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利用不同方法测定红松人工林叶面积指数的季节动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用2种异速生长方程法、凋落物法、综合法(对光学仪器法进行木质部分及集聚效应校正后结合凋落物法)和光学仪器法测定了小兴安岭红松(Pinus koraiensis)人工林的叶面积指数(LAI)。首先利用光学仪器法测定有效叶面积指数(Le)的季节动态;其次为获得相对准确LAI,基于生长季节(5—8月)的展叶调查,结合凋落物法、综合法和2种异速生长方程法分别测定LAI的季节动态。结果表明:生长季节红松叶片8月初停止生长,迟于其他树种约两周;不同方法测定红松人工林LAI的季节变化均呈单峰型,且在8月初达到峰值,分别为异速生长方法-B(10.58)凋落物法(7.90)异速生长方法-A(6.70)综合法(4.41)光学仪器法(1.81);在整个调查期内(5月至11月),相对于异速生长方法-B、凋落物法、异速生长方法-A和综合法,光学仪器法分别平均低估81.69%、75.50%、70.18%和48.90%。本研究探讨了非破坏条件下测定红松人工林LAI季节动态的直接方法,并比较了不同方法之间的差异,研究结果可为有效测定常绿针叶林LAI提供参考。  相似文献   

打孔称重法是基于相近叶位叶片的比叶重(单位面积叶片重量)相对恒定的原理,通过测定采样区植物叶片干重和少量叶片比叶重计算叶面积和叶面积指数的方法。比较试验结果表明:打孔称重法与长宽校正法和复印称重法测定的水稻叶面积呈极显著相关;打孔称重法和复印称重法所测定的叶面积指数平均值经统计检验差异不显著。2种方法均能很好地袁征不同处理间叶面积指数的差异。  相似文献   

赵平  曾小平  蔡锡安  彭少麟 《广西植物》2002,22(6):485-489-489
介绍了当今较先进的数字植物冠层图象分析仪的理论基础、实际应用的特点 ,测定了南亚热带丘陵地区 8种森林类型 (包括人工林和自然次生林 )的叶面积指数、太阳直射透过系数等群落冠层特征 ,同时测定一由荒坡草地自然发育而成的灌木草坡群落的叶面积指数。根据测定数据比较分析了不同人工林群落 1 1a发展这些特征的变化 ,并与次生自然林的测定数据进行比较 ,同时还对 1 1a与 1 4a树龄马占相思林林冠变化进行比较分析。  相似文献   

利用光学仪器法能够快速、高效地测定森林生态系统的叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)。然而, 评估该方法测定针阔混交林LAI季节动态准确性的研究较少。该研究基于凋落物法测定了小兴安岭地区阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林LAI的季节动态, 其结果可代表真实的LAI。参考真实的LAI, 对半球摄影法(digital hemispherical photography, DHP)和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的有效叶面积指数(effective LAI, Le)进行了评估。首先对DHP测定LAI过程中采用的不合理曝光模式(自动曝光)进行了系统校正。同时, 测定了光学仪器法估测LAI的主要影响因素(包括木质比例(woody-to-total area ratio, α)、集聚指数(clumping index, ΩE)和针簇比(needle-to-shoot area ratio, γE))的季节变化。结果表明: 3种不同方法测定的LAI均表现为单峰型的季节变化, 8月初达到峰值。从5月至11月, DHP测定的Le比真实的LAI低估50%-59%, 平均低估55%; 而LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的Le比真实的LAI低估19%-35%, 平均低估27%。DHP测定的Le 经过自动曝光, αΩEγE校正后, 精度明显提高, 但仍比真实的LAI低估6%-15%, 平均低估9%; 相对而言, LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪测定的Le经过αΩEγE校正后, 精度明显提高, 各时期与真实的LAI的差异均小于9%。研究结果表明, 考虑木质部和集聚效应对光学仪器法的影响后, DHP和LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪均能相对准确地测定针阔混交林LAI的季节动态, 其中, DHP的测定精度高于85%, 而LAI-2000植物冠层分析仪的测定精度高于91%。  相似文献   

测定昆虫和小型无脊椎动物耗氧率的简便方法刘敬泽(河北师范大学生物学系石家庄050016)微呼吸器用毛细管中氢氧化钾溶液移动的距离和测定时间间隔来计算氧的消耗,用恒温水浴来控制动物周围的环境温度。它适用于对重量在5~500mg的无脊椎动物,在不同温度甚...  相似文献   

草地地上生物量是影响其生态系统功能最重要的因素之一, 也是草地生态学研究中不可或缺的监测指标。草地地上生物量监测多采用收割法进行, 但这种破坏性取样方法会对研究区域带来巨大干扰, 尤其是面积较小的长期定位监测或者控制实验研究样地, 从而使得地上生物量监测的频次受到很大限制。因此, 通过获取某些原位易测变量, 建立地上生物量的估算方法具有重要意义。该研究依托内蒙古典型草地刈割控制实验平台, 通过数码照片获取不同土地利用方式下的植被覆盖度, 并对样方内的叶面积指数、植被高度、物种多样性等参数进行了测定, 最后利用一元回归模型、逐步回归模型和随机森林模型对地上生物量进行估算。结果表明, 植被覆盖度、叶面积指数、植被平均高度、植被最大高度和物种丰富度是影响地上生物量的主要驱动因素。通过构建适宜于本地的逐步回归模型, 可以实现草地地上生物量的准确预测。在该研究区域中, 预测模型的决定系数(R2) = 0.91, 均方根误差(RMSE) = 35.60 g·m-2。该研究提供了一种快速、准确且非破坏性测定草地地上生物量的方法, 可作为传统收割法的有效补充。  相似文献   

本研究设置2个臭氧浓度处理,即空气对照(CK,臭氧浓度约4~10 nL·L-1),臭氧浓度升高处理(O3,8 h平均浓度为110 nL·L-1),利用13C同位素示踪的方法,模拟研究了臭氧浓度升高对水稻碳固定和迁移的影响。结果表明:臭氧浓度升高后减少了植株对13C的固定,两次标记时臭氧处理下植株总的13C固定分别比对照处理低37.8%和20.0%;臭氧浓度升高处理1个月和2个月后叶片的13C分配相对于对照而言分别提高了47.3%和37.5%;而臭氧处理则降低了茎和根中的碳分配;臭氧浓度升高后叶的库强有明显的提高,而根的库强则明显降低,茎的库强虽有所降低但不明显;臭氧处理1个月和2个月后植株叶片的相对吸收能力分别比对照显著提高了48.5%和93.3%,臭氧处理下根的相对吸收能力则显著降低。  相似文献   

Affordable and easy-to-use methods for assessing biomass and leaf area index (LAI) would be of interest in most breeding programs. Here, we describe the evaluation of a protocol for photographic sampling and image analysis aimed at providing low-labor yet robust indicators of biomass and LAI. In this trial, two genotypes of triticale, two of bread wheat, and four of tritordeum were studied. At six dates during the growing cycle, biomass and LAI were measured destructively, and digital photography was taken on the same dates. Several vegetation indices were calculated from each image. The results showed that repeatable and consistent values of the indices were obtained in consecutive photographic samplings on the same plots. The photographic indices were highly correlated with the destructive measure-ments, though the magnitude of the correlation was lower after anthesis. This work shows that photographic assess-ment of biomass and LAI can be fast, affordable, have good repeatability, and can be used under bright and overcast skies. A practical vegetation index derived from pictures is the fraction of green pixels over the total pixels of the image, and as it shows good correlations with all biomass variables, is the most robust to lighting conditions and has easy interpretation.  相似文献   

利用数字图像估测棉花叶面积指数   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
叶面积指数是指示棉花长势、产量形成和高产群体调控等信息的重要结构特征参数。本研究的目的在于利用基于冠层图像光照叶片和光照土壤分量的图像透光率估测棉花叶面积指数。通过3年不同种植密度、品种、施氮量和灌水量的田间试验,在棉花不同的生育期用数码相机、LAI-2000冠层仪和线性光量子传感器采集数据并进行破坏性取样测定,分析图像透光率的有效性和建立LAI估测模型,进而对图像方法、LAI-2000和破坏性取样方法进行比较和分析。结果表明:(1)在太阳高度角最大且变化最小的正午时段,数码相机测量的图像透光率与线性光量子传感器测量的冠层透光率较一致且相对稳定。(2)图像透光率能反映除吐絮期以外各时期的冠层透光状况,但是当LAI大于5时图像透光率出现饱和。(3)综合分析2009和2010年数据,建立了图像透光率估测LAI的模型(R2=0.8438, SE=0.5605);利用2007年独立试验资料检验估测模型的性能,模型检验的拟合度较高(R2=0.8767)且预测误差较小(RMSE=0.4305),当LAI>5时模型的预测能力降低。(4)数字图像、LAI-2000和破坏性取样三种方法测量的LAI值之间均呈现显著的线性相关(R2>0.85),但是图像透光率的饱和性致使当LAI>5时明显低估叶面积指数。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Measuring leaf area manually is a tedious and time-consuming process and it is inaccurate. In an attempt to make this process easier and more accurate, a new software namely 'Compu Eye, Leaf & Symptom Area' was developed. A standard green shape with a known area of 1.5 cm2 was used to evaluate the accuracy of the software. The measurements obtained were of high accuracy. Measurements varied between 1.4771 and 1.5095 cm2. Probabilities of t values were usually <0.01 and did not exceed 0.023. It was also observed that accuracy could be enhanced either by increasing scanner resolution and/or by decreasing measurement unit area. In order to evaluate the performance of the software, leaves with symptoms of mite injury were collected from six different plant species (squash, cucumber, green bean, vigna, dahlia and rose). Symptom area of each leaf was assessed manually and by the software. It was observed that the software was able to assess the symptom area accurately with no significant difference compared with manual measurement.  相似文献   

Remote monitoring of nests using digital camera technology   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
ABSTRACT.   Although cameras have been used for many years to collect data at birds' nests, recent advances in digital technology have led to increased storage capacity, faster and easier review of data, and reduced power consumption. The development of sophisticated triggering mechanisms, such as video motion detection, herald a new era of portable, energy-efficient systems that require less frequent maintenance. We used a digital infrared camera system to monitor predation events at the nests of ground-nesting Lapwings ( Vanellus vanellus ; N = 40) and tree-nesting Spotted Flycatchers ( Muscicapa striata ; N = 17). Eight predator species were recorded taking eggs or chicks at Lapwing ( N = 10) and Spotted Flycatcher ( N = 7) nests, including red fox ( Vulpes vulpes ), badger ( Meles meles ), sheep ( Ovis aries ), and Carrion Crow ( Corvus corone ) at Lapwing nests and Eurasian Jay ( Garrulus glandarius ), European Buzzard ( Buteo buteo ), Great-spotted Woodpecker ( Dendrocopus major ), and domestic cat ( Felis catus ) at flycatcher nests. We tested three system configurations in an attempt to minimize power requirements and maximize predation-event recording capability. We found that the use of a passive-infrared sensor to awaken the system from standby mode did not compromise reliability and reduced power consumption. With this system, a 38-A h battery operated the system for 120 h with no maintenance at a cost per unit of about $800 (US; or £400 UK Sterling). Further modifications would permit adaptation of the system for a wide range of scientific and nest surveillance operations.  相似文献   

For leaves, the light-capturing surface area per unit dry mass investment (specific leaf area, SLA) is a key trait from physiological, ecological and biophysical perspectives. To address whether SLA declines with leaf size, as hypothesized due to increasing costs of support in larger leaves, we compiled data on intraspecific variation in leaf dry mass (LM) and leaf surface area (LA) for 6334 leaves of 157 species. We used the power function LM=alpha LAbeta to test whether, within each species, large leaves deploy less surface area per unit dry mass than small leaves. Comparing scaling exponents (beta) showed that more species had a statistically significant decrease in SLA as leaf size increased (61) than the opposite (7) and the average beta was significantly greater than 1 (betamean=1.10, 95% CI 1.08-1.13). However, scaling exponents varied markedly from the few species that decreased to the many that increased SLA disproportionately fast as leaf size increased. This variation was unrelated to growth form, ecosystem of origin or climate. The average within-species tendency found here (allometric decrease of SLA with leaf size, averaging 13%) is in accord with concurrent findings on global-scale trends among species, although the substantial scatter around the central tendency suggests that the leaf size dependency does not obligately shape SLA. Nonetheless, the generally greater mass per unit leaf area of larger than smaller leaves directly translates into a greater cost to build and maintain a unit of leaf area, which, all else being equal, should constrain the maximum leaf size displayed.  相似文献   

苑振皓  金光泽  刘志理 《生态学杂志》2018,29(12):4004-4012
自动曝光是影响半球摄影法(DHP)测量叶面积指数(LAI)精度的重要误差源之一.本研究基于小兴安岭地区的阔叶红松林、白桦次生林、红松人工林和兴安落叶松人工林,利用DHP和LAI-2200植物冠层分析仪分别测量6—9月每个月中旬的LAI,首先比较两种方法测量LAI的差异性,再检验森林类型和测量时期对建立两种方法测定值间的相关关系是否存在显著影响,最后构建适于校正不同森林类型不同时期自动曝光对DHP测量LAI产生误差的经验模型.结果表明: 4种森林类型4个时期内,在自动曝光设置下DHP测量的LAI比LAI-2200测量值低估20%~49%;森林类型对构建两种方法测量LAI值的经验模型不存在显著影响,而测量时期存在显著影响.本研究构建的A、B两种分类经验模型,分别适用于校正4种森林类型在6和9月、7和8月DHP测量的LAI.经分类经验模型校正后,DHP测量4种森林类型4个时期的LAI值提高了45%~79%,测量精度可提高到83%~94%.通过DHP和LAI-2200测量LAI值间的经验模型,可有效校正自动曝光对DHP测量LAI的影响,极大地提高其测量精度,为使用DHP快捷、高效地测量不同森林类型的LAI及其季节动态提供技术支持.  相似文献   

Needle surface area inCryptomeria japonica was measured using a newly proposed cut method. Sample needles of various lengths were taken from foliage shoots belonging to various height layers of nine trees growing at three sites. Needles were cut into small pieces with a hand-made cutter made of razor blades and washers. By measuring the circumference and thickness of each piece, its lateral area was calculated and summed to give the total surface area of the needle. For estimating the surface area of a needle (s), two linear parameters of needle size termedy n* and /were proposed:y n* was the distance between the needle tip and the uppermost point of attachment of the needle to the shoot, whilel was the distance between the needle tip and the lowermost point of attachment. The power-form relationship betweens andl was superior to thes-y n* relationship, since the former did not differ significantly among shoots of different diameter. Based on thes-l relationship, the total surface area of a shoot was estimated from thel-census of the shoot. Specific leaf area of a shoot (SLA), defined as half of the shoot surface area divided by the dry weight of the shoot, decreased from 90 to 3 [cm2g(dry wt)−1] with the diameter of the woody tissue of the foliage shoot.  相似文献   

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