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<正> 我厂生产出口羽毛及羽绒制品,每年有几十吨下脚(鹅鸭毛硬梗)。废羽毛属角蛋白。用废羽毛肥田实在可惜,能否利用废羽毛角蛋白生产蛋白胨呢?1974年我们进行了试制工作,采用高压水解法试制成功工业规格蛋白胨。 1975年7月经过技术鉴定;76年底投入了试生产;79年3月获得了省科技成果三等奖。经过几年来试生产,证实这条工艺路线具有水解不用酸、碱、酶;工艺简单;操作方便;生产周期短;没有三废污染的优点。  相似文献   

通过对江苏沿江地区出口农产品仓储甲虫调查,鉴定出仓储甲虫36个科115种,其中以皮蠹科、锯谷盗科、步甲科种类较多,均占6.96%。本文提出用选择性指数和适合性指数评价仓储甲虫的检疫重要性。据此将各种仓储甲虫划分为重要仓储害虫、较重要仓储害虫与次要仓储害虫三大类。  相似文献   

昆虫病毒生物农药是纯天然无公害生物农药产品,本文介绍了中国科学院动物研究所同河南省济源白云实业有限公司合作,成功开发并商业化棉铃虫病毒生物农药的基本情况。我们开发的棉铃虫病毒生物农药注册商标"科云牌",包括两个产品:科云牌5 000亿PIB/g棉铃虫病毒原粉和科云牌600亿PIB/g棉铃虫病毒水分散粒剂。原粉产品已出口到欧洲,制剂产品用于棉铃虫防治,2006至2007年在棉田累计推广应用10万hm~2次。  相似文献   

由广东中科天元公司(中科院广州能源所提供技术支撑)出口承建的罗马尼亚最大生物乙醇生产厂在距罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特130km的多瑙河沿岸城市兹姆尼恰举行落成典礼。  相似文献   

本文对中国膜翅目昆虫2020年发表的新分类单元进行了梳理和总结。结合数据库检索和统计表格征集, 基于采自中国的膜翅目昆虫标本记录, 全世界膜翅目学者于2020年共发表涉及中国膜翅目分类单元的期刊论文104篇、出版1本图书专著, 分类单元新增及变动条目共469条: 4个新属(其中1个绝灭属), 1个新亚属, 321个新种(其中10个绝灭种), 8个新组合, 22个新异名, 1个中国新记录亚科, 18个中国新记录属, 93个中国新记录种, 1个替代名。绝灭类群有11条, 涉及3总科3科5属; 现生膜翅目有458条, 涵盖11总科29科170属, 其中6科40属不涉及新种。发表现生膜翅目新种的9总科23科130属: 广腰亚目(Symphyta)叶蜂总科(Tenthredinoidea) 23个新种; 细腰亚目(Apocrita)针尾部(Aculeata) 3个总科(蜜蜂总科(Apoidea) 29个新种、青蜂总科(Chrysidoidea) 2个新种、胡蜂总科(Vespoidea) 20个新种); 细腰亚目寄生部(Parasitica) 5个总科(小蜂总科(Chalcidoidea) 23个新种、瘿蜂总科(Cynipoidea) 12个新种、姬蜂总科(Ichneumonoidea) 206个新种、广腹细蜂总科(Platygastroidea) 4个新种、钩腹蜂总科(Trigonalyoidea) 2个新种)。2020年发表的所有中国膜翅目新种中, 姬蜂总科新种数量最多, 约占全年发表新种总数的2/3。云南、浙江、西藏、福建和辽宁等5个省级行政区为2020年中国膜翅目新种分布最多的省份, 超过全年发表新种总数的1/2。基于以上结果, 本文对膜翅目分类学现状和发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对山柳科(Clethraceae)和堇菜科(Violaceae)8个种的花粉形态进行了观察。综合前人对第伦桃亚纲(Dillenidae)4个科即猕猴桃科(Actinidi-aceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)、旌节花科(Stachyuraceae)和大风子科(Flacourtiaceae)以及蔷薇亚纲(Rosidae)的省沽油科(Staphyleaceae)共22属36个种的孢粉学和已有的胚胎学资料,讨论了上述7个科的系统学关系。通过对大风子科(Flacourtiaceae)和杨柳科(Salicaceae)的花粉形态特征比较,支持APGII系统中将大风子科的大部分种归入杨柳科的处理。  相似文献   

通过光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对山柳科(Clethraceae)和堇菜科(Violaceae)8个种的花粉形态进行了观察。综合前人对第伦桃亚纲(Dillenidae)4个科即猕猴桃科(Actinidiaceae)、山茶科(Theaceae)、旌节花科(Stachyuraceae)和大风子科(Flacourtiaceae)以及蔷薇亚纲(Rosidae)的省沽油科(Staphyleaceae)共22属36个种的孢粉学和已有的胚胎学资料,讨论了上述7个科的系统学关系。通过对大风子科(Flacourtiaceae)和杨柳科(Salicaceae)的花粉形态特征比较,支持APGII系统中将大风子科的大部分种归入杨柳科的处理。  相似文献   

本文对双翅目长角亚目8个近缘科的10个主要性状特征作了数值分析,按照Farris-Wagner法和系统聚类法画出树状图,对蚊科、摇蚊科等8个近缘科的系统发育关系进行了分析。结果表明摇蚊科是8个科中最原始的祖型代表,而蚊科则是其中分化最早的高级类群。并认为分析祖征与衍征的镶嵌现象是探索系统发育或系谱关系的重要依据。  相似文献   

国际病毒分类委员会(ICTV)批准的病毒科和组,至1981年共有54个,其中细菌病毒10个科,动物病毒20个科(包括同时感染植物的2个组),植物病毒24个组。1984年,又增加批准动物病毒3个科,真菌病毒2个科,植物病毒2个组,总共61个科和组。最近,1987年8月,在加拿大Edmonton第七届国际病毒学会开会时,ICTV又批准了细菌病毒1个科、动物病毒1个科、植物病毒6个组。至此,总计已  相似文献   

研究了采自甘肃省祁连山的133份盘菌标本,对它们进行了详细的形态学观察,鉴定出45个种,它们隶属于粪盘菌科、裸盘菌科、地锤菌科、胶质盘菌科、柔膜菌科、马鞍菌科、毛盘菌科(新拟)、软盘菌科(新拟)、火丝菌科、斑痣盘菌科和寡囊盘菌科,包括4个新种(祁连山缘刺盘菌、祁连山粪裸盘菌、祁连山新胶鼓菌和华肿长毛盘菌)、3个中国新记录种(秆膜盘菌、硫磺色膜盘菌和短孢索氏盘菌)。文中详细比较了新种与相近种的形态差别。  相似文献   

1997年5月-1998年11月用近两年时间对漳州地区仓储物害虫和益虫开展调查。共采集标本1140份,经鉴定有仓储物害虫71种(隶属6目31科)益虫11种(隶属7目9科)。  相似文献   

苏宗明   《广西植物》1985,(3):227-243
大瑶山是广西有名的大山,北纬23°40′—24°24′,东经109°50′—110°27′,面积约2080平方公里。 大瑶山起源于二迭纪,是一座古老的山体。大瑶山生物种类丰富多彩,区系植物213个科,2335种;陆栖脊椎动物69科,281种;昆虫176科,836种;森林植被四个植被型,34个群系。大瑶山生物地理成份复杂,植物区系有热带东南亚、东亚、北温带、旧世界热带和泛热带的成份;昆虫区系有东洋种、古北种和本地特有种。古老、孑遗和特有、珍稀种类不少,蕨类植物250种,裸子植物7科22种,木兰科4属16种,国家保护的珍稀植物有桫椤、白豆杉、福建柏、猪血木、大果木五加、伞花木、南华木、紫荆、金莲木等35种;珍稀动物有瑶山鳄蜥、猕猴、短尾猴、大鲵、山瑞、红腹角雉等12种。大瑶山具重要经济意义的种类较突出,如:灵香草、八角、玉桂、罗汉果等。因此,大瑶山是广西中部一个重要的生态系统;是广西重要的和理想的科学研究和教学之处;是广西非常重要的自然物种基地;是广西重要的木材和土特产基地。大瑶山今后主要是保护起来,建立自然保护区,同时,大力发展木材和土特产。  相似文献   

Comparisons between two forest localities were undertaken to assess the potential availability of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) within the low-diversity forests of Guyana. Information on the abundance and distribution of tree species, and local and national ethnobotanical surveys were used classifying species into five categories (timber, construction, technological, edible and medicinal). A total of 152 species were recorded from the two localities; covering 236 different uses, 33 known commercial timber species and 106 species with potential non-timber product utilization. The most important plant families with the highest number of uses at both localities were Leguminosae (sub-families Caesalpinioideae and Mimosoideae), Arecaceae, Bombacaceae and Chrysobalanaceae, although these families were not the most abundant families at both localities. At both forest localities eight tree species represented over 50% of all the trees. At Kurupukari three species, each with more than three identified NTFPs, represented over 20% of the trees.Potential utilization of NTFPs are discussed in accordance with species richness, tree density, the number of different uses per species, and the percentage of trees represented by each utilizable species. Considering the constraints on the future potential commercialization of NTFPs, two scenarios for the extraction of NTFPs are discussed. Within relatively species-rich forest types the high diversity of products provides potentially viable multiple-species extractionism. In contrast, in low-diversity forest types, typical of the Guiana Shield, one or two NTFP species frequently represent over 50% of the canopy trees, and therefore substantially increase the potential sustainable extraction for single-species harvesting. It is suggested that these low-diversity types of forest are prioritized for conservation on the basis of ensuring future utilization, refuge, of non-timber forest products.  相似文献   

The genus Mycobacterium comprises significant pathogenic species that infect both humans and animals. One species within this genus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is the primary killer of humans resulting from bacterial infections. Five mycobacterial genomes belonging to four different species (M. tuberculosis, Mycobacterium bovis, Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis) have been sequenced to date and another 14 mycobacterial genomes are at various stages of completion. A comparative analysis of the gene products of key metabolic pathways revealed that the major differences among these species are in the gene products constituting the cell wall and the gene families encoding the acidic glycine-rich (PE/PPE/PGRS) proteins. Mycobacterium leprae has evolved by retaining a minimal gene set for most of the gene families, whereas M. avium ssp. paratuberculosis has acquired some of the virulence factors by lateral gene transfer.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding for the identification of smoked fish products   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
DNA barcoding was applied to the identification of smoked products from fish in 10 families in four orders and allowed identification to the species level, even among closely related species in the same genus. Barcoding is likely to become a standard tool for identification of fish specimens and products.  相似文献   

AFLP fingerprints of Rhizobium galegae strains that infect Galega orientalis and Galega officinalis obtained from different geographical sources, and of taxonomically diverse rhizobia representing the recognized species, were generated. Comparisons of the fingerprints from fluorescent labeled AFLP products using capillary electrophoresis on ABI prism 310, slab gel electrophoresis on ABI prism 377 genetic analyzers and silver staining were in good agreement. All methods delineated the G. orientalis strains from G. officinalis strains, the G. orientalis strains formed a tight cluster whereas the G. officinalis strains seem to show a greater level of genetic diversity. Comparison of fluorescent AFLP with other detection methods revealed that fluorescent labeling is more sensitive and practical, in addition, the deleterious effect of radioactivity associated with 32P-labeling, the delicate process of blotting polyacrylamide gels or the tedious procedure of silver staining can be avoided. The automated system facilitated a large number of runs at a time and the subsequent analysis of the data by generating exportable raw data. The congruency of the experiments was analyzed using the Bionumerics software.  相似文献   

The transport of labeled protein in thyroid follicles was studied with quantitative electron microscopic autoradiography in normal and T4-treated rats (2d) injected with 3H-leucine 1 to 6 h before perfusion fixation. During this time interval the total amount of labeled protein in either group was unchanged, although T4-treatment caused a reduction by about 30% of the amount of 3H-leucine incorporated into protein. The autoradiographic data were corrected for the effect of scatter of radioactivity. The relative amounts of labeled, exportable protein in the compartments Er-Golgi and exocytotic vesicles were then estimated. The half-lives of labeled, exportable protein in these compartments were calculated with non-linear regression analysis. In normal rats the half-life of labeled, exportable protein in ER-Golgi was 28 min and in the exocytotic vesicles 18 min. Inhibition of TSH-secretion by injection of thyroxine decreased the rate of protein transport through the follicle cell and increased the half-lives to 63 min (ER-Golgi) and 62 min (exocytotic vesicles). TSH given to thyroxine-treated rats 20 min or 1.5 h before fixation reduced the half-lives of labeled, exportable protein in ER-Golgi to 25 to 33 min and in exocytotic vesicles to 9 min. The findings indicate that TSH regulates the rate of intracellular protein transport in rat thyroid follicle cells at the exocytotic step as well as at an earlier step in the pathway of intracellular protein transport. The mechanism and exact location of the latter TSH regulated step is at present unknown.  相似文献   

Moderately repetitive DNA sequences in Lilium (cv Enchantment) which undergo a meiotic-specific repair synthesis during pachytene (P-DNA) were previously shown to exist as families of very low internal sequence divergence. The present study concerns P-DNA sequence preservation among higher plants. The relative abundance of these sequences in a variety of plant species and their divergence relative to Enchantment P-DNA was determined through C0t analysis and thermal denaturation of hybrid duplexes. Nearly all of the P-DNA sequence families of Enchantment were found to be present in the genomes of a number of monocot species and the dicot Vicia faba. Sequence content is highly conserved, with less than 6% divergence between Lilium and distantly related species such as Zea mays and Secale cereale. However, the number of repeats per P-DNA family varies considerably in different species, being particularly low among the Poales. P-DNA differs from most high thermal stability (HTS) sequence families of Enchantment which, although exhibiting a high degree of internal homology, are not present as repetitive DNA in the genomes of the other species examined. For most HTS families, the lack of internal divergence probably reflects their fairly recent introduction into the moderately repetitive DNA class, while P-DNA sequences represent evolutionarily ancient families which are the products of strong selective pressure for an indispensable meiotic function.  相似文献   

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