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We studied pH values in lysosomes of peripheral blood white cells of 49 blood donors using the two-wavelengths (470 and 450 nm) microspectrophotometry of neutral red after supravital in vitro staining. In polymorphonuclear leucocytes lysosomal pH reaches the highest values in August-September (6.98 +/- 0.04) and the lowest--in February-March (6.23 +/- 0.09), p less than 0.05.  相似文献   

The author demonstrated a marked reduction in number of T-spontaneously rosette-forming lymphocyte and B-cells tested by direct immunofluorescence in the peripheral blood of patients suffering from microbial eczema. Reduction in number of B-lymphocytes was accompanied by a decrease in serum immunoglobulins (of M and G classes) content, of the titre of normal antibodies of E. coli, in parallel with increase in concentration of immunoglobulins, class A, and of agglutinating titre to staphylococcus P-209.  相似文献   

Cooperation efficiency of (CBA x C57BL/6) F1 thymocytes and CBA bone marrow cells in immune response to SRBC was compared with the syngenic combination of the same cells. Selectivity of interaction of the T- and B-lymphocytes of different origin was studied in incomplete cyclophosphamines (CBA x C57BL/6) leads to CBA chimerae, where donors were primed with SRBC and the recipients were either intact or tolerant to the given antigen. F1 T-cells proved to interact with the CAB-B-cells 10-15 times less effectively than with the syngenic B-cells. It is suggested that similarity between the antigenic structure of the cell membrane of the T- and B-lymphocytes, aiding their physical contact, increased the action efficiency of the T-mediator on the B-cell.  相似文献   

By means of a direct immunofluorescence technique the numbers of B-lymphocytes in the peripheral blood were determined in healthy children of different age with anti-human IgG serum and anti-human globulin. Their small number in new borns and a marked increase in infancy were significant. In addition, the paper contains extensive methodical data.  相似文献   

A study was made of perculiarities attending the reaction of the HLA-sera with the T- and B-lymphocytes isolated from human blood. Lymphocytes were separated by removal of one of the cell subpopulation. T-lymphocytes were separated by the method of rosette-formation with sheep erythrocytes, with subsequent gradient density centrifugation. B-lymphocytes were separated similarly with the aid of rosette-formation with allogenous Rh-positive erythrocytes sensitized with Rh-sera with incomplete antibodies, and also sorption of B-lymphocytes on synthetic fiber. The cytotoxic activity of HLA-sera decreased after the removal of B-cells. But removal of T-lymphocytes was not accompanied by any reduction in the lymphocytotoxic activity. It is suggested that B-lymphocytes contained on their surface more HLA determinants than T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the observation of intermitochondrial junctions (IMJ) with a periodicity of 15.4 +/- 0.65 nm in peripheral blood lymphocytes of healthy subjects. The percentage of IMJ-containing cells appears constant (about 10% of examined lymphocytes) and is independent of the delay of fixation. Immunogold staining reveals that lymphocytes with IMJ exhibit a T-phenotype. IMJ have been reported in other types of tissues but, to our knowledge, have not been previously described in the blood cell. The signification of these structures is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A lack of standardized assays and consensus of cell definition has lead to a wide variation in the reported range of circulating endothelial cells (CECs). METHODS: An automated rare cell analysis system was used to enumerate nucleated, CD146+/CD105+/CD45- CECs in 4 mL of blood. RESULTS: Recoveries of spiked HUVECs were linear over a range of 0-1,241 cells (R2>or=0.99) with recoveries of >or=70% at each spike level. Correlation coefficient values for interoperator variability and duplicate sample variation were (R2=0.99 and 0.90), respectively. Correlation of CEC counts between tubes 1-2 and 2-3 drawn from the same subject in sequence differed (R2=0.48 and 0.63, respectively). The normal CEC reference range established in 249 healthy donors was 1-20 CECs/mL blood. CEC counts were significantly higher in the 206 metastatic carcinoma patients (P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: CECs can be accurately and reproducibly enumerated in blood and are elevated in metastatic carcinomas compared with healthy donors. Phlebotomy procedures can affect endothelial cell counts.  相似文献   

Preliminary treatment of erythrocyte suspension with trypan blue solution did not affect their capacity to participate in the reaction of spontaneous rosette formation, but permitted to differentiate them in a mixture with other erythrocytes after staining with methyl-green-pyronine on a fixed slide. By using a mixture of such marked erythrocytes sensitized with antibodies and a complement, the presence in the peripheral blood of healthy people of a small lymphocyte subpopulation connecting these two types of indicator particles was demonstrated.  相似文献   

The E and EAC rosette formation tests, carried out in order to determine the count of T and B lymphocytes in the spleen and lymph nodes of guinea pigs after several intramuscular of oxytetracycline, showed a decrease in the ability of B lymphocytes in the reaction of EAC rosette formation with the simultaneous rise of the level of "zero" cells without surface receptors characteristic of T and B lymphocytes. The data obtained in this study indicated the possibility for tetracyclines to effect the differntiation and ripening of the medullary precursors of B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Circadian variations were investigated for nine lymphocyte-related variables in the peripheral blood of healthy subjects. Monoclonal antibodies targeted at membrane immunoglobulins (anti-Ig, anti-kappa, anti-lambda) or differentiation antigens (anti-IA and OKT3) were used to characterize respectively mature B cells (SIg+, kappa +, lambda +), cells expressing HLA-DR antigen (IA+), and T cells (OKT3+). Blood (33 ml) was drawn every 4 hr for 24 hr starting at 8.30 hr, on seven occasions in five apparently healthy male volunteers, recumbent from 23.00 hr to 07.00 hr. Leukocyte and differential counts were measured. Mononuclear cells were isolated on Ficoll-Hypaque before being incubated with monoclonal antibodies. The proportion of fluorescent cells per 100 microscopically determined cells was multiplied by the number of circulating lymphocytes per milliliter of venous blood. Temporal variations were validated by both paired t-test and cosinor. Rhythms with a period (tau) identical to 24 hr were validated with statistical significance (p less than 0.05) for total lymphocytes, OKT3+ cells and OKT3+:SIg+ ratio, and suggested (0.05 less than or equal to p less than or equal to 0.10) for lambda + and (kappa + + lambda +) cells. Rhythms with tau identical to 12 hr were also found (p less than 0.05) for OKT3+, SIg+, kappa +, and IA+ cells as well as for the OKT3+:SIg+ and the kappa +:lambda + ratios. Validated rhythms exhibited a large amplitude, e.g., peak-through differences were 40% of the 24-hr mean. This circadian and circahemidian temporal structure of immunologic variables constitutes a time-qualified reference system for investigating immune regulations and a tool for optimizing both diagnostic criteria and effectiveness of immunotherapeutic attempts.  相似文献   

In using the reaction of spontaneous rosette formation to assess the immunity T-system one should not limit one-self to determination of the percentage content of the rosette-forming cells alone. Immune status can be properly judged by determination of the content of immunocompetent cells per one cubic mm of the blood of the given donor. When the reaction is staged on the leukocyte suspension not only lymphocytes, but also other cell forms with the capacity of binding sheep erythrocytes can be determined.  相似文献   

In Wistar rats, the seasonal variability of acrophase position, mesor value and circadian rhythm amplitudes of total leukocyte count, as well as of percentage and absolute lymphocyte count was revealed. The leukocyte count and absolute lymphocyte content were found highest in spring, while eosinophils--in autumn, neutrophils and monocytes--in winter.  相似文献   

An earlier study showed that plasma concentrations of total 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), the major metabolite of norepinephrine, display a circadian rhythm in 6 male healthy subjects. In the previous study, the period of the rhythm was not fixed to 24 h thereby undermining the reliability of the cosinor parameter estimates. The present study extends the findings to a larger group of 12 clinically healthy male volunteers. Plasma total MHPG concentrations were determined every 3h for one full day. The data were fitted to a cosinor model fixing the period of the putative MHPG rhythm at 24 h. Several estimation techniques were utilized including Fourier analysis and time domain analysis with 4 variations. It is concluded that a circadian rhythm indeed characterizes MHPG blood concentrations. The concordance among the various parameter estimates is discussed.  相似文献   

A new physico-chemical marker for the human peripheral blood lymphocytes was worked out. The lymphocytes were vitally stained with the fluorescent probe 3-methoxybenzanthrone and measured by microfluorometry. The blood lymphocytes population was found to be heterogeneous; this population consists of the two main groups of cells differing by the intensity of their fluorescence. By means of immunological lymphocyte fractionation it was shown that one of these cell groups was represented by T-lymphocytes, and the other one--by B-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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