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RRR-alpha-Tocopheryl succinate (vitamin E succinate, VES) is a potent antitumor agent, inducing DNA synthesis arrest, differentiation, and apoptosis. Because little is known about VES-induced differentiation, studies reported here characterize VES effects on the differentiation status of human breast cancer cell lines and investigate possible molecular mechanisms involved. VES-induced differentiation of human MCF-7 and MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells was characterized by morphological changes, induction of lipid droplets, induction of beta-casein mRNA expression, and down-regulation of Her2/neu protein. In contrast, VES treatment of normal human mammary epithelial cells, MCF-10A cells, and T-47D cells did not induce differentiation. Studies addressing mechanisms showed that neither antibody neutralization of the transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway nor expression of a dominant-negative mutant of c-Jun N-terminal kinase blocked the ability of VES to induce differentiation; however, treatment of cells with PD 98059, a chemical inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK1/2), blocked the ability of VES to induce differentiation.  相似文献   

We studied the in vivo dynamics of enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged clathrin light chain a (GFP-CLCa) at the trans-Golgi network (TGN) in MDA-MB-435 cells. The intensity of fluorescence signals of GFP-CLCa periodically increased and decreased at the TGN approximately every 100 s. This suggests that the formation of clathrin-coated pits occurs synchronously and periodically at the TGN.  相似文献   

Endostar, a novel recombinant human endostatin expressed and purified in Escherichia coli with an additional nine-amino acid sequence forming another his-tag structure, was approved by the State Food and Drug Administration of China (SFDA) in 2005 for the treatment of non-small-cell lung cancer. However, the molecular mechanism of its potent anticancer activity remains poorly understood and warrants further investigations. In this study, we examined the anti-invasive activities of endostar in vitro. The results showed that endostar suppressed MDA-MB-435 cell adhesion to the fibronectin-coated substrate in a concentration-dependent manner. It could inhibit the wound healing migration of MDA-MB-435 cells and invasion of MDA-MB-435 cells through reconstituted ECM (matrigel). Zymography revealed that endostar decreased the secretion of MMP-2 and MMP-9. Endostar could also inhibit the expressions of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in MDA-MB-435 cells. Additionally, endostar exerted an inhibitory effect on the phosphorylation of ERK1/2. Collectively, these data provided a molecular basis for the anti-invasive effects of endostar.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), an inhibitor of urokinase plasminogen activator, is paradoxically associated with a poor prognosis in breast cancer. PAI-1 is linked to several processes in the metastatic cascade. However, the role of PAI-1 in metastatic processes, which may be independent of protease inhibitory activity, is not fully understood. We report herein that PAI-1, when added exogenously to or stably transfected in human MDA-MB-435 breast carcinoma cells, had disparate effects on adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins and motility in vitro. Specifically, exogenously added PAI-1 inhibited cell adhesion to vitronectin but not fibronectin, in agreement with the literature. By contrast, stably transfected PAI-1 stimulated adhesion to both proteins. Wild-type PAI-1 was required for this stimulation, because expression of a non-protease inhibitory P14 (T333R) PAI-1 mutant failed to enhance adhesion. Compared with non-inhibitory PAI-1, wild-type PAI-1 also increased cell motility in chemotaxic assays. Furthermore, stable transfection of a related serine protease inhibitor, plasminogen activator inhibitor-3 (PAI-3, or protein C inhibitor) gave results similar to wild-type PAI-1. The stimulatory activity of PAI-3 was not seen with a non-protease inhibitory P14 PAI-3 mutant (T341R). We show that a downstream effect of endogenous wild-type PAI-1 and PAI-3 overexpression, but not their non-inhibitory counterparts, was the altered expression of alpha(2), alpha(3), alpha(4), alpha(5), and beta(1) integrin subunits. Additionally, blocking antibodies to beta(1) integrin inhibited PAI-1-induced adhesion. Our data provide experimental support for the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of PAI-1 in metastasis and introduce PAI-3 as another serpin potentially important in malignant disease.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyamine transport in murine L1210 leukemia cells was characterized in order to better understand its relationship to specific intracellular polyamines and their analogs and to quantitate the sensitivity by which it is controlled. Up-regulation of polyamine uptake was evaluated following a 48-hr treatment with a combination of biosynthetic enzyme inhibitors to deplete intracellular polyamine pools. The latter declined gradually over 48 hr and was accompanied by a steady increase in spermidine (SPD) and spermine (SPM) transport as indicated by rises in Vmax to levels ~4.5 times higher than control values. Restoration of individual polyamine pools during a 6-hr period following inhibitor treatment revealed that SPD and SPM uptake could not be selectively affected by specific pool changes. The effectiveness of individual polyamines in reversing inhibitor-induced stimulation of uptake was as follows: putrescine < SPD < SPM = the SPM analog, N1, N12-bis(ethyl)spermine (BESPM). In contrast to stimulation of transport, down-regulation by exogenous polyamines or analogs occurred rapidly and in response to subtle increases in intracellular pools. Following a 1-hr exposure to 10 μM BESPM, Vmax values for SPD and SPM fell by 70%, whereas the analog pool increased to only 400–500 pmol/106 cells—about 15–20% of the total polyamine pool (~2.8 nmol/106 cells). SPM produced nearly identical regulatory effects on transport kinetics. Both BESPM and SPM were even more effective at down-regulating transport that had been previously stimulated four to fivefold by polyamine depletion achieved with enzyme inhibitors. A dose response with BESPM at 48 hr revealed a biphasic effect on uptake whereby concentrations of analog < 3 μM produced an increase in SPD and SPM Vmax values, whereas concentrations 3 μM and higher produced a marked suppression of these values. Cells treated with 3 μM BESPM for 2 hr and placed in analog-free medium recovered transport capability in only 3 hr. Thus, whereas stimulation of polyamine transport is a relatively insensitive and slowly responsive process that tends to parallel polyamine depletion, down-regulation of polyamine transport by exogenous polyamines and analogs and its reversal are rapidly responsive events that correlate with relatively small (i.e., 15–20%) changes in intracellular polyamine pools.  相似文献   

The spermine analogue N(1),N(11)-diethylnorspermine (DENSPM) efficiently depletes the cellular pools of putrescine, spermidine and spermine by down-regulating the activity of the polyamine biosynthetic enzymes and up-regulating the activity of the catabolic enzyme spermidine/ spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase (SSAT). In the breast cancer cell line L56Br-C1, treatment with 10 microm DENSPM induced SSAT activity 60 and 240-fold at 24 and 48 h after seeding, respectively, which resulted in polyamine depletion. Cell proliferation appeared to be totally inhibited and within 48 h of treatment, there was an extensive apoptotic response. Fifty percent of the cells were found in the sub-G(1) region, as determined by flow cytometry, and the presence of apoptotic nuclei was morphologically assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Caspase-3 and caspase-9 activities were significantly elevated 24 h after seeding. At 48 h after seeding, caspase-3 and caspase-9 activities were further elevated and at this time point a significant activation of caspase-8 was also found. The DENSPM-induced cell death was dependent on the activation of the caspases as it was inhibited by the general caspase inhibitor Z-Val-Ala-Asp fluoromethyl ketone. The results are discussed in the light of the L56Br-C1 cells containing mutated BRCA1 and p53, two genes involved in DNA repair.  相似文献   

The superinduction of the polyamine catabolic enzyme spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) has been implicated in the cell type-specific cytotoxic activity of some polyamine analogues. We now report that one polyamine analogue, 1, 12-dimethylspermine (DMSpm), produces a large induction of SSAT with no significant effects on growth in the human large cell lung carcinoma line, NCI H157. This cell line has been demonstrated to respond to other analogues with SSAT superinduction and cell death. Treatment of the lung cancer cell line with DMSpm produces a rapid increase in SSAT activity and a near complete depletion of the natural polyamines. Additionally, DMSpm supports cell growth in cells which have been depleted of their natural polyamines by the ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor, 2-difluoromethylornithine. The current results suggest that significant induction of SSAT can occur in the absence of cytotoxicity when the inducing polyamine analogue can support growth and that increased SSAT activity alone is not sufficient for cytotoxicity to occur. © 1995 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The thioredoxin system is a key cellular antioxidant system and is highly expressed in cancer cells, especially in more aggressive and therapeutic resistant tumors. We analysed the expression of the thioredoxin system in the MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line under conditions mimicking the tumor oxygen microenvironment. We grew breast cancer cells in either prolonged hypoxia or hypoxia followed by various lengths of reoxygenation and in each case cells were cultured with or without a hypoxic cycling preconditioning (PC) phase preceding the hypoxic growth. Flow cytometry-based assays were used to measure reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Cells grown in hypoxia showed a significant decrease in ROS levels compared to normoxic cells, while a significant increase in ROS levels over normoxic cells was observed after 4 h of reoxygenation. The PC pre-treatment did not have a significant effect on ROS levels. Thioredoxin levels were also highest after 4 h of reoxygenation, however cells subjected to PC pre-treatment displayed even higher thioredoxin levels. The high level of intracellular thioredoxin was also reflected on the cell surface. Reporter assays showed that activity of the thioredoxin and thioredoxin reductase gene promoters was also highest in the reoxygenation phase, although PC pre-treatment did not result in a significant increase over non-PC treated cells. The use of a dominant negative Nrf-2 negated the increased thioredoxin promoter activity during reoxygenation. This data suggests that the high levels of thioredoxin observed in tumors may arise due to cycling between hypoxia and reoxygenation.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyamine transport in Chinese hamster ovary cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Control Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and mutant CHO cells lacking ornithine decarboxylase activity (CHODC-) were used to study the regulation of polyamine uptake. It was found that the transport system responsible for this uptake was regulated by intracellular polyamine levels and that this regulation was responsible for the maintenance of physiological intracellular levels under extreme conditions such as polyamine deprivation or exposure to exogenous polyamines. Polyamine transport activity was enhanced by decreases in polyamine content produced either by inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase with alpha-difluoromethylornithine in CHO cells or via polyamine starvation of CHODC- cells. The provision of exogenous polyamines resulted in rapid and large increases in intracellular polyamine content followed by decreased polyamine transport activity. Soon after this decrease in uptake activity, intracellular polyamine levels then fell to near control values. Cells grown in the presence of exogenous polyamines maintained intracellular polyamine levels at values similar to those of control cells. Protein synthesis was necessary for the increase in transport in response to polyamine depletion, but appeared to play no role in decreasing polyamine transport. Bis(ethyl) polyamine analogues mimicked polyamines in the regulation of polyamine transport but this process was relatively insensitive to regulation by methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a spermidine analogue known to enter cells via this transport system and to accumulate to very high levels.  相似文献   

N(1)-(n-octanesulfonyl)spermine (N(1) OSSpm) is a substrate of polyamine oxidase. It shares several properties with spermine, such as antagonism of NMDA-type glutamate receptors, calmodulin antagonism, and cytotoxicity, but it is more potent by orders of magnitude in these regards than spermine. The human colon carcinoma-derived cell line CaCo-2 was used as a model to study the toxicity of N(1) OSSpm as a function of polyamine oxidase (PAO) activity and differentiation. If the formation of hydrogen peroxide and aminoaldehyde by the PAO-catalysed reactions was prevented by selective inactivation of the enzyme with MDL 72527, cytotoxicity of N(1)OSSpm was not diminished, but on the contrary, enhanced. Exponentially growing CaCo-2 cells were considerably more sensitive to N(1)OSSpm than differentiating cells. The results suggest that cytotoxic substrates of PAO exhibit enhanced cytotoxicity in cells, if PAO activity is inhibited. Since tumour cells are known to have lower polyamine oxidase activities than their normal counterparts, it will be interesting to explore whether cytotoxic substrates of polyamine oxidase, for which N(1)OSSpm is an example, are suited to preferentially kill tumour cells.  相似文献   

MnCl2 induced manganese-containing superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) expression (mRNA, immunoreactive protein, and enzyme activity) in human breast cancer Hs578T cells. The induction of MnSOD immunoreactive protein in Hs578T cells was inhibited by tiron (a metal chelator and superoxide scavenger), pyruvate (a hydrogen peroxide scavenger), or 2-deoxy-d-glucose (DG, an inhibitor of glycolysis and the hexose monophosphate shunt), but not by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-1-oxide (a superoxide scavenger), N-acetyl cysteine (a scavenger for reactive oxygen species and precursor of glutathione), diphenylene iodonium (an inhibitor of flavoproteins such as NADPH oxidase and nitric oxide synthase), or SOD (a superoxide scavenger). Northern blotting demonstrated that tiron or DG affected at the mRNA level, while pyruvate affected Mn-induced MnSOD expression at both the mRNA and protein levels. These results demonstrate that Mn can induce MnSOD expression in cultured human breast cancer cells. Mn also induced apoptosis and necrosis in these cells. Since inhibitors of Mn-induced MnSOD induction did not affect cell viability, MnSOD induction is probably not the cause of the Mn-induced cell killing.  相似文献   

6]-Gingerol inhibits metastasis of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gingerol (Zingiber officinale Roscoe, Zingiberaceae) is one of the most frequently and heavily consumed dietary condiments throughout the world. The oleoresin from rhizomes of ginger contains [6]-gingerol (1-[4′-hydroxy-3′-methoxyphenyl]-5-hydroxy-3-decanone) and its homologs which are pungent ingredients that have been found to possess many interesting pharmacological and physiological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, antihepatotoxic and cardiotonic effects. However, the effects of [6]-gingerol on metastatic processes in breast cancer cells are not currently well known. Therefore, in this study, we examined the effects of [6]-gingerol on adhesion, invasion, motility, activity and the amount of MMP-2 or -9 in the MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell line. We cultured MDA-MB-231 cells in the presence of various concentrations of [6]-gingerol (0, 2.5, 5 and 10 μM). [6]-Gingerol had no effect on cell adhesion up to 5 μM, but resulted in a 16% reduction at 10 μM. Treatment of MDA-MB-231 cells with increasing concentrations of [6]-gingerol led to a concentration-dependent decrease in cell migration and motility. The activities of MMP-2 or MMP-9 in MDA-MB-231 cells were decreased by treatment with [6]-gingerol and occurred in a dose-dependent manner. The amount of MMP-2 protein was decreased in a dose-dependent manner, although there was no change in the MMP-9 protein levels following treatment with [6]-gingerol. MMP-2 and MMP-9 mRNA expression were decreased by [6]-gingerol treatment. In conclusion, we have shown that [6]-gingerol inhibits cell adhesion, invasion, motility and activities of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of garlic constituent diallyl trisulfide (DATS) on the cell‐death signaling pathway in a human breast cell line (MDA‐MB‐231). We observed that DATS (10–100 µM) treatment resulted in dose‐ and time‐dependent cytotoxicity. Treatment of MDA‐MB‐231 cells with a cytotoxicity inducing concentration of DATS (50–80 µM) resulted in an increase in the intracellular level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Data from assay with MitoSOXTM Red reagent suggest that mitochondria are the main source of ROS generation during DATS treatment. DATS‐induced oxidative stress was detected through glutaredoxin (GRX), a redox‐sensing molecule, and subsequently GRX was dissociated from apoptosis signal‐regulating kinase 1 (ASK1). Dissociation of GRX from ASK1 resulted in the activation of ASK1. ASK1 activated a downstream signal transduction JNK (c‐Jun N‐terminal kinase)‐Bim pathway. SP600125, a JNK inhibitor, inhibited DATS‐induced Bim phosphorylation and protected cells from DATS‐induced cytotoxicity. Our results indicate that the cytotoxicity caused by DATS is mediated by the generation of ROS and subsequent activation of the ASK1‐JNK‐Bim signal transduction pathway in human breast carcinoma MDA‐MB‐231 cells. J. Cell. Biochem. 112: 118–127, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of two novel polyamine analogues was compared with that of a known cytotoxic drug, etoposide, in a human promyelogenous leukemic cell line. CHEN-spm showed significant acute cytotoxicity in these cells and was comparable to etoposide in terms of IC(50) value. The cell death observed from both CHEN-spm and etoposide was typically apoptotic with increased DNA fragmentation, altered cell morphology, and cell cycle distribution. CPEN-spm, on the other hand, exhibited no toxic effects over the short-term (24 h) exposure period. Intracellular polyamine content decreased in the presence of all inhibitors but only CPEN-spm produced significant induction of spermidine/spermine N(1)-acetyltransferase in 24 h. Thus, increased polyamine catabolism appears not to be essential for the initiation of apoptotic cell death in these human leukemic cells.  相似文献   

Diosgenin, a naturally occurring steroidal saponin, possess tumor therapeutic potential. However, the effect of diosgenin on cancer metastasis remains poorly understood. In this study, we performed in vitro experiments to investigate the inhibitory activity of diosgenin on human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell migration, and reveal the possible mechanism. Diosgenin caused a marked inhibition of cell migration in MDA-MB-231 cell by transwell assay. In addition, diosgenin significantly impacted MDA-MB-231 cell migratory behavior under real-time observation. We also found diosgenin significantly inhibited actin polymerization, Vav2 phosphorylation and Cdc42 activation, which might be, at least in part, attributed to the anti-metastatic potential of diosgenin. These findings reveal a new therapeutic potential of diosgenin for human breast cancer metastasis therapy.  相似文献   

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