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The mini-chromosome maintenance protein (MCM) complex is an essential replicative helicase for DNA replication in Archaea and Eukaryotes. While the eukaryotic complex consists of six homologous proteins (MCM2-7), the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has only one MCM protein (ssoMCM), six subunits of which form a homohexamer. We have recently reported a 4.35Å crystal structure of the near full-length ssoMCM. The structure reveals a total of four β-hairpins per subunit, three of which are located within the main channel or side channels of the ssoMCM hexamer model generated based on the symmetry of the N-terminal Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (mtMCM) structure. The fourth β-hairpin, however, is located on the exterior of the hexamer, near the exit of the putative side channels and next to the ATP binding pocket.


In order to better understand this hairpin's role in DNA binding and helicase activity, we performed a detailed mutational and biochemical analysis of nine residues on this exterior β-hairpin (EXT-hp). We examined the activities of the mutants related to their helicase function, including hexamerization, ATPase, DNA binding and helicase activities. The assays showed that some of the residues on this EXT-hp play a role for DNA binding as well as for helicase activity.


These results implicate several current theories regarding helicase activity by this critical hexameric enzyme. As the data suggest that EXT-hp is involved in DNA binding, the results reported here imply that the EXT-hp located near the exterior exit of the side channels may play a role in contacting DNA substrate in a manner that affects DNA unwinding.

The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins, a family of six conserved polypeptides found in all eukaryotes, are essential for DNA replication. The archaeon Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum Delta H contains a single homologue of MCM with biochemical properties similar to those of the eukaryotic enzyme. The amino acid sequence of the archaeal protein contains a putative zinc-binding domain of the CX(2)CX(n)CX(2)C (C(4)) type. In this study, the roles of the zinc finger domain in MCM function were examined using recombinant wild-type and mutant proteins expressed and purified from Escherichia coli. The protein with a mutation in the zinc motif forms a dodecameric complex similar to the wild-type enzyme. The mutant enzyme, however, is impaired in DNA-dependent ATPase activity and single-stranded DNA binding, and it does not possess helicase activity. These results illustrate the importance of the zinc-binding domain for archaeal MCM function and suggest a role for zinc binding in the eukaryotic MCM complex as well, since four out of the six eukaryotic MCM proteins contain a similar zinc-binding motif.  相似文献   

The minichromosome maintenance complex (MCM) represents the replicative DNA helicase both in eukaryotes and archaea. Here, we describe the solution structure of the C-terminal domains of the archaeal MCMs of Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso) and Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus (Mth). Those domains consist of a structurally conserved truncated winged helix (WH) domain lacking the two typical ‘wings’ of canonical WH domains. A less conserved N-terminal extension links this WH module to the MCM AAA+ domain forming the ATPase center. In the Sso MCM this linker contains a short α-helical element. Using Sso MCM mutants, including chimeric constructs containing Mth C-terminal domain elements, we show that the ATPase and helicase activity of the Sso MCM is significantly modulated by the short α-helical linker element and by N-terminal residues of the first α-helix of the truncated WH module. Finally, based on our structural and functional data, we present a docking-derived model of the Sso MCM, which implies an allosteric control of the ATPase center by the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

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Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum minichromosome maintenance complex (mtMCM), a cellular replicative helicase, is a useful model for the more complex eukaryotic MCMs. Biochemical and crystallographic evidence indicates that mtMCM assembles as a double hexamer (dHex), but previous electron microscopy studies reported only the presence of single heptamers or single hexamers (Pape, T., Meka, H., Chen, S., Vicentini, G., Van Heel, M., and Onesti, S. (2003) EMBO Rep. 4, 1079-1083; Yu, X., VanLoock, M. S., Poplawski, A., Kelman, Z., Xiang, T., Tye, B. K., and Egelman, E. H. (2002) EMBO Rep. 3, 792-797). Here we present the first three-dimensional electron microscopy reconstruction of the full-length mtMCM dHex in which two hexamers contact each other via the structurally well defined N-terminal domains. The dHex has obvious side openings that resemble the side channels of LTag (large T antigen). 6-fold and 7-fold rings were observed in the same mtMCM preparation, but we determined that assembly as a double ring favors 6-fold structures. Additionally, open rings were also detected, which suggests a direct mtMCM loading mechanism onto DNA.  相似文献   

Binding of the Escherichia coli Tus protein to its cognate nonpalindromic binding site on duplex DNA (a Ter sequence) is sufficient to arrest the progression of replication forks in a Ter orientation-dependent manner in vivo and in vitro. In order to probe the molecular mechanism of this inhibition, we have used a strand displacement assay to investigate the effect of Tus on the DNA helicase activities of DnaB, PriA, UvrD (helicase II), and the phi X-type primosome. When the substrate was a short oligomer hybridized to a circular single-stranded DNA, strand displacement by DnaB, PriA, and the primosome (in both directions), but not UvrD, was blocked by Tus in a polar fashion. However, no inhibition of either DnaB or UvrD was observed when the substrate carried an elongated duplex region. With this elongated substrate, PriA helicase activity was only inhibited partially (by 50%). On the other hand, both the 5'----3' and 3'----5' helicase activities of the primosome were inhibited almost completely by Tus with the elongated substrate. These results suggest that while Tus can inhibit the translocation of some proteins along single-stranded DNA in a polar fashion, this generalized effect is insufficient for the inhibition of bona fide DNA helicase activity.  相似文献   

The Cdc6 proteins from the archaeon Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus were previously shown to bind double-stranded DNA. It is shown here that the proteins also bind single-stranded DNA. Using minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase mutant proteins unable to bind DNA, it was found that the interaction of MCM with Cdc6 inhibits the DNA binding activity of Cdc6.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a DNA ligase (LigTk) from a hyperthermophilic archaeon, Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1. The enzyme is the only characterized ATP-dependent DNA ligase from a hyperthermophile, and allows the analysis of enzymatic DNA ligation reactions at temperatures above the melting point of the substrates. Here we have focused on the interactions of LigTk with various DNA substrates, and its specificities toward metal cations. LigTk could utilize Mg2+, Mn2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+ as a metal cation, but not Co2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, or Cu2+. The enzyme displayed typical Michaelis-Menten steady-state kinetics with an apparent Km of 1.4 microm for nicked DNA. The kcat value of the enzyme was 0.11*s-1. Using various 3' hydroxyl group donors (L-DNA) and 5' phosphate group donors (R-DNA), we could detect ligation products as short as 16 nucleotides, the products of 7 + 9 nucleotide or 8 + 8 nucleotide combinations at 40 degrees C. An elevation in temperature led to a decrease in reaction efficiency when short oligonucleotides were used, suggesting that the formation of a nicked, double-stranded DNA substrate preceded enzyme-substrate recognition. LigTk was not inhibited by the addition of excess duplex DNA, implying that the enzyme did not bind strongly to the double-stranded ligation product after nick-sealing. In terms of reaction fidelity, LigTk was found to ligate various substrates with mismatched base-pairing at the 5' end of the nick, but did not show activity towards the 3' mismatched substrates. LigTk could not seal substrates with a 1-nucleotide or 2-nucleotide gap. Small amounts of ligation products were detected with DNA substrates containing a single nucleotide insertion, relatively more with the 5' insertions. The results revealed the importance of proper base-pairing at the 3' hydroxyl side of the nick for the ligation reaction by LigTk.  相似文献   

The bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryal diversity in fecal samples from ten Koreans were analyzed and compared by using the PCR-fingerprinting method, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). The bacteria all belonged to the Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes phyla, which were known to be the dominant bacterial species in the human intestine. Most of the archaeal sequences belonged to the methane-producing archaea but several halophilic archarea-related sequences were also detected unexpectedly. While a small number of eukaryal sequences were also detected upon DGGE analysis, these sequences were related to fungi and stramenopiles (Blastocystis hominis). With regard to the bacterial and archaeal DGGE analysis, all ten samples had one and two prominent bands, respectively, but many individual-specific bands were also observed. However, only five of the ten samples had small eukaryal DGGE bands and none of these bands was observed in all five samples. Unweighted pair group method and arithmetic averages clustering algorithm (UPGMA) clustering analysis revealed that the archaeal and bacterial communities in the ten samples had relatively higher relatedness (the average Dice coefficient values were 68.9 and 59.2% for archaea and bacteria, respectively) but the eukaryal community showed low relatedness (39.6%).  相似文献   

Ping Xie 《Proteins》2016,84(11):1590-1605
Helicases are a class of enzymes that use the chemical energy of NTP hydrolysis to drive mechanical processes such as translocation and nucleic acid (NA) strand separation. Besides the NA unwinding speed, another important factor for the helicase activity is the NA unwinding processivity. Here, we study the NA unwinding processivity with an analytical model that captures the phenomenology of the NA unwinding process. First, we study the processivity of the non‐hexameric helicase that can unwind NA efficiently in the form of a monomer and the processivity of the hexameric helicase that can unwind DNA effectively, providing quantitative explanations of the available single‐molecule experimental data. Then, we study the processivity of the non‐hexameric helicases, in particular UvrD, in the form of a dimer and compare with that in the form of a monomer. The available single‐molecule and some biochemical data showing that while UvrD monomer is a highly processive single‐stranded DNA translocase it is inactive in DNA unwinding, whereas other biochemical data showing that UvrD is active in both single‐stranded DNA translocation and DNA unwinding in the form of a monomer can be explained quantitatively and consistently. In addition, the recent single‐molecule data are also explained quantitatively showing that constraining the 2B subdomain in closed conformation by intramolecular cross‐linking can convert Rep monomer with a very poor DNA unwinding activity into a superhelicase that can unwind more than thousands of DNA base pairs processively, even against a large opposing force. Proteins 2016; 84:1590–1605. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Organisms are constantly exposed to various environmental insults which could adversely affect the stability of their genome. To protect their genomes against the harmful effect of these environmental insults, organisms have evolved highly diverse and efficient repair mechanisms. Defective DNA repair processes can lead to various kinds of chromosomal and developmental abnormalities. RecQ helicases are a family of evolutionarily conserved, DNA unwinding proteins which are actively engaged in various DNA metabolic processes, telomere maintenance and genome stability. Bacteria and lower eukaryotes, like yeast, have only one RecQ homolog, whereas higher eukaryotes including humans possess multiple RecQ helicases. These multiple RecQ helicases have redundant and/or non-redundant functions depending on the types of DNA damage and DNA repair pathways. Humans have five different RecQ helicases and defects in three of them cause autosomal recessive diseases leading to various kinds of cancer predisposition and/or aging phenotypes. Emerging evidence also suggests that the RecQ helicases have important roles in telomere maintenance. This review mainly focuses on recent knowledge about the roles of RecQ helicases in DNA double strand break repair and telomere maintenance which are important in preserving genome integrity.  相似文献   

The minimal DNA duplex requirements for topoisomerase I-mediated cleavage at a specific binding sequence were determined by analyzing the interaction of the enzyme with sets of DNA substrates varying successively by single nucleotides at the 5'- or 3' end of either strand. Topoisomerase I cleavage experiments showed a minimal region of nine nucleotides on the scissile strand and five nucleotides on the noncleaved strand. On the scissile strand, seven of the nine nucleotides were situated upstream to the cleavage site, while all five nucleotides required on the non-cleaved strand were located to this side. The results suggested that topoisomerase I bound tightly to this region, stabilizing the DNA duplex extensively. On minimal substrates which were partially single-stranded downstream to the cleavage site, cleavage was suicidal, that is, the enzyme was able to cleave the substrates, but unable to perform the final religation.  相似文献   

Class II photolyases ubiquitously occur in plants, animals, prokaryotes and some viruses. Like the distantly related microbial class I photolyases, these enzymes repair UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) lesions within duplex DNA using blue/near-UV light. Methanosarcina mazei Mm0852 is a class II photolyase of the archaeal order of Methanosarcinales, and is closely related to plant and metazoan counterparts. Mm0852 catalyses light-driven DNA repair and photoreduction, but in contrast to class I enzymes lacks a high degree of binding discrimination between UV-damaged and intact duplex DNA. We solved crystal structures of Mm0852, the first one for a class II photolyase, alone and in complex with CPD lesion-containing duplex DNA. The lesion-binding mode differs from other photolyases by a larger DNA-binding site, and an unrepaired CPD lesion is found flipped into the active site and recognized by a cluster of five water molecules next to the bound 3'-thymine base. Different from other members of the photolyase-cryptochrome family, class II photolyases appear to utilize an unusual, conserved tryptophane dyad as electron transfer pathway to the catalytic FAD cofactor.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus (AAV) replicates its DNA exclusively by a leading-strand DNA replication mechanism and requires coinfection with a helper virus, such as adenovirus, to achieve a productive infection. In previous work, we described an in vitro AAV replication assay that required the AAV terminal repeats (the origins for DNA replication), the AAV Rep protein (the origin binding protein), and an adenovirus-infected crude extract. Fractionation of these crude extracts identified replication factor C (RFC), proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and polymerase δ as cellular enzymes that were essential for AAV DNA replication in vitro. Here we identify the remaining factor that is necessary as the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) complex, a cellular helicase complex that is believed to be the replicative helicase for eukaryotic chromosomes. Thus, polymerase δ, RFC, PCNA, and the MCM complex, along with the virally encoded Rep protein, constitute the minimal protein complexes required to reconstitute efficient AAV DNA replication in vitro. Interfering RNAs targeted to MCM and polymerase δ inhibited AAV DNA replication in vivo, suggesting that one or more components of the MCM complex and polymerase δ play an essential role in AAV DNA replication in vivo as well as in vitro. Our reconstituted in vitro DNA replication system is consistent with the current genetic information about AAV DNA replication. The use of highly conserved cellular replication enzymes may explain why AAV is capable of productive infection in a wide variety of species with several different families of helper viruses.  相似文献   

Helicases are molecular motor proteins that couple the hydrolysis of NTP to nucleic acid unwinding. The growing number of DNA helicases implicated in human disease suggests that their vital specialized roles in cellular pathways are important for the maintenance of genome stability. In particular, mutations in genes of the RecQ family of DNA helicases result in chromosomal instability diseases of premature aging and/or cancer predisposition. We will discuss the mechanisms of RecQ helicases in pathways of DNA metabolism. A review of RecQ helicases from bacteria to human reveals their importance in genomic stability by their participation with other proteins to resolve DNA replication and recombination intermediates. In the light of their known catalytic activities and protein interactions, proposed models for RecQ function will be summarized with an emphasis on how this distinct class of enzymes functions in chromosomal stability maintenance and prevention of human disease and cancer.  相似文献   

The replication protein ORF904 from the plasmid pRN1 is a multifunctional enzyme with ATPase-, primase- and DNA polymerase activity. Sequence analysis suggests the presence of at least two conserved domains: an N-terminal prim/pol domain with primase and DNA polymerase activities and a C-terminal superfamily 3 helicase domain with a strong double-stranded DNA dependant ATPase activity. The exact molecular function of the helicase domain in the process of plasmid replication remains unclear. Potentially this motor protein is involved in duplex remodelling and/or origin opening at the plasmid replication origin. In support of this we found that the monomeric replication protein ORF904 forms a hexameric ring in the presence of DNA. It is able to translocate along single-stranded DNA in 3′–5′ direction as well as on double-stranded DNA. Critical residues important for ATPase activity and DNA translocation activity were identified and are in agreement with a homology model of the helicase domain. In addition we propose that a winged helix DNA-binding domain at the C-terminus of the helicase domain could assist the binding of the replication protein specifically to the replication origin.  相似文献   

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