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The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is a primary tool for restoring grassland in the United States, in part as wildlife habitat, which has benefited declining grassland bird populations. Among potential mid-contract management practices used to maintain early-successional CRP grasslands, cattle grazing had been prohibited and is currently disincentivized during the primary nesting season for birds (much of the growing season), despite the important role that large herbivores historically played in structuring grassland ecosystems. Conservative grazing of CRP grasslands could increase spatial heterogeneity in vegetation structure and plant diversity, potentially supporting higher densities of some grassland bird species and higher bird diversity. Our objective was to determine the effect of experimental cattle grazing on species-specific relative abundance and occupancy, species diversity, and community dissimilarity of grassland birds on CRP grasslands across the longitudinal extent of Kansas, USA (a 63.5-cm precipitation gradient) during the 2017–2019 avian breeding seasons. Fifty-three of 108 fields were grazed by cattle during the growing seasons of 2017 and 2018 and all fields were rested from grazing in 2019. For all analyses, we examined separate model sets for semiarid western versus more mesic eastern Kansas. Using data from line transect surveys, we modeled relative abundances of 5 songbird species: grasshopper sparrow (Ammodramus savannarum), dickcissel (Spiza americana), eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna), western meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta), and brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater). Grazing had delayed yet positive effects on abundances of grasshopper sparrow in western Kansas, and eastern meadowlark in eastern Kansas, but negative effects on dickcissel abundance in western Kansas and especially on burned fields in eastern Kansas. Somewhat counterintuitively, brown-headed cowbirds in western Kansas were more abundant on ungrazed versus grazed fields in the years after grazing began. In addition, we modeled multi-season occupancy of 3 gamebird species (ring-necked pheasant [Phasianus colcicus], northern bobwhite [Colinus virginianus], mourning dove [Zenaida macroura]) and Henslow's sparrow (Centronyx henslowii); grazing did not affect occupancy of these species. In eastern Kansas, species diversity was highest in grazed, unburned fields. In western Kansas, bird communities in grazed and ungrazed fields were dissimilar, as determined from multivariate analysis. Though regionally variable, conservative stocking of cattle on CRP grasslands during the nesting season as a mid-contract management tool might increase bird species diversity by restructuring habitat that accommodates a greater variety of species and decreasing abundances of species associated with taller, denser stands of vegetation.  相似文献   

A. Jensen 《Plant Ecology》1985,60(1):37-48
The aggregated effect of cattle and sheep grazing on Puccinellion maritimae and other salt-marsh vegetation has been studied together with changes in species composition, the percentage cover of each species, total cover and the percentage of bare ground, six years after grazing had been prevented by construction of experimental exclosures. The results of these experiments are discussed in relation to the natural development of the vegetation that occurred in a permanent plot in the ungrazed part of the salt marsh. Six years without grazing caused a marked increase in total cover and a dramatic reduction in the amount of bare ground. The species composition of the Puccinellia maritima community did not change during these six years, but all species increased in cover. Whereas Artemisia maritima migrated into the Festuca rubra community and only two species Festuca and Halimione portulacoides, increased in cover, all other species showed reduced cover and Salicornia europaea disappeared from the plot after six years without grazing. During the same period of time, three species, Salicornia europaea, Suaeda maritima, and Glaux maritima, disappeared from the plot in the ungrazed marsh as a result of natural development. During thirty-five years the vegetation originally dominated by Puccinellia maritima and Salicornia europaea has changed into a community dominated by Halimione portulacoides, whereas the grazed salt marsh is still dominated by Puccinellia maritima and Salicornia europaea. These results are discussed in relation to the literature on the effect of cattle and sheep grazing on salt-marsh vegetation.  相似文献   

1. Dung beetles perform relevant ecological functions in pastures, such as dung removal and parasite control. Livestock farming is the main economic activity in the Brazilian Pantanal. However, the impact of cattle grazing on the Pantanal's native dung beetle community, and functions performed by them, is still unknown. 2. This study evaluated the effects of cattle activity on dung beetle community attributes (richness, abundance, biomass, composition, and functional group) as well as their ecological functions (dung removal and soil bioturbation) in the Pantanal. In January/February 2016, dung beetles were sampled and their ecological functions measured in 16 sites of native grasslands in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, 10 areas regularly grazed by cattle and six control ungrazed areas (> 20 years of abandonment). 3. In all, 1169 individuals from 30 species of dung beetles were collected. Although abundance, species richness, and biomass did not differ between grasslands with and without cattle activity, species composition and functional groups differed among systems. Large roller beetles were absent from non‐cattle grasslands, and the abundance, richness, and biomass of medium roller beetles was higher in those systems. 4. Despite causing changes in species/functional group composition, the results of this study show that a density compensation of functional groups in cattle‐grazed natural grasslands seems to have conserved the ecological functions (dung removal and soil bioturbation), with no significant differences between systems. 5. Therefore, these results provide evidence that cattle breeding in natural grasslands of the Brazilian Pantanal can integrate livestock production with the conservation of the dung beetle community and its ecological functions.  相似文献   

Urine patches deposited in pasture by grazing animals are sites of reactive nitrogen (N) loss to the environment due to high concentrations of N exceeding pasture uptake requirements. In order to upscale N losses from the urine patch, several urination parameters are required, including where, when and how often urination events occur as well as the volume and chemical composition. There are limited data available in this respect, especially for sheep. Here, we seek to address this knowledge gap by using non-invasive sensor-based technology (accelerometers) on ewes grazing in situ, using a Boolean algorithm to detect urination events in the accelerometer signal. We conducted an initial study with penned Welsh Mountain ewes (n = 5), with accelerometers attached to the hind, to derive urine flow rate and to determine whether urine volume could be estimated from ewe squat time. Then accelerometers attached to the hind of Welsh Mountain ewes (n = 30 at each site) were used to investigate the frequency of sheep urination events (n = 35 946) whilst grazing two extensively managed upland pastures (semi-improved and unimproved) across two seasons (spring and autumn) at each site (35–40 days each). Sheep urinated at a frequency of 10.2 ± 0.2 and 8.1 ± 0.3 times per day in the spring and autumn, respectively, while grazing the semi-improved pasture. Urination frequency was greater (19.0 ± 0.4 and 15.3 ± 0.3 times per day in the spring and autumn, respectively) in the unimproved pasture. Ewe squat duration could be reliably used to predict the volume of urine deposited per event and was thus used to estimate mean daily urine production volumes. Sheep urinated at a rate of 16.6 mL/s and, across the entire dataset, sheep squatted for an average of 9.62 ± 0.03 s per squatting event, producing an estimated average individual urine event volume of 159 ± 1 mL (n = 35 946 events), ranging between 17 and 745 mL (for squat durations of 1 to 45 s). The estimated mean daily urine volume was 2.15 ± 0.04 L (n = 2 669 days) across the entire dataset. The data will be useful for modelling studies estimating N losses (e.g. ammonia (NH3) volatilisation, nitrous oxide (N2O) emission via nitrification and denitrification and nitrate (NO3) leaching) from urine patches.  相似文献   

高山草地绵羊放牧生态系统草畜营养供需动态   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
为了探讨放牧生态系统草畜间动态关系 ,缓减草畜营养供需的季节性不平衡 ,分别在高山草地春、夏、秋和冬季 ,进行了绵羊消化代谢试验 .结果表明 ,春季牧草消化能、粗蛋白质含量及粗蛋白质 消化能比值最高 ,分别为 9.76MJ、2 1.5 3%和 2 2 .0 6 g·MJ-1,有效能不足 ;高山草地牧草产量低 ,绵羊采食干物质量最低 (6 0 .5 1± 3.4 2 g·W0 .75kg-1·d-1) ;应补充饲料 ,尤其补饲能量饲料 .夏季牧草粗蛋白质 消化能比值为 17.6 2g·MJ-1,偏高 ,能量仍略显不足 ;补饲能量饲料 ,可提高绵羊对牧草N的利用率 .秋季与其它 3季牧地相比 ,草畜间的营养供需较平衡 ,放牧能满足绵羊的营养需要 ,其体内N存留率较高 .冬季牧草质差 ,消化能、粗蛋白质含量最低 ,分别为 4 .30MJ、4 .6 3% ,绵羊干物质采食量亦低 ,N代谢呈负平衡 ,应补饲干物质、有效能及粗蛋白质不足的部分 .为改善此现状 ,要实行季节畜牧业 ,建立植物生产与动物生产的耦合系统  相似文献   

研究了放牧强度对多年生黑麦草人工草地蘖的形态、密度、草地生产率及组织转化的影响。结果表明,重牧条件下蘖密度大于轻牧,而轻牧的单株蘖重大于重牧。重牧划地净生产率大于轻牧,主要是由于轻和手条件下,草地的高的生长率被更高的枯死率所抵消。春夏之交,采用灵活的管理措施,转换放牧强度可以提高草地的生产率。  相似文献   

Extending the grazing season in pasture based systems of dairy production can increase farm profitability; poor weather and soil conditions can reduce the number of grazing days. The study objectives were to (i) examine the effect of restricted access to pasture in the autumn on the milk production, grazing behaviour and DM intake (DMI) of late lactation spring-calving dairy cows and (ii) establish the effect of alternating restricted and continuous access to pasture on dairy cow production, DMI and grazing behaviour. Cows were randomly assigned to one of four grazing treatments: (i) 22 h (full-time) access to pasture (22H; control); (ii) Two 5-h periods of access to pasture (2×5H); (iii) Two 3-h periods of access to pasture (2×3H); and (iv) alternating between full-time and 3-h access to pasture with no more than three continuous days on any one regime, e.g. Monday – full-time access, Tuesday − 2x3H access, Wednesday − 2x3H access; Thursday – full-time access, etc. (2×3HV). Restricted access to pasture was offered after a.m. and p.m. milking. Swards of similar quality and pregrazing herbage mass were offered. Treatment had no effect on milk yield (13.2 kg/day), milk fat (48.2 g/kg), protein (39.0 g/kg) or lactose content (42.6 g/kg) and milk solid yield (1.15 kg/day). Similarly, there was no effect of treatment on final BW (483 kg) or final BCS (2.66). There was no significant difference in DMI (15.1 kg DM/cow/day) between treatments. There was an effect on daily grazing time, 22H cows (565 min/cow/day) grazed for longest time, however, when the 2x3HV treatment had full-time access to pasture, they had a similar grazing time (543 min/cow/day) to the 22H cows and were similar to the 2x3H treatment on days with restricted access to pasture (357 min/cow/day). The 22H and 2x5H animals had similar grass DMI/min (29.2 g/min), the 2x3HV were higher (33.9 g/min) but were similar to the comparable treatment when offered 2x3H access time (41.6 g/min) and when offered 22H access time (27.7 g/min). The results from this study show how when offered a grass only diet of autumn pasture grazing behaviour can be modified by restricting pasture access time without reducing dairy cow production in late lactation at low production levels. There was also no effect of alternating access time between 22H and 2x3H on milk production and DMI in the 2x3HV treatment. Restricted access time to pasture in autumn may be a strategy which farmers can use to extend the grazing season.  相似文献   

Question: How are plant species and functional group composition, and potential sward height affected by implementation of different grazing regimes on previously abandoned semi-natural grassland? Location: The Jizerské mountains, northern Czech Republic. Methods: We established a randomized block experiment with the following treatments: unmanaged control (U), intensive (IG) and extensive (EG) continuous grazing, first cut followed by intensive (ICG) and first cut followed by extensive (ECG) continuous grazing for the rest of the growing season. The percentage cover of all vascular plant species was recorded in 40 permanent plots. Results: Total plant species richness increased in all managed treatments, whereas species number was reduced in U at the end of the experiment. Tall forbs (Aegopodium podagraria, Galium album, Anthriscus sylvestris, Cirsium arvense) as well as tall grasses (Elytrigia repens and Alopecurus pratensis) were more abundant in U. Species associated with both grazing treatments (IG, EG) were Dactylis glomerata, Festuca rubra agg. and Phleum pratense. Agrostis capillaris, Taraxacum spp., Trifolium repens, Ranunculus repens and Cirsium vulgare were promoted by ECG and ICG. Abundance of tall grasses and tall forbs reflected the intensity of management in the order U>EG, ECG>IG, ICG. Prostrate forbs, on the other hand, increased their cover with increasing intensity: ICG>IG>ECG>EG. Conclusions: Plant species composition of semi-natural grasslands is affected by the defoliation regime. Continuous grazing on abandoned grassland alters the sward structure towards a permanent pasture with short, light-sensitive grasses and prostrate forbs. To maintain or enhance plant species richness in semi-natural grasslands, understanding the effects of different grazing regimes on plant species composition is necessary.  相似文献   

To investigate recent changes in the floristic composition and nature conservation value of nutrient-poor, semi-natural grasslands of the Swiss Alps, we resurveyed 151 phytosociological relevés in four regions, originally recorded between 1975 and 1985. In the original surveys, the mean number of plant species per plot (25–100 m2) ranged from 47.1 to 58.1 according to region. The flora included a total of 18 species that are protected in Switzerland and a high proportion of habitat specialists of nutrient-poor grasslands (NPG-species). In the second survey, conducted between 2002 and 2004, both mean species number per plot (−3.2 to +11.4) and species evenness (−0.05 to +0.07) were higher in most regions. However, the data revealed clear shifts in community composition, with a higher proportion of nutrient-demanding species (mean nutrient indicator value increased by +0.07 to +0.24 units) and a lower proportion per plot of NPG-species (−3.6 to −11.6%). These changes were greatest in pastures, and in meadows converted to sheep pastures, while the NPG-species were maintained in unfertilized meadows that were managed as ecological compensation areas. To prevent continuing decline in the conservation value of these grasslands, it is important to support low-intensity management, especially mowing, and to prevent further eutrophication.  相似文献   

Species diversity depends on, often interfering, multiple ecological drivers. Comprehensive approaches are hence needed to understand the mechanisms determining species diversity. In this study, we analysed the impact of vegetation structure, soil properties and fragmentation on the plant species diversity of remnant calcareous grasslands, therefore, in a comparative approach.We determined plant species diversity of 18 calcareous grasslands in south eastern Germany including all species and grassland specialists separately. Furthermore, we analysed the spatial structure of the grasslands as a result of fragmentation during the last 150 years (habitat area, distance to the nearest calcareous grassland and connectivity in 1830 and 2013). We also collected data concerning the vegetation structure (height of the vegetation, cover of bare soil, grass and litter) and the soil properties (content of phosphorous and potassium, ratio of carbon and nitrogen) of the grassland patches. Data were analysed using Bayesian multiple regressions.We observed a habitat loss of nearly 80% and increasing isolation between grasslands since 1830. In the Bayesian multiple regressions the species diversity of the studied grasslands depended negatively on cover of litter and to a lower degree on the distance to the nearest calcareous grassland in 2013, whereas soil properties had no significant impact.Our study supports the observation that vegetation structure, which strongly depends on land use, is often more important for the species richness of calcareous grasslands than fragmentation or soil properties. Even small and isolated grasslands may, therefore, contribute significantly to the conservation of species diversity, when they are still grazed.  相似文献   

Declines of West European farmland birds have been associated with intensive agricultural practices, while in Central and Eastern European countries grasslands still harbour a diverse and unique bird community. However, in these countries comparative studies on the effects of agricultural intensity on biodiversity are virtually missing. We compared bird communities of paired extensively and intensively grazed cattle pastures in three different regions of the Hungarian Great Plain. The influence of grazing intensity, landscape and regional effects were tested on the abundance and species richness of two ecological groups of bird species (grassland and non-grassland birds), as well as on the abundance of the three commonest grassland bird species (Skylark, Yellow wagtail, Corn bunting) in linear mixed models. We found significant effects of grazing intensity on the abundance of grassland birds, which were more abundant on the extensive sites, whereas no effects were found on non-grassland birds. This could be explained by a closer dependence of grassland birds on grasslands for nesting and foraging, whereas non-grassland birds only used grasslands opportunistically for foraging. Landscape effect was shown on grassland bird abundance, but not on non-grassland birds. The regions did affect only the species richness of grassland birds. At species level, the effect of management was significant for the three commonest grassland species, which were more abundant on the extensive fields in all regions. Additionally, on Skylark abundance landscape and regional effects were also shown. These findings suggest that conservation of biodiversity in agricultural systems requires the consideration of landscape perspective to apply the most adequate management.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the relative roles of abiotic and grazing management factors on plant community distribution in landscapes? How are livestock type and stocking rate related to changes in vegetation structure and composition? Location: Sub‐alpine grasslands in the central and eastern Pyrenees. Methods: Multivariate analysis and variance partitioning methods were used to evaluate the relative roles of environmental factors in structuring vegetation composition and diversity patterns in three surveys on differently managed grasslands. Results: Vegetation composition within a region was affected by environmental factors hierarchically, changing first according to abiotic factors and then to grazing management. At landscape scales, abiotic factors explained two‐fold more variation in vegetation composition than grazing factors. Within landscape units, cattle grazing increased vegetation heterogeneity at landscape and patch scales, while sheep grazing favoured the presence of a specific set of species with high conservation value. Species composition was highly responsive to management variables compared to diversity components. Conclusions: The combination of sheep and cattle grazing at various stocking rates is an effective tool to preserve the diversity of plant species and communities within a region with a long tradition of livestock management, through the scaling up of effects by local processes occurring in patches at smaller scales.  相似文献   

Many of the studies in Campos grasslands focus on management aspects such as the control of herbage allowance, and application of nutrients and/or overseeding with legumes. However, there is little literature on how the Campos grassland resource is utilised, especially regarding the grazing pattern and the relationship between pasture quantity and quality on daily grazing activities. The study of the ingestive behaviour in species-rich and heterogeneous native grasslands during daylight hours, and understanding how animals prioritise quality or quantity of intake in relation to pasture attributes, are important to comprehend the ingestive-digestive processes modulating the energy intake of animals and to achieve a better grazing management. Therefore, the objective was to describe and quantify the daily grazing behaviour of growing cattle grazing native pasture with different structures as a result of different management practices, and study the relationship of pasture attributes and intake through multivariate analysis. The study was carried out at the Faculty of Agronomy, Paysandú, Uruguay. Treatments were native grassland, overseeding with Trifolium pratense and Lotus tenuis + phosphorus, and native pasture + nitrogen-phosphorus. Grazing activities were discriminated into grazing, searching (defined when animals take 1–2 bites in one feeding station and then change to another feeding station and so on), ruminating and idling. The probability of time allocated to each activity was continuously measured during daylight hours (0700–1930) and was related to pasture structure and forage quality using regression tree models, while the bite rate was determined every 2 h. The diurnal pattern of growing cattle showed grazing and searching sessions, followed by ruminating and idling sessions. The length of sessions (as the probability of time allocated to each activity) varied throughout the day. The grazing probability was greater during afternoon than morning and midday (0.74 vs 0.45 vs 0.46, respectively), and it was associated with higher bite rate (34.2 bites/min). Regression tree models showed different grazing, searching and ruminating strategies according to pasture attributes. During the morning, animals modified grazing, searching, ruminating and idling strategies according to bite rate, crude protein in diet and herbage allowance. At midday, they only adjusted ruminating and idling, while during afternoon sessions, grazing activities were modified by pasture quantity attributes such as herbage mass and herbage allowance. By controlling the herbage allowance, herbage mass and pasture height, animals prioritise quality in the morning and quantity in the afternoon, integrating and modifying the grazing-searching and ruminating-idling pattern.  相似文献   

1. Pollinating insects provide important ecosystem services and are influenced by the intensity of grazing. Based on the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH), pollinator diversity is expected to peak at intermediate grazing intensities. However, this hump‐shaped relationship is rarely found. 2. The effect of grazing intensity was tested on flower cover, on the abundance and richness of bees, hoverflies and bee flies, and on pollination services to early‐flowering bee‐pollinated Asphodelus ramosus L. For that, we used data on 11 plant–pollinator phryganic communities from Lesvos Island (Greece) widely differing in grazing intensities. 3. Flower abundance and richness showed hump‐shaped relationships with grazing intensity. Grazing affected the abundance and richness of bees and hoverflies directly and also indirectly, through changes in the flower community. Grazing influenced directly the richness but not the abundance of bee flies. Overall, pollinator abundance and richness showed hump‐shaped relationships with grazing intensity, but variations in strength (hoverfly abundance) and direction (bee community) of the effect appeared along the season. Early in the season, grazing increased bee abundance but decreased richness, resulting in increased pollen limitation in A. ramosus. 4. The effects of grazing on pollinators vary with the intensity of the disturbance, generally supporting the IDH, and the timing of land‐use activities may influence pollination services. Management strategies should include moderate grazing levels to preserve overall diversity in this area, however, the conservation of particular early bee or bee‐pollinated species may benefit from reduced grazing in early spring.  相似文献   

Restoration of semi-natural grasslands by cattle grazing is among the most practical options for reversing the decline of northern European floristic diversity, but no studies on this subject are available. In this work the success of restoration of abandoned, privately owned mesic semi-natural grasslands by farmers receiving support from the EU agri-environmental support scheme was studied in southwestern Finland. Three kinds of grasslands were compared: old (continuously cattle grazed), new (cattle grazing restarted 3–8 years ago) and abandoned pastures (grazing terminated >10 years ago). Plant species composition of the three pasture types was floristically different in multivariate analyses (non-metric multidimensional scaling). Total species richness, richness of grassland plants, indicator plants and rare plants were highest in old and lowest in abandoned pastures in all studied spatial scales (0.25–0.8 ha, 1 and 0.01 m2). The results were congruent with different scales and species list definitions, suggesting that species density scale (1 m2) can be used as a partial surrogate for large scale species richness. Species richness of new pastures was 20% higher on 0.25–0.8 ha, 40–50% higher on 1 m2 and 30% higher on the 0.01 m2 scale compared to abandoned grasslands. Rare species showed insignificant response to resumed grazing. Despite problems in management quality, this study showed promising results of restoration of abandoned grasslands by cattle grazing on private farms. However, populations of several rare grassland plants may not recover with present cattle grazing regimes. Management regulations in the agri-environmental support scheme need to be defined more precisely for successful restoration.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of Lotus corniculatus, a common and important fodder legume, was studied in relation to habitat type and to species diversity at a local level. The study was conducted in Cholomontas mountain, northern Greece, at altitudes of 760–870 m. Genetic material was selected from four forested, at the edge of forest, and four open grassland sites, and was studied with the aid of ISSR molecular markers. The plant cover at each study site was measured and the floristic composition was estimated. The percentage of graminoides increased in grassland sites with high grazing intensity, while the abundance of legumes, including L. corniculatus, forbs and woody species, increased in forested sites with low grazing intensity. Gene diversity HE within the studied populations of L. corniculatus ranged from 0.167 to 0.213 and Shannon index (I) from 0.269 to 0.340. Genetic differentiation was detected between habitats as well as among the populations in each habitat, although it was low, 3% and 7% respectively. However, genetic differentiation was significant within the populations (90%). Genetic diversity of L. corniculatus was not correlated with species diversity (richness and evenness) either within or between populations, while was negatively correlated with L. corniculatus abundance.  相似文献   

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