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Anuradha  S.  Rao  S. Seeta Ram 《Photosynthetica》2009,47(2):317-320
The present study was conducted to study the effect of 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) on changes of plant growth, net photosynthetic rate, carbonic anhydrase (E.C. and nitrate reductase (E.C. activities in the leaves of Raphanus sativus L. under the influence of cadmium (Cd) stress. Cd reduced plant growth, photosynthetic pigment levels, net photosynthetic rate and the activities of carbonic anhydrase and nitrate reductase. However seed application of EBL reduced the toxic effect of Cd on plant growth, pigment content, photosynthesis and enzyme activities. The studies clearly demonstrated the ameliorating effect of 24-epibrassinolide in mitigating the toxicity of Cd in plants.  相似文献   

Engineering cold stress tolerance in crop plants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary As described earlier, the native arido-active perennial Hammada scoparia and the cultivated Prunus armeniaca exhibit characteristic seasonal shifts of their temperature optimum of net photosynthesis (OP) under desert conditions in the Negev. In the present paper the OP values were compared with the actual tissue temperatures of the experimental plants.During the growing period from March to September the duration of optimal temperatures for net photosynthesis (OP±3°C) experienced by the plants was 32.2% of the total time at light saturation for P. armeniaca and 27.8% for H. scoparia. For optimal photosynthesis the branchlets of H. scoparia are too cold for 66.1% of the time span and too warm for 6.1% of the time. The respective values for the leaves of the apricot are 28.6% and 39.2%. Simulations at changed tissue temperature show, that for P. armeniaca neither a higher nor a lower temperature regime would lengthen the time span for optimal thermal conditions. For H. scoparia, however, an increase of the general temperature level by 6°C would considerably improve the temperature-related photosynthetic efficiency. The natural temperature responses of the plants were compared with simulations using OP values which are supposed not to shift but to stay constant from March through September at their spring minimum, their summer maximum, or at an intermediate value. For P. armeniaca such constant OP values would result in a shorter duration of optimal temperature conditions. With this plant the natural seasonal shift of the temperature characteristics appears to provide an advantage in respect to its photosynthetic capacity. Contrary to this, for H. scoparia a constant OP value at the low spring level or even at the intermediate level during all the season would result in a substantially prolonged period of favourable temperature conditions for photosynthesis. In this case the seasonal change of optimum temperature for photosynthesis with higher OP values in summer signifies a disadvantage with respect to the temperature-related photosynthetic capacity at the habitat in the central Negev. Apparently this C4 plant is adapted to higher temperatures than were present. It appears that acclimations of native plants are not always beneficial.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic functions have been investigated in ozone stressed (200 ppb, 5 h) Melissa officinalis plants at the end of fumigation and 24 and 48 h after. Plants exhibited foliar injury and membrane permeability was significantly increased, indicating that there was membrane damage. After the end of treatment, CO2 fixation capacity decreased and this lasted during the recovery period (until a maximum of −63% when compared to controls). These strong negative effects on photosynthetic ability were observed to be due both to stomatal and mesophyllic limitations, since stomatal conductance decreased (−23%) and intercellular CO2 concentration significantly increased (+41%). Reduction in PSII efficiency is evidenced by (i) decrease of Fv/F0 (−11.4%), indicating a partial inhibition at PSII donor side; (ii) significant correlation between the apparent electron transport rate through PSII and photosynthetic activity, suggesting that the O3-induced effects are well established, as demonstrated by the development of leaf necrosis; (iii) increase in electrons required to fix one molecule of CO2, showing a decrease in activity of photosynthetic enzymes and their ability to fix CO2 in the presence of O3; (iv) decrease of qL, resulting in an increase in the PSII excitation pressure. On the other hand, a regulatory adjustment of PSII efficiency was highlighted by (i) higher value of qNP, abling to counteract the negative effects of O3 at chloroplast level because of their capacity to dissipate the excess of excitation energy; (ii) increase of the xanthophyll cycle pool size and DEPS index, showing a marked activation of photoprotective mechanisms. This represents an active response that M. officinalis initiates to cope with increased oxidative load.  相似文献   

'The Holy Grail' of plant ecology is to uncover rules that associate species and traits with environmental constraints, community composition and subsequent ecosystem functioning. These aims have been crystallized in recent years within the context of global climate change and environmental pollution, increasing the urgency of the need to predict how vegetation will respond across spatial scales. We investigated whether genetic diversity is associated with the way in which phenotypic plasticity within plant populations is realized and whether this is related to genotype abundance. We used environmental metabolomics to demonstrate biochemical variation between co-occurring genotypes of Carex caryophyllea L. A novel combined metabolomic/functional trait analysis was used to test the functionality of this variation in governing plasticity to variation in edaphic conditions, with particular reference to metabolic pathways that play important roles in growth-related traits. We show that genetic diversity within a wild C. caryophyllea population relates to differences in metabolic composition and functional traits in response to soil nutrient variation, influencing genotype abundance within a community. Our findings highlight the vital role genetic diversity plays within a population in facilitating plant phenotypic plasticity and the potential usefulness of environmental metabolomics to future ecological studies.  相似文献   

A putative way of the protective action of cytokinins on the photosynthetic processes in crops experiencing various stress factors is considered. Various cytokinins are characterized. Pathways of the multiple effects of cytokinin preparations mediating the protection of the photosynthetic machinery from stress are described. Cytokinins interact with receptor proteins, and then the signal is transduced to primary cellular targets (primary response genes). These genes, which possess receptor domains, induce synthesis of the corresponding mRNAs and photosynthesis-related proteins of chlorophyll-protein complexes, the electron-transport chain, and carbon metabolism, primarily, the key enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The protective action of cytokinins under stress conditions preserves the structure and function of the photosynthetic machinery. The application of cytokinins to improving crop yields is discussed.  相似文献   

Currently, food security depends on the increased production of cereals such as wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), which is an important source of calories and protein for humans. However, cells of the crop have suffered from the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can cause severe oxidative damage to the plants, due to environmental stresses. ROS are toxic molecules found in various subcellular compartments. The equilibrium between the production and detoxification of ROS is sustained by enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants. In the present review, we offer a brief summary of antioxidant defense and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) signaling in wheat plants. Wheat plants increase antioxidant defense mechanisms under abiotic stresses, such as drought, cold, heat, salinity and UV-B radiation, to alleviate oxidative damage. Moreover, H2O2 signaling is an important factor contributing to stress tolerance in cereals.  相似文献   

In seedlings of a cold-resistant wheat variety, the dynamics was studied of the main structural-functional parameters of the photosynthetic apparatus (PSA) and of cold resistance of leaf cells in low-temperature plant adaptation. It has been established that a complex of structural-functional PSA changes takes place in seedling leaves under the influence of cold. As a result, as early as in the first hours of hardening, the formation of chloroplasts begins to occur in mesophyll cells of larger sizes and with a thylakoid system of the “sun type.” Owing to structural and functional readjustment (a change of content of pigments, stabilization of pigment-protein complexes, and enhancement of nonphotochemical quenching of excess energy) in the process of cold adaptation, the rate of photosynthesis stabilizes. It is suggested that the observed structural-functional PSA rearrangement is a necessary condition for formation of increased cold resistance of leaf cells; this, alongside with other physiological-biochemical changes occurring in parallel in cells and tissues of the plants, provides their survival under conditions of low temperatures.  相似文献   

Specific and unspecific responses of plants to cold and drought stress   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Different environmental stresses to a plant may result in similar responses at the cellular and molecular level. This is due to the fact that the impacts of the stressors trigger similar strains and downstream signal transduction chains. A good example for an unspecific response is the reaction to stressors which induce water deficiency e.g. drought, salinity and cold, especially frost. The stabilizing effect of liquid water on the membrane bilayer can be supported by compatible solutes and special proteins. At the metabolic level, osmotic adjustment by synthesis of low-molecular osmolytes (carbohydrates, betains, proline) can counteract cellular dehydration and turgor loss. Taking the example of Pinus sylvestris, changes at the level of membrane composition, and concomitantly of photosynthetic capacity during frost hardening is shown. Additionally the effect of photoperiod as measured via the phytochrome system and the effect of subfreezing temperatures on the incidence of frost hardening is discussed. Extremely hydrophilic proteins such as dehydrins are common products protecting not only the biomembranes in ripening seeds (late embryogenesis abundant proteins) but accumulate also in the shoots and roots during cold adaptation, especially in drought tolerant plants. Dehydrins are characterized by conserved amino acid motifs, called the K-, Y-or S-segments. Accumulation of dehydrins can be induced not only by drought, but also by cold, salinity, treatment with abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate. Positive effects of the overexpression of a wild chickpea (Cicer pinnatifidum) dehydrin in tobacco plants on the dehydration tolerance is shown. The presentation discusses the perception of cold and drought, the subsequent signal transduction and expression of genes and their products. Differences and similarities between the plant responses to both stressors are also discussed.  相似文献   

Ferredoxins are electron shuttles harboring iron-sulfur clusters which participate in oxido-reductive pathways in organisms displaying very different lifestyles. Ferredoxin levels decline in plants and cyanobacteria exposed to environmental stress and iron starvation. Flavodoxin is an isofunctional flavoprotein present in cyanobacteria and algae (not plants) which is induced and replaces ferredoxin under stress. Expression of a chloroplast-targeted flavodoxin in plants confers tolerance to multiple stresses and iron deficit. We discuss herein the bases for functional equivalence between the two proteins, the reasons for ferredoxin conservation despite its susceptibility to aerobic stress and for the loss of flavodoxin as an adaptive trait in higher eukaryotes. We also propose a mechanism to explain the tolerance conferred by flavodoxin when expressed in plants.  相似文献   

Effects of moderate cold stress on reasoning ability, associative learning and critical flicker frequncy of Indian subjects were studied by exposing them to 25C,. 20C, 15C and 10C for three hours. A second set of experiments was also conducted to confirm the conclusions of the first by using the same temperatures and duration of exposure. However, not only the sample used in the second case was larger and different but also the mental functions tested were numerical ability, running memory and mental alertness. It has been concluded that there is a significant impairment of simple cognitive functions at 15C which is 10C lower than their most comfortable temperature of 25C.  相似文献   

The plants produced by in vitro methods are free of any microflora contrary to natural systems where plants are colonized by symbiotic fungi. The present paper reports the experiments carried out to evaluate the role of arbuscular endomycorrhizal fungi in development of micropropagated strawberries and their photosynthetic activity (measured by chlorophyll fluorescence) under drought conditions. Mycorrhization strongly affected growth and tolerance to water deficiency of the plants cultivated in greenhouse. Wilting of not-mycorrhized plants was accompanied by drastic increase of Fo and Tfm and decrease of Fm. At the same time, the value of these parameters for mycorrhized plants did not change. Drastic decrease in the value of parameters Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo and Fo/Fm for plants without AMF appeared at the end of dry period. Rise of Fs and decrease Rfd was noted only for not-mycorrhized plants. The plants colonized by fungi, fully recovered their photosynthetic activity when watering was restored.  相似文献   

高山植物光合机构耐受胁迫的适应机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物的光合作用是易受环境影响的重要生理过程之一.高山植物作为生长在特定极端环境(低温/强辐射)下的植物群体,其光合器官在形态结构和生理功能上形成了抵御强辐射和低温胁迫的特殊适应机制.但由于较高的生境异质性,高山植物的光保护适应机制存在较大的差异.光保护适应机制与光合作用密切关联,影响植物的碳同化能力和生物量的形成能力.本文对近年来国内外有关高山植物光合器官叶绿体的形态、超微解剖结构及光合机构光保护适应机理的研究进展进行了综述,并提出了今后高山植物光合作用生理适应性研究的方向.  相似文献   

The study investigates the reactions of rice, wheat and maize to anoxia (plants without access to oxygen) and hypoxia (roots with very limited access to oxygen). We studied the adaptations of these intact crop plants because they are known to differ widely in their tolerance to oxygen deficiency. In hypoxia, there was an accumulation of sugars, especially in wheat and maize, although both flood-sensitive species significantly increased the activities of fermentative and glycolytic enzymes, clearly more than in rice. In rice, avoiding an oxygen limitation due to the effective aeration system (30% of root cross-sectional area) may have accounted for only a minor metabolic reaction to hypoxia. In anoxia, maize and wheat quickly lost viability and nearly all photosynthetic capacity, while most rice leaves stayed turgid and green, losing only 50% of the photosynthetic capacity. A strong metabolic arrest under anoxia was obvious for the sucrolytic, glycolytic and fermentative enzymes in all tested species, but was most pronounced in rice. Of the 14 enzymes studied, rice showed the lowest activity increase in hypoxia for 11 enzymes, and the strongest activity decrease in anoxia for 8 enzymes. However, rice was able even under anoxia to keep a 1/4 of the ATP level of the aerated control, while it was at the detection limit in maize and wheat. It appears that in anoxic rice, the switch to metabolic dormancy and maintenance of basic shoot meristems diminishes the needs for energy and substrate. Additionally, rice already has lower sugar demand under hypoxia, and sugar supply appears to be sustained under anoxia by a functioning anaerobic amylase and by the photosynthetically active shoot.  相似文献   

Diurnal patterns of whole-plant and leaf gas exchange and 14C-export of winter wheat acclimated at 20 and 5°C were determined. The 5°C-acclimated plants had lower relative growth rates, smaller biomass and leaf area, but larger specific leaf weight than 20°C plants. Photosynthetic rates in 20°C and 5°C-acclimated leaves were similar; however, daytime export from 5°C-acclimated leaves was 45% lower. Photosynthesis and export remained steady in 20°C and 5°C-acclimated leaves during the daytime. By comparison, photosynthesis in 5°C-stressed leaves (20°C-acclimated plants exposed to 5°C 12 h before and during measurements) declined from 70 to 50% of the 20°C-acclimated leaves during the daytime, while export remained constant at 35% of the 20°C-acclimated and 60% of the 5°C-acclimated leaves. At high light and CO2, photosynthesis and export increased in both 20°C and 5°C-acclimated leaves, but rates in 5°C-stressed leaves remained unchanged. At all conditions daytime export was greater than nighttime export. Taken together, during cold acclimation photosynthesis was upregulated, whereas export was only partially increased. We suggest that this reflects a requirement of cold-acclimated plants to both sustain an increased leaf metabolic demand while concomitantly supporting translocation of photoassimilates to overwintering sinks.  相似文献   

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