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Breeding dispersal is the movement of an individual between breeding attempts and is usually associated with the disruption of the social pair bond, although mates may disperse together as a social unit. In monogamous territorial species, the decision to disperse may be affected by individual attributes such as sex, age and condition of the disperser. However, environmental and social contexts may also play a crucial role in the decision to disperse. We analysed capture‐resighting data collected over 9 years to study breeding dispersal and divorce rates of a Southern House Wren Troglodytes aedon musculus population in South Temperate Argentina. Between‐season dispersal was more frequent than within‐season dispersal, with females dispersing more often than males, both between and within seasons. Both within‐season and between‐season breeding dispersal probability was affected by territory availability, but not by previous breeding success. When the adult sex ratio (ASR) was more skewed towards males, male between‐season dispersal was also affected by mating status, with widowed and single males dispersing more often than paired males. Within‐season divorce increased the reproductive success of females but not males, and was affected by the availability of social partners (with increasingly male‐skewed ASR). Our results suggest that territorial vacancies and mating opportunities affect dispersal and divorce rates in resident Southern House Wrens, highlighting the importance of social and environmental contexts for dispersal behaviour and the stability of social pair bonds.  相似文献   

Theory proposes an adaptive relationship between male song complexity, including large song repertoires, and improved breeding success. Evidence supporting these relationships exists but is sometimes mixed or weak. Here we provide a first comprehensive study of the relationship between male song diversity and breeding success in a non‐migratory, austral population of house wrens Troglodytes aedon chilensis breeding in Mendoza, Argentina. During a two‐year field study, we measured breeding success for a population of 62 males and recorded more than 34 000 songs from a subsample of 26 males. For the latter subsample, we tested for correlations between six measures of song diversity and four canonical measures of annual breeding success. Males that sang with greater overall syllable type diversity and that had larger song repertories paired with females that bred earlier and laid more eggs over the course of the breeding season. However, these males also showed lower levels of immediate song type diversity, as measured by the Levenshtein distance between successive songs. We discuss implications for the evolution of song complexity in this exceptionally widespread species and the selective mechanisms that might influence song complexity in resident populations in the Neotropics compared to migratory populations in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic noise (≤ 3 kHz) can affect key features of birds’ acoustic communication via two different processes: (1) song‐learning, because songbirds need to hear themselves and other birds to crystallize their song, and (2) avoidance of song elements that overlap with anthropogenic noise. In this study we tested whether anthropogenic noise reduces the number of song elements in the repertoire of House Wren Troglodytes aedon, an urban species. Additionally, we tested whether the proportion of high‐frequency elements (i.e. elements where the minimum frequency is above 3 kHz) is related to anthropogenic noise levels, and how the frequencies and duration of shared elements between males change with different levels of anthropogenic noise. We recorded 29 House Wren males exposed to different anthropogenic noise levels (36.50–79.50 dB) during two consecutive breeding seasons from four locations. We recorded each male on 2 days during each season continuously for 50 min (we collected 104 h of recordings) and measured anthropogenic noise levels every 10 min inside each male territory during the recording period. In general, individuals inhabiting noisier territories had smaller repertoires. However, only in two locations with anthropogenic noise levels between 38.60 and 79.50 dB did males inhabiting noisier territories have smaller repertoires. In the other two locations with lower anthropogenic noise (36.50–66.50 dB), the anthropogenic noise inside each territory was not related to the repertoire size. Individuals inhabiting the noisiest location showed a tendency to include more high‐frequency elements in their songs. In 26% of the elements, the anthropogenic noise affected their frequency features. Our results showed that not all House Wrens inhabiting urban environments modify their songs at the highest level of organization (i.e. repertoire) to reduce the masking effect of anthropogenic noise on acoustic communication.  相似文献   

Among songbirds with large song-type repertoires, there may be functional variation in how individuals organize and display song-type diversity over time. Past studies focusing on conventional measures of song production have been extremely productive. However, network analysis offers a novel set of tools to quantify additional, previously unstudied elements of song organization and display. We studied protracted bouts of singing by 10 male House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to (1) test functional hypotheses of variation in song diversity in this species, and (2) evaluate the utility of network metrics in such research. Our analysis included a variety of conventional measures of song production and several standard metrics from network theory to quantify how variably the many song types in a male’s repertoire could be connected to one another and the limitations or diversity of their song sequences. Analysis of conventional variables showed that males produced more and longer songs, at shorter intervals, containing more syllables and more different syllable types, and also more different song types, prior to than after pairing and early in the morning regardless of breeding stage. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that song diversity functions in mate attraction and possibly in territory signaling. In contrast, analyses of network metrics revealed variety in song sequencing by males, but comparatively few and weak effects associated with either breeding stage or time of day. Overall, most song types connected to only a few others and a relatively small proportion of all possible song-type transitions actually occurred. Hence, much of the variety in song sequencing that was possible with the large song repertoires of males was not realized. The latter outcomes, brought to light via network analyses, highlight an important paradox for future research on this and related species with large song repertoires.  相似文献   

Urban habitats are noisy and constrain acoustic communication in birds. We analysed the effect of anthropogenic noise on the vocalization characteristics of House Wrens Troglodytes aedon at two sites with different noise levels (rural and urban). We measured in each song and song trill the frequency bandwidth, maximum amplitude, highest and minimum frequency, and trill rate. In noisy urban environments, there was a reduction in bandwidth and an increase in trill rate relative to quieter, rural environments. The whole song of birds from both populations increased in minimum frequency as noise increased, improving song transmission.  相似文献   

Grass Wrens Cistothorus platensis build two types of non-breeding nest structures: platforms and dummy nests. Platforms are rudimentary accumulations of grasses concealed between vegetation. Dummy and breeding nests are dome-shaped with a similar structural layer. We used a nest-removal experiment and observational data to evaluate several hypotheses regarding the adaptive significance of building multiple nests in a south temperate population of Grass Wrens. Building non-breeding nests was not a strategy of males to attract additional females, as most of these nests were built after pair formation and both sexes collaborated during building. Building non-breeding nests was not a post-pairing display as the presence of multiple nests did not increase female investment in the breeding attempt: clutch size and female provisioning to nestlings did not differ between experimental and control territories where no non-breeding nests were removed. Similarly, in non-manipulated territories, clutch size and female provisioning were not correlated with the number of non-breeding nests or with males’ nest-building effort. Contrary to this hypothesis, the number of non-breeding nests was associated with delayed clutch initiation and reduced hatching success. The presence of non-breeding nests did not reduce nest predation and brood parasitism, which did not differ between experimental and control territories. We did not detect differences in concealment between non-breeding and breeding nests, suggesting that non-breeding nests were not the result of abandonment before egg-laying to reduce subsequent nest predation. Dummy nests did not provide shelter; they were not used frequently for roosting over the breeding season and were not maintained during the non-breeding season. We suggest that building non-breeding nests may be an attempt by males to manipulate the decision of females to breed with a mate they might otherwise reject or to start reproduction earlier than optimal for the females.  相似文献   

Seasonal fecundity of birds is influenced by clutch sizes and the number of successful breeding attempts during a breeding season. As such, understanding the factors that determine the decision to initiate multiple broods within a season and the consequences of this reproductive tactic is important. We examined the frequency of double brooding by Southern House Wrens (Troglodytes aedon musculus) in eastern Argentina. We analyzed inter‐ and intraseasonal variation in double brooding and evaluated the effect of weather conditions and laying date on the frequency and occurrence of this behavior. Finally, we assessed the effect of double brooding on the seasonal and lifetime productivity of female Southern House Wrens. During our 8‐year study, we found that ~43% (range = 17–83% each year) of breeding pairs attempted a second brood after successfully raising a first brood. The probability of females having a second brood was affected by the laying date of the first nesting attempt, but was independent of the number of young fledged. About 65% of females that started laying eggs before the first quarter of each breeding season produced a second brood, and this percentage decreased to ~40% after this period. In addition, variation in double‐brooding frequency among years was related to weather conditions, with the proportion of pairs double brooding increasing with increased precipitation early in the breeding season. More precipitation likely contributed to an increase in insect abundance. Although double brooding increased the seasonal and lifetime productivity of female Southern House Wrens, additional study of the survival and fate of fledglings from first and second broods is needed to assess the importance of multi‐brooding in the reproductive success of these wrens.  相似文献   

Abstract: We studied northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) in western Oklahoma, USA, during the nesting seasons of 1992–2001. We obtained latitude-specific information on nesting biology and tested hypotheses on the cause of declines in clutch size with progression of the nesting season and on the phenological relation of first, second, and third nesting attempts. For pooled data on bobwhites alive during 15 April-15 September, 64 ± 6.5% of juvenile females (n = 56), 90 ± 10.0% of adult females (n = 9), 13 ± 4.1% of juveniles males (n = 68), and 41 ± 10.7% of adult males (n = 22) incubated ≥ 1 nest. Bobwhites that entered the reproduction period starting on 15 April (n = 229) accumulated 203 nesting attempts (male and female incubations), which translated to 1.7 attempts/hen for all hens that entered (n = 117) and 3.1 attempts/hen for hens that survived to 15 September (n = 65). Overall success for incubated nests (48 ± 2.8%, n = 331) was independent of sex-age class and nesting attempt (1, 2, 3), but it declined at a rate of 2.37%/year (95% CL = 1.10–3.64%/year) during the study. Clutch size declined by 1 egg for every 14–20 elapsed days in the nesting season and the rate of decline was independent of incubation attempt (1 or 2); this result suggests that lower clutch sizes later in the nest season were not necessarily a function of re-nesting. Ending of nest-incubation attempts (1, 2, 3) occurred within an 8-day period from 26 August-2 September. Our results implied that early-season nesting cover is a management concern and that high nest success is possible in the absence of nest predator suppression where abundant nest sites occur across the landscape.  相似文献   

The installation of nestboxes is a widely used conservation measure for enhancing habitat suitability for cavity‐nesting birds wherever natural holes are scarce. However, nestboxes may attract birds to unsuitable breeding places or induce a non‐random distribution of individuals in relation to their qualities. We investigated the factors influencing nestbox selection and the quality of breeding territories for the globally near‐threatened Eurasian Roller in a semi‐arid area of southeast of Spain over a 3‐year period. Rollers preferentially used exposed nestboxes that were placed far from highly modified areas. However, breeding success was significantly lower in exposed nestboxes. Early breeders preferred nestboxes oriented to the northwest over any other orientation. Exposure had opposite effects on nestbox use and breeding success, suggesting that nestboxes installed in exposed sites could function as ecological traps for Rollers.  相似文献   

The Arctic is experiencing rapidly warming conditions, increasing predator abundance, and diminishing population cycles of keystone species such as lemmings. However, it is still not known how many Arctic animals will respond to a changing climate with altered trophic interactions. We studied clutch size, incubation duration and nest survival of 17 taxa of Arctic‐breeding shorebirds at 16 field sites over 7 years. We predicted that physiological benefits of higher temperatures and earlier snowmelt would increase reproductive effort and nest survival, and we expected increasing predator abundance and decreasing abundance of alternative prey (arvicoline rodents) to have a negative effect on reproduction. Although we observed wide ranges of conditions during our study, we found no effects of covariates on reproductive traits in 12 of 17 taxa. In the remaining taxa, most relationships agreed with our predictions. Earlier snowmelt increased the probability of laying a full clutch from 0.61 to 0.91 for Western Sandpipers, and shortened incubation by 1.42 days for arcticola Dunlin and 0.77 days for Red Phalaropes. Higher temperatures increased the probability of a full clutch from 0.60 to 0.93 for Western Sandpipers and from 0.76 to 0.97 for Red‐necked Phalaropes, and increased daily nest survival rates from 0.9634 to 0.9890 for Semipalmated Sandpipers and 0.9546 to 0.9880 for Western Sandpipers. Higher abundance of predators (foxes) reduced daily nest survival rates only in Western Sandpipers (0.9821–0.9031). In contrast to our predictions, the probability of a full clutch was lowest (0.83) for Semipalmated Sandpipers at moderate abundance of alternative prey, rather than low abundance (0.90). Our findings suggest that in the short‐term, climate warming may have neutral or positive effects on the nesting cycle of most Arctic‐breeding shorebirds.  相似文献   

Summary Breeding habitats in Mediterranean France consist in open, dry grasslands with a low and discontinuous grass layer and scattered bushes and trees. The choice of nest supports was largely opportunistic, the most abundant suitable nest support type (bush or tree) and the most abundant species being present at each study site have been used. About 75% of the nests were placed at heights between 1 and 3 m. Laying period lasted from 9 May until 6 July (peak of first clutches: 21–30 May). Mean clutch size was 5.14±0.82 eggs (n=114). Breeding success was independent from the site, the height and the concealment of nests. Mean survival rate of nests from laying to fledgling was 0.365. The main cause of low breeding success was high nest predation exerted by a rich guild of predators. The species is mainly threatened through dramatic habitat shrinkage due to pastoralism reduction leading to closures of lightly bushed grasslands in Mediterranean France.
Nistplatzwahl, Legeperiode und Bruterfolg des Rotkopfwürgers (Lanius senator) in Südfrankreich
Zusammenfassung Als Bruthabitat bevorzugt der Rotkopfwürgers im mediterranen Südfrankreich offene und trockene Graslandlandschaften mit niedrigem oder lückigem Grasbewuchs und einzelstehenden Büschen und/oder Bäumen. Häufigster Nestträger ist die jeweils im Brutterritorium häufigste Baum- oder Buschart. Ungefähr 75% der Nester standen zwischen 1 und 3 m über Boden. Die Legeperiode reichte vom 9. Mai bis 6. Juli (Gipfel der Erstgelege am 21.–30. Mai und der Ersatzgelege am 20.–24. Juni). Die Gelegegröße bestand aus 3 bis 7, meist 5 Eier (Erstgelege im Mittel 5,35±0,71 Eier, Ersatzgelege: 4,68±0,85). Der Bruterfolg war unabhängig von der Lage, der Höhe und der Verborgenheit des Nestes. Die mittlere Überlebensrate eines Nestes zwischen Bebrütung des Geleges und Ausfliegen der Jungen betrug 0,365. Dieser niedrige Bruterfolg wurde hauptsächlich durch Nesträuber verursacht. In Südfrankreich ist die Art aber vor allem durch die zunehmende Verschließung der Bruthabitate infolge des Rückgangs des extensiven Weidebetriebs gefährdet.

Avian brood parasites, including cuckoos and cowbirds, have multiple negative effects on their hosts. We analysed the effects of Shiny Cowbird Molothrus bonariensis parasitism on different components (e.g. egg losses, hatching success, chick survival and nest abandonment) of House Wren Troglodytes aedon reproductive success. We also conducted an experiment to discriminate between two mechanisms that may reduce hatching success in parasitized clutches: lower efficiency of incubation due to the increase in clutch volume and disruption of host incubation by the early hatching of Cowbirds. Egg puncturing by Shiny Cowbirds reduced host clutch size at hatching by 10–20%, and parasitized nests had a decrease in hatching success of 40–80%. Egg losses and hatching failures were positively associated with the intensity of parasitism. Brood reduction was greater in parasitized nests, but the growth rate of the chicks that fledged was similar to that in unparasitized nests. The combined effects of egg losses, hatching failures and brood reduction decreased the number of fledged chicks by 80%. In addition, egg puncturing increased the likelihood of nest abandonment by Wrens. Experimental data showed that hatching failures occurred when there was a combination of: (1) an increase in the volume of the clutch by the addition of the Cowbird egg without removal of host eggs, and (2) the addition of the Cowbird egg before the onset of incubation. This was relatively common in House Wren nests, as Cowbirds generally parasitize before the onset of incubation. Our results indicate that Shiny Cowbird parasitism imposes a major impact on House Wrens, as it affects all components of the Wren's reproductive success.  相似文献   

Life‐history theory predicts a trade‐off between current and future reproduction to maximize lifetime fitness. In cooperatively breeding species, where offspring care is shared between breeders and helpers, helper presence may influence the female breeders’ egg investment, and consequently, survival and future reproductive success. For example, female breeders may reduce egg investment in response to helper presence if this reduction is compensated by helpers during provisioning. Alternatively, female breeders may increase egg investment in response to helper presence if helpers allow the breeders to raise more or higher quality offspring successfully. In the facultatively cooperative‐breeding Tibetan ground tit Pseudopodoces humilis, previous studies found that helpers improve total nestling provisioning rates and fledgling recruitment, but have no apparent effects on the number and body mass of fledglings produced, while breeders with helpers show reduced provisioning rates and higher survival. Here, we investigated whether some of these effects may be explained by female breeders reducing their investment in eggs in response to helper presence. In addition, we investigated whether egg investment is associated with the female breeder's future fitness. Our results showed that helper presence had no effect on the female breeders’ egg investment, and that egg investment was not associated with breeder survival and reproductive success. Our findings suggest that the responses of breeders to helping should be investigated throughout the breeding cycle, because the conclusions regarding the breeders’ adjustment of reproductive investment in response to being helped may depend on which stage of the breeding cycle is considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT As tropical habitats continue to be cleared or degraded, obtaining basic information about the ecology of birds in intact habitats is essential for understanding their life histories. We studied the breeding biology of Orange‐breasted Trogons (Harpactes oreskios) and Red‐headed Trogons (H. erythrocephalus) in Khao Yai National Park in Thailand from 2003 to 2009. Nests were in excavated cavities in well‐rotted stumps or other tree parts. Mean cavity heights were 2.1 m (N= 19) for Orange‐breasted Trogons and 2.0 m (N= 49) for Red‐headed Trogons. Eggs were laid every other day. For Orange‐breasted Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 0.1 (SE) eggs (N= 17); incubation periods for two nests were 17 and 18 d, respectively, and the nestling period ranged from 12 to at least 14 d (N= 4). For Red‐headed Trogons, the mean clutch size was 2.6 ± 0.1 eggs (N= 48), the mean incubation period was 18 d (N= 9), and the mean nestling period was 13.4 d (N= 5). In both species, both males and females excavated nest sites, incubated eggs, and brooded and provisioned nestlings. Only females incubated and brooded at night, and males provisioned nestlings more than females. Breeding seasons lasted from January to March for Orange‐breasted Trogons, and from late February to July for Red‐headed Trogons. Mayfield estimates of nest success were 8% and 9% for Orange‐breasted and Red‐headed trogons, respectively. Unusual for cavity nesters, nest failure due to predation was high and nestling periods short. The low nesting success is typical of many other tropical species, but considerably lower than reported for some Neotropical trogons, possibly due to the unenclosed structure of the nests of these Asian trogons.  相似文献   

Sperm competition represents an important component of post-copulatory sexual selection. It has been argued that the level of sperm competition declines in birds towards the equator. However, to date, sperm competition estimates have been available mainly for avian species inhabiting the northern temperate zone. Here we apply a novel approach, using the coefficient of between-male variation (CVbm) in sperm size as an index for sperm competition risk, in a comparative analysis of 31 Afrotropical and 99 northern temperate zone passerine species. We found no difference in sperm competition risk between the two groups, nor any relationship with migration distance. However, a multivariate model indicated that sperm competition risk was highest in species with a combination of low body mass and few eggs per clutch. The effect of clutch size was most pronounced in tropical species, which indicates that sperm competition risk in tropical and temperate species is differently associated with particular life-history traits. Although tropical species had lower sperm competition risk than temperate zone species for overlapping clutch sizes, the idea of a generally reduced risk of sperm competition in tropical birds was not supported by our analysis.  相似文献   

M. L. EAST  C. M. PERRINS 《Ibis》1988,130(4):393-401
Removal of nestboxes from a semi-mature, broadleaved woodland caused a decrease in the number of breeding pairs of Great Tits, but did not significantly reduce breeding densities of Blue Tits. Breeding densities of warblers were unaffected by changes in the population of Great Tits. In the absence of nestboxes, intraspecific competition for natural nestholes was more intense amongst Great Tits than Blue Tits. Great Tits tended to occupy larger holes on or near the trunk, while Blue Tits used smaller holes on side branches. Nesting success for both species was lower in natural cavities than nestboxes, due to a higher percentage of total nest failures. The reintroduction of nestboxes did not produce an immediate rise in the breeding population of Great Tits; possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

M. L. EAST  C. M. PERRINS 《Ibis》1988,130(3):393-401
Removal of nestboxes from a semi-mature, broadleaved woodland caused a decrease in the number of breeding pairs of Great Tits, but did not significantly reduce breeding densities of Blue Tits. Breeding densities of warblers were unaffected by changes in the population of Great Tits. In the absence of nestboxes, intraspecific competition for natural nestholes was more intense amongst Great Tits than Blue Tits. Great Tits tended to occupy larger holes on or near the trunk, while Blue Tits used smaller holes on side branches. Nesting success for both species was lower in natural cavities than nestboxes, due to a higher percentage of total nest failures. The reintroduction of nestboxes did not produce an immediate rise in the breeding population of Great Tits; possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

Riparian habitat supports the highest density and diversity of songbirds in Western North America despite covering less than 1% of the land area. Widespread destruction and degradation of riparian habitat, especially by livestock grazing, has led to habitat restoration efforts. In 2000, restoration activities in the form of permanent and seasonal exclusion of livestock from riparian areas were initiated to improve habitat for the endangered Western Yellow‐breasted Chat (Icteria virens auricollis) population, which is dependent on early successional shrub habitat for nesting, in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia, Canada. We assessed the effectiveness of livestock exclusion by examining temporal changes in the abundance, richness, and breeding performance of birds in restoration and reference sites. The abundance of W. Yellow‐breasted Chats significantly increased between 2002 and 2013 in areas where restoration activities occurred. However, restoration did not have significant effects on the abundance, richness, or breeding performance of other riparian birds at the restoration sites independent of temporal changes that occurred at reference sites. Our results provide evidence that limiting livestock grazing in temperate riparian areas can lead to recovery of endangered riparian songbirds that rely on early successional shrub habitat but may have limited effects on common species that are not strictly reliant on this habitat.  相似文献   

The white croaker Micropogonias furnieri , in the coastal Rocha Lagoon, spawned during 5 months, in late spring and summer. It was eurythermic (gonad growth at 12·5 to 25·5° C, spawning at 20 to 27° C) and mesoxic (living at 5·2 to 9·1 mg l-1). The spawning occurred in brackish (8–18 salinity), basic ( c . 8 pH) and oxygenated ( c . 8·0 mg l-1) waters. The temperature appeared to be an important environmental factor affecting the timing of reproduction. The size at first maturity (19–20 cm) was 11–12 cm lower than the reported for the Río de la Plata spawning area (Uruguay). Juveniles were observed throughout most of the year suggesting that the lagoon is also a nursery area. In Brazil, M. furnieri spawns in marine areas while in Uruguay it spawns in estuaries. This is the first time that a coastal lagoon of the subtropical and temperate western coast of the South Atlantic Ocean has been shown to be a spawning area of a marine species.  相似文献   

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