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Human disturbance threatens and modifies forest ecosystems worldwide. Previous studies have investigated the effects of human impact on local bird communities in disturbed forests, but we still lack information on how bird species richness and ecological processes respond to different forest modifications present at a landscape scale. In a heterogeneous South African landscape, we chose six types of indigenous scarp forest, differing in the intensity of human disturbance: continuous natural forests and natural forest fragments in nature reserves, forest fragments in eucalyptus plantations, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests in game reserves. In 36 study sites, we investigated the bird community using point counts and observed the seed removal of birds at the native tree species Celtis africana. Species richness did not differ among the forest types, but abundance varied significantly with most birds observed in fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens, and secondary forests. The higher bird abundance in these forests was mainly due to forest generalists, shrubland and open country species whereas forest specialists were rarely present. Changes in species composition were also confirmed by multivariate analysis which clearly separated bird communities by forest type. Frugivore abundance in C. africana was highest in natural forest fragments, fragments in the agricultural matrix, forest gardens and secondary forests. The same trend was found for the estimated total number of fruits removed per C. africana tree, though the differences among forest types were not significant. Consequently, modified forests seem to maintain important ecological functions as they provide food sources for generalist species which may, due to their mobility, enhance natural plant regeneration. However, we could show that protected forest habitats are important refugees for specialist species sensitive to human disturbance.  相似文献   

Forest birds do not respond equally to effects of deforestation: some species are absent from small fragments, some species increase in relative abundance in isolated fragments, while others are not present in fragments that appear to be of sufficient quality and area to meet their ecological requirements. Mechanisms currently associated with forest fragmentation are insufficient to predict how populations of individual species respond to deforestation. Based on published data representing 573 forest fragments, we examined the effects of deforestation on the relative abundance of birds in isolated forest fragments. We tested the prediction that species exhibit differential responses to deforestation based on their mean body mass. We found that forest bird communities in small, isolated forests can be generally predicted based on the home range needs and the average mass of individual bird species; mass may be an indicator of competitive abilities. Large and small species are not present and medium-sized species may increase in relative abundance in these forests. The limitations and implications of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecosystems are often arranged in naturally patchy landscapes with habitat patches linked by dispersal of species in a metacommunity. The size of a metacommunity, or number of patches, is predicted to influence community dynamics and therefore the structure and function of local communities. However, such predictions have yet to be experimentally tested using full food webs in natural metacommunities. We used the natural mesocosm system of aquatic macroinvertebrates in bromeliad phytotelmata to test the effect of the number of patches in a metacommunity on species richness, abundance, and community composition. We created metacommunities of varying size using fine mesh cages to enclose a gradient from a single bromeliad up to the full forest. We found that species richness, abundance, and biomass increased from enclosed metacommunities to the full forest size and that diversity and evenness also increased in larger enclosures. Community composition was affected by metacommunity size across the full gradient, with a more even detritivore community in larger metacommunities, and taxonomic groups such as mosquitoes going locally extinct in smaller metacommunities. We were able to divide the effects of metacommunity size into aquatic and terrestrial habitat components and found that the importance of each varied by species; those with simple life cycles were only affected by local aquatic habitat whereas insects with complex life cycles were also affected by the amount of terrestrial matrix. This differential survival of obligate and non‐obligate dispersers allowed us to partition the beta‐diversity between metacommunities among functional groups. Our study is one of the first tests of metacommunity size in a natural metacommunity landscape and shows that both diversity and community composition are significantly affected by metacommunity size. Synthesis Natural food webs are sensitive to meta‐community size, i.e. the number of patches connected through dispersal. We provide an empirical test using the aquatic foodweb associated within bromeliads as a model system. When we reduced the number of bromeliad patches connect through dispersal, we found a clear change of the foodweb in terms of population sizes, beta diversity, community composition and predator‐prey ratios. The response of individual taxa was predictable based on species traits including dispersal modes, life cycle, and adult resource requirements. Our study demonstrates that community structure is strongly influenced by the interplay of species traits and landscape properties.  相似文献   

Questions: How does landscape position influence biotic and abiotic attributes of western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) encroached ecosystems? How does intercanopy plant community structure respond to changes in soil moisture and temperature based on juniper cover and topographic position? Location: Steens Mountain, southeast Oregon, USA. Objectives: Competition with western juniper modifies plant community composition, alters soil hydrology, and reduces plant productivity. Research is needed to understand these influences across heterogeneous landscapes. This study characterizes the relationship between juniper encroachment and soil water, soil temperature, topographic position, and intercanopy plant community structure. Methods: Using a completely randomized block design, plant density and cover, percent bare ground, percent soil moisture, soil temperature, heat accumulation, and elevation were sampled in 10 m2 plots representing low (<1%), moderate (~14%), and high (~27%) juniper cover at four aspects. The relationship and difference between vegetation patterns and environmental variables were analyzed using AOV, NMS, and MRPP (α=0.1). Indicator species analysis tested for shifts in dominant species along ecological gradients. Results: Soil moisture remained higher in low juniper cover sites than moderate and high juniper cover sites. North‐facing sites had highest soil moisture at 5 cm depth with low and moderate juniper cover levels. With increasing soil temperature from May to June, soil moisture declined by 19.7% at 5 cm depth. Achnatherum lemmonii and Pseudoreogneria spicata occurred in closed juniper stands while Achnatherum occidentale and Leymus cinereus were common when encroachment was limited. Application: This approach can be used to predict ecosystem response to western juniper encroachment across heterogeneous landscapes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   There is growing recognition of the need to conserve areas used by birds during migration, including forest and upland habitats. Because extensive thinning and burning treatments are planned for ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) forests in the southwestern United States, information on the use of these forests by landbirds during migration is needed for conservation planning. We compared species richness among spring, breeding, and fall seasons at 69 points in a ponderosa pine forest to assess changes in landbird communities and the role of different ponderosa pine cover types in habitat selection among seasons. We detected a total of 64 bird species. Bird community similarity was lowest between the breeding and fall seasons and highest between the spring and breeding seasons. Twenty percent of the species detected were present exclusively in the fall and, of these, over half were Neotropical migrants. Only two species (3%) were detected exclusively during the spring. Although we found little difference in bird species similarity among vegetative cover types during the breeding season, forests that contained a deciduous component exhibited higher bird species similarity with each other than with habitats that did not include a deciduous component in spring and fall. In addition, foliage foragers dominated the community in spring and fall, and all Neotropical migrants detected exclusively in fall were found in ponderosa pine forests with a deciduous component. Our results indicate that ponderosa pine forests may be important to migrating or dispersing landbirds in autumn, especially if there is a deciduous component.  相似文献   

Adaptation to contrasting environments across a heterogeneous landscape favors the formation of ecotypes by promoting ecological divergence. Patterns of fitness variation in the field can show whether natural selection drives local adaptation and ecotype formation. However, to demonstrate a link between ecological divergence and speciation, local adaptation must have consequences for reproductive isolation. Using contrasting ecotypes of an Australian wildflower, Senecio lautus in common garden experiments, hybridization experiments, and reciprocal transplants, we assessed how the environment shapes patterns of adaptation and the consequences of adaptive divergence for reproductive isolation. Local adaptation was strong between ecotypes, but weaker between populations of the same ecotype. F1 hybrids exhibited heterosis, but crosses involving one native parent performed better than those with two foreign parents. In a common garden experiment, F2 hybrids exhibited reduced fitness compared to parentals and F1 hybrids, suggesting that few genetic incompatibilities have accumulated between populations adapted to contrasting environments. Our results show how ecological differences across the landscape have created complex patterns of local adaptation and reproductive isolation, suggesting that divergent natural selection has played a fundamental role in the early stages of species diversification.  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases are considered to be a growing threat to human and wildlife health. Such diseases might be facilitated by anthropogenic land-use changes that cause novel juxtapositions of different habitats and species and result in new interchanges of vectors, diseases, and hosts. To search for such effects in tropical Australia, we sampled mosquito populations across anthropogenic disturbance gradients of grassland, artificial rainforest edge, and rainforest interior. From >15,000 captured mosquitoes, we identified 26 species and eight genera. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in community composition or species richness between forest edges and grasslands, but both differed significantly from rainforest interiors. Mosquito species richness was elevated in grasslands relative to the rainforest habitats. Seven species were unique to grasslands and edges, with another 13 found across all habitats. Among the three most abundant species, Culex annulirostris occurred in all habitat types, whereas Verrallina lineata and Cx. pullus were more abundant in forest interiors. Our findings suggest that the creation of anthropogenic grasslands adjacent to rainforests may increase the susceptibility of species in both habitats to transmission of novel diseases via observable changes and mixing of the vector community on rainforest edges.  相似文献   

Divergent evolution of dispersal in a heterogeneous landscape   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The evolution of dispersal is investigated in a landscape of many patches with fluctuating carrying capacities and spatial heterogeneity in temporal fluctuations. Although asynchronous temporal fluctuations select for dispersal, spatial heterogeneity in the distribution of fluctuating environmental variables selects against it. We find evolutionary branching in dispersal rate leading to the evolutionarily stable coexistence of a high- and a low-dispersal phenotype. We study how the opposing forces of selection for and against dispersal change with the relative size and the environmental qualities of the source and sink habitats. Our results suggest that the evolution of dispersal dimorphism could be a first step towards speciation and local adaptation.  相似文献   

The forb communities of kopjes (rock outcrops) in the Simba, Maasai and Loliondo areas of the Serengeti National Park were examined to determine differences in species composition from surrounding grassland communities, and among sites within kopje and grassland communities. Species diversity measures and multivariate ordination techniques were used to examine the community similarity and species turnover between sites. All measures of forb species diversity were higher on the kopje sites with the exception of one grassland site, and the community composition significantly differed between these two habitat types, with more species and families exclusive to the kopje habitat. Species turnover was very high in grassland habitats, with two of the three areas (Simba and Loliondo) exhibiting a complete change in species composition. Kopjes, on the other hand, had remarkably similar forb communities, suggesting that the populations of the species present on these rock outcrops form patch structures. The distinct flora and higher diversity of kopje forbs raise interesting questions regarding distribution, dispersal and patch dynamics.  相似文献   

Conservation research has historically been aimed at preserving high value natural habitats, but urbanization and its associated impacts have prompted broader mandates that include the preservation and promotion of biodiversity in cities. Current efforts within urban landscapes aim to support biodiversity and diverse ecosystem services such as storm water management, sustainable food production, and toxin remediation. Arthropod natural enemies provide biocontrol services important for the ecosystem management of urban greenspaces. Establishing habitat for these and other beneficial arthropods is a growing area of urban conservation. Habitat design, resource inputs, management, and abiotic conditions shape the value of greenspace habitats for arthropods. In general, larger patches with diverse plant communities support a greater abundance and diversity of natural enemies and biocontrol services, yet opposing patterns or no effects have also been documented. The surrounding landscape is likely a contributor to this variation in natural enemy response to patch-scale habitat design and management. Looking across rural–urban landscape gradients, natural enemy communities shift toward dominance by habitat generalists and disturbance tolerant species in urban areas compared to rural or natural communities. These changes have been linked to variation in habitat fragmentation, plant productivity and management intensity. In landscape-scale studies focusing solely within cities, variables such as impervious surface area and greenspace connectivity affect the community assembly of natural enemies within a patch. Given these findings, a greater mechanistic understanding of how both the composition and spatial context of urban greenspaces influence natural enemy biodiversity–biocontrol relationships is needed to advance conservation planning and implementation.  相似文献   

Gene flow in natural populations may be strongly influenced by landscape features. The integration of landscape characteristics in population genetic studies may thus improve our understanding of population functioning. In this study, we investigated the population genetic structure and gene flow pattern for the common vole, Microtus arvalis, in a heterogeneous landscape characterised by strong spatial and temporal variation. The studied area is an intensive agricultural zone of approximately 500 km2 crossed by a motorway. We used individual-based Bayesian methods to define the number of population units and their spatial borders without prior delimitation of such units. Unexpectedly, we determined a single genetic unit that covered the entire area studied. In particular, the motorway considered as a likely barrier to dispersal was not associated with any spatial genetic discontinuity. Using computer simulations, we demonstrated that recent anthropogenic barriers to effective dispersal are difficult to detect through analysis of genetic variation for species with large effective population sizes. We observed a slight, but significant, pattern of isolation by distance over the whole study site. Spatial autocorrelation analyses detected genetic structuring on a local scale, most probably due to the social organisation of the study species. Overall, our analysis suggests intense small-scale dispersal associated with a large effective population size. High dispersal rates may be imposed by the strong spatio-temporal heterogeneity of habitat quality, which characterises intensive agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Vascular epiphytes contribute to the structural, compositional, and functional complexity of tropical montane cloud forests because of their high biomass, diversity, and ability to intercept and retain water and nutrients from atmospheric sources. However, human-caused climate change and forest-to-pasture conversion are rapidly altering tropical montane cloud forests. Epiphyte communities may be particularly vulnerable to these changes because of their dependence on direct atmospheric inputs and host trees for survival. In Monteverde, Costa Rica, we measured vascular epiphyte biomass, community composition, and richness at two spatial scales: (1) along an elevation gradient spanning premontane forests to montane cloud forests and (2) within trees along branches from inner to outer crown positions. We also compared epiphyte biomass and distribution at these scales between two different land-cover types, comparing trees in closed canopy forest to isolated trees in pastures. An ordination of epiphyte communities at the level of trees grouped forested sites above versus below the cloud base, and separated forest versus pasture trees. Species richness increased with increasing elevation and decreased from inner to outer branch positions. Although richness did not differ between land-cover types, there were significant differences in community composition. The variability in epiphyte community organization between the two spatial scales and between land-cover types underscores the potential complexity of epiphyte responses to climate and land-cover changes.  相似文献   

Agricultural landscapes worldwide are under increased pressure to provide food, feed, fiber, and fuel for a growing human population. These demands are leading to changes in agricultural landscapes and subsequent declines in biodiversity. We used citizen science data from the North American Butterfly Association and remotely-sensed land cover data from the US Department of Agriculture to study relationships between agricultural landscape composition and butterfly community structure in the Midwestern US. Landscape-level butterfly species richness (based on rarefaction estimates) was highest in agricultural landscapes with relatively low amounts of cropland, relatively high amounts of woodland, and intermediate amounts of grassland and wetland. Rarefied richness generally declined with the dominance of any of these land cover types. Unlike other land cover types, urban development had a consistent negative effect on rarefied richness. Butterfly community structure (based on relative abundance) was also significantly related to the amount of cropland, woodland, grassland, and wetland in the landscape. The rarest butterfly species were associated with woodland-, grassland-, and wetland-dominated landscapes, likely due to their association with plant species occurring in savannahs, prairies, and marshes, respectively. Assuming that variation across space reflects changes over time, our results support conclusions from previous studies that removal of natural and seminatural habitats alters butterfly community structure and decreases species diversity in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The fact that species vary in their vulnerability to extinction is well documented, but the reasons for these differences remain poorly understood. Why should some species/families/guilds decline rapidly with increasing anthropogenic disturbance, while others either tolerate or proliferate in disturbed habitats? We investigated the bird species composition in 31 primary forest patches of varying size in a region of the Amazonian 'Arc of Deforestation' and assessed which species life-history traits predisposed individual species to extinction. Medium-sized non-flocking canopy frugivores/ominvores of low primary forest dependence were least likely to go extinct in small patches, while small-bodied flock-following primary-forest-dependent terrestrial insectivores were most fragmentation sensitive. We found highly idiosyncratic relationships between the minimum size of forest patches occupied by different species and their territory size requirements estimated based on other Amazonian studies. This suggests that avian assemblages in forest fragments primarily comprise species that either have good dispersal abilities or are highly tolerant to the non-forest matrix, rather than those whose minimum spatial requirements can be met by the size of available forest fragments.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ten butterfly taxa (Clossiana eunomia dawsonii, Clossiana freija, Clossiana frigga, Clossiana titania, Coenonympha inornata, Erebia discoidalis, Incisalia augustinus, Lycaena dorcas, Lycaena epixanthe, Oeneis jutta) was analyzed within three acid peatland habitat types from the Lake Superior drainage basin of northwestern Wisconsin. Both first- (nearest-neighbor spatial analysis) and second-order (Ripley's K) spatial point process statistics were used to identify the extents over which each distribution pattern significantly deviated from random expectations. Versions of these tests were used that identified significant spatial pattern uncorrelated to habitat location and habitat preference. These analyses documented non-random occurrence patterns in seven species. Deviations from random were largely confined to two extents: <50 km and 70–100+ km. The majority of non-random patterns at <50 km extents were examples of aggregation, while the majority of non-random patterns noted at the 70–100+ km scale were examples of segregation. These results demonstrate that even for winged animals inside a limited landscape, spatially constrained processes can be important determinants of distribution. It is likely that metapopulation dynamics and dispersal limitation help explain why aggregation is dominant at small scales. The mechanisms underlying the predominance of segregation at large scales are less clear, but may be related to migration history and/or weak environmental gradients.  相似文献   

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