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磷肥对土壤中镉的植物有效性影响及其机理   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
为寻求保障镉污染农田稻米质量安全的有效措施,采用盆栽方法研究了低镉磷肥(Cd<0.2 mg·kg-1)及不同施磷量(0.10、0.20 g P2O5·kg-1)对污染稻田土壤中(潮泥田)镉的植物有效性影响,并探讨了相关机理.结果表明:在0.10 g·kg-1磷剂量水平下,与对照(无磷肥)相比,钙镁磷和磷酸二氢钾处理显著提高了土壤pH和降低了土壤镉活性,钙镁磷和过磷酸钙处理显著降低了水稻对镉的吸收累积;当施磷量增至0.20 g·kg-1时,磷酸氢钙处理显著提高了土壤pH和降低了土壤镉活性,钙镁磷、磷酸二氢钾和磷酸氢钙处理下DTPA提取态镉含量降低11.8%、9.8%和11.8%,NH4OAc提取态镉含量降低9.5%、7.1%和7.1%;5种磷肥处理均显著降低了水稻茎叶中镉含量(降幅24.9% ~ 50.8%),除磷酸氢钙处理外,糙米镉含量的降幅均达到显著水平,钙镁磷和过磷酸钙处理下糙米镉含量接近国家粮食卫生标准(GB 2715-2005).5种供试磷肥中,能提高土壤pH的磷肥(钙镁磷、磷酸二氢钾和磷酸氢钙)降低土壤镉有效性的效果显著,含钙磷肥(钙镁磷和过磷酸钙)降低水稻镉积累的效果较好.磷肥化学性质的差异可能是影响其效果的主要原因,选择碱性含钙磷肥对控制污染农田中作物吸收累积镉更有效.  相似文献   

The effect of pH-increases due to Ca(OH)2 and KOH addition on the adsorption of cadmium (Cd) was examined in two soils which varied in their variable-charge components. The effect of Ca(OH)2 on immobilization and phytoavailability of Cd from one of the soils, treated with various levels of Cd (0–10 mg Cd kg–1 soil), was further evaluated using mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. Cadmium immobilization in soil was evaluated by a chemical fractionation scheme. The addition of Ca(OH)2 and KOH increased the soil pH, thereby increasing the adsorption of Cd, the effect being more pronounced in the soil dominated by variable charge components. There was a greater increase in Cd2+ adsorption in the KOH-treated than the Ca(OH)2-treated soil, which is attributed to the greater competition of Ca2+ for adsorption. Increasing addition of Cd enhanced Cd concentration in plants, resulting in decreased plant growth (i.e., phytotoxicity). Although addition of Ca(OH)2 effectively reduced Cd phytotoxicity, Cd uptake increased at the highest level, probably due to decreased Cd2+ adsorption resulting from increased Ca2+ competition. There was a significant inverse relationship between dry matter yield and Cd concentration in soil solution. Addition of Ca(OH)2 decreased the concentration of the soluble + exchangeable Cd fraction but increased the concentration of inorganic-bound Cd fractions in soil. Since there was no direct evidence for CdCO3 or Cd(OH)2 precipitation in the variable charge soil used for the plant growth experiment, alleviation of phytotoxicity can be attributed primarily to immobilization of Cd by enhanced pH-induced increases in negative charge.  相似文献   

Bolan  N. S.  Adriano  D. C.  Duraisamy  P.  Mani  A.  Arulmozhiselvan  K. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(1):83-94
The effect of phosphate on the surface charge and cadmium (Cd) adsorption was examined in seven soils that varied in their variable-charge components. The effect of phosphate on immobilization and phytoavailability of Cd from one of the soils, treated with various levels of Cd (0–10 mg Cd kg–1 soil), was further evaluated using mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. Cadmium immobilization in soil was evaluated by a chemical fractionation scheme. Addition of phosphate, as KH2PO4, increased the pH, negative charge and Cd adsorption by the soils. Of the seven soils examined, the three allophanic soils (i.e., Egmont, Patua and Ramiha) exhibited greater increases in phosphate-induced pH, negative charge and Cd2+ adsorption over the other four non-allophanic soils (i.e., Ballantrae, Foxton, Manawatu ad Tokomaru). Increasing addition of Cd enhanced Cd concentration in plants, resulting in decreased plant growth (i.e., phytotoxicity). Addition of phosphate effectively reduced the phytotoxicity of Cd. There was a significant inverse relationship between dry matter yield and Cd concentration in soil solution. Addition of phosphate decreased the concentration of the soluble + exchangeable Cd fraction but increased the concentration of inorganic-bound Cd fraction in soil. The phosphate-induced alleviation of Cd phytotoxicity can be attributed primarily to Cd immobilization due to increases in pH and surface charge.  相似文献   

镉是土壤环境中对土壤质量有着极其重要影响的污染物之一,低含量下就能对人体和动物产生危害.镉在土壤中的有效态既决定了它的生物有效性及对环境的危害程度,又是人们对受污染土壤进行治理和修复的基础.作为盐化土壤中的典型组分,无机盐不可避免对镉的有效态及生物有效性等地球化学行为产生明显影响.研究了碱性土壤盐化过程中无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉有效态和植物吸收镉影响.研究方法为:以钠盐为例,实验研究了碱性土壤盐化过程中无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉有效态的影响;通过油菜种植试验,分析了无机盐阴离子对土壤中镉生物有效性的影响.研究结果表明,土壤盐化过程中,土壤溶液中Cl-浓度较低时,土壤中镉的有效态含量随Cl-浓度增加而增大,但当土壤中Cl-/Cd的比值大于100∶1时,土壤中镉的有效态含量达到最大值.土壤溶液中SO42-含量对土壤中镉有效态含量的影响不明显;随着土壤溶液中HCO3-含量的增加,土壤中镉的有效态含量明显减少.由于Cl-、SO42-是土壤溶液中的主要成分,随着盐度的增加,镉的有效态含量增加.油菜种植试验显示,当土壤中Cl-的含量增加时,土壤中镉的有效态含量增加,有利于植物对镉的吸收,因此油菜中镉的含量随土壤中Cl-的含量增加而增加,但当土壤有效态含量超过2 mg/kg后,油菜吸收镉已经达到最大.随着土壤溶液中SO42-浓度的增加,油菜中镉含量基本不变;土壤溶液中HCO3-的含量增加,植物中镉的含量随土壤中HCO3-含量增加而减少.这些特征与土壤镉有效态变化相吻合.通过各种措施控制土壤盐度和调节阴离子类型和含量,有利于降低土壤中镉的有效态含量,减轻镉的活化;农业生产中适当调整无机肥料的种类,可以减少农作物对镉的吸收.  相似文献   

Bolan  N.S.  Adriano  D.C.  Duraisamy  P.  Mani  A. 《Plant and Soil》2003,256(1):231-241
We examined the effect of biosolid compost on the adsorption and complexation of cadmium (Cd) in two soils (Egmont and Manawatu) which varied in their organic matter content. The effect of biosolid compost on the uptake of Cd from the Manawatu soil, treated with various levels of Cd (0–10 mg Cd kg–1 soil), was also examined using mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. The transformation of Cd in soil was evaluated by a chemical fractionation scheme. Addition of biosolid compost increased negative charge in soil. The effect of biosolid compost on Cd adsorption varied between the soils, with a large portion of the sorbed Cd remaining in solution as an organic complex. Increasing addition of Cd increased Cd concentration in plants, resulting in decreased plant growth at high levels of Cd (i.e., phytotoxicity). Addition of biosolid compost was effective in reducing the phytotoxicity of Cd as indicated by the decrease in the concentration of NH4OAc extractable-Cd and soil solution-Cd. The solid-phase fractionation study indicated that the addition of biosolid compost decreased the concentration of the soluble and exchangeable Cd fraction but increased the concentration of organic-bound Cd fraction in soil. Alleviation of Cd phytotoxicity by biosolid compost can be attributed primarily to complexation of Cd by the organic matter in the biosolid compost.  相似文献   

In many species of crop plant, gene flow by cross-pollination is possible between spatially separate fields. To preserve a crop's varietal purity or to restrict ingress into conventional varieties of genetically modified (GM) genes, a quantitative understanding of gene flow is useful. Previous measurements of gene flow in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), a crop with GM varieties, were made in plots of less than 1 ha. Here, I evaluate a mathematical model of field-to-field gene flow due to insect pollination using parameter values appropriate to a large agricultural field of safflower. The model was solved based on laboratory pollination experiments and observations made on a large (40 ha) safflower field in Lethbridge, Canada that was pollinated by honey bees (Apis mellifera) and bumble bees (Bombus spp.). The model estimated the maximum feasible level of bee-mediated, field-to-field gene flow to range between 0.05% and 0.005% of seed set (95% upper confidence intervals of 0.23% and 0.023%), depending on the composition of the bee fauna. These relatively low values emerged for two reasons: safflower has a high capacity for automatic self-fertilization; and bees undertook long foraging bouts in the field, which made between-field pollinations relatively rare. A strategy for minimizing GM gene flow should utilize a conventional safflower variety that has a high capacity for automatic self-fertilization and should allow the conventional plants to grow in large stands to encourage long foraging bouts by bees.  相似文献   

During sporogony, malaria-causing parasites infect a mosquito, reproduce and migrate to the mosquito salivary glands where they can be transmitted the next time blood feeding occurs. The time required for sporogony, known as the extrinsic incubation period (EIP), is an important determinant of malaria transmission intensity. The EIP is typically estimated as the time for a given percentile, x, of infected mosquitoes to develop salivary gland sporozoites (the infectious parasite life stage), which is denoted by EIPx. Many mechanisms, however, affect the observed sporozoite prevalence including the human-to-mosquito transmission probability and possibly differences in mosquito mortality according to infection status. To account for these various mechanisms, we present a mechanistic mathematical model, which explicitly models key processes at the parasite, mosquito and observational scales. Fitting this model to experimental data, we find greater variation in the EIP than previously thought: we estimated the range between EIP10 and EIP90 (at 27°C) as 4.5 days compared to 0.9 days using existing statistical methods. This pattern holds over the range of study temperatures included in the dataset. Increasing temperature from 21°C to 34°C decreased the EIP50 from 16.1 to 8.8 days. Our work highlights the importance of mechanistic modelling of sporogony to (1) improve estimates of malaria transmission under different environmental conditions or disease control programs and (2) evaluate novel interventions that target the mosquito life stages of the parasite.  相似文献   


A three-crop repeated phytoextraction experiment was conducted using four soils (S1–S4) highly polluted with cadmium (Cd) and two enhanced phytoextraction pot experiments using the most polluted soil (S4) to investigate the feasibility of Cd removal from highly polluted soils using the Cd/zinc (Zn)-hyperaccumulator Sedum plumbizincicola. Shoot biomass showed no significant difference during the repeated phytoextraction experiment on the four test soils and shoot Cd content showed a decreasing trend with the three consecutive crops in soils S1, S2, and S3 but not in soil S4. The Cd removal rates in soils S1, S2, S3, and S4 were 84.5, 81.6, 45.3, and 32.4%, respectively. Rice straw application increased Cd extraction efficiency by 42.6% but the addition of ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid, biochar or nitrogen had no effect on Cd remediation. Shoot Cd content increased significantly (1.57 and 1.71 times, respectively) at low (S0-1) and high (S0-2) sulfur addition rates. Soil extractable-Cd in S0-1 after the experiment showed no significant difference from the control but was 2.43 times higher in S0-2 than in the control. These results indicate that S. plumbizincicola shows good prospects for the phytoextraction of Cd from highly polluted soils and that the process can be enhanced by adding straw and/or sulfur to the soil.  相似文献   

Natural organic biomass burning creates black carbon which forms a considerable proportion of the soil’s organic carbon. Due to black carbon’s aromatic structure it is recalcitrant and has the potential for long-term carbon sequestration in soil. Soils within the Amazon-basin contain numerous sites where the ‘dark earth of the Indians’ (Terra preta de Indio, or Amazonian Dark Earths (ADE)) exist and are composed of variable quantities of highly stable organic black carbon waste (‘biochar’). The apparent high agronomic fertility of these sites, relative to tropical soils in general, has attracted interest. Biochars can be produced by ‘baking’ organic matter under low oxygen (‘pyrolysis’). The quantities of key mineral elements within these biochars can be directly related to the levels of these components in the feedstock prior to burning. Their incorporation in soils influences soil structure, texture, porosity, particle size distribution and density. The molecular structure of biochars shows a high degree of chemical and microbial stability. A key physical feature of most biochars is their highly porous structure and large surface area. This structure can provide refugia for beneficial soil micro-organisms such as mycorrhizae and bacteria, and influences the binding of important nutritive cations and anions. This binding can enhance the availability of macro-nutrients such as N and P. Other biochar soil changes include alkalisation of soil pH and increases in electrical conductivity (EC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Ammonium leaching has been shown to be reduced, along with N2O soil emissions. There may also be reductions in soil mechanical impedance. Terra preta soils contain a higher number of ‘operational taxonomic units’ and have highly distinctive microbial communities relative to neighbouring soils. The potential importance of biochar soil incorporation on mycorrhizal fungi has also been noted with biochar providing a physical niche devoid of fungal grazers. Improvements in soil field capacity have been recorded upon biochar additions. Evidence shows that bioavailability and plant uptake of key nutrients increases in response to biochar application, particularly when in the presence of added nutrients. Depending on the quantity of biochar added to soil significant improvements in plant productivity have been achieved, but these reports derive predominantly from studies in the tropics. As yet there is limited critical analysis of possible agricultural impacts of biochar application in temperate regions, nor on the likelihood of utilising such soils as long-term sites for carbon sequestration. This review aims to determine the extent to which inferences of experience mostly from tropical regions could be extrapolated to temperate soils and to suggest areas requiring study.  相似文献   

Proposed European policy in the agricultural sector will place higher emphasis on soil organic carbon (SOC), both as an indicator of soil quality and as a means to offset CO2 emissions through soil carbon (C) sequestration. Despite detailed national SOC data sets in several European Union (EU) Member States, a consistent C stock estimation at EU scale remains problematic. Data are often not directly comparable, different methods have been used to obtain values (e.g. sampling, laboratory analysis) and access may be restricted. Therefore, any evolution of EU policies on C accounting and sequestration may be constrained by a lack of an accurate SOC estimation and the availability of tools to carry out scenario analysis, especially for agricultural soils. In this context, a comprehensive model platform was established at a pan‐European scale (EU + Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Norway) using the agro‐ecosystem SOC model CENTURY. Almost 164 000 combinations of soil‐climate‐land use were computed, including the main arable crops, orchards and pasture. The model was implemented with the main management practices (e.g. irrigation, mineral and organic fertilization, tillage) derived from official statistics. The model results were tested against inventories from the European Environment and Observation Network (EIONET) and approximately 20 000 soil samples from the 2009 LUCAS survey, a monitoring project aiming at producing the first coherent, comprehensive and harmonized top‐soil data set of the EU based on harmonized sampling and analytical methods. The CENTURY model estimation of the current 0–30 cm SOC stock of agricultural soils was 17.63 Gt; the model uncertainty estimation was below 36% in half of the NUTS2 regions considered. The model predicted an overall increase of this pool according to different climate‐emission scenarios up to 2100, with C loss in the south and east of the area (involving 30% of the whole simulated agricultural land) compensated by a gain in central and northern regions. Generally, higher soil respiration was offset by higher C input as a consequence of increased CO2 atmospheric concentration and favourable crop growing conditions, especially in northern Europe. Considering the importance of SOC in future EU policies, this platform of simulation appears to be a very promising tool to orient future policymaking decisions.  相似文献   

Sulfonylureas (SU) are a popular herbicide used today for controlling weeds. While beneficial for this purpose they present a persistent problem in agricultural treated areas, with this treatment proving detrimental for successive crops. This study assessed the phytoremediative properties of lentils (Lens culinaris) grown in uncontaminated and chlorsulfuron-contaminated soil, with and without the addition of a growth supplement, PulseAider?. The results show that in the presence of lentils the degradation of chlorsulfuron is enhanced and this degradation rate is significantly increased when the PulseAider? supplement was included during seed sowing. The supplement PulseAider? also significantly increased shoot and root biomass, root branching, and nodule number under control conditions. While this was not so for plants grown in contaminated soils, the PulseAider? supplement seemed to alter root branching and morphology. Most Probable Number (MPN) assays showed increased numbers of potential chlorsulfuron-degrading bacteria in soil treated with PulseAider?, although this was found to be significant only in the control soil. Sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene showed the presence of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterial species which is a known chlorsulfuron-degrading bacterium. This study is one of the first to address the remediation of residual SU herbicides and offers an economically feasible solution that may have an impact on global food security.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the impact of fungal bioremediation of phenanthrene on trace cadmium solid-solution fluxes and solution phase concentration. METHODS AND RESULTS: The bioremediation of phenanthrene in soils was performed using the fungus Penicillium frequentans. Metal behaviour was evaluated by the techniques of diffusive gradient in thin-films (DGT) and filtration. Fluxes of cadmium (Cd) show a significant (P < 0.002) increase after the start of bioremediation, indicating that the bioremediation process itself releases significant amount of Cd into solution from the soil solid-phase. Unlike DGT devices, the solution concentration from filtration shows a clear bimodal distribution. We postulate that the initial action of the fungi is most likely to breakdown the surface of the solid phase to smaller, 'solution-phase' material (<0.45 microm) leading to a peak in Cd concentration in solution. CONCLUSIONS: Phenanthrene removal from soils by bioremediation ironically results in the mobilization of another toxic pollutant (Cd). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Bioremediation of organic pollutants in contaminated soil will likely lead to large increases in the mobilization of toxic metals, increasing metal bio-uptake and incorporation into the wider food chain. Bioremediation strategies need to account for this behaviour and further research is required both to understand the generality of this behaviour and the operative mechanisms.  相似文献   

施用尿素对土壤中Cd、Pb形态分布及植物有效性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用室外盆栽试验,研究了在镉(25mg·kg-1)、铅(1000mg·kg-1)单一污染及其复合污染的土壤中,施用不同剂量尿素(0、100、200、400、800mg·kg-1)对小麦根际和非根际土壤镉、铅形态、小麦植物体镉、铅浓度的影响,为重金属污染土壤的防治提供依据。结果表明:增加尿素施用水平显著提高了小麦不同部位镉、铅浓度,尿素施用促进小麦对镉、铅的吸收与其对土壤中镉、铅形态分布的影响紧密相关,尿素施用引起土壤pH下降,提高土壤中交换态镉、铅含量,而交换态是最易被植物吸收利用的部分,这是尿素施用提高镉、铅植物有效性的主要原因;与单一污染相比,镉、铅复合污染抑制了小麦对铅的吸收,但促进了小麦对镉的吸收。  相似文献   

An analysis of the mechanisms governing species replacements in crayfish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary We investigated mechanisms governing replacement of the native crayfish Orconectes sanborni by an invading cryafish, Orconectes rusticus. The two species had similar life histories, habitat preferences, and feeding patterns in allopatric and sympatric stream areas. Orconectes rusticus young-of-year (YOY) grew faster than O. sanborni YOY in the field. Adult O. rusticus were larger and, hence, dominant over adult O. sanborni; YOY were non-aggressive. In laboratory experiments, adult crayfish (about 28 mm carapace length or larger) were not susceptable to predation by largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides, 30 cm total length) and did not alter shelter use when fish were present. Orconectes rusticus YOY were less susceptible to predation than O. sanborni YOY. Orconectes rusticus YOY reduced their vulnerability to largemouth bass by occupying shelters more often than YOY O. sanborni. In mixed-species mateselection experiments, male O. rusticus and male O. sanborni preferentially mated with O. rusticus females. Inappropriate mate selection in sympatry may have caused the 90% reduction in recruitment for both species in 1982. Orconectes rusticus probably maintains greater population growth than O. sanborni, because (1) more gravid O. rusticus females occurred in sympatry, (2) O. rusticus produced more young than O. sanborni, and (3) O. rusticus young grew faster. Reproductive interference, acting synergistically with differences in aggressive dominance and young-of-year susceptibility to predation, appears to serve as the major mechanisms regulating replacement of O. sanborni by O. rusticus in Ohio streams.  相似文献   

Labile pool of cadmium in sludge-treated soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pandeya  S.B.  Singh  A.K.  Jha  P. 《Plant and Soil》1998,202(1):1-13
The labile pool of cadmium in sludge-treated soils was determined by application of isotopic dilution principle under laboratory and green house conditions using moong (Phaseolus aureus L.) as test crop. The laboratory indices like isotopic distribution coefficient (Kd) of 115Cd in 0.1 M CaCl2, labile pool (LP) of Cd in DTPA–CaCl2–Na acetate (adjusted to pH 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0) and supply parameter (SP) using Kd as intensity and LP as capacity factor of Cd in soils, were computed to compare these values with actual uptake of Cd by the crop to test them as indices of Cd availability. The path-ways of transfer of soil Cd from the discrete chemical pools to plants were also computed. The LP (pH 7.0) and the SP were significantly correlated with the concentration of Cd in plants and its uptake by the crop. They are, therefore, good indices of Cd availability in sludge treated vertisol soils and can be used as reference indices for standarization of chemical extractants. The water soluble + exchangeable Cd and the 0.05 M EDTA extractable Cd were observed to be the two major chemical pools of Cd in soils responsible for supply of this element to plants. As substantial part of 0.1 M Na4P2O7 extractable Cd applied to the soils remains in same form, they are not transfered into the food chain. The amounts of soil Cd extracted by DTPA–CaCl2–TEA (pH 7.3), EDTA–NH4OAC (pH 7.3) and Mg(NO3)2 (pH 6.0) were significantly correlated with concentration of Cd in plants and with uptake of Cd by moong crop.  相似文献   

Aim We set out to develop a temperature‐ and salinity‐dependent mechanistic population model for copepods that can be used to understand the role of environmental parameters in population growth or decline. Models are an important tool for understanding the dynamics of invasive species; our model can be used to determine an organism’s niche and explore the potential for invasion of a new habitat. Location Strait of Georgia, British Columbia, Canada. Methods We developed a birth rate model to determine the environmental niche for an estuarine copepod. We conducted laboratory experiments to estimate demographic parameters over a range of temperatures and salinities for Eurytemora affinis collected from the Nanaimo Estuary, British Columbia (BC). The parameterized model was then used to explore what environmental conditions resulted in population growth vs. decline. We then re‐parameterized our model using previously published data for E. affinis collected in the Seine Estuary, France (SE), and compared the dynamics of the two populations. Results We established regions in temperature–salinity space where E. affinis populations from BC would likely grow vs. decline. In general, the population from BC exhibited positive and higher intrinsic growth rates at higher temperatures and salinities. The population from SE exhibited positive and higher growth rates with increasing temperature and decreasing salinity. These different relationships with environmental parameters resulted in predictions of complex interactions among temperature, salinity and growth rates if the two subspecies inhabited the same estuary. Main conclusions We developed a new mechanistic model that describes population dynamics in terms of temperature and salinity. This model may prove especially useful in predicting the potential for invasion by copepods transported to Pacific north‐west estuaries via ballast water, or in any system where an ecosystem is subject to invasion by a species that shares demographic characteristics with an established (sub)species.  相似文献   

G A Penner  L J Bezte  D Leisle  J Clarke 《Génome》1995,38(3):543-547
Temperature sweep gel electrophoresis in combination with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was employed to detect two markers for a single gene governing low cadmium uptake in western Canadian durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum). Analysis of progeny derived from a cross of the high cadmium accumulating cultivar Kyle by the low cadmium accumulating cultivar Nile resulted in linkage estimates of 4.6 (OPC-20) and 21.2 (UBC-180) cM. The closest marker (OPC-20) was shown to be useful for making low cadmium uptake selections from two other sources of low cadmium, 'Biodur' and 'Hercules'. The marker was further used to determine the genetic basis of resistance in 20 introduced durum wheat lines. Within this diverse range of germplasm the marker was correlated with cadmium contents as expected in all but two cases. Plant breeding selection for low cadmium genotypes is hindered by the high cost of chemical determination of cadmium content. Marker assisted selection for a low cadmium uptake gene offers an effective alternative.  相似文献   

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