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T Okajima  S Ikuyama  K Kato  H Ibayashi 《Life sciences》1984,35(22):2177-2181
Intravenous injection of (1-24) ACTH and 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2DG) stimulated the plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine levels in pentobarbital-anesthetized male rats. Naloxone, a specific opiate antagonist, inhibited the plasma epinephrine response to ACTH but not to 2DG. Norepinephrine release induced by ACTH or 2DG was not affected by naloxone. These results suggest that the opioid peptidergic synapse might be involved in the ACTH- but not in the 2DG-induced epinephrine release.  相似文献   

Experiments were done on four lambs to determine if repeated exposure to rapidly developing hypoxaemia influences the cardiopulmonary and arousal response from sleep. Each lamb was anaesthetized and instrumented for sleep staging and measurements of arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation. No sooner than three days after surgery, measurements were made in quiet sleep and active sleep during control periods when the animal was breathing 21% oxygen and during experimental periods of rapidly developing hypoxaemia when the animal was breathing 5% oxygen for approximately 100 epochs of sleep. Arousal occurred from both sleep states during rapidly developing hypoxaemia but was delayed in active sleep compared to quiet sleep. The time to arousal and the decrease in arterial haemoglobin oxygen saturation were significantly increased with repeated exposure to rapidly developing hypoxaemia during both quiet sleep and active sleep. Thus, our data provide evidence that repeated exposure to rapidly developing hypoxaemia produces an arousal response decrement in lambs. Since it is possible that alterations in the arousal response to respiratory stimuli play a role in sudden infant death, studies to investigate the mechanism of the arousal response decrement following repeated exposure to rapidly developing hypoxaemia are warranted.  相似文献   

Lesions that completely destroyed the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus were placed in fetal sheep (n = 4) at 108-110 days of gestational age. These fetuses were then subjected to hypotension (50% of initial mean fetal arterial blood pressure), hypoxaemia (a decrease in fetal PaO2 greater than or equal to 5 torr) and bolus injection of corticotropin releasing factor (CRF-1.0 micrograms iv) in random order on successive days. The lesioned fetuses produced significantly less ACTH after hypotension (+10 min: 35.7 +/- 26.9 vs. 358.0 +/- 99.7 and +30 min: 28.2 +/- 12.2 vs. 238.0 +/- 73.0 pg.ml-1) (P less than 0.05), hypoxaemia (+40 min: 23.5 +/- 9.3 vs. 198.3 +/- 75.8 and +60 min: 32.3 +/- 18.8 vs. 295.3 +/- 99.9 pg.ml-1) (P less than 0.05) and intravenous administration of 1 microgram CRF (+15 min: 32.0 +/- 16.8 vs. 145.7 +/- 25.0 and +60 min: 33.0 +/- 23.3 vs. 161.3 +/- 43.1 pg.ml-1) (P less than 0.05). Our experiments suggest an important role for the fetal paraventricular nucleus in control of ACTH secretion. They also indicate that impairment of paraventricular nucleus function at this stage of fetal life may have a detrimental effect on the ability of the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH in response to exogenous CRF.  相似文献   

We have examined the pattern of binding of eleven lectins--BSL-II, WGA, LPA, Con A, DBA, SBA, LTA, UEA-I, MPA, PNA, and RCA-I, with specificity for a range of saccharides, to postimplantation mouse embryos from 6 to 8 days of gestation. The lectins were used to stain sections of ethanol-fixed paraffin-embedded and formaldehyde-fixed gelatin-embedded embryonic material. Our observations reveal a complex pattern of lectin binding to both cell surfaces and cytoplasm. Many of the lectins bind particularly to the outer surface of visceral endoderm (e.g., DBA, WGA, SBA, and RCA-I) and to the surface of the proamniotic cavity (e.g., RCA-I, PNA, and WGA). In the newly formed mesenchyme of primitive-streak-stage embryos, galactose and N-Ac-neuraminic acid are present but lectins with specificity for other sugars either did not bind to the cells or bound only in small amounts.  相似文献   

The morphological and biochemical development of fetal rat intestine was examined for up to 5 weeks following transplantation to syngeneic hosts at 17 and 20 days of gestation. In transplants of both ages, normal villi bearing mature enterocytes developed. In addition, the disaccharidases lactase, maltase, and sucrase, as well as alkaline phosphatase, underwent normal patterns of development. Lactase activity, initially high, fell significantly, while maltase and sucrase activities increased significantly in the interval between 2 and 5 weeks following transplantation. During this same period, alkaline phosphatase developed the proximally located, high-activity form. The transplanted intestine also developed normal topographical distributions of enzyme activities. Measurement of corticosterone levels demonstrated that, except for a transient upsurge at the time of operation, hormone levels did not change significantly during the period of transplant maturation. These data indicate that the brush-border enzymes of the small intestine develop according to an intrinsic program which is already established as early as 17 days of gestation.  相似文献   

Fetal lung fluid was collected following tracheotomy at the time of delivery of 40 premature lambs at 133-136 days gestational age. The concentration of phosphatidylcholine and saturated photophatidylcholine in fetal lung fluid was compared with the severity of lung disease of the lambs as assessed after 3 to 10 h of controlled mechanical ventilation with only peak inspiratory pressures varied to control the PCO2 values. Phosphatidylcholine concentration in fetal lung fluid did not correlate with the peak inspiratory pressures needed to ventilate the lambs, total lung compliance values, or the surfactant phosphatidylcholine pool sizes measured by alveolar wash after sacrifice. The ratio of saturated to total phosphatidylcholine was constant (0.55 +/- 0.02) and independent of concentration of phosphatidylcholine in the fetal lung fluid. The fetal lung fluid contained only about 0.7% of the final surfactant phosphatidylcholine pool released by the lambs to the alveoli after birth. Within a narrow gestational age range characterized by lung disease of widely varying severity, the phosphatidylcholine concentrations in fetal lung fluid were not predictive of the severity of lung disease.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins appear to play a role in maintaining patency of the ductus arteriosus during gestation. Prostacyclin (PGI2) is the major product of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the lamb ductus arteriosus. This factor is both a vasodilator and a potent inhibitor of human platelet aggregation. We used inhibition of platelet aggregation as a sensitive bioassay to measure PGI2 generation in rings of ductus arteriosus from fetal lambs. Mechanical manipulation accelerated the rate of PGI2 released from the tissue 10 to 50 times. Tranylcypromine, an antagonist of prostacyclin synthetase, suppressed production of PGI2 by rings of ductus arteriosus. Rings from immature animals (98-103 days gestation, term is 150 days) released significantly more PGI2 (190 +/- 28 ng/g wet weight/ 20 min, n = 9) than did those from near term animals (136-146 days; 106 +/- 23 ng/g wet weight/20 min, n = 10). The capacity of the ductus arteriosus to generate more PGI2 earlier in gestation is consistent with the observation that vessels from animals less than 110 days gestation have a significantly larger indomethacin induced contraction than do vessels near term.  相似文献   

The exposure of mouse splenic lymphocytes to the microtubule assembly-promoting drug taxol (10 microM for 4 h) results in an extensive reorganization of the microtubule system to form one to a few large bundles of microtubules, which extend from the centrosome. Lymphocytes pretreated with taxol for 4 h, or cultured in the continued presence of taxol, respond normally to the mitogen concanavalin A up to, and including, the stage of DNA replication. In contrast, the induction of DNA synthesis during the alloactivation of lymphocytes is inhibited when taxol is present in the mixed leukocyte culture. If the stimulators are pretreated with this drug, the mixed leukocyte reaction occurs normally, but pretreatment of the responders inhibits the proliferative response markedly. Microscopic observations of nuclear morphologies in these populations and autoradiography indicate that taxol inhibition occurs early in alloactivation, prior to DNA replication. The responding ability of taxol-treated lymphocytes is not restored to control levels by the addition of interleukin 2, leading to the suggestion that interleukin 2 receptors do not emerge or function normally in these cells. We conclude that the capacity to respond to allogeneic cells, but not to a mitogen, is dependent on the presence of the normal submembranous organization of the microtubule system.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins circulating in the maternal and foetal blood have been implicated in important physiological systems. These functions include foetal adrenal function, maintenance of patency of the ductus arteriosus, regulation of uterine and umbilical circulations, and labor and delivery type myometrial contractions. The placenta is a major site of prostaglandin production in pregnancy. Limited data are available which combine measurements of veno-arterial differences across the uterine and umbilical circulations with blood flow in these circulations to enable calculation of umbilical-placental and utero-placental production rates for the prostaglandins. In chronically instrumented pregnant ewes, between 129 and 136 days of gestation, prostaglandin F2 alpha(PGF2 alpha), 13, 14 dihydro-15-keto prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGFM), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) were measured in the maternal carotid artery and uterine vein. Foetal PGE2, and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha (6-keto-PGF1 alpha) (the major metabolite of prostacyclin) were measured in umbilical venous and foetal descending aorta arterial plasma. Umbilical and uterine blood flow were measured using the diffusion-equilibrium technique. Uterine blood flow was 1693 +/- 137 ml.min-1 (mean +/- SEM); uterine production rates were 480 +/- 88 ng.min-1 for PGF2 alpha, 517 +/- 144 ng.min-1 for PGFM, and 165 +/- 27 ng.min-1 for PGE2. Umbilical blood flow was 147 +/- 17 ml.min-1.kg-1 foetal body weight. Umbilical production rates into the foetal circulation were 11 +/- 2 ng.min-1.kg-1 for PGE2 and 6 +/- 2 ng. ng.min-1.kg-1 foetal body weight for PGI2.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the influence of deoxynivalenol (DON) on histomorphological and immunohistochemical parameters in the development of porcine fetuses, five pregnant sows were fed a control diet (0.15 mg DON/kg diet) and seven sows a contaminated diet (4.42 mg DON/kg diet) between days 35 and 70 of gestation. On day 70, fetuses were delivered by caesarean section and sows and fetuses were euthanized. Tissue samples of three fetuses from each sow were collected, fixed in formalin, and processed routinely for light microscopy and immunohistochemistry. At necropsy, no macroscopic lesions were observed in any organ of the fetuses. Histomorphological, immunohistochemical, and morphometrical parameters of the immune system, liver, and intestinal tract were examined. The following antibodies were used in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, thymus, gut, and bone marrow to compare control- and DON-treated animals: (I) CD3 and CD79a (T and B lymphocytes differentiation); (II) myeloid/histiocyte antigen 387 (MAC) (identification of macrophages); (III) Ki-67 Antigen (Ki-67) (proliferation marker); (IV) p-p-38 mitogen-activated protein kinases (p-p38 MAPK) as well as caspase-3 (cas3) and caspase-9 (cas9) (enzymes of apoptosis cascade); (V) tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) (immune-related protein). The results of the study show that exposure of pregnant sows with DON between gestation days 35 and 70 causes no pathomorphologically or immunohistochemically detectable alterations in all fetal organs examined.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins appear to play a role in maintaining patency of the ductus arteriosus during gestation. Prostacyclin (PGI2) is the major product of prostaglandin biosynthesis in the lamb ductus arteriosus. This factor is both a vasodilator and a potent inhibitor of human platelet aggregation. We used inhibition of platelet aggregation as a sensitive bioassay to measure PGI2 generation in rings of ductus arteriosus from fetal lambs. Mechanical manipulation accelerated the rate of PGI2 released from the tissue 10 to 50 times. Tranylcypromine, an antagonist of prostacyclin synthetase, suppressed production of PGI2 by rings of ductus arteriosus. Rings from immature animals (98–103 days gestation, term is 150 days) released significantly more PGI2 (190 ± 28 ng/g wet weight/ 20 min, n=9) than did those from near term animals (136–146 days; 106 ± 23 ng/g wet weight/20 min, n=10). The capacity of the ductus arteriosus to generate more PGI2 earlier in gestation is consistent with the observation that vessels from animals less than 110 days gestation have a significantly larger indomethacin induced contraction than do vessels near term.  相似文献   

Using reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography, it was demonstrated that immunoreactive ACTH in normal human plasma is composed of various components. These components were partly of lower hydrophobicity, but to a large extent, they were of a higher hydrophobicity similar, though not identical, to that of human ACTH1–39, which itself only contributes to a minor extent to total ACTH immunoreactivity. The relative distribution between these compounds varied greatly among plasmas. The non-destructive character of the analytical procedure applied was documented by tracer experiments with pg-amounts of non-labeled and radio-iodinated human ACTH1–39. It is concluded that the components related immunologically to ACTH1–39 originate from peripheral metabolic processes.  相似文献   

It has been postulated that during fetal hypoxia, the blood flow shunted through the ductus venosus increases and may account for upto 70% of the total umbilical flow. The objectives of the present study were to use ultrasonography to determine the velocities and waveform indices of blood flow in the ductus venosus in the fetal lamb. The ductus venosus of 15 lamb fetuses was evaluated weekly from Days 45 to 143 of gestation (Day 0=day of AI). The Doppler indices measured were: S/D, the systole/diastole ratio; RI, the resistance index; and PI, the pulsatility index. The velocity waveforms studied were: SV, the peak velocity during ventricular systole; D, the peak velocity during ventricular diastole; aV, the lowest forward velocity during atrial contraction; and TAMV, the time-averaged maximum velocity. Doppler indices from Days 52 to 143 were highly correlated: S/D versus PI (r=0.96, P<0.0001), and versus RI (r=0.93, P<0.0001); and PI versus RI (r=0.97, P<0.0001). Velocity indices were also positively correlated: velocity SV versus D (r=0.87, P<0.0001), versus aV (r=0.79, P<0.05), and versus TAMV (r=0.98, P<0.0001); D versus aV (r=0.88, P<0.05), and versus TAMV (r=0.87, P<0.05); and aV versus TAMV (r=0.82, P<0.05). Doppler indices were negatively correlated with SV (r=-0.22, P<0.03); D (r=-0.37, P<0.0001); TAMV (r=-0.32, P<0.05) and with aV (r=-0.67, P<0.05). The mean value of each Doppler index decreased 40% from Days 52 to 73 (e.g., PI from 0.82+/-0.08 to 0.51+/-0.10; P<0.05), with no significant changes thereafter. Mean (+/-S.E.M.) values of velocity indices SV, D, aV, and TAMV rose twofold from Days 60 to 115 of gestation (e.g., SV from 54.4+/-8.8cm/s to 104.9+/-19.7 and aV from 24.8+/-6.9 to 54.9+/-5.9; P<0.05). In conclusion, Doppler ultrasonography facilitated assessment of the blood flow pattern in the ductus venosus in lamb fetuses between Days 52 and 143.  相似文献   

Incubation of fetal lung tissue with 0.2 μM 14C-cortisone revealed a 12-fold increase in the rate of reduction of cortisone to cortisol between day 22 and day 30 of gestation in the rabbit. This increase correlated closely with the increase in the rate of incorporation of 14C-choline into total lung lipids during the same period. In light of these findings it would seem inadequate to attempt to relate the plasma cortisol concentration alone with the rate of lung maturation. In addition, one would need consider both the plasma concentration of cortisone and the activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) in the lung.  相似文献   

The possible mediation of dopaminergic, muscarinic cholinergic and/or serotonergic receptors in the response of ACTH/cortisol to metoclopramide (MCP) was evaluated in 27 normal men. All subjects were tested with MCP (10 mg in an intravenous bolus plus placebo or saline, NaCl 0.9%, control test). For the other tests (experimental tests), the men were divided into three groups of 9 subjects each. One group was tested with MCP in the presence of the dopaminergic agonist bromocriptine (5 mg p.o. 3 h before MCP), another group was tested with MCP plus the M1- and M2-muscarinic-cholinergic antagonist atropine (1.2 mg in an intravenous bolus, just before MCP) or the M1-muscarinic receptor blocker pirenzepine (40 mg in an intravenous bolus 10 min before MCP). The third group was tested with MCP after treatment with the selective 5-HT1-serotonergic receptor blocker metergoline (10 mg/day p.o. in 5 divided doses for 4 days before MCP) or the 5-HT2-serotonergic receptor antagonist ketanserin (10 mg as a slow 3-min intravenous injection, 5 min before MCP). ACTH and cortisol rose by 45 and 55%, respectively, in response to MCP. The basal levels of ACTH and cortisol were not modified by bromocriptine, atropine, pirenzepine, metergoline or ketanserin treatment. Both ACTH and cortisol responses to MCP did not change significantly after bromocriptine, atropine, pirenzepine or ketanserin administration, whereas they were completely abolished by pretreatment with metergoline. Additional experiments were performed in order to evaluate whether the effect of metergoline on the ACTH/cortisol response to MCP depends on the amount of the serotonergic antagonist (dose-response study).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Animal welfare concerns are becoming a central issue in wildlife management and conservation. Thus, we investigated stress response of wild ungulates to potentially traumatic situations (shooting injuries, vehicle collisions, entanglement, injuries or diseases) and hunting methods (stalking, battues and hunts with dogs) by means of serum cortisol concentrations from blood collected from killed animals. Cortisol levels in roe deer ranged below and in wild boar above levels for moose, red deer and fallow deer (hence, pooled as a group “deer”). Apart from species, cortisol concentration in trauma situations was mainly explained by trauma type and presence of disturbance after the trauma event. Effect of trauma type differed significantly for “deer”, with animals caught in fences and suffering vehicle collisions experiencing higher cortisol levels than animals injured by shooting. Differences between hunting methods were observed in the cervids (“deer” and roe deer), with stalking leading to lower cortisol levels than hunts with dogs (both groups) and battues (roe deer). Events both before and after the shot, such as duration of pursuit prior to shooting, location of injury, trauma length and presence of disturbance after the shot were relevant for cortisol levels in hunted cervids. Our results indicate that search teams tracking and euthanising wounded animals should behave in a calm way to minimise disturbance. Still, it is important to acknowledge that many situations described in the literature, i.e. reindeer handling, roe deer captures and red deer yarding, seem even more stressful, beside vehicle collisions, than most hunting methods.  相似文献   

Mean fetal and placental weights were, respectively, 0.018 and 0.051 g on Day 13 and 0.376 and 0.250 g on Day 17. Fetal and placental weights within litters were weakly correlated on Day 13 (r = 0.322) but not on Day 17. Litter size was negatively correlated with placental weight on Day 17 (r = -0.485) but not with fetal weight. Male fetuses were heavier than female fetuses on Day 17 but their placentas were not significantly different. Fetuses and placentas were lighter at the ovarian end of the uterine horn on both days examined, revealing an early influence of local environmental factors on their growth.  相似文献   

Pituitaries were taken from human fetuses between the 6th and 30th weeks of gestation. Organ and monolayer cultures were prepared. The fine structure of the cultures was examined by electron microscopy and their basal and stimulated ACTH release were studied by radioimmunoassay as a function of time in vitro. It was shown that pituitaries taken from the first trimester of gestation have a capacity of self-differentiation; i.e. there was an increase in the number of cells filled with secretory granules and there was an increase in the number of granules per cell. In contrast, pituitaries taken from older embryos have been losing their secretory granules during the cultivation. We failed to demonstrate any corticotropin responsiveness in pituitary cultures prepared from the 6 to 7-week-old embryos. ACTH release could be stimulated from the 10th week of gestation but in slight measure. Pituitary taken from 16-week-old fetuses revealed an adult-like responsiveness to corticotropin.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of fetal hypoxaemia, produced by reducing the percent oxygen in maternal inspired air, on fetal plasma concentrations of corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) and cortisol and determined the effects of an opioid receptor antagonist, naloxone on these responses. Hypoxaemia (fetal PO2, 15-18 mmHg) for 60 min provoked a significant (P < 0.05) increase in fetal plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations at days 125-130 of pregnancy, but did not affect circulating CRH. There was no effect of naloxone administered either intravenously (1.25 mg bolus followed by a 2.5 mg/h continuous infusion for one hour; fetal body weight approximately 2.5 Kg) or via the lateral cerebral ventricle (50 micrograms bolus followed by a 100 micrograms/h infusion for one hour) on this pattern of ACTH and cortisol change nor on the lack of CRH response to hypoxaemia. We conclude that the increase in fetal ACTH and cortisol in response to acute hypoxaemia is not accompanied by an increase in systemic CRH concentrations, nor is the response dependent on short-term opioid regulation.  相似文献   

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