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正Over the past two decades,improved diagnosis,pharmaceutical therapies,and interventional strategies have impressively improved the armamentarium of modern cardiologists in the?ght against the most incident and lethal diseases:heart failure,ischemic heart disease,and arrhythmia.The innovations  相似文献   

Increasingly, the role of health research in improving the discrepancies in health outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in developed countries is being recognised. Along with this comes the recognition that health research must be conducted in a manner that is culturally appropriate and ethically sound. Two key documents have been produced in Australia, known as The Road Map and The Guidelines, to provide theoretical and philosophical direction to the ethics of Indigenous health research. These documents identify research themes considered critical to improving the health of the nation’s Indigenous peoples. They also provide values that, from an Indigenous perspective, are foundational to an ethical research process. This paper examines these research themes and values within the context of a current longitudinal birth cohort study of Indigenous infants and children in south-west Sydney: the Gudaga Study. Considerable time and effort have been invested in being true to the values stated in these documents: reciprocity; respect; equality; responsibility; survival and protection; and spirit and integrity. We have learnt that it is vital to be true to these values when conducting Indigenous health research—to quite literally “walk the talk”.  相似文献   



Stillbirth is strongly related to impaired fetal growth. However, the relationship between fetal growth and stillbirth is difficult to determine because of uncertainty in the timing of death and confounding characteristics affecting normal fetal growth.

Methods and Findings

We conducted a population-based case–control study of all stillbirths and a representative sample of live births in 59 hospitals in five geographic areas in the US. Fetal growth abnormalities were categorized as small for gestational age (SGA) (<10th percentile) or large for gestational age (LGA) (>90th percentile) at death (stillbirth) or delivery (live birth) using population, ultrasound, and individualized norms. Gestational age at death was determined using an algorithm that considered the time-of-death interval, postmortem examination, and reliability of the gestational age estimate. Data were weighted to account for the sampling design and differential participation rates in various subgroups. Among 527 singleton stillbirths and 1,821 singleton live births studied, stillbirth was associated with SGA based on population, ultrasound, and individualized norms (odds ratio [OR] [95% CI]: 3.0 [2.2 to 4.0]; 4.7 [3.7 to 5.9]; 4.6 [3.6 to 5.9], respectively). LGA was also associated with increased risk of stillbirth using ultrasound and individualized norms (OR [95% CI]: 3.5 [2.4 to 5.0]; 2.3 [1.7 to 3.1], respectively), but not population norms (OR [95% CI]: 0.6 [0.4 to 1.0]). The associations were stronger with more severe SGA and LGA (<5th and >95th percentile). Analyses adjusted for stillbirth risk factors, subset analyses excluding potential confounders, and analyses in preterm and term pregnancies showed similar patterns of association. In this study 70% of cases and 63% of controls agreed to participate. Analysis weights accounted for differences between consenting and non-consenting women. Some of the characteristics used for individualized fetal growth estimates were missing and were replaced with reference values. However, a sensitivity analysis using individualized norms based on the subset of stillbirths and live births with non-missing variables showed similar findings.


Stillbirth is associated with both growth restriction and excessive fetal growth. These findings suggest that, contrary to current practices and recommendations, stillbirth prevention strategies should focus on both severe SGA and severe LGA pregnancies. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   



Research investments are essential to address the burden of disease, however allocation of limited resources is poorly documented. We systematically reviewed the investments awarded by funding organisations to UK institutions and their global partners for infectious disease research.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Public and philanthropic investments for the period 1997 to 2010 were included. We categorised studies by infectious disease, cross-cutting theme, and by research and development value chain, reflecting the type of science. We identified 6165 funded studies, with a total research investment of UK £2.6 billion. Public organisations provided £1.4 billion (54.0%) of investments compared with £1.1 billion (42.4%) by philanthropic organisations. Global health studies represented an investment of £928 million (35.7%). The Wellcome Trust was the leading investor with £688 million (26.5%), closely followed by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) with £673 million (25.9%). Funding over time was volatile, ranging from ∼£40 million to ∼£160 million per year for philanthropic organisations and ∼£30 million to ∼£230 million for public funders.


Infectious disease research funding requires global coordination and strategic long-term vision. Our analysis demonstrates the diversity and inconsistent patterns in investment, with volatility in annual funding amounts and limited investment for product development and clinical trials.  相似文献   



The Questionnaire: Children with Difficulties (QCD) is a parent-assessed questionnaire designed to evaluate child’s difficulties in functioning during specific periods of the day. This study aimed to evaluate difficulties in daily functioning of children and adolescents with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) using the QCD. Results were compared with those for a community sample.


A case–control design was used. The cases comprised elementary school students (182 males, 51 females) and junior high school students (100 males, 39 females) with PDD, whereas a community sample of elementary school students (568 males, 579 females) and junior high school students (180 males, 183 females) was enrolled as controls. Their behavior was assessed using the QCD, the Tokyo Autistic Behavior Scale (TABS), the ADHD-rating scale (ADHD-RS), and the Oppositional Defiant Behavior Inventory (ODBI) for elementary and junior high school students, respectively. Effects of gender and diagnosis on the QCD scores were analyzed. Correlation coefficients between QCD and TABS, ADHD-RS, and ODBI scores were analyzed.


The QCD scores for the children with PDD were significantly lower compared with those from the community sample (P < 0.001). Significantly strong correlations were observed in more areas of the ADHD-RS and ODBI scores compared with the TABS scores.


Children with PDD experienced greater difficulties in completing basic daily activities; moreover, their QCD scores revealed stronger associations with their ADHD-RS and ODBI scores in comparison with their TABS scores. The difficulties of PDD, ADHD and OBDI symptoms combined in children makes it necessary to assess all diagnoses before any therapy for PDD is initiated in order to be able to evaluate its results properly.  相似文献   

Preeclampsia remains a leading cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide; however, its specific etiology still remains obscure. Some studies implicate poor maternal selenium status predisposing the mother to preeclampsia. This study was designed to determine changes in plasma selenium levels in women having preeclampsia as compared with those with normal pregnancy. In a nested case–control study, 650 normal primigravida in their first 24–28 weeks participated in the study. After 3 months of follow-up of all subjects, blood selenium levels were measured in 38 women presenting consecutively with preeclampsia and in 38 women having a normal pregnancy by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Birth outcomes were recorded, such as gestational age at delivery, height, weight, birth head circumflex and 1-min Apgar score. Preeclampsia affects about 5.84 % of pregnancies, and in our study, there were no significant differences in age, anthropometric indices, and family history of preeclampsia between the preeclamptic and control groups. The selenium concentrations in plasma in women with preeclampsia were significantly lower as compared with those in women with normal pregnancy (70.63?±?21.41 versus 82.03?±?15.54 μg/L, p?<?0.05). Being in the bottom tertile of selenium concentration (less than 62.2 μg/L) was associated with greater risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women. The reduced selenium in the maternal circulations observed in the preeclamptic mothers support the hypothesis that insufficient selenium concentration may be a contributing factor to the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with preeclampsia, and optimizing the dietary selenium intake through supplementation could produce demonstrable clinical benefits.  相似文献   

Previous studies performed in France have suggested that handling hay contaminated with high amounts of moulds, and especially Absidia corymbifera and Eurotium amstelodami, may favour farmer’s lung disease. The circumstances favouring farmer’s lung disease and the distinctive microbiological composition of hay samples that provoke attacks need to be specified. We present a case–control study which investigates the agricultural practices and the microbiological composition of hay handled in patients with farmer’s lung disease as compared to those of a representative control population. Ten cases identified the hay they were handling at the onset of symptoms. The location, type of farm and working conditions were similar to those of the control farms. Conversely, the microbiological composition of hay differed, with significantly higher amounts of E. amstelodami (P < 0.01), A. corymbifera (P = 0.003), mesophilic Streptomyces (P < 0.01), thermophilic Streptomyces (P < 0.01) and Saccharomonospora viridis (P < 0.01) than in the control population. Our results demonstrate that hay identified by patients as having a harmful effect is characterized by a higher total amount of microorganisms, notably five microorganisms that seem discriminative. Mean concentrations are 2- to 115-fold higher in hay suspected to cause symptoms than in hay from a representative panel of farms. Handling hay with high amounts of these five microorganisms constitutes a risk factor for farmer’s lung disease that should be considered for the development of prophylactic measures.  相似文献   

Inactivation of CDH1, encoding E-cadherin, promotes cancer initiation and progression. According to a newly proposed molecular mechanism, loss of E-cadherin triggers an upregulation of the anti-apoptotic oncoprotein BCL2. Conversely, reconstitution of E-cadherin counteracts overexpression of BCL2. This reciprocal regulation is thought to be critical for early tumor development. We determined the relevance of this new concept in human infiltrating lobular breast cancer (ILBC), the prime tumor entity associated with CDH1 inactivation. BCL2 expression was examined in human ILBC cell lines (IPH-926, MDA-MB-134, SUM-44) harboring deleterious CDH1 mutations. To test for an intact regulatory axis between E-cadherin and BCL2, wild-type E-cadherin was reconstituted in ILBC cells by ectopic expression. Moreover, BCL2 and E-cadherin were evaluated in primary invasive breast cancers and in synchronous lobular carcinomas in situ (LCIS). MDA-MB-134 and IPH-926 showed little or no BCL2 expression, while SUM-44 ILBC cells were BCL2-positive. Reconstitution of E-cadherin failed to impact on BCL2 expression in all cell lines tested. Primary ILBCs were almost uniformly E-cadherin-negative (97%) and were frequently BCL2-negative (46%). When compared with an appropriate control group, ILBCs showed a trend towards an increased frequency of BCL2-negative cases (P = 0.064). In terminal duct-lobular units affected by LCIS, the E-cadherin-negative neoplastic component showed a similar or a reduced BCL2-immunoreactivity, when compared with the adjacent epithelium. In conclusion, upregulation of BCL2 is not involved in lobular breast carcinogenesis and is unlikely to represent an important determinant of tumor development driven by CDH1 inactivation.  相似文献   



To determine whether negative associations between enrollment in a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) and one exemplar unhealthy behavior – daily smoking – are found only among people who chose these plans.


Cross-sectional analysis of nationally-representative data.


United States from 2007 to 2008.


6,941 privately insured non-elderly adult participants in the 2007 Health Tracking Household Survey.


Self-reported smoking status.


We classified subjects as HDHP or traditional health plan enrollees with employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) and no choice of plans, ESI with a choice of plans, or coverage through the non-group market. We used multivariate logistic regression to measure associations between HDHP enrollment and daily smoking within each of the 3 coverage source groups while controlling for potential confounders.


HDHP enrollment was associated with lower odds of smoking among individuals with ESI and a choice of plans (AOR 0.55, 95% CI 0.33–0.90) and those with non-group coverage (AOR 0.64, 95% CI 0.34–1.22), though the latter association was not statistically significant. HDHP enrollment was not associated with lower odds of smoking among individuals with ESI and no choice of plans (AOR 1.04, 95% CI 0.69–1.56).


HDHP enrollment is associated with lower odds of smoking only among individuals who chose to enroll in an HDHP. Lower rates of unhealthy behaviors among HDHP enrollees may be a reflection of individuals who choose these plans.  相似文献   

The present work aims to characterize the dynamical behavior of proteins immersed in bio-preserving liquids and glasses. For this purpose, the protein dUTPase was chosen, while the selected solvents were glycerol, a triol, and some homologous disaccharides, i.e., trehalose, maltose, and sucrose, which are known to be very effective bio-preserving agents. The results highlight that the disaccharides show a slowing down effect on the water dynamics, which is stronger for trehalose than in the case of the other disaccharides. Furthermore, a characterization of the medium which hosts the protein is performed by using an operative definition of fragility based on the mean square displacement extracted by elastic incoherent neutron scattering, which is directly connected to Angell’s kinetic fragility based on the viscosity. Finally, a study of the dynamics of the protein sequestered within the solvents is performed. The result shows that the protein dynamics is coupled with that of the surrounding matrix.  相似文献   

Intensity fading (IF) matrix assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) time of flight (TOF) mass spectrometry (MS ) has become an alternative screening approach for the affinity-binding analysis of proteins and peptides with molecular ligands. In this investigation an attempt has been made to study the protein ligand interaction by intensity fading (IF) MALDI-MS using papain and cystatin as model system for protein-ligand interactions. The intensity fading of cystatin was monitored using various concentration of cystatin ranging from (1 to 8.6 μM) in presence of target protein, papain. The results indeed indicate that the intensity of cystatin decreases upon addition of papain. Furthermore, for the first time we have used IF-MALDI-MS for determining the number of binding sites for cystatin on papain by Scatchard analysis.  相似文献   



Cytokines (IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α), sCD163, and C-reactive protein were serially measured in an attempt to identify a set of tests which can reliably confirm or refute the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis at an early stage.


One hundred neonates suspected to have sepsis on clinical grounds and who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled for the study. Based on the positive or negative blood culture reports they were classified as infected (n = 50) and non-infected (n = 50) neonates respectively. Fifty healthy neonates without any signs of sepsis were also included in the study as control group. The initial blood sample was taken on day 0 (at the time of sepsis evaluation) and two further samples were taken on days 1 and 2 for monitoring the clinical progress and response to treatment. In the control group the cord blood and 48 hours venous sample was collected. Plasma CRP (ng/ml), IL-6 (pg/ml), IL-8 (pg/ml), TNF-α (ng/ml) and sCD163 (ng/ml) were determined by double antibody method Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay in all the three blood samples.


The cut of levels for CRP at >19,689 ng/ml had a sensitivity of 68%, specificity of 92%, for IL-6 at >95.32 pg/ml had a sensitivity of 54%, specificity of 96%, for IL-8 at >70.86 pg/ml had a sensitivity of 78%, specificity of 70%, for sCD163 at >896.78 ng/ml had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 88% for the diagnosis of infection before antibiotics. TNF-α levels of >12.6 ng/ml showed 100% sensitivity and 72% specificity for the diagnosis of inflammation.


The most powerful predictor to differentiate between the non-infected and infected neonates before antibiotics was sCD163. The most powerful indicator for evaluation of prognosis is IL-6. sCD163 can be used alone to screen for sepsis in neonates before the results of blood culture are received.  相似文献   

Summary The aim of this study was to evaluate the postnatal development of the cerebella of the pig and to compare this with the activation of the fMRI. The cells in the cerebella were studied by silver technique and the activation of the fMRI in the cerebella was initiated by flexion and extension of the hind paw. Our results showed an increase of the branching of the cells of the cerebellar cortex postnatally, coordinated with registration of fMRI active sites in the cerebella at 6-month postnatal. We concluded that the full maturation of the cerebella was around 6-month postnatal in the pig.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Candida species are common in the human oral microbiota and may cause oral candidiasis (OC) when the microbiota equilibrium is disturbed. Immunosuppressed individuals are...  相似文献   

Using CRISPR/Cas9, it is possible to target virtually any gene in any organism. A major limitation to its application in gene therapy is the size of Cas9 (>4 kb), impeding its efficient delivery via recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV). Therefore, we developed a split–Cas9 system, bypassing the packaging limit using split-inteins. Each Cas9 half was fused to the corresponding split-intein moiety and, only upon co-expression, the intein-mediated trans-splicing occurs and the full Cas9 protein is reconstituted. We demonstrated that the nuclease activity of our split-intein system is comparable to wild-type Cas9, shown by a genome-integrated surrogate reporter and by targeting three different endogenous genes. An analogously designed split-Cas9D10A nickase version showed similar activity as Cas9D10A. Moreover, we showed that the double nick strategy increased the homologous directed recombination (HDR). In addition, we explored the possibility of delivering the repair template accommodated on the same dual-plasmid system, by transient transfection, showing an efficient HDR. Most importantly, we revealed for the first time that intein-mediated split–Cas9 can be packaged, delivered and its nuclease activity reconstituted efficiently, in cells via rAAV.  相似文献   

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