegetation or habitat are now commonplace and are often an essential component of ecological studies and planning processes. Even when soundly based upon ecological principles, these assessments are usually highly subjective and involve implicit value judgements. The present paper describes a novel approach to vegetation or habitat quality assessment (habitat hectares approach) that can be used in almost all types of terrestrial vegetation. It is based on explicit comparisons between existing vegetation features and those of 'benchmarks' representing the average characteristics of mature stands of native vegetation of the same community type in a 'natural' or 'undisturbed' condition. Components of the index incorporate vegetation physiognomy and critical aspects of viability (e.g. degree of regeneration, impact of weeds) and spatial considerations (e.g. area, distribution and connectivity of remnant vegetation in the broader landscape). The approach has been developed to assist in making more objective and explicit decisions about where scarce conservation resources are allocated. Although the approach does not require an intimate botanical knowledge, it is believed to be ecologically valid and useful in many contexts. Importantly, the index does not provide a definitive statement on conservation status nor habitat suitability for individual species. It purposefully takes a 'broad-brush' approach and is primarily intended for use by people involved with making environmentally sensitive planning and management decisions, but may be useful within environmental research programmes. The 'habitat hectares' approach is subject to further research and ongoing refinement and constructive feedback is sought from practitioners.  相似文献   

Three populations (one from a river and two from lakes) of Salaria fluviatilis , the only exclusively freshwater representative of the Blenniidae, showed significant differences in reproductive behaviour and morphology. Breeding males and females were significantly larger at maturity in the river than the two lake populations. The two lake populations, however, showed the greatest degree of morphological difference, the river population being intermediate. The mating system of each population could be described as resource-based and promiscuous with parasitic 'sneaker' males that released sperm in the nests of other males. During spawning, males from the river population released sperm significantly more often than the lake populations. This was paralleled by a greater investment in sperm as measured by relative testis mass in the river population. This was interpreted as the need to counteract the loss of sperm during fertilization as a result of the strong flow in the river. Thus some of the patterns of trait variance fitted predictions of adaptations. Other traits, however, varied randomly across populations suggesting change through genetic drift.  相似文献   

Abstract. Early-successional stages of woody vegetation on gravel bars were studied in an island-braided section of the River Tagliamento in northeastern Italy. We mapped landscape-level changes in the study area (125 ha) by GIS-based analysis of aerial photographs for two time periods (1984–1986, 1986–1991); we surveyed island vegetation, and estimated island age by tree ring analysis. The study area experienced considerable changes between 1984 and 1991 due to at least two major floods in 1987 and 1990. The development of woody vegetation on bars follows three distinct phases: (1) gravel bars plus large woody debris (LWD), (2) pioneer islands, and (3) established islands. Established islands have sections dominated by shrubs of Salix elaeagnos, S. purpurea, S. daphnoides and S. triandra, and tree-dominated sections with Populus nigra, Salix alba and Alnus incana. Large woody debris seems to play a key role for plant colonization on gravel bars. The succession from bars to established islands took about 10 - 20 yr, and the probability of an island being washed away decreased with island age. Erosion produced new LWD which again initiated successional processes in the active zone of the river. Most species were already present in the early-successional stages, although the number of species increased with island development. Established islands were characterized by a distinctive species composition, including an assemblage of species less tolerant of inundation. The results are discussed within the framework of island dynamics and its significance for restoration of early-successional habitats in more regulated rivers.  相似文献   

In this study we examine the relationships between the vegetation of beech and beech-oak forest communities (Hordelymo-Fagetum, Galio-Fagetum, Deschampsio-Fagetum, Betulo-Quercetum) and their soil conditions in the lowlands of northern Germany, based on 84 sample plots. In all plots the vegetation was recorded and soil parameters were analysed (thickness of the O- and the A-horizons, pH, S-value, base saturation, C/N, mean Ellenberg moisture indicator value). The vegetation classification according to the traditional Braun-Blanquet approach was compared with the result of a multivariate cluster analysis. Vegetation-site relationships were analysed by means of an indirect gradient analysis (DCA).Both traditional classification methods and the cluster analysis have produced comparable classification results. So far as the species composition is concerned, a similar grouping of sample plots was found in both approaches. Multivariate cluster analysis thus supports the classification found by the Braun-Blanquet method. The result of the DCA shows that the four forest communities mentioned above represent clearly definable ecological units. The main site factor influencing changes in the species composition is a base gradient, which is best expressed by the S-value. In addition, within the series Hordelymo-Fagetum - Galio-Fagetum - Deschampsio-Fagetum the C/N-ratios and the thickness of the organic layers (O-horizon) increase continuously. By contrast, the floristic differences between oligotrophic forest communities (i.e., Deschampsio-Fagetum and Betulo-Quercetum) cannot be explained by a base gradient and increasing C/N-ratios. It is suggested that a different forest management history in some cases (e.g., promotion of Quercus robur by silvicultural treatments) is responsible for differences in the species composition, but on the other hand the result of the DCA indicates that Fagus sylvatica is replaced by Quercus robur with increasing soil moisture (i.e., with the increasing influence of a high groundwater table). Summarizing these results, it can be concluded that the ecological importance of single site factors affecting the species composition changes within the entire site spectrum covered by the beech and beech-oak forests of northern Germany.  相似文献   

PIRES, M. J., 1992. Report on a remote swampy rock savanna, at the mid-Jari river basin, Lower Amazon . A wet rock-savanna habitat occurs in the Jari Ecological Station (IBAMA) in the mid-Jari basin, NW State of Pará, between the rivers Jari and Parü. The vegetation is classified in Portuguese as a 'campina rupestre'. It is characterized mainly by herbs and low shrubs, very few grasses and no trees. The plant community is a mixture of hydrophytes, xerophytes and amphibious plants, with several parasites and even a carnivorous Drosera. Such an assemblage is caused by the presence of water-filled pockets and canalets made by the differential erosion of the rock substrate, and the very dry exposed rock. Comparison of the plant species found in the Jari Eological Station savanna with others found in Amazon and Guiana showed many species in common and possible vicariants. The stress caused by this type of habitat favours the process of plant speciation. Evidence presented supports the idea of a floristic relationship between this area and the Guiana Highlands.  相似文献   


The distribution of macrophytic plant communities, defined by phytosociological numerical methods, in the irrigation system of the Lower river Po Plane was correlated with water characteristich. Water samples were collected periodically within phytocoena well-characterized from the phytosociological viewpoint. Nymphaeid-dominated communities (all. Nymphaeion) usually occur in deeper waters than elodeid- myriophyllid-, and ceratophyllid-dominated vegetation types (all. Potamogetonion). Hydrochemically, all of the studied waterbodies can be classified as rich in electrolytes and in bicarbonates. The distribution of phytocoena reflects a gradient in nutrient content: the Nymphoidetum peltatae characterizes waters moderately rich; the Myriophyllum spicatum community and the Trapetum natantis fairly rich; the Potamogetonetum pectinati and the Ceratophyllum demersum community very rich in nutrients.  相似文献   

Ward  Tockner 《Freshwater Biology》2001,46(6):807-819
1. A broadened concept of biodiversity, encompassing spatio‐temporal heterogeneity, functional processes and species diversity, could provide a unifying theme for river ecology. 2. The theoretical foundations of stream ecology often do not reflect fully the crucial roles of spatial complexity and fluvial dynamics in natural river ecosystems, which has hindered conceptual advances and the effectiveness of efforts at conservation and restoration. 3. Inclusion of surface waters (lotic and lentic), subsurface waters (hyporheic and phreatic), riparian systems (in both constrained and floodplain reaches), and the ecotones between them (e.g. springs) as interacting components contributing to total biodiversity, is crucial for developing a holistic framework of rivers as ecosystems. 4. Measures of species diversity, including alpha, beta and gamma diversity, are a result of disturbance history, resource partitioning, habitat fragmentation and successional phenomena across the riverine landscape. A hierarchical approach to diversity in natural and altered river‐floodplain ecosystems will enhance understanding of ecological phenomena operating at different scales along multidimensional environmental gradients. 5. Re‐establishing functional diversity (e.g. hydrologic and successional processes) across the active corridor could serve as the focus of river conservation initiatives. Once functional processes have been reconstituted, habitat heterogeneity will increase, followed by corresponding increases in species diversity of aquatic and riparian biota.  相似文献   

干热河谷主要植被恢复树种蒸腾作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以金沙江干热河谷区10多种自然生长树种为试材,探讨了不同季节典型晴天里各树种叶片水平的蒸腾速率日动态规律,以揭示极端干热生境条件下供试树种蒸腾作用的动态特征.实验结果表明:在干旱生境(3月份)转向干热生境(5月份)时,大多数供试树种蒸腾速率的日变化峰值有所提前,蒸腾作用受到明显限制,而当干热胁迫解除、湿润生境(10月份)来临时,蒸腾作用受限程度减轻或消失,多数供试树种呈现出比较典型的峰状曲线;在干旱、干热以及湿润季节里,供试树种均可分为高、亚高、亚低和低蒸腾速率树种等4个类别,且随着季节的变化,树种所属类别或蒸腾速率大小排序存在明显变动,体现了树种特性在水分生理反应上的多样性表达;随着干热胁迫的加深,供试树种蒸腾速率的变化可分为增强型、减弱型及稳定型3种;树种蒸腾速率的变化方向与气孔导度的变化方向存在不一致的现象,树种蒸腾速率的季节性增减可能表现为气孔因素为主与非气孔因素为主两种控制形式.  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

Summary The habitat hectares approach is an explicit, quantitative method for assessing the quality of vegetation by adding scores that are assigned to 10 habitat attributes. We believe it will be more repeatable and transparent than other methods that rely on subjective judgement. However, we have four principal criticisms of the method as it is currently proposed: (i) measurement of some of the attributes may be subject to considerable error that varies among assessors; (ii) the comparison of each measure with a single benchmark does not accommodate appropriate disturbance regimes; (iii) the proposed combination of attributes leads to some apparent internal inconsistencies; and (iv) it is not clear how the method will actually be used in practice. We suggest modifications to address these concerns and improve the proposed method. Finally, we make additional suggestions about the method's potential application, including: separate reporting of the extent and quality of different vegetation types to avoid the inappropriate combination of measures of area and quality; valuing appropriate disturbance regimes in natural areas; and considering very carefully the application of compensation or mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Millipedes and woodlice were sampled at 27 sites in a mosaic landscape in order to establish the extent to which the macroarthropod community changed with different plant formations. Multivariate analyses conducted on abundance data for ten species revealed four main types of macroarthropod communities. This classification was highly correlated with vegetation structure and particularly the degree of openness of the sites. Communities dominated by Ommatoiulus rutilans (Julidae) occurred in open grassland; those dominated by Glomeris marginata (Glomeridae) plus Porcellio gallicus (Porcellionidae) were found at the least open sites, with a high oak cover; communities with a high proportion of the endemic glomerid Glomeris annulata occurred in semi-open sites with a substantial cover of shrubs. Species diversity was significantly higher at the semi-open sites, this being interpreted as an edge effect. Population density and biomass were lower at wooded sites. In the context of a regional trend towards woodland expansion, the results are discussed from the viewpoint of conserving the pool of millipede and woodlouse species and of maintaining the abundance of saprophagous macroarthropods in the region's ecosystems.  相似文献   

L. P. Ruse 《Aquatic Ecology》1992,26(2-4):411-417
Chironomid pupal skins were collected during one year from three sites along a chalk stream in southern England. The sites had similar chemistry and discharge but differed in their current and temperature regimes. Substrate composition upstream of each collection point was surveyed during spring, summer and autumn. Proportions of macrophytes and sediments were compared with proportions of chironomid species and trophic groups. Seasonal changes in substrate and pupal skin collections were correlated by classification and direct ordination techniques. The distribution of chironomid species were indicated as being significantly related to the recorded substrate data.  相似文献   

The line-intersect technique was used to measure the loading of large woody debris in a 1.8 km reach of the Thomson River, Victoria (catchment area of 3540 km2). A debris census (measuring every item present) was done over 0.775 km of this reach. The transect technique over-estimated the actual loading revealed by the census. The loading of debris 0.01 m in diameter for the total 1.8 km reach was 0.0172 m3 m–2, which is higher than that measured in many headwater streams in other parts of the world. The volume loading of debris measured from low level aerial photographs was only 4.8% of the value estimated by the line-intersect technique. The line-intersect estimates were biased due to non-random orientation of debris in the stream (causing estimated errors of +8% for volume loading and +16% for surface area loading). It is recommended that to avoid this problem, when using the line-intersect transect technique in lowland rivers, each line should comprise at least two obliquely-angled transects across the channel. The mean item of debris (0.1 m in diameter) had a trunk basal diameter of 0.45 m, a length of 7.4 m, and volume of 0.7 m3. The riparian trees and the in-channel debris were of similar dimensions. The debris tended to be close to the bed and banks and was oriented downstream by the flow at a median angle of 27°. Because of this orientation, most debris had a small projected cross-sectional area, with the median value being only 1 m2. Thus, the blockage ratio (proportion of projected area of debris to channel cross-sectional area) was also low, ranging from 0.0002 to 0.1, with a median value of 0.004. The average item of debris, which occupied only 0.4% of the cross-section, would have minimal influence on banktop flow hydraulics, but the largest items, which occupied around 10%, could be significant. Judicious re-introduction of debris into previously cleared rivers is unlikely to result in a large loss of conveyance, or a detectable increase in flooding frequency.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the application of environmental modelling to reconstructive mapping of pre‐impact vegetation using historical survey records and remnant vegetation data. Location The higher elevation regions of the Fleurieu Peninsula region in South Australia were selected as a case study. The Fleurieu Peninsula is an area typical of many agricultural regions in temperate Australia that have undergone massive environmental transformation since European settlement. Around 9% of the present land cover is remnant vegetation and historical survey records from the ad 1880s exist. It is a region with strong gradients in climate and topography. Methods Records of pre‐impact vegetation distribution made in surveyors’ field notebooks were transcribed into a geographical information system and the spatial and classificatory accuracy of these records was assessed. Maps of remnant vegetation distribution were obtained. Analysis was undertaken to quantify the environmental domains of historical survey record and remnant vegetation data to selected meso‐scaled climatic parameters and topo‐scaled terrain‐related indices at a 20 m resolution. An exploratory analytical procedure was used to quantify the probability of occurrence of vegetation types in environmental domains. Probability models spatially extended to geographical space produce maps of the probability of occurrence of vegetation types. Individual probability maps were combined to produce a pre‐impact vegetation map of the region. Results Surveyors’ field notebook records provide reliable information that is accurately locatable to levels of resolution such that the vegetation data can be spatially correlated with environmental variables generated on 20 m resolution environmental data sets. Historical survey records of vegetation were weakly correlated with the topo‐scaled environmental variables but were correlated with meso‐scaled climate. Remnant vegetation records similarly not only correlated to climate but also displayed stronger relationships with the topo‐scaled environmental variables, particularly slope. Main conclusions A major conclusion of this study is that multiple sources of evidence are required to reconstruct past vegetation patterns in heavily transformed region. Neither the remnant vegetation data nor historical survey records provided adequate data sets on their own to reconstruct the pre‐impact vegetation of the Fleurieu Peninsula. Multiple sources of evidence provide the only means of assessing the environmental and historical representativeness of data sets. The spatial distribution of historical survey records was more environmentally representative than remnant vegetation data, which reflect biases due to land clearance. Historical survey records were also shown to be classificatory and spatially accurate, thus are suitable for quantitative spatial analyses. Analysis of different spatial vegetation data sets in an environmental modelling framework provided a rigorous means of assessing and comparing respective data sets as well as mapping their predicted distributions based on quantitative correlations. The method could be usefully applied to other regions where predictions of pre‐impact vegetation cover are required.  相似文献   

The Serengeti–Mara ecosystem holds one of the largest natural grasslands of the world, which is well known for its large herds of mammals. However, the bird community structure of these grasslands has hardly ever been studied. For the first time, a large‐scale study on grassland bird communities has been conducted in all typical open grasslands of the Serengeti National Park. We used ten grassland plots representing a gradient of increasing vegetation height and also including shrubs and trees to analyse the influence of vegetation structure on the composition of grassland bird communities. Three communities of breeding birds were identified in relation to (a) short grass, (b) intermediate and long grass and (c) wooded grasslands. The bird communities of intermediate, long and wooded grassland were very similar, because of identical dominant bird species. Our results suggest that breeding birds of East African grasslands exhibit two contrasting habitat relationships: (1) birds that are restricted to short grass, and (2) species that are tolerant to vegetational shifts from intermediate grass via long grass to early stages of woody vegetation. Because the vegetation is often driven beyond this range in managed tropical grasslands through high grazing pressure or through shrub encroachment, we expect that the long‐grass bird communities will not generally resist anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河源区高寒冰缘植被的生态特征研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
对乌鲁木齐河源区高寒冰缘植被进行了调查和生态环境分析。研究了高寒冰缘植物对寒区环境在形态结构和繁殖方式等方面的适应特征及其生态对策,在该区域垂直带谱中,植被包括了两个垂直带;高山草甸和高山垫状植被。主要植物群系有:苔草群系、蒿草群系、早熟禾群系、四蕊山莓草系、高山红景天群系、族生柔籽草群系、珠芽蓼群系等7个,共包括27类植物群(群丛)此外,在高山流石堆上具有有牌演替早期阶段的高山植物群聚。决定该区  相似文献   

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