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A possibility of phosphatidylinositides catabolism initiation was revealed in the rat brain synaptosome membranes during in vitro action of estradiol. It was shown that appreciable enhancement of diacylglycerol yield was observed at already 5th second of initiation, which decreased then until the 30th second and kept the sufficiently high level. The yield of free arachidonic acid had also enhanced. Analogous dynamics of alteration was observed during the action of pharmacological as well as physiological concentrations of hormone.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(6):911-918
High yields of relatively pure, morphologically well-preserved, functionally competent synaptosomes were prepared from brains of moths of Mamestra configurata using a modified microscale Ficoll flotation technique. Typical preparations yielded 10 mg of synaptosomal protein per gram of moth brains. The moth brain synaptosomes were virtually free of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondrial contaminants as judged from marker enzyme studies and electron microscopy.Voltage-dependent Ca2+ ion transport was studied using the moth brain synaptosome preparations. Synaptosomes took up radioactive 45Ca2+ from the incubation medium. The rate of uptake was increased up to three-fold when the synaptosomes were incubated in a depolarizing, high [K+] medium. Time course studies indicated that voltage-dependent Ca2+ uptake was composed of an early (<2 sec) fast phase and a late (>10 sec) slow phase.ATP-dependent Ca2+ ion transport was studied in moth brain synaptosome membrane vesicles prepared from synaptosomes by osmotic shock and purified on a second Ficoll gradient. The inside-out synaptosome membrane vesicles contained an ATP-dependent calcium ion pump which transported 45Ca2+ from the incuation medium into the interior of the vesicle in the presence of ATP. The calcium ionophore A23187 rapidly released accumulated 45Ca2+ from the vesicles. The maximal rate of ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport occurred at a [Ca2+ free] of 0.1 to 0.2 nM, indicating that the transport process has a very high affinity for Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

Abstract Purified toxin and its subunits from Clostridium botulinum type B were labeled with 125iodine and binding of them to rat brain synaptosomes was studied. Labeled toxin and heavy chain were shown to bind to synaptosomes and there was no significant difference in the molar quantity of bound toxin and heavy chain at several concentrations of synaptosomes, whereas labeled light chain did not bind to synaptosomes. The binding of labeled heavy chain to synaptosomes was inhibited by unlabeled toxin and heavy chain to a similar degree as that of labeled toxin. The binding of labeled toxin and heavy chain to synaptosomes were inhibited by a monoclonal antibody which is specific for the heavy chain.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux from rat submandibular gland was studied using a K+-sensitive electrode. A K+ efflux was induced by either adrenalin or by using the divalent cation ionophore A23187 plus added Ca2+ to bypass the receptor mechanism. Trifluoperazine, which was used to investigate the role of calmodulin, was found to block the adrenalin-induced K+ efflux but not the A23187/Ca2+-induced K+ efflux. The adrenalin-induced K+ efflux was abolished by quinidine and the A23187/Ca2+-induced K+ efflux was significantly reduced by quinidine. In other experiments, the presence of indomethacin did not inhibit the adrenalin-induced K+ efflux, and exogenously added arachidonic acid did not induce a K+ efflux. It is concluded that neither prostaglandin synthesis, nor a cytosolic Ca2+-calmodulin complex is involved in the agonist-induced K+ efflux from rat submandibular gland. A similarity between the Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux mechanism of erythrocyte ghosts and submandibular tissue is indicated by their common response to quinidine.  相似文献   

Single voltage-dependent K+ and Cl- channels in cultured rat astrocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The kinetic reactions of a voltage-dependent K+ channel, which constituted about 14% of all the recorded K+ channels in the membrane of cultured rat astrocytes were studied in detail. A scheme of one open and three closed states is necessary to describe the kinetic reactions of this channel. The channel contributes little to the resting membrane potential. Its steady state open probability (Po) is 0.06 at -70 mV. When the cell is depolarized to O mV, Po approaches 1. This represents a 17-fold increase. Such channels could contribute to the potassium clearance by enhancing the effect of "spatial buffering." Additionally, single anion-selective channels with very high conductances were found in inside-out patches in approximately 15% of all recorded channels in the membrane of rat astrocytes. Channel openings are characterized by more than one conductance level; the main level showed a mean conductance of 400 pS. These channels are divided into two groups. Approximately 90% of the recorded chloride channels showed a strong voltage dependency of their current fluctuations. Within a relatively small potential range (+/- 15 mV) the channels have a high probability of being in the active state. After a voltage jump to varying testing potentials in the range of +/- 20 to +/- 50 mV the channels continued to be in the active state for some time and then closed to a shut state. If the testing potential persisted, the channels were not able to leave this shut state.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

N S Nilova 《Tsitologiia》1982,24(7):818-822
Depolarization induced by the increase in potassium content in the medium results in the augmented oxygen consumption by the rat brain synaptosomes, when glucose and pyruvate were used as substrates; with glutamate as substrates no such effect of potassium occurred. No effect of depolarization is present in the case of synaptosomes from animals with a paradoxical sleep deprivation; the addition of glutamine (0.5 mM) restores the capability in synaptosomes of metabolic response to depolarization. No effect of glutamine is observed with synaptosomes from brain hemispheres of rats with disturbed sleep.  相似文献   

The Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux from rat submandibular gland was studied using a K+-sensitive electrode. A K+ efflux was induced by either adrenalin or by using the divalent cation ionophore A23187 plus added Ca2+ to bypass the receptor mechanism. Trifluoperazine, which was used to investigate the role of calmodulin, was found to block the adrenalin-induced K+ efflux but not the A23187/Ca2+-induced K+ efflux. The adrenalin-induced K+ efflux was abolished by quinidine and the A23187/Ca2+-induced K+ efflux was significantly reduced by quinidine. In other experiments, the presence of indomethacin did not inhibit the adrenalin-induced K+ efflux, and exogenously added arachidonic acid did not induce a K+ efflux. It is concluded that neither prostaglandin synthesis, nor a cytosolic Ca2+-calmodulin complex is involved in the agonist-induced K+ efflux from rat submandibular gland. A similarity between the Ca2+-dependent K+ efflux mechanism of erythrocyte ghosts and submandibular tissue is indicated by their common response to quinidine.  相似文献   

K+-selective ion channels from a mammalian brain synaptosomal membrane preparation were inserted into planar phospholipid bilayers on the tips of patch-clamp pipettes, and single-channel currents were measured. Multiple distinct classes of K+ channels were observed. We have characterized and described the properties of several types of voltage-dependent, Ca2+-activated K+ channels of large single-channel conductance (greater than 50 pS in symmetrical KCl solutions). One class of channels (Type I) has a 200-250-pS single-channel conductance. It is activated by internal calcium concentrations greater than 10(-7) M, and its probability of opening is increased by membrane depolarization. This channel is blocked by 1-3 mM internal concentrations of tetraethylammonium (TEA). These channels are similar to the BK channel described in a variety of tissues. A second novel group of voltage-dependent, Ca2+-activated K+ channels was also studied. These channels were more sensitive to internal calcium, but less sensitive to voltage than the large (Type I) channel. These channels were minimally affected by internal TEA concentrations of 10 mM, but were blocked by a 50 mM concentration. In this class of channels we found a wide range of relatively large unitary channel conductances (65-140 pS). Within this group we have characterized two types (75-80 pS and 120-125 pS) that also differ in gating kinetics. The various types of voltage-dependent, Ca2+-activated K+ channels described here were blocked by charybdotoxin added to the external side of the channel. The activity of these channels was increased by exposure to nanomolar concentrations of the catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These results indicate that voltage-dependent, charybdotoxin-sensitive Ca2+-activated K+ channels comprise a class of related, but distinguishable channel types. Although the Ca2+-activated (Type I and II) K+ channels can be distinguished by their single-channel properties, both could contribute to the voltage-dependent Ca2+-activated macroscopic K+ current (IC) that has been observed in several neuronal somata preparations, as well as in other cells. Some of the properties reported here may serve to distinguish which type contributes in each case. A third class of smaller (40-50 pS) channels was also studied. These channels were independent of calcium over the concentration range examined (10(-7)-10(-3) M), and were also independent of voltage over the range of pipette potentials of -60 to +60 mV.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal preparation obtained from synaptosome fractions of rat cerebrum contained the activity of kinase C, which phosphorylated 17K Mr protein endogenous to the preparation. The kinase C activity associated with the synaptosome cytoskeletons is greater in the cerebellum and hippocampus than in the cerebrum. The enhancement rates of phosphorylation of the 17K Mr protein were 293%, 544%, and 526% in the Triton X-100-insoluble fractions of synaptosomes prepared from cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum, respectively. The 17K Mr protein was distinct from myelin basic protein (MBP) for the following reasons: 1) The electrophoretic mobility of the protein was slightly smaller than that of major MBP of rat in the polyacrylamide gel of 10–20% linear gradient, and the protein was not contained in the purified rat myelin. 2) The isoelectric point of the protein was in neutral range, whereas that of MBP was in alkaline one. 3) The 17K Mr protein did not cross-react with anti-MBP antibody. The protein was shown to be a major substrate contained in the cytoskeletal preparation of synaptosome obtained from cerebrum except for contaminating MBP. Only serine residue of the 17K Mr protein was phosphorylated by the kinase C endogenous to the preparation. The results suggest strongly that the synaptic role of protein kinase C through phosphorylation of the 17K Mr protein.Abbreviations used EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether) - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - MBP myelin basic protein - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - SPM synaptic plasma membrane  相似文献   

In experiments dealing with the effect of xenobiotics upon the efflux of K+ from yeast cells, one should be aware that when this efflux proceeds via an all-or-none process, the K+ being released from the intoxicated cells can again be accumulated into the still unaffected cells. Therefore, the measured net efflux of K+ will be less than the efflux from the intoxicated cells. The difference between these two magnitudes can be minimalized by incubating the cells for only a short period and on applying yeast densities that are not too high. When the cells are permeabilized relatively slowly but ultimately to a great extent, the kinetics of K+ efflux may be quite complicated.  相似文献   

The efflux of individual short-chain and medium-chain acylcarnitines from rat liver, heart, and brain mitochondria metabolizing several substrates has been measured. The acylcarnitine efflux profiles depend on the substrate, the source of mitochondria, and the incubation conditions. The largest amount of any acylcarnitine effluxing per mg of protein was acetylcarnitine produced by heart mitochondria from pyruvate. This efflux of acetylcarnitine from heart mitochondria is almost 5 times greater with 1 mM than 0.2 mM carnitine. Apparently the acetyl-CoA generated from pyruvate by pyruvate dehydrogenase is very accessible to carnitine acetyltransferase. Very little acetylcarnitine effluxes from heart mitochondria when octanoate is the substrate except in the presence of malonate. Acetylcarnitine production from some substrates peaks and then declines, indicating uptake and utilization. The unequivocal demonstration that considerable amounts of propionylcarnitine or isobutyrylcarnitine efflux from heart mitochondria metabolizing alpha-ketoisovalerate and alpha-keto-beta-methylvalerate provides evidence for a role (via removal of non-metabolizable propionyl-CoA or slowly metabolizable acyl-CoAs) for carnitine in tissues which have limited capacity to metabolize propionyl-CoA. These results also show propionyl-CoA must be formed during the metabolism of alpha-ketoisovalerate and that extra-mitochondrial free carnitine rapidly interacts with matrix short-chain aliphatic acyl-CoA generated from alpha-keto acids of branched-chain amino acids and pyruvate in the presence and absence of malate.  相似文献   

A substantial inhibition (50-70%) of GSH efflux by methionine was demonstrated in hepatocytes isolated from fed rats. Concurrent measurements of intracellular GSH revealed maintenance of a higher concentration in methionine-supplemented cells over the 1-h incubation. Analysis of total GSH suggested that maintenance of higher intracellular GSH by methionine could be quantitatively accounted for by inhibition of GSH efflux rather than by net GSH synthesis. This conclusion was supported by studies with propargylglycine, a potent inhibitor of cysteine synthesis from methionine. Identical results were obtained in incubations containing either propargylglycine and methionine or methionine alone, thereby suggesting that net synthesis of GSH from methionine was minimal under the assay conditions. Similar decreases (40-60%) in the rate of extracellular accumulation of GSH were observed with ethionine and buthionine, two higher homologs of methionine, but not with a wide range of other naturally occurring and synthetic amino acids. The inhibition of GSH efflux by methionine was not dependent on the presence of sodium in the medium and did not correlate with metabolic consumption of ATP.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that brain sodium channels display periods with high (low-Kd) and low (high-Kd) levels of lidocaine-induced open channel block (Salazar, B.C., D.O. Flash, J.L. Walewski, and E. Recio- Pinto. 1995. Brain Res. 699:305-314). In the present study, we further characterize this phenomenon by studying the effects of the permanently charged lidocaine analogue, QX-314. We found that the detection of high- and low-Kd periods does not require the presence of the uncharged form of lidocaine. The level of block, for either period, at various QX-314 concentrations indicated the presence of a single local anesthetic binding site. Increasing the concentration of QX-314 decreased the lifetime of the high-Kd periods while it increased the lifetime of the low-Kd periods. These results could be best fitted to a model with two open channel conformations that display different local anesthetic Kd values (low and high Kd), and in which the channel area defining the local anesthetic Kd consists of multiple interacting regions. Amplitude distribution analysis showed that changes in the Kd values reflected changes in the kon rates, without changes in the koff rates. Both lidocaine and QX-314 were found to be incapable of blocking small- channel subconductance states (5-6 pS). Changes in the local anesthetic kon rates for blocking the fully open state and the lack of local anesthetic block of the small subconductance state are consistent with the presence of channel conformational changes involving the intracellular permeation pathway leading to the local anesthetic binding site.  相似文献   

Studies on single K+-channel currents recorded from isolated rat heart muscle cells, in which early repolarization is known to be exceptionally fast, are reported here. A K+-channel which is blocked by TEA (tetraethylammonium) from the inside only has been found.The total open time of the channel, measured in steady-state after activation, indicated outward rectifying properties. The single channel conductance increases with depolarization from 25 pS at-70 mV to 75 pS at+70 mV.Selectivity of the channel has also been measured and it was found that only Rb+ and K+ can permeate the channel, whereas the permeability (P) for Li+, Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, and Ca2+ is less than 0.05 times .Ba2+ and Cs+ block the channel activity.These results clearly demonstrate the existence of K+-selective outward rectifying conductance pathways in rat ventricular myocytes.  相似文献   

The lipophilic cationic compound quinacrine has been used as an antimalarial drug for over 75 years but its pharmacokinetic profile is limited. Here, we report on the pharmacokinetic properties of quinacrine in mice. Following an oral dose of 40 mg/kg/day for 30 days, quinacrine concentration in the brain of wild-type mice was maintained at a concentration of ~1 μM. As a substrate of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux transporter, quinacrine is actively exported from the brain, preventing its accumulation to levels that may show efficacy in some disease models. In the brains of P-gp-deficient Mdr1(0/0) mice, we found quinacrine reached concentrations of ~80 μM without any signs of acute toxicity. Additionally, we examined the distribution and metabolism of quinacrine in the wild-type and Mdr1(0/0) brains. In wild-type mice, the co-administration of cyclosporin A, a known P-gp inhibitor, resulted in a 6-fold increase in the accumulation of quinacrine in the brain. Our findings argue that the inhibition of the P-gp efflux transporter should improve the poor pharmacokinetic properties of quinacrine in the CNS.  相似文献   

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