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The regions of single-stranded (ss) DNA that result from DNA damage are immediately coated by the ssDNA-binding protein (SSB). RecF pathway proteins facilitate the displacement of SSB from ssDNA, allowing the RecA protein to form protein filaments on the ssDNA region, which facilitates the process of recombinational DNA repair. In this study, we examined the mechanism of SSB displacement from ssDNA using purified Thermus thermophilus RecF pathway proteins. To date, RecO and RecR are thought to act as the RecOR complex. However, our results indicate that RecO and RecR have distinct functions. We found that RecR binds both RecF and RecO, and that RecO binds RecR, SSB and ssDNA. The electron microscopic studies indicated that SSB is displaced from ssDNA by RecO. In addition, pull-down assays indicated that the displaced SSB still remains indirectly attached to ssDNA through its interaction with RecO in the RecO-ssDNA complex. In the presence of both SSB and RecO, the ssDNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA was inhibited, but was restored by the addition of RecR. Interestingly, the interaction of RecR with RecO affected the ssDNA-binding properties of RecO. These results suggest a model of SSB displacement from the ssDNA by RecF pathway proteins.  相似文献   

The recO gene product is required for DNA repair and some types of homologous recombination in wild-type Escherichia coli cells. RecO protein has been previously purified and shown to bind to single- and double-stranded DNA and to promote the renaturation of complementary single-stranded DNA molecules. In this study, purified RecO protein was shown to catalyze the assimilation of single-stranded DNA into homologous superhelical double-stranded DNA, an activity also associated with RecA protein. The RecO protein-promoted strand assimilation reaction requires Mg2+ and is ATP independent. Because of the biochemical similarities between RecO and RecA proteins, the ability of RecO protein to substitute for RecA protein in DNA repair in vivo was also assessed in this study. The results show that overexpression of RecO protein partially suppressed the UV repair deficiency of a recA null mutant and support the hypothesis that RecO and RecA proteins are functionally similar with respect to strand assimilation and the ability to enhance UV survival. These results suggest that RecO and RecA proteins may have common functional properties.  相似文献   

C Urbanke  A Schaper 《Biochemistry》1990,29(7):1744-1749
The time course of the reaction of Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (E. coli SSB) with poly(dT) and M13mp8 single-stranded DNA has been measured by fluorescence stopped-flow experiments. For poly(dT), the fluorescence traces follow simple bimolecular behavior up to 80% saturation of the polymer with E. coli SSB. A mechanistic explanation of this binding behavior can be given as follows: (1) E. coli SSB is able to translocate very rapidly on the polymer, forming cooperative clusters. (2) In the rate-limiting step of the association reaction, E. coli SSB is bound to the polymer only by one or two of its four contact sites. As compared to poly(dT), association to single-stranded M13mp8 phage DNA is slower by at least 2 orders of magnitude. We attribute this finding to the presence of secondary structure elements (double-stranded structures) in the natural single-stranded DNA. These structures cannot be broken by E. coli SSB in a fast reaction. In order to fulfill its physiological function in reasonable time, E. coli SSB must bind newly formed single-stranded DNA immediately. The protein can, however, bind to such pieces of the newly formed single-stranded DNA which are too short to cover all four binding sites of the E. coli SSB tetramer.  相似文献   

Subsaturating amounts of Bacillus subtilis SsbA, independently of the order of addition, partially inhibit the single-stranded DNA-dependent dATPase activity of RecA. This negative effect is fully overcome when a substoichiometric amount of RecO is added. SsbA added prior to RecA does not stimulate the dATP-dependent DNA strand exchange activity; however, added after RecA it enhances the extent of strand exchange. The addition of RecO stimulates RecA-mediated joint molecule formation, although it limits the accumulation of final recombination products. Thus we suggest that RecO has a dual activity: RecO acts as a RecA mediator enabling RecA to utilize SsbA-coated single-stranded DNA as a polymerization substrate and controls RecA-mediated DNA strand exchange by limiting its extent. We herein discuss the possible mechanisms of RecO involvement in the regulation of double strand break repair and genetic transformation.  相似文献   

A DNA-binding protein from Xenopus laevis oocyte mitochondria which has been found associated with the D-loop also shows a strong preference for single-stranded DNA. The binding to polynucleotides is dependent on the base composition, but no sequence specificity was found. This protein, called mtSSB, binds tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA. By its amino-acid composition and its binding properties it appears to be similar to the single-stranded DNA-binding proteins found in prokaryotes.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA binding protein is a key component in growth of bacteriophage T7. In addition, DNA synthesis by the purified in vitro replication system is markedly stimulated when the DNA template is coated with Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB). In an attempt to understand the mechanism for this stimulation, we have studied the effect of E. coli SSB on DNA synthesis by the T7 DNA polymerase using a primed single-stranded M13 DNA template which serves as a model for T7 lagging strand DNA synthesis. Polyacrylamide gel analysis of the DNA product synthesized on this template in the absence of SSB indicated that the T7 DNA polymerase pauses at many specific sites, some stronger than others. By comparing the position of pausing with the DNA sequence of this region and by using a DNA template that contains an extremely stable hairpin structure, it was found that many, but not all, of these pause positions correspond to regions of potential secondary structure. The presence of SSB during synthesis resulted in a large reduction in the frequency of hesitations at many sites that correspond to these secondary structures. However, the facts that a large percentage of the pause sites remain unaffected even at saturating levels of SSB and that SSB stimulates synthesis on a singly primed poly(dA) template suggested that other mechanisms also contribute to the stimulation of DNA synthesis caused by SSB. Using a sucrose gradient analysis, we found that SSB increases the affinity of the polymerase for single-stranded DNA that this increased binding is only noticed when the polymerase concentration is limiting. The effect of this difference in polymerase affinity was clearly observed by a polyacrylamide gel analysis of the product DNA synthesized during a limited DNA synthesis reaction using conditions where only two nucleotides are added to the primer. Under these circumstances, where the presence of hairpin structures should not contribute to the stimulatory effect of SSB, we found that the extension of the primer is stimulated 4-fold if the DNA template is coated with SSB. Furthermore, SSB had no effect on this synthesis at large polymerase to template ratios.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid and sensitive method for total DNA measurement using single-stranded DNA binding protein from E coli conjugated with horseradish peroxidase or urease. To detect DNA, the sample is heated or alkali treated to denature the DNA and then filtered through nylon or nitrocellulose membranes. After the single-stranded DNA is bound to the membrane, single-stranded DNA binding protein enzyme-conjugate is incubated with the membrane. Next, the unbound conjugate is washed off the membrane and the bound conjugate detected colorimetrically. The assay can detect 10 pg of DNA in less than 3 hr. This method can be applied to the detection of DNA contamination in therapeutic proteins produced by recombinant DNA or hybridoma techniques.  相似文献   

The human RAD52 protein, which exhibits a heptameric ring structure, has been shown to bind resected double strand breaks (DSBs), consistent with an early role in meiotic recombination and DSB repair. In this work, we show that RAD52 binds single-stranded and tailed duplex DNA molecules via precise interactions with the terminal base. When probed with hydroxyl radicals, ssDNA-RAD52 complexes exhibit a four-nucleotide repeat hypersensitivity pattern. This unique pattern is due to the interaction of RAD52 with either a 5' or a 3' terminus of the ssDNA, is sequence independent and is phased precisely from the terminal nucleotide. Hypersensitivity is observed over approximately 36 nucleotides, consistent with the length of DNA that is protected by RAD52 in nuclease protection assays. We propose that RAD52 binds DNA breaks via specific interactions with the terminal base, leading to the formation of a precisely organized ssDNA-RAD52 complex in which the DNA lies on an exposed surface of the protein. This protein-DNA arrangement may facilitate the DNA-DNA interactions necessary for RAD52-mediated annealing of complementary DNA strands.  相似文献   

The RecO and RecR proteins form a complex that promotes the nucleation of RecA protein filaments onto SSB protein-coated single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). However, even when RecO and RecR proteins are provided at optimal concentrations, the loading of RecA protein is surprisingly slow, typically proceeding with a lag of 10 min or more. The rate-limiting step in RecOR-promoted RecA nucleation is the binding of RecOR protein to ssDNA, which is inhibited by SSB protein despite the documented interaction between RecO and SSB. Full activity of RecOR is seen only when RecOR is preincubated with ssDNA prior to the addition of SSB. The slow binding of RecOR to SSB-coated ssDNA involves the C terminus of SSB. When an SSB variant that lacks the C-terminal 8 amino acids is used, the capacity of RecOR to facilitate RecA loading onto the ssDNA is largely abolished. The results are used in an expanded model for RecOR action.  相似文献   

S W Morrical  J Lee  M M Cox 《Biochemistry》1986,25(7):1482-1494
The single-stranded DNA binding protein of Escherichia coli (SSB) stimulates recA protein promoted DNA strand exchange reactions by promoting and stabilizing the interaction between recA protein and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Utilizing the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of SSB, an ATP-dependent interaction has been detected between SSB and recA-ssDNA complexes. This interaction is continuous for periods exceeding 1 h under conditions that are optimal for DNA strand exchange. Our data suggest that this interaction does not involve significant displacement of recA protein in the complex by SSB when ATP is present. The properties of this interaction are consistent with the properties of SSB-stabilized recA-ssDNA complexes determined by other methods. The data are incompatible with models in which SSB is displaced after functioning transiently in the formation of recA-ssDNA complexes. A continuous association of SSB with recA-ssDNA complexes may therefore be an important feature of the mechanism by which SSB stimulates recA protein promoted reactions.  相似文献   

Due to their involvement in processes such as DNA replication, repair, and recombination, bacterial single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) proteins are essential for the survival of the bacterial cell. Whereas most bacterial SSB proteins form homotetramers in solution, dimeric SSB proteins were recently discovered in the Thermus/Deinococcus group. In this work we characterize the biophysical properties of the SSB protein from Thermus aquaticus (TaqSSB), which is structurally quite similar to the tetrameric SSB protein from Escherichia coli (EcoSSB). The binding of TaqSSB and EcoSSB to single-stranded nucleic acids was found to be very similar in affinity and kinetics. Mediated by its highly conserved C-terminal region, TaqSSB interacts with the χ-subunit of E. coli DNA polymerase III with an affinity that is similar to that of EcoSSB. Using analytical ultracentrifugation, we show that TaqSSB mutants are able to form tetramers in solution via arginine-mediated hydrogen-bond interactions that we identified in the crystal packing of wild-type TaqSSB. In EcoSSB, we identified a homologous arginine residue involved in the formation of higher aggregates and metastable highly cooperative single-stranded DNA binding under low salt conditions.  相似文献   

Human single-stranded DNA binding protein 1 (hSSB1) plays a critical role in responding to DNA damage and maintaining genome stability. However, the regulation of hSSB1 remains poorly studied. Here, we determined that hSSB1 acetylation at K94 mediated by the acetyltransferase p300 and the deacetylases SIRT4 and HDAC10 impaired its ubiquitin-mediated degradation by proteasomes. Moreover, we demonstrated that the hSSB1-K94R mutant had reduced cell survival in response to DNA damage by radiation or chemotherapy drugs. Furthermore, the p300/CBP inhibitor C646 significantly enhanced the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapy drugs, and a positive correlation between hSSB1 and p300 level was observed in clinical colorectal cancer samples. Acetylation, a novel regulatory modification of hSSB1, is crucial for its function under both physiological and pathological conditions. This finding supports the notion that the combination of chemotherapy drugs with acetylation inhibitors may benefit cancer patients.  相似文献   

P Sen  G J Pazour  D Anderson    A Das 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(5):2573-2580
The VirE2 protein of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid pTiA6 is a single-stranded-DNA-binding protein. Density gradient centrifugation studies showed that it exists as a tetramer in solution. Monomeric VirE2 active in DNA binding could also be obtained by using a different protein isolation procedure. VirE2 was found to be thermolabile; brief incubation at 37 degrees C abolished its DNA-binding activity. It was insensitive to the sulfhydryl-specific reagent N-ethylmaleimide. Removal of the carboxy-terminal 37 residues of the 533-residue VirE2 polypeptide led to complete loss of DNA-binding activity; however, chimeric fusion proteins containing up to 125 residues of the VirE2 C terminus were inactive in DNA binding. In nuclease protection studies, VirE2 protected single-stranded DNA against degradation by DNase I. Analysis of the DNA-VirE2 complex by electron microscopy demonstrated that VirE2 coats a single-stranded DNA molecule and that the binding of VirE2 to its substrate is cooperative.  相似文献   

Fluorometric titration of E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein with various RNAs showed that the protein specifically and cooperatively binds to its own mRNA. The binding inhibited in vitro expression of ssb and bla but not nusA. This inhibition takes place at a physiological concentration of SSB. The function of the protein in gene regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Speck C  Messer W 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(6):1469-1476
The initiator protein DnaA of Escherichia coli binds to a 9mer consensus sequence, the DnaA box (5'-TT(A/T)TNCACA). If complexed with ATP it adopts a new binding specificity for a 6mer consensus sequence, the ATP-DnaA box (5'-AGatct). Using DNase footprinting and surface plasmon resonance we show that binding to ATP-DnaA boxes in the AT-rich region of oriC of E.coli requires binding to the 9mer DnaA box R1. Cooperative binding of ATP-DnaA to the AT-rich region results in its unwinding. ATP-DnaA subsequently binds to the single-stranded region, thereby stabilizing it. This demonstrates an additional binding specificity of DnaA protein to single-stranded ATP-DnaA boxes. Binding affinities, as judged by the DnaA concentrations required for site protection in footprinting, were approximately 1 nM for DnaA box R1, 400 nM for double-stranded ATP-DnaA boxes and 40 nM for single-stranded ATP-DnaA boxes, respectively. We propose that sequential recognition of high- and low-affinity sites, and binding to single-stranded origin DNA may be general properties of initiator proteins in initiation complexes.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) at the lagging strand of the replication fork in Escherichia coli cells. This protein is essential for the survival of the E.coli cell, presumably because it shields the ssDNA and holds it in a suitable conformation for replication by DNA polymerase III. In this study we undertook a biophysical analysis of the interaction between the SSB protein of E.coli and the χ subunit of DNA polymerase III. Using analytical ultracentrifugation we show that at low salt concentrations there is an increase in the stability in the physical interaction between χ and an EcoSSB/ssDNA complex when compared to that of χ to EcoSSB alone. This increase in stability disappeared in high salt conditions. The sedimentation of an EcoSSB protein lacking its C-terminal 26 amino acids remains unchanged in the presence of χ, showing that χ interacts specifically with the C-terminus of EcoSSB. In DNA melting experiments we demonstrate that χ specifically enhances the ssDNA stabilization by EcoSSB. Thus, the binding of EcoSSB to χ at the replication fork prevents premature dissociation of EcoSSB from the lagging strand and thereby enhances the processivity of DNA polymerase III.  相似文献   

Mutations in the WRN gene result in Werner syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease in which many characteristics of aging are accelerated. A probable role in some aspect of DNA metabolism is suggested by the primary sequence of the WRN gene product. A recombinant His-tagged WRN protein (WRNp) was overproduced in insect cells using the baculovirus system and purified to near homogeneity by several chromatographic steps. This purification scheme removes both nuclease and topoisomerase contaminants that persist following a single Ni(2+)affinity chromatography step and allows for unambiguous interpretation of WRNp enzymatic activities on DNA substrates. Purified WRNp has DNA-dependent ATPase and helicase activities consistent with its homology to the RecQ subfamily of proteins. The protein also binds with higher affinity to single-stranded DNA than to double-stranded DNA. However, WRNp has no higher affinity for various types of DNA damage, including adducts formed during 4NQO treatment, than for undamaged DNA. Our results confirm that WRNp has a role in DNA metabolism, although this role does not appear to be the specific recognition of damage in DNA.  相似文献   

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