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Herbivory is an important top-down force on coral reefs that regulates macroalgal abundance, mediates competitive interactions between macroalgae and corals, and provides resilience following disturbances such as hurricanes and coral bleaching. However, reductions in herbivore diversity and abundance via disease or over-fishing may harm corals directly and may indirectly increase coral susceptibility to other disturbances.

Methodology and Principal Findings

In two experiments over two years, we enclosed equivalent densities and masses of either single-species or mixed-species of herbivorous fishes in replicate, 4 m2 cages at a depth of 17 m on a reef in the Florida Keys, USA to evaluate the effects of herbivore identity and species richness on colonization and development of macroalgal communities and the cascading effects of algae on coral growth. In Year 1, we used the redband parrotfish (Sparisoma aurofrenatum) and the ocean surgeonfish (Acanthurus bahianus); in Year 2, we used the redband parrotfish and the princess parrotfish (Scarus taeniopterus). On new substrates, rapid grazing by ocean surgeonfish and princess parrotfish kept communities in an early successional stage dominated by short, filamentous algae and crustose coralline algae that did not suppress coral growth. In contrast, feeding by redband parrotfish allowed an accumulation of tall filaments and later successional macroalgae that suppressed coral growth. These patterns contrast with patterns from established communities not undergoing primary succession; on established substrates redband parrotfish significantly reduced upright macroalgal cover while ocean surgeonfish and princess parrotfish allowed significant increases in late successional macroalgae.


This study further highlights the importance of biodiversity in affecting ecosystem function in that different species of herbivorous fishes had very different impacts on reef communities depending on the developmental stage of the community. The species-specific effects of herbivorous fishes suggest that a species-rich herbivore fauna can be critical in providing the resilience that reefs need for recovery from common disturbances such as coral bleaching and storm damage.  相似文献   

The effects of grazing on fleshy algal turfs by large herbivorous fishes and by the black spiny urchin, Diadema antillarum (Philippi), were investigated in three shallow (<3 m), moderately exposed, reef flat habitats in the San Blas Islands on the Caribbean coast of Panama. Grazing by Diadema was found to be a primary determinant of the biomass of fleshy algae in this shallow reef environment, and its impact was exposure-dependent. Feeding activity of Diadema was inhibited during the protracted periods of heavy wave action that characterize the dry season when strong north winds (24–27 kph) are typical. In the shallowest, most exposed elkhorn bluff habitats urchin grazing was minimal even during calm periods due to the effects of waves generated by unpredictable, light winds. In a relatively protected backreef habitat, water movement was inadequate to discourage grazing significantly, even during the turbulent dry season. As a result, algal biomass (decalcified dry weight) was typically three-fold greater in the elkhorn bluff habitat than on the ackreef. In habitats of intermediate exposure (elkhorn fields) algal biomass was reduced during calm periods, but increased to the level characteristic of the elkhorn bluff habitat during protracted rough periods that inhibited grazing by Diadema.A caging experiment in the backreef habitat demonstrated a relatively minor effect of grazing by herbivorous fishes in comparison to that of grazing by Diadema. Observations on the distributions and abundances of herbivorous fishes also indicated a relatively minor role for these grazers as determinants of algal biomass in the more exposed habitats.  相似文献   

Synopsis The herbivorous surgeonfish Acanthurus lineatus aggressively maintained feeding territories in the surf zone of the outer reef flat in American Samoa. Intertidal territories were re-established each morning, as well as after displacement by low tides or rough surf. Day-to-day site fidelity of recognizable individuals was high: 99.9% return rate per day for adults (15–20 cm), 99.6% for juveniles (8–13 cm), and 97.2% for recruits (2.5–5 cm). Fish fed on turf algae primarily in the afternoon (80% of available time), and spent 10% of their time on active territorial defense and 2–13% of their time on forays from their territory. On average, a fish defended its territory 1900 times daily and took 17 000 bites (= 7400 bites m–2 d–1), but rough surf reduced feeding by 60% and defense by 75%. High territorial defense requirements significantly reduced feeding rates. Although the distribution and behavior of this species in Samoa was in large part similar to that reported for it elsewhere (Australia, Indian Ocean), there were notable differences: in Samoa A. lineatus densities within colonies were greater (0.4 fish m–2), territory size was smaller (2.3 m2), and defense rate against intruders was greater (2.5 attacks min–1). These differences in Samoa may be related to their smaller body size, greater abundance or increased food supply caused by hurricane damage to reefs which has enhanced the algal turfs that A. lineatus feeds upon.  相似文献   

To examine the effects of echinoid grazing on shallow water coral community structure, the entire Diadema antillarum Philippi population (> 3000 individuals) was eliminated from a patch reef in Discovery Bay, Jamaica W.I. in January 1974. All remaining regular echinoids, notably including Echinometra viridis A. Agassiz (> 7000 individuals), were removed from one-half of the same reef 6 months later.Where Echinometra was present, its grazing was highly patchy, even at densities of up to 50/m2. On the other hand, the effects of grazing by Diadema were more uniformly distributed at equivalent or lower densities.Percent-cover of adult corals was enhanced in the presence of Echinometra viridis, however, it was greatly reduced in the absence of all echinoid grazing as a result of massive overgrowth by algae. Success of coral recruitment (density of coral spat) increased in the absence of Diadema due to the alleviation of biological disturbance imposed by this urchin's feeding activities. The presence of Echinometra viridis, even at the high densities naturally present on the reef, did not deter coral settlement.Coral diversity was highest in the presence of all echinoids, intermediate in the presence of E. viridis (without Diadema), and lowest in the absence of all echinoids. This was due to the disproportionately successful recruitment and resultant high relative abundance of Agaricia at low echinoid densities. Favia, Millepora, Helioseris and Acropora all exhibited universally low recruitment levels. Predation by Diadema and Echinometra is responsible for damaging larger coral colonies, particularly Porites.As echinoid species composition and density was altered, the species composition of benthic algae and associated invertebrates shifted. In this way, the array of species competing for space with coral spat shifted as did their competitive relationships. Major epifaunal competitors included spirorbid polychaetes, various foraminifera (particularly Gypsina), and sponges. Algal competitors included filamentous chlorophytes, corallines (e.g. Jania), and numerous other red algae; the species composition of algal competitors shifted through time. Competitive success in corals varied as echinoid density changed and was species-specific with respect to coral genus. Interspecific competition between coral spat (i.e., interspecific aggression via extracoelenteric digestion) was negligible under all treatments.The presence of Echinometra viridis in high densities (in the absence of Diadema) created conditions where growth and fusion in Agaricia spat were optimized. Under these conditions, fusion allows a young coral colony to attain a large enough size to survive damage incurred from grazing or from competitive overgrowth, decreasing the probability of whole-colony mortality during the early stages of development.  相似文献   

Direct evaluation of macroalgal removal by herbivorous coral reef fishes   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Few studies have examined the relative functional impacts of individual herbivorous fish species on coral reef ecosystem processes in the Indo-Pacific. This study assessed the potential grazing impact of individual species within an inshore herbivorous reef fish assemblage on the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), by determining which fish species were able to remove particular macroalgal species. Transplanted multiple-choice algal assays and remote stationary underwater digital video cameras were used to quantify the impact of local herbivorous reef fish species on 12 species of macroalgae. Macroalgal removal by the fishes was rapid. Within 3 h of exposure to herbivorous reef fishes there was significant evidence of intense grazing. After 12 h of exposure, 10 of the 12 macroalgal species had decreased to less than 15% of their original mass. Chlorodesmis fastigiata (Chlorophyta) and Galaxaura sp. (Rhodophyta) showed significantly less susceptibility to herbivorous reef fish grazing than all other macroalgae, even after 24 h exposure. Six herbivorous and/or nominally herbivorous reef fish species were identified as the dominant grazers of macroalgae: Siganus doliatus, Siganus canaliculatus, Chlorurus microrhinos, Hipposcarus longiceps, Scarus rivulatus and Pomacanthus sexstriatus. The siganid S. doliatus fed heavily on Hypnea sp., while S. canaliculatus fed intensively on Sargassum sp. Variation in macroalgal susceptibility was not clearly correlated with morphological and/or chemical defenses that have been previously suggested as deterrents against herbivory. Nevertheless, the results stress the potential importance of individual herbivorous reef fish species in removing macroalgae from coral reefs.  相似文献   

In Discovery Bay, Jamaica W.I., densities of Diadema antillarum Philippi were experimentally manipulated over a range of 0–64 individuals · m?2 with the aid of enclosures in shallow water. The effects of grazing by this echinoid on the algal community structure of a coral reef were compared under conditions of primary and post-primary succession.Algal biomass decreased as Diadema density was increased, particularly under primary succession conditions. A similar response was noted under post-primary conditions, but here biomass was also dependent on species composition and abundance of algae prior to experimental alterations of Diadema density. Peyssonnelia sp. was found to be particularly resistant to echinoid grazing, surviving even the most intense grazing. Within 11 months, algal diversity decreased significantly in an exponential fashion as Diadema density increased. This occurred under conditions of both primary and post-primary succession. Diversity, irrespective of index, was not maximized at intermediate grazing pressures. No single species of alga dominated the benthic community at even the lowest Diadema densities.Species composition of algae in the benthic community prior to changes in grazing pressure and lack of successful recruitment of a potential dominant were found to have a major influence on the response of the algal community to the treatments. Each of these factors can influence both the relationship between algal diversity and grazing pressure and the rate at which the community approaches an initial plateau of diversity in its earliest stages of succession.  相似文献   

The benthic grazer Diadema antillarum Philippi (Echinoidea) has been demonstrated experimentally to contribute to the control of coral community structure in shallow water. In Discovery Bay, Jamaica, West Indies, Diadema densities were manipulated over a range of 0-64/m2 with the aid of enclosures. Grazing by Diadema under primary and post-primary succession conditions were compared.Algal percent-cover decreased as Diadema density was increased. Despite the presence of high algal cover. highest coral recruitment and diversity occurred at lowest Diadema densities, with planular settlement occurring predominantly in openly exposed micro-habitats. However, since algal growth rates greatly exceeded those of corals, space was rapidly monopolized by the former, resulting in intense competition and high coral mortality. This was particularly evident in Agaricia and Porites spp. At high Diadema densities, coral recruitment was greatly depressed in at least a genus-specific manner by intense levels of biological disturbance resulting from the echinoid's abrasive grazing activities. Favia Fragum (Esper) was especially susceptible to this perturbation. The surviving coral spat were found generally in cryptic, protected areas. Here they suffered some competitive losses to other sessile epifauna and -flora, particularly coralline algae, polychaetes and forams, which were well adapted to these physical and biological conditions. Increased sedimentation also depressed coral recruitment, replacing grazing as a limiting factor for successful settlement.Optimal conditions for coral survival, competitive success, and possibly growth were found at intermediate densities due to a balance between competition for space and biological disturbance. Diadema antillarum plays an important role in controlling the distribution and abundance of coral spat in the shallow reef community.  相似文献   

Parrotfish grazing scars on coral colonies were quantified across four reef zones at Lizard Island, Northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The abundance of parrotfish grazing scars was highest on reef flat and crest, with massive Porites spp. colonies having more parrotfish grazing scars than all other coral species combined. Massive Porites was the only coral type positively selected for grazing by parrotfishes in all four reef zones. The density of parrotfish grazing scars on massive Porites spp., and the rate of new scar formation, was highest on the reef crest and flat, reflecting the lower massive Porites cover and higher parrotfish abundance in these habitats. Overall, it appears that parrotfish predation pressure on corals could affect the abundance of preferred coral species, especially massive Porites spp, across the reef gradient. Parrotfish predation on corals may have a more important role on the GBR reefs than previously thought.  相似文献   

Synopsis Algal growth and damselfish (Eupomacentrus planifrons) territories were studied in two reef habitats at Discovery Bay, Jamaica. Damselfish territories were contiguous in the reef flat (0 to 2.5 m), where the algal composition and biomass varied from territory to territory. In contrast, on the lower reef terrace (22 m), damselfish territories were often spatially segregated. While the algal composition of the territories was more uniform on the reef terrace, the total algal biomass was lower than in the territories on the reef flat. Damselfish are largely herbivorous, and they defend their territories against most intruding fish, including a number of herbivorous species. Areas of the reef terrace outside of damselfish territories were heavily grazed by herbivorous fishes and contained only small quantities of non-crustose algae.The reef terrace territories were characterized by a multispecific turf of algae (greens, blue-greens, and reds) covering the Acropora cervicornis framework and by the leafy, brown alga, Lobophora variegata. A rapid reduction in the biomass of brown algae and filamentous algae was noted when damselfish were permanently removed from their territories. Only calcified, encrusting algae — plants apparently somewhat undesirable as fish food sources — would be common on the terrace zone of this reef if damselfish territories were absent. Damselfish territoriality may significantly influence the dynamics of some reefs by increasing the biomass of the algal turf thereby increasing; reef productivity. Since blue-green algae, potential nitrogen fixers, occur in these algal turfs, the fish may also be indirectly affecting reef nutrition.  相似文献   

El Nifio related coral mortality and a subsequent increase in crustose coralline algae and sea urchins have resulted in profound changes to the coral reef ecosystem at Uva Island, Panama (Pacific coast). New data and a model are presented that analyze the CaCO3 budget of the reef. The model accounts for production by corals and coralline algae, erosion byDiadema, infauna, fish and other motile organisms, and the retention of sediments as a function of size. The 2.5 ha reef is currently eroding at an average rate of 4,800 kg/y or –0.19 kg/m2/y but there is tremendous variation among reef zones. While deposition in other zones range from +0.1 to 0.4 kg/m2/y, erosion of the seaward reef base averages about –3.65 kg/m2/y. The damselfish/algal lawn symbiosis protects portions of the reef framework, reducing net losses there by 2,000 kg/y (up to 0.33 kg/m2/y). Before the 1982-1983 El Niño, the overall reef was depositional. At that time, estimated production exceeded erosion in most zones, resulting in a net deposition of approximately 8,600 kg/y or 0.34 kg/m2/y.  相似文献   

Summary Reefs dominated by red algae, associated with high echinoid densities, are consistent features of the shallow subtidal around northeastern New Zealand. Factors determining the abundance of juvenile Evechinus chloroticus were investigated in such a habitat. Using a factorial design, a field experiment was used to assess the influence of predators and adult E. chloroticus on juvenile abundance. The use of 2 m2 exclusion cages enhanced juvenile E. chloroticus abundance over a 16 month period, an effect independent of conspecific adults. We attributed this effect to the exclusion of benthic-feeding, predatory fish. Several species forage over the study area at high densities and are known from gut content analysis to prey on juvenile E. chloroticus in the field. Invertebrate predators are at very low densities in the area. The possibility of caging and site artefacts confounding this interpretation is discussed.Adult E. chloroticus did not directly affect conspecific juvenile densities during the experimental period. However their removal produced a significant change in community structure toward one dominated by macroscopic brown algae. Echinoid removal led to rapid recruitment of laminarian and fucoid algae, predominantly Ecklonia radiata and Sargassum sinclairii. In addition, densities of herbivorous gastropods, particularly the limpet Cellana stellifera decreased in the echinoid exclusion area, as did the feeding rates of predatory fish. The consequences of E. chloroticus removal may be dependent upon the size of the area from which they are excluded.Despite the high densities of predatory fish, a low though consistent number of juvenile E. chloroticus escape predation. We suggest that these represent sufficient input into the adult grazing population to maintain the habitat. This interpretation argues against a key role for predators in structuring shallow water reef communities in northeastern New Zealand.  相似文献   

Movement of coral reef fishes across marine reserve boundaries subsequent to their initial settlement from the plankton will affect the ability of no-take reserves to conserve stocks and to benefit adjacent fisheries. However, the mobility of most exploited reef species is poorly known. We tagged 1443 individuals of 35 reef fish species captured in Antillean fish traps in the Barbados Marine Reserve and adjacent non-reserve over a two-month period. Trapping and visual surveys were used to monitor the movements of these fish during the trapping period and the subsequent two months. Estimates of distances moved were corrected for the spatial distribution of sampling effort and for the number of recaptures of individual fish. Recapture rates for individual species ranged from 0–100% (median=38%). Species mobility estimated by recapture and resighting were highly correlated. Most species were strongly site attached, with the majority of recaptures and resightings occurring at the site of tagging. However, only one of 59 tagged jacks (Caranx latus, C. ruber) was ever resighted, suggesting emigration from the study area. All species were occasionally recorded away from the sites where they had been tagged (20–500m), and several species, including surgeonfish, Acanthurus bahianus, A. coeruleus, filefish, Cantherhines pullus, butterflyfish, Chaetodon striatus, angelfish Holocanthus tricolor and parrotfish, Sparisoma viride, ranged widely within reefs. In contrast, few movements were observed between reefs separated by more than 20m of sand and rubble, and no emigration from the Reserve was recorded. Most reef fishes vulnerable to Antillean traps appear sufficiently site-attached to benefit from reserves. However, many species move over a wide enough area to take them out of small reserves on continuous reef. Use of natural home range boundaries could minimize exposure of fishes in reserves to mortality from adjacent fisheries.  相似文献   

The common herbivorous macroinvertebrates on reef flats of the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were, in order of abundance: gastropod molluscs (Turbo and Trochus spp.); pagurid crabs; and the starfish, Linckia laevigata. The density of macroinvertebrates on Davies Reef was lowest in the thick-turf habitats at the windward reef-crest (0.6–0.9 m–2) compared with 3.1 to 5.2 m–2 elsewhere on the reef flat. Invertebrate grazer densities were similar on mid-shelf reef flats (mean: 2.3–3.6 m–2) and significantly lower on outer-shelf reefs (0.3–1.0 m–2). The ingestion rate of Turbo chrysostomus, the most abundant macroinvertebrate species, was derived from (a) faecal production and food absorption efficiency, (b) comparison of algal biomass on grazed and ungrazed natural substrata and (c) gut-filling rate and feeding periodicity in field populations. The ingestion rate of Trochus pyramis, the most common trochid and an abundant component of the macroinvertebrate fauna, was also estimated using (a). This gastropod fed continuously, whereas T. chrysostomus showed a distinct nocturnal feeding periodicity. T. chrysostomus and T. pyramis ingested daily means of 35 and 54 mgC animal-1, respectively. Total gastropod grazing rates (mgC m–2d-1 in the field ranged from 11 in a thick-turf, reef-crest habitat to 144 on the open-grazed main flat. Grazing by gastropods accounted for between 0.3 and 8% of the net production of benthic algal food resources, depending on location on the reef flat. Across the whole reef flat the mean (areally-weighted) gastropod grazing rate was 6% of net production. A comparison of the relative roles of different types of grazers led to the conclusion that fishes are likely to have the greatest overall trophic impact on reefs of the central GBR. Even where macroinvertebrates are most abundant on reef flats, the yield from benthic algal communities to macroinvertebrates is estimated to be only one third of that due to fishes.Contribution no. 471 from the Australian Institute of Marine Science  相似文献   

Corals in certain Caribbean coral reef habitats are constantly grazed-on due to the territorial marking behavior of the stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride. We studied the grazing dynamics on the Caribbean reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. We transplanted colonies to algae-dominated reefs (Rosario Islands, Cartagena, Colombia), where they encountered higher grazing pressure. We counted grazed polyps every month throughout a year. Over the course of a year, 4,101 different grazed polyps were counted on lobe-like M. annularis transplants ( n =23). Grazing was evaluated on a monthly basis as the probabilities of all the possible transitions among four grazing categories (0%, >0–1%, >1–5%, >5% grazed tissue), uncovering a dynamic process. Higher transition probabilities were always between 0 and 1% (coral tissue grazed) grazing states, indicating that grazing did not usually exceed 1% per coral per month. The probability of remaining uninjured in a month was 0.19, 0.17 of a change from 0–1% grazing state, 0.31 of remaining at 1%, and of full recovery from 1% grazing was 0.16. More than one month was usually required for complete recovery ( P<<1) probably due to both steady grazing pressure and slow regeneration rates. Since the marking behavior of the parrotfish was not as common on other zones of the reef no comparison on the grazing among environments was possible. In spite of this, it is possible to have stable transplanted populations of corals such as M. annularis on algae-dominated Caribbean reef environments due to their tolerance to the natural grazing pressure.Communicated by: K. S. Sealey  相似文献   

Impact of cyprinids on zooplankton and algae in ten drainable ponds   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
To study the impact of cyprinids on algae, zooplankton and physical and chemical water quality, ten drainable ponds of 0.1 ha (depth 1.3 m) were each divided into two equal parts. One half of each pond was stocked with 0 + cyprinids (bream, carp and roach of 10–15 mm), the other was free of fish. The average biomass of the 0 + fish at draining of the ponds was 466 kg ha–1, to which carp contributed about 80%.The fish and non-fish compartments showed significant differences. In the non-fish compartments the density of Daphnia hyalina was 10–30 ind. l–1 and that of Daphnia magna 2–4 ind. l-–1, whereas in the fish compartments densities were c. 1 ind. l–1. Cyclopoid copepods and Bosmina longirostris, however, showed higher densities in the fish compartments. The composition of algae in the two compartments differed only slightly, but the densities were lower in the non-fish compartments. The significant difference in turbidity was probably caused by resuspension of sediment by carp. No significant difference in nutrient concentration between the compartments was found.  相似文献   

A detailed understanding of the dual role of parrotfish as both key herbivores and potentially important corallivores is essential to the study of coral health and reef trophodynamics. Some Caribbean parrotfish regularly consume live coral, and discriminate both among coral species and among colonies within a particular species. While they prefer Montastraea spp. corals, which are dominant Caribbean reef builders, causes of selective and persistent grazing of certain colonies remain unknown. We manipulated coral exposure to parrotfish grazing through a long-term cage exclusion experiment in Belize, comparing initially grazed vs. intact (non-grazed) Montastraea spp. colonies. We measured nutrition-related characteristics (C:N ratio, %C, and %N) as well as defensive characteristics (nematocyst density and skeletal hardness) to determine if any of these variables accurately predicted parrotfish grazing. There were substantial reductions in coral nutritional quality (C:N) associated with parrotfish grazing, although these changes appear to be a consequence rather than a cause of parrotfish selectivity. Likewise, nematocyst densities were suppressed in grazed corals, also likely a result of chronic grazing stress. We found no intraspecific differences in skeletal hardness related to grazing. These results provide further demonstration of the physiological consequences of grazing, but the cause of preferential grazing by parrotfishes on certain Montastraea spp. colonies still requires further investigation.  相似文献   

On Caribbean coral reefs, high rates of grazing by herbivorous fishes are thought to benefit corals because fishes consume competing seaweeds. We conducted field experiments in the Florida Keys, USA, to examine the effects of grazing fishes on coral/seaweed competition. Initially, fragments of Porites divaracata from an inshore habitat were transplanted into full-cage, half-cage, and no-cage treatments on a fore-reef. Within 48 h, 56% of the unprotected corals in half-cage and no-cage treatments (62 of 111) were completely consumed. Stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) were the major coral predators, with redband parrotfish (S. aurofrenatum) also commonly attacking this coral. Next, we transplanted fragments of P. porites collected from the fore-reef habitat where our caging experiments were being conducted into the three cage treatments, half in the presence of transplanted seaweeds, and half onto initially clean substrates. The corals were allowed to grow in these conditions, with concurrent development of competing seaweeds, for 14 weeks. Although seaweed cover and biomass were both significantly greater in the full-cage treatment, coral growth did not differ significantly between cage treatments even though corals placed with pre-planted seaweeds grew significantly less than corals placed on initially clean substrate. This surprising result occurred because parrotfishes not only grazed algae from accessible treatments, but also fed directly on our coral transplants. Parrotfish feeding scars were significantly more abundant on P. porites from the half and no-cage treatments than on corals in the full cages. On this Florida reef, direct fish predation on some coral species (P. divaracata) can exclude them from fore-reef areas, as has previously been shown for certain seaweeds and sponges. For other corals that live on the fore-reef (P. porites), the benefits of fishes removing seaweeds can be counterbalanced by the detrimental effects of fishes directly consuming corals. Received: 31 May 1997 / Accepted: 2 September 1997  相似文献   

Urchins are the last abundant grazers of macroalgae on most Caribbean reefs following the historical overexploitation of herbivorous fishes. The long‐spined urchin Diadema antillarum was particularly effective at controlling macroalgae and facilitating coral dominance on Caribbean reefs until its ecological extinction from a catastrophic disease epidemic in the early 1980s. Despite their important role in the structure and functioning of Caribbean reef ecosystems, the natural dynamics of Caribbean reef urchin communities are poorly known due to the paucity of ecological survey data prior to large‐scale human disturbances and the Diadema dieoff. To help resolve the baseline abundances and ecological roles of common urchin taxa, we track changes in urchin abundance and composition over the past 3000 yr from analysis of subfossil urchin spines preserved in reef matrix cores collected in Caribbean Panama. Echinometra consistently dominated the subfossil spine assemblage, while Diadema was consistently rare in the subfossil record in this region. Rather than increasing during a period of heightened human exploitation of their fish competitors and predators, Diadema began declining over a millennium ago. Convergent cross mapping (CCM) causality analyses reveal that Diadema abundance is causally related to coral community composition. Diadema is negatively affected by Acropora cervicornis dominance, likely due to the tight association between this coral and the threespot damselfish, an effective Diadema competitor. Conversely, Diadema positively affects the abundance of the coral Madracis mirabilis, possibly via its control of macroalgae. Causal relationships were not detected among abundances of individual urchin taxa, indicating that inter‐specific echinoid competition is not a factor limiting Diadema recovery. Our detailed record of prehistorical and historical urchin community dynamics suggests that the failure of Diadema to recover over 30 yr after its mass mortality event may be due in part to the prey release of damselfish following the long‐term overfishing of piscivorous fishes.  相似文献   

Sara M. Lewis 《Oecologia》1985,65(3):370-375
Summary The susceptibility of several tropical algal species to fish grazing was studied on the Belizean barrier reef off the Caribbean coast of Central America. Short-term transplant experiments indicate that plant species vary markedly in their rates of biomass loss to grazing by a shallow-water guild of herbivorous fishes. Algal species transplanted from habitats with low grazing pressure are highly susceptible to grazing, while species occurring in habitats with high herbivore densities are highly resistant to grazing. Algal species show differential susceptibility to grazing by two major components of the tropical herbivore guild, Acanthurus (surgeonfishes) and Sparisoma (parrotfishes).Variability in plant susceptibility to grazing by herbivorous fishes was not clearly correlated with morphological or chemical characteristics that have been previously suggested as plant defenses against herbivory. Plants found to be highly resistant to fish grazing, such as Halimeda, exhibit both morphological characteristics and secondary chemical compounds which do appear to reduce herbivory. In contrast, species of Caulerpa, Sargassum, Turbinaria, and Padina, which also possess alleged morphological and/or chemical defenses, are nevertheless highly susceptible to fish grazing.  相似文献   

Artificial rest reefs were set on sandy and rocky bottoms at 5–10 m depth along the coast of southern Japan. Mature thalli ofSargassum, Gelidium and other seaweds were transported from other coastal areas, packed in mesh bags and attached to the reefs to start the beds. After one year, the seaweed flora on the reef on a sandy bottom consisted of more than 20 species, includingSargassum spp. andGelidium amansii, which are important animal food species. Coralline algae were the dominants on the rocky bottom reefs. The lower biomass on reefs on the rocky bottom was due to grazing by urchins. The same number of species was present in the first and second years on reefs on sandy bottoms, but there were moreSargassum thalli the second year.Maximum algal biomass of the artificial reef in May of the second year was 9998 g wet wt m–2 in sandy areas, 441 g wet wt m–2 in boulder areas and 228 g wet wt m–2 in rocky areas. Reefs on rocky bottoms continued to be covered by coralline algae and several species ofCodium andDictyota.  相似文献   

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