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Phospholipase D (PLD) enzymes play a double vital role in cells: they maintain the integrity of cellular membranes and they participate in cell signaling including intracellular protein trafficking, cytoskeletal dynamics, cell migration, and cell proliferation. The particular involvement of PLD in cell migration is accomplished: (a) through the actions of its enzymatic product of reaction, phosphatidic acid, and its unique shape-binding role on membrane geometry; (b) through a particular guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) activity (the first of its class assigned to a phospholipase) in the case of the mammalian isoform PLD2; and (c) through protein-protein interactions with a wide network of molecules: Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp), Grb2, ribosomal S6 kinase (S6K), and Rac2. Further, PLD interacts with a variety of kinases (PKC, FES, EGF receptor (EGFR), and JAK3) that are activated by it, or PLD becomes the target substrate. Out of these myriads of functions, PLD is becoming recognized as a major player in cell migration, cell invasion, and cancer metastasis. This is the story of the evolution of PLD from being involved in a large number of seemingly unrelated cellular functions to its most recent role in cancer signaling, a subfield that is expected to grow exponentially.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a well characterized receptor-tyrosine kinase that functions in development and serves a vital role in many human cancers. Understanding EGFR regulatory mechanisms, and hence approaches for clinical intervention, has focused on ligand-receptor interactions and tyrosine kinase activity. Here, we show using the NCI-H460 lung and A431 epidermoid human cancer cell lines that EGFR binding to anterior gradient homolog 2 (AGR2) in the endoplasmic reticulum is required for receptor delivery to the plasma membrane and thus EGFR signaling. Reduced AGR2 protein levels or mutation of an essential cysteine in the active site result in decreased cell surface EGFR and a concomitant decrease in signaling as reflected by AREG, EGR1, and FOS expression. Similar to previously described EGFR nulls, an AGR2 null also resulted in embryonic lethality. Consistent with its role in regulating EGFR-mediated signaling, AGR2 expression is also enhanced in many human cancers and promotes the transformed phenotype. Furthermore, EGFR-mediated signaling in NCI-H460 cells, which are resistant to the tyrosine kinase inhibitor AG1478, is also disrupted with reduced AGR2 expression. The results provide insights into why cancer prognosis or response to therapy often does not correlate with EGFR protein or RNA levels because they do not reflect delivery to the cell surface where signaling is initiated. AGR2, therefore, represents a novel post-translational regulator of EGFR-mediated signaling and a promising target for treating human cancers.  相似文献   

Membrane proton transporters contribute to pH homeostasis but have also been shown to transmit information between cells in close proximity through regulated proton secretion. For example, the nematode intestinal Na+/H+ exchanger NHX-7 causes adjacent muscle cells to contract by transiently acidifying the extracellular space between the intestine and muscle. NHX-7 operates during a Ca2+-dependent rhythmic behavior and contains several conserved motifs for regulation by Ca2+ input, including motifs for calmodulin and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate binding, protein kinase C- and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II phosphorylation, and a binding site for calcineurin homologous protein. Here, we tested the idea that Ca2+ input differentiates proton signaling from pH housekeeping activity. Each of these motifs was mutated, and their contribution to NHX-7 function was assessed. These functions included pH recovery from acidification in cells in culture expressing recombinant NHX-7, extracellular acidification measured during behavior in live moving worms, and muscle contraction strength as a result of this acidification. Our data suggest that multiple levels of Ca2+ input regulate NHX-7, whose transport capacity normally exceeds the minimum necessary to cause muscle contraction. Furthermore, extracellular acidification limits NHX-7 proton transport through feedback inhibition, likely to prevent metabolic acidosis from occurring. Our findings are consistent with an integrated network whereby both Ca2+ and pH contribute to proton signaling. Finally, our results obtained by expressing rat NHE1 in Caenorhabditis elegans suggest that a conserved mechanism of regulation may contribute to cell-cell communication or proton signaling by Na+/H+ exchangers in mammals.  相似文献   

Tyrosine kinases have been shown to play critical roles in cancer development and progression, and their inhibitors hold the potential as effective targeted therapies for breast and other cancers. However, some of these kinases like focal adhesion kinase (FAK) also possess scaffolding functions in intracellular signaling, but such kinase-independent functions of FAK or other kinases have not been examined in cancer directly in vivo. Here, we report that disruption of the function of FAK scaffolding through its Pro-878/881 motif suppressed mammary tumor growth and metastasis in a well characterized murine model of human breast cancer. P878A/P881A mutation in the endogenous FAK gene decreased the expression of markers for epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and mammary cancer stem cell (MaCSC) activities in tumors derived from mutant mice. This mutation disrupted the function of FAK scaffolding to mediate endophilin A2 phosphorylation at Tyr-315 by Src, leading to the decreased surface expression of MT1-MMP, as observed previously in transformed fibroblasts in vitro. Inhibition of the downstream components of this FAK scaffolding function by Y315F endophilin A2 mutant or MT1-MMP knockdown reduced markers for EMT and MaCSC activities. Conversely, bypass of the scaffolding function using the phosphorylation mimic mutant Y315E endophilin A2 or endophilin A2 knockdown rescued the decreased markers for EMT and MaCSCs as well as surface expression of MT1-MMP in tumor cells harboring the P878A/P881A mutation. Together, these results identify a novel role of FAK scaffolding function in breast cancer, which could serve as a new target in combination with kinase inhibition for more effective treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Cell-cell contacts are fundamental to multicellular organisms and are subject to exquisite levels of control. The carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1) can engage in both cis-homophilic (parallel) oligomerization and trans-homophilic (anti-parallel) binding. In this study, we establish that the CEACAM1 transmembrane domain has a propensity to form cis-dimers via the transmembrane-embedded 432GXXXG436 motif and that this basal state is overcome when activated calmodulin binds to the CEACAM1 cytoplasmic domain. Although mutation of the 432GXXXG436 motif reduced CEACAM1 oligomerization, it did not affect surface localization of the receptor or influence CEACAM1-dependent cellular invasion by the pathogenic Neisseria. The mutation did, however, have a striking effect on CEACAM1-dependent cellular aggregation, increasing both the kinetics of cell-cell association and the size of cellular aggregates formed. CEACAM1 association with tyrosine kinase c-Src and tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2 was not affected by the 432GXXXG436 mutation, consistent with their association with the monomeric form of wild type CEACAM1. Collectively, our results establish that a dynamic oligomer-to-monomer shift in surface-expressed CEACAM1 facilitates trans-homophilic binding and downstream effector signaling.  相似文献   

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