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Microbial biofilms are a serious threat to human health. Recent studies have indicated that many clinically relevant biofilms are polymicrobial. In the present study, multispecies biofilms were grown in a reproducible manner in a 96-well microtiter plate. The efficacy of nine commercially available disinfectants against Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in multispecies biofilms was determined and compared. The results showed that the direction and the magnitude of the effect in a multispecies biofilm depend on the strain and the disinfectant used and challenge the common belief that organisms in multispecies biofilms are always less susceptible than in monospecies biofilms.  相似文献   

铜绿假单胞菌和白假丝酵母的跨界相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铜绿假单胞菌和白假丝酵母(又称白念珠菌)这两种条件致病菌可共存于人体。两者间存在复杂的相互关系,即跨界相互作用。铜绿假单胞菌抑制白念珠菌形态转换,抑制其生物膜形成并毒杀其菌丝;白念珠菌则抑制铜绿假单胞菌绿脓素形成并抑制其丛集运动。跨界相互作用可能存在3种机制:信号转导通路、生物膜和毒力因子。铜绿假单胞菌通过信号分子N-3-氧代十二烷酰-L-同型丝氨酸内酯(3-oxo-C12-HSL)抑制白念珠菌形态转换,而白念珠菌通过信号分子法呢醇抑制铜绿假单胞菌绿脓素生成和丛集运动,即存在信号分子介导的跨界相互作用。跨界相互作用影响铜绿假单胞菌和白念珠菌各自的致病性。如能充分利用跨界相互作用,将有助于优化治疗的选择。  相似文献   

BackgroundThe continuing emergence of infections with antifungal resistant Candida strains requires a constant search for new antifungal drugs, with the plant kingdom being an important source of chemical structures.PurposeThe present study investigated the antifungal effect of 2′,4′-dihydroxy-5′-(1′′′,1′′′-dimethylallyl)-8-prenylpinocembrin (8PP, formerly 6PP), a natural prenylflavonoid, on Candida albicans biofilms, and compared this with an azole antifungal (fluconazole) by studying the cellular stress and antioxidant response.Study design/methodsThe fluconazole sensitive (SCa) and azole-resistant (RCa) C. albicans strains were used, with biofilm formation being studied using crystal violet (CV) and confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). The minimal inhibitory concentration for sessile cells (SMIC) was defined as the concentration of antifungal that caused a 50% (SMIC 50) and 80% (SMIC 80) reduction of treated biofilms. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) were detected by the reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT), and reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI) were determined by the Griess assay. The activities of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) antioxidant enzymes and the total antioxidant capacity of the biofilms were measured by spectrophotometric methods. ROS accumulation was also detected inside biofilms by using the fluorogenic dye 2′,7′-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH-DA), which was visualized by CSLM.ResultsThe SCa and RCa biofilms were strongly inhibited by 8PP at 100 µM (SMIC 80). We observed that cellular stress affected biofilms growth, resulting in an increase of ROS and also of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNI), with SOD and CAT being increased significantly in the presence of 8PP. The basal level of the biofilm total antioxidant capacity was higher in RCa than SCa. Moreover, in SCa, the total antioxidant capacity rose considerably in the presence of both 8PP and fluconazole.ConclusionOur data suggest that 8PP may be useful for the treatment of biofilm-related Candida infections, through an accumulation of endogenous ROS and RNI that can induce an adaptive response based on a coordinated increase in antioxidant defenses. 8PP may also have a therapeutic potential in C. albicans infections.  相似文献   

目的利用铜绿假单胞菌菌苗探索阻断白色念珠菌感染的影响。方法家兔耳皮内注射白色念珠菌,进行活菌攻击,建立动物感染模型。观察用铜绿假单胞菌菌苗免疫的家兔状况;用试管凝集法测定家免的抗体效价;采用小白鼠体内吞噬法测定免疫组和空白对照组巨噬细胞的吞噬百分率和吞噬指数,以得出铜绿假单胞菌菌苗的免疫性。结果观察发现:与对照组比较,铜绿假单胞菌菌苗免疫组抗体效价,巨噬细胞的吞噬能力明显提高;注射区局部感染及全身症状明显减轻;肾脏感染灶减少,病理切片显示病情较轻。结论铜绿假单胞菌菌苗能够减轻注射区局部感染及全身症状,对肾脏的播散性白色念珠菌感染具有一定的阻断作用。  相似文献   

In this study, the in vitro adherence capabilities of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans clinical isolates to urinary catheters were investigated. Quantitative analysis was performed by colony-forming unit counts and scanning electron microscopy. Results demonstrated that the adherence of P. aeruginosa to urinary catheters was enhanced in the presence of C. albicans, while C. albicans adherence was not significantly affected. Further investigations are warranted to fully understand the pathogenic potential of their interaction in order to aid in the design of novel strategies for the prevention and treatment of catheter-related UTIs.  相似文献   

The fields of mycology and bacteriology have traditionally functioned independently of each other despite the fundamental actuality that fungi and bacteria not only co-exist but also interact within several niches. In the clinical context, these interactions commonly occur within biofilms, which can be composed of single-species communities or mixed-species populations and recent studies have shown that the properties of mixed-species populations differ from those of their individual components. The interacting bacteria and fungi can exert effects on microbial behavior, dissemination, survival, the response to antimicrobials and, ultimately, patient prognosis. Microbes within biofilms exhibit increased resistance to antimicrobial agents, and a significant amount of research has thus focused on gaining an understanding of how inter-domain interactions affect biofilm formation and the response to antimicrobial therapies. Candida albicans, a commensal and opportunistic pathogen of humans, is among the fungi most frequently identified in mixed-species biofilms. Here, we review interactions between C. albicans and bacterial species with which it is commonly isolated, namely Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus in order to look into the spectrum of biologically relevant fungal–bacterial interactions that have been described.  相似文献   

An atypical strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa capable of synthesizing three phenazine pigments was isolated. Cultural conditions, under which the strain forms either chlororaphin, oxychlororaphin, or pyocyanine, are described. This broad spectrum of pigment production, as well as some other characteristics, sets this strain apart from previously described chlororaphin producers.  相似文献   

In nature, the bulk of bacterial biomass is believed to exist as an adherent community of cells called a biofilm. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has become a model organism for studying this mode of growth. Over the past decade, significant strides have been made towards understanding biofilm development in P. aeruginosa and we now have a clearer picture of the mechanisms involved. Available evidence suggests that construction of these sessile communities proceeds by many different pathways, rather than a specific programme of biofilm development. A cell-to-cell communication mechanism known as quorum sensing (QS) has been found to play a role in P. aeruginosa biofilm formation. Because both QS and biofilms are impacted by the surrounding environment, understanding the full involvement of cell-to-cell signalling in establishing these complex communities represents a challenge. Nevertheless, under set conditions, several links between QS and biofilm formation have been recognized, which is the focus of this review. A role for antibiotics as alternative QS signalling molecules influencing biofilm development is also discussed.  相似文献   

Stratified growth in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, stratified patterns of protein synthesis and growth were demonstrated in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Spatial patterns of protein synthetic activity inside biofilms were characterized by the use of two green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene constructs. One construct carried an isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible gfpmut2 gene encoding a stable GFP. The second construct carried a GFP derivative, gfp-AGA, encoding an unstable GFP under the control of the growth-rate-dependent rrnBp(1) promoter. Both GFP reporters indicated that active protein synthesis was restricted to a narrow band in the part of the biofilm adjacent to the source of oxygen. The zone of active GFP expression was approximately 60 microm wide in colony biofilms and 30 microm wide in flow cell biofilms. The region of the biofilm in which cells were capable of elongation was mapped by treating colony biofilms with carbenicillin, which blocks cell division, and then measuring individual cell lengths by transmission electron microscopy. Cell elongation was localized at the air interface of the biofilm. The heterogeneous anabolic patterns measured inside these biofilms were likely a result of oxygen limitation in the biofilm. Oxygen microelectrode measurements showed that oxygen only penetrated approximately 50 microm into the biofilm. P. aeruginosa was incapable of anaerobic growth in the medium used for this investigation. These results show that while mature P. aeruginosa biofilms contain active, growing cells, they can also harbor large numbers of cells that are inactive and not growing.  相似文献   

Bacteria are capable of forming elaborate multicellular communities called biofilms. Pattern formation in biofilms depends on cell proliferation and cellular migration in response to the available nutrients and other external cues, as well as on self-generated intercellular signal molecules and the production of an extracellular matrix that serves as a structural 'scaffolding' for the biofilm cells. Pattern formation in biofilms allows cells to position themselves favorably within nutrient gradients and enables buildup and maintenance of physiologically distinct subpopulations, which facilitates survival of one or more subpopulations upon environmental insult, and therefore plays an important role in the innate tolerance displayed by biofilms toward adverse conditions.  相似文献   

In this report we describe experiments to investigate a simple virulence model in which Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 rapidly paralyzes and kills the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Our results imply that hydrogen cyanide is the sole or primary toxic factor produced by P. aeruginosa that is responsible for killing of the nematode. Four lines of evidence support this conclusion. First, a transposon insertion mutation in a gene encoding a subunit of hydrogen cyanide synthase (hcnC) eliminated nematode killing. Second, the 17 avirulent mutants examined all exhibited reduced cyanide synthesis, and the residual production levels correlated with killing efficiency. Third, exposure to exogenous cyanide alone at levels comparable to the level produced by PAO1 killed nematodes with kinetics similar to those observed with bacteria. The killing was not enhanced if hcnC mutant bacteria were present during cyanide exposure. And fourth, a nematode mutant (egl-9) resistant to P. aeruginosa was also resistant to killing by exogenous cyanide in the absence of bacteria. A model for nematode killing based on inhibition of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase is presented. The action of cyanide helps account for the unusually broad host range of virulence of P. aeruginosa and may contribute to the pathogenesis in opportunistic human infections due to the bacterium.  相似文献   

细菌生物膜相关感染发病率不断上升,且治疗困难,已受到广泛的关注。对于真菌,生物膜以及生物膜在真菌感染与耐药性产生过程中的作用只是近年来才受到国内外学者与临床专家的关注,目前的研究多集中在念珠菌属。本文综述了白念珠菌生物膜的形成与特征、影响因素、耐药性的分子机制等几方面内容。  相似文献   

近年来,白念珠菌耐药性备受关注,其耐药机制之一是形成生物被膜(biofilm).生物被膜主要由大量菌细胞及其所分泌的细胞外多聚基质( matrix)将其包裹所构成,基质含有多糖、蛋白、核酸等成分,不仅参与生物被膜的结构组成,也与耐药性密切相关.本文综述了白念珠菌生物被膜基质的组成特点、功能、影响因素、基因调控和药物干预的最新进展,并展望其在生物被膜感染方面作为诊断标志及治疗靶点的潜在应用前景.  相似文献   

【背景】属于H-NS家族的MvaT转录因子参与了铜绿假单胞菌的许多重要代谢过程,如吩嗪合成代谢,但其调控方式仍不十分明确。【目的】确定转录调控因子MvaT是否直接调控铜绿假单胞菌的吩嗪合成过程,即该蛋白是否可以直接结合2个吩嗪-1-羧酸合成基因簇(phzA1G1和phzA2G2)与3个分支转化基因(phzH、phzS和phzM)的上游启动子区域。【方法】以铜绿假单胞菌SJTD-1和其mvaT基因敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)为研究对象,检测其在不同培养基条件下吩嗪化合物的合成量差异。通过体外异源表达与亲和纯化,获得重组蛋白MvaT。利用凝胶阻滞实验,确定MvaT重组蛋白对5个吩嗪代谢基因簇/基因上游启动子的结合情况。【结果】mvaT基因敲除突变株SJTD-1(ΔmvaT)的吩嗪产量较野生型显著提升。MvaT重组蛋白被有效表达与纯化,体外凝胶阻滞实验结果显示,该重组蛋白可与phzA1G1、phzA2G2、phzM、phzS和phzH的上游启动子区域均发生特异性结合。其中,重组蛋白MvaT与phzA1G1和phzA2G2的结合区域位于其上游启动子的200 bp以内,而该蛋白与phzM、phzS和phzH的结合区域则位于其上游启动子的100 bp以内。【结论】MvaT蛋白通过直接结合吩嗪合成代谢基因的上游启动子区域来直接调控假单胞菌的吩嗪类化合物合成。  相似文献   

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