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In cryptically coloured birds, remaining on the nest despite predator approach (risk‐taking) may decrease the likelihood that the nest will be detected and current reproductive attempt lost. By contrast, flushing may immediately reveal the nest location to the predator. Escape decisions of incubating parents should therefore be optimized based on the risk‐to‐parent/cost of escape equilibrium. Animal prey may assess predation risk depending on a variety of cues, including the camouflage that vegetation provides against the predator. We examined interactive effects of nest crypsis and the current reproductive value of a clutch on flushing distances in incubating mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) approached by a human. Our results were consistent with predictions of parental investment theory: flushing distances were inversely correlated with measures of the reproductive value of the current clutch, namely with clutch size, stage of incubation and mean egg volume. Independently of a reproductive value of a clutch, nest concealment explained a significant portion of the variation in flushing distance among females; individual females tended to increase/decrease flushing distances according to change in nest cover. The results further suggest that vegetation concealment greatly influenced the risk of nest detection by local predators, suggesting that vegetation may act as a protective cover for incubating female. A female's ability to delay flushes according to the actual vegetation cover might thus be viewed as an antipredator strategy that reduces premature nest advertising to visually oriented predators. We argue, however, that shorter flying distances from densely covered sites might be maladaptive in areas where a predator's ability to detect incubating female does not rely on visual cues of nests.  相似文献   

Birds are thought to choose nest sites that meet two main functions: providing security to both nest contents and incubating adults, and providing an appropriate microclimate for incubation. Many shorebirds nest in sites with no or little cover. In a lake in southern Spain, nearly 70% of the nests of Kentish plovers, Charadrius alexandrinus, were in sites with little or no cover, where ambient temperatures might be more than 50°C during very hot days, thus causing the incubating adults to suffer from heat stress. We tested the hypothesis that Kentish plovers nest mainly in exposed sites because this may allow the incubating birds to detect approaching predators early, and thus to reduce predation risk. When we occluded the view that incubating adults had from their nests, they took longer to detect approaching predators than when the view was unrestricted. Incubating adults were also more frequently killed by mammals in covered than in exposed nests. Females that nested in covered sites were in lower body condition than those nesting in exposed sites, possibly because they were unable to withstand the high ambient temperatures in exposed sites. Thus, the benefits of thermally favourable nest sites are reduced by the constraints of predation risk.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of natural habitats in coastal areas worldwide has adversely affected many waterbird species, changing their breeding distribution and reducing their productivity. Anthropogenic habitats such as saltpans can provide alternative or complementary habitats for waterbirds and mitigate the increasing human impact on natural coastal habitats. Unvegetated linear paths between salt ponds are used by ground‐nesting waterbird species to breed but their linear structure may facilitate the detection of nests by predators. This negative effect may, however, be counterbalanced by the advantages of breeding in mixed colonies. To evaluate the importance and the risks of breeding in saltpans we used the Kentish plover Charadrius alexandrinus breeding in coastal saltpans of southern Portugal as a model species. Specifically, we assessed the role of nest‐site characteristics, predation and nesting proximity to species with aggressive antipredator behaviour (black‐winged stilt Himantopus himantopus) on their breeding success. Kentish plovers selected nest‐sites on the edges of paths, with about 20% of water around the nest, and a mean visibility of more than 72%; however nest‐site characteristics were not correlated with nesting success. Predation was the main cause of nest loss in saltpans (42%); carrion crows Corvus corone were responsible for most daylight nest predation (58%) and red fox (Vulpes vulpes; 73%) for night predation. An 8‐yr monitoring plan of a Kentish plover population showed a linear increase in their breeding success as their breeding season increasingly overlapped with that of the black‐winged stilt. An experiment with artificial nests showed a significant increase in the number of exposure days (7 to 12) when these nests were within close distance of black‐winged stilt nests. Overall, our results showed that saltpans are an important alternative breeding habitat for the Kentish plover, especially for the maintenance of mixed species colonies.  相似文献   

It is widely known that many upland-breeding shorebirds tend to nest on plateaus but to date no studies have put forward explanations for this phenomenon. We examined the effect of slope and habitat on the distribution of ground-nesting golden plover Pluvialis apricaria at two study sites in County Durham, U.K. Golden plovers showed strong selection for nesting on flat ground. Habitat significantly affected nest-site location on one study site (heather burnt within the past 2 years was favoured and older stands of heather were avoided) but not on the other. Fifty-nine per cent of all nests failed. We attributed 95% of all losses to predation. Seventy-five per cent of nests, in which the predator was identified, were taken by ground predators, mainly stoats Mustela erminea . Nests on flat ground had significantly higher rates of survival than those on slopes. Nest survival did not vary significantly with habitat type nor with vegetation height or density around the nest. Neither habitat type, vegetation height nor vegetation density around nests differed between nests on slopes and on flat ground. In addition, individuals that nested on flat ground tended to have less black on their underparts (a suggested indicator of dominance). We suggest that birds nesting on slopes are less efficient at avoiding nest predation than those nesting on the flat. The nature or degree of a bird's response to a predator may be related to the efficiency of individual anti-predator responses and/or to visibility from the nest. This study cannot differentiate between these two explanations. We encourage further work to investigate differences in behaviour between individuals nesting on slopes and those on flat ground.  相似文献   

Antarctic terns have to co‐exist in a limited space with their major nest predator, the skuas. We conducted artificial nest experiments to evaluate the roles of parental activity, nest location and nest and egg crypsis in this simple predator–prey system. Predation on artificial (inactive) nests was higher in traditional nesting sites than in sites previously not occupied by terns, which suggests that skuas memorized past tern breeding sites. Predation on artificial nests in inactive colonies was higher than in active (defended) colonies. Parental defense reduced predation in colonies to the level observed in artificial nests placed away from colonies. This suggests that communal defense can balance the costs of attracting predators to active colonies. Within colonies, predation was marginally higher on experimental eggs put in real nests than on bare ground. Although it seems that the presence of a nest is costly in terms of increased predation, reductions in nest size might be constrained by the need for protective nest structures and/or balanced by opposing selection on nest size. Predation did not differ markedly between artificial (quail) and real tern eggs. A simultaneous prey choice experiment showed that the observed predation rates reflected egg/nest detectability, rather than discrimination of egg types. In summary, nesting terns probably cannot avoid being detected, and they cannot defend their nest by attending them. Yet, by temporarily leaving the nest, they can defend it through communal predator mobbing, and at the same time, they can benefit from crypsis of unattended nest and eggs.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is one of the North America’s most important breeding areas for ducks, but information about the nesting ecology of ducks in the region is limited. We collected microhabitat data related to vegetation structure and composition at 157 duck nests and paired random locations in Alberta’s boreal forest region from 2016 to 2018. We identified fine‐scale vegetation features selected by ducks for all nests, between nesting guilds, and among five species using conditional logistic regression. Ducks in the boreal forest selected nest sites with greater overhead and graminoid cover, but less forb cover than random sites. Characteristics of the nest sites of upland‐ and overwater‐nesting guilds differed, with species nesting in upland habitat selecting nests that provided greater shrub cover and less lateral concealment and species nesting over water selecting nests with less shrub cover. We examined the characteristics of nest sites of American Wigeon (Mareca americana), Blue‐winged Teal (Spatula discors), Green‐winged Teal (Anas crecca), Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and Ring‐necked Ducks (Aythya collaris), and found differences among species that may facilitate species coexistence at a regional scale. Our results suggest that females of species nesting in upland habitat selected nest sites that optimized concealment from aerial predators while also allowing detection of and escape from terrestrial predators. Consequently, alteration in the composition and heterogeneity of vegetation and predator communities caused by climate change and industrial development in the boreal forest of Canada may affect the nest‐site selection strategies of boreal ducks.  相似文献   

Predation selects against conspicuous colors in bird eggs and nests, while thermoregulatory constraints select for nest-building behavior that regulates incubation temperatures. We present results that suggest a trade-off between nest crypticity and thermoregulation of eggs based on selection of nest materials by piping plovers (Charadrius melodus), a ground-nesting bird that constructs simple, pebble-lined nests highly vulnerable to predators and exposed to temperature extremes. Piping plovers selected pebbles that were whiter and appeared closer in color to eggs than randomly available pebbles, suggesting a crypsis function. However, nests that were more contrasting in color to surrounding substrates were at greater risk of predation, suggesting an alternate strategy driving selection of white rocks. Near-infrared reflectance of nest pebbles was higher than randomly available pebbles, indicating a direct physical mechanism for heat control through pebble selection. Artificial nests constructed of randomly available pebbles heated more quickly and conferred heat to model eggs, causing eggs to heat more rapidly than in nests constructed from piping plover nest pebbles. Thermal models and field data indicated that temperatures inside nests may remain up to 2–6°C cooler than surrounding substrates. Thermal models indicated that nests heat especially rapidly if not incubated, suggesting that nest construction behavior may serve to keep eggs cooler during the unattended laying period. Thus, pebble selection suggests a potential trade-off between maximizing heat reflectance to improve egg microclimate and minimizing conspicuous contrast of nests with the surrounding substrate to conceal eggs from predators. Nest construction behavior that employs light-colored, thermally reflective materials may represent an evolutionary response by birds and other egg-laying organisms to egg predation and heat stress. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The breeding habitat preferences of Kentish Plover and Little Ringed Plover were studied on a shingle bed. The location of each nest was measured as the distance to the sea wall, nearest pond and nearest path. The habitat surrounding nests was measured at radii of 0.15 m and 15 m as the proportional cover of shingle, gravel, sand, live and dead vegetation. When all variables were considered simultaneously, the differences between the habitats used by the species were related to the cover of shingle within 15 m of the nest and the distance to the sea wall. Nest sites located close to the sea wall and with high shingle cover almost always belonged to Kentish Plover, while those more distant and with low shingle cover almost always belonged to Little Ringed Plover. Kentish Plover nested in areas of newly exposed shingle, while Little Ringed Plovers used areas which had been stable for longer and hence were colonized by vegetation. This study suggests that management which maintains a high proportion of exposed substrate on shingle beds will increase their suitability for Kentish Plover.  相似文献   


Wind farm implementation is a rapidly growing source of landscape transformation that may alter ecological processes such as predator–prey interactions. We tested the hypothesis that wind farms increase the activity of nest predators and, ultimately, increment ground-nest predation rates. We placed 18 plots in Iberian shrub-steppes (11 at control and seven at wind farm sites), each one comprised nine artificial ground-nests (three quail eggs/nest). Artificial nests were placed during two events: at the beginning (April) and at the end (June) of the breeding season in 2016 (n?=?324 artificial nests). We estimated the relative abundance of avian and large mammalian predators in the surroundings of each plot and recorded nest fate after 12 days exposure. We also measured variables at landscape and microhabitat scale that potentially affect predator abundance and nest predation. Wind farm sites contained higher cover of gravel roads and more large mammalian predators. Moreover, the abundance of large mammalian predators increased with surrounding cover of both trees and gravel-roads. Avian predator abundance and nest predation rates did not differ between control and wind farm sites, though nest predation did increase with the surrounding cover of crops and gravel roads. Lastly, nest predation was higher at the end of the breeding season and decreased with moss and lichen cover. Our results support previous evidence on the increase of mammalian predator abundance as the surface area of gravel-roads increases, pointing towards a potential mechanism for wind farms leading to rise ground-nest predation. Future wind energy projects should minimize the development of gravel-roads for wind turbine access or maintenance.


In habitats with more predators, a species is expected to breed in safer sites and be less successful than in predator-impoverished habitats. We tested this hypothesis by studying nest-habitat selection and nest predation in two populations of Trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus). One breeds in a predator-rich habitat (Tabernas, Iberian Peninsula), and the other is found on an island with fewer predators (La Oliva, Canary Islands). In both localities, we studied the features of nests in two different substrates, on the ground and in cliffs, including visibility and position in the cliff. We measured the habitat characteristics in a series of plots around the ground nests and compared them to random points. We also studied the influence of nest features and habitat selection on predation of both nest types. Trumpeter finches built more nests in cliffs in Tabernas, probably because there are more cliffs available there. In this locality, the patches selected for ground nesting had below-average vegetation cover, lower vegetation height, and were on steeper slopes. In La Oliva, they selected above-average vegetation height and steeper slopes. Cliff nests were less predated than ground nests in La Oliva, but not in Tabernas. The only variable that affected survival rates in Tabernas was the height of vegetation around ground nests, with nests in lower vegetation having higher survival rates. These results suggest that locality-related differences in habitat selection by vegetation height could be related to the different predator assemblages present in any given area, though we cannot rule out confounding influences of other differences between the two sites.  相似文献   

Koivula  K.  Rönkä  A. 《Oecologia》1998,116(3):348-355
Many populations of waders breeding on open shores and shores with short vegetation especially on the Baltic coasts have recently become endangered. The declines have taken place simultaneously with human-induced loss and deterioration of habitats due to eutrophication and overgrowth. To investigate mechanisms by which habitat changes could affect breeding success and ultimately population dynamics, we studied an endangered coastal population of Temminck's stint. We hypothesized that the rate of nest predation has become higher because the nest defence strategy (early detection of predator and early departure from the nest), which originally evolved in open habitats, is less effective on shores with reduced visibility. As predicted, nests survived better on wide than on narrow shores. Predation made a major contribution to this trend, although successful and predated nests did not differ in concealment at a microhabitat scale. The better the visibility from the nest, the longer was the flushing distance, but only in response to alarm calls or behaviour of other species, not when they were absent. Temminck's stints seem to obtain information about an approaching predator visually from sentinels. Therefore, it is essential that there is at least moderate visibility around the nest. We conclude that habitat characteristics – visibility from the nest and sentinel birds – affect the effectiveness of the nest defence strategy of Temminck's stint. These should be taken into account when seeking causes and mechanisms for declines of Temminck's stint and other waders of open and shortly vegetated shores. Received: 5 January 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   

Jean-Louis  Martin  Mathieu  Joron 《Oikos》2003,102(3):641-653
We used the introduction of a generalist nest predator, the red squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, and of a large herbivore, the Sitka black-tailed deer Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis, to the islands of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, Canada) to study how predator assemblage and habitat quality and structure influenced nest predation in forest birds. We compared losses of natural nests to predators on islands with and without squirrels. We selected nine islands with or without squirrel or deer and used 506 artificial nests put on the ground or in shrubs to further analyse variation of nest predation with predator assemblage and habitat quality for the predators. For both natural and artificial nests predation risk was higher in presence of squirrels. But predation risk varied within island categories. In presence of squirrels it was highest in stands with mature conifers where it fluctuated from year to year, in response to fluctuations in squirrel abundance. Vegetation cover around the nest had little effect on nest predation by squirrels. Where squirrels were absent, nest predation concentrated near predictable food sources for corvids, the main native predators, and increased with decreasing vegetation cover, suggesting that removal of the vegetation by deer increased the risk of predation by native avian nest predators that use visual cues. Predation risk in these forests therefore varies in space and time with predator composition and with quality of the habitat from the predators' perspective. This temporal and spatial variation in predation risk should promote trade-offs in the response of birds to nest predation, rather than fine-tuned adaptations to a given predation pattern.  相似文献   

Understanding the foraging behaviour of predators is key to interpreting the role of anti‐predator adaptations of birds in reducing nest losses. Conducting research in primaeval habitats, with a low level of direct human interference, is particularly valuable in the understanding of predator–prey interactions. Using nest cameras, we investigated the identity and behaviour of potential and actual predators appearing at Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix nests, and the importance of different predator groups for nest survival, in the primaeval part of Bia?owie?a Forest (Poland). Mammals formed the main predator group (30 of 32 nest depredations), particularly medium‐sized carnivores (24 of 32), which attacked nests more frequently than merely passing by. This contrasted with other species, especially small rodents, which were commonly recorded near nests but rarely attacked them. Most nest attacks (22 of 32) took place at night and nest survival did not depend on nest visibility, indicating a reduced utility of nest concealment in defence against predators using mainly sound or olfaction when hunting. Daily nest survival declined strongly with nest progression (from egg‐laying to fledging of chicks), probably due to increased predator detection of nests containing older and louder chicks, rather than to increasing parental activity at nests during the day. The set of actual nest predators differed from some previous studies in human‐transformed habitats, showing that Wood Warblers may face different threats in modified vs. near‐pristine environments.  相似文献   

Black‐throated Sparrows (Amphispiza bilineata) are common breeding birds throughout the desert regions of North America and can be considered nest‐site generalists. Information about how spatial (e.g., vegetation) and temporal factors influence nest survival of these sparrows is lacking throughout their range. Our objective was to examine the spatial and temporal factors associated with nest survival of Black‐throated Sparrows at the nest and nest‐patch scales in the predator‐rich environment of the northern Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico. We used a logistic‐exposure model fit within a Bayesian framework to model the daily survival probability of Black‐throated Sparrow nests. Predation was the leading cause of nest failure, accounting for 86% of failed nests. We found evidence of negative associations between nest survival and both vegetative cover above nests and shrub density within 5 m of nests. We found no support for other habitat covariates, but did find strong evidence that daily survival rate was higher earlier in the breeding season and during the egg‐laying stage. A decline in nest survival later in the breeding period may be due to increased predator activity due to warmer ambient temperatures, whereas lower survival during the incubation and nestling stages could be a result of increased activity at nests. A generalist approach to nest‐site selection may be an adaptive response to the presence of a diverse assemblage of nest predators that results in the reduced influence of spatial factors on nest survival for Black‐throated Sparrows.  相似文献   

We studied Siberian jays, breeding in northern Sweden, to examine the potential for interactions between nest predation and reduced vegetation heterogeneity around nest sites to cause a decrease in jay numbers. Parent behaviour and nests are highly cryptic in the species. Our 12-year data showed, however, that nests had a probability of only 0.46 to be successful and produce at least one nestling. Nest predation was intense and a main cause of nest failure. All predators that could be identified were visually oriented hunters, mostly other corvids able to colonize taiga forest only close to human settlements. Consistent with the idea that predators used visual cues, nest predation increased with parental activity, which suggests that predators used parental provisioning trips to locate nests. Furthermore, a reduction in daily nest survival rates with decreasing amount of nesting cover was more pronounced in areas with high corvid activity as predicted when cover mediates the hunting efficiency of visual oriented predators. Declining temperatures interacted with the effects of habitat characteristics to further reduce daily nest survival rates suggesting that parents were not able to increase nest visitation rates to satisfy the higher energy demands of their nestlings without endangering the nest. Our results identify a mechanism through which predation and human-induced reduction in nesting cover on a larger scale may interact to cause a reduction in Siberian jay numbers larger than expected from habitat loss alone.  相似文献   

After nest predation, breeding dispersal can be an effective strategy to avoid local nest predators. Furthermore, encounters with predators at a nest during the pre-laying stage may be used by parents to judge future risk, such that they may abandon a nest when a nest predator has been encountered. We studied whether the between- and within-year breeding dispersal of Northern Flickers Colaptes auratus was dependent upon the outcome of the previous nesting attempt. We also tested whether pairs presented with a model predator prior to egg-laying were more likely to abandon their nests than were pairs presented with a control model. Between years, males moved significantly further after having their nest depredated than did successful males, and females showed the same trend. However, these movements did not result in greater reproductive success. More pairs switched sites within years after having their nest depredated, but those that remained and those that moved had equal subsequent nest success. Stressful encounters with predators involving nest defence may trigger dispersal both between and within years, although reproductive benefits are unclear. The proportion of pairs abandoning nests did not differ between parents presented with control or predator models, suggesting that a single encounter with a predator is not a sufficient deterrent against continued use of a particular nest.  相似文献   

In avian systems, nest predation is one of the most significant influences on reproductive success. Selection for mechanisms and behaviours to minimise predation rates should be favoured. To avoid predation, breeding birds can often deter predators through active nest defence or by modifying behaviours around the nest (e.g. reducing feeding rates and vocalisations). Birds might also benefit from concealing nests or placing them in inaccessible locations. The relative importance of these strategies (behaviour vs. site selection) can be difficult to disentangle and may differ according to life history. Tropical birds are thought to experience higher rates of predation than temperate birds and invest less energy in nest defence. We monitored a population of crimson finches (Neochmia phaeton), in the Australian tropics, over two breeding seasons. We found no relationship between adult nest defence behaviour (towards a model reptile predator) and the likelihood of nest success. However, nest success was strongly related to the visibility of the nest and the structure of the vegetation. We found no evidence that adult nest building decisions were influenced by predation risk; individuals that re‐nested after a predation event did not build their nest in a more concealed location. Therefore, predator avoidance, and hence nest success, appears to be largely due to chance rather than due to the behaviour of the birds or their choice of nesting sites. To escape high predation pressures, multiple nesting attempts both within and between seasons may be necessary to increase reproductive success. Alternatively, birds may be limited in their nest‐site options; that is, high‐quality individuals dominate quality nest sites.  相似文献   

Predation and brood parasitism are common reasons for nesting failure in passerine species and the additive impact by invasive species is a major conservation concern, particularly on tropical islands. Recognising the relative contribution of the different components of nesting failure rates is important to understand co-evolutionary interactions within brood parasite–host systems. In the remote archipelago of New Caledonia, the fan-tailed gerygone Gerygone flavolateralis is the exclusive host of the brood-parasitic shining bronze-cuckoo Chalcites lucidus. Additionally, invasive rodents also possibly have an impact on breeding success. To estimate the impact of potential nest predators, we 1) video monitored nests to identify predators, 2) estimated the probability of predation based on nest visibility and predator abundance and 3) tested the possibility that the location of experimental nests and lack of odour cues decrease the predation by rodents. In addition, we estimated nest survival rates using data collected in different habitats over the course of eight breeding seasons. Nesting success of fan-tailed gerygones was relatively low and predation was the main cause of nesting failure. We recorded mainly predation by native birds, including the shining bronze-cuckoo, whereas predation by rats was rare. In open habitats predation by cuckoos was much lower than predation by other avian predators. Neither predator activity around nests nor nest visibility influenced the probability of predation. Experimental nests in more accessible locations and containing an odorous bait were more exposed to rodent predation. Apparently, the fan-tailed gerygone has either never been specifically vulnerable to predation by rats or has developed anti-predator adaptations.  相似文献   

In Europe, lowland wet grasslands have become increasingly fragmented, and populations of waders in these fragments are subject to unsustainably high levels of nest predation. Patches of taller vegetation in these landscapes can support small mammals, which are the main source of prey for many predators. Providing such patches of habitat could potentially reduce levels of nest predation if predators preferentially target small mammals. However, predator attraction to patches of taller vegetation for foraging, shelter, perching and/or nesting could also result in local increases in predation rates, as a consequence of increased predator densities or spill‐over foraging into the surrounding area. Here we assess the influence of taller vegetation on wader nest predation rates, and the feasibility of managing vegetation structure to alter predator impacts. Between 2005 and 2011, the nest distribution and hatching success of Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus, which nest in the open, and Common Redshanks Tringa totanus, which conceal their nests in vegetation, were measured on a 487‐ha area of wet grassland in eastern England that is primarily managed for breeding waders. Predation rates of Lapwing nests increased significantly with distance from patches of taller vegetation, and decreased with increasing area of taller vegetation within 1 km of the nest, whereas neither variable influenced Redshank nest predation probability. These findings suggest that the distribution and activity of nest predators in lowland wet grassland landscapes may be influenced by the presence and distribution of areas of taller vegetation. For Lapwings at least, there may therefore be scope for landscape‐scale management of vegetation structure to influence levels of predation in these habitats.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that some specific locations of bird's nests have higher intrinsic chances of being depredated than other locations. This predicts that fates of consecutive nesting attempts at the same site should be repeatable. We used 20 pairs of old thrush nests to simulate repeated nesting attempts at the same sites, both within and between breeding seasons (n=40  sites×2  trials×2  years=160). Each nest was monitored by a camera to record multiple predation events and to identify predators. Predation by all predator species was repeatable during a 15-day trial. Predation by principal predators (jay Garrulus glandarius , marten Martes martes / foina ) and total predation (all species combined) was not correlated within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests or within samples of nests from particular study plot, and not repeatable for individual nests between-trials or between-years. These findings suggest short-term effect of predator memory causing revisitation of previously depredated nests during a current nesting trial (all predators); do not support an effect of nest site features on multiple nest discoveries and/or an effect of nest location on repeated random encounters with the same nest (principal predators). Long-term repeatability and correlation within pairs of simultaneously exposed nests was detectable only in occasional predators (great spotted woodpecker Dendrocopos major , possibly also squirrel Sciurus vulgaris ), which suggests effect of nest location combined with site fidelity and individual foraging specialization of these predators. We conclude that repeatability of nest predation depends on the time scale considered and the local predator community. We caution against spurious findings of repeatable nest predation resulting simply from statistical properties of correlation in binary data (nest fates).  相似文献   

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