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Many species of migratory birds migrate in a series of solitary nocturnal flights. Between flights, they stop to rest and refuel for the next segment of their journey. The mechanism controlling this behaviour has long remained elusive. Here, we show that wild-caught migratory redstarts (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) are consistent in their flight scheduling. An advanced videographic system enabled us to determine the precise timing of flight activity in redstarts caught at a northern European stopover site during their return trip from Africa. Birds were held captive for three days in the absence of photoperiodic cues (constant dim light) and under permanent food availability. Despite the absence of external temporal cues, birds showed clear bimodal activity patterns: intense nocturnal activity alternating with diurnal foraging and resting periods. The onset of their migratory activity coincided with the time of local sunset and was individually consistent on consecutive nights. The data demonstrate that night-migrating birds are driven by autonomous circadian clocks entrained by sunset cues. This timekeeping system is probably the key factor in the overall control of nocturnal songbird migration.  相似文献   

Early arrival at the breeding site positively affects the breeding success of migratory birds. During migration, birds spend most of their time at stopovers. Therefore, determining which factors shape stopover duration is essential to our understanding of avian migration. Because the main purpose of stopover is to accumulate fat as fuel for the next flight bout, fuel reserves at arrival and the accumulation of fuel are both expected to affect stopover departure decisions. Here, we determined whether fuel reserves and fuel accumulation predict a bird''s motivation to depart, as quantified by nocturnal migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe), using northern wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe) that were captured and temporarily contained at spring stopover. We found that fuel reserves at capture were positively correlated with Zugunruhe, and negatively correlated with fuel accumulation. This indicates that fat birds were motivated to depart, whereas lean birds were set on staying and accumulating fuel. Moreover, the change in fuel reserves was positively correlated with the concurrent change in Zugunruhe, providing the first empirical evidence for a direct link between fuel accumulation and Zugunruhe during stopover. Our study indicates that, together with innate rhythms and weather, the size and accumulation of fuel reserves shape stopover duration, and hence overall migration time.  相似文献   

In migratory birds, arrival date and hatching date are two key phenological markers that have responded to global warming. A body of knowledge exists relating these traits to evolutionary pressures. In this study, we formalize this knowledge into general mathematical assumptions, and use them in an ecoevolutionary model. In contrast to previous models, this study novelty accounts for both traits—arrival date and hatching date—and the interdependence between them, revealing when one, the other or both will respond to climate. For all models sharing the assumptions, the following phenological responses will occur. First, if the nestling-prey peak is late enough, hatching is synchronous with, and arrival date evolves independently of, prey phenology. Second, when resource availability constrains the length of the pre-laying period, hatching is adaptively asynchronous with prey phenology. Predictions for both traits compare well with empirical observations. In response to advancing prey phenology, arrival date may advance, remain unchanged, or even become delayed; the latter occurring when egg-laying resources are only available relatively late in the season. The model shows that asynchronous hatching and unresponsive arrival date are not sufficient evidence that phenological adaptation is constrained. The work provides a framework for exploring microevolution of interdependent phenological traits.  相似文献   

Migratory connectivity, reflecting the extent by which migrants tend to maintain their reciprocal positions in seasonal ranges, can assist in the conservation and management of mobile species, yet relevant drivers remain unclear. Taking advantage of an exceptionally large (~150,000 individuals, 83 species) and more-than-a-century-long dataset of bird ringing encounters, we investigated eco-evolutionary drivers of migratory connectivity in both short- and long-distance Afro-Palearctic migratory birds. Connectivity was strongly associated with geographical proxies of migration costs and was weakly influenced by biological traits and phylogeny, suggesting the evolutionary lability of migratory behaviour. The large intraspecific variability in avian migration strategies, through which most species geographically split into distinct migratory populations, explained why most of them were significantly connected. By unravelling key determinants of migratory connectivity, our study improves knowledge about the resilience of avian migrants to ecological perturbations, providing a critical tool to inform transboundary conservation and management strategies at the population level.  相似文献   

Experimental research on the orientation of migratory songbirds is traditionally conducted using orientation funnels or automatic registration cages that record the directional activity of individual birds on paper or a computer. Most traditionally used funnel and cage designs do not permit investigators to observe detailed behavior of the birds and, therefore, we have gained little insight into the actual behavior of birds while they are exhibiting migratory restlessness and making directional choices. Such behavior can only be studied by direct observation or by video filming. Here, we present BirdOriTrack, a video‐tracking program for extracting time‐resolved, positional data of birds (and potentially other animal species) to determine their orientation relative to the center of a circular cage/funnel. With relatively inexpensive cameras, recording equipment, and cages, orientation experiments can easily be conducted and analyzed using BirdOriTrack. The program is designed to be flexible, allowing analysis of orientation behavior of birds of any size in different cage designs and in both controlled laboratory settings and field‐based studies. To demonstrate the program's utility, we show the results of preliminary field experiments on several species of migratory birds captured at a migration monitoring station. BirdOriTrack is freely available at http://canmove.lu.se/birdoritrack .  相似文献   

The extravagant plumage traits of male birds are a favourite example of sexual selection. However, to date the units that selection is acting upon, the genes themselves have been a 'black box'. Here, we report evidence of change driven by sexual selection at a pigmentation gene locus in the galliform birds. Across species, we find a correlation between the rate of amino acid change (dN/dS) at this locus (MC1R) and the degree of sexual dichromatism, which we use as a measure of the strength of sexual selection. There is no evidence for a similar pattern in any of five other loci (four candidate and one control locus). This is consistent with previous work on colour polymorphisms and suggests that MC1R may be a key target for selection acting on plumage colour. The pattern of selection at MC1R seems to be consistent with the continuous or cyclical evolution of traits and preferences that is the outcome of several Fisherian and good-genes models of sexual selection. In contrast, we found no support for models of sexual selection that predict an increase in purifying selection as a result of purging of deleterious mutations or for models that predict an increased rate of mutation in association with stronger sexual selection.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to isolate and identify fungi associated with R. reniformis in cotton roots. Soil samples were collected in cotton fields naturally infested with R. reniformis and from cotton stock plants cultured in the greenhouse. Nematodes extracted from the soil were observed under the stereoscope, and discolored eggs and vermiform stages colonized with mycelia were cultured on 1.5% water agar supplemented with antibiotics, and incubated at 27°C. Identification of the nematophagous fungi was based on the morphological characters, and the ITS regions and 5.8S rDNA amplified by PCR using the primers ITS1 and ITS4. The parasitism percentage on vermiform nematodes from greenhouse samples was 21.2%, and the percentages from cotton fields in Limestone, Henry, and Baldwin counties in Alabama were 3%, 23.2%, and 5.6%, respectively. A total of 12 fungi were identified from R. reniformis vermiform stages and eggs. The most frequently isolated fungi were Arthrobotrys dactyloides (46%) and Paecilomyces lilacinus (14%), followed by Phoma exigua (4.8%), Penicillium waksmanii and Dactylaria brochophaga (3.6%), Aspergillus glaucus group (2.4%). Cladosporium herbarum, Cladosporium cladiosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Torula herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, and an unidentified basidiomycete were less frequent (1.2%). A high percentage (16.8%) of fungi from colonized nematodes was not cultivable on our media. Out of those 12 fungi, only four have been previously reported as nematophagous fungi: three isolates of Arthrobotrys dactyloides, and one isolate of Dactylaria brochopaga, Paecilomyces lilacinus, and Fusarium oxysporum. Molecular identification of Arthrobotrys dactyloides and Dactylaria brochopaga was consistent with the morphological identification, placing these two fungi in the new genus Drechslerella as proposed in the new Orbilaceae classification.  相似文献   

Folate hydrolase 1 (FOLH1) gene encodes intestinal folate hydrolase, which regulates intestinal absorption of dietary folate. Previous studies on the association between polymorphisms rs202676 and rs61886492 and the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) were inconclusive. A case–control study of women with NTD-affected pregnancies (n = 160) and controls (n = 320) was conducted in the Chinese population of Lvliang, a high-risk area for NTDs. We genotyped the polymorphic sites rs202676 and rs61886492 and assessed maternal plasma folate and total homocysteine (tHcy). Our results showed that in case group, plasma folate concentrations were 18 % lower compared with those of control group (8.32 vs. 6.79 nmol/L, p = 0.033) and tHcy concentrations were 17 % higher (10.47 vs. 12.65 μmol/L, p = 0.047). Almost all samples had the rs61886492 GG genotype (99.78 %). The result showed that the frequency of GG genotype in rs202676 was significantly higher in group with multiple NTDs than in controls (p = 0.030, OR = 2.157, 95 % CI, 1.06–4.38). The multiple-NTD group showed higher maternal plasma concentrations of tHcy (10.47 vs. 13.96 μmol/L, p = 0.024). The GG genotype of rs202676 had a lower maternal folate and higher tHcy concentrations than other genotypes with no significant differences. The result of structural prediction indicated that this variation might change the spatial structure of the protein. These results suggested that the maternal polymorphism rs202676 was a potential risk factor for multiple NTDs in this Chinese population. The allele G might affect maternal plasma folate and tHcy concentration.  相似文献   

Summary In autumn 1998, nocturnal bird migration at Falsterbo was recorded over a period of three months by means of a passive infrared device. At the same place a standardised trapping scheme is in operation. This study reveals for the first time a positive correlation between the migratory intensity of birds aloft and the numbers of trapped birds. By relating the migratory patterns of single species with the nocturnal migratory intensities, we show that the species composition aloft can at least partly be deduced from the number of grounded birds. The numbers of trapped pre-Saharan migrants were related more strongly to the migratory intensity of the preceding night than were the numbers of trans-Saharan migrants. Assuming that the number of trapped birds varies according to the weather to the same extent as the migratory intensity of birds aloft, we conclude that in shorter range migrants the decision to engage in a migratory flight is influenced more strongly by weather conditions, and that the migratory activity of trans-Saharan migrants is possibly more intensely controlled by their endogenous migratory urge.
Widerspiegeln Fangzahlen die tatsächlichen nächtlichen Zugdichten?
Zusammenfassung Fangzahlen aus der Vogelberingung werden Studien verschiedenster Gebiete der Ornithologie zu Grunde gelegt. Insbesondere in der Vogelzugforschung und in Populationsanalysen wurden dadurch grosse Fortschritte erzielt. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals untersucht, inwiefern die Fangzahlen mit dem nächtlichen Zuggeschehen in Verbindung stehen. In Falsterbo, Südwest-Schweden, werden seit 20 Jahren Vögel in einem standardisierten Verfahren mit Japannetzen gefangen. Im Herbst 1998 beobachteten wir am gleichen Ort während drei Monaten den nächtlichen Vogelzug mittels einer Wärmebildkamera, wobei Singvögel bis maximal 3000 m über Boden erfasst werden. In 63 Fällen konnten wir die täglichen Fangzahlen mit den Zugintensitäten der vorangegangenen Nacht vergleichen, wobei wir eine signifikante positive Korrelation feststellten. Dabei mag die Lage der Fangstation an der Küste eine Rolle spielen, indem hier täglich ein bestimmter Anteil der Zugvögel eine Rast einlegt, bevor der Überflug der Ostsee bewältigt wird, während gleichzeitig kaum nicht-ziehende Vögel vorhanden sind. Der Vergleich der Zugmuster der 12 am häufigsten gefangenen Arten zeigt, dass die Anzahlen der Kurzstreckenzieher besser mit den nächtlichen Zugintensitäten übereinstimmen. Unter der Annahme, dass die Fangzahlen in gleichem Masse vom Wetter abhängen, wie dies für die Intensität des nächtlichen Zuges gezeigt werden konnte, schliessen wir auf eine deutliche Reaktion der Kurzstreckenzieher gegenüber dem Wetter. Im Gegensatz dazu scheint der Zug der Langstreckenzieher stärker von weiteren Faktoren beeinflusst, beispielsweise von der inneren Uhr. Möglicherweise bedeutet die Ostsee hinsichtlich ihrer weiten Reise ein unbedeutenderes Hindernis als für Arten, welche nur bis Mittel- oder Südeuropa ziehen. In der Folge neigen Kurzstreckenzieher wohl eher dazu an der Küste zu landen als Langstreckenzieher.

Waardenburg syndrome type IV (WS4) is a rare genetic disorder, characterized by auditory–pigmentary abnormalities and Hirschsprung disease. Mutations of the EDNRB gene, EDN3 gene, or SOX10 gene are responsible for WS4. In the present study, we reported a case of a Chinese patient with clinical features of WS4. In addition, the three genes mentioned above were sequenced in order to identify whether mutations are responsible for the case. We revealed a novel nonsense mutation, c.1063C>T (p.Q355*), in the last coding exon of SOX10. The same mutation was not found in three unaffected family members or 100 unrelated controls. Then, the function and mechanism of the mutation were investigated in vitro. We found both wild-type (WT) and mutant SOX10 p.Q355* were detected at the expected size and their expression levels are equivalent. The mutant protein also localized in the nucleus and retained the DNA-binding activity as WT counterpart; however, it lost its transactivation capability on the MITF promoter and acted as a dominant-negative repressor impairing function of the WT SOX10.  相似文献   

The medulla oblongata (or caudal hindbrain) is not overtly segmented, since it lacks observable interrhombomeric boundaries. However, quail-chick fate maps showed that it is formed by 5 pseudorhombomeres (r7-r11) which were empirically found to be delimited consistently at planes crossing through adjacent somites (Cambronero and Puelles, 2000). We aimed to reexamine the possible segmentation or rostrocaudal regionalisation of this brain region attending to molecular criteria. To this end, we studied the expression of Hox genes from groups 3 to 7 correlative to the differentiating nuclei of the medulla oblongata. Our results show that these genes are differentially expressed in the mature medulla oblongata, displaying instances of typical antero-posterior (3′ to 5′) Hox colinearity. The different sensory and motor columns, as well as the reticular formation, appear rostrocaudally regionalised according to spaced steps in their Hox expression pattern. The anterior limits of the respective expression domains largely fit boundaries defined between the experimental pseudorhombomeres. Therefore the medulla oblongata shows a Hox-related rostrocaudal molecular regionalisation comparable to that found among rhombomeres, and numerically consistent with the pseudorhombomere list. This suggests that medullary pseudorhombomeres share some AP patterning mechanisms with the rhombomeres present in the rostral, overtly-segmented hindbrain, irrespective of variant boundary properties.  相似文献   

Migratory birds appear to have relatively smaller brain size compared to sedentary species. It has been hypothesized that initial differences in brain size underlying behavioural flexibility drove the evolution of migratory behaviour; birds with relatively large brains evolved sedentary habits and those with relatively small brains evolved migratory behaviour (migratory precursor hypothesis). Alternative hypotheses suggest that changes in brain size might follow different behavioural strategies and that sedentary species might have evolved larger brains because of differences in selection pressures on brain size in migratory and nonmigratory species. Here we present the first evidence arguing against the migratory precursor hypothesis. We compared relative brain volume of three subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow: sedentary Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli and migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha. Within the five subspecies of the white-crowned sparrow, only Z. l. nuttalli is strictly sedentary. The sedentary behaviour of Z. l. nuttalli is probably a derived trait, because Z. l. nuttalli appears to be the most recent subspecies and because all species ancestral to Zonotrichia as well as all older subspecies of Z. leucophrys are migratory. Compared to migratory Z. l. gambelii and Z. l. oriantha, we found that sedentary Z. l. nuttalli had a significantly larger relative brain volume, suggesting that the larger brain of Z. l. nuttalli evolved after a switch to sedentary behaviour. Thus, in this group, brain size does not appear to be a precursor to the evolution of migratory or sedentary behaviour but rather an evolutionary consequence of a change in migratory strategy.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs: EC2.5.1.18) are a superfamily of multifunctional dimeric enzymes that catalyze the conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to electrophilic chemicals. In most animals and in humans, GSTs are the principal enzymes responsible for detoxifying the mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and GST dysfunction is a known risk factor for susceptibility towards AFB1. Turkeys are one of the most susceptible animals known to AFB1, which is a common contaminant of poultry feeds. The extreme susceptibility of turkeys is associated with hepatic GSTs unable to detoxify the highly reactive and electrophilic metabolite exo-AFB1-8,9-epoxide (AFBO). In this study, comparative genomic approaches were used to amplify and identify the α-class tGST genes (tGSTA1.1, tGSTA1.2, tGSTA1.3, tGSTA2, tGSTA3 and tGSTA4) from turkey liver. The conserved GST domains and four α-class signature motifs in turkey GSTs (with the exception of tGSTA1.1 which lacked one motif) confirm the presence of hepatic α-class GSTs in the turkey. Four signature motifs and conserved residues found in α-class tGSTs are (1) xMExxxWLLAAAGVE, (2) YGKDxKERAxIDMYVxG, (3) PVxEKVLKxHGxxxL and (4) PxIKKFLXPGSxxKPxxx. A BAC clone containing the α-class GST gene cluster was isolated and sequenced. The turkey α-class GTS genes genetically map to chromosome MGA2 with synteny between turkey and human α-class GSTs and flanking genes. This study identifies the α-class tGST gene cluster and genetic markers (SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms) that can be used to further examine AFB1 susceptibility and resistance in turkeys. Functional characterization of heterologously expressed proteins from these genes is currently underway.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis due to unloading-induced bone loss is a critical issue in the modern aging society. Although the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are largely unknown, osteopontin (OPN) is one of the critical mediators required for unloading-induced bone loss [M. Ishijima, S.R. Rittling, T. Yamashita, K. Tsuji, H. Kurosawa, A. Nifuji, D.T. Denhardt, and M. Noda, Enhancement of osteoclastic bone resorption and suppression of osteoblastic bone formation in response to reduced mechanical stress do not occur in the absence of osteopontin, J Exp Med, 193 (2001) 399-404]. To clarify the molecular bases for OPN actions, we carried out microarray analyses on the genes expressed in the femoral bone marrow cells in wild type and OPN-/- mice. The removal of the mechanical load induced bone loss in wild type, but not in OPN-/- mice, as previously reported. Expression analysis of 9586 cDNAs on a microarray system revealed that OPN deficiency blocked tail-suspension-induced expression of ten genes (group A). This observation was confirmed based on semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses. On the other hand, expression of four genes (group B) was not altered by tail suspension in wild type but was enhanced in OPN-deficient mice. NF-kappaB p105 subunit gene (Nfkb1) was found in group A and Bax in group B. p53 gene expression was upregulated by tail suspension in wild type mice, but it was no longer observed in OPN-/- mice. These data indicate that OPN acts to mediate mechanical stress signaling upstream to the genes encoding apoptosis-related molecules, and its action is associated with alteration of the genes.  相似文献   

Partial migration, in which a fraction of a population migrate and the rest remain resident, occurs in an extensive range of species and can have powerful ecological consequences. The question of what drives differences in individual migratory tendency is a contentious one. It has been shown that the timing of partial migration is based upon a trade-off between seasonal fluctuations in predation risk and growth potential. Phenotypic variation in either individual predation risk or growth potential should thus mediate the strength of the trade-off and ultimately predict patterns of partial migration at the individual level (i.e. which individuals migrate and which remain resident). We provide cross-population empirical support for the importance of one component of this model--individual predation risk--in predicting partial migration in wild populations of bream Abramis brama, a freshwater fish. Smaller, high-risk individuals migrate with a higher probability than larger, low-risk individuals, and we suggest that predation risk maintains size-dependent partial migration in this system.  相似文献   

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