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In small-scale experiments, the predatory mites, Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini) and H. miles Berlese, applied at 700 mites m(-2), and the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) applied at 3 x 10(-6) nematodes m(-2) controlled sciarids and phorids in mushroom compost and casing substrates. For both mite species, earliest application to the growing substrate following sciarid infestation reduced sciarid emergence. In contrast, later application of each biological control agent provided more effective control of phorid emergence. The behaviour of adult mites suggested that H. aculeifer were more positively geotactic than H. miles although both species could penetrate compost and casing substrates to a depth of 2-12 cm. A majority of S. feltiae nematodes resided at a depth of 2-4 cm in both substrate types. Independent application of H. aculeifer provided more comprehensive control of sciarids and phorids than the other biological agents studied, owing to its better dispersal within compost and casing, and ability to attack larvae of differing ages.  相似文献   

We tested the capacity of the soil-dwelling predatory mite, Hypoapsis aculeifer , to control mites attacking lily bulbs. Experiments in the greenhouse and in the field showed that in the absence of predatory mites populations of the bulb mite, Rhizoglyphus robini , on lily bulbs increased, whereas the release of predatory mites either slowed down the increase - as observed in the field - or caused the bulb mites populations to decrease - as observed in the greenhouse. In all cases the population of predatory mites increased as long as bulb mite densities were not too low. However, within the first week after predator release there was usually a sharp decline to 10-40% of the original number released. Greenhouse experiments on intact lily bulbs in pots, boxes and 1 m 2 plots with peat soil showed that when released in a ratio of 1 predator to 2 or 5 prey, the predatory mite, Hypoaspis aculeifer , suppressed populations of bulb mites to less than 10 individual per bulb within 6 weeks. Elimination of bulb mites was observed only when the predator-to-prey ratio at release was equal to 3:1. Field experiments in 2 m 2 plots with intact bulbs in rather compact sandy soil showed that when released in ratio of 1 predator to 1 or 2 prey, the predatory mite, H. aculeifer , did not cause the population of bulb mites to decrease, but it did reduce their population growth. The initial predator-to-prey ratios required to achieve suppression (ca 1:2) or elimination (3:1) in the soil environment are much higher than those required for bulb mite elimination when lily bulb scales were embedded in a medium of vermiculite (ca 1:20). Among the possible causes are: (1) the initial losses of predators in the greenhouse and even more so in the field due to mortality and/or emigration from the experimental plots; (2) the lower temperatures in the greenhouse and especially in the field, which slow down the growth and predation processes and thereby delay prey extinction; and (3) the spatial complexity of the soil environment which creates refuges for the bulb mites.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a natural enemy combination compared to a single species release for the control of western flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on cucumber plants was investigated. Since a large part of F occidentalis seems to enter the soil passage, a joint release of the plant-inhabiting predatory mite Amblyseius cucumeris (Oudemans) that feeds on thrips first-instar larvae and the soil-dwelling predatory mite Hypoaspis aculeifer (Canestrini) that preys on thrips pupae in the ground might offer a promising approach for a holistic control strategy. Therefore, two sets of experiments were conducted in cooperation with a commercial vegetable grower where the plants in plots were infested with a defined number of larval and adult F occidentalis. Two species of natural enemies were released either synchronously or solely, and their efficacy was compared to control plots devoid of antagonists. In both experiments, the predatory mites were released twice with a density of 46 A. cucumeris/m2, and 207 H. aculeifer/m2 (low-density) in the first experiment and 528 H. aculeifer/m2 (high-density) in the second one. Population growth of all arthropod species on the plants and in the soil was quantified at regular intervals and included all soil-dwelling mites and alternative preys present in the substrate. The results showed that H. aculeifer alone had a significant impact on thrips population development only when released at high-densities, but competence was lower compared to the other antagonist treatments. The impact of A. cucumeris alone and A. cucumeris & H. aculeifer combined was similar. Thus, the pooled exploitation of natural enemies did not boost thrips control compared to the single species application of A. cucumeris (non-additive effect), which could be explained by resource competition between both predatory mite species. Species number and population size in the soil of the experimental plots both showed a high variability, a possible consequence of their interaction with released soil-dwelling predatory H. aculeifer mites. The impact of resource competition and presence of alternative preys on thrips biological control is exhaustively discussed. From our study, we can extract the subsequent conclusions: (1) the combined use of H. aculeifer and A. cucumeris cannot increase thrips control on cucumber compared to the release of A. cucumeris alone, but the overall reliability of thrips biological control might be enhanced, (2) the availability of alternative preys seemed to affect the thrips predation rate of H. aculeifer, and (3) the impact of naturally occurring soil predatory mites on the control of WFT seemed to be partial.  相似文献   

Cannibalism (intraspecific predation) on conspecific eggs was investigated in the predatory stigmaeid mite, Agistemus exsertus Gonzalez in the absence of eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch (no-choice tests) and presence of three densities of prey eggs simultaneously (choice tests) in the laboratory. Data show that cannibalism occurs in immatures and adult females of the predator, which successfully developed and reproduced on conspecific eggs as an alternative prey in the absence of prey eggs. In no-choice tests, cannibalism rate on conspecific eggs by A. exsertus stages was significantly lower than the predation rate on T. urticae eggs. The predatory mite exhibited a marked decline in oviposition rate when preyed on conspecific eggs compared with feeding on prey eggs. The developmental duration and longevity of A. exsertus females were significantly longer 1.9 and 1.7 times, respectively, when fed on conspecific eggs than feeding on T. urticae eggs. The propensity of the predator towards cannibalism depends on the prey density, when T. urticae eggs and conspecific eggs are present simultaneously. Provision of increased densities of prey eggs significantly decreased cannibalism and predation by A. exsertus stages, which fed generally less on conspecific eggs than on T. urticae eggs in choice tests. The oviposition rate of the predator increased significantly, as the egg density of the prey increased. The developmental period and longevity of A. exsertus females showed significantly gradual shortness with increasing egg density of the prey.  相似文献   

The biology of Hypoaspis miles Berlese (Acarina: Hypoaspidae) fed on mushroom sciarid larvae (Lycoriella solani Winnertz) (Diptera: Lycoriidae) and mould mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae), was investigated by laboratory experiments at 20 °C, 75% r.h. and LD16:D8 hours. H. miles had a significantly shorter development time and a significantly lower juvenile mortality when fed on sciarid larvae than on mould mites, the development time being 14.5 days and the mortality 3.5% on the former prey. The preoviposition and postoviposition periods of H. miles were not uninfluenced by the prey species and were 5–9 and 32–37 days, respectively. Oviposition periods of 53.2 and 68.5 days and female longevities of 82 and 109.6 days were observed on diets of sciarid larvae and mould mites, respectively. Male longevity (168–219 days) was uninfluenced by the prey species. The egg production of H. miles on sciarid larvae was estimated to be 44.4 ± 4.33 eggs per female, as compared to 22.43 ± 1.79 eggs per female on mould mites. The sex-ratio of the offspring was significantly influenced by the prey species, the ratios (/(+)) being 0.66 on sciarid larvae and 0.54 on mould mites. The net reproductive rate (R0) for H. miles fed on sciarid larvae was approximately 27 which was three times higher than for mites feeding on mould mites. The innate capacity of increase (rm) was highest (0.0747 day–1) when sciarid larvae served as food, giving a doubling time of 9.3 days as compared to 12.8 days on mould mites. The generation times were 44.28 on sciarid larvae and 40.67 days on mould mites. The daily food consumption rate of juvenile and adult H. miles was 0.24 and 0.86 sciarid larvae and 10.8 and 21.7 mould mites, respectively. In terms of weight consumed, however, the consumption of sciarid larvae was 2–3.5 times the weight of mould mites. The ratio of females to males influenced the oviposition period and egg production of H. miles, with virgin females laying fewer eggs over a longer period of time as compared with females with access to males. The egg production in relation to the sex-ratio was described by models predicting a maximum number of eggs per female of 22.3 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.69 (/(+)) and a maximum daily number of eggs per female of 0.33 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.37 (/(+)).  相似文献   

The number of eggs oviposited or left in the opisthosomas of dead mites (total eggs) was assessed for Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt), Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman), Typhlodromus pyri Scheuten or Amblyseius andersoni Chant when each was caged with either (1) no Tetranychus urticae Koch, (2) only odours of T. urticae, (3) ten eggs of M. occidentalis or (4) ten nymphs of M. occidentalis (T. pyri for M. occidentalis). The total eggs for the no prey versus odour tests did not differ within species; the levels were the greatest for N. fallacis > T. pyri > A. andersoni > M. occidentalis. Among treatments, egg means did not differ for M. occidentalis but they did for N. fallacis and T. pyri and similar trends were seen for A. andersoni. Egg means were usually less for mites held with ten predator nymphs than mites held with ten predator eggs or with no prey. Were adult females with nymphs absorbing rather than ovipositing their eggs or dying with them in their opisthosomas? Activity levels (walking) for adult females were no more for mites held with nymphs versus no food. The data indicated that interference by nymphs was not increasing the energy use of females and thus reducing egg levels. However, tests with ten nymphs, one egg and no adult female had egg losses from nymphal predation that could account for fewer eggs in cage tests. Overall, no evidence for absorption was found. If it occurs, it must be among younger eggs or mites exposed to less rapid prey losses than were the mites tested here; in addition, other stimuli may cause absorption. The total eggs in sticky-tape tests were greatest for N. fallacis > M. occidentalis > T. pyri > A. andersoni. Cage versus stick-tape data differed most for M. occidentalis because of cannibalism. All four mites cannibalized eggs but M. occidentalis did most rapidly and extensively. When starved, it laid all of its eggs before the other three species did. Such behaviours may enhance survival of M. occidentalis when prey become scarce.  相似文献   

Egg cannibalism is a widespread phenomenon in predatory arthropods. However, conflicting results have been reported regarding the nutritional value of conspecific eggs. Therefore, evaluation of the value of a mixed diet of conspecific eggs and aphids for survival and growth of Adalia bipunctata (Coccinellidae) larvae was tested. Subsequently, the propensity for cannibalism of naive and experienced larvae was assessed in two experiments in which the relative density and quality of conspecific eggs were manipulated in an experimental arena. It was found that larvae that were fed a mixed diet of conspecific eggs and aphids moulted into larger adults than those fed either aphids or eggs, and those that fed on conspecific eggs lost less mass than those fed only aphids during pupal stage. Additionally, in an experimental arena, attacks on aphids were more frequent than expected when conspecific eggs occupied 50% and 75% of the patches. When 50% of patches were occupied by conspecific eggs, the preference for aphids was less marked when larvae had previously experienced cannibalism (76% vs. 52% respectively) or when offered in the arena conspecific egg the cuticular hydrocarbons of which had been removed (76% vs. 48%, respectively). However, cannibalism was not enhanced if larvae experienced heterospecific prey shortages, but were supplemented with an artificial diet. Given that prey choice in A. bipunctata larvae is driven by chemical cues and that hydrocarbons on the egg surfaces and in larval tracks are very similar, we hypothesize that the naive larvae avoid eggs because of the uncertainty that those hydrocarbons indicate either eggs or conspecific larvae.  相似文献   

Cannibalism is usually more intense when other food sources are scarce, be it prey or plant-based foods. We hypothesized that feeding on plants would reduce cannibalism to a lesser extent than feeding on prey, because plants are considered nutritionally inferior compared to prey. We used the omnivorous bug Orius laevigatus Say (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) to test this prediction. Starved female bugs were individually held with five second-instar conspecific nymphs and offered (i) Helicoverpa armigera eggs (prey); (ii) pollen (plant); (iii) H. armigera eggs and pollen (prey+plant); or (iv) no eggs or pollen. Fewer cannibalistic events and shorter feedings on conspecifics were recorded in the presence of pollen, prey or both than in their absence. Data therefore do not support our hypothesis that cannibalism is differentially affected by foods of different nutritional values. It seems that omnivorous feeding habits enable predators to sustain themselves on plant sources in the absence of prey, without the need to resort to cannibalism.  相似文献   

Short-range predator–prey interactions among small soil-dwelling arthropods are poorly understood. In this study, we measured the behavioural interactions between the predacious mite Hypoaspis aculeifer Canestrini (Gamasida: Laelapidae) and its collembolan prey Folsomia fimetaria L. (Collembola: Isotomidae) and the influence of sex, size, starvation, and poisoning with the organophosphate dimethoate. Pairs of mite and springtail were placed in 18-mm diameter test arenas with a plaster of Paris substrate and their behaviour were measured by a computerized vision system, which automatically detected the locomotory activity of the two animals, their encounters, and the precise time of capture and killing. Data suggest that neither the mite nor the springtail possesses near-field sensory detection of the opponent. A Cox regression model showed that mite sex, size ratio between the predator and prey, average mite velocity, and encounter rate had a significant influence on the mite-capture efficiency (springtail survival). Female H. aculeifer demonstrated higher capture efficiency than males by catching and killing their prey after fewer encounters. Surprisingly, starvation had only a moderate effect on the mite locomotory behaviour and no influence on the capture efficiency as such. Also, springtail survival was independent of its moulting stage. Sublethal poisoning with dimethoate, on the other hand, dramatically increased the mite's capture rate, probably by impeding the evasive response of the springtail.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Egg cannibalism among coccinellids has been reported widely, however reasons why this type of behaviour is observed so frequently have been neglected. This experiment was undertaken to clarify whether cannibalistic behaviour is advantageous to Coleomegilla maculata lengi Thimberlake neonates and to understand the reasons for high levels of egg cannibalism.
2. Benefits gained by neonate cannibals were ascertained by comparing survival, developmental time, and second-instar weight of C. maculata larvae that were allowed to cannibalise conspecific eggs or not. Preference and behaviour tests were also conducted to assess the reasons for high levels of egg cannibalism.
3. Cannibal neonates grew faster and were heavier than non-cannibals. The developmental time of neonates was influenced more by prey vulnerability than by prey quality.
4. In choice tests, where three different proportions of conspecific eggs and aphids were offered (33–67, 50–50, and 67–33%), C. maculata neonates always consumed significantly more eggs. Manly's preference indexes indicated that neonates showed a consistent preference for conspecific eggs.
5. Seventy-five per cent of neonates observed went directly towards eggs and 90% of the first prey consumed by neonates were an egg. When aphids were painted with extract of crushed eggs and eggs with crushed aphids to determine whether neonates found eggs by chemical cues, neonates preferred aphids painted with egg extract to eggs painted with aphid extract.
6. It was concluded that C. maculata neonates benefited from cannibalistic behaviour. Moreover, egg cannibalism is not related only to frequency of encounter; chemical cues are also involved in egg searching.  相似文献   

1. Intraguild predation and cannibalism are common among predaceous phytoseiid mites (Acari, Phytoseiidae) but the nutritional benefits gained by these processes are poorly understood. 2. The study reported here addressed the questions of whether cannibalism and intraguild predation provide different nutritional benefits and whether the ability to utilise cannibalism and intraguild predation is linked to the diet specialisation of phytoseiid mites. Specialists tested were Phytoseiulus macropilis, Galendromus occidentalis, and Neoseiulus longispinosus; generalists tested were Amblyseius andersoni, Neoseiulus cucumeris, and Neoseiulus fallacis. 3. All generalists and the specialist P. macropilis were able to complete juvenile development with both con‐ and hetero‐specific prey. Juvenile development of generalists was shorter with heterospecific prey than with conspecific prey, whereas development of the specialist P. macropilis did not differ between prey types. Only a few N. longispinosus and G. occidentalis, both specialists, reached adulthood by cannibalism but none reached adulthood by intraguild predation. 4. All generalists were able to sustain oviposition by intraguild predation. Neoseiulus cucumeris and A. andersoni laid more eggs with heterospecific prey than with conspecific prey, whereas N. fallacis had similar oviposition rates with both prey types. No specialist sustained oviposition by intraguild predation or cannibalism. 5. Overall, generalists gained equal or more nutritional benefits by intraguild predation than by cannibalism and were able to utilise phytoseiid intraguild prey as an alternative food source. Specialists gained equal or more nutritional benefits from cannibalism than from intraguild predation. For specialists, con‐ and hetero‐specific phytoseiids may be considered only a supplemental food.  相似文献   

Competitive interactions in arthropod predators are well-known, but positive interactions have received less attention. The two-spotted stinkbugPerillus bioculatus often feeds gregariously on leaf beetle larvae and caterpillar prey. Consequences of prey sharing amongP. bioculatus conspecifics of dissimilar size (instar) was studied using Colorado potato beetle (CPB) prey. Rearing second-instar (N2) nymphs ofP. bioculatus with an N5 conspecific facilitated early feeding on L4 CPB larvae (a difficult prey to handle by N2 nymphs but not by N5’s), thus increasing survival and accelerating development. One in every 20 cases ofP. bioculatus foraging in the field was accounted for by pairs or small groups of mostly feeding individuals. CPB egg masses and L4’s represented a disproportionate number of cases of aggregated feeding byP. bioculatus, compared to feeding singly. Small CPB larvae decreased in the diet of aggregated stinkbugs compared to L4 larvae and egg masses, suggesting that sharing these prey may be favorable or unavoidable. In a field test measuring residence/survival of N2’s limited to L4 prey, the N2’s rate of residence/survival increased significantly when large nymphs acting as food providers were also present. The function of communal feeding inP. bioculatus is discussed, as well as the potential for greater impact on prey density that may be expected from tolerance to opportunistic feeding by conspecifics in slightly gregarious predators.  相似文献   

A rational explanation for cannibalism is that it would be favored under conditions of crowding of conspecific individuals and/or low availability of alternative prey with the fear of starvation, so as to maximize individual fitness. Cannibalism has, however, not evolved and is not maintained by a simple individual optimization, while it has evolved and is maintained as a game among population members. We analysed the attainable state of an evolutionary cannibalism game within a framework that reflects the minimum essence of cause-effect in the cannibalism phenomenon. Cannibalism is predator-prey interaction among conspecifics. Immediate direct payoffs (survival in the interaction among conspecifics) and indirect payoffs (growth results in potential productivity and survival against the threat of starvation) would be included. No morphological specialization and no size priority of cannibalism individuals are assumed as conservative situations in which we analyse the possibility of cannibalism. Cannibalism would be possible under the conservative condition, if initially the wild population's cannibalism rate is not sufficiently lower than a threshold value. Crowding and/or low availability of alternative prey with the fear of starvation facilitates cannibalism evolution. Energy gain from conspecific prey would be attenuated by costs of counterattacks by conspecific victims and by challenge cost of its own. Discounting net intake energy required in the arms race for cannibalism challenge result in a relative disadvantage of having a high cannibalism rate and makes an evolutionary equilibrium of low cannibalism rate, even when potential profitability of conspecific prey is high.  相似文献   

The effects and persistence of oviposition-deterring semiochemical cues from conspecific and heterospecific larval tracks on the oviposition rate of Aphidecta obliterata (Linnaeus) females were investigated. In addition, the effects of varying aphid prey density were considered and also whether any resulting response originated from differential nutritional status of females and/or due to aphid odour stimuli. The existence of oviposition responses to conspecific egg chemicals was also considered. Gravid A. obliterata females were deterred from oviposition by conspecific larval tracks and the effect was density dependent. Females actively avoided searching in these contaminated areas. Tracks induced a significant effect on oviposition for up to three days. Heterospecific tracks of the coccinellid Adalia bipunctata (Fabricius) or the chrysopid Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) did not induce any oviposition response in A. obliterata females. Increasing aphid density induced increased oviposition rate in A. obliterata females. Nutritional status of females was an important factor in the relationship between aphid density and oviposition rate, but aphid associated cues (odours) were not. There was an inhibitory effect of extracts of conspecific egg-surface chemicals on oviposition by A. obliterata females. In the field, cannibalism, competition and limited food availability represent the major threats to egg and larval survival. Patch quality assessment mechanisms enable females to lay eggs at sites where offspring survival is maximized. Oviposition-deterring semiochemicals tend to promote more even distribution of predators over prey patches.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH  Armstrong J 《Oecologia》2008,157(4):675-686
Many organisms undergo ontogenetic niche shifts due to considerable changes in size during their development. These ontogenetic shifts can alter the trophic position of individuals, the type and strength of ecological interactions across species, and allow for cannibalism within species. In this study we ask if and how the interaction of a size refuge and cannibalism in the prey alters the dynamics of intraguild predation (IGP) systems. By manipulating the composition of large cannibalistic (Aeshna umbrosa) and predatory (Anax junius) dragonfly larvae in mesocosms we show that the interaction of cannibals and predators was non-linear and increased the survival of prey. The structure of the final resource community shared by prey and predator differed between small and large dragonfly treatments but not within size classes across species. In general, the small prey stage showed similar shifts in microhabitat use and refuge use when exposed to either conspecific cannibals or predators, while large cannibals showed no clear anti-predator response. However, further behavioral experiments revealed that specific behavioral components, such as distances between individuals or number of movements, differed when individuals were exposed to either cannibals or predators. This indicates that individuals discriminated between conspecific or heterospecific predators. Furthermore, in similar experiments large cannibals and predators showed different behaviors when exposed to conspecifics rather than to each other. These changes in behavior are consistent with the observed increase in prey survival. In general, the results indicate that cannibalism and ontogenetic niche shifts can result in behavior-mediated indirect interactions that reduce the impact of the predator on the mortality of its prey and alter the interactions of IGP systems. However, they also indicate that size is not the sole determinant and that we also need to account for the species identity when predicting the dynamics of communities.  相似文献   

Larvae of the salamander, Hynobius retardatus, are carnivorous, and even though there are two morphs, a typical morph and a broad-headed or “cannibal” morph, both are cannibalistic. They also sometimes eat other large prey, for example larvae of the frog, Rana pirica. In natural habitats, use of both conspecific and R. pirica larvae as food may contribute more strongly to high survival and substantially to fitness when larval densities are higher, because early-stage H. retardatus larvae sometimes experience scarcity of their typical prey. In cannibalistic oviparous amphibians, larger individuals that developed from larger eggs can more efficiently catch and consume larger prey and thus their survival may be better than that of smaller individuals developed from smaller eggs. Populations might therefore diverge in respect of egg size in response to variation in the density of conspecific and R. pirica larvae in natural ponds, with eggs being larger when larval density is higher. I examined how variance in hatchling size correlated with the incidence of cannibalism, and whether increasing larval density in natural ponds correlated with increasing egg size. Variance in initial larval body size facilitated cannibalism, and egg size increased as larval density in the ponds increased. In ponds with high larval density, where cannibalism and large prey consumption is a critical factor in offspring fitness, the production of fewer clutches with larger eggs, and thus of fewer and larger offspring, results in greater maternal fitness. Variation among the mean egg size in populations is likely to represent a shift in optimum egg size across larval density gradients.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Hypoaspis miles was released from laboratory cultures into young crops of pot‐grown cyclamen and poinsettia in six small glasshouses. Five different rates of release were used together with a control house. In both crops, rates of 55 mites per pot and above gave satisfactory control of glasshouse sciarids with no later resurgence of the pest. Mites persisted on the pots until the end of the trial, probably feeding on a residual population of sciarids. In separate tests H. miles was found mostly in the top 1 cm of compost and persisted in horticultural compost for up to 7 weeks in the absence of food.  相似文献   

The effects of conspecific adult interference on the reproductive output of an aphidophagous ladybird, Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) were investigated. Ovipositing females were subjected to physical interference with conspecific adults (0 to 4 males or females) in Petri dishes and the effects on egg cannibalism, oviposition and egg viability were recorded. The absence of interference was related to the lowest egg cannibalism (0.00%) and higher fecundity (336.30+/-32.16 eggs) and egg viability (95.83+/-1.60%). Fecundity decreased with increasing physical interference from either sex. Egg viability declined with increasing male density, but was not influenced by conspecific females. In a second experiment, evaluating the role of conspecific adult chemical tracks on fecundity and egg viability, it was observed that adult chemical track density (fresh and ten-day-old) was negatively correlated. Egg viability was not affected by the presence of adult chemical tracks. The decrease in fecundity was not affected by the sex of the adults making the tracks, thus revealing that the chemical constitution of these deterrent compounds was not sex-specific. Conspecific interference in a Petri dish reduces reproductive output, as a result of physical interference and response to what seem to be oviposition-deterring pheromones present in adult tracks.  相似文献   

Males of the giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrolli, care for egg masses on vegetation above the water surface. They supply the developing eggs with water and guard them against predators. In the present study, mechanisms by which paternal care is extended were found. Males were found situated just below the water on the natal substrate (usually a stick), and the first instar nymphs were aggregated around the substrate. When disturbed, the males showed aggressive behavior, threatening the intruder with their forelegs. Nymphs up to 12 h old did not attack the offered sibling nymphs or anuran larvae, which are common prey in the field. The 24 h‐old nymphs attacked both prey animals; however, they preferred anuran larvae. Cannibalistic behavior in the nymphs was well developed 72 h after hatching, when the nymphs had already dispersed from the natal substrate. The suppression of sibling cannibalism in younger nymphs would promote the maintenance of tight nymphal aggregations and consequently extend male care in this predatory species.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have demonstrated that green lacewing (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) adults could be attracted to field crops using artificial honeydew. To be effective as a biological control method, such a technique would require that the increase in female abundance translate in an increase egg deposition. An experiment was conducted to evaluate whether the honeydew-feeding females of the green lacewing Chrysoperla rufilabris (Burmeister) avoid laying eggs in the presence of conspecific eggs. The potential risk associated with oviposition in a site already occupied by conspecific eggs was also studied. The preference of C. rufilabris larvae for kin and non-kin eggs and the susceptibility of C. rufilabris eggs to cannibalism relative to their age was determined. The results demonstrate that females are not reluctant to oviposit in the presence of conspecific eggs. Larvae show no preference for kin or non-kin eggs, and lacewing eggs become less susceptible to cannibalism as they age. This indicates that the risk of egg cannibalism by neonate in the field may be low. The results are discussed from ecological and biological control points of view.  相似文献   

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