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Sex-limited mutations and the evolution of sexual dimorphism   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract.— Although the developmental and genetic mechanisms underlying sex differences are being elucidated in great detail in a number of species, there remains a breach between proximate and evolutionary studies of sexual dimorphism. More precisely, the evolution of sex-limited gene expression at autosomal loci has not been well reasoned using either theoretical or empirical methods. Here, I show that a Mendelian genetic model including elementary details of sexual differentiation provides novel insight into the evolution of sex differences via sex limitation. This model indicates that the nature of allelic effects and the pattern of selection must be known in both sexes to predict the evolution of sex differences. That is, selection interacts with genetic variation for sexual dimorphism to produce unanticipated patterns of trait divergence or convergence between the sexes. Ultimately, this model may explain why previous models for the evolution of sexual dimorphism do not predict the erratic behavior of the sex difference during artificial selection experiments.  相似文献   

In six species of dimorphic raptors (females larger than males)and one passerine (males larger than females), the sex ratioat fledging varied systematically with brood size at fledging.In all species the strongest bias toward the smaller sex wasestablished in the largest as well as the smallest broods; amore even distribution of males and females was observed inbroods of intermediate size. We explored a specific differentialmortality explanation for this sex ratio variation. Our hypothesispostulates that variation in mortality is caused by differencesin food demand between broods of the same size, due to theirsex composition. Data from the marsh harrier Circus aeruginosuson gender-related food demand and overall nestling mortalitywere used to predict the frequency of surviving males and femalesat fledging, assuming an even sex ratio at hatching and randommortality with respect to both sexes within broods. The modelquantitatively fits the marsh harrier data well, especiallyin broods originating from large dutches. Although we anticipatethat other mechanisms are also involved, the results supportthe hypothesis of sex-ratio-dependent mortality, differentialbetween broods, as the process generating the observed brood-sizedependence of fledgling sex ratios in sexually dimorphic birds.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits are limited by selection against those traits in other fitness components, such as survival. Thus, sexual selection favouring large size in males should be balanced by higher mortality of larger males. However, evidence from red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) indicates that large males survive better than small males. A survival advantage to large size could result from males migrating north in early spring, when harsh weather favours large size for energetic reasons. From this hypothesis we predicted that, among species, sex differences in body size should be correlated with sex differences in timing of spring migration. The earlier males migrate relative to females, the larger they should be relative to females. We tested this prediction using a comparative analysis of data collected from 30 species of passerine birds captured on migration. After controlling for social mating system, we found that sexual size dimorphism and difference in arrival dates of males and females were significantly positively correlated. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that selection for survival ability promotes sexual size dimorphism (SSD), rather than opposes SSD as is the conventional view. If both natural selection and sexual selection favour large adult males, then limits to male size must be imposed before males become adults.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of sexual dimorphisms is an intriguing problem of evolutionary genetics because dimorphic traits are limited to one sex. Such traits can arise genetically in two ways. First, the alleles that cause dimorphisms could be limited in expression to only one sex at their first appearance. Alternatively, dimorphism alleles could initially be expressed in both sexes, but subsequently be repressed or promoted in only one sex by the evolution of modifier genes or regulatory elements. We investigated these alternatives by looking for the expression of sexually dimorphic traits in female hybrids between bird species whose males show different types of ornaments. If modifier alleles or regulatory elements involved in sex-limited traits are not completely dominant, the modification should break down in female hybrids, which might then show dimorphic traits resembling those seen in males. Of 13 interspecific hybridizations examined, we found not a single instance of the expression of male-limited ornaments in female hybrids. This suggests that male ornaments were sex limited from the outset or that those traits became sex limited through the evolution of dominant modifiers -- possibly cis-dominant regulatory elements. Observing hybrid phenotypes is a useful approach to studying the genetics and evolution of dimorphic traits.  相似文献   

Parasitism can negatively affect learning and cognition, setting the scene for coevolution between brain and immunity. Greater susceptibility to parasitism by males may impair their cognitive ability, and relatively greater male investment in immunity could compensate for greater susceptibility to parasites, in particular when males have a relatively large brain. We analysed covariation between relative size of immune defence organs and brain in juvenile and adult birds. The relative size of the bursa of Fabricius and the spleen in adults covaried positively with relative brain size across bird species. The relative size of these two immune defence organs covaried with sex differences in relative size of the brain, indicating that the relationship between immune defence and brain size was stronger for males. In contrast, liver and heart size or sexual size dimorphism in size did not covary with immune defence. Thus, species in which males have relatively large brains also have relatively large immune defence organs.  相似文献   

No evidence that sexual selection is an 'engine of speciation' in birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Sexual selection has been implicated as having a role in promoting speciation, as it should increase the rate of evolution of reproductive isolation, and there is some comparative evidence that sexual selection may be related to imbalances in clade size seen in resolved phylogenies. By employing a new comparative method we are able to investigate the role of sexual selection in explaining the patterns of species richness across birds. We used data for testes size as an index of post‐mating sexual selection, and sexual size dimorphism and sexual dichromatism as indices of pre‐mating sexual selection. These measures were obtained for 1031 species representing 467 genera. None of the variables investigated explained the patterns of species richness. As sexual selection may also increase extinction rates, the net effect on species richness in any given clade will depend on the balancing effects of sexual selection upon speciation and extinction rates. We suggest that variance across clades in this balance may have resulted in the lack of a relationship between species richness and sexual selection seen in birds.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation, measured as the coefficient of variation (CV), is usually larger in secondary sexual characters than in ordinary morphological traits. We tested if intraspecific differences in the CV between ornamental and non-ornamental feather traits in 67 evolutionary events of feather ornamentation in birds were due to differences in (1) the allometric pattern (slope of the regression line when regressing trait size on an indicator of body size), or (2) the dispersion of observations around the regression line. We found that only dispersion of observations around the regression line contributed significantly to total variation. A large dispersion of observations around the regression line for ornamental feathers is consistent with these characters showing condition-dependence, supporting indicator models of sexual selection more strongly than a pure Fisher process. Ornamental feathers in males demonstrated negative allometry when regressed on tarsus length, which is a measure of skeletal body size. This finding is consistent with ornamental feather traits being subject to directional selection due to female mate preferences, where large body size is less important than in male–male competition. This pattern of phenotypic variation for avian secondary sexual characters contrasts with patterns of variation for insect genitalia, supposedly subject to sexual selection, since the latter traits only differ from ordinary morphology traits in allometry coefficient. The prevailing regime of selection (directional or stabilizing) and the effects of environmental factors are proposed to account for these differences among traits.  相似文献   

The magnitude and direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varies greatly across the animal kingdom, reflecting differential selection pressures on the reproductive and/or ecological roles of males and females. If the selection pressures and constraints imposed on body size change along environmental gradients, then SSD will vary geographically in a predictable way. Here, we uncover a biogeographical reversal in SSD of lizards from Central and North America: in warm, low latitude environments, males are larger than females, but at colder, high latitudes, females are larger than males. Comparisons to expectations under a Brownian motion model of SSD evolution indicate that this pattern reflects differences in the evolutionary rates and/or trajectories of sex‐specific body sizes. The SSD gradient we found is strongly related to mean annual temperature, but is independent of species richness and body size differences among species within grid cells, suggesting that the biogeography of SSD reflects gradients in sexual and/or fecundity selection, rather than intersexual niche divergence to minimize intraspecific competition. We demonstrate that the SSD gradient is driven by stronger variation in male size than in female size and is independent of clutch mass. This suggests that gradients in sexual selection and male–male competition, rather than fecundity selection to maximize reproductive output by females in seasonal environments, are predominantly responsible for the gradient.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of sexual selection in the geologic past is poorly documented based on quantification, largely because of difficulty in sexing fossil specimens. Even such essential ecological parameters as adult sex ratio (ASR) and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) are rarely quantified, despite their implications for sexual selection. To enable their estimation, we propose a method for unbiased sex identification based on sexual shape dimorphism, using size-independent principal components of phenotypic data. We applied the method to test sexual selection in Keichousaurus hui, a Middle Triassic (about 237 Ma) sauropterygian with an unusually large sample size for a fossil reptile. Keichousaurus hui exhibited SSD biased towards males, as in the majority of extant reptiles, to a minor degree (sexual dimorphism index −0.087). The ASR is about 60% females, suggesting higher mortality of males over females. Both values support sexual selection of males in this species. The method may be applied to other fossil species. We also used the Gompertz allometric equation to study the sexual shape dimorphism of K. hui and found that two sexes had largely homogeneous phenotypes at birth except in the humeral width, contrary to previous suggestions derived from the standard allometric equation.  相似文献   

Many hypotheses, either sex‐related or environment‐related, have been proposed to explain sexual size dimorphism in birds. Two populations of blue tits provide an interesting case study for testing these hypotheses because they live in contrasting environments in continental France and in Corsica and exhibit different degree of sexual size dimorphism. Contrary to several predictions, the insular population is less dimorphic than the continental one but neither the sexual selection hypothesis nor the niche variation hypothesis explain the observed patterns. In the mainland population it is advantageous for both sexes to be large, and males are larger than females. In Corsica, however, reproductive success was greater for pairs in which the male was relatively small, i.e. pairs in which sexual size dimorphism is reduced. The most likely explanation is that interpopulation differences in sexual size dimorphism are determined not by sex‐related factors, but by differences in sex‐specific reproductive roles and responses to environmental factors. Because of environmental stress on the island as a result of food shortage and high parasite infestations, the share of parents in caring for young favours small size in males so that a reduced sexual size dimorphism is not the target of selection but a by‐product of mechanisms that operate at the level of individual sexes.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in size is common in birds. Males are usually larger than females, although in some taxa reversed size dimorphism (RSD) predominates. Whilst direct dimorphism is attributed to sexual selection in males giving greater reproductive access to females, the evolutionary causes of RSD are still unclear. Four different hypotheses could explain the evolution of RSD in monogamous birds: (1) The ‘energy storing’ hypothesis suggests that larger females could accumulate more reserves at wintering or refuelling areas to enable an earlier start to egg laying. (2) According to the ‘incubation ability’ hypothesis, RSD has evolved because large females can incubate more efficiently than small ones. (3) The ‘parental role division’ hypothesis suggests that RSD in monogamous waders has evolved in species with parental role division and uniparental male care of the chicks. It is based on the assumption that small male size facilitates food acquisition in terrestrial habitats where chick rearing takes place and that larger females can accumulate more reserves for egg laying in coastal sites. (3) The ‘display agility’ hypothesis suggests that small males perform better in acrobatic displays presumably involved in mate choice and so RSD may have evolved due to female preference for agile males. I tested these hypotheses in monogamous waders using several comparative methods. Given the current knowledge of the phylogeny of this group, the evolutionary history of waders seems only compatible with the hypothesis that RSD has evolved as an adaptation for increasing display performance in males. In addition, the analysis of wing shape showed that males of species with acrobatic flight displays had wings with higher aspect ratio (wing span/2wing area) than non-acrobatic species, which probably increases flight manoeuvrability during acrobatic displays. In species with acrobatic displays males also had a higher aspect ratio than females although no sexual difference was found in non-acrobatic species. These results suggest that acrobatic flight displays could have produced changes in the morphology of some species and suggest the existence of selection favouring higher manoeuvrability in species with acrobatic flight displays. This supports the validity of the mechanisms proposed by the ‘display agility’ hypothesis to explain the evolution of RSD in waders.  相似文献   

Standardized measures of the strength of selection on a character allow quantitative comparisons across populations in time and space. Spatiotemporal variation in selection influences patterns of adaptation and the evolution of characters and must therefore be documented. For the dung-breeding fly Sepsis cynipsea, we document patterns of variation in sexual, fecundity and larval and adult viability selection on body size at several spatiotemporal scales: between-populations, over the season, over the day and between dung pats. Adult viability selection based on residual physiological survivorship in the laboratory was nil or weakly negative. In contrast, larval viability selection in two laboratory environments was weakly positive for males at low competition and females at high competition. Fecundity selection was positive and strong at all times and in all populations. Sexual selection reflecting pairing success was overall strongly positive (about three times stronger than fecundity selection), while selection reflecting male reproductive success via the clutch size of his mate (i.e. assortative mating) was essentially nil. Only sexual selection varied significantly at coarse (between populations and seasonally) but not at fine (within a day or between pats on a pasture) spatial and temporal scales. Quadratic and correlational selection differentials were low and inconsistent in all episodes except for fecundity selection, where there was some evidence that clutch size reaches an asymptote at large body sizes, implying weaker selection for large size as females get bigger. Implications of these results for the evolution of body size and body size dimorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

Many organisms show well‐defined latitudinal clines in morphology, which appear to be caused by spatially varying natural selection, resulting in different optimal phenotypes in each location. Such spatial variability raises an interesting question, with different prospects for the action of sexual selection on characters that have a dual purpose, such as locomotion and sexual attraction. The outermost tail feathers of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) represent one such character, and their evolution has been a classic model subject to intense debate. In the present study, we examined individuals from four European populations to analyze geographical variation in the length and mass of tail feathers in relation to body size and wing size. Tail feather length differed between sexes and populations, and such variation was a result of the effects of natural selection, acting through differences in body size and wing size, as well as the effects of sexual selection that favours longer tails. The extra enlargement of the tail promoted by sexual selection (i.e. beyond the natural selection optimum) could be achieved by increasing investment in ornaments, and by modifying feather structure to produce longer feathers of lower density. These two separate processes accounting for the production of longer and more costly tail feathers and less dense feathers, respectively, are consistent with the hypothesis that both Zahavian and Fisherian mechanisms may be involved in the evolution of the long tails of male barn swallows. We hypothesize that the strength of sexual selection increases with latitude because of the need for rapid mating as a result of the short duration of the breeding season at high latitudes. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 925–936.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism (SSD) arises when the net effects of natural and sexual selection on body size differ between the sexes. Quantitative SSD variation between taxa is common, but directional intraspecific SSD reversals are rare. We combined micro‐ and macroevolutionary approaches to study geographic SSD variation in closely related black scavenger flies. Common garden experiments revealed stark intra‐ and interspecific variation: Sepsis biflexuosa is monomorphic across the Holarctic, while S. cynipsea (only in Europe) consistently exhibits female‐biased SSD. Interestingly, S. neocynipsea displays contrasting SSD in Europe (females larger) and North America (males larger), a pattern opposite to the geographic reversal in SSD of S. punctum documented in a previous study. In accordance with the differential equilibrium model for the evolution of SSD, the intensity of sexual selection on male size varied between continents (weaker in Europe), whereas fecundity selection on female body size did not. Subsequent comparative analyses of 49 taxa documented at least six independent origins of male‐biased SSD in Sepsidae, which is likely caused by sexual selection on male size and mediated by bimaturism. Therefore, reversals in SSD and the associated changes in larval development might be much more common and rapid and less constrained than currently assumed.  相似文献   

Sexual size dimorphism of adults proximately results from a combination of sexually dimorphic growth patterns and selection on growing individuals. Yet, most studies of the evolution of dimorphism have focused on correlates of only adult morphologies. Here we examined the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism in an isolated population of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Sexes differed in growth rates and growth duration; in most traits, females grew faster than males, but males grew for a longer period. Sexual dimorphism in bill traits (bill length, width, depth) and in body traits (wing, tarsus, and tail length; mass) developed during different periods of ontogeny. Growth of bill traits was most different between sexes during the juvenile period (after leaving the nest), whereas growth of body traits was most sexually dimorphic during the first few days after hatching. Postgrowth selection on juveniles strongly influenced sexual dimorphism in all traits; in some traits, this selection canceled or reversed dimorphism patterns produced by growth differences between sexes. The net result was that adult sexual dimorphism, to a large degree, was an outcome of selection for survival during juvenile stages. We suggest that previously documented fast and extensive divergence of house finch populations in sexual size dimorphism may be partially produced by distinct environmental conditions during growth in these populations.  相似文献   

Adult sex ratio (ASR) is a central concept in population demography and breeding system evolution, and has implications for population viability and biodiversity conservation. ASR exhibits immense interspecific variation in wild populations, although the causes of this variation have remained elusive. Using phylogenetic analyses of 187 avian species from 59 families, we show that neither hatching sex ratios nor fledging sex ratios correlate with ASR. However, sex-biased adult mortality is a significant predictor of ASR, and this relationship is robust to 100 alternative phylogenetic hypotheses, and potential ecological and life-history confounds. A significant component of adult mortality bias is sexual selection acting on males, whereas increased reproductive output predicts higher mortality in females. These results provide the most comprehensive insights into ASR variation to date, and suggest that ASR is an outcome of selective processes operating differentially on adult males and females. Therefore, revealing the causes of ASR variation in wild populations is essential for understanding breeding systems and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Differences among taxa in sexual size dimorphism of adults can be produced by changes in distinct developmental processes and thus may reflect different evolutionary histories. Here we examine whether divergence in sexual dimorphism of adults between recently established Montana and Alabama populations of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) can be attributed to population differences in growth of males and females. In both populations, males and females were similar at hatching, but as a result of sex-specific growth attained sexual size dimorphism by the time of independence. Timing and extent of growth varied between the sexes: Females maintained maximum rates of growth for a longer time than males, whereas males had higher initial growth rates and achieved maximum growth earlier and at smaller sizes than females. Ontogeny of sexual dimorphism differed between populations, but in each population, sexual dimorphism in growth parameters and sexual dimorphism at the time of nest leaving were similar to sexual dimorphism of adults. Variation in growth of females contributed more to population divergence than did growth of males. In each population, we found close correspondence between patterns of sexual dimorphism in growth and population divergence in morphology of adults: Traits that were the most sexually dimorphic in growth in each population contributed the most to population divergence in both sexes. We suggest that sex-specific expression of phenotypic and genetic variation throughout the ontogeny of house finches can result in different responses to selection between males and females of the same age, and thus produce fast population divergence in the sexual size dimorphism.  相似文献   

Theories of sexual and natural selection predict coevolution of visual perception with conspecific colour and/or the light environment animals occupy. One way to test these theories is to focus on the visual system, which can be achieved by studying the opsin-based visual pigments that mediate vision. Birds vary greatly in colour, but opsin gene coding sequences and associated visual pigment spectral sensitivities are known to be rather invariant across birds. Here, I studied expression of the four cone opsin genes (Lws, Rh2, Sws2 and Sws1) in 16 species of New World warblers (Parulidae). I found levels of opsin expression vary both across species and between the sexes. Across species, female, but not male Sws2 expression is associated with an index of sexual selection, plumage dichromatism. This fits predictions of classic sexual selection models, in which the sensory system changes in females, presumably impacting female preference, and co-evolves with male plumage. Expression of the opsins at the extremes of the light spectrum, Lws and Uvs, correlates with the inferred light environment occupied by the different species. Unlike opsin spectral tuning, regulation of opsin gene expression allows for fast adaptive evolution of the visual system in response to natural and sexual selection, and in particular, sex-specific selection pressures.  相似文献   

1. American Kestrel ( Falco sparverius ) nestlings are sexually dimorphic, with daughters larger than sons. The larger daughters have an advantage during sibling competition for food in excess of their higher per capita food requirements, and we predicted that parents would reduce this competitive disparity by differentially enhancing the growth of sons, specifically by laying them in larger eggs.
2. In a captive breeding population, eggs producing sons were significantly larger than eggs producing daughters; laying order effects were controlled.
3. The influence of sibling egg size ratios on post-natal size relationships persisted through the nesting period, providing parents with a tool to manipulate size-related phenomena in their offspring.  相似文献   

Male-biased dimorphism in body size is usually attributed tosexual selection acting on males, through either male competitionor female choice. Brown antechinuses (Antechinus stuartii) aresexually dimorphic in size, and heavier males are known to siremore offspring in the wild. We investigated four possible mechanismsthat might explain this large-male reproductive advantage. Wetested if there is a female preference for large males, a femalepreference for dominant males, if larger males compete moreeffectively for mates, and if there is a survival advantagefor large males during the mating season. We established nestinggroups of males in captivity and conducted mate choice trialsin which males from nesting groups either could or could notinteract. We assessed male dominance rank and recorded survivaltimes after mating. Females did not prefer larger males directly.The results suggest that the other three mechanisms of sexualselection tested account for the large-male advantage: largemales competed more successfully for mates, so were sociallydominant; females rejected subordinates (males they saw losingtwice in contests to previous mates); and dominant males survivedfor longer after their first mating. Females judged male rankbased on direct observation of male competitive interactionsat the time of mating and apparently could not distinguish rankfrom male scent. Effects of size and dominance on male reproductivesuccess are not confounded by age because male antechinusesare semelparous.  相似文献   

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