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One of the first quantities to be estimated at the start of an epidemic is the basic reproduction number, ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . The progress of an epidemic is sensitive to the value of ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ , hence we need methods for exploring the consequences of uncertainty in the estimate. We begin with an analysis of the SIR model, with ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ specified by a probability distribution instead of a single value. We derive probability distributions for the prevalence and incidence of infection during the initial exponential phase, the peaks in prevalence and incidence and their timing, and the final size of the epidemic. Then, by expanding the state variables in orthogonal polynomials in uncertainty space, we construct a set of deterministic equations for the distribution of the solution throughout the time-course of the epidemic. The resulting dynamical system need only be solved once to produce a deterministic stochastic solution. The method is illustrated with ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ specified by uniform, beta and normal distributions. We then apply the method to data from the New Zealand epidemic of H1N1 influenza in 2009. We apply the polynomial expansion method to a Kermack–McKendrick model, to simulate a forecasting system that could be used in real time. The results demonstrate the level of uncertainty when making parameter estimates and projections based on a limited amount of data, as would be the case during the initial stages of an epidemic. In solving both problems we demonstrate how the dynamical system is derived automatically via recurrence relationships, then solved numerically.  相似文献   

In epidemiological models of infectious diseases the basic reproduction number is used as a threshold parameter to determine the threshold between disease extinction and outbreak. A graph-theoretic form of Gaussian elimination using digraph reduction is derived and an algorithm given for calculating the basic reproduction number in continuous time epidemiological models. Examples illustrate how this method can be applied to compartmental models of infectious diseases modelled by a system of ordinary differential equations. We also show with these examples how lower bounds for can be obtained from the digraphs in the reduction process.  相似文献   

For continuous-time population models with a periodic factor which is sinusoidal, both the growth rate and the basic reproduction number are shown to be the largest roots of simple equations involving continued fractions. As an example, we reconsider an SEIS model with a fixed latent period, an exponentially distributed infectious period and a sinusoidal contact rate studied in Williams and Dye [B.G. Williams, C. Dye, Infectious disease persistence when transmission varies seasonally, Math. Biosci. 145 (1997) 77]. We show that apart from a few exceptional parameter values, the epidemic threshold depends not only on the mean contact rate, but also on the amplitude of fluctuations.  相似文献   

The basic reproduction number R0 provides a quantitative assessment of the ability of an infectious agent to invade a susceptible host population. A mathematical expression for R0 is derived based on a recently developed model for the spread of scrapie through a flock of sheep. The model incorporates sheep demography, a long and variable incubation period, genetic variation in susceptibility to scrapie, and horizontal and vertical routes of transmission. The sensitivity of R0 to a range of epidemiologically important parameters is assessed and the effects of genetic variation in susceptibility are examined. A reduction in the frequency of the susceptibility allele reduces R0 most effectively when the allele is recessive, whereas inbreeding may increase R0 when the allele is recessive, increasing the chance of an outbreak. Using this formulation, R0 is calculated for an outbreak of scrapie in a flock of Cheviot sheep.  相似文献   

We previously reported the development of a force- and fatigue-model system that predicted accurately forces during repetitive fatiguing activation of human skeletal muscles using brief duration (six-pulse) stimulation trains. The model system was tested in the present study using force responses produced by longer duration stimulation trains, containing up to 50 pulses. Our results showed that our model successfully predicted the peak forces produced when the muscle was repetitively activated with stimulation trains of frequencies ranging from 20 to 40 Hz, train durations ranging from 0.5 to 1 s, and varied pulse patterns. The predicted peak forces throughout each protocol matched the experimental peak forces with r2 values above 0.9 and predicted successfully the forces at the end of each protocol with <15% error for all protocols tested. The success of our model system further supports its potential use for the design of optimal stimulation patterns for individual users during functional electrical stimulation.  相似文献   


A very important population threshold quantity is the target reproduction number, which is a measure of control effort required for a target prevention, intervention or control. This concept, as a generalization of type reproduction number, was first introduced in Shuai et al. (J Math Biol 67:1067–1082, 2013) for nonnegative matrices with immediate applications to compartmental population models of ordinary differential equations. The current paper is devoted to the study of all target reproduction numbers for reaction-diffusion population models with compartmental structure. It turns out that the target reproduction number can be regarded as the basic reproduction number of a modified system, where the state of newborn individuals is limited to the target control set and the offspring from the non-target set is regarded as a part of the transition. In other words, the target reproduction number can be interpreted as the expected number of offspring in a specific target set that a primary newborn individual of the same set would produce during its lifetime. We also characterize the target reproduction number so that it can be easily computed numerically for reaction-diffusion models. At the end, we demonstrate our theoretical observations using two examples.


The concept of basic reproduction number $R_0$ in population dynamics is studied in the case of random environments. For simplicity the dependence between successive environments is supposed to follow a Markov chain. $R_0$ is the spectral radius of a next-generation operator. Its position with respect to 1 always determines population growth or decay in simulations, unlike another parameter suggested in a recent article (Hernandez-Suarez et al., Theor Popul Biol, doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2012.05.004, 2012). The position of the latter with respect to 1 determines growth or decay of the population’s expectation. $R_0$ is easily computed in the case of scalar population models without any structure. The main emphasis is on discrete-time models but continuous-time models are also considered.  相似文献   

In the nucleotide substitution model for molecular evolution, a major task in the exploration of an evolutionary process is to estimate the substitution number per site of a protein or DNA sequence. The usual estimators are based on the observation of the difference proportion of the two nucleotide sequences. However, a more objective approach is to report a confidence interval with precision rather than only providing point estimators. The conventional confidence intervals used in the literature for the substitution number are constructed by the normal approximation. The performance and construction of confidence intervals for evolutionary models have not been much investigated in the literature. In this article, the performance of these conventional confidence intervals for one-parameter and two-parameter models are explored. Results show that the coverage probabilities of these intervals are unsatisfactory when the true substitution number is small. Since the substitution number may be small in many situations for an evolutionary process, the conventional confidence interval cannot provide accurate information for these cases. Improved confidence intervals for the one-parameter model with desirable coverage probability are proposed in this article. A numerical calculation shows the substantial improvement of the new confidence intervals over the conventional confidence intervals.  相似文献   

Some stochastic models for plasmid copy number   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Some stochastic models for the copy number of plasmids in a cell line are studied. When considering the behavior of copy number in the whole cell line, the theory of multitype branching processes is appropriate. Attention is paid to the cure rate in the cell line, and the asymptotic fractions of cells containing a given number of plasmids. These quantities are used to compare the models numerically.  相似文献   

We address the interaction of ecological processes, such as consumer-resource relationships and competition, and the epidemiology of infectious diseases spreading in ecosystems. Modelling such interactions seems essential to understand the dynamics of infectious agents in communities consisting of interacting host and non-host species. We show how the usual epidemiological next-generation matrix approach to characterize invasion into multi-host communities can be extended to calculate $\mathcal{R _{0}}$ , and how this relates to the ecological community matrix. We then present two simple examples to illustrate this approach. The first of these is a model of the rinderpest, wildebeest, grass interaction, where our inferred dynamics qualitatively matches the observed phenomena that occurred after the eradication of rinderpest from the Serengeti ecosystem in the 1980s. The second example is a prey-predator system, where both species are hosts of the same pathogen. It is shown that regions for the parameter values exist where the two host species are only able to coexist when the pathogen is present to mediate the ecological interaction.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of edge removal on the basic reproduction number ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ for disease spread on contact networks is important for disease management. The formula for the basic reproduction number ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ in random network SIR models of configuration type suggests that for degree distributions with large variance, a reduction of the average degree may actually increase ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . To understand this phenomenon, we develop a dynamical model for the evolution of the degree distribution under random edge removal, and show that truly random removal always reduces ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . The discrepancy implies that any increase in ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ must result from edge removal changing the network type, invalidating the use of the basic reproduction number formula for a random contact network. We further develop an epidemic model incorporating a contact network consisting of two groups of nodes with random intra- and inter-group connections, and derive its basic reproduction number. We then prove that random edge removal within either group, and between groups, always decreases the appropriately defined ${\mathcal{R}_0}$ . Our models also allow an estimation of the number of edges that need to be removed in order to curtail an epidemic.  相似文献   

Although its usefulness and possibility of the well-known definition of the basic reproduction number R0 for structured populations by Diekmann, Heesterbeek and Metz (J Math Biol 28:365-382, 1990) (the DHM definition) have been widely recognized mainly in the context of epidemic models, originally it deals with population dynamics in a constant environment, so it cannot be applied to formulate the threshold principle for population growth in time-heterogeneous environments. Since the mid-1990s, several authors proposed some ideas to extend the definition of R0 to the case of a periodic environment. In particular, the definition of R0 in a periodic environment by Baca?r and Guernaoui (J Math Biol 53:421-436, 2006) (the BG definition) is most important, because their definition of periodic R0 can be interpreted as the asymptotic per generation growth rate, which is an essential feature of the DHM definition. In this paper, we introduce a new definition of R0 based on the generation evolution operator (GEO), which has intuitively clear biological meaning and can be applied to structured populations in any heterogeneous environment. Using the generation evolution operator, we show that the DHM definition and the BG definition completely allow the generational interpretation and, in those two cases, the spectral radius of GEO equals the spectral radius of the next generation operator, so it gives the basic reproduction number. Hence the new definition is an extension of the DHM definition and the BG definition. Finally we prove a weak sign relation that if the average Malthusian parameter exists, it is nonnegative when R0>1 and it is nonpositive when R0<1.  相似文献   

We give a definition of a net reproductive number R 0 for periodic matrix models of the type used to describe the dynamics of a structured population with periodic parameters. The definition is based on the familiar method of studying a periodic map by means of its (period-length) composite. This composite has an additive decomposition that permits a generalization of the Cushing–Zhou definition of R 0 in the autonomous case. The value of R 0 determines whether the population goes extinct (R 0<1) or persists (R 0>1). We discuss the biological interpretation of this definition and derive formulas for R 0 for two cases: scalar periodic maps of arbitrary period and periodic Leslie models of period 2. We illustrate the use of the definition by means of several examples and by applications to case studies found in the literature. We also make some comparisons of this definition of R 0 with another definition given recently by Bacaër.  相似文献   

We give a definition of a net reproductive number R (0) for periodic matrix models of the type used to describe the dynamics of a structured population with periodic parameters. The definition is based on the familiar method of studying a periodic map by means of its (period-length) composite. This composite has an additive decomposition that permits a generalization of the Cushing-Zhou definition of R (0) in the autonomous case. The value of R (0) determines whether the population goes extinct (R (0)<1) or persists (R (0)>1). We discuss the biological interpretation of this definition and derive formulas for R (0) for two cases: scalar periodic maps of arbitrary period and periodic Leslie models of period 2. We illustrate the use of the definition by means of several examples and by applications to case studies found in the literature. We also make some comparisons of this definition of R (0) with another definition given recently by Baca?r.  相似文献   

We consider the spread of an epidemic through a population divided into n sub-populations, in which individuals move between populations according to a Markov transition matrix Σ and infectives can only make infectious contacts with members of their current population. Expressions for the basic reproduction number, R0, and the probability of extinction of the epidemic are derived. It is shown that in contrast to contact distribution models, the distribution of the infectious period effects both the basic reproduction number and the probability of extinction of the epidemic in the limit as the total population size N  ∞. The interactions between the infectious period distribution and the transition matrix Σ mean that it is not possible to draw general conclusions about the effects on R0 and the probability of extinction. However, it is shown that for n = 2, the basic reproduction number, R0, is maximised by a constant length infectious period and is decreasing in ?, the speed of movement between the two populations.  相似文献   

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