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城市化对土壤生态环境的影响研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
城市土壤是城市生态系统中最重要的组成部分之一,发挥着重要的生态系统服务功能。在全球快速城市化的背景下,城市土壤受到人类活动的强烈干扰,土壤物理、化学性质发生改变,土壤退化与污染日益加重。城市土壤退化导致土壤动物生态特征与行为模式发生变化,城市景观格局与土地利用类型的变化强烈影响了土壤动物的栖息地,为土壤动物的生存与生物多样性带来潜在威胁;另一方面,城市化过程改变了土壤微生物群落组成与功能特征。城市化直接影响了城市土壤维持植物生长、土壤自然消减能力以及碳储存功能等重要的生态系统服务功能。针对城市化过程对土壤生态环境产生的一系列影响,需要采用科学的管理方式,改善土壤理化性质,提高土壤环境质量,保护和恢复土壤生物多样性,从而增强城市土壤的生态系统服务功能。  相似文献   

四川扭角羚春冬季对栖息地的利用初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
1998年3月至1999年2月,在四川省青川县唐家河自然保护区,对四川扭角羚(Budorcas taxicolor tibetana)春冬季对栖息地的利用进行了初步研究。结果表明,影响四川扭角羚春季栖息地利用的主要生态因子为人为干扰,植被型、乔木大小、乔木距离,乔木密度、食物丰富度,海拔,坡位、郁闭度,影响冬季栖息地利用的主要生态因子为人为干扰。植被型,乔木距离,灌木大小,灌木密度,动物干扰度,乔木大小、灌木距离,坡位,郁闭度,水源,四川扭角羚春冬季栖息地利用的分离主要表现为食物丰富度,乔木大小,乔木密度,乔木距离,植被型,水源,坡位等生存因子的分离。  相似文献   

 本文讨论了草原生态系统中小型土壤动物与土壤生态因子的关系。主要结果为:1.中小型土壤动物,在草原生态系统的不同类型下的水平和垂直数量分布,不单纯受某一种生态因子的制约,而是由于诸生态因子综合作用的结果。2.中小型土壤动物与有机质含量之间的关系,在不同类型的生境中有不同的相关性。3.沙地羊茅草原的中小型土壤动物,在土壤中的数量垂直分布,可能主要制约于土壤温度的变化,因此出现本身的特异性规律。4.中小型土壤动物,对人为因素造成的草原生态系统生态因子不稳定性的反应是敏感的。  相似文献   

【目的】岷山与邛崃山系是大熊猫的重要栖息地,但由于该地区干扰、栖息地破碎化等原因,野生大熊猫的生存和种群复壮仍然存在风险。基于大熊猫习性和生存需求来评价其栖息地生态安全,对于更好地保护野生大熊猫种群、明确保护的地理重点,具有重要现实意义。【方法】以岷山山系、邛崃山山系范围内各市、区、县为对象,收集并选择最新的社会、地理、生物三大类目中具有代表性的12个因子作为评价指标,运用层次分析法和主成分分析法相结合的方法对该地区大熊猫栖息的生态安全进行综合评价。【结果】岷山、邛崃山中部的平武县、宝兴县的生态安全指数最高;彭州市、都江堰市和邛崃县等成都的周边地区生态安全指数较低,主要原因是人类活动的影响;都江堰市北部和汶川县域内为大熊猫的重要栖息地,但其生态安全指数较低,需要进一步的保护、管理和恢复;平武中部、松潘、茂县等地区生态安全指数较高,可作为大熊猫潜在栖息地进行保护。【结论】岷山大熊猫栖息地的生态安全指数总体上高于邛崃山系,但都存在明显的空间异质性。本研究结果可为野生大熊猫生态廊道的建设、圈养大熊猫放归地点选择等工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)是现存5个虎亚种中体型最大者,其作为全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,在维持健康生态系统功能中占据不可替代的重要地位。近几十年来,由于东北虎栖息地受到人类活动强烈干扰,致使栖息地破碎化,主要栖息地孤立分布,呈现岛状,天然生态廊道消失殆尽,东北虎的保护面临巨大挑战。因此,确定东北虎关键栖息地,构建与恢复东北虎栖息地之间的生态廊道十分必要。本研究运用专家模型结合东北虎栖息地选择规律和栖息地特征,综合分析植被类型、国家级与省级自然保护区分布、地形因子以及人为干扰因子共7个主要影响因子;通过层次分析法(AHP)获得各影响因子的相对权重值,运用加权线性方程获得了东北虎潜在适宜栖息地,并确定了东北虎核心分布区以及分布区间的综合代价值。通过廊道设计模型(Linkage mapper)得到东北虎核心栖息地间的潜在生态廊道。结果得到了21条东北虎潜在生态廊道,对打通国内零星分布区,特别是张广才岭-完达山-老爷岭之间的迁移通道、扩大东北虎生存空间具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

高原地区动物面临一系列严峻的生存考验,随着海拔的变化,动物栖息地的食物资源等差异大,温度、氧分压等环境因子都将发生变化.环境差异可能会影响动物种群的生活史对策.在生理功能适应中,动物的能量代谢适应扮演着重要的角色.为探究高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)在不同海拔地区的能量代谢适应与热中性区范围,分别选取...  相似文献   

中国西南喀斯特地区生态环境十分脆弱,在人为活动和自然因素的严重干扰下,该区生态系统遭到严重的破坏。土壤动物是喀斯特地区生态系统能量流动和物质循环至关重要的生物驱动因子,在保护和改善土地资源、防控该地区生态退化中有着重要意义。该区土壤动物类群组成丰富,具有明显的表聚性;随石漠化程度的加重,土壤动物类群数有减少的趋势;生境越复杂、扰动越小,土壤动物群落结构也越复杂、个体密度和类群数越高;不同海拔的土壤动物群落结构存在异质性。当前,中国西南喀斯特地区土壤动物生态学研究中存在分类水平不高、生态服务功能研究较少、对自然因素和人为因素响应的研究不够深入等问题。未来中国西南喀斯特地区土壤动物生态学研究应在生物指示作用、生态服务功能、微生态调控与作用机制及对当今热点环境问题的响应等方面展开深入研究。  相似文献   

为了解同域分布有蹄类在环境复杂的山地森林生境中以何种方式维持种间关系以实现稳定共存,基于物种分布模型与日活动模式分析了四川省岷山、邛崃、大相岭、小相岭和凉山五大山系同域分布中华鬣羚(Capricornis milneedwardsii)与中华斑羚(Naemorhedus griseus)的时空生态位特征。结果显示:(1)在四川省五大山系,中华鬣羚的适宜栖息地面积为28006.07 km2,占研究区总面积的26.18%,其中高适宜栖息地面积为10015.90 km2,中华斑羚的适宜栖息地面积为21073.32 km2,占研究区总面积的19.71%,其中高适宜栖息地面积为8396.22 km2;(2)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚在生境因子选择上相似性高、栖息地重叠面积大,其空间生态位重叠度指数D=0.776,I=0.949,其适宜栖息地的主要重叠区域位于岷山和邛崃山系;(3)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚的日活动节律重叠指数为0.812;(4)中华鬣羚与中华斑羚属于同域分布的资源利用型竞争物种,中华鬣羚的存在会显著影响中华斑羚的日活动节律(P=0.016);二者同域分布时都会增加其昼间活动强度,并增加活动高峰期的强度及持续时间。本研究初步分析了中华鬣羚与中华斑羚的时空生态位特征,揭示了二者在空间、时间生态位上种群共存及种间竞争的耦合关系。研究有利于深入理解同域分布动物时空生态位特征、近缘物种的共存机制及种间竞争关系,为有蹄类等珍稀野生动物种群及栖息地的保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

栖息地环境对种群营养生态位的影响——以黄颡鱼为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙永翠  张培育  张欢  苏国欢  徐军 《生态学报》2015,35(5):1321-1328
生态位是生态学研究的基础,目前关于环境指标是否直接影响营养生态位的分析研究很少。以高营养级鱼类黄颡鱼为研究对象,利用稳定同位素分析和相关分析,在太湖贡湖湾研究了氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮、溶解性总氮、溶解性正磷酸盐、总磷、溶解性总磷、叶绿素等多个栖息地水环境因子对鱼类种群营养生态位的影响。结果表明,栖息地水环境对黄颡鱼总营养生态位影响不大,但部分栖息地水环境因子对分项营养生态位(包括浮游、底栖与肉食性)有影响。研究得知,栖息地水环境因子中氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮、溶解性总氮及溶解性总磷与浮游食性营养生态位显著正相关,氨氮、硝酸盐氮、总氮、溶解性总氮及溶解性总磷与肉食性营养生态位显著负相关,而底栖食性则主要受溶解性总磷的影响,与其显著正相关。水环境因子的季节变化影响水体中饵料资源的分布,进而影响鱼类的食物组成。  相似文献   

唐静  袁访  宋理洪 《应用生态学报》2020,31(7):2473-2480
土壤动物是土壤生物群落不可或缺的组成部分,是调控土壤生态过程重要的生物驱动因子。探明向土壤中施加生物炭对土壤动物群落的影响及二者之间的相互关系,对深刻认识土壤生态系统的运行机制、评价土壤生态服务功能具有重要意义。本文综述了施用生物炭对土壤动物群落的影响及机制,包括生物炭原料、制备温度、施用量的差异对土壤动物群落造成的直接影响,及以生物介导(改变植物生理特性、提高微生物数量)和非生物介导(土壤理化性质的改变)环境条件的改变对土壤动物群落造成的间接影响。低量生物炭添加下(生物炭与土壤质量比<5%),对土壤动物的生长繁殖和行为活动起促进作用,若施炭量过高(>10%),则会产生毒害;土壤动物的行为活动也会影响生物炭的稳定性。未来应该加强长期田间定位、时空变异性、多学科交融和分析预测等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Edge effects are increasingly recognised as a threat to interior species, but the influence of edges on open habitats has rarely been addressed so far. We investigated the diversity pattern of the Orthoptera fauna across a habitat edge between a pine plantation and a natural steppe ecosystem. Thirty pitfall traps were positioned along a transect line from 80 m in the forest to 208 m in the grassland at 10 fixed distances from the edge. The orthopteran assemblage of the pine plantation was depauperate in species and individuals and, with a few exceptions, lacked steppe species. We found no increase in species richness at the forest–grassland edge. In the grassland, Orthoptera species numbers increased steadily with increasing distance from the forest edge. Two-phase regression analysis revealed a traceable edge effect up to about 30 m into the grassland. This effect was exclusively caused by an increase in acridid species numbers, while tettigoniid species numbers showed no clear relation to edge distance. Correlation analysis of the habitat variables suggested that this pattern is a result of irradiance and soil temperature sums. Since acridids show species-specific temperature requirements for their development, shading of the soil surface prevents a number of species from completing their life cycle. We suggest that present trends of shrub encroachment and eutrophication of dry grassland habitats in eastern Austria are serious threats for a large part of the orthopteran fauna.  相似文献   

南充高坪机场土壤及草丛动物群落特征和鸟类的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
机场鸟类是机场安全的重大隐患,减少机场附近鸟类数量是机场安全至关重要的一环.2007年4~12月,对南充高坪机场3种生境土壤动物和草丛动物群落组成、数量和季节性变化特征进行了初步的研究.调查共获得土壤动物25类,其中蜱螨目、原尾目、线虫纲为土壤动物群落优势类群,占年总捕获量的71.88%;常见类群有弹尾目、线蚓科、腹足纲、膜翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目、蚯蚓、蜘蛛目,直翅目9类,占总捕获量的22.84%.地表草丛动物21类,其中半翅目、蜘蛛目、双翅目、腹足纲为地表草丛动物的优势类群,占年捕获量的65.7%;常见类群有直翅目、鞘翅目、同翅目、膜翅目、鳞翅目、革翅目、弹尾目7类,占总捕获量的31.2%.将土壤动物群落、草丛动物群落与肉食性鸟类进行相关分析,结果显示土壤动物群落变化与肉食性鸟类群落之间有一定关系;草丛动物数量与肉食性数量鸟类呈现一定正相关性,机场肉食性鸟类数量与直翅目数量呈显著的正相关关系(r=0.910,P=0.032).结合机场区域鸟类食性观察、分析,直翅目、腹足纲动物是机场肉食性鸟类数量的主要捕食对象,通过定期割草、消除腐草和杂物、喷洒农药控制地表草丛动物是减少机场区域肉食性鸟类数量的有效方法和途径.  相似文献   

上海虹桥机场土壤及草丛动物群落特征和鸟类关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
20 0 0年 4月至 2 0 0 1年 3月 ,对上海虹桥机场草地土壤动物和草丛动物群落的组成、数量和季节性变化特征进行了初步的研究。土壤动物有节肢动物门、软体动物门、环节动物门等 12个目或类。其中蜱螨目和弹尾目为常年土壤动物群落的优势类群 ,各占年总捕量的 19.75 %和 2 3.14 % ;蚯蚓、多足纲、等足目、膜翅目、鞘翅目为常见类群 ,5类全年占总捕量的 4 8.96 %。草丛动物有 15目或类。其中鞘翅目、直翅目、半翅目、同翅目、膜翅目、双翅目以及蜘蛛目为草丛动物群落的优势类群 ,占全年总捕量的89.6 3%。草丛动物类群数和个体数总体表现为 :7月 >9月 >5月 >4月 >12月 >3月。土壤动物和草丛动物的分布与生境密切相关。所捕的 2 2类草地动物中 ,可直接被鸟类捕食的有近 2 0类 ,主要为生活于草地常见类群中 ,因此 ,草地的生境以及草地动物的分布是吸引鸟类到机场栖息和摄食的主要原因。降低草高、减少结实的植物、控制土壤动物的密度是减少机场区鸟类数量的有效方法和途径。  相似文献   

Davies  Angus  Waite  Stephen 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(1):27-39
The relationships between the composition of the soil seed bank, the field layer vegetation, and the scrub canopy were investigated along a 69 m transect, grading from incipient woodland, through scrub, into intensively rabbit-grazed calcareous grassland. The results are used to assess the persistence of species associated with open calcareous grassland in the seed bank under developing scrub. Scrub age, composition and density, changed along the transect from the woodland to open grassland. A total of 35 forb and grass species were found in the field layer. The pattern evident in the scrub layer was also reflected in the herbaceous vegetation. The field layer in the most closed portion of the transect, where the scrub was oldest, was dominated by shade-tolerant species normally associated with woodland habitats. The abundance of these species decreased along the transect as the scrub age declined, and the field layer became increasingly dominated by species typical of open grassland. A total of 47 species germinated from the seed bank. Few species were recorded in the seed bank along the entire length of the transect. Overall, the seed bank was dominated by Hypericum perforatum and Centaurium erythraea, which accounted for 38.2% and 28.6% of emerging seedlings respectively. As with a number of similar studies, the composition of the seed bank had a low correspondence with the composition of the field layer vegetation. The results also emphasise that the composition of the seed bank can be viewed as an ecological palimpsest, with germinable seed of species from each stage of the old-field succession occurring in the soil. The seed bank is an important component in the re-vegetation of an area after disturbance such as scrub removal. This study supports the findings of previous research in showing that relatively few characteristic calcareous grassland species form persistent seed banks. The soil seed bank would therefore appear to be of limited value in the restoration of such grassland following scrub removal.  相似文献   

羊草草原土壤动物群落多样性的研究   总被引:49,自引:6,他引:43  
对东北羊草草原不同生境土壤动物群落多样性研究表明 ,生境条件愈优越 ,土壤动物的多样性指数愈高 ,种类则愈丰富 .土壤动物群落的多样性与土壤有机质和全N含量呈正相关 ,与 pH呈负相关 ,与土壤自然含水量和全P含量关系不明显 .土壤动物群落多样性随土层深度的增加而减少 ,且表聚性明显 .  相似文献   

沙质草地生境中大型土壤动物对土地沙漠化的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘任涛  赵哈林 《生态学报》2012,32(2):557-566
沙质草地沙漠化过程中土壤动物群落结构变化是沙漠化生物过程中的一个重要方面,对于掌握沙漠化过程中生物退化规律和提出合理沙漠化防治对策具有重要指导作用。选取处于不同沙漠化阶段的流动沙地、半流动沙地、半固定沙地、固定沙地和丘间低地5种生境类型,采用手拣法对其大型土壤动物群落进行了调查。共获得36个动物类群,属于8目32科,优势类群为蚁科,常见类群有22个类群,两个类群的个体数共占群落个体总数的93.33%;稀有类群有13个类群,其个体数占群落个体总数的6.67%。结果显示,丘间低地、固定沙地、半固定沙地和半流动沙地大型土壤动物群落个体数量、类群数和多样性显著高于流动沙地(P<0.05);固定沙地大型土壤动物生物量显著高于其它生境类型(P<0.05);沙质草地严重沙漠化显著地影响大型土壤动物多样性及其生物量。并且,不同土壤动物类群个体对不同沙漠化阶段生境的适应性存在一定差异,产生了不同的响应模式。土壤有机碳和酸碱度以及土壤含水量差异是影响大型土壤动物类群分布与生长的主要因素。研究表明,固定沙地是大型土壤动物的适宜沙地生境,具有较多的个体数量和较高的生物量;丘间低地、半固定沙地、半固定沙地和流动沙地影响大型土壤动物存活,其个体数量和生物量较低。  相似文献   

Many grassland specialist plant populations in Europe have become restricted to remnant habitats. The performance of these populations depends on both species‐specific traits and local and landscape level aspects of habitat quality. Understanding which specific local or landscape level conditions determine the performance of grassland species populations in remnant habitats would help design the restoration of the habitats and to detect the conditions that favour the long‐term persistence of grassland species in them. Such information is especially needed in urbanised landscapes, where remnant habitats engulfed by urban land use types may experience increased erosion, higher temperatures and invasion by alien species. This study investigates the population performance determinants of Carex caryophyllea (VU), a grassland specialist, in 43 remnant grasslands in an urban‐rural gradient in Finland. The population performance was assessed with metrics of persistence, establishment and reproduction, and related to environmental conditions with generalized additive models and redundancy analysis. The most important positive determinants for the performance of C. caryophyllea populations were disturbance through management or ground erosion, a warm microclimate, large habitat area and high historical connectivity to suitable grassland habitats. Present connectivity to other C. caryophyllea populations had a weak and near‐significant positive relationship with population performance. Urbanisation of the surrounding landscape correlated with population performance as well, possibly due to the high historical cover of grasslands in presently urbanised landscapes. The results imply that the most effective restoration method of remnant C. caryophyllea populations would be reinstating disturbance regimes in overgrown habitats with warm microclimates close to suitable habitats and other existing populations, whether urban or rural. This would counteract the species future decline due to possible extinction debts and help the species persist in the study area in the long term.  相似文献   

Semi‐natural grasslands are vital for maintaining grassland butterflies in Japan, as well as in Europe. However, severe decline in these grassland environments has recently attracted attention to linear grasslands, such as firebreaks and power‐line corridors, as alternative habitats for grassland insects. We surveyed butterflies in an abandoned grassland and nearby linear mown firebreaks adjacent to different vegetation at the northern foot of Mt. Fuji, central Japan, over 5 successive years, particularly focusing on species on the 2012 Japanese Red List of Threatened Species (“red‐list” species). We found that the firebreaks were consistently higher in species richness and abundance of butterflies than the long‐term abandoned grassland, and that species composition differed among the firebreaks depending on conditions of the adjacent vegetation. The firebreaks surrounded by forests were mainly utilized by forest and edge species, whereas the firebreaks adjacent to the grassland were essential for conserving red‐list grassland species. Thus, only the mown firebreaks adjacent to the grassland were regarded as a high‐quality alternative habitat for many grassland butterflies, but the area was limited. Therefore, creating heterogeneity in the abandoned grassland by infrequent mowing could help conserve grassland butterflies, including red‐list species.  相似文献   

Extensively managed semi-natural grasslands represent species-rich habitats and therefore play a key role for the maintenance of biodiversity in agricultural areas. In marginal and poorly accessible areas, the traditional management of grassland is frequently abandoned, which leads to the spread of forest. In Southern Switzerland, terraced vineyards (a special grassland type) and terraced grasslands are part of the cultural heritage and local biodiversity hotspots. Yet, many of them are overgrown by forest. In the past years, several abandoned terraced vineyards and grasslands have been restored by removing the forest, rebuilding the walls and re-introducing the traditional management. We examined restoration success by assessing plant species richness, diversity and species composition in both the aboveground vegetation and soil seed bank in (1) restored, (2) abandoned for 25–50 years, and (3) permanently used areas of six terraced vineyards and six terraced grasslands. Plant species richness and diversity were reduced and species composition altered in the aboveground vegetation of abandoned vineyards and grasslands compared to the permanently used and restored ones. However, species richness, Shannon-diversity and species composition of the aboveground vegetation did not differ between restored and permanently used areas, indicating a successful restoration of the vegetation 10–15 years after restoration. In abandoned vineyards, species richness of plants emerging from the soil seed bank was slightly higher than in permanently used and restored vineyards. No difference in seedling species richness was found between abandoned, permanently used and restored terraced grasslands. Our results showed that the soil seed bank played a minor role for the re-establishment of the above-ground vegetation. We assume that the large species pool in the surroundings and the presence of dispersal vectors are essential for the successful passive restoration of abandoned grassland in this region.  相似文献   

Woody species encroachment of grasslands globally causes many socioecological impacts, including loss of grazing pastures and decreased biodiversity. Soil microbial communities may partially regulate the pace of shrub encroachment, as plant-microbial interactions can strongly influence plant success. We measured fungal composition and activity under dominant plant species across a grassland to shrubland transition to determine if shrubs cultivate soil microbial communities as they invade. Specifically, soil microbial communities, abiotic soil properties, and extracellular enzyme activities were quantified for soils under four common Chihuahuan Desert plant species (three grasses, one shrub) in central New Mexico, U.S.A. Extracellular enzyme activity levels were fairly consistent under different plant species across the grassland to shrubland transition. Activity levels of two enzymes (alkaline phosphatase and beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase) were lower in the ecotone, presumably because soil organic matter content was also lower in ecotone soils. Community composition of soil fungi mirrored patterns in the plant community, with distinct plant and fungal communities in the shrubland and grassland, while grassland-shrubland ecotone soils hosted a mix of taxa from both habitats. We show that shrubs cultivate a distinct microbial community on the leading edge of the invasion, which may be necessary for shrub colonization, establishment, and persistence.  相似文献   

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