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A comparative study of leaf and leaflet abscission in Acer negundo and Fraxinus americana was undertaken with special emphasis on leaflet abscission. Leaf fall in both species is accomplished by orderly, fragmentary abscission of leaflets followed by petiole abscission. Leaflet fall was presaged by differentiation of a separation layer at leaflet bases 10–15 days prior to leaflet fall, without an accompanying protective layer. Anatomical studies of petiole abscission revealed early differentiation of a protective layer followed by differentiation of a separation layer at petiole bases just prior to petiolar fall. Abscission at both sites was facilitated by cell division and dissolution of cell walls within separation layers.  相似文献   

The fine structure of ash cambium was studied after glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation. The fusiform and ray initials are essentially alike, and both have the basic complement of organelles and membranes typical of parenchyma cells. The varied behavior of the two types of initials and the role of cambium in oriented production of the xylem and phloem are still unexplained phenomena. Actively growing cambial cells are highly vacuolate. They are rich in endoplasmic reticulum of the rough cisternal form, ribosomes, dictyosomes, and coated vesicles. Microtubules are present in the peripheral cytoplasm. The plasmalemma appears to be continuous with the endoplasmic reticulum and produces coated vesicles as well as micropinocytotic vesicles with smooth surfaces. The plastids have varying amounts of an intralamellar inclusion which may be a lipoprotein. The quiescent cambium is deficient in rough ER and coated vesicles and has certain structures which may be condensed proteins.  相似文献   

Cytophotometric studies of both mature and embryonic tissues of white ash (Fraxinus americana L.) revealed considerable variability of nuclear DNA content in this dioecious polyploid species (2n = 46, 92, 138). Triploid and pentaploid embryos may be produced, and mature individuals of these odd ploidy levels, in turn, may occur in natural populations. Polyploidy may have originated in this species through the union of unreduced gametes.  相似文献   

Leaf abscission in Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. ‘Contender’ is associated with enzymatic changes during and prior to separation. Deblading resulted in a localized increase in dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase in the abscission zone. Increased enzyme activities were observed 24–48 hr after deblading. In debladed plants separation was complete in 6–8 days. At separation, dehydrogenase activity appeared to decrease and localization was specific to the protective layer, while the petiole side had no activity. In contrast, acid phosphatase activity was observed in some layers of cells on the petiole side after separation. Ethylene treatment promoted abscission and separation occurred in 24–48 hr in both debladed and intact plants. No protective layer was formed during ethylene-induced abscission. Enzymatic changes similar to those observed in debladed control plants were observed with ethylene treatment. Ethylene induced an additional abscission layer between the pulvinus and petiole, where an abscission layer normally does not form. In this ethylene-induced abscission layer, similar enzyme activities were detected.  相似文献   

An integrated microscopic (light and electron microscopy) and macroscopic investigation of chambered pith development was made of Phytolacca americana L. Terminal internodes have a solid pith cylinder in contrast to the alternating diaphragms and chambers occurring in subjacent pith. Macroscopically, chambers and diaphragms of any one internode are of equal size. Microscopically, diaphragms vary in height within an internode (from 1–6 cells high). Nevertheless, all diaphragms become thicker circumferentially (5–12 cells high) and connect with long files of intact peripheral pith cells. Diaphragm cells have a large centrally positioned vacuole with a thin, parietal layer of cytoplasm; nuclei, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and unidentified organelles differentiate in the cytoplasm of diaphragm cells. Although schizogenous activity has most often been implicated as the mechanism by which chambered pith develops in vegetative organs of angiosperms, the results of this study show that cavities in pokeweed result from both schizogenous and lysigenous mechanisms. Schizogeny is suggested by the fact that central pith cells of terminal internodes are longer and thinner walled than peripheral pith cells arranged in vertical files, thus indicating elongation of cells as a possible result of internode elongation. The precise developmental pattern and arrangement of chambers and diaphragms also suggest schizogenous processes. Lysigenous or enzymatic activity is indicated by the fact that cavities are bounded by broken cells, and wall fragments and organelles are often found within enlarging cavities. Chamber formation occurs continuously acropetally and centrifugally in the central pith. A comparison of diaphragms is made with Liriodendron tulipifera and Juglans nigra in an attempt to resolve differences in structure and terminology regarding the differentiation of chambered and diaphragmed pith.  相似文献   


The effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and p-chlorophenoxyisobutyric acid (PCIB) on rates of abscission layer formation and abscission were investigated. The primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris were used as test material. Treatment at the distal end of one petiole of the pair from debladed primary leaves with 1% IAA inhibited the abscission of that petiole and accelerated the abscission of its opposite untreated partner. PCIB applied simultaneously with IAA counteracted the accelerating effect of IAA on the opposite untreated petiole. This influence increased with increasing concentrations of PCIB. Anatomical studies revealed that PCIB, although it counteracted the effect of IAA on the rate of abscission, had no effect on abscission layer formation. In other words abscission layer formation takes place under the influence of the auxin despite the presence of the antiauxin. The centripetal sequence of abscission layer formation was found in all cases.  相似文献   

IN VITRO TESTS OF ABSCISSION AGENTS   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Differentiation of the primary thickening meristem (PTM) was investigated in seedlings and older plants of Phytolacca americana L. Initiation of the PTM occurs in pericycle or inner cortex at the hypocotyl-primary root junction of young plants. Differentiation of the PTM in stems occurs acropetally in a cylinder of randomly dividing cells termed the diffuse lateral meristem (DLM). The PTM produces secondary tissue to the inside (internal conjunctive tissue) and to the outside (external conjunctive tissue). Patches of xylem and phloem differentiate, opposite each other, in recently produced internal and external conjunctive tissue, respectively. The resulting strands (desmogen strands) of xylem and phloem are secondary in origin, and are peripheral to primary vascular tissues. Phloem of desmogen strands usually differentiates first. Xylem of desmogen strands is composed of both tracheids and vessel elements; the latter sometimes becoming occluded with tyloses and unidentified substances. As root and hypocotyl increase in diameter, cylinders of PTMs differentiate successively and centrifugally in external conjunctive tissue. Even though the first PTM differentiates in pericycle or inner cortex and later PTMs differentiate in external conjunctive tissue, all are referred to as PTMs because of their similar activity. Multiple rings of desmogen strands can be observed in transections of lateral roots, primary roots and hypocotyls. Throughout the length of the stem, only one ring of desmogen strands is present. Fewer rings of desmogen strands are present in the top of the hypocotyl and cotylendonary node, as compared to the subjacent hypocotyl, due to anastomoses of centrifugally differentiating desmogen strands.  相似文献   

蚕豆根、茎和叶含有0.31~0.70 μmol酰脲·g~(-1)FW,并受结瘤和生长发育的影响。摘除正在生长的器官可观察到同腋位叶片酞脲含量暂时升高现象。 叶片中酰脲主要是尿囊酸。尿囊素酶和脲酶活性分别为0.30 μmol尿囊酸·g~(-1)FW·h~(-1)和0.19 μmol NH_3·g~(-1)FW·h~(-1)。尿囊酸含量和尿囊素酶活性日变化相似,只是后者峰值比前者出现早。  相似文献   

In an investigation of the abscission responses of excised cotyledonary nodes (explants) of cotton to applications of gibberellic acid, applications to the petiole stumps accelerated petiole abscission only. Applications to stem stumps accelerated petiole abscission and induced stem abscission in approximately 30% of the explants. Following stem applications, petiole abscission always preceded stem abscission by at least 1 day. Morphologically, both the petiole and stem abscission zones, as well as the changes which took place within them during abscission, appeared identical.  相似文献   

The organization of intersegmental muscle fibers associated with the dorsal abdominal sclerites of the cockroach is described. These fibers correspond closely, in the disposition and derivation of the membranes of the transverse tubular system and sarcoplasmic reticulum cisternae, with insect synchronous flight muscle fibers, but differ markedly from these in their fibrillar architecture and mitochondrial content. The mitochondria are small and generally aligned alongside the prominent I bands of the sarcomere, and, in the best-oriented profiles of the A bands, thick filaments are associated with orbitals of twelve thin filaments, a configuration that has also been observed in striated fibers of insect visceral muscle. These structural features of insect muscles are compared and discussed in terms of possible variations in the control of contraction and relaxation, and in the nature of their mechanical role.  相似文献   

烟草与枸杞叶片组织培养中的无丝分裂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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