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Selected physiological and biochemical variables were examined in rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, which were collected on five different sampling dates from an area of chronic mercury contamination and a reference site on the South River, Virginia.The onset of spawning represented the most significant seasonal influence in the physiological profile of the fish, with elevations in hematocrit, hemoglobin, plasma protein, and plasma glucose. Sex-related differences in plasma calcium, liver glycogen and liver ascorbic acid were also unique to the period. Female rock bass had significantly higher levels of liver glutathione than did males on all but one of the sampling dates, although the cause of this difference is not clear.Rock bass from the mercury contaminated site had an average muscle mercury concentration of 1.37 mg Hg g–1, and an average liver mercury concentration of 2.86 mg Hg g–1. These levels were approximately an order of magnitude greater than those found in the tissues of the reference fish which averaged 0.165 and 0.101 mg Hg g–1 in muscle and liver respectively. In July 1987, mercury concentrations in the liver of both reference and contaminated fish increased significantly, possibly the result of greater uptake of the metal through increased feeding or changes in the mercury level of selected prey items. Rock bass collected from the two sites in July also had significantly different levels of liver glutathione: reference fish exhibited an elevation and contaminated fish a depression. When fish from the two sampling stations received a 96-hr exposure to 150 µg HgCl2 in the laboratory, both groups exhibited elevated liver mercury and decreased liver glutathione. Mercury levels in the gall bladders of the exposed fish were also elevated, suggesting that glutathione may have been lost through excretion with the metal in the bile.On the whole, physiological differences between the two groups of rock bass were limited, indicating that exposure to the mercury is not having a significant impact on the rock bass from the contaminated area. This is further supported by field examination of the fish and comparison of condition indices from rock bass previously taken from the same two stations.Those factors which significantly altered the physiology of the rock bass were unique to certain times of the year, indicating that the most appropriate sampling approach in future studies is one which examines a number of variables over a range of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Agonistic encounters between pairs of adult rick bass, Ambloplites rupestris were observed and the behaviour and changes in coloration of the dominant and subordinate individuals analysed. Dominance coloration involved the establishment of a high degree of visual contrast, whereas subordinate coloration made the animals darker and their coloration less striking, thus perhaps serving a protective function.  相似文献   

Synopsis Reproductive success was determined for individual male rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris, inhabiting the Middle Thames River near London, Ontario. Successful males produced numbers of young similar to rock bass breeding elsewhere, but the probability of males producing any young at all was comparatively small. Flooding, predation, and fouling of nests by algae were the major causes of brood mortality. Brood vulnerability was greatest within the egg, when nests were probably most conspicuous to predators. Male reproductive success was positively correlated with large size, early nesting, warm water conditions, and minimal flow rates. Larger males were chosen preferentially by females, and renested more often.  相似文献   

Synopsis The hypothesis that variation in a paternal trait associated with offspring survival will result in female mate choice based on that trait was tested in rock bass,Ambloplites rupestris, a temperate fresh water fish with uniparental male care. The number of eggs acquired by 108 nesting male rock bass, in Cranberry Lake (New York State, U.S.A.), was estimated in two different spawning episodes that differed in the size structure of the nesting male stock. Early breeders (between the 4–7 June 1989) were mainly medium and large males (101–300 g), as compared to late breeders (between the 19–21 June 1989) which were mostly small (50–100 g). Because survival of larvae in rock bass is significantly lower in nests guarded by small males as compared to nests guarded by medium and large males, it was hypothesized that female mate choice should have been (1) size-based, and (2) more intense late in the season when the nesting stock was comprised mostly of small males. The results were consistent with these hypotheses. Variation in egg numbers per nest was significantly higher during the late spawning episode. In addition, egg number per nest were normally distributed during the early spawning episode, but were positively skewed and leptokurtic during the later episode. The correlation between male size and egg number was significant for both spawning episodes. However, during the late episode male size explained 23% of the variation in egg numbers versus only 8% of the variation during the earlier episode.  相似文献   

Isolated somatic embryos from petiole-derived callus cultures ofVitis rupestris Scheele have been employed in experiments on genetic transformation. Co-cultivation of somatic embryos during embryogenesis induction withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404, which contains the plasmid pBI121 carrying the neomycin phosphotranspherase and the-glucuronidase genes, produced transformed cellular lines capable of recurrent somatic embryogenesis. Precocious selection for high levels of kanamycin (100 mgl-1) was an important part of our transformation protocol. Transformed lines still have strong-glucuronidase expression as well as stable insertion of the marker genes after 3 years of in-vitro culture, during which they have maintained their capacity to organize secondary embryos and to regenerate transgenic plants with an agreeable efficiency (13%).  相似文献   

R. Rosa  M. L. Nunes 《Hydrobiologia》2005,537(1-3):207-216
The present work describes the seasonal changes in nucleic acid concentrations and amino acid profiles in the muscle of juvenile Parapenaeus longirostris and their relation to growth and nutritional condition. RNA content varied significantly between seasons, being the highest values attained in spring and the lowest in winter (p < 0.05). Similar results were obtained with RNA:protein and RNA:DNA ratios. In respect to total amino acid content (TAA), a significant increase from winter to spring was observed (p < 0.05) and the major essential amino acids (EAA) were arginine, histidine and leucine. Within non-essential amino acids (NEAA) glutamic acid, aspartic acid, glycine and proline were dominant. From winter to spring, a significant variation in NEAA content occurred (26.8; p < 0.05), mainly due to the significant increase of glutamic acid (79.1) and serine (66.7) (p < 0.05). EAA content did not vary significantly between seasons (p > 0.05). In opposition, during this period a significant decrease in the free amino acid content (FAA) was observed (p < 0.05); a higher percentage of decrease was attained in free non-essential (FNEAA – 42.9) in comparison to free essential amino acids (FEAA – 40.2). The significant increase in RNA and TAA contents from winter to spring may be related with protein synthesis. On the other hand, the lowest values obtained in winter may be due to a reduction in feeding activity; in this period the muscle protein must be progressively hydrolysed, which is evident with the higher FAA content. The liberated amino acids enter FAA pool and become available for energy production. In conclusion, it was evident that the seasonal cycle in activities such as feeding and growth with nucleic acids and amino acid analyses was noticed.  相似文献   

Summary The innervation of the swimbladder in four different teleost species has been studied by the use of immunohistochemical methods. The teleosts examined belong to two different groups regarding their swimbladder morphology: physoclists (the cod, Gadus morhua and the goldsinny wrasse, Ctenolabrus rupestris) and physostomes (the eel, Anguilla anguilla and the rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri). Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in nerves of the swimbladder walls of all four species, and in the gas glands of the cod and the goldsinny wrasse. Substance P-like immunoreactivity was shown in swimbladders of the cod, eel and rainbow trout but not the goldsinny wrasse. Immunoreactivity to met-enkephalin antiserum was revealed in the swimbladder walls of the eel and the goldsinny wrasse, while neurotensin-like immunoreactivity was present in the goldsinny wrasse and rainbow trout swimbladders. Neurotensin-like immunoreactivity was also seen in the gas gland of the goldsinny wrasse. 5-Hydroxytryptamine immunoreactivity was found in endocrine cells in the pneumatic duct of the eel and in the swimbladder walls of the goldsinny wrasse and the rainbow trout. In conclusion, all teleosts examined showed a very close resemblance in the peptidergic/tryptaminergic innervation of the swimbladder to that of the gut, inasmuch as the immunoreactivity present in the swimbladders always occurred in the gut of the same species.  相似文献   

Tolonen  Arto  Kjellman  Jakob 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):57-66
Lake Kilpisjärvi was stocked with a total number of 440 000 migratory and benthic whitefish fry during the period of 1959–1964. Thereafter, the Diphyllobothrium ditremum plerocercoid infection became a problem decreasing the feasibility and commercial exploitation of the whitefish stock. Since dense fish populations may cause stunting, all stockings in the study area were stopped in an attempt to enhance the fisheries. The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of the cessation of the stocking on the growth, condition, catches and D. ditremum infection of the whitefish population. A total of 1594 whitefish were sampled with benthic gill nets. Growth was estimated from length-at-age and mass–length relationship was estimated with a non-linear regression in 1982–1983, 1992–1993 and 1997. Parasite infection was studied in 1992–1993 and 1997. Growth and condition were poor in the beginning of the 1980s. In 1992–1993, the growth and condition of the fish improved as the numerical catch per unit effort decreased from 1982 to 1992. The mean catches of other fish species were low. There were no significant changes in whitefish growth or condition from 1992–1993 to 1997. From the 1970s to 1982–1983, during slow growth and poor condition of the fish, the median gillraker count was decreasing to 19 (min–max 14–26). In 1992–1993, the gillraker count had increased significantly to 23 (min–max 19–26). However, the improved growth and condition did not cause decrease in the D. ditremum burden. On the contrary, based on our own results and literature notes, the parasite abundance seems to increase during the observation period of 1964–1997.  相似文献   

Lake and stream habitats pose a variety of challenges to fishes due to differences in variables such as water velocity, habitat structure, prey community, and predator community. These differences can cause divergent selection on body size and/or shape. Here, we measured sex, age, length, and eight different morphological traits of the blackstripe topminnow, Fundulus notatus, from 19 lake and stream populations across four river drainages in central Illinois. Our goal was to determine whether size and shape differed consistently between lake and stream habitats across drainages. We also considered the effects of age and sex as they may affect size and morphology. We found large differences in body size of age 1 topminnows where stream fish were generally larger than lake fish. Body shape mainly varied as a function of sex. Adult male topminnows had larger morphological traits (with the exception of body width) than females, in particular longer dorsal and anal base lengths. Subtle effects of habitat were present. Stream fish had a longer dorsal fin base than lake fish. These phenotypic patterns may be the result of genetic and/or environmental variation. As these lakes are human‐made, the observed differences, if genetic, would have had to occur relatively rapidly (within about 100 years). © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Except for a robust habit, two specimens ofAloina collected in northern Argentina are morphologically similar and are tentatively attributed toA. rigida (Hedw.) Limpr. This represents an addition to the moss flora of Argentina. In addition, two specimens ofAloinella represent significant findings: one shows features that agree with those given in the protologue forA. galeata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. and is treated here asA. galeata var.galeata to show the relationship toA. galeta var.andina (Delgad.) Delgadillo & Schiavone stat. nov.; the other belongs inA. cucullifera (Mitt.) Steere, a new record for Argentina. A key to the known species ofAloinella with updated ranges is included.  相似文献   

Colonisation of extremely acidic waters (pH 3) by aquatic angiosperms occurs widely, but is poorly documented. Unlike acid rain affected and other naturally acidic aquatic ecosystems, waters with pH 3 usually have a high conductivity, with high concentrations of SO4 2- and often high concentrations of Fe3+, other heavy metal ions and Al3+. Where Fe3+ concentration is high, as in many mine waters, it provides a strong buffering system. In such waters, the biogeochemical Fe cycle exerts over water chemistry and the availability of nutrients and carbon for organisms. Biological activity is limited by low concentrations of phosphorus and inorganic carbon (DIC), which in this pH range is essentially all in the form of dissolved CO2. A number of angiosperms grow in such waters including Phragmites australis, Typha spp. and Juncus bulbosus, though the last is the only one reported to grow totally submerged in waters with pH 3 . J. bulbosus occurs in many lignite mining lakes in Lusatia (north eastern Germany) with pH 3. The characteristics and possible survival strategies for this and other species are discussed.  相似文献   

Edding  Mario  Venegas  Mariela  Orrego  Patricia  Fonck  Erika 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):361-366
Lessonia trabeculata is one of the major kelps found along the northern coast of Chile. In addition to its ecological and economic importance, L. trabeculata may be severely affected by environmental disturbances such as El Níño, which during 1982–1983 cleared wide areas along the coast of Peru and Chile. The main goal of this work was to mass culture L. trabeculata and to observe the growth of sporophytes obtained in the laboratory and cultured in the sea. Juvenile sporophytes obtained in the laboratory were attached between 1 and 6 m in depth. The linear growth rate, as blade elongation, was recorded weekly for seven months. No significant differences (p < 0.05) were found in sporophyte blade linear growth at different depths. The best elongation growth rate was 7.5 ± 1.6 mm d–1 at 3 m during March. This preliminary work suggests that L. trabeculata follows an annual growth cycle similar to that of other Laminariales with a high rate of blade elongation during the summer and decreasing towards autumn. This species can be considered a potential candidate for aquaculture to increase the availability of raw material and aid in repopulation of overexploited areas.  相似文献   

【背景】近年,广东、广西等多地养殖的大口黑鲈(Micropterus salmoides)在苗种期间极易暴发白皮病,并且与已报道的症状不同,严重危害大口黑鲈苗种的生产。【目的】确定大口黑鲈苗种白皮病的病原,通过分析生长特性、毒力因子、致病性、组织病理与敏感药物筛选试验,为该病的研究与防控提供科学参考。【方法】从患白皮病大口黑鲈的病灶处分离细菌,结合形态观察、生理生化指标、16S rRNA基因和gyrB基因序列分析等鉴定菌株;绘制菌株的生长曲线,分析温度、盐度及pH对生长的影响;采用平板法检测菌株毒力因子活性,PCR方法检测携带毒力基因的情况;通过浸泡感染试验验证菌株的致病性及其组织病理特征;采用微量稀释法测定菌株对水产常用的10种抗菌药物和6种消毒剂的敏感性。【结果】从患病的大口黑鲈白皮处肌肉分离纯化到优势菌株ZJS18004,经形态特征、生理生化特性、16S rRNA基因和gyrB基因序列分析,鉴定为维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii);菌株ZJS18004的最适生长温度为30°C,最适pH值为8.0,最适盐度为5‰;在30°C时的生长曲线显示0-1 h是迟缓期,1-5...  相似文献   

The growth, morphology, alginate yield and composition of Undaria pinnatifidawas studied from March to August in 2000 and 2001 at the northern limit of distribution of the species in Peter the Great Bay, the Sea of Japan (Russia). The changes in morphology, alginate yield and composition were caused by sporophyte growth and sporulation. The average rate of biomass change was 2–5% d−1. The highest alginate content (51% d.wt) was obtained from blades, with lower values for sporophylls and midribs. An increase in alginate content was detected before sporulation. The conditions seem favourable for farming the alga in this region, with June the optimum month for harvesting. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A CO2 assay circuit adapted to in vitro culture was designed to investigate CO2 exchanges in test tube-grown Vitis rupestris plantlets. The CO2 concentration of the air in culture tubes was measured by injection of samples in the open circuit. It was observed under the culture conditions used that the CO2 content stabilized during the light phase at 3 times the CO2 compensation point.Measurements of dark respiration under closed circuit conditions at every two-hour interval during the night did not reveal any limiting by lack of the substrate under mixotrophic culture conditions. A mathematical model of the influence of ambient CO2 concentration on net CO2 uptake rates under closed circuit conditions was devised and used to compare net photosynthesis at different lighting levels. Measurement of CO2 evolution into CO2-free air under open circuit conditions revealed a post-illumination burst characteristic of photorespiration which increased with the temperature.  相似文献   

Broekhuizen  N.  Parkyn  S.  Miller  D. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,457(1-3):125-132
The influence of fine sediment (<63 m diameter) upon the assimilation rates of the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum, and the mayfly Deleatidium sp. were determined by allowing individuals to feed upon 14C radiolabelled periphyton which had been contaminated with varying quantities of sediment (sediment:food ratios of: 0:1, 1:1, 5:1, 10:1, 50:1, 100:1 [dry weight]). For both grazers, the assimilation rate falls in direct proportion to the sediment fraction in the (sediment+food) matrix. In a second experiment the growth of P. antipodarum was monitored over 3 months when fed organic matter that had been contaminated with fine sediment at ratios of 0:1, 1:1, 5:1, 10:1, 50:1, 100:1, 500:1. In contrast to the monotonic relation between sediment and short-term assimilation, growth rates (mm shell height d–1) were highest at intermediate levels of sediment contamination (5:1 and 10:1 by dry weight) and lowest in the treatment with no sediment added. Growth rates were significantly lower, and mortality high, at sediment:food contamination ratios above 50:1. The reasons for the contrast between the results from the short-term and the long-term experiments are unknown at present, but the fact that snail growth was greatest at intermediate levels of sediment contamination might indicate that they derive trace nutrients from ingested sediment.  相似文献   

Tomato (C3-plants) and maize (C4-plants) were grown in a nutrient solution to which triacontanol was added twice a week. After about 4 weeks the triacontanol treatment caused a significant increase in the dry weight of the tomato plants. Leaf area and dry weight measurements of tomato leaves at different stages of development showed that the largest increase in growth was obtained when triacontanol treatment was initiated before bud formation. In maize, no effect of the triacontanol treatment on dry wieght was observed. Photosynthesis was inhibited by 27% in young leaves from triacontanol-treated tomato plants and 39% in the controls, when the oxygen concentration was raised from 2% to 21%. In maize no change in photosynthesis could be observed, neither after altered oxygen concentration nor after triacontanol treatment. The difference in the response of C3- and C4-plants to triacontanol indicates that it regulates processes related to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Jamet  Jean-Louis 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):279-288
RésuméTo determine the role and the importance of adult fish predation directly and indirectly in the food web of oligomesotrophic Lake Pavin, reproduction, condition, and feeding activity of the dominant adult chctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) were studied. Fish were caught by gillnets of different mesh sizes once a month from April to December 1992. The gonad cycle showed that the spawning period occurred between October to December. Relative fecundity is about 2509 ovules per kg of female fish and ovule mean diameter is 4.7 mm ( 0.6 mm). Seasonal variations of the sex-ratio (Max. in April = 2.67 and Min. in October=0.19) indicated the intralake migrations of females and males. The condition coefficients showed higher values for females than males; the maximum was observed in summer for both sexes and the minimum in April and in October for males and females, respectively. Low values of the condition were also observed during the spawning period. High feeding activity was recorded in spring and in December after reproduction; low feeding activity was observed in October during reproduction. Asellus aquaticus was quantitatively the dominant prey from April to September; during the sp awning period, S. alpinus consumed its own eggs, particularly in large quantity in December. Daphnia longispina was numerically the dominant prey all over the studied cycle and the electivity (Ivlev Index) of arctic charr on the latter prey ranged from +s+0.79 to +0.16. During April, more than 15 500 individuals of D. longispina per kg of fish were found in the gut contents. The selective predation of S. alpinus on benthic (A. aquatics) and zooplankton prey (D. longispina) indicated that the fish immigrate during their feeding activity from benthic/littoral to the pelagic area.Afin de d terminer le rôle et l'importance de la prédation directe et indirecte de l'omble chevalier adulte (Salvelinus alpinus, L.) dans le réseau trophique du lac Pavin, milieu oligo- mésotrophe, nous avons étudié la reproduction, deux facteurs de condition et l'activité alimentaire de ce poisson qui est l'espéce dominante dans ce lac. Les poissons ont été capturés par des filets maillants de différent vide de maille selon un pas d'échantillonnage mensuel d'avril á décembre 1992. Le cycle du développement des gonades montre que la période de reproduction se déroule entre octobre et décembre. La fécondité relative calculée est de 2509 ovules par kg de femelles et le diamétre moyen d'un ovule est de 4,7 mm ( 0,6). Les variations saisonniéres du sex-ratio (Max. en avril = 2,67 et Min. en octobre=0,19) indiquent le déplacement actif et successif des femelles et des mâles. Les variations saisonniéres des coefficients de condition indiquent une copulence plus importante des femelles par rapport aux mâles avec des valeurs maximales en été pour les deux sexes et des valeurs minimales en avril et en octobre pour les mâles et les femelles respectivement. De faibles valeurs des facteurs de condition ont été observées pendant la période de reproduction pour les deux sexes. L'activité alimentaire de l'omble chevalier est intense au printemps et au mois de décembre aprés la fraie et faible au mois d'octobre pendant la reproduction. Asellus aquaticus est, en termes de biomasse, la proie dominante d'avril á septembre. Pendant la période de reproduction, S. alpinus se nourrit de ses propres oeufs sur les zones de frayéres et en décembre la quantité d'oeufs consommée par le Salmonidé est importante. Daphnia longispina est, en termes d'abondance, la proie dominante tout au long de cette étude et l'indice d'électivité (Indice d'Ivlev) de l' ombre chevalier vis-á-vis de cette proie varie entre + 0,79 et + 0,16.De plus, au mois d'avril, plus de 15 500 D. longispina par kg de poisson ont été enregistrées dans les contenus stomacaux. La prédation sélective de S. alpinus sur des proies benthiques (A. aquaticus) et zooplanctoniques (D. longispina) indique que le poisson effectue des déplacements en fonction de son activité alimentaire de la zone littorale/benthique á la zone pélagique.  相似文献   

Summary Anthers ofVitis rupestris du Lot were cultured in vitro at the uninucleate stage of the microspore, in order to investigate the histology of embryogenic and organogenic processes in this genotype. Microspores divided in the anther loculi resulting in the formation of globular structures with a ruptured exine. Somatic embryogenesis and, occasionally, caulogenesis and rhizogenesis occurred in calli produced from all anther tissues except the endothecium. The initial cell of the embryoid was surrounded by a jacket layer when situated deep within the callus. When the embryoid's initial cell was situated in the peripheral callus, a cutinized wall was present and the three-celled proembryoid was almost always segmented, showing the same embryonal type as the zygotic proembryo. Root differentiation and elongation and cap differentiation occurred during the growth phase in liquid medium. The mature root was diarch and contained cells with calcium-oxalate raphides, as seen in vivo. No starch or tannin deposition was ever observed in the mature embryoids.Abbreviations 6-BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CC3 Nitsch and Nitsch (1969) basal medium - CS cross section - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - LS longitudinal section  相似文献   

Pollen grain polarity, aperture condition and pollen tube formation were examined inEphedra americana, E. foliata, E. rupestris, E. distachya, andE. fragilis using LM, SEM and TEM. In the characteristic oblate pollen, as seen in situ in the tetrad configuration, the polar axis is the minor one and the equatorial plane runs between the two narrow ends of the microspore. The intine is thick in fresh fixed mature pollen but we have seen no indication of regions having an exceptionally thick intine that could be considered associated with an aperture or apertures. About three minutes after transferring fresh pollen to the germinating medium the ridged exine splits and twists away from the intine and its enclosed protoplast. The shed exine spreads out and curls into a scroll-like configuration that is as distinctive as that of the pollen shape had been but now having the ridges and valleys perpendicular to the long axis. The pollen tube develops, in our experience with more than a hundred germinating pollen grains, near one of the narrow tips of the pollen grain's equatorial plane. The location of the pollen tube initiation probably is related to the position of the tube cell nucleus. The pollen tube starts to grow about one hour after the exine was shed. The pollen tube emerges close to the narrow end (equator) of the gametophyte. This end emerged first as the exine is shed and is opposite to the prothallial cells. The stout pollen tube is c. 10µm in diameter grown in vitro on agar. In our germination medium the stout tube continued to elongate for about 24 hours reaching a length of c. 100 µm. With respect to exine morphology the aperture condition could be considered as inaperturate. The pollen tube, however, is formed in a germination area near one end of the exineless gametophyte.  相似文献   

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