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纯化的红花菜豆凝集素经肼解,Bio-GelP-2柱分离,得到的寡糖部份用硼氢化钠还原,再红Bio-Gel P-4柱层析,获得两条寡糖链。通过甲醇解,乙酰化反应,最后制成三甲基硅醚衍生物。气相色谱分析表面两个寡糖的组成为;Man8Xy1GlcNAc2和Man6XylGlcNa2Fuc。  相似文献   

经肼解、Bio-Gel P-2柱层析、NaB^3H4和NaBH4还原,制备各种来源的、氚标记在还原末端的、还原末端为N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖醇的混合寡糖,经Bio-Gel P-4凝胶柱分离,以及用糖苷酶酶解,制备了各种不同类型的氚标记的寡糖。这些寡糖在固定化的PCL-Sepharose柱上亲和层析,根据各种类型寡糖在PCL-Sepharose柱上的层析行为,确定红花菜豆(矮生红花变种)凝集素(PCL)的  相似文献   

红花菜豆凝集素的荧光光谱学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用荧光光谱方法研究了红花菜豆凝集素,结果表明PCL分子各亚基中的两外色氨酸残基分别位于PCL分子表面和分子内,标记了DNS的PCL荧光偏振研究指出,致使PCL在10mmol/L SDS条件下失活的主要原因可能是亚基解离。荧光偏振研究还表明,甲状腺球蛋白、甘露聚糖,海参多糖硫酸酯可与PCL结合,荧光探针bis-ANS与PCL的结合可引起明显的荧光增强和发射谱蓝移,表明PCL分子中存有疏水区域,结合  相似文献   

红花菜豆凝集素的荧光光谱学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用荧光光谱方法研究了红花菜豆凝集素(Phaseoluscoccineusvar.rubronanuslectin,简称PCL),结果表明PCL分子各亚基中的两个色氨酸(Trp)残基分别位于PCL分子表面和分子内。标记了DNS的PCL荧光偏振研究指出,致使PCL在10mmol/LSDS条件下失活的主要原因可能是亚基解离。荧光偏振研究还表明,甲状腺球蛋白、甘露聚糖、海参多糖硫酸酯可与PCL结合。荧光探针bis-ANS与PCL的结合可引起明显的荧光增强和发射谱蓝移,表明PCL分子中存有疏水区域。结合了的bis-ANS还可和PCL中的Trp发生能量传递。  相似文献   

红花菜豆凝集素糖-结合肽段的分离施炜星宋金芳孙册(中国科学院上海生物化学研究所,上海200031)关键词红花菜豆凝集素;糖-结合肽段;分离收稿日期:1996-06-08;接收日期:1996-09-03。凝集素的生物学作用和功能与其糖-结合专一性密切相...  相似文献   

红花菜豆(矮生红花变种)凝集素的生物学作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
红花菜豆(矮生红花变种,Phaseoluscoccineusvar.rubronanus)凝集素(PCL)识别高甘露糖型糖并与之结合,它的生物学作用都与其糖结合专一性有关,PCL的血凝作用不显示供血动物专一性和和血型专一性,PCL除凝集红细胞外亦凝集动物其它细胞,如小鼠脾细胞,人精细胞及某些肿瘤细胞如黑色素瘤细胞M21,胃癌细胞等,此外PCL亦凝集某些微生物如野生型和H.B.101大肠杆菌以及面包  相似文献   

用各种化学试剂修饰红花菜豆凝集素分子,测定与其活性相关的氨基酸残基,经NBS修饰表明PCL具有8个Trp残基,其中4个暴露于分子表面,此4个Trp残基被修饰后,PLC的凝血活性完全丧失,比较PCL修饰前后的CD光谱表明修饰不改变其二级结构。修饰Tyr,Arg,His残基和游离氨基及羧基不影响PCL的血凝活性,巯基也不是血凝活性所必需,但是PCL分子中二硫键被还的,或被CNBr分解为两个片断则使蛋白  相似文献   

用各种化学试剂修饰红花菜豆(Phaseoluscoccineusvarrubronanus,Berry)凝集素(简称PCL)分子,测定与其活性相关的氨基酸残基.经NBS修饰表明PCL具有8个Trp残基,其中4个暴露于分子表面,此4个Trp残基被修饰后,PCL的凝血活性完全丧失.比较PCL修饰前后的CD光谱表明修饰不改变其二级结构。修饰Tyr,Arg,His残基和游离氨基及羧基不影响PCL的血凝活性.巯基也不是血凝活性所必需,但是PCL分子中的二硫键被还原,或被CNBr分解为两个片断则使蛋白质丧失血凝活性,提示分子的完整结构对PCL的血凝活力是重要的  相似文献   

To evaluate impact of carpenter bee, Xylocopa calens, on pod and seed set of Phaseolus coccineus, its foraging and pollinating activities were studied in Yaounde, for two seasons (May–July 2008 and April–June 2009). Observations were made on 40 inflorescences per treatment. The treatments included unlimited floral access by all visitors, bagged flowers to deny all visits, and limited visits by X. calens only. In addition, all flower visitors were recorded. The carpenter bee's seasonal rhythm of activity, its foraging behavior on flowers, its pollination efficiency, the fructification rate and the number of seeds per pod were recorded. Individuals from 16 species of insects were recorded visiting flowers of P. coccineus in the 2 years. Xylocopa calens was the most frequent, followed by Chalicodoma cincta cincta and Apis mellifera. Apart from bees, wasps were also recorded as likely predators. Xylocopa calens mainly foraged for nectar resources. The mean foraging speed was 9.62 flowers/min. Flowers visited by X. calens had higher fruiting rate compared with others, while those bagged had the lowest. In addition, seed formation was higher in X. calens‐visited flowers compared with all others. The results show that this crop experiences pollination deficit even under normal circumstances, considering that flowers visited by X. calens had higher yields compared with those under unlimited access by all visitors. The fruiting rate, the number of seeds/pod and the percentage of normal seeds of unprotected inflorescences were significantly higher than those of inflorescences protected from insects. X. calens foraging resulted in a significant increment of the fruiting rate by 25.80%, as well as the number of seeds/pod by 14.97% and the percentage of normal seeds by 27.75% in 2008 and 18.39% in 2009. Conservation of X. calens nests close to P. coccineus fields could be recommended to improve pod and seed production in the region.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens is an important new disease of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in western Canada. Both yellow and orange variants of the pathogen were found in the region. A controlled environment study was conducted to assess 124 common bean cultivars and lines from eight market classes for resistance to the yellow and orange variants of the pathogen, using the hilum injury/seed inoculation method. Results of the screening tests showed significant (P < 0.05) differences in resistance to bacterial wilt among the cultivars or lines. The great northern line L02E317, the great northern cultivar Resolute and pinto lines L02B662 and 999S‐2A, were highly resistant to both variants of the pathogen, with disease severity indices of 0 on a rating scale of 0 (no wilt symptoms) to 5 (dead seedling). Resistant cultivars or lines were found among black, great northern, pink, pinto, small red and Flor de Mayo bean market classes. The study concludes that new bacterial wilt‐resistant germplasm exists among Canadian bean cultivars and lines, and constitutes a valuable resource for breeding common beans for resistance to both yellow and orange variants of C. flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens.  相似文献   

Abstract: The aim of the present work was to determine the effect of abiotic stress, such as nitrogen (N) deficiency, on phenol and oxidative metabolism. In addition, we analyzed whether the response of the two metabolic processes is a good bioindicator of N deficiency in French bean plants. The N was applied to the nutrient solution in the form of NH4NO3 at 1.35 mM (N1), 2.7 mM (N2) and 5.4 mM (N3), this latter dosage being considered optimal. The results indicated that application of 1.35 and 2.70 mM of N can be defined as suboptimal or deficient, as it depressed foliar biomass of the French bean plants in our experiment. In addition, abiotic stress from the application of these N dosages stimulated the enzymes PPO, POD and CAT, and inhibited PAL and SOD activities, resulting in the lowest foliar accumulation of phenolic compounds and H2O2.  相似文献   

结球甘蓝游离小孢子胚胎发生   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以结球甘蓝品种“强夏”为材料进行游离小孢子培养,对与胚胎发生关系密切的因子进行探讨。研究结果表明,在盛花前期取材最适宜;单核晚期至双核期的小孢子才能发育成胚状体;含17%蔗糖的培养液在培养初期有利于小孢子存活;培养3d后胚胎诱导则以14%蔗糖浓度为最好;高浓度(17%)蔗糖培养3d后添加低浓度(11%)蔗糖培养液能大大提高胚胎发生能力,比一直在14%蔗糖培养液培养的提高282.4%,比更新培养液培养的提高126.1%。  相似文献   

蕨菜多酚氧化酶的酶学性质   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了蕨菜[Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn var.latiusculum (Desv.) Underw.]多酚氧化酶的动力学性质,结果表明:以邻苯二酚为底物,该酶最适pH为7.4,最适温度为25℃,60℃以上使酶迅速失活,动力学方程v=619.08[S]/(0.031 [S]),Vc、异Vc钠、NaHSO3、L-Cys可完全抑制酶活性,饱和NaCl能显著抑制酶活性,蔗糖、SDS对酶有激活作用。该酶能催化邻苯二酚、焦性没食子酸氧化,但对焦性没食子酸亲和力更强。  相似文献   

四棱豆根瘤固氮酶活力日变化呈双峰曲线,两个峰分别出现在14:30和20:00;其固氮酶活力日变化与叶片酰脲含量变化的相关系数为0.67,且与根、茎、叶的酰脲相对丰度(URA)相关系数分别为0.59,0.61,0.76。在个体发育过程中,根瘤固氮酶活力与叶片酰脲含量以及酰脲相对丰度之间呈极显著相关。贮存在30℃条件下5 h不影响植物材料的酰脲相对丰度。四棱豆叶片酰脲相对丰度可作为估价根瘤固氮酶活力的一个指标。  相似文献   

In this paper , Ficus benjamina L . var . nuda seeds were used as experimental materials, effects of temperature, light , phytohormone ( gibberellin , 6-benzyladenine and ethylene ) , nitrogenous compounds ( sodium nitroprusside,nitrate , and nitrite ) on seed germination were studied , and ecological significance of light in seed germination was discussed. Under alternating photoperiod (14 h light , 10 h dark , 12μmol m- 2 s - 1 ) , final germination percentage of seeds was 87. 5% , 100% , 100% , 100% , 98% , 89% and 100% , respectively, at 15℃ , 20℃ , 25℃ , 30℃ , 35℃ , 40℃ and 30℃􊄯20℃ , mean germination time of seeds was 34 . 7 d , 16 . 3 d , 5. 6 d , 4 .8 d , 6 . 4 d , 9 d and 6 .3 d , respectively. Germination percentage of seeds which were incubated for 35 d at 15℃ , 20℃ , 25℃ , 30℃ , 35℃ , 40℃ , 30℃􊄯20℃ and dark was zero , and these seeds rapidly germinated after addition of alternating photoperiod . Light intensity of 0 . 5 - 20μmol m- 2 s - 1 markedly increased final germination percentage of seeds . However , different light intensity influencedhardly final germination percentage of seeds, but altered germination rate of seeds . Under photoperiod of 24 h , final germination percentage of seeds notably increased with increasing length of light duration . The seeds treated for 24 h ,36 h , and 48 h by continuous light could germinate at subsequent dark. Different concentrations of exogenous gibberellin, 6-benzyladenine, ethylene, sodium nitroprusside , nitrate and nitrite could not replace light and not accelerate seed germination, and these seeds rapidly gained germinablity after addition of alternating photoperiod . Germination behavior of F. enjamina L . var . nuda seeds was closely related to long-term adaptation for tropical forest .  相似文献   

外源腐胺对油桃采后生理及与其相关酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究外源腐胺(Put)对油桃品种‘秦光2号’果实采后生理及与其相关酶活性影响的结果表明:在0℃贮藏条件下Put处理的油桃冷害比未经Put处理的延迟10d发生,冷害发生率和冷害指数下降,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性均提高,脂氧合酶(LOX)活性受抑,果实的乙烯释放量和呼吸速率下降,二者跃变高峰出现推迟,果实硬度下降延缓,可溶性固形物(TSS)含量保持在较高水平,但Put对油桃中可滴定酸(TA)含量影响不显著。  相似文献   

沙地樟子松人工林营林技术研究进展   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
人工林能否实现可持续经营与其营林技术息息相关。中国造林与世界各地一样,纯林多.树种单调.发生的问题也相似。自20世纪90年代以来,沙地樟子松人工林出现了不同程度的衰退现象.但目前在我国北方干旱、半干旱风沙地区樟子松人工造林仍在大面积推广.因此,为实现樟子松人工林的可持续经营,总结并探讨樟子松人工林营林技术显得尤为重要。本文在广泛收集国内外有关樟子松研究的基础上,综述了近20年来有关樟子松在造林和经营方面的研究进展,主要包括造成樟子松沙地造林成活率和保存率低的原因、提高造林成活率的技术方法、种子的生产、密度管理、栽培模式以及问伐与更新等,提出了在沙地樟子松造林与经营研究中亟待解决的一些问题和建议.对今后樟子松沙地人工林衰退研究及经营实践具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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