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We developed a gel filtration assay for the determination of glycogen synthase activity in cultured cells or tissue homogenates. Compared to the commonly used filter paper assay, the gel filtration assay resulted in a more than 5-fold reduction of background levels leading to an--at least--twofold increase in precision. These benefits allow the gel filtration method to detect differences of +/-5% in enzyme activity out of 300 microg total cell protein. In addition to high precision and sensitivity, the method's additional salient advantages include lesser expenditure of time and labour and reduced exposure time of the personnel to radioactivity.  相似文献   

Summary The mobilization of glycogen and phosphoarginine during work and their resynthesis during periods of recovery were investigated in abdominal muscles of the shrimpCrangon crangon. All parameters, metabolite levels as well as glycogen phosphorylase (EC and synthase (EC activities were determined in each individual shrimp investigated. At the onset of work both glycogen and phosphoarginine were degraded with the rate of phosphoarginine utilization being more than 80-fold faster than glycogen. After exhaustive work phosphoarginine stores were replenished within 30 min and seemed to exceed the resting level thereafter. In contrast, glycogen was not resynthesized immediately after work, but was further degraded during recovery leading to the accumulation of lactate. Only when the phosphagen level had reached the resting level did glycogenolysis shift to its resynthesis. The shift is characterized by: (1) a change in the mass action ratio of phosphoglucomutase from values below the equilibrium constant to values above the constant, (2) a dramatic decrease in the ratio fructose 1,6-bisphosphate/fructose 6-phosphate indicating phosphofructokinase inhibition, (3) an increase in the glucose concentration, and (4) an increase in the proportion of glycogen synthase I. The inactivation of glycogen phosphorylase by dephosphorylation during recovery was 2.4-fold. 36±8% (n=5) of total activity remained in the phosphorylated form. It is proposed that this part of the enzyme was inactivated by the drop in inorganic phosphate level due to the restoration of phosphoarginine.  相似文献   

Glucose-6 phosphatase (G6Pase), a key enzyme of glucose homeostasis, catalyses the hydrolysis of glucose-6 phosphate (G6P) to glucose and inorganic phosphate. A deficiency in G6Pase activity causes type 1 glycogen storage disease (GSD-1), mainly characterised by hypoglycaemia. Genetic analyses of the two forms of this rare disease have shown that the G6Pase system consists of two proteins, a catalytic subunit (G6PC) responsible for GSD-1a, and a G6P translocase (G6PT), responsible for GSD-1b. However, since their identification, few investigations concerning their structural relationship have been made. In this study, we investigated the localisation and membrane organisation of the G6Pase complex. To this aim, we developed chimera proteins by adding a fluorescent protein to the C-terminal ends of both subunits. The G6PC and G6PT fluorescent chimeras were both addressed to perinuclear membranes as previously suggested, but also to vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. We demonstrated that both proteins strongly colocalised in perinuclear membranes. Then, we studied G6PT organisation in the membrane. We highlighted FRET between the labelled C and N termini of G6PT. The intramolecular FRET of this G6PT chimera was 27%. The coexpression of unlabelled G6PC did not modify this FRET intensity. Finally, the chimera constructs generated in this work enabled us for the first time to analyze the relationship between GSD-1 mutations and the intracellular localisation of both G6Pase subunits. We showed that GSD1 mutations did neither alter the G6PC or G6PT chimera localisation, nor the interaction between G6PT termini. In conclusion, our results provide novel information on the intracellular distribution and organisation of the G6Pase complex.  相似文献   

A model of carbohydrate metabolism during differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum has been used to investigate which enzyme kinetic mechanism(s) might be operative for glycogen phosphorylase in vivo. The model, which has been described previously, is capable of simulating experimentally observed changes in metabolite concentrations and fluxes during differentiation under both the standard starvation condition and in the presence of glucose (25 mM). The concentrations of saccharide end products of differentiation under these 2 conditions differ substantially.Glycogen phosphorylase is described in the model by a rapid equilibrium random bi bi mechanism and the effect of substituting 4 other kinetic mechanisms was examined. Each of these mechanisms in the model allows simulations compatible with the saccharide accumulation patterns found during differentiation in the absence of glucose. However, in the presence of glucose, only a reversible mechanism (random or ordered) is compatible with the experimental data. It is concluded that glycogen degradation in vivo is controlled by an enzyme catalyzing a reversible reaction, the rate of which is inversely related to the glucose-1-P concentration.  相似文献   

Two substrains of the epithelial liver cell line C1I, one storing large amounts of glycogen, the other one being very poor in glycogen were used as a model for studying glycogen synthesis. The glycogen content of glycogen-rich cells doubled during the proliferative phase and remained high in plateau phase although glycogen synthase I activity was not significantly altered during growth cycle and was too low to account for the increase in glycogen. However, the activity of the glucose 6-phosphate (Glc6-P)-dependent synthase rose continuously during growth cycle, and intracellular Glc6-P-concentration increased about 10-fold in log phase cells to 0.72 mumol g-1 wet weight. A0.5 of synthase for Glc6-P was 0.79 mM. It was also found that in contrast to the enzyme from normal liver, glycogen phosphorylase a from C1I cells was inhibited by Glc6-P, the apparent Ki being 0.45 mM. It was concluded that glycogen accumulation in C1I cells was due to stimulation of synthase and inhibition of phosphorylase by Glc6-P. Findings from the glycogen-poor cell line which revealed similar specific activities of synthase and phosphorylase but only low Glc6-P (0.056 mumol g-1 wet weight) supported this conclusion. Addition of glucose to starved cells resulted in a transient activation of synthase in both cell lines. Net glycogen synthesis, was, however, only observed in the cells with a high Glc6-P-content. Thus, modulation of synthase and phosphorylase by Glc6-P and not activation/inactivation of the enzymes seems to play a predominant role in glycogen accumulation in this cell line.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase plays a key role in regulating glycogen metabolism. In a search for regulators of glycogen synthase, a yeast two-hybrid study was performed. Two glycogen synthase-interacting proteins were identified in human skeletal muscle, glycogenin-1, and nebulin. The interaction with glycogenin was found to be mediated by the region of glycogenin which contains the 33 COOH-terminal amino acid residues. The regions in glycogen synthase containing both NH2- and COOH-terminal phosphorylation sites are not involved in the interaction. The core segment of glycogen synthase from Glu21 to Gly503 does not bind COOH-terminal fragment of glycogenin. However, this region of glycogen synthase binds full-length glycogenin indicating that glycogenin contains at least one additional interacting site for glycogen synthase besides the COOH-terminus. We demonstrate that the COOH-terminal fragment of glycogenin can be used as an effective high affinity reagent for the purification of glycogen synthase from skeletal muscle and liver.  相似文献   

Glycogen, a branched polymer of glucose, serves as an energy reserve in many organisms. The degree of branching likely reflects the balance between the activities of glycogen synthase and branching enzyme. Mice overexpressing constitutively active glycogen synthase in skeletal muscle (GSL30) have elevated muscle glycogen. To test whether excess glycogen synthase activity affected glycogen branching, we examined the glycogen from skeletal muscle of GSL30 mice. The absorption spectrum of muscle glycogen determined in the presence of iodine was shifted to higher wavelengths in the GSL30 animals, consistent with a decrease in the degree of branching. As judged by Western blotting, the levels of glycogenin and the branching enzyme were also elevated. Branching enzyme activity also increased approximately threefold. However, this compared with an increase in glycogen synthase of some 50-fold, so that the increase in branching enzyme in response to overexpression of glycogen synthase was insufficient to synthesize normally branched glycogen.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of insulin resistance on glycogen concentration and glycogen synthase activity in the red and white gastrocnemius muscles and to determine whether the inverse relationship existing between glycogen concentration and enzyme activity is maintained in insulin resistant state. These questions were addressed using 3 models that induce various degrees of insulin resistance: sucrose feeding, dexamethasone administration, and a combination of both treatments (dex+sucrose). Sucrose feeding raised triglyceride levels without affecting plasma glucose or insulin concentrations whereas dexamethasone and dex+sucrose provoked severe hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia. Sucrose feeding did not alter muscle glycogen concentration but provoked a small reduction in the glycogen synthase activity ratio (-/+ glucose-6-phosphate) in red but not in white gastrocnemius. Dexamethasone administration augmented glycogen concentration and reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio in both muscle fiber types. In contrast, dex+sucrose animals showed decreased muscle glycogen concentration compared to dexamethasone group, leading to levels similar to those of control animals. This was associated with lower glycogen synthase activity compared to control animals leading to levels comparable to those of dexamethasone-treated animals. Thus, in dex+sucrose animals, the inverse relationship observed between glycogen levels and glycogen synthase activity was not maintained, suggesting that factors other than the glycogen concentration modulate the enzyme's activity. In conclusion, while insulin resistance was associated with a reduced glycogen synthase activity ratio, we found no correlation between muscle glycogen concentration and insulin resistance. Furthermore, our results suggest that sucrose treatment may modulate dexamethasone action in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A specific colorimetric assay for the determination of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) was developed. This assay is based on the oxidation of G6P in the presence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+); the NADPH thereby generated reduces the tetrazolium salt WST-1 [2-(4-indophenyl)-3-(4-nitrophenyl)-5-(2,4-disulfophenyl)-2H tetrazolium, monosodium salt] to water-soluble yellow-colored formazan with 1-methoxy-5-methylphenazium methylsulfate (1-mPMS) as an electron carrier. The assay is optimized for reaction buffer pH, enzyme/dye concentration, and reaction time course. The limit of detection of the assay is 0.15 μM (15 pmol/well). The usefulness of the assay is demonstrated by the accurate measurement of the G6P concentration in fetal bovine serum (FBS).  相似文献   

Incubation of hepatocytes isolated from fasted rats with [14C]glucose for short periods of time showed that the initial stages of glycogen synthesis occur near the plasma membrane. Incubation with [14C]glucose followed by cold glucose demonstrated that glycogen synthesis is always active at the hepatocyte periphery and that previously synthesised glycogen moves towards the centre of the cell, while its place is filled by newly synthesised molecules. However, the reverse experiment, incubation with cold glucose before addition of [14C]glucose, showed that, as glycogen synthesis progresses, it also becomes gradually active in more internal sites of the hepatocyte. These results indicate a spatial order in the synthesis of hepatic glycogen.  相似文献   

The quantification of phosphate bound to the C6 and C3 positions of glucose residues in starch has received increasing interest since the importance of starch phosphorylation for plant metabolism was discovered. The method described here is based on the observation that the isobaric compounds glucose-6-phosphate (Glc6P) and glucose-3-phosphate (Glc3P) exhibit significantly different fragmentation patterns in negative ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). A simple experiment involving collision-induced dissociation (CID) MS2 spectra of the sample and the two reference substances Glc3P and Glc6P permitted the quantification of the relative amounts of the two compounds in monosaccharide mixtures generated by acid hydrolysis of starch. The method was tested on well-characterized potato tuber starch. The results are consistent with those obtained by NMR analysis. In contrast to NMR, however, the presented method is fast and can be performed on less than 1 mg of starch. Starch samples of other origins exhibiting a variety of phosphorylation degrees were analyzed to assess the sensitivity and robustness of the method.  相似文献   

In the hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum, a substrate transporter could provide a means of regulating hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate by specifically modulating access of the substrate to the hydrolase. Several characteristics of the cerebral microsomal enzyme suggest that such an hypothesis is untenable in the brain. These are: (a) the inability of the enzyme in either untreated or detergent-disrupted brain microsomes to distinguish between glucose-6-phosphate and mannose-6-phosphate; (b) the close agreement of the apparent Km values for either substrate in intact or disrupted microsomal preparations; (c) the constancy of the latency toward both substrates over a wide concentration range; (d) the inability of nonpenetrating, covalently-linking reagents [e.g., 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS)] to affect the accessibility of the hydrolase to its substrate; (e) the absence of a putative transporter polypeptide, such as that of the liver, in experiments where tritiated H2DIDS, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and radioautography are applied to brain microsomes.  相似文献   

An assay method for glycogen synthase (EC has been developed based on the continuous measurement of the change of pH accompanying the glycogen synthesis reaction. The use of low buffer concentrations and an amplifier with variable gain and offset voltage allow us to register changes in the pH of the system small enough to ignore the significant pH dependence of the enzyme activity. A theoretical approach has been used to correlate the pH measurements with the progres of the reaction in terms of glucose incorporated into glycogen. The method offers the advantages of being continuous and of low cost.  相似文献   

Cells of the cyanobiont Anabaena azollae isolated from the water fern Azolla filiculoides were found to take up and utilize fructose in the light for mixotrophic growth. Fructose was favored by the cyanobiont as a substrate over sucrose and glucose. Cell growth in the presence of 8 mM fructose led to glycogen accumulation in the cells which approached 20% of the cell dry weight within 2 to 3 days, followed by reduction of glycogen content during the fourth day. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity was increased 5–6-fold in the fructose grown cells from the third day of growth onwards. The frequency of heterocysts in fructose-grown cells increased from 6 to 18%, and acetylene reduction by nitrogenase was increased 3-fold in the presence of fructose as compared with control cells, with maximum values observed between the third and fifth day of mixotrophic growth. Fructose-supported growth yielded a 2–4-fold increase in cell dry weight over controls.It is suggested that fructose-supported development and growth of the cyanobiont in batch cultures may resemble its mixotrophic growth and development in situ in the leaf cavity of the host fern Azolla.Abbreviation G6PDH glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle glycogen is considered to be an important source of energy for contraction and increasing the level of the glucose polymer is generally thought to improve exercise performance in humans. A genetically modified mouse model (GSL30), which overaccumulates glycogen due to overexpression of a hyperactive form of glycogen synthase, was used to examine whether increasing the level of the polysaccharide enhances the ability of mice to run on a treadmill. The skeletal muscle of the GSL30 mice had large deposits of glycogen. There were no significant increases in the work performed by GSL30 mice as compared to their respective wild type littermates when exercised to exhaustion. The amount of muscle glycogen utilized by GSL30 mice, however, was greater, while the amount of liver glycogen consumed during exhaustive exercise was less than wild type animals. This result suggests that increased muscle glycogen stores do not necessarily improve exercise performance in mice.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase is a multicomponent system located in the endoplasmic reticulum, involving both a catalytic subunit (G6PC) and several substrate and product carriers. The glucose-6-phosphate carrier is called G6PT1. Using light scattering, we determined K(D) values for phosphate and glucose transport in rat liver microsomes (45 and 33mM, respectively), G6PT1 K(D) being too low to be estimated by this technique. We provide evidence that phosphate transport may be carried out by an allosteric multisubunit translocase or by two distinct proteins. Using chemical modifications by sulfhydryl reagents with different solubility properties, we conclude that in G6PT1, one thiol group important for activity is facing the cytosol and could be Cys(121) or Cys(362). Moreover, a different glucose-6-phosphate translocase, representing 20% of total glucose-6-phosphate transport and insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide modification, could coexist with liver G6PT1. In the G6PC protein, an accessible thiol group is facing the cytosol and, according to structural predictions, could be Cys(284).  相似文献   

Hepatic cholesterol in lead nitrate induced liver hyperplasia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wistar rats treated with lead nitrate were used in these experiments to provide evidence of the possible correlation between hyperplasia, induced cholesterol synthesis and the levels of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) in the liver. Lead treatment increases liver weight, hepatic cholesterol esters and the relative content of free cholesterol. An increase of the incorporation of tritiated water in free and cholesterol esters was also observed. The effect of lead resulted in an increase of hepatic G-6-PD at all times considered. The correlation between these parameters and hyperplasia are discussed.  相似文献   

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