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Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a 41-amino acid peptide with distinct effects on gastrointestinal motility involving both CRF-1 and CRF-2 receptor-mediated mechanisms that are generally claimed to be centrally mediated. Evidence for a direct peripheral effect is rather limited. Electrophysiological studies showed a cAMP-dependent prolonged depolarization of guinea pig myenteric neurons on application of CRF. The current study aimed to test the direct effect of CRF on myenteric neurons and to identify the receptor subtype and the possible mechanisms involved. Longitudinal muscle myenteric plexus preparations and myenteric neuron cultures of guinea pig small intestine were incubated with the calcium indicator Fluo-4. Confocal Ca(2+) imaging was used to visualize activation of neurons on application of CRF. All in situ experiments were performed in the presence of nicardipine 10(-6) M to reduce tissue movement. Images were analyzed using Scion image and a specifically developed macro to correct for residual minimal movements. A 75 mM K(+)-Krebs solution identified 1,076 neurons in 46 myenteric ganglia (16 animals). Administration of CRF 10(-6) M and CRF 10(-7) M during 30 s induced a Ca(2+) response in 22.4% of the myenteric neurons (n = 303). Responses were completely abolished in the presence of the nonselective CRF antagonist astressin (n = 55). The selective CRF-1 receptor antagonist CP 154,526 (n = 187) reduced the response significantly to 2.1%. Stresscopin, a CRF-2 receptor agonist, could not activate neurons at 10(-7) M, and its effect at 10(-6) M (15.3%, n = 59) was completely blocked by CP 154,526. TTX 10(-6) M (n = 70) could not block the CRF-induced Ca(2+) transients but reduced the amplitude of the signals significantly. Removal of extracellular Ca(2+) blocked all responses to CRF (n = 47). L-type channels did not contribute to the CRF-induced Ca(2+) transients. Blocking N- or P/Q-type Ca(2+) channels did not reduce the responses significantly. Combined L- and R-type Ca(2+) channel blocking (SNX-482 10(-8) M, n = 64) abolished nearly all responses in situ. Combined L-, N-, and P/Q-type channel blocking also significantly reduced the response to 8.6%. Immunohistochemical staining for CRF-1 receptors clearly labeled individual cell bodies in the ganglia, whereas the CRF-2 receptor staining was barely above background. CRF induces Ca(2+) transients in myenteric neurons via a CRF-1 receptor-dependent mechanism. These Ca(2+) transients highly depend on somatic calcium influx through voltage-operated Ca(2+) channels, in particular R-type channels. Action potential firing through voltage-sensitive sodium channels increases the amplitude of the Ca(2+) signals. Besides centrally mediated effects, CRF is likely to modulate gastrointestinal motility on the myenteric neuronal level.  相似文献   

ATP-induced membrane durrents in the submucous neurons of the guinea pig small intestine were studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique. Being applied at –50 mV. ATP activated an inward non-selective cationic current in 68.3% of the investigated neurons. An increase in ATP concentration within the 1–1,000 µM range resulted in the s-like increase in the amplitude of ATP-induced current. The EC50 was 150.0±18.5 µM, while the Hill number was 1.6. The current was selectively activated by ATP and was not blocked by P2 purinoreceptor antagonist suramin (50–300 µM).,-Methylene-ATP (100–200 µM) and,-methylene-ATP (100–200µM), which are P2-purinoreceptor agonists, as well as adenosine (100–300 µM), exerted no effects. Reactive blue 2, if applied up to 4 min, enhanced ATP-induced current, while its longer application partially suppressed this current. In most submucous neurons, acetylcholine (ACh) likewise activated an inward cationic current. The amplitude of ACh-induced current was lower if ACh was applied during a long-lasting application of ATP than if ACh only was applied. Hexamethonium (50 µM), d-tubocurarine (20–40 µM), and trimethaphan (30 µM) completely and reversibly blocked ACh-induced currents, regardless of the presence of ATP, and did not affect ATP-induced currents. The results suggest that ATP-induced currents in submucous neurons are due to activation of a unique type of P2 purinoreceptors, which function in connection with nicotinic ACh receptors.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 28, No. 2/3, pp. 100–110, March–June, 1996.  相似文献   

Presynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) were studied in myenteric plexus preparations from guinea pig ileum using intracellular electrophysiological methods. Microapplication of nicotine (1 mM) caused a biphasic depolarization in all AH neurons (n = 30) and in 36 of 49 S neurons. Cytisine (1 mM) caused fast depolarizations in S neurons and no response in AH neurons. Mecamylamine (10 microM) blocked all responses caused by nicotine and cytisine. TTX (0.3 microM) blocked slow excitatory synaptic potentials in S and AH neurons but had no effect on fast depolarizations caused by nicotine. Nicotine-induced slow depolarizations were reduced by TTX in two of twelve AH neurons (79% inhibition) and four of nine S neurons (90+/-12% inhibition). Slow nicotine-induced depolarizations in the remaining neurons were TTX resistant. TTX-resistant slow depolarizations were inhibited after neurokinin receptor 3 desensitization caused by senktide (0.1 microM); senktide desensitization inhibited the slow nicotine-induced depolarization by 81+/-5% and 63+/-15% in AH and S neurons, respectively. A low-calcium and high-magnesium solution blocked nicotine-induced slow depolarizations in AH neurons. In conclusion, presynaptic nAChRs mediate the release of substance P and/or neurokinin A to cause slow depolarizations of myenteric neurons.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that multiaxonal neurons of the myenteric plexus of the small intestine are sensory neurons, was tested. The rising principle of the issue to sensory information in the metasympathetic ganglions of the small intestine was discovered by microapplication of the salt acid solution. Serotonin (5-hydroxytriptamine) and acetylcholine can participate in forming primary sensory signals in the multiaxonal neurons. Pulsed activity in primary sensory neurons by mucous perfusion of the small intestine by physiological solution with pH 3.5-3.8 was revealed. The enterochromaffin cells of the mucosa and multiaxonal neurons of the submucous and myenteric plexuses take part in reception of the salt acid.  相似文献   

Enteric neuroimmune interactions in gastrointestinal hypersensitivity responses involve antigen detection by mast cells, mast cell degranulation, release of chemical mediators, and modulatory actions of the mediators on the enteric nervous system (ENS). Electrophysiological methods were used to investigate electrical and synaptic behavior of neurons in the stomach and small intestine during exposure to beta-lactoglobulin in guinea pigs sensitized to cow's milk. Application of beta-lactoglobulin to sensitized preparations depolarized the membrane potential and increased neuronal excitability in small intestinal neurons but not in gastric neurons. Effects on membrane potential and excitability in the small intestine were suppressed by the mast cell stabilizing drug ketotifen, the histamine H(2) receptor antagonist cimetidine, the cyclooxygenase inhibitor piroxicam, and the 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor caffeic acid. Unlike small intestinal ganglion cells, gastric myenteric neurons did not respond to histamine applied exogenously. Antigenic exposure suppressed noradrenergic inhibitory neurotransmission in the small intestinal submucosal plexus. The histamine H(3) receptor antagonist thioperamide and piroxicam, but not caffeic acid, prevented the allergic suppression of noradrenergic inhibitory neurotransmission. Antigenic stimulation of neuronal excitability and suppression of synaptic transmission occurred only in milk-sensitized animals. Results suggest that signaling between mast cells and the ENS underlies intestinal, but not gastric, anaphylactic responses associated with food allergies. Histamine, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes are paracrine signals in the communication pathway from mast cells to the small intestinal ENS.  相似文献   

This study examined synaptic inputs from myenteric neurons innervating submucosal neurons. Intracellular recordings were obtained from submucosal S neurons in guinea pig ileal preparations in vitro, and synaptic inputs were recorded in response to electrical stimulation of exposed myenteric plexus. Most S neurons received synaptic inputs [>80% fast (f) excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP), >30% slow (s) EPSPs] from the myenteric plexus. Synaptic potentials were recorded significant distances aboral (fEPSPs, 25 mm; sEPSPs, 10 mm) but not oral to the stimulating site. When preparations were studied in a double-chamber bath that chemically isolated the stimulating "myenteric chamber" from the recording side "submucosal chamber," all fEPSPs were blocked by hexamethonium in the submucosal chamber, but not by a combination of nicotinic, purinergic, and 5-hydroxytryptamine-3 receptor antagonists in the myenteric chamber. In 15% of cells, a stimulus train elicited prolonged bursts of fEPSPs (>30 s duration) that were blocked by hexamethonium. These findings suggest that most submucosal S neurons receive synaptic inputs from predominantly anally projecting myenteric neurons. These inputs are poised to coordinate intestinal motility and secretion.  相似文献   

Two techniques that are thought to stain all of the neurons in the myenteric ganglia of the intestine are NADH diaphorase histochemistry and immunhistochemistry using a nerve cell body antiserum. However, this assumption has never been directly verified. In the present study myenteric ganglia of the guinea-pig ileum were prepared as whole-mounts and stained with either of these techniques. All nerve cells that could be identified in the whole-mounts were counted. The whole-mounts were then embedded flat in resin and serially sectioned at 1 m. Nerve cells were identified and counted from the serial sections, and the data compared to those obtained from the whole-mounts. NADH diaphorase histochemistry did not reveal all the neurons at incubation times that gave selective staining. In contrast, nerve cell body antiserum stained the entire neuronal population. To determine the total number of nerve cell bodies/ganglion and the proportion of nerve cell bodies with calbindin immunoreactivity, whole-mounts that had been processed for calbindin immunohistochemistry were serially sectioned and reconstructed. The total number of neurons per myenteric ganglion was 105±10 (SE). Calbindin-immunoreactive neurons comprised about 20% of the myenteric neurons, which is considerably less than previous estimates, because previously the total population has been underestimated. The spatial density of myenteric neurons in the undistended ileum of the guinea-pig is 17300 nerve cells/cm2.  相似文献   

Originally, intestinal motility was thought to be exclusively regulated by myenteric neurons. Some years ago, however, it was demonstrated in large mammals that submucous neurons also participate in the innervation of the circular smooth muscle layer. To date, no information is available about the submucous innervation of the longitudinal smooth muscle layer (LM). This study provides evidence that in the small intestine of large mammals, the LM is innervated not only by the myenteric plexus, but also by the inner and outer submucous plexuses (ISP and OSP). In the porcine small intestine, the involved neurons can be subdivided into the following neurochemically distinct populations: leu-enkephalin (ENK)- and/or substance P (SP)-IR neurons and nitric oxide synthase (NOS)- and/or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-IR neurons. In the myenteric plexus, the majority of VIP- and/or NOS-IR neurons and ENK(+)/SP(-)-IR neurons exhibit descending projections, whereas ENK(+)/SP(+)-IR neurons preferentially have ascending projections. The ENK(-)/SP(+)-IR neurons do not show a polarized pattern. In the OSP, only ENK(+)/SP(-)- and VIP(+)/NOS(-)-IR neurons display a polarized (descending) projection pattern, whereas no polarization can be noted in the ISP. Morphological analysis of the traced neurons revealed that, in general, myenteric descending LM motor neurons have larger cell bodies than ascending ones and, in addition, myenteric descending VIP- and/or NOS-IR neurons have longer projections than ENK and/or SP-IR neurons. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates the involvement of not only myenteric, but also submucous neurons in the innervation of the LM. The two major populations are descending nitrergic neurons and ascending tachykinergic motor neurons, but also other subpopulations with specific projection patterns and neurochemical features have been identified.  相似文献   

This study examined whether mucosal stimulation activates long secretomotor neural reflexes and, if so, how they are organized. The submucosa of in vitro full thickness guinea pig ileal preparations was exposed in the distal portion and intracellular recordings were obtained from electrophysiologically identified secretomotor neurons. Axons in the intact mucosa of the oral segment were stimulated by a large bipolar stimulating electrode. In control preparations, a single stimulus pulse evoked a fast excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in 86% of neurons located 0.7-1.0 cm anal to the stimulus site. A stimulus train evoked multiple fast EPSPs, but slow EPSPs were not observed. To examine whether mucosal stimulation specifically activated mucosal sensory nerve terminals, the mucosa/submucosa was severed from the underlying layers and repositioned. In these preparations, fast EPSPs could not be elicited in 89% of cells. Superfusion with phorbol dibutyrate enhanced excitability of sensory neurons and pressure-pulse application of serotonin to the mucosa increased the fast EPSPs evoked by mucosal stimulation, providing further evidence that sensory neurons were involved. To determine whether these reflexes projected through the myenteric plexus, this plexus was surgically lesioned between the stimulus site and the impaled neuron. No fast EPSPs were recorded in these preparations following mucosal stimulation whereas lesioning the submucosal plexus had no effect. These results demonstrate that mucosal stimulation triggers a long myenteric pathway that activates submucosal secretomotor neurons. This pathway projects in parallel with motor and vasodilator reflexes, and this common pathway may enable coordination of intestinal secretion, blood flow, and motility.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying nutrient-induced segmentation within the gut are not well understood. We have shown that decanoic acid and some amino acids induce neurally dependent segmentation in guinea pig small intestine in vitro. This study examined the neural mechanisms underlying segmentation in the circular muscle and whether the timing of segmentation contractions also depends on slow waves. Decanoic acid (1 mM) was infused into the lumen of guinea pig duodenum and jejunum. Video imaging was used to monitor intestinal diameter as a function of both longitudinal position and time. Circular muscle electrical activity was recorded by using suction electrodes. Recordings from sites of segmenting contractions showed they are always associated with excitatory junction potentials leading to action potentials. Recordings from sites oral and anal to segmenting contractions revealed inhibitory junction potentials that were time locked to those contractions. Slow waves were never observed underlying segmenting contractions. In paralyzed preparations, intracellular recording revealed that slow-wave frequency was highly consistent at 19.5 (SD 1.4) cycles per minute (c/min) in duodenum and 16.6 (SD 1.1) c/min in jejunum. By contrast, the frequencies of segmenting contractions varied widely (duodenum: 3.6-28.8 c/min, median 10.8 c/min; jejunum: 3.0-27.0 c/min, median 7.8 c/min) and sometimes exceeded slow-wave frequencies for that region. Thus nutrient-induced segmentation contractions in guinea pig small intestine do not depend on slow-wave activity. Rather they result from a neural circuit producing rhythmic localized activity in excitatory motor neurons, while simultaneously activating surrounding inhibitory motor neurons.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK), a hormone secreted from endocrine cells of the small intestine, participates in the control of motility and secretion in the gastrointestinal tract, and in the control of food intake. At least some of the effects of CCK on intestinal function appear to be mediated via activation of intrinsic neurons in the myenteric plexus. However, the distribution of CCK-responsive enteric neurons within the rat small intestine is not known. Neither has the role of CCK-A receptors in the activation of rat myenteric neurons been investigated. Therefore, to determine the distribution of CCK-responsive neurons in the small intestinal myenteric plexus we utilized immunohistochemical detection of Fos, the protein product of the immediate early gene c-fos, to identify neurons that were activated by exogenous CCK. We also monitored Fos expression in the dorsal hindbrain, and examined CCK-induced Fos expression in the presence or absence of a receptor antagonist for the type-A CCK receptor. We found that CCK significantly increased Fos expression in the hindbrain and in myenteric neurons of the duodenum and jejunum, but not the ileum. Neuronal Fos responsiveness in both brain and myenteric neurons was mediated by CCK-A receptors, as CCK-induced Fos expression was eliminated in rats pretreated with a CCK-A receptor antagonist. We conclude that CCK activates small intestinal myenteric neurons, via CCK-A receptors. Activation of these intrinsic intestinal neurons may participate in reflexes and behaviors that are mediated by CCK.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the presence of capacitative Ca(2+) entry (CCE) in guinea pig gallbladder smooth muscle (GBSM), including a possible relation with activation of L-type Ca(2+) channels. Changes in cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration induced by Ca(2+) entry were assessed by digital microfluorometry in isolated, fura 2-loaded GBSM cells. Application of thapsigargin, a specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+) store pump, induced a transient Ca(2+) release followed by sustained entry of extracellular Ca(2+). Depletion of the stores with thapsigargin, cyclopiazonic acid, ryanodine and caffeine, high levels of the Ca(2+)-mobilizing hormone cholecystokinin octapeptide, or simple removal of external Ca(2+) resulted in a sustained increase in Ca(2+) entry on subsequent reapplication of Ca(2+). This entry was attenuated by 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane, L-type Ca(2+) channel blockade, pinacidil, and Gd(3+). Accumulation of the voltage-sensitive dye 3,3'-dipentylcarbocyanine and direct intracellular recordings showed that depletion of the stores is sufficient for depolarization of the plasma membrane. Contractility studies in intact gallbladder muscle strips showed that CCE induced contractions. The CCE-evoked contraction was sensitive to 2-aminoethoxydiphenylborane, L-type Ca(2+) channel blockers, and Gd(3+). We conclude that, in GBSM, release of Ca(2+) from internal stores activates a CCE pathway and depolarizes plasma membrane, allowing coactivation of voltage-operated L-type Ca(2+) channels. This process may play a role in excitation-contraction coupling in GBSM.  相似文献   

Neural and paracrine agents, such as dopamine, epinephrine, and histamine, affect intestinal epithelial function, but it is unclear if these agents act on receptors directly at the enterocyte level. The cellular localization and villus-crypt distribution of adrenergic, dopamine, and histamine receptors within the intestinal epithelium is obscure and needs to be identified. Single cell populations of villus or crypt epithelial cells were isolated from the jejunum of adult guinea pigs. Enterocytes were separated from intraepithelial lymphocytes by flow cytometry and specific binding was determined using fluorescent probes. Alpha1-adrenergic receptors were located on villus and crypt intraepithelial lymphocytes and enterocytes. Beta-adrenergic receptors were found on villus and crypt enterocytes. Dopamine receptors were found on all cell types examined, whereas histamine receptors were not detected (<10% for each cell population). These studies demonstrated that (1) receptors for epinephrine and dopamine exist on epithelial cells of the guinea pig jejunum, (2) beta-adrenergic receptors are found primarily on villus and crypt enterocytes and (3) intraepithelial lymphocytes contain alpha1-adrenergic, but have few beta-adrenergic, receptors. The presence of neural receptors suggests that these agents are acting, at least in part, at the enterocyte or intraepithelial lymphocyte levels to modulate intestinal and immune function.  相似文献   

We wished to establish the functional identity of Nav1.6-expressing myenteric neurons of the guinea pig proximal colon by determining the extent of colocalization of Nav1.6 and selected neurochemical markers. Nav1.6-like immunoreactivity (-li) was primarily localized to the hillock and initial segments of myenteric neurons located near junctions with internodal fiber tracts. Immunoreactivity for Nav1.6 was co-localized with choline-acetyltransferase-li, representing 96% of Nav1.6-immunoreactive neurons; about 5% of these neurons showed co-localization with calretinin-li, but none with substance-P-li. Cholinergic neurons expressing Nav1.6 were amongst the smallest (somal area <300 μm2) of all cholinergic myenteric neurons observed. Only three of 234 Nav1.6-immunoreactive neurons exhibited nNOS-li, and none co-localized with calbindin-li. These data suggest that Nav1.6 is expressed in a small uniform population of cholinergic myenteric neurons that lie within the guinea pig proximal colon and that are likely to function as excitatory motor neurons.This work was supported in part by grants from the Autzen Endowment and Cadeau Foundation. A.C. Bartoo was supported by a grant from the Poncin Foundation.  相似文献   

Zhang W  Segura BJ  Mulholland MW 《Peptides》2002,23(10):1793-1801
The responsiveness of cultured myenteric neurons to cholecystokinin (CCK-8) was examined using fura-2-based digital microfluorimetric measurement of intracellular calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)). CCK-8 (10(-10)-10(-6)M) evoked concentration-dependent increases in percentage of neurons responding (8-52%) and delta[Ca(2+)](i) (76-169 nM). Gastrin (1 microM) also induced an increase in [Ca(2+)](i) in 29+/-6% of neurons (delta[Ca(2+)](i): 71+/-3 nM). L-364,718, an antagonist for the CCK-A receptor, blocked [Ca(2+)](i) response to CCK-8. Removal of extracellular calcium eliminated CCK-induced [Ca(2+)](i) increments, as did the addition of the calcium channel inhibitors nickel (1mM) and lanthanum (5mM). Nifedipine (1-50 microM) dose-dependently attenuated CCK-caused [Ca(2+)](i) responses. CCK evokes [Ca(2+)](i) signaling in myenteric neurons by the influx of extracellular calcium, likely through L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

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