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An elevated plasma level of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins is a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Subtle genetic abnormalities in gene expression including an increased expression of the APOB gene may play an important role in determining overall risk. In an attempt to increase mouse Apob expression, we used gene targeting and duplicated approximately 65 kb of genomic DNA containing the Apob locus in its natural genomic position in mice. While we successfully generated mice carrying the Apob gene duplication, the amount of the total Apob mRNA was not increased in their liver. In the intestine, total Apob mRNA was reduced to half of the wild-type mice. Plasma lipids in the Apob duplication mice were not altered. Expression analyses showed that the proximal Apob gene in the duplicated locus was preferentially expressed in both tissues suggesting a limitation of tissue-specific enhancer function. The previously characterized distant intestinal control element was not duplicated, explaining the unequal ratio of intestinal Apob expression. While the existence of an additional liver-specific enhancer element is unknown, our findings suggest the presence of an additional enhancer outside the duplicated region, and that Apob gene expression is more complicated than previously thought.  相似文献   

Y F Zhang  B Moss 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):6101-6110
A conditional lethal vaccinia virus mutant, which constitutively expresses the Escherichia coli lac repressor and has the lac operator controlling the F18R gene (the 18th open reading frame of the HindIII F fragment of the vaccinia virus strain WR genome) encoding an 11-kDa protein, was previously shown to be dependent on the inducer isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) for replication (Y. Zhang and B. Moss, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88:1511-1515, 1991). Further studies indicated that the yield of infectious virus could be regulated by titration with IPTG and that virus production was arrested by IPTG removal at appropriate times. Under nonpermissive conditions, an 11-kDa protein reactive with antiserum raised to a previously described DNA-binding phosphoprotein (S. Y. Kao and W. R. Bauer, Virology 159:399-407, 1987) was not synthesized, indicating that the latter is the product of the F18R gene. In the absence of IPTG, replication of viral DNA and the subsequent resolution of concatemeric DNA molecules appeared normal. Omission of IPTG did not alter the kinetics of early and late viral protein synthesis, although the absence of the 11-kDa polypeptide was noted by labeling infected cells with [35S]methionine or [32P]phosphate. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that proteolytic processing of the major viral structural proteins, P4a and P4b, was inhibited under nonpermissive conditions, suggesting a block in virus maturation. Without addition of IPTG, the failure of virus particle formation was indicated by sucrose gradient centrifugation of infected cell lysates and by the absence of vaccinia virus-mediated pH-dependent cell fusion. Electron microscopic examination of infected cells revealed that immature virus particles, with aberrant internal structures, accumulated when synthesis of the 11-kDa DNA-binding protein was prevented.  相似文献   

HSP 70.1 is one of the first genes to be expressed in the mouse embryo at the time of zygotic genome activation. We studied the regulation of this gene, using a transgene associating HSP 70.1 promoter and the firefly luciferase reporter gene, which allows the precise quantification of HSP 70.1 level of expression on individual embryos. In the present work, we show first that the level of HSP 70.1 expression at the two-cell stage is significantly higher (around two-fold) in embryos whose maternal cytoplasm is from C3H strain than with BALB/c strain. We verified that this difference is not an artefact of the use of transgenic embryos, of the time of first cleavage, or of in vitro culture. This regulation of HSP 70.1 level of expression is controlled by strain-specific maternal modifiers and is independent of replication, syngamy, and mitosis. Following nuclear transfer, reactivation of HSP 70.1 is also subjected to the same epigenetic influence. Only the strain-of-origin of the recipient cytoplast modulates the level of HSP 70.1 reprogrammation; the origin of donor nucleus is not significant, demonstrating the reversibility of this strain effect. These results point out the importance of the quality of recipient cytoplast in the intensity of gene reprogrammation, which may be of importance for nuclear transfer efficiency. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA methylation at CpG sequences is involved in tissue-specific and developmentally regulated gene expression. The Sry (sex-determining region on the Y chromosome) gene encodes a master protein for initiating testis differentiation in mammals, and its expression is restricted to gonadal somatic cells at 10.5-12.5 days post-coitum (dpc) in the mouse. We found that in vitro methylation of the 5'-flanking region of the Sry gene caused suppression of reporter activity, implying that Sry gene expression could be regulated by DNA methylation-mediated gene silencing. Bisulfite restriction mapping and sodium bisulfite sequencing revealed that the 5'-flanking region of the Sry gene was hypermethylated in the 8.5-dpc embryos in which the Sry gene was not expressed. Importantly, this region was specifically hypomethylated in the gonad at 11.5 dpc, while the hypermethylated status was maintained in tissues that do not express the Sry gene. We concluded that expression of the Sry gene is under the control of an epigenetic mechanism mediated by DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Although several induction systems have been described for plants containing transgenes in the nucleus, to date there is only one method for controlling transgene expression in plastids. This consists of chemical induction of a nuclear gene and import of the gene product into plastids, so that transformation of two cellular compartments is required. Here we describe a system for external control of plastid gene expression which is based entirely on plastid components and can therefore be established in a single transformation step. Our system uses modified promoters containing binding sites for the bacterial lac repressor. Chemical induction can be made with intact plants or after harvesting, which provides ecological and economic benefits.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium VirG protein is normally expressed from two promoters in response to multiple stimuli, including plant-released phenolics (at promoter P1) and acidic growth media (at promoter P2). To simplify the analysis of vir gene induction, we sought to create Agrobacterium strains in which virG could be expressed in a controllable fashion. To study the possibility of using the lac promoter and repressor, we constructed a plasmid containing the lac promoter fused to the lacZ structural gene. A derivative of this plasmid containing the lacIq gene was also constructed. The plasmid not containing lacIq expressed high levels of beta-galactosidase. The plasmid containing lacIq expressed beta-galactosidase at very low levels in the absence of o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactoside (IPTG) and at moderate levels in the presence of IPTG. We also fused the lac promoter to a virG::lacZ translational fusion and found that IPTG elevated expression of this translational fusion to moderate levels, though not to levels as high as from the stronger of the two native virG promoters. Finally, the lac promoter was used to express the native virG gene in strains containing a virB::lacZ translational fusion. virB expression in this strain depended on addition of IPTG as well as the vir gene inducer acetosyringone. In a similar strain lacking lacIq, virB expression was greater than in a strain in which virG was expressed from its native promoters. Expression of virG from the lac promoter did not alter the acidic pH optimum for vir gene induction, indicating that the previously observed requirement for acidic media was not due solely to the need to induce P2.  相似文献   

Hypoxanthine was substituted for guanine at specific sites in the lac operator DNA by a combination of chemical and enzymatic procedures. The stability of these modified lac operators with wild-type (SQ) and tight binding (QX86) lac repressors was measured. Effects were variable. At some sites insertion of hypoxanthine significantly reduced the stability of the complex whereas at other sites substitution with hypoxanthine did not alter the repressor—operator interaction. In addition, insertion of this analog at two sites increased the stability of the complexes. These changes were used to partially map regions of the lac operator that are in contact with lac represser. The results suggest that lac repressor recognizes the guanine 2-amino group at specific sites in the minor groove of lac operator.  相似文献   

B Kuypers  W Reiser  A Klein 《Gene》1980,10(3):195-203
The expression of the replication gene O of bacteriophage lambda was put under the control of the lac promoter-operator region integrated into the pBR322 cloning vehicle. The new plasmid pKK104 was introduced into minicells and the O gene induced by isopropyl-beta-thiogalactoside (IPTG). The O protein could be identified as a major component in extracts from these cells, in association with the cell membrane fractions. The molecular weight of the O protein in SDS gels is about 33 000, and it is metabolically unstable but apparently stable upon isolation as a membrane-associated fraction.  相似文献   

Since the pioneering work by Gossen and Bujard in 1992 demonstrating the usefulness of the Escherichia coli derived tet resistance operon for regulating gene expression a large collection of doxycycline-controlled transgenic mice has been established. Gene switching in eukaryotic tissue culture cells or mice requires administration of tetracycline, anhydrotetracycline or doxycycline to efficiently inactivate the transactivator protein tTA (TET-OFF system) or alternatively to activate the reverse transactivator protein rtTA (TET-ON system). However, the antibiotic activity of doxycycline can create an imbalance of the intestinal flora, resulting in diarrhoea and in a smaller number of animals in colitis. Previous studies reported that 4-epidoxycycline (4-ED), a hepatic metabolite of doxycycline, does not function as an antibiotic in mice. This gave us the idea that 4-ED might be useful for controlling gene expression in mice without the unwanted antibiotic side effect. To study the applicability of 4-ED for control of gene expression we used cell lines expressing the oncogene HER2 under control of tTA (TET-OFF) as well as rtTA (TET-ON). 4-ED and doxycycline were similarly efficient in switching on or -off HER2 expression. In vivo we used a conditional mouse model that allows switching off HER2 in tumor tissue. We show that (i) doxycycline, 7.5mg/ml in drinking water (used as a positive control), (ii) 4-ED, 7.5mg/ml in drinking water, (iii) 4-ED, 10mg/kg body weight, s.c., and (iv) anhydrotetracycline, 10mg/kg, s.c. (used as a second positive control), were similarly efficient. Using mice with tumor volumes of 1.6cm(3) all four schedules led to a tumor remission of more than 95% within 7 days. In conclusion, 4-ED is similarly efficient as doxycycline to control gene expression in vitro and in mice. Since 4-ED lacks the antibiotic activity of doxycycline it may help to avoid adverse side effects and selection of resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

Rheostat control of gene expression by metabolites   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Photoresponsive 5'-caps that can be reversibly cis-trans isomerized by light irradiation were developed for the reversible photoregulation of gene expression. The 8-naphthylvinyl cap (8NV-cap) in the trans form completely inhibited translation of mRNA, whereas the cis form yielded protein with the same efficiency as mRNA capped with the normal-cap, a 26-fold higher efficiency than that of the trans form. The 8NV-capped mRNA could be switched between a translating state (ON state) and a non-translating state (OFF state) in a reversible fashion by alternately irradiating with monochromatic 410 nm or 310 nm light.  相似文献   

A new expression vector (pBB1) has been constructed for the regulated expression of genes in Escherichia coli. Based on the pUC plasmids, the pBB 1 carries lacIts allele of the lac repressor gene. This makes it possible to control expression of cloned genes by shifting the temperature from 30°C to 42°C. Thus the vector combines advantages of the pUC plasmids with convenient regulation by temperature. Expression of a fragment of HIV-1 env gene was achieved with the help of this vector and shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western-blot analysis.  相似文献   

Human gamma interferon genomic DNA was introduced into NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by calcium phosphate precipitation and was not expressed in these cells at the cytoplasmic mRNA or protein level. Treatment of the transfected cells with cycloheximide (1 microgram/ml) induced the accumulation of cytoplasmic gamma interferon mRNA and biologically active human gamma interferon. Analysis of the nuclear enriched RNA from untreated cells indicated that human gamma interferon mRNA was present, suggesting that cycloheximide may act by inhibiting a specific nuclease or may enhance the processing or transport of the RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

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