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The NRAMP 1 gene is a major candidate gene influencing the outcome of infections with intracellular pathogens in numerous species. NRAMP 1 is highly conserved in many mammalian species and the NRAMP 1 gene shows considerable conservation in structure between mice and humans. The association of NRAMP 1 gene polymorphisms with disease in cattle has been limited to a single microsatellite located within the 3'-non coding region of the bovine NRAMP 1 gene. In order to facilitate further studies on this important gene, we now report the nearly complete structure of the bovine NRAMP 1 gene, including sizes and positions of 13 introns relative to the bovine NRAMP 1 gene coding sequence and the DNA sequence of intron-exon junctions. Comparison of the bovine, murine and human NRAMP 1 gene structures revealed a high degree of conservation in intron placement, though the lengths of several introns were less-well conserved. In general, the greatest divergence in intron lengths occurred in regions of the NRAMP 1 gene displaying the lowest coding sequence conservation. In addition, mutations near intron-exon junctions could account for 25 of the 75 total amino acid differences between murine and bovine NRAMP 1. Using information gained through this study, it was possible to rapidly identify a novel polymorphism within the bovine NRAMP 1 gene intron X. This polymorphism was shown by direct DNA sequence analysis to consist of insertion of three guanine nucleotides at positions 37,40 and 98 relative to the intron X start point. Initial scans of several cattle breeds suggest that the two intron X alleles identified here are stable and widespread in the Bos taurus population.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are sensor-transducer proteins capable of decoding calcium signals in diverse phosphorylation-dependent calcium signaling networks in plants and some protists. Using a novel yeast two-hybrid (YTH) approach with constitutively active and/or catalytically inactive forms of AtCPK11 as bait, we identified AtDi19 as an AtCPK11-interacting protein. AtDi19 is a member of a small family of stress-induced genes. The interaction was confirmed using pull-down assays with in vitro translated AtCPK11 and GST-AtDi19 and localization studies in Arabidopsis protoplasts cotransfected with AtCPK11:GFP and AtDi19:DsRed2 protein fusions. We further showed that the interaction of AtDi19 is specific to both AtCPK4 and AtCPK11, whereas other closely related CPKs from Arabidopsis interacted weakly (e.g., AtCPK12) or did not interact (e.g., AtCPK26, AtCPK5 and AtCPK1) with AtDi19. Deletion analyses showed that a region containing two predicted nuclear localization signals (NLS) and a nuclear export signal (NES) of AtDi19 is essential for interaction with AtCPK11. We further demonstrated that AtDi19 is phosphorylated by AtCPK11 in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner at Thr105 and Ser107 within the AtDi19 bipartite NLS using in vitro kinase assays. Our data suggest that disruption of the autoinhibitor domain leading to the formation of a constitutively active CDPK may stabilize kinase-substrate interactions without affecting specificity.  相似文献   

Dehydrodolichyl diphosphate (DedolPP) synthase catalyzes the sequential condensation of isopentenyl diphosphate with farnesyl diphosphate to synthesize DedolPP, a biosynthetic precursor for dolichol which plays an important role as a sugar-carrier lipid in the biosynthesis of glycoprotein in eukaryotic cells. During certain pathological processes like Alzheimer's disease or some neurological disorders, dolichol has been shown to accumulate in human brain. In order to understand the regulatory mechanism of dolichol in eukaryotes, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen using full length human DedolPP synthase gene [Endo et al. BBA 1625 (2003) 291] as a bait to find some proteins specifically interacting with the enzyme. We identified Niemann-Pick Type C2 protein (NPC2) to show a specific interaction with human DedolPP synthase. This interaction was further confirmed by in vitro co-immunoprecipitation experiment, indicating the possible physiological interaction between NPC2 and DedolPP synthase proteins in human.  相似文献   

The yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) system is a powerful method to identify protein-protein inter-actions (PPI) in vivo, requiring minimal prior information of the putative interactors. The time and effort required for each experiment can be significantly reduced if the "bait" and the "prey" proteins are cloned into specific recombination-amenable two-hybrid vectors. We describe the construction of a reading frame-independent vector system for Y2H PPI studies. The described vector system knits together the advantages of site-specific recombination cloning with the Y2H system. The produced plasmids enable recombination-based cloning of genes or gene fragments in all possible reading frames into Y2H library vectors. Thus, Y2H screening libraries can be rapidly constructed and will present more amino termini in the correct reading frame. Additionally, advantageous for small-scale Y2H studies, there is no need to know the natural reading frame of the genes of interest, because the bait and prey genes can be transferred into the vectors by a single reaction and are present in all possible reading frames. Since the Y2H system per se is a positive selection system, only pairs of bait and prey genes harboring the correct reading frames will emerge. We tested the new vectors within the Y2H system and demonstrated full functionality without any undesired effects on the Y2H system itself. Besides the vector construction, we investigated the utility of the system for Y2H analysis and demonstrated clearly its practicability in genome-wide Y2H screenings and the advantage of using additional reading-frame Y2H cDNA libraries. We performed a series of genome-wide Y2H library screenings with the human vitamin D receptor protein (VDR) as bait. We investigated: (i) whether more protein interactors are found by using three instead of one reading-frame destination vectors; (ii) how much overlap between the different reading-frame libraries exists; and (iii) the rate of possible additional autoactivators. We conclude that our vectors deliver significantly more interactors and outperform a single reading-frame library. This new system could enable simple and fast large-scale PPI studies and the construction of high-quality screening libraries.  相似文献   

Redl B  Merschak P  Abt B  Wojnar P 《FEBS letters》1999,460(1):182-186
Human tear lipocalin (TL) is an unusual member of the lipocalin protein family, since it is known to bind a large variety of lipophilic ligands in vivo and acts as a cysteine proteinase inhibitor in vitro. It is suggested to function as a physiological protection factor by scavenging lipophilic potentially harmful compounds. Since protein-protein interaction or macromolecular complexation is a common feature of many lipocalins, we applied phage display technology to identify TL interacting proteins. By panning of a human prostate cDNA phagemid library against purified TL we isolated a thioredoxin (Trx) encoding phage clone. Biochemical analysis revealed that TL indeed interacts with Trx and is reduced by this redox protein. Reduction of the TL-specific disulfide bond is of functional relevance, since the reduced protein shows a nine-fold increase in ligand affinity when tested with retinoic acid as ligand.  相似文献   

A novel protein kinase (BjCCaBPk) from etiolated Brassica juncea seedlings has been purified and partially characterized. The purified enzyme migrated on SDS/PAGE as a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 43 kDa. The optimum pH for the kinase activity was 8.0. It was stimulated more than sixfold by the protozoa Entamoeba histolytica calcium binding protein EhCaBP (10.5 nM) but not by calmodulin (CaM) when used at equimolar concentration. Moreover the kinase also did not bind CaM-Sepharose. There was neither inhibition of the kinase activity in the presence of W-7 (a CaM antagonist), KN-62 (a specific calcium/CaM kinase inhibitor) and anti-CaM Ig, nor any effect on BjCCaBPk activity of staurosporine (a protein kinase C inhibitor). Furthermore a CaM-kinase specific substrate, syntide-2, proved to be a poor substrate for the BjCCaBPk compared with histone III-S. The phosphorylation of histone III-S involved serine residues. Southern and Northern blot analysis showed the presence of EhCaBP homologues in Brassica. The data suggest that BjCCaBPk may be a novel protein kinase with an affinity towards a calcium binding protein like EhCaBP.  相似文献   

NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductases (NTRs) are key regulatory enzymes determining the redox state of the thioredoxin system. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome has two genes coding for NTRs (NTRA and NTRB), both of which encode mitochondrial and cytosolic isoforms. Surprisingly, plants of the ntra ntrb knockout mutant are viable and fertile, although with a wrinkled seed phenotype, slower plant growth, and pollen with reduced fitness. Thus, in contrast with mammals, our data demonstrate that neither cytosolic nor mitochondrial NTRs are essential in plants. Nevertheless, in the double mutant, the cytosolic thioredoxin h3 is only partially oxidized, suggesting an alternative mechanism for thioredoxin reduction. Plant growth in ntra ntrb plants is hypersensitive to buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of glutathione biosynthesis, and thioredoxin h3 is totally oxidized under this treatment. Interestingly, this BSO-mediated growth arrest is fully reversible, suggesting that BSO induces a growth arrest signal but not a toxic accumulation of activated oxygen species. Moreover, crossing ntra ntrb with rootmeristemless1, a mutant blocked in root growth due to strongly reduced glutathione synthesis, led to complete inhibition of both shoot and root growth, indicating that either the NTR or the glutathione pathway is required for postembryonic activity in the apical meristem.  相似文献   

The SH2/SH3 adapter proteins of the Crk family are potent signal transducers after receptor tyrosine kinase stimulation with insulin or IGF-1. We have employed a yeast two-hybrid approach and mutational analysis to dissect the capabilities of the insulin receptor and the IGF-I receptor to directly associate with Crk isoforms. Insulin receptor stably recruits full length Crk by association with its SH2 domain in an auto-phosphorylation dependent manner. In contrast, interaction of the IGF-I receptor with the Crk-IISH2 domain was only detectable when Crk-II was truncated in its C-terminal part, indicating the transient nature of this interaction. From these data it can be concluded that members of the insulin receptor family activate Crk proteins in a differential manner.  相似文献   

Cyclophilin A (CyPA) was identified as one of the calreticulin (CR)-binding proteins in a yeast two-hybrid screen utilizing simian cDNA expression-library. The simian CyPA protein had 96% identity with that of human, differing only at eight amino acid residues. We further established CyPA–CR interaction by incubation of glutathione transferase-fused CyPA (GST-CyPA) and CR proteins with CV-1 cyto-lysates, followed by CR and CyPA-specific immuno-blot analysis. The immunosuppressive drug cyclosporin A, a CyPA ligand, did not inhibit CyPA–CR interaction. Our results established a new property of CyPA binding activity to CR. Since CR is a Ca2+-binding protein, CR–CyPA interactions may be important in signaling pathways for induction of Ca2+-dependent cellular processes.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a fatal disease that shows minimal response to chemotherapy. Genetic changes involved in the progression of PDAC concern genes that encode proteins related to signal transduction networks. This fact reveals the importance in identifying the role and the relations between multiple signaling cascades in PDAC. One of the major factors that modulate signaling events is multidomain scaffold proteins that function by binding several proteins simultaneously, inducing their proximity and influencing the outcome of signaling. A particular group among them, containing multiple Src homology 3 (SH3) domains that can bind proteins containing proline-rich motifs, was associated to different aspects of cancer cell homeostasis. In this work, using a microarray-based analysis, we have shown that 13 multiple SH3 domain containing scaffold proteins are expressed in PDAC cells. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach, we have identified proteins that interact with these adaptor proteins. Among them we have found several molecules that modulate cell proliferation and survival (CIZ1, BIRC6, RBBP6), signaling (LTBP4, Notch2, TOM1L1, STK24) and membrane dynamics (PLSCR1, DDEF2, VCP). Our results indicate that interactions mediated by multi-SH3 domain-containing proteins could lead to the formation of dynamic protein complexes that function in pancreatic cancer cell signaling. The identification of such protein complexes is of paramount importance in deciphering pancreatic cancer biology and designing novel therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Dolichol phosphate-mannose (Dol-P-Man) is a mannose donor in various eukaryotic glycosylation processes. So far, two groups of Dol-P-Man synthases have been characterized based on the way they are stabilized in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Enzymes belonging to the first group, such as the yeast Dpm1, are typical integral membrane proteins harboring a transmembrane segment (TMS) at their C terminus. In contrast, mammalian Dpm1, enzymes of the second group, lack the typical TMS and require the association with the small hydrophobic proteins Dpm3 to be properly stabilized in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the Polyprenol-P-Man synthase MtPpm1 is involved in the biosynthesis of the cell wall-associated glycolipid lipoarabinomannan. MtPpm1 is composed of two domains. The C-terminal catalytic domain is homologous to eukaryotic Dol-P-Man synthases. The N-terminal domain of MtPpm1 contains six TMS that anchor the enzyme in the cytoplasmic membrane. In contrast, in Mycobacterium smegmatis, orthologs of the two domains of MtPpm1 are encoded by two distinct open reading frames, Msppm1 and Msppm2, organized as an operon. No TMS are predicted in MsPpm1, and subcellular fractionation experiments indicate that this enzyme is cytosolic when produced in Escherichia coli. Computer-assisted topology predictions and alkaline phosphatase insertions showed that MsPpm2 is an integral membrane protein. Using a recently developed bacterial two-hybrid system, it was found that MsPpm2 interacts with MsPpm1 to stabilize the synthase MsPpm1 in the bacterial membrane. This interaction is reminiscent of that of mammalian Dpm1 with Dpm3 and mimics the structure of MtPpm1 as demonstrated by the capacity of the two domains of MtPpm1 to spontaneously interact when co-expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

KUMAR  A; ELSTON  J 《Annals of botany》1992,70(1):3-9
Various kinds of measurement of tissue water status were madeseveral times during water stress and recovery in Brassica juncea(cv Canadian Black) and B napus (cv Drakkar) Unstressed plantsof the two species had similar leaf water potentials (w), solute(s) and turgor potentials (p) Values of relative water content(RWC) and the slope of the linear relationship between p andRWC (p/RWC) were greater in B napus than in B juncea Statistical correlations of pooled data for the watered andstressed treatments differentiated the relationships among RWC,w and its components in the two species The major statisticaldifference was that p/RWC was related to RWC in B napus andto w and s in B juncea A decline in p/RWC with decreasing sin B juncea may be a mechanism for maintaining p at low soilwater potentials through maintenance of more elastic cell walls. Brassica juncea, Brassica napus, osmotic adjustment, tissue elasticity, water relations  相似文献   

[32P]Phosphotyrosine was detected in a hydrolysate of yeast proteins after in vivo labeling with [32P]phosphoric acid. The phosphoamino acid was present in cells exponentially growing on glucose as well as in cells that had reached the stationary phase of growth. Also, a plasma membrane preparation was shown to phosphorylate casein on tyrosine residues.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT), a major Ca2+-sequestering protein, has beenimplicated in a variety of cellular functions such as Ca2+ storage,signaling and chaperone activity within the cytoplasm and endoplasmicreticulum. To investigate the biological role of CRT in rice,21 partial cDNAs, encoding proteins that interacted with riceCRT in a yeast two-hybrid interaction-cloning system, were characterizedand the nucleotide sequences were found to be identical to eachother. A full-length cDNA of 3.5 kb, obtained from ricegenomic sequence data and 5' RACE, codes for a novel proteinof 966 amino acid residues and was designated as CRTintP (CRTinteracting protein). Primary sequence analysis of CRTintP showedno sequence homology with the known functional proteins; however,a potential ubiquitin-like domain at the N-terminal togetherwith a putative leucine zipper, a nuclear localization signaland several sites for serine/threonine kinases were evident.Cellular localization of CRTintP demonstrated its role in directinggreen fluorescent protein to the nucleus in onion epidermalcells. Northern and immunoblot analysis showed increased expressionof CRT and CRTintP in response to cold stress. Co-immunoprecipitationusing anti-CRT antibodies confirmed the existence of the CRT-CRTintPcomplex in vivo in the stressed leaf tissue, suggesting theirpotential role in regulating stress response. 4 Corresponding author: E-mail, skomatsu{at}affrc.go.jp; Fax, +81-298-38-7464.  相似文献   

While nectaries are commonly found in flowers, some plants also form extrafloral nectaries on stems or leaves. For the first time in the family Brassicaceae, here we report extrafloral nectaries in Brassica juncea. The extrafloral nectar (EFN) was secreted from previously amorphic sites on stems, flowering stalks and leaf axils from the onset of flowering until silique formation. Transverse sections at the point of nectar secretion revealed a pocket‐like structure whose opening was surrounded by modified stomatal guard cells. The EFN droplets were viscous and up to 50% of the total weight was sugars, 97% of which was sucrose in the five varieties of B. juncea examined. Threonine, glutamine, arginine and glutamate were the most abundant amino acids. EFN droplets also contained glucosinolates, mainly gluconapin and sinigrin. Nectar secretion was increased when the plants were damaged by chewing above‐ and belowground herbivores and sap‐sucking aphids. Parasitoids of each herbivore species were tested for their preference, of which three parasitoids preferred EFN and sucrose solutions over water. Moreover, the survival and fecundity of parasitoids were positively affected by feeding on EFN. We conclude that EFN production in B. juncea may contribute to the indirect defence of this plant species.  相似文献   

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