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Carboxy PROXYL is a useful extracellular paramagnetic contrast reagent in electron spin resonance (ESR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Active transfer of the probe was investigated using an in situ liver model in rats. Carboxy PROXYL, a nitroxyl spin probe, was perfused into in situ liver perfusion system from Wistar rats. Concentration of nitroxyl form of the spin probe in effluent increased gradually after introducing perfusate with the spin probe and reached a plateau. The disappearance of Carboxy PROXYL from the perfusate was 40%, which could not be explained with its partition coefficient. Administration of non-selective inhibitors of organic anion transporters, p-aminohippuric acid and penicillin G, inhibited competitively and in a dose dependent manner the transfer of Carboxy PROXYL into rat liver in situ, resulting in increases of Carboxy PROXYL in the effluent. The results demonstrate that there is an active transfer system of an ESR contrast reagent into in situ rat liver through organic anion transporters.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (Soat) was identified. Soat is expressed in rat brain, heart, kidney, lung, muscle, spleen, testis, adrenal gland, small intestine, and colon. The Soat protein consists of 370 amino acids and shows 42% and 31% overall amino acid sequence identity to the ileal sodium-dependent bile acid transporter (Isbt) and the Na(+)/taurocholate cotransporting polypeptide (Ntcp), respectively. Soat is predicted to have nine transmembrane domains, with an N-terminus outside the cell and an intracellular C-terminus. The Soat gene is localized on chromosome 14 and is coded by six exons mapped in region 14p22. When expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, Soat shows transport function for estrone-3-sulfate (Km = 31 microM, Vmax = 5557 fmol/oocyte/30 min) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (Km = 30 microM, Vmax = 5682 fmol/oocyte/30 min). Soat does not transport taurocholate, estradiol-17beta-glucuronide, nor ouabain.  相似文献   

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