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The group A rotaviruses are composed of at least seven serotypes. Serotype specificity is defined mainly by an outer capsid protein, VP7. In contrast, the other surface protein, VP3 (775 amino acids), appears to be associated with both serotype-specific and heterotypic immunity. To identify the cross-reactive and serotype-specific neutralization epitopes on VP3 of human rotavirus, we sequenced the VP3 gene of antigenic mutants resistant to each of seven anti-VP3 neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (N-MAbs) which exhibited heterotypic or serotype 2-specific reactivity, and we defined three distinct neutralization epitopes on VP3. The mutants sustained single amino acid substitutions at position 305, 392, 433, or 439. Amino acid position 305 was critical to epitope I, whereas amino acid position 433 was critical to epitope III. In contrast, epitope II appeared to be more dependent upon conformation and protein folding because both amino acid positions 392 and 439 appeared to be critical. These four positions clustered in a relatively limited area of VP5, the larger of the two cleavage products of VP3. At the positions where amino acid substitutions occurred, there was a correlation between amino acid sequence homology among different serotypes and the reactivity patterns of various viruses with the N-MAbs used for selection of mutants. A synthetic peptide (amino acids 296 to 313) which included the sequence of epitope I reacted with its corresponding N-MAb, suggesting that the region contains a sequential antigenic determinant. These data may prove useful in current efforts to develop vaccines against human rotavirus infection.  相似文献   

在GenBank中检索A组轮状病毒不同血清型的VP7基因信息,在氨基酸水平上与G10血清型LLR株的VP7序列进行序列对比,分析其血清型特异的氨基酸保守序列位点。结合蛋白质二级结构预测理论方案,设计合成3条具有轮状病毒G10血清型特异性氨基酸序列的多肽。通过检测合成肽对轮状病毒免疫血清与LLR抗原的结合抑制,证实三条多肽均具备了LLR表位属性。  相似文献   

A cell lysate prepared from MA104 cells that had been infected with human rotavirus KUN strain (HRV-KUN) contained a 35-kilodalton protein capable of binding to MA104 cells. The binding of the 35-kilodalton protein was inhibited by a serotype 2-specific antiserum but not by antisera to other serotypes. Not only trypsin-treated, infectious HRV-KUN but also untreated, noninfectious virions effectively competed with the 35-kilodalton protein for the same cell surface binding sites. One monoclonal anti-VP7 (AH6) absorbed the 35-kilodalton protein from the HRV-KUN-infected cell lysate, whereas another monoclonal anti-VP7 (S2-2G10) inhibited the virions to compete with the 35-kilodalton protein for the cell surface binding sites. Both anti-VP7 (S2-2G10) and anti-VP3 (K-1532, K-376) monoclonal antibodies had the virus-neutralization activity, but only anti-VP7 inhibited virus adsorption. On the other hand, anti-VP3 monoclonal antibodies were capable of completely inhibiting the infection of preadsorbed HRV-KUN as long as virions were not yet internalized. Subsequent studies with [35S]methionine-labeled and purified HRV-KUN showed that not only trypsin-treated, infectious virions but also untreated, noninfectious virions were capable of efficient target cell binding and internalization. The internalization modes of these two HRV-KUN preparations were, however, quite different. Only the components of the inner capsid were internalized from trypsin-treated virions, whereas no such selective internalization was seen with untreated virions. Furthermore, anti-VP3 inhibited this selective internalization of the inner capsid from the infectious virions. From these results we conclude that VP7 is the HRV-KUN cell attachment protein and that adsorption of HRV-KUN via VP7 is independent of trypsin treatment, whereas the limited cleavage of VP3 by trypsin, which is essential for the development of HRV-KUN infectivity, is needed for the selective internalization of the inner capsid components, a process that is apparently essential for HRV-KUN infection.  相似文献   

The neutralization epitopes of human and simian rotavirus protein VP7 were studied by producing six neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (N-MAbs) and using these N-MAbs to select antigenic mutants that resisted neutralization by the N-MAbs used for their selection. Cross-neutralization tests between the N-MAbs and the antibody-selected antigenic mutants identified one cross-reactive and five distinct serotype-specific neutralization epitopes which operationally overlapped one another and constituted a single antigenic site. In addition, the amino acid substitutions in human rotavirus VP7 that are responsible for the antigenic alterations in the mutants selected with anti-VP7 cross-reactive or serotype-specific N-MAbs were identified. All the amino acid substitutions in the antigenic mutants occurred in one of two variable regions: amino acids 87 to 101 and 208 to 221.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the potential of two peptides derived from highly conserved regions of rotavirus outer capsid proteins (VP7 and VP4) to act as a rotavirus vaccine. The capacity of peptides coupled to rotavirus VP6 spherical particles to provide passive protection in a murine model was compared with the protection induced by peptide-keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) conjugates. Female mice were immunized a total of three times before and during pregnancy. Suckling mouse pups were challenged at 7 days of age with either homologous or heterologous rotavirus serotypes. The efficacy of vaccination was determined by analyzing the clinical symptoms and measuring xylose adsorption in the intestine. In this model the VP4 peptide-VP6 conjugate provided protection equal to that obtained using bovine rotavirus (BRV) as the immunogen. The VP7 peptide-VP6 conjugate provided slightly less protection than the VP4 peptide-VP6 conjugate. A mixture of the VP4 peptide-VP6 and VP7 peptide-VP6 conjugates provided better heterologous protection than immunization with BRV. In contrast, KLH-conjugated peptides provided only partial protection. The significance of a synthetic-peptide-based rotavirus vaccine in the prevention of rotavirus infections is discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed cross-reactive neutralization epitopes on protein VP3 of human rotavirus (HRV) by the use of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (N-MAbs), which showed a variety of interserotypic reactivity patterns when examined in a neutralization test and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay against 15 HRV and 2 animal RV strains. Serological study with the six cross-reactive N-MAbs revealed antigenic variations in some HRV strains within the same serotype as well as a marked antigenic difference between serotype 2 strains and serotype 1, 3, and 4 strains. Epitope analysis of the antigenic variants resistant to the six individual cross-reactive N-MAbs suggested the existence of at least three distinct cross-reactive neutralization epitopes on VP3 of HRV.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones comprising the VP8 subunit of the VP4 of human rotavirus strain KU (VP7 serotype G1; VP4 serotype P1A) G1 were constructed. The corresponding encoded peptides were designated according to their locations in the VP8 subunit as A (amino acids 1 to 102), B (amino acids 84 to 180), and C (amino acids 150 to 246 plus amino acids 247 to 251 from VP5). In addition, cDNA clones encoding peptide B of the VP8 subunit of the VP4 gene from human rotavirus strains DS-1 (G2; P1B) and 1076 (G2; P2) were also constructed. These DNA fragments were inserted into plasmid pGEMEX-1 and expressed in Escherichia coli. Western immunoblot analysis using antisera to rotavirus strains KU (P1A), Wa (P1A), DS-1 (P1B), 1076 (P2), and M37 (P2) demonstrated that peptides A and C cross-reacted with heterotypic human rotavirus VP4 antisera, suggesting that these two peptides represent conserved epitopes in the VP8 subunit. In contrast, peptide B appears to be involved in the VP4 serotype and subtype specificities, because it reacted only with the corresponding serotype- and subtype-specific antiserum. Antiserum raised against peptide A, B, or C of strain KU contained a lower level of neutralizing activity than did that induced by the entire VP8 subunit. In addition, the serotype-specific neutralizing activity of anti-KU VP8 serum was ablated after adsorption with the KU VP8 protein but not with a mixture of peptides A, B, and C of strain KU, suggesting that most of the serotype-specific epitopes in the VP8 subunit are conformational and are dependent on the entire amino acid sequence of VP8.  相似文献   

Two outer capsid rotavirus proteins, VP3 and VP7, have been found to elicit neutralizing-antibody production, but the immunogenicity of these proteins during human rotavirus infection has not been determined. The relative amounts of serum neutralizing antibody against the VP3 and VP7 proteins of the CJN strain of human rotavirus were, therefore, determined in adult subjects before and after infection with this virus. Reassortant strains of rotavirus that contained the CJN gene segment for only one of these two neutralization proteins were isolated and used for this study. The geometric mean titer of serum neutralizing antibody to a reassortant virus (CJN-M) that contained VP7 of CJN and VP3 of another human rotavirus was 12.7 times less than that of antibody to CJN before infection and 20.3 times less after infection. This indicated that most neutralizing antibody was against the VP3 rather than the VP7 protein of CJN. This result was confirmed with other reassortants between CJN and animal rotavirus strains (EDIM and rhesus rotavirus). These findings suggest that VP3 is the primary immunogen that stimulates neutralizing antibody during at least some rotavirus infections of humans.  相似文献   

【背景】人A组轮状病毒(Rotavirus Group A,RVA)是婴幼儿胃肠炎的主要病原体及发展中国家婴幼儿死亡的重要原因,目前无特效药物治疗,疫苗预防是唯一可行的预防感染方法。外衣壳蛋白VP7和VP4是疫苗设计的主要靶点,针对该基因加强RVA地方株分子流行病学监测十分必要。【目的】对锦州地方流行RVA株VP7和VP4基因进行型别鉴定和序列特征分析。【方法】收集锦州地区2018-2020年RVA感染腹泻患儿的粪便标本,提取病毒RNA,通过RT-PCR扩增VP7、VP4基因片段并测序,得到7株RVA VP7和VP4序列。使用在线基因分型工具Rota C V2.0对测序结果进行分型分析。应用BLAST、DNAStar、MEGA X、Bio Edit等生物软件与临床流行株及疫苗株进行系统发育分析及氨基酸序列比对分析。【结果】分型结果表明7株锦州地方株均为G9P[8]型,系统发育分析证实其VP7和VP4基因分别属于G9-Ⅵ和P[8]-3谱系,核苷酸序列相似性分别为99.32%-100%与99.41%-100%。JZ株VP7与疫苗株Rotavac和Rotasiil相比,在抗原表位区7-1a、7-1b、7-2中分别存在4个和3个氨基酸替换。JZ株VP4与疫苗株Rotarix和Rota Teq VP4氨基酸序列相比,发现7个和4个氨基酸替换,位于抗原表位区8-1和8-3。【结论】2018-2020年在辽宁锦州地区检测到7株G9P[8]型RVA株,VP7和VP4序列相似性高于99%,G9P[8]型可能是辽宁省锦州地区2018-2020年婴幼儿轮状病毒腹泻的主要流行基因型之一。与同基因型疫苗株比较,位于JZ株VP7和VP4抗原表位区的氨基酸位点差异对于野毒株免疫逃逸机制的研究具有意义。  相似文献   

Neutralization escape mutants of simian rotaviruses (rhesus rotavirus and SA11) were tested in hemagglutination inhibition and neutralization assays against hyperimmune and infection sera to determine if mutation in an immunodominant epitope could enable neutralization escape. An SA11 mutant with a new glycosylation site at amino acid 211 of VP7 was shown to escape neutralization by hyperimmune but not infection sera.  相似文献   

We previously characterized three neutralization-positive epitopes (NP1 [1a and 1b], NP2, and NP3) and three neutralization-negative epitopes on the simian rotavirus SA11 VP4 with 13 monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Conformational changes occurred as a result of the binding of NP1 MAbs to the SA11 spike VP4, and enhanced binding of all neutralization-negative MAbs was observed when NP1 MAbs bound VP4 in a competitive MAb capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. To further understand the structure and function of VP4, we have continued studies with these MAbs. Electron microscopic and sucrose gradient analyses of SA11-MAb complexes showed that triple-layered viral particles disassembled following treatment with NP1b MAbs 10G6 and 7G6 but not following treatment with NP1a MAb 9F6, NP2 MAb 2G4, and NP3 MAb 23. Virus infectivity was reduced approximately 3 to 5 logs by the NP1b MAbs. These results suggest that NP1b MAb neutralization occurs by a novel mechanism. We selected four neutralization escape mutants of SA11 with these VP4 MAbs and characterized them by using plaque reduction neutralization assays, hemagglutination inhibition assays, and an antigen capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. These analyses support the previous assignment of the NP1a, NP1b, NP2, and NP3 MAbs into separate epitopes and confirmed that the viruses were truly neutralization escape mutants. Nucleotide sequence analyses found 1 amino acid (aa) substitution in VP8* of VP4 at (i) aa 136 for NP1a MAb mutant 9F6R, (ii) aa 180 and 183 for NP1b MAb mutants 7G6R and 10G6R, respectively, and (iii) aa 194 for NP3 MAb mutant 23R. The NP1b MAb mutants showed an unexpected enhanced binding with heterologous nonneutralization MAb to VP7 compared with parental SA11 and the other mutants. Taken together, these results suggest that the NP1b epitope is a critical site for VP4 and VP7 interactions and for virus stability.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine which regions of the VP6 protein of the murine rotavirus strain EDIM are able to elicit protection against rotavirus shedding in the adult mouse model following intranasal (i.n.) immunization with fragments of VP6 and a subsequent oral EDIM challenge. In the initial experiment, the first (fragment AB), middle (BC), or last (CD) part of VP6 that was genetically fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP) and expressed in Escherichia coli was examined. Mice (BALB/c) immunized with two 9-microg doses of each of the chimeras and 10 microg of the mucosal adjuvant LT(R192G) were found to be protected against EDIM shedding (80, 92, and nearly 100% reduction, respectively; P 相似文献   

Serum specimens from infants 2 to 12 months old vaccinated with the WC3 bovine rotavirus were analyzed to determine the relative concentrations of neutralizing antibody to the VP4 and VP7 proteins of the vaccine virus. To do this, reassortant rotaviruses that contained the WC3 genome segment for only one of these two neutralization proteins were made. The segment for the other neutralization protein in these reassortants was from heterotypic rotaviruses that were serotypically distinct from WC3. Sera were examined from 31 infants who had no evidence of a previous rotavirus infection and the highest postvaccination WC3-neutralizing antibody titers (i.e., 160 to 600) of the 103 subjects administered the vaccine. A reassortant (3/17) that contained both neutralization proteins from the heterotypic rotaviruses, i.e., EDIM (EW strain of mouse rotavirus) VP7 and rhesus rotavirus VP4, was not neutralized by these sera (geometric mean titer [GMT], less than 20). A reassortant (E19) that contained EDIM VP7 and WC3 VP4 was also very poorly neutralized by these antisera (GMT = 20). In contrast, antibody titers to a reassortant (R20) that contained WC3 VP7 and rhesus rotavirus VP4 were higher than those against WC3 (GMTs of 458 and 313, respectively). Thus, VP7 appeared to be the dominant immunogen for production of neutralizing antibody after intestinal infection of previously uninfected infants vaccinated with WC3 bovine rotavirus.  相似文献   

Recombinant rotavirus (RV) with cDNA-derived chimeric VP4 was generated using recently developed reverse genetics for RV. The rescued virus, KU//rVP4(SA11)-II(DS-1), contains SA11 (simian RV strain, G3P[2])-based VP4, in which a cross-reactive neutralization epitope (amino acids 381 to 401) on VP5* is replaced by the corresponding sequence of a different P-type DS-1 (human RV strain, G2P[4]). Serological analyses with a panel of anti-VP4- and -VP7-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies revealed that the rescued virus carries a novel antigenic mosaic of cross-reactive neutralization epitopes on its VP4 surface. This is the first report of the generation of a recombinant RV with artificial amino acid substitutions.  相似文献   

Respiratory symptoms with rotavirus shedding in nasopharyngeal secretions have been reported in children with and without gastrointestinal symptoms (Zheng et al., 1991, J. Med. Virol. 34:29-37). To investigate if attenuated and virulent human rotavirus (HRV) strains cause upper respiratory tract infections or viremia in gnotobiotic pigs, we inoculated them with attenuated or virulent HRV intranasally, intravenously, or orally or via feeding tube (gavage) and assayed virus shedding. After oral or intranasal inoculation with attenuated HRV, the pigs remained asymptomatic, but 79 to 95% shed virus nasally and 5 to 17% shed virus rectally. After inoculation by gavage, no pigs shed virus nasally or rectally, but all pigs seroconverted with antibodies to HRV. No viremia was detected through postinoculation day 10. Controls inoculated intranasally with nonreplicating rotavirus-like particles or mock inoculated did not shed virus. In contrast, 100% of pigs inoculated with virulent HRV (oral, intranasal, or gavage) developed diarrhea, shed virus nasally and rectally, and had viremia. The infectivity of sera from the viremic virulent HRV-inoculated pigs was confirmed by inoculating gnotobiotic pigs orally with pooled HRV-positive serum. Serum-inoculated pigs developed diarrhea and fecal and nasal virus shedding and seroconverted with serum and intestinal HRV antibodies. Pigs inoculated intravenously with serum or intestinal contents from the viremic virulent HRV-inoculated pigs developed diarrhea, virus shedding, and viremia, similar to the orally inoculated pigs. This study provides new evidence that virulent HRV causes transient viremia and upper respiratory tract infection in addition to gastrointestinal infection in gnotobiotic pigs, confirming previous reports of rotavirus antigenemia (Blutt et al., Lancet 362:1445-1449, 2003). Our data also suggest that intestinal infection might be initiated from the basolateral side of the epithelial cells via viremia. Additionally, virus shedding patterns indicate a different pathogenesis for attenuated versus virulent HRV.  相似文献   

M Kutubuddin  J Simons    M Chow 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):3042-3047
Poliovirus-specific T lymphocytes were isolated from virus-immunized mice of different H-2 haplotypes. Immunological characterization of this population indicates that the effector population involved in the observed poliovirus-specific proliferative response was that of CD4-positive T-helper cells. Proliferative responses also were induced within these T-lymphocyte populations upon stimulation with either purified VP1 capsid protein or VP1 synthetic peptides. By using these synthetic peptides, several T-helper epitopes were identified. Generally, proliferative responses were observed in three regions of VP1. Two regions spanning VP1 residues 86 to 120 and 201 to 241 were recognized by T lymphocytes from BALB/c (H-2d), C57BL/6 (H-2b), and C3H/HeJ (H-2k) backgrounds. Analyses using synthetic peptides of nonoverlapping sequences indicated that the region spanning residues 201 to 241 may contain several T epitopes and may account for the strong proliferative response observed. In addition, for two of the three haplotypes examined, T epitopes were observed within residues 7 to 24 of VP1. Additional epitopes which appeared to be restricted to specific H-2 backgrounds were identified. T epitopes within VP1 that are common between different strains of mice appeared to lie within previously identified neutralizing antigenic sites in poliovirus.  相似文献   

In our previous study (K. Taniguchi, Y. Morita, T. Urasawa, and S. Urasawa, J. Virol. 62:2421-2426, 1987) in which the cross-reactive neutralization epitopes on VP4 of human rotaviruses were analyzed, one strain, K8, was found to bear unique VP4 neutralization epitopes. This strain, which belongs to subgroup II and serotype 1, was not neutralized by any of six anti-VP4 neutralizing monoclonal antibodies which reacted with human rotavirus strains of serotypes 1, 3, and 4 or serotypes 1 through 4. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the gene encoding VP4 of strain K8 by primer extension. The VP4 gene is 2,359 base pairs in length, with 5' and 3' noncoding regions of 9 and 25 nucleotides, respectively. The gene contains a long open reading frame of 2,325 bases capable of coding for a protein of 775 amino acids. When compared with those of other human rotaviruses, VP4 of strain K8 had an insertion of one amino acid after residue 135, as found in simian rotavirus strains, and in addition, it had a deletion of one amino acid (residue 575). The amino acid homology of VP4 of strain K8 and those of other virulent human rotaviruses was only 60 to 70%. This was unusual, since over 90% VP4 homology has been found among the other virulent human rotavirus strains. In contrast, the VP7 amino acid sequence of the K8 strain was quite similar (over 98% homology) to those of other serotype 1 human rotaviruses. Thus, the K8 strain appears to have a unique VP4 gene previously not described.  相似文献   

Antibodies that neutralize rotavirus infection target outer coat proteins VP4 and VP7 and inhibit viral entry. The structure of a VP7-Fab complex (S. T. Aoki, et al., Science 324:1444-1447, 2009) led us to reclassify epitopes into two binding regions at inter- and intrasubunit boundaries of the calcium-dependent trimer. It further led us to show that antibodies binding at the intersubunit boundary inhibit uncoating of the virion outer layer. We have now tested representative antibodies for each of the defined structural epitope regions and find that antibodies recognizing epitopes in either binding region neutralize by cross-linking VP7 trimers. Antibodies that bind at the intersubunit junction neutralize as monovalent Fabs, while those that bind at the intrasubunit region require divalency. The VP7 structure has also allowed us to design a disulfide cross-linked VP7 mutant which recoats double-layered particles (DLPs) as efficiently as does wild-type VP7 but which yields particles defective in cell entry as determined both by lack of infectivity and by loss of α-sarcin toxicity in the presence of recoated particles. We conclude that dissociation of the VP7 trimer is an essential step in viral penetration into cells.  相似文献   

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